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Military Physician Military Physician Military Physician Advertising Piotr Lorens MD Quarterly telephone: +48 663 430 191; e-mail: [email protected] Official Organ of the Section of Military Physicians of the Polish Medical Society Print Oficjalny Organ Sekcji Lekarzy Wojskowych Polskiego TECHNET, Kraków Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Circulation: 700 copies Scientific Journal of the Military Institute of Medicine Price PLN 14 Pismo Naukowe Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego ISSN 0024-0745 Published since 3 January 1920 Number of points assigned by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Program Council Members Education (MNiSW) – 6 Chairman Grzegorz Gielerak – Head of the Military Institute of Medicine Editorial Board Members Editor-in-Chief Massimo Barozzi (Italy) Jerzy Kruszewski Nihad El-Ghoul (Palestine) Claudia E. Frey (Germany) Deputy Editors-in-Chief Anna Hauska-Jung (Poland) Krzysztof Korzeniewski Stanisław Ilnicki (Poland) Marek Maruszyński Wiesław W. Jędrzejczak (Poland) Piotr Rapiejko Dariusz Jurkiewicz (Poland) Paweł Kaliński (USA) Secretary Frederick C. Lough (USA) Ewa Jędrzejczak Marc Morillon (Belgium) Arnon Nagler (Israel) Editorial Office Stanisław Niemczyk (Poland) Military Institute of Medicine Krzysztof Paśnik (Poland) 128 Szaserów St. 04-141 Warsaw 44 Francis J. Ring (UK) telephone/fax: +48 261 817 380 Tomasz Rozmysłowicz (USA) e-mail: [email protected] Marek Rudnicki (USA) Daniel Schneditz (Austria) © Copyright by Military Institute of Medicine Eugeny Tishchenko (Belarus) Zofia Wańkowicz (Poland) Practical Medicine Publishing House / Medycyna Praktyczna Brenda Wiederhold (USA) Rejtana 2 St. 30-510 Kraków Piotr Zaborowski (Poland) telephone: +48 12 29 34 020, fax: +48 12 29 34 030 e-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor Lidia Miczyńska For many years, “Military Physician” has been indexed in the Polish Medical Bibliography (Polska Bibliografia Lekarska), the Proofreading oldest Polish bibliography database. Dariusz Rywczak, Iwona Żurek Cover Design The primary version of "Military Physician" quarterly is its Krzysztof Gontarski electronic version ( Typesetting Łukasz Łukasiewicz The journal is financed by the Military Medical Chamber DTP Katarzyna Opiela Translation, proofreading and DTP of the English version by Skrivanek Sp. z o.o. GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION provided with captions in Polish and English in bold in the first row. Figures Background (including maps) and images should be saved in a separate file. Digital images should have a resolution of 300 dpi and be saved in TIFF format. Good quality "Military Physician" has been published continuously since 1920, currently as a traditional images should be delivered on photographic paper. The reverse side quarterly of the Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw, Poland. of each image delivered on paper should contain the author's last name, the title of the contribution, a consecutive number and a marking indicating the top of the 1. Military Physician publishes original (experimental and clinical) articles, image. reviews, reports on military issues, deontological papers, interesting case reports, articles on the history of medicine, descriptions of rationalization results, 5. Papers should be prepared carefully, in accordance with Polish spelling and posthumous memoirs, letters to the editor, book reviews, article (reviews) with special attention to communicativeness and Polish medical nomenclature. summaries from international journals, particularly on the military health service, Abstracts, keywords and figure captions translated into English should be reports on meetings and scientific conferences, and announcements of events. identical with the Polish version and show an appropriate language level. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria will be sent back to the authors for 2. Before publication, each article is reviewed by 2 independent reviewers while revision. maintaining anonymity. 6. Each article should include the following: 3. Military Physician is indexed in the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, number of points - 6. 1) On the first page: main title in Polish and English, Author's or Authors' (max. 10 people) first and last names, including academic degrees, full name of affiliated 4. With respect to the fact that unsolicited articles submitted to our Editorial Board institute (institutes), head of the institute (academic degree, first and last name), are royalty-free, manuscript submission with a request for publishing will be below an abstract (up to 15 lines) with keywords in Polish and another abstract understood as an implied consent of the Author(s) not to receive any royalty and with keywords in English, corresponding author, his/her postal address with to transfer copyright to the Military Institute of Medicine. postal code, telephone (fax) and e-mail address. 5. A clinical article for submission should be in accordance with the requirements 2) Main text of the Declaration of Helsinki. The chapter "Material and methods" should contain both the information on the approval of the Bioethical Committee and patients' Original articles should be prepared according to the following structure: informed consent to participate in a study. In case of using results of studies introduction, aim, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, conducted by other centers, such information should appear either in the text or in references; case reports: introduction, case description, discussion, summary the acknowledgements. (conclusions), and references. 6. Authors of clinical studies on medications (international name) and medical Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined when first mentioned in the text procedures should provide a description of research funding and the influence of and consequently used in the paper. the sponsor on the content of the publication. 3) References should be presented according to the order they appear in the text. 7. The Author must provide the Editorial Board with the consent of the owner of If the article has no more than four authors, please provide all their names; if there an image to use the image in an article. are more authors, three names maximum should be provided, followed by the words "et al.". References should be numbered using the keyboard, please do 8. Please submit your article to: Editorial Board of "Military Physician", 128 not use automatic numbering. Examples of citations: Szaserów St., 04-141 Warsaw 44, Poland, or by e-mail: [email protected] Journal articles: 9. All Authors who wish to publish their papers in Military Physician are asked to Calpin C, Macarthur C, Stephens D., et al. Effectiveness of prophylactic inhaled carefully read and strictly follow the guidelines listed below. Failure to follow the steroids in childhood asthma: a systemic review of the literature. J Allergy Clin requirements of the Editorial Board makes editing more difficult, increases costs Immunol, 1997; 114 (100): 452–457 and delays publication. Manuscripts not meeting the requirements will not be published, and those considered inadequately prepared will be returned to the Books: Authors for revision. Rudzki E. Alergia na leki: z uwzględnieniem odczynów anafilaktycznych i Manuscript idiosynkrazji. Lublin, Wydawnictwo Czelej, 2002: 338-340 1. Manuscripts should be prepared using the MS Word text editor and sent by Chapter of a book: e-mail or by post on a 3.5" floppy disk or a CD. Wantz GE Groin hernia. In: Cameron JJ, ed. Current surgical therapy. St Louis: 2. The number of pages of the manuscript (including tables, figures and Mosby, 1998: 557-561 references) cannot exceed 30 pages for original articles, 30 for review articles, 20 The list of references should include only those publications that were used by for reports, 30 for articles on the history of medicine and 15 for rationalization the Author and should be limited to 20. All references should be cited in the text articles. Reports on meetings and conferences should be concise (up to 5 pages) and the numbers of references should be put in square brackets. In order to avoid and discuss only significant issues. errors, titles should be copied from medical databases. 3. An original publication may also have the form of a short temporary report. 7. The paper should be accompanied by: a) author's request to publish the paper 4. 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The Editorial Board reserves the right to correct nomenclature and stylistic them, as well as not to use the tabulator or automatic numbering (both within the errors as well as to introduce abbreviations without consultation with the Author. text and references). A new paragraph should be started from the left margin 9. The Author receives 1 free copy of the issue in which his or her article has been without paragraph indentation. Please do not insert blank lines between published. For further copies, contact the Editor. paragraphs or enumerations. From typefaces, bold (semi-bold) and italics for foreign phrases may be used. 10. If the manuscript is not accepted for publication, the Editorial Board will return the submitted article to the Author. 2) Please do not insert any graphics into the Word manuscript. Figures and tables should be referenced in the body of the text as follows: "in Figure 1", "(Table 1)". The number of tables should be reduced to a minimum.
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