Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 2. Milwaukee VAMC, Model, Elder Abuse at Baseline Did Not Have Significant Asso- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 3
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Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. S1 287 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 2. Milwaukee VAMC, model, elder abuse at baseline did not have significant asso- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 3. Baltimore VAMC, ciation with baseline cognitive impairment. However, experi- Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4. Emory University ence of physical abuse (coefficient 0.11; 95% CI 0.06-0.15), Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Atlanta, psychological abuse (coefficient 0.28; 95% CI 0.09-0.47), Georgia, United States and caregiver neglect (coefficient 0.03; 95% CI 0.01-0.05) Spouses often serve as the primary caregiver of indi- at baseline predicted greater cognitive deterioration over the viduals with dementia (Wright, 1991). As caregiving can two-year observation period. Other contributing factors for be a stressful experience, marriage strains may occur. greater cognitive deterioration included neuropsychiatric Researchers have found that caregiver spouses reporting symptoms and depression. Discussion: Although no signifi- low marital cohesion and satisfaction endorsed signifi- cant cross-sectional association between elder abuse and cant symptoms of depression (Rankin et al., 2001). Lower cognitive impairment was observed, physical abuse, psycho- levels of marital intimacy have been found to be associ- logical abuse, and caregiver neglect at baseline was found ated with higher levels of depression and strain among to have a long-term prominent effect on subsequent cogni- caregivers (Morris et al., 1998). The goal of the current tive deterioration over the two-year observation period. The study was to better understand the relationships between present results su caregiver (N = 158) marital satisfaction, caregiving stress, and subjective and objective burden. Results indicated that FUTURE PLANNING AMONG OLDER CAREGIVERS marital satisfaction was a significant negative predictor OF FAMILY MEMBERS WITH INTELLECTUAL of subjective burden as measured by the Zarit Burden DISABILITY OR MENTAL ILLNESS Interview (F(1,134) = 93.51, p < .001, R2 = .411), sub- Fei Wang,1 and Yangdi Han2, 1. Jack, Joseph and Morton jective burden as measured by the Revised Memory and Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Behavior Problems Checklist (RMBPC), Reaction Scale Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2. (F(1, 146) = 25.65, p < .001, R2 = .149), and role captivity School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan (F(1, 139), P < .001, R2 = .380). Marital satisfaction was University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China a significant positive predictor of caregiver competence Objectives: This study aims to examine future planning (F(1,140) = 32.45, p < .001, R2 = .188). It was also found among older caregivers for family members with intellec- that marital satisfaction was not a significant predictor of tual disability or mental illness, focusing on preferences, objective burden as measured by the RMBPC Frequency predictors and barriers. Method: Data were drawn from Scale (F(1, 146), p = .065, R2 = .023). The findings have 260 caregivers (aged 50 or older) to a family member with implications for future interventions in that improving intellectual disability or mental illness in Shanghai, China. marital satisfaction of spouse caregivers may reduce sub- Caregivers rated six types of future care arrangement under jective burden, decrease feeling trapped within the care- three circumstances: (1) the ideal situation, (2) unable to giving role, and increase caregivers’ sense of competence provide care due to age-related illnesses, and (3) caregivers within the caregiving role. are deceased. Socio-demographic factors associated with future planning were examined using multinomial logistic regression. Caregivers also rated twelve barriers to future IMPACT OF ELDER ABUSE ON SUBSEQUENT planning. Results: Government-subsidized care facility COGNITIVE DETERIORATION IN OLDER ADULTS is the most preferable care arrangement across the three WITH COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT circumstances. While continuing family care was still pre- Boye FANG,1 and Elsie Yan 2, 1. Hong Kong Polytechnic ferred if caregivers were to become sick or deceased, it was University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, a less preferred option in the ideal situation. Common bar- 2. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, riers were the cost of institutional care and the inadequate Hong Kong skills of the staff. Regarding the predictors of future plan- Objectives: Considering the rapidly increasing older ning, the older the caregivers were, the less likely they population, elder abuse has become a major public health had no future plans. Caregivers were more likely to prefer problem. Using longitudinal data, this study examines the family care over institutional care if their family members impact of elder abuse on subsequent cognitive deterioration. had mild impairment. Caregivers of a family member with Methods: At baseline, one-thousand-and-two older adults mental illness were more likely to have no future plan- (aged≥55 years) with a clinically valid diagnosis of mild- ning than caregivers of a family member with intellectual to-moderate cognitive impairment were consecutively re- disability. Conclusion: This study identified the needs of cruited from the geriatric and neurological departments of older caregivers for future planning specific to different three Grade-A hospitals in Guangdong Province of People’s circumstances. It also identified demographic profiles of Republic of China from 2015 to 2016 and 958 of them have future planning and the caregiver population at risk of no completed the present follow-up study after two years. The future planning. major independent variables were psychological abuse, phys- ical abuse, caregiver neglect, and financial exploitation ex- PAACC: A MINDFULNESS-BASED MULTICOMPONENT perienced at baseline. The outcome variable was cognitive PROGRAM FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS OF PERSONS deterioration defined by repeated measures using the Mini- WITH DEMENTIA Mental State Examination. Covariates included demographic Lauren Hagemann,1 Katherine Luci,1 Mamta Sapra,1 characteristics, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression, and Jyoti Savla,2 Lindsey Jacobs,3 and Tonda Yates1, 1. Salem VA IADL impairment. Results: According to the mixed-effect Medical Center, Salem, Virginia, United States, 2. Virginia GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting 288 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. S1 Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States, 3. VA Boston preventing injuries, 4) Developing personal and intimate Healthcare System, Brockton, Massachusetts, United States strategies to motivate care recipients, 5) Providing emo- Few interventions for family caregivers of persons with tional support and maintaining optimism, and 6) Gaining dementia (PwD) focus on both dementia care skill-building knowledge through relationships with doctors but desiring and the enhancement of acceptance and compassion to- communication with other caregivers. Recognizing these wards oneself and the PwD. We designed a multicomponent, actions taken by stroke family caregivers may improve mindfulness-based 4-session caregiver intervention education programs aimed at preventing hospital readmis- (Practice of Acceptance, Awareness, and Compassion in sions and be applicable throughout the world. Findings Caregiving, or “PAACC”) to reduce burden in caregivers may also guide healthcare professionals who can advocate of family members with Alzheimer’s disease and related with Chinese local, provincial, and central health com- dementias (AD/ADRD) and TBI-related AD. A prospective, missions on stroke survivors and their family caregivers’ randomized trial design is being implemented to compare behalf. the effectiveness of PAACC to the well-known, evidence- based REACH-VA intervention. Seventeen family care- FEASIBILITY OF CARRES MODULES TO REDUCE givers (Mean Age = 68.71 years; 82% women; 30% had POTENTIALLY AVOIDABLE HOSPITALIZATIONS IN high school or less education) have participated in the trial PERSONS WITH COGNITIVE DEFICITS thus far and provided qualitative responses to acceptability Victoria Steiner,1 Linda Pierce,1 and Carol Bryan1, 1. questions. High acceptability was noted for all interven- University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, United States tion components of PAACC. Participants completed 95% Family caregiving is an essential, yet understudied, of mindfulness homework during the study period. A ma- factor that can hasten, delay, or prevent hospital readmis- jority also reported practicing spontaneous, informal sions in individuals with cognitive deficits. This 3-month mindfulness while engaged in daily activities (e.g., going feasibility study examined 18 Internet-based educational for a walk, cooking). One participant noted incorporating CARREs (Communicate, Assist, Recognize & Report mindfulness in her daily spiritual practice. The majority re- Events) Modules for family caregivers that address care marked that PAACC taught them to be more aware and recipients’ potentially avoidable hospitalization (PAH) accepting of the PwD’s illness. Others mentioned becoming conditions, e.g. UTI. This study determined: 1) caregivers’ more aware of which stressors triggered them, and that perceptions about the use of the CARREs Modules, 2) care- they were able to avoid arguments with the PwD because givers’ self-reported value of the Modules, and 3) potential of this increased awareness. Overall, our results suggest outcomes for caregivers and care recipients. Community- that this