Medd. 1997, Kirmmse
" "1 AM A FRIEND OF DIFFICULTIES OR after him. It will mean that his provocativeness has " And: been forgotten and that he has become domesticated You KIERKEGAARD AGAINST "CTHE OTERIES common man! ... For the sake of God in and has therewith lost his capacity to awaken Heaven and by everything that is holy, there is BY BRUCE H. KIRMMSE offense.) one thing I implore you to do: Avoid the pastors, Just listen to Kierkegaard's reply to our above avoid them, these disgusting creatures, whose way mentioned question about Christian countries, the of making a living is to hinder you from even "No, it is the cultivated and well-ta-do class, if not question is whether there is a Danishness which People's Church, etc.: becoming aware of what true the aristocrats, then at any rate the aristocratic exists quite apart from Christianity. Christianity is, and in so doing to transform And what is the relationship between an inherited you - befogged with bourgeoisie - they must be targeted, that is where All this business about Christendom, Christian nonsense and illusions 1 body of cultural material, a society's collective conti - into what they under the prices in the salon must be jacked up" states, countries, a Christian world, State Church, stand by a true Christian: nuity, and the existence of an individual person in a paying member of the People's Church, etc. is removed from reality by State Church, the People's the present? Church, etc.3 1. INTRODUCTION the power of imagination. It is an imaginary con The above questions can best be answered in con struction, and from a Christian point of view, it is Let us start by raising a few questions.
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