Michal Kopuletý

Abstract: The paper deals with current and future roles of engineer robots in the world armies and especially within Czech Corps of Engineers. First chapter gives reader insight into problematics. Second chapter is dedicated to robots, their definition, features, basic requirements and their taxonomy. Third chapter is focused on current and future roles and capabilities of engineer robots within world armies and also Czech army and gives some general recommendations regarding to future application of engineer robots into military practise. The last chapter summarizes the scientific outputs and briefly inform about possible future use of engineer robots and their importance. Knowledge obtained by studying of scientific and professional literature was assessed by methods of analysis and deduction. Additional information was gathered by interviews with experts. The paper can be used as brief introduction into current and future roles of unmanned/robotic systems within and as study material for engineer officers, students and other interested persons.

Keywords: engineer robot, unmanned system, military engineering

1. Introduction Military engineering (MILENG) covers broad spectrum of activities – from combat to construction. Character and phase of the operation affect type of provided engineer support. Engineer tasks are usually very challenging and specialized. These types of tasks demand large quantity of time, forces, and assets and require special equipment [1]. Traditionally, MILENG tasks have been man power intensive, time-consuming, logistically demanding and dangerous [2]. What is more, military engineering and especially combat engineer tasks are frequently conducted in hostile environment with explosive hazard. But how to face this hazard when minimization of losses is always one of the main goals of deployed units in military campaigns? Heavy losses can affect deployed unit very negatively. Resistibility and force protection are extremely important in the sense of survivability and minimization of forces and means losses. One way of reducing risk to human life is to implement unmanned/robotic systems into military practise. Additionally, robots can reduce workload and save time. Robotic automation is inevitable process of human civilization development and modern armies react to this reality. Undoubtedly military robots and unmanned systems are becoming standard and common equipment of modern armies in recent 15 years. The process of robotic application interferes into all military areas and nor military engineering (MILENG) is exception. According to numerous studies, it is evident that application of unmanned technologies will have great impact on MILENG in the future, so we can predict that military robots will be integrated into Engineer corps as standard means of providing combat and general engineer support in military operations.


But a lot of questions is still unanswered. What are overall capabilities of these systems and what is their future? Do Engineers really need these systems? Will robotic systems push out of the battlefield in the future? This paper deals with these elementary questions and tries to find the answers. Main subject of this paper is to identify current state of implementation of robotic means into Czech engineer corps, to define their task and their capabilities. The paper compares current to required state and proposes possible solution of identified problems.

2. Military robots for military engineering, their features, taxonomy and basic requirements Modern armies implement the most modern and advanced military systems. These systems extend capabilities of the individual army branches and of the armies as a whole. Application of advanced unmanned systems will probably continue in haste. Their significance will grow quickly and by now we can predict rising numbers of unmanned systems across all domains – air, land and sea. These systems confirmed in the past military operations that can improve situational awareness, situational understanding, reduce manpower, increase performance of own forces, minimize risks for civilians and reduce overall costs in recent military operations. 2.1 Military robots features and basic requirements and characteristics The need of application of robotics into military engineering is stressed in US Unmanned Integrated Roadmap (UIR) and even in Concept of building ACR [4]. UIR considers combat engineering as area of activities suitable for robotics (unmanned systems) application. Additionally, the document states that unmanned systems can provide persistence, versatility, ability to survive and reduction of risk to human life. In many cases, robotics can be preferred alternative to perform 3D (dirty, dull and dangerous) tasks [5]. According to Concept of building ACR, essential engineer tasks to be conducted by advanced robotic system in the future (year 2025) [4]. So we can see clear demand for an application of (military) engineer robots that will be able to perform engineer 3D tasks including highly specialized task of combat and general engineer support. But why are these systems to be deployed in the future?

Figure 1: Well suited tasks for unmanned (robotic) systems according to UIR Source: [5 – modified by author]

Firstly, we have to understand fundamental features that defines contemporary robotic systems and basic requirements. Unmanned systems are preferred alternative within tasks called 3D – dirty, dull and dangerous. Specific features of these systems contribute to possible replacement of soldiers by robots in military operations and can be very usefully converted into military. Unmanned systems differ from classic manned (organic) systems in many ways. It makes them very special and very suitable for conducting military engineer tasks. Robots enable soldiers to concentrate on other tasks, they have ability to perform tasks persistently and they are immune to fatigue (constant effort and persistence). Robots have immunity to stress, fear and emotions. They are non-aggressive and safe. What is more, they are resistant to work in extreme conditions but also

28 expendable and replaceable. They are capable of advanced sensing of operational environment due to sensors and can be faster than human (in terms of mobility and decision-making). And finally, robots do not need individual training. The conditions of deployment of robots in land forces permit to determine the general requirements to be met [6]:  Be able to progress and/or stay in a complex and hostile environment;  Be able to analyze and understand the situation it is being used in and modify its behavior appropriately;  Be able to realize an operational effect or conduct technical processes (e.g. the opening of an itinerary, intervention on an IED, survey and alert, etc.);  Be able to fulfil its missions permanently;  Appropriation of robotic systems by the . Human Machine Interface should be intuitive and simply accessible to the soldier, whatever the conditions of employment and the characteristics of the environment;  Be interoperable. Additionally, unmanned systems and other similar technological advancements can hugely affect military practice. The recent technological advancements and innovations have contributed to combat engineering in three main areas [2]:  Automation to enable leaner manning of combat engineering equipment;  Reduction of time spent on combat engineering tasks;  Improvement of man-machine interfaces and ergonomics to make system safer and easier to use. Undoubtedly, these areas also represent one of the basic requirements of advanced engineer robots next to elementary requirement as ability to perform 3D (dirty, dull, and dangerous) or 3H (hot, heavy and hazardous) tasks. Ability to fulfil 3D tasks is the key and the most important requirement for military (engineer) robots.  Dangerous tasks – robots must increase survivability of the troops in contact;  Dirty tasks – ability to increase the soldiers capacities and finally the operational efficiency of the different units;  Dull tasks – ability to permit the realization of repetitive and fastidious tasks. From the text above we can imagine the complexity and comprehensiveness of the problematics of unmanned and robotic systems. Thing are even getting more complicated whet it goes to technical issues, but it is beyond scope of this paper. 2.2 Military robots taxonomy Globally, robots can be divided according to various criteria – control taxonomy, operational medium taxonomy or for example functional taxonomy. Based on their features and intended use, robots can be defined as industrial or service. Service robots are able to perform non-manufacturing, handling and other operations [7]. Military robots are typical service robots that are usually designed to perform task in hostile or hazardous environment. Hazards may be present in the form of radiological or toxicity dangers to potential explosions [8]. In NATO countries, military robots are frequently defined as unmanned systems. These systems are divided into:  UAS (Unmanned Aerial System);  UGS (Unmanned Ground System;  UMS (Unmanned Marine System). For the purpose of this paper, we can be also categorize these systems by their branch application – combat, reconnaissance, artillery, engineer, logistic, medical, chemical and others. 29

It is also necessary to define the term Engineer robot. This term is not commonly used within studies but in our case it is essential for problematics understanding. The paper proposes to define this term as follows: Engineer robot is a military robot, which is predestined to perform tasks of military engineering. Engineer robots can be divided into two main groups according to their application:  Combat engineer robot – is predestined to perform combat engineering tasks (mobility, counter-mobility and survivability);  Support engineer robot – is predestined to perform tasks of general engineering.

Engineer robot

Combat Support engineer robot engineer robot

Counter- General Mobility mobility engineering


Figure 2: Engineer robots taxonomy Source: The own processing

3. Current role and the future of engineer robots Analysis of current role is based on domestic and foreign analytical and conceptual works and dialogues with military engineer officers, non-commissioned officers and specialist from different disciplines. 3.1. Current role of engineer robots in world armies Military robots are used by around 60 armies of the world, especially USA, Canada, Great Britain, Brazil, Australia, Germany, , China, Russia, Iran and India. However, robotic systems are often used also by smaller states like Israel, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Serbia, New Zealand and many others [9]. Based on studies we can also predict, that China will become global player in the field of application of robotic systems and potentially leading exporter of these technologies [10]. What is more, ten years from now, about 30 percent of the Russian combat power will consist of remotely-controlled and robotic platforms – this is the goal of an ambitious research and development program pursued by the military and approved by the Russian Military Industrial Committee [18]. All in all, it means that foreign armies take this topic really seriously. After 2001 rapidly grew operational requirements for introducing remotely controlled means designed for EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and IEDD (Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal) activities in foreign joint operations. For example, in years 2004-2006 the number of engineer EOD robots used in Afghanistan grew from 160 to more than 4000 [11]. Since that, engineer robots (more accurately engineer support robots) are being deployed by western armies very often in military operations. Real numbers of deployed engineer robots deployed by US see in Table 2. Approximately 8,000 systems of various types have seen action in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. As of September 2010, these deployed UGVs have been used 30 in over 125,000 missions, including suspected object identification and route clearance, as well as to locate and defuse improvised explosive devices (IEDs). During these counter-IED missions, Army, Navy, and USMC (United States Marine Corps) explosive ordnance teams detected and defeated over 11,000 IEDs using UGVs [11]. The fact is that EOD and IEDD robots have currently overwhelming majority in deployment compared to other types of deployed UGS. But not only EOD and IEDD robots are widely used in modern armies by engineers. According to many national and foreign sources other engineer robotic systems are being developed, tested and deployed in military operations around the world. Special automated vehicles, breaching vehicles, automated bridging vehicles, firefighting and rescue robots, and robots with handling and earthmoving capabilities, engineer reconnaissance and armoured combat engineer vehicles are gradually becoming part of the arsenal of corps of engineers in advanced armies.

Table 1 Engineer robots deployed by US DoD Name of engineer robotic system Numbers deployed (year) M 160 Platform 21 (2007) (MV-4, MV-4B) 48 (2011) 65 (planned) PackBot family of systems 1372 (2007) TALON family of systems Mini-EOD 320+ (2011) MARCbot 811 (IV; 2011) (IV and IV-N) 496 (IV-N; 2011) Bombot 1842+ (2007) Dragon Runner 10 (2007) XM1216 SUGV ? ABV 33 (2007) Source: [13 – modified by author]

Among the current general trends of engineer robots are certainly versatility and ability to perform tasks in combat to support first echelons. Thanks to modularity and possible change of configuration these systems can fulfil wide spectrum of combat and support engineer tasks and furthermore to be automated or partly autonomous. Robots like United States ACER, Israelis UGEV, British TAEV or Russian URAN class robots are very perspective and are representatives of highly versatile platforms. 3.2. Current role of engineer robots in Czech army Czech corps of engineer are represented by 15th Engineer Regiment situated in Bechyně. Regiment is consisted of two battalions – 151st Engineer battalion Bechyně and 153rd Engineer battalion Olomouc. Corps of engineers are part of organizational structure of Land forces. Engineers are considered as part of combat support forces. These units are equipped with engineer means and materiel including unmanned systems to perform engineer wide variety of engineer task. According to domestic analytical works, Czech corps of engineers have the largest number of unmanned/robotic systems of all the branches within Czech army. What is more, Czech corps of engineers are the only branch using UGS (except Special Operation Forces) [9]. Unmanned systems are part of equipment of individual organic companies. Within engineer battalions only mechanized engineer and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) companies are equipped with these systems. EOD companies are equipped with US made 31

EOD robots (tEODor, TALON and others) predestined to perform EOD, C-IED and other pyrotechnic tasks. Demining platoon as part of the mechanized engineer company is equipped with one piece of remotely controlled tracked demining set Božena 5. This system is designed for areal demining and small handling/loading works. Because all established robotic systems have a lot of thing very common, the current state of unmanned systems within Czech corps of engineers can be summarized as follows:  Systems are designed primarily only for explosive threat minimization;  All unmanned systems have character of UGS;  Systems are able to perform only very narrow spectrum of engineer tasks and there are not considered as versatile;  Systems are remotely controlled by human operator;  Systems are not automated or even autonomous;  Systems are not suitable for performing tasks in combat operations; From these identified facts, we can derive clear conclusion that Czech corps of engineers do not have automated or autonomous systems. Engineer unit also do not have systems designed to perform tasks in combat operations. Furthermore, capabilities of these systems cover only very narrow spectrum of engineer tasks and are focused only on supporting Force protection joint function. Finally, Combat engineer tasks are not supported by currently implemented robotic means. So was identified conflict with desired state. This state is based on Concept of building Army of Czech Republic (KVAČR) and other documents that clearly define the role of unmanned systems in Czech corps of engineers. Generally, we can say that compared to other modern armies, Czech army is on the minimal level in using unmanned (robotic) systems [9]. This also obviously applies to Czech corps of engineers. 3.3. The future role of engineer robots in the Czech army and recommendations “Technological advances will not change the essential nature of war. Fighting will never be an antiseptic engineering exercise. It will always be a bloody business subject to chance and uncertainty. But the way punishment gets inflicted has been changing for centuries, and it will continue to change in strange and unpredictable ways [14].” Although development of these systems continues for decades, real revolution of using military robots occurred during recent military operations in the Middle East. The period after 2001 was marked by huge expansion of robotic systems. In 2014 was estimated that world armies buy approximately 11 000 robots for defence purposes. This number represents 45 % of total world market for service robots. What is more, it is estimated that in years 2015-2018 will be sold around 58 800 military robots [15]. Although real numbers of engineer robots sold is unknown, these numbers speak for themselves. Current domestic and foreign publications together underline the need of implementing of unmanned (robotic) and automated systems into military. All these needs are connected to Force Protection (especially minimization of human losses) and sustainment of own troops in military operations. The future development of unmanned/robotic systems will be very important according to US strategic documents. Future robotic technologies and unmanned ground systems (UGS) will augment Soldiers and increase unit capabilities, situational awareness, mobility, and speed of action. Artificial intelligence will enable the deployment of autonomous and semi-autonomous systems with the ability to learn and leverage decision aids to enable Soldiers to make rapid decisions using all available information, while reducing the cognitive burden. Robotics will enable the future force by making forces leaner and contributing to force protection, making the force expeditionary and providing

32 increased capabilities to maintain overmatch [16]. Based on analytical studies we can also predict the consequence of possible failure to introduce advanced robotic systems into military engineering. In that case, this would probably happen:  Engineer corps would gradually fall behind other engineer units of modern armies;  Increased demand on manpower and other means;  Increasing costs of military operations;  Higher losses on the battlefield. Although robotic automation is inevitable process of human development, massive application of these systems is not real in a short-term (3-6 years) and even mid-term (10- 20 years) according to interviewed high-ranking engineer officers. However, what is more important, their contribution in performing 3D tasks will rise in near future. Corps of engineers do not work alone. Contrariwise they belong to military branch, which provides support to combat units. Capabilities of Corps of engineer will always be connected to needs of combat units. This implies that development and application of engineer robots will be primarily depending on the future needs of combat units. If the Czech army ignored development and application of military (engineer) robots it would surely fall behind. What is more, future robotic capabilities would have to be compensated by manpower. That is inefficient and it would easily lead to a decrease of Corps of engineers’ capabilities. According to dialogues with engineer specialists, this paper summarizes several fundamental recommendations, which should be obtained:  To implement active and scientific research on use of engineer robots;  Stress on multinational cooperation and research projects;  To build on existing studies, update them and continue their development;  To place greater emphasis on cooperation with other army branches, University of Defence, other scientific institutions and other companies from public and private sector;  To determine clear vision and strategy and create conceptual documents, which will be based on recent scientific research and military experience;  To define clear tactical and technical requirements on these systems; Finally, we can only predict what will be the near-future role and capabilities of robotic systems used by Czech corps of engineers. According to interviews with military engineer experts we can assume that development and application of support engineer robots (especially EOD and IEDD systems) will continue in haste. Furthermore, combat engineer systems will play gradually bigger role in military operations. They will be designed for very dangerous combat tasks including engineer reconnaissance, breaching minefield and obstacles, bridging the wet and dry gaps to support mobility of first echelons, underwater engineering and so on. The scope of robotic activities will be very probably widened and their capabilities extended.

4. Summary Without a doubt we are witnesses of robotic revolution in military right now. All modern armies are developing and implementing robotic technologies. Their features predestine them to become most promising technology of the future. Engineer robots were recently introduced in the sophisticated armies around the world, however it is still not massive application. Robotic technology still has its limits and is very expensive, but according to massive spending into these technologies we can predict very bright future to their military application. 33

To implement these technologies properly, firstly we have to understand them completely, because “the winner of the robotics revolution will not be who develops this technology first or even who has the best technology, but who figures out how best to use it [14].” Military engineering is almost always man power intensive, time-consuming, logistically demanding and dangerous. Always will be insufficient number of engineers on the battlefield but military robots could solve this problem in the future. Present engineer robots are still “only” remotely controlled devices with none or minimal artificial intelligence and are usually not well-suited for combat operations. In other words, it simply means that these systems do not meet basic requirement on future robotic systems. Despite progress in artificial intelligence technology, we still have a very long way to go before robots can replicate the human thought process in complex situations [17]. In the future we can await very complex and intelligent systems, which will be able to perform broad spectrum of combat engineer tasks like gap bridging, breaching, demining, route and area clearing and also constructing almost without human intervention. If engineer robots reduced number of the manpower, it would naturally brought new opportunities. Men would concentrate on the task, which can be fulfilled only by human power, so application of the advanced robotic systems would save scarce engineer resources. And that is the meaning, which makes application of engineer robots into practise so promising.


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