("Thesaurus Pädagogik" - English equivalents)

il mi hi h mi mi ilium COE081346

Translator's note : Brackets have been used to indicate explanations or restrictions of meaning (scope notes). Items other than terms verified as being actually used in the sense in question or descriptive, terms are indicated by quotation marks. In particular, "grammar " has been used throughout to render '', as shorthand for "selective general leading to access to higher ". Otherwise,, nomenclature of school types, follows as closely as possible that of the CCC's "School Systems - a Guide".


28.04-5 Alo en dgymn a s ium _— Evening ""

Abendprogramm. Evening programme (TV)

AbendreaIschule Evening "Realschule" (intermediate secondary_ school)

Abendschule Evening school n.b. Abendstudium evening classes Abendunterricht

AbenteuerSpielplatz Adventure playground

Ability Grouping Ability grouping n.b. Streaming streaming

Abiturient "Grammar school" graduate a, ■ <*« • i Abiturientenzahl . -Humber of ^grammar school" . graduates

Abkommen (Vertrag) — - Agreement (formal) ; ■

Abneigung ■ — Aversion n.b. Aversion

Abnuetzungsquote Rate of depreciation

Ab s chlus skiasse --— Einal class

Abschlusspruefung Einal examination

Abschlusszeugnis Einal school certificate n.b. Abgangszeugnis leaving certificate

Abspielgera et Video-recorder E zu Eernsehempfaengen n.b. Tele-Player tele-player

Abstammungslehre Theory of Evolution n.b. Deszendenztheorie

Abstraktion — Abstraction

Abstraktionsfaehigkeit Abstract intelligence n.b. Abstraktionsvermoegen faculty of abstraction Abtreibung — Abortion

Abwesenheit — A/bsence

Abweichendes Verhalten — Deviant behaviour

Adaptives Lehrgeraet — Adaptive teaching machine n.b. Adaption

Adaptives Lehrprogramm — Adaptive learning programme n.b. Adaption

Additive Gesamtschule — "Additive" compréhensive school (multilateral school)

Adoleszens — Adolescence

Adoption — Adoption

Adoptiveltern — Adoptive parents

Adoptivkind — Adopted child

Adressat — Target (person for whom material is intended)

Adressatengruppe — Target group n.b. Zielgruppe

Aehnlichkeit — Similarity

Aequivalenz — Equivalence

Aerztliche Untersuchung ' Medical examination n.b. Untersuchung Aesthetische Erziehung — Aesthetic education

Aeussere Differenzierung — "External class differenti­ ation" (i.e. allocation of pupils to separate classes)

Aeussere Motivation — Extrinsic motivation'

Affekt — Affect (emotion)

Affektive Entwicklung Affective development n.b. Emotionale Entwicklung emotional development

Aggression Aggression n.b. Aggressivitaet aggressiveness Akademie — ,

Akademiker — graduate (male)

Akad.emikerbedarf — Demand for graduates

Akademikerin. --University graduate (female)

Akademische Freiheit — Academic freedom

Akademischer Grad — University degre'e

Akademischer Rat — Academic Counsellor

Akkulturation — Acculturation n.h. Assimilation assimilation

Akustik — Acoustics (of a room) E Schallverhaeltnisse eine; Raumes Akustische Wahrnehmung Aural perception

Akzeleration — - Acceleration (of ..development) n.b. Entwicklungs­ beschleunigung

Akzidenteller Irrtum Accidental error

Algebra Algebra

Algorithmus Algorithm

Alkohol Alcohol

Alkoholismus Alcoholism

Allgemeinbildende Hoehere Secondary general schopl Schule Ë Oesterreich leading to (Austria)

? Allgemeinbildende Poly­ Secondary general polytechnic technische Oberschule school n.b. Polytechnische Oberschule

Allgemeinbildende Schule — School of general education

Allgemeinbildung — General, education n.b. Allseitige all-round education Erziehung Allgemeine Psychologie General psychology

Allgemeine Soziologie — - General sociology

All Year School All-year school

Alphabet Alphabet

Alte Geschichte Ancient History

Altenheim Old people's home

Altphilologe Teacher/scholar of classical languages

Altphilologie Study of classical languages

Altruismus Altruism

Altsprachlicher Unterricht Classical languages teaching

Altsprachliches Gymnasium "Grammar school" with classical languages bias

Ambiguità et Ambiguity

Ambivalenz Ambivalence

Amerikakunde American studies

Amerikanisch American

Amerikanisches Englisch American English

Amerikanischunterricht American English teaching

Amstblatt Official gazette - { Ams t Vormunds c.ha f t Official guardianship

Analogrechner Analog computer

Analphabetentum Illiteracy

Analyse Analysis (general)

Analysis Analysis (infinitesimal calculus)

Analytische Chemie Analytical chemistry

Analytische Geometrie Analytical geometry

Analytische Methode Analytical method Analytisches Denken Analytical thinking

Anamnese Anamnesis

Anarchismus Anarchism

Anfangsunterricht Initial. phase of schooling n.h. Erstunterricht (esp, first two years of- )

Anfangsverhalten Initial behaviour

Angelernter Arbeiter Semi-skilled worker

Angestellter Clerical worker, "staff" worker A :■

Angewandte Forschung Applied research

Angewandte Kunst Applied art 1

Angewandte Linguistik Applied linguistics

Angewandte Psychologie Applied psychology

Anglist Teacher/scholar of - English n.b, Neuphilologe

Anglistik Study of English language and literature

Angst Anxiety

Anlage Disposition n.b. Vererbung heredity

Anlernausbildung Training of semi-skilled workers (

Anlernberuf Semi-skilled occupation'

Anomaler 'Geisteszustand — — Mental abnormality -

Anomales.Kind Abnormal1child

Anorganische Chemie Inorganic chemistry

Anpassung ( - Adjustment n.b. Adaption ' adaptation

Anpassungsstoerung Maladjustment n.b. Kontaktschwierigkeit socially handicapped .

Anschauung - First-hand observation (Pestalozzi)

Anschauungsmaterial - Demonstration material - -

Anschauungsunterricht - Object teaching (Pestalozzi) Anspruchsniveau Level of aspiration

Antennenanlage Radio/TV aerial

Anthropologie Anthropology n.b. Ethnologie- ethnology

Anthropologische Psychologie— Anthropological psychology

Anthropoc©phische Erziehung Anthroposophie education.

Antiautorita ere Erziehung — — Anti-authoritarian education

Antiautoritaeres Verhaltung Anti-authoritarian behaviour

Antifaschistische Erziehung Anti-fascist education

Antikommunismus Anti-communism

Antisemitismus Anti-semitism

Antrieb (Psychologie) Drive (psychology)

Antwort Response/answer

Antwortart - Response type

An t s o r tb e s ta e t igung - Confirmation of response n,b. Erfolgsbestaetigung confirmation of success

Antwortbogen Answer sheet

Antwortkonstruktion Answer construction

Antwortkontrolle Response control

Antwortlatenz -— Response latency

An twortvergle'ich Comparison of responses

Antwortverzoegerung . — Delayed response

Anwesenheit Presence

Apathie Apathy

Apha sie — - Aphasia n.b. Agrammatismus Sprachstoerung

Apperzeption — - Apperception DECS/DOC (72) 14

Arbeiter Worker

Arbeiterbewegung Workers' movement

Arbeiterbildung ■ Workers' education

Arbeiterkind Worker's child

Arbeiterklasse - v ■ ' --- Working

Arb éi'ter spräche --i Workers' language*

Arbeitnehmer — Employee

Arbeitsamt- . Employment .office

Arbeitsanalyse Work study

Arbeitsbedingungen --— Working conditions •

Arbeitsfoerderungsgesetz Occupational Advancement Act (retraining, educational leave, etc.)

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Study group

Arbeitsgruppe -— Work group

Arbeitskraeftebedarf --- Manpower demand .

Arb ei.t skr a ef t'ef orschuhg -— • Manpower research.

Arbeitslehre Preparation for working life as part of school curriculum teaching of technology

Arbeitslehrerin Woman handicrafts teacher E Oesterreich (Austria)

Arbeitsleistung -— Work output

Arbeitslosenunterstüetzung — - Unemployment'benefit

Arbeitsloser --- Unemployed', person ." .

Arbeitsmarkt — Labour market

Arbeitsmarktforschung Labour market research

Arbeitsmaterial --- Work material n.b, Arbeitsmittel

Arbeitsmedizin Industrial medicine n.b. Arbeitsphysiologie Arbeitsplanung Planning of work

Arbeitsplatzanalyse Job evaluation

Arbeitsplatzwechsel Change of j*b

Arbeitspro jektion Overhead projection

Arbeitsprojektor Overhead projector n.b. Overheadprojektor Arbetispsychologie • Industrial psychology, n.b. Berufspsychologie occupational psychology

Arbeitsrecht Labour law

Arbeitsschule . "activity scho»l" (late 19th century, Kirschensteiner) (stressed pupils’ activity rather than factua.l- learning)

ArbeitsSoziologie Occupational sociology

Arbeitsstreifen Single-concept film n.b. Elementfilm single-concept-film

Arb e i t s t e ilun g Division of labour

Arbeitstransparent Overhead projection trans­ n.b. Eolie parency

Arbeitsunterricht "Activity methods" (cf. "Arbeitsschule")

Arbeitswelt World of work

Arbe it sv/iss en scha ft Industrial studies (industrial medicine, psychology,. technology, law, sociology, •-I etc. )

Arbeitzeit Working hours

Archetyp . Archetype

Architektur Architecture.

Archiv Archive

Arithmetik ■Arithmetic

Armut Poverty Arzneimittel Medicament n.b, Medizin - medicine

Arzt Doctor (physician)

Asozialitaet * Anti-social behaviour

Assoziation Association

Astigma tismüs' Astigmatism

Astronomie' Astronomy ■ n .b..H imme1 skunde Atemuebung Breathing exercise

Atheistische Erziehung Atheistic education .• "« s ■ • Atlas i Atlas

Atomphysik Nuclear physics

Audiolinguale Methode Audio-lingual method

Audiometer Audiometer

Audiovisuelle Methode Audio-visual method

Audiovisuelles Bildungs­ 'Audio-visual aid mittel 'n.b. Audio-visuelles Arbeitsmittel Audio-visuelles Unterrichtwmittel: • Optisch-akustisches Hilfsmittel

Auditives Medium Audio aid

Aufbauklasse \ Extension class

Aufbauschule Extension schorl n.b» Aufbaugymnasium

Aufbaustudium Extension course (higher education)

Aufbautransparent Build-up sheet (overlay n.b. Eoliensatz transparency for use with overhead projector)

Aufmerksamkeit Attention n.b, Konzentration concentration ■ Aufnahmpruefung — Entrance examination

Aufnahmetechnik — Recording technology

Aufstatzunterricht — Essay-writing (curriculum subject)

Aufsichtspflicht — Supervisory obligation (teacher1s)

Aufstiegchance — Promotion prospects

Aufzaehltest — "Enumeration test"

Aufzeichnung- — Recording

Aula — Assembly hall

Ausbilder — Instructor

Ausbildung — Training

Ausbildungsbeihilfe Training/study grant n.b. Erziehungsbeihilfe educational grant

Ausbildungsberuf Skilled occupation

Ausbildungsfoerderung ■ -•— Measures to promote education and training

Ausbildungsfoerderungs- Education and Training gesetz . Grants Act

Ausbildungsordnung — . Regulations governing cour of education (admission, subjects, attendance, examination requirements, etc. )

Ausbildungsrecht Training legislation

Ausbildungsstaette Training establishment

AusbildungsZentrum Training centre

Ausbildungsziel -— * Aim of training

Ausdruckspsychologie r- — r- Psychology of expression n.b. Ausdruckskunde Ausflug t— t- Glass outing

Ausgaben . Expenditure Aushilfslehrer --- Temporary replacement teacher

Auslaender ' Foreigner

Auslaend-ischer ' Arbeitnehmer-— ■Foreign worker n.b. Gastarbeiter migrant’ worker

Ausland Abroad/Foreign countries

Auslandsbeziehungen Foreign relations

Auslandsdeutscher German living abroad

Auslandslehrer Teacher in German school abroad

AuslandsSchulbuch — - German textbook for use abroad

AuslandsSchuldienst Service in German n.b. Auslandsschularbeit ■ abroad • Auslandsschuleinsatz

Auslandsschule Gei’iuan school abroad

Au slan d s s tud ium Study abroad

Auslese Selection '

>Auslesekriterium Selection criterion

Aussenpolitik Foreign policy

Aussenwirtschaft • ■ Foreign trade

Ausserpariamentarisch Extra-parliamentary opposition Opposition

Ausserscliulische Erziehung Out-of-school education

Aussiedler Emigrant n.b.' Spaetauesiedler

Ausstellung Exhibition

Austauschlehrer — - Exchange teacher '•

Auswaertige Kulturpolitik --- Foreign cultural policy

Auswahlantwort Multiple choice answer .

Auswanderung — ~ Emigration Au s we n d ig 1 e rn en Rote learning

Auswertungsbogen Evaluation sheet

Autismus Autism

Auto Motor-rear n ob. Kra f twa gen Automatentheorie Theory of -control systems (electrical)

Automation Automation

Autonomie Autonomy

Autor Author

Autoritàere Erziehung Authoritarian education

Autoritaeres Verhalten Authoritarian behaviour

Autoritàet Authority (not in the sense E nicht in der Bedeutung of expert, nor of administrative "Fachmann" authority)

AV-Lehrer A-V teacher

Ballade Ballad

Ballspiel Ball game

Basketball Basketball

Basteln Model-making

Baukasten Building set, kit ■...

Beamtenrecht Law governing civil servants

Beamter Civil servant

Bedarf Demand

Bedarfsforschung -Demand research

Beduerfnis Need/requirement

Befragung Interview n.b. Umfrage poll/survey

Befragungs technik' Interview technique

Befriedigung Satisfaction

Begabtenabitur Alternative examination qualifying for university entrance for mature students Begabtenauslese Selection of gifted children

Begabtenfoerderung Measures to assist gifted children (from poorer homes)

Begabung Ability

Begabungsreserve Reserves of ability . .

Begabungstest Ability test • n.b. Ability Test Begabungswandel "Ability shift" (individual of population group) '

Begegnungsschule "International school" (overseas school admitting both Germans and local residents)

Begleitmaterial Accompanying material

Begleituntersuchung Parallel study . n.b. Untersuchung Wissenschaftliche Begleitung

Begriff Concept

Begriffsbildung Concept^ formation

Behaviorismus Behaviourism

Behindertenhilfe Aid for the handicapped

'Behinderung Handicap

Behn-Rorschach-Test Behn-Rorschach Test

Behoerde Authority (administrative)

Beihilfe (Finanzielle) Grant'

Belastung Stress n . i-, Stress Beleuchtung Lighting/illumination n.b. Illumination

Belohnung Rewa r d

Benachteiligtes Kind Disadvantaged child

Benutzer User

Beobachtung Observation Beobachtungsfaehigkeit Faculty of observation

Beobachtungsheim Classifying school (classifying children for alloca.tion to different types of approved school)

Beobachtungsklasse Observation class

Beobachtungsschule Observation school (problem children)

Beobachtungsstufe Observation period

Bera tung Guidance/counselling

Beratungsdienst Guidance service

Beratungsstelle Guidance centre

Bereich Area/field/sphere

Bereicherungsprogramm Enrichment programme n.b. Enrichment-program

Bericht Report

Beruf Occupation

Berufsanalyse Analysis of occupations

Berufsanforderung Occupational requirements

Berufsaufbauschule Vocational extension school n.b. Berufsaufbauklasse

Berufsausbildung Vocational training

Berufsberatung Vocational guidance

Berufsbewaehrung Satisfactory performance in chosen occupation

Berufsbild Job description

Berufsbildende Hoehere Schule- Secondary technical and E' Oesterreich leading to higher education (Austria)

Berufsbildende Mittlere intermediate technical and Schule E' Oesterreich vocational school (Austria)

Berufsbildende Pflichtschule— Part-time compulsory vocational E' Oesterreich school (for apprentices) (Austria)

Berufsbildendes Schulwesen --- Vocational school system n.b. Berufliches Schulwesen Berufsschulwesen Beruf sbildungsgesetz — Vocational Training Act

Berufseignung Occupational aptitude

Berufserfolg Occupational success

BerufserZiehung Vocational education n.b, Arbeitserziehung

Berufsfachpruefung — Specialist vocational examination (qualifying for entry to an occupation)

Berufsfachschueler Full-time vocational school student,

Berufsfachschule Full-time vocational school'

Berufsforschung' Occupational research

Berufsfortbildung Further vocational training

Berufsgrundausbildung Basic vocational training

Berufsklassifikation Occupational classification n.b. Berufsgruppe occupational cluster

Berufskunde Study of occupations

Berufsiaufbahn Career ladder

Berufsoberschule Upper vocational school

Berufspaedagogik Vocational educational methods n.b. Arbeitspaedagogik

Beruf spaeda gogis che' Initial training institute Lehranstalt for vocational school E Oesterreicli teachers (Austria)

Berufspaedagogisches Institute of vocational Institut education (Austria) (in- E Oesterreich . service and further training of vocational schoolteachers and research)

Berufspraktikum Period of practical vocational tra ining

Berufsprognose Occupational prognosis

Berufsreife Maturity for an occupation

Berufsreifepruefung Subject-specific qualifying E Oesterreich examination for admission to higher education for vocational school candidates (Austria) Berufsschueler - Part-time vocational school student

Berufsschule - Part-time vocational school

Berufsschulgesetz -.Part-time Vocational Schools c t

Berufssoziologie - Occupational sociology

Berufsta e tige Mutter - Working mother

Berufstaetiger - Person in gainful employment

Berufsvorhereutung - Preparation for an occupation n.b. Berufsvorbereitende education in preparation Erziehung for an occupation

Berufswahl - Choice of occupation n,b.. Berufsfindung

Berufswechsel — Change of occupation

Berufsziel — Occupational objective

Beschaeftigungstherapie — Occupational therapy

Besichtigung — Inspection (premises, etc.)

Besoldung — Remuneration (of civil servants, including teachers)

Besoldungsrecht — Legislation governing remuneration (of civil servants, including teachers)

Besuchsschule — "Practice school", not E Oesterreich attached, to teacher training college (Austria)

Betonung — Stress (phonetics) n.b. Akzent Betreuung — Care

Betrieb — Plant/workplace

Betriebserkundung — Industrial visits (for purpose of introduction to working life)

Betriebsoekonomie — Business economy

Betriebspaedagogik ■- Industrial training methods

Betriebspratikum — Period of on-the-job vocational training DECS/DOC (72) 14 ' -

Betriebspsychologie- - Industrial Psychology

Betriebssoziologie Industrial sociology • nah, Industriesoziologie

Betriebswirtschaftslehre -— Business economics

Beurteilung Judgment/appraisal

Bevoelkerung — - Population

Bevoelkerungsdichte Population density

BevoelkerungsStatistik Population statistics

Beweehrungshelfer Probation officer v , ■,

Bewaehrungshilfe Probation sërvices

Bewegung (Motorische) Motor activity . .

Bewegungsstoerung Motor disorder

Bewegungstherapie . . ■ Movement therapy

Bewertung. ; s -Assessment

Bewusstsein' Consciousness

Beziehung , • Relationship n .b. Relation Yerhaeltnis

Bezugsgruppe Reference group

Bezugssystem Reference system

Bibliographie — - Bibliography

Bibliothek library

Bibliothekar librarian

Bild — - Picture/image

Bildanalyse — — Picture analysis, picture interpretation ..

Bildaufseichnung ; Video-recording

Bildbeschreibung — Picture description

Bilderbuch ; — - Picture book , Bildnerische Erziehung Artistic education (curriculum E Unterrichtsfach subject in Austria) Oesterreich

Bildplatte Video disc

BildplattenSpeicher Video disc storage

Bildstelle -ÂV centre

Bildung Educa tion

Bildungsausgaben Education expenditure

Bildungsbegriff Educational concept

Bildungsberatung Educational guidance / Bildungschance Educational opportunity

Bildungsfa ehigkeit Educability

Bildungsfernsehen Educational TV

Bildungsforschung Educational research

Bildungsgeographie Educational geography

Bildungsgeschichte History of education n.b. Erziehungsgeschichte

.1 Bildungsqueter Educational assets

Bildungsideal Educational ideal

Bildungsmonopol Educational monopoly'

Bildungsnotstand Educational crisis

Bildungsoekononiie Economics of education

Bildungsplan Education plan

Bildungsplanung Educational planning

Bildungspolitik Educational policy

Bildungsprozess Educational process n.b. Erziehungsprozess

Bildungsreform . . Educational reform.

Bildungssoziologie Educational sociology n.b. Paedagogische Soziologie Bildungsstatistik ~ Educational statistics n.b. Erziehungsstatistik

Bildungstheorie Educational theory n.b. Erziehungstheorie

Bildungsurlaub • — Educational'leave

Bildungswerbung Educational propaganda

Bildungswert Educational value

Bildungswesen Education system

BildungsZentrum Educational centre

Binet-Simon-lest — Binet-Simon Test

Binnendifferenzierung . — "Internal differentiation" n.b. Innere Differenzierung (i.e. subdivision within class, into groups, pairs, etc

Binnenwanderung — Internal population movements

Biochemie ' — -Biochemistry

Biographie ~ Biography

Biologe — Biologist

Biologie - — Biology n.b. Naturkunde Biologielehrer. — Biology teacher

Biologieunterricht — Biology teaching n.b. Naturkunde nature study .

Biophysik ■- Biophysics

Blasinstrument — Wind instrument

BlindenerZiehung -- Education of .the blind.

Blindenfuersorge — Blind people's. welfare .

Blindenschule — School for the.blind

Blindheit Blindness

Blockunterricht - - "Time-block teaching" (i.e. in multiples .of normal teaching periods) Botanik------Botany

BraunSchweiger Plan------"Braunschweiger Plan"

Bremer Plan •----- "Bremer Plan"

Brille------Specta de s

Bruder --- Brother

Buch --- Book

Buchhaltung --- Bookkeeping

Buddhismus --- Buddhism

Buecherei --- library

Buergerliche Gesellschaft --- Bourgeois society

Buergerliches Recht------Civil rights

Buergertum------Bourgeoisie n.b. Bourgeoisie Buero Office

Bueros«hule --- School for junior office E Oesterreich staff (Austria)

Buerokratisierung --- Bureaucratisation

Bundeserziehungsanstalt --- Federally maintained secondary E Oesterreich (Austria)

Bundesrecht --- Federal 1aw

Bundessozialhilfegesetz --- Federal Social Welfare Act

Buxtehuder;Modell --- "Buxtehuder Modell"

Chancengleichheit------Equality of opportunity

Charakterdiagnose------Character diagnosis

Charakterologie. -— Characterology n.b, Charakterkunde

Charaktertest --- Character test

Chauvinismus --- Chauvinism

Chemie — - Chemistry Chemielehrer --- Chemistry teacher

Chemieuri t erricht — - Chemistry teaching

Chemiker Chemist

Children's Apperception --- Children's Apperception Test Test

Christentum --- Christianity

Christliche Erziehung --- Christian education

Christliche Gemein- -- Christian non-denominational schaftsschule school n.b, Gemeinschaftsschule Simultanschule

Clique ■ -- Clique

Code Code

College College

Comic Book — Comic hook

Community School ■ — Community School h . '

Comprehensive High School — Comprehensive High School

Comprehensive School —

Computer — Computer n.b. Elektronenrechner

Computerunterstuetzter ■■■ -— Co.mputer Assisted Instruction Unterricht n.h. CAI . CAI Computer Assisted Instruction Computergelenkter Unterricht

Curriculum — Curriculum

Curriculumentwicklung — Curriculum development

Curriculumforschung — Curriculum research n.h. Lehrplanforschung

Dalton Plan — Dalton Plan

Datenerfassung — Data collection Daten-Magnetband Magnetic tape for data storage

Datenverarbeitung Data processing

Dauer Continuity n.b. Eontinuitaet

Debilitaet Debility

Decke (Gebaeudeteil) Ceiling

Deduktion Deduction

Deduktive Grammatik Deductive grammar ! Dekan Dean y Demographie Demography

Demokratie Democracy

Demokratisierung Démocratisation

Demokratische Erziehung

Demoskopie Public opinion research n.b. Marktforschung market research Me in un g s f o r s c hun g

Denken Thinking

Denkprocess Thought process

Depression (Psychologie) Depression (psychology) .

Deutsch German

Deutschaufsatz German essay n.b. Aufsatz essay

Deutsche Auslandsschule German school abroad

Deütschlandkunde German- studies

Deutschlehrer German teacher n.b. Neuphilologe

Deutschunterricht German teaching

Dezentralisierung Decentralisation

Dezimalklassifikation Decimal classification Dia --- Slide (transparency) .n.b, Diapositiv Lichtbild


Diagnostischer Test '------Diagnostic test

Diagramm------Dia gr a iti

Dialektik --- Dialectics

Dialektischer'Materialismus--- Dialectical Materialism

Dialog --- Dialogue

Dia-Projektion --- Slide projection

Diaprojektor — - Slide projector

Diareihe --- Film-strip n.b. Lichtbildreihe Diaskop --- Slide projector, diascope n.b. Kleinbildwerfer

Dichtung ' --- Poetry/literary fiction

Didaktik . General teaching method', didactics n.b. Bildungslehre

Didaktische Analyse Didactic Analysis .

Didaktisches Spielzeug --- Educational toys

Dienststrafrecht --- Disciplinary regulations (staff)

Differentielle Psychologie --- Differential psychology

Differenzierender --- "Differentiated teaching" Unterricht (involving allocation of pupils to separate classes, or sub-division within class) n.b. Differenzierung

Differenzierter Mittelbau --- "Differentiated transitional phase" (-system whereby 11-14- year-olds are taught partly unstreamed and partly in ability- groups before transfer to different tvpes of post- primary school; Digitalrechner Digital Computer .

Diktat Dictation

Diktiergeraet Dictating machine

Diplom-Ingenieur ''Graduate Engineer" (holder of higher education diploma)

Diplom-Daedagoge Holder of Education Diploma -

Diplom-Psychologe Holder of Psychology Diploma

Direkte Methode Direct method

Diskriminierung Discrimination

Diskussion Discussion

Dissertation Dissertation; thesis

Diss.ocans . Dissonance

Disziplin (Ordnung) Discipline (order)

Disziplinarmassnahme Disciplinary measure .

Doktorgrad Doctor's degree

Dokumen ta rf ilm Documentary film •

Dokumenta tion -— Documentation

Dolmetscher « Interpreter/Translator n.h. Ueioersetzer

Dorf Village

Dorf jugend Village youth.

Dozent Lecturer

Dra ma ■ Drama

Dritter Bildungsweg — - Adult

Drogen Drugs

Dummheit — - Stupidity

Dunkelheit • Darkness Durchschnittliche Leistung --- Average achievement

Durchschnittseinkommen .— A Average income ■' (

Education permanente --- 'Permanent/life-ling education E Lebenlanges Lernen

Effektivitaet -— Effectiveness

Effizienz '---- Efficiency

Egoismus . --- Egoism

Ehe Marriage

Eheberatung --- Marriage guidance

Ehefrau — — Wife

Ehemann --- Husband

Ehescheidung Divorce n.b. Geschiedene Scheidung. Ehrgeiz — Ambition/eagerness to do well

Ehrlichkeit --- Honesty

Eidetik --- Eidetics

Eigentum --- Property

Eight Year Study Eight Year Study

Eignung --- Aptitude

Eignungstest -— Aptitude test

Einfuehrung in die . --- "Introduction into socialist sozialistische Produktion production" (GDE, cf. Arbeitslehre) n.b. ESP

Eingangsstufe Entiance level

Einheitsschule -- Comprehensive school (GDR)

Einklassige Schule -- Single-class school '

Einkommen — Income

Einnahmen -- Revenue/receipts

Einstellung (Psychologie) -- Attitude (psychology) Einstellungsaenderung Attitude change

Einstellungsforschung Attitude research

Einstellungsmessung Attitude measurement

Einwanderung Immigration

Einwegprogramm Linear programme n.h. Lineares Programm

E in wo hn e r z a hl Population figure

Enzelheratung Individual counselling

Einzelfallhilfe - Casework n.h. Casework

Einzelkind Only child

Einzelunterricht Individual tutoring

Eisenbahn Railway

Electronic Video Recording Electronic Video Recording (EVE) - EVR

Elektrizita etslehre Theory of electricity .

Elektronik Electronics

Elektronische Paten­ Electronic Lata Processing verarbeitung n .b. EDV EDP

Elektronische Pia'mera Electronic camera n.b. Fernsehkamera TV camera Kompaktkamera

Elektrotechnik Electrical technology

Elementary School Elementary school

Elite Elite

Eltern Parents

Elternbeirat Parents' (advisory) panel

Elternbera tung ■Parent counselling

Elternorganisation ■ Parents' organisation Elternrecht •. - : — — Right of parental choice (religious denomination 'of .school)

ElternVertretung — Parent representation . n.b. Elternverein

ElternZeitschrift — Parents' magazine

Emanzipation . — .Emancipation’

Emigrant,. ■ : - ■- Emigrant

Empfangstechnik — Reception technology..

Empfindung - — Feeling/sensation

Empirische Forschung •- Empirical research

Empirische Sozialforschung — — science research

Empirische Untersuchung — Empirical study/investigation n.h. Untersuchung

Endtest — Final test . .. .

Endverhalten — Terminal behaviour

Englisch -— English

Englischlehrer — English teacher . .

Englischunterricht .— English teaching

Enkulturation ■— Encuituration

Entfernung r:— Distance

Entfremdung -'— Alienation

Entscheiden .. -— Deciding

Entwerfen — Drafting,.sketching, planning

Entwicklung . ■ ; -— .Development

Entwicklungshelfer . . r-- Overseas volunteer,: ...

Entwicklungshilfe — Development aid

Entwicklungsland — Developing country En twi cklung s pha s e Development phase

Entwicklungspsychologie Developmental psychology

Entwicklungstest Development test

Enuresis — - Enuresis n.b. Bettnaesser bedwetting

Enzyklopaedie Encyclopaedia

Epik Epic poetry

Epilepsie ~— Epilepsy

Epochenunterricht "Block-teaching” (Rudolf Steiner method of teaching same subject at same time every day for'long periods)

Epos Epic poem

Erfahrung Experience n.b. Empirie

Erfshrungshegriff Empirical concept

Erfolg Success

Erfolgserlebnis Experience of success

Erfolgskontrolle Teaching success control

Ergaenzungspruefung Complementary examination (in subject not previously studied)

Erholung Recreation/recovery

Erholiungsfuer sorge Recreation welfare services

Erholungsheim Holiday home, sanatorium

Erinnerung — - Recall n.b. Behalten retention

Erkenntnis Insight

Erkenntnistheorie Epistemology

Erlebnis Experience Ermuedung — — Fatigue

Ernaehrungserziehung' — Food hygiene (curriculum)

Erotik -- Eroticism

Erregbarkeit -- Excitability

Erwachsenenbildner -- Adult education worker

Erwachsenenbildung — Adult education n.b. Andragogik Volksbildung

Erwachsener — Adult

Erweiterungspruefung — Complementary examination (in subject previously studied to a lower level)

Erzaehlen - Barration

Erza'ehlung -Narrative

Erzieher — - Educator

Erziehung - Education

Erziehungsberatung - - Child guidance

Erziehungsberatungsstelle — - Child guidance clinic

Erziehungsberechtigte - Guardian

Erziehungserfolg - Educational success

Erziehungsfehler - - Educational error

Erziehungsheim - Approved school

Erziehungshilfe . . - ■■c (Voluntary) caro and protection for difficult children •

Erziehungsphilosophie - Educational philosophy

ErziehungsSchwierigkeit Educational maladjustment

Erziehungswissenschaft - Educational .-science

Erziehungsziel ■- Educational objective

Essay -- Essay n.b. Aufsatz Ethik------Ethics

Ethnische .Gruppe --- Ethnie group

Etymologie --- Etymology

Europaeische Schule --- European school

Europaeische Universitaet --- European University

Evangelische Erziehung --- Protestant education

Evangelische Fakultaet --- Protestant Faculty

Evangelische Jugend --- Protestant youth

Evangelische Kirche --- Protestant church

Evangelischer Religions- --- Protestant religious unterricht instruction

Exemplarisches Lehren) In-depth study of key topics Exemplarisches Lernen) (as opposed to encyclopaedic approach)

Existenzialphilosophie --- Existentialist philosophy

Exkursion --- Educational excursion n.b. Lehrwanderung

Exmatrikulation --- Deregistration (as university (student)

Experiment Experiment

Experimentelle Didaktik --- Experimental didactics

Experimentelle Paedagogik --- Experimental research into educational methods

Experimentelle Psychologie --- Experimental psychology n.b. Experimentalpsychologie

Experimentiereinrichtungen --- Experimental equipment/ facilities ch Laboratory bench

Expertenschule School for children of over­ seas advisory personnel

Exploration In-depth interviewing (for psycho diagnostic purposes) Extensives Lesen — Extensive reading

Extinktion — Extinction (psychology) n.b. Ausloeschung

Externisten — External examination E . Oesterreich ' candidates (Austria) n .b. Ma tura s chule private school preparing external candidates for • the university entrance' qualifying examination

Extraversion — Extraversion

Fabel — Fable

Fabeltest — Fables test

Facettenklassifikation — Facetting , -. :

Fa c h a rb e iter — Skilled worker .

Fachbereich — Subject field n.b, Disziplin discipline

Fachbuecherei — Specialist library

Fachdidaktik — Sub ject-f ie-ld didactics special method

Fachgruppenlehrer ■— Specialist teacher

Fachhochschule Specialist college of higher education

Fachkunde — ’’Special studies’* (e.g. special arithmetic?- i.e. related to requirements of a specific occupation - ■vocational training) •

Fachlehrer — Subject teacher

Fachleistungskurs — Advanced course in specialist subject /

Fachraum — Specialist class room

Fachrechnen : — Special arithmetic (commercia technical) ^ i ; - •' Fachschule — Technical school Fachschule für Sozialarbeit- - School for social workers E Oesterreich - , (Austria)

Fachschule für * - -School for women's domestic . wirtschaftliche Frauen­ and catering occupations berufe ..(.Austria) E Oesterreich

Fachschulreife - Leaving certificate of vocational secondary extension school

Fachwissenschaft - Specialist studies (academic) specialism

Fachzeitschrift - Professional journal/ specialist periodical

Faecherkoordination - Co-ordination of subjects

Faecheruebergreifender ■- Interdisciplinary teaching Unterricht

Faehigkeit' •- Ability

Fahrschueler Learner-driver

Faktoranalyse Factor analysis

Fakultaet Faculty (university)

Fakultiver Unterricht Optional subject teaching

Familie - Family

Familienbeihilfe - Family allowance

Familienbeziehungen - Family relations

Familienerholung - Family recreation

Fsmiliengroesse - Family size

Fsmilienpaedagogik - Family education (theory)

Familienpolitik - Family policy

Familienprogramm - Family programme

Familienpsychologie - Family psychology

Familienrecht - Family law n .b. Eherecht matrimonial law Vormundschaftrecht guardianship law Familiensoziologie --- Family sociology

Familienstand... ,.v , .. — Family (marital) status)

Farbe "— -- Colour/paint

Farbenbli.ndb.eit Colour-blindness ■

Farbentest — Colour test

Farbiges Kind. — Coloured child

Parbpyramidentest ' — "Colour pyramid test"

Fa schismus -— Fascism

Faulheit Laziness

Feedback Feedback ' n.b. Rueckkoppelung

Fehler Mi stake/error

Fehlerquote ... lumber of errors

Fehlertyp Type of error

Fehlverhalten - — Behavioural error

Feindseligkeit --— Hostility

Feldforschung Field research

Feldtheorie Field theory

Ferien Vacation/holidays

Ferienarbeit.. . Holiday work

Ferienkurs Vacation course

Ferienlager Children’s holiday camp n.b. Ferienkolonie

Ferienor’dnung — - Holiday regulations

Fernschreiber ' --' Telex n.b. Telegraf ..

Fernsehen Television

Fernseherziehung TV education screen ’education Ferasehgeraet------TV set n.b, Bildschirm screen

Fernsehprogram------TV programme

Fernsehsendung------TV broadcast

Ferns.ehspiel------TV play

Fernstudium------Study by correspondence

Fernunterricht------Teaching by correspondence


Fertigkeitsschule --- Schools■providing instruction E Oesterreich in non-educational subjects, e.g. dancing, driving (Austria)

Festschrift --- Festschrift


Filmen .----- Filming

Filmersiehung --- Film education

Filmkamera --- Film camera

Filmkopie --- Film copy

Filmprojektor Film projector

Filmstrip --- Filmstrip

Finanzen --- Finances

Fingerfarben --- Finger paints

Flanelltafel --- Flannelgraph

Fleiss --- Diligence

Fluechtigkeitsfehler --- Careless mistake

Fluechtling --- Refugee n,b. Heimatvertriebener displaced person/expellee

Flugzeug --- Aeroplane

Flussdiagram --- Flow chart F^erderklasse — - Remedial class/remove

Foerderstufe Promotion and differentiation period

Foerderungsmassnahmen Promotion measures (i.e. to assist gifted childrën fr-sm poorer homes)

Foersterschule Forestry school (Austria) E Oesterreich

Form 'Form

Formale Bildung Formal discipline' (educational theory), training the mind n.b, Funktionale Erziehung • functional education

Formalstufentheorie Herbartian steps theory

Format ' ' Format

Formdeuttest Shape interpretation test

Forschung Research

Forschungsbericht Research report

Forschungspolitik Research policy

Forschungsstaette Research establishment

Forstwirtschaftliches Forestry school system Schulwesen (Austria) E Oesterreich

Fortbildung ; Further educa tion n.b. Weiterbildung

Forts chrittsb er icht: -— Progress report

Fotoapparat Camera

Fotografie Photograph

Potografieren Photography

Fotokopiergeraet Photocopier

Frage Question

Fragebogen '---: Questionnaire Frankfurter Methodik------"Frankfurter Methodik"

Frankreichkunde------French studies


Franzoesischlehrer --- French teacher

Franzoesischurj terricht------French teaching


! Frauenarbeit Women s work

Frauenbewegung --- Women’s movement

Frauenbildung------Women's education

Frauenberuf --- Women's occupation

Prsuenfachschule --- Girls' technical school

Frauenoberschule --- Girls' high school

Frauenorganisation --- Women's organisation

Frauenstudium Women's university studies

Freie Jugendhilfe .---- Voluntary youth work

Freie Sozialhilfe --- Voluntary social welfare

Freie Traeger --- Voluntary bodies

Freiheit --- Freedom

Freiwillige Erziehungs- --- Voluntary care and protection hilfe for difficult children

Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr — One year's voluntary social work n.b. Freiwilliges Sozialjahr Voluntary social year

Freizeit --- leisure time

Freizeiterziehung --- leisure education

Freizeitheim --- Recreation centre

Freizuegigkeit Freedom of movement, mobility

Fremdsprache Foreign language

Fremdsprachenunterricht --- Foreign language teaching Prende — ,Joy

Freundlichkeit — Friendliness

Freundschaft — ..Friendship

Friedensforschung — Peace research

Friedenspeedsgogik — Peace education (methods)

Frontelunterricht Traditional, (;,face-the-frontu) class teaching

Fruehehe Teenage marriage (i.e. roan under 21, girl under 18)

Fruehkapitalismus Early capitalism

Fruehkindheit ■' Early childhood (i.e. 0-6 E 0 - 6 Jahre years) ' ' ' '

Fruehlesen Early reading

Pruehleseunterricht — Early reading instruction

Frustration Frustration

Fuenf ta ge s chule 5-'

Fuenftagewoche — ~ 5-day week

Fuersorge Welfare/care and protection

FuersorgeerZiehung Compulsory care a n d 'protection .. (difficult children)

Fuersorgeheim Care and protection institution

Fuersorgezoegling Child in care and protection

Funkkolleg Higher education by. rad-iö

Funkpsedagogik Education by radio (methods)

Funktionale Grammatik Functional grammar

.Punkuniversitaet Radio university

Furcht Fear

Fussball Football Futurologie Futurology :•

Gammler "beatnik"

Ganzheitlicher Unterricht Global method teaching

Ganzheitsmethode Global method/look-and-say method (reading)

Ganzheitspsychologie Holistic psychology

Ganztagsschule All-day school

GasthOerer Won-enrolled student (Amer, "auditor")

Gehurt Birth

Geburtenregelung Birth control

Gedaechtnis Memory

Gedicht Poem

Gef'aengnis Prison

Gefuehl Feeling/emotion

Gefaehrdetenhilfe Care and protection of young persons (in moral danger)

Gehirnschaedigung Brain damage n.b. Agraphie agraphia Apraxie spraxia Hirnschaedigung

Gehoer Ea r (for music, etc. )

Gehoerlosenbildung Education of the deaf

Gehoerlösenschule School for the deaf

Gehoerlosigkeit Deafness n.b. Taubheit

Gehoersinn Sense of hearing . .

Gehorsam Obedience 'n.b. Respekt respect , ,

Geisteskranker Mentally sick person,, mental patient Geisteswissenschaft — Arts subject

Geistig Behinderter — Mentally handicapped person n.b."Behinderter

Geistig behindertes Kind — Mentally handicapped child n.b. Behindertes Kind

Geistige Entwicklung — Mental, development

Gelassenheit — Composure

Geld — Money

Geltungstrieb — Desire for self-assertion

Gemaelde — Painting (work of art)

Gemeinde (Kirchliche) ■:— Congrega tion/parish/f lock

Gemeinde (Kommunal­ — Municipality/local authority verwaltung)

Gemeindeordnung — Municipal code

Gemeinderecht •— local authority bye-laws

Gemeindestatistik — local authority statistics

Geme inde ver ltung :— Municipal government/ administration n.b. Verwaltung , .

Gemeinschaft — Community

Gemein s-chaf ts er Ziehung — Community education

Gemeinschaftskunde — Political and social studies

Gerneinwesenarbeit ■— Community work

Gemeinwohl — Common good

Generalisieren — Generalising

Genesung ... — Convalescence' n.b, Rekonvaleszenz

Genetik — Genetics n.b.. .Humangenetik Genie — Genius n.b. Hoechstbegabung brilliance Genossenschaft------Co-operative (noun)

Geographie------Geography n.b. Erdkunde La enderkunde

Geographielehrer------Geography teacher n.b. Erdkundelehrer

Geographieunterricht------Geography teaching n.b. Erdkundeunterricht


Geometrie------Geometry n.b. Raumlehre

Geraetepruefung --- Equipment testing/evaluation n.b. Gersetebewertung

Geraeusch --- Poise/sound

Gerechtigkeit --- Justice

Gericht --- Court

Germanist Teacher/scholar of German n.b. Neuphilologe

Germanistik . --- Study of German language and literature E Deutsche Philologie

Gerontologie Gerontology

Geruchssinn --- Sense of smell

Gesamthochschule --- Comprehensive university

Gesamtschule --- Comprehensive (secondary) school n.b. Geserrtoberschule

Gesamtunterricht Integrated curriculum teaching

Geschaeft (Verkaufsstelle) --- Shop

Geschaeftsordnung --- Rules of procedure

Geschichte --- History

Geschichtslehrer --- History teacher Geschichtsphilosopie — Philosophy,of history

Geschichtsunterricht — History teaching

Geschichtswissenschaft — Study of history

Geschicklichkeit — Skilfulness

Geschlechtsunterschied — Sex difference

Geschmackssinn — Sense of taste

Geschwindigkeit — Speed n.b. Tempo rate

Geschwister — Brothers and sisters • ■ ■

Geselligkeit •- Sociability/gregariousness V Gesellschaft ■- Society

Gesellschaftskunde •- Social studies

Ge seilschaftsschicht — Social class n.b. Schicht Sozialschicht .

Gesetz — Act/Ststute

Gespraech -- Conversation/discussion/ interview

Gespraechsfuehrung — Discussion leadership

Gestaltpsychologie — Gestalt psychology

Gesundheit — Health

Gesundheitserziehung — Health education

Gesundheitspflege --- Health care n.b. Gesundheitsschutz health protection Gesundheitsueberwachung health control Gesundheitsvorsorge preventive medicine

Gesundheitsschaden --- Damage to health

Gewalt --- Violence

Gewerbelehrer --- Craft/trade teacher G e w e r b e o r dn un g Trade regulations

Gewerbeschule Trade school

Gewerbliche Berufsschule Part-time trede school

Gewerkschaft Tracie Union

Gewicht Weight

Gewissen Conscience

Gewohnheit Habit

Glas Glass

Gle ichb ere cht igun g Equal rights

Gleichgewicht : Balance/equilibrium

Globus Globe

Glueck Happiness

Graduate School

Grafische Darstellung Graphic representation

Grammar School Grammar School (British)

Grammatik Grammar n.b. Sprachlehre

Grenze Border/frontier

Griechisch Greek n.b. Altgriechisch ancient Greek Neugriechisch modern Greek

Griechischunterricht Greek teaching

Groesse H»ight/size

Grosseltern Grandparents

Grossfamilie Extended family

Grossgruppe Large group

Grossstadt City

Grossstadtbiologie Biology of cities Grossstadtÿugend City youth

Gruendlichkeit Thoroughness

GrunderZiehung Fundamental education n.b. Fundamental Education

Grundfertigkeit Basic skill

Grundgesetz Basic Law (Constitutions of FRG)

Grundlagenforschung Fundamental research

Grundrechenarten Fundamentals of arithmetic

Grundrechte Basic rights '

GrundschuleIter Primary school age

Grundschule Primary school n.b. Elementarschule elementary school

Grundschulunterricht -— Primary school teaching

Grundstufe ' --- Primary level

Gruppe ---- Group

Gruppenarbeit -—- Group work

Gruppenbera tung --- Group counselling

Gruppenbeziehung --- Group relations

Gruppendynamik --- Group dynamics

Gruppenpaedagogik --- Group education (methods)

Gruppenpsychologie --- Group psychology

Gruppenraum --- Group activities room

GruppenSoziologie --- Group sociology

GruppenStruktur --- Group structure

Gruppentest --- Group test

Gruppentherapie --- Group therapy

Gruppenunterricht --- Group (teaching) methods n.b. Abteilungsunterricht Gruppierung Grouping

Gueltigkeit Validity

Guidance Clinic Guidance Clinic

Gutachten Expert opinion

Gymnasialpaedagogik . :îGrammar School" education (■Inethods)

Gymna s ium Secondary general school leading to higher education "grammar school" n.b. Hoehere Schule

Gymnastik Gymnastics

Habilite tion University teaching qualifi cation

Habitualisierung Habituation

Haeufigkeit Frequency

Haftpflichtversicherung Civil liability insurance

Haltungsf ehler Faulty posture

Hamburg-Wechsler- Hamburg-Wechsler intelligen Inteiligenz-test test n .b. Wechsler-Intelligenztest

Handarbeit Handicraft/needlework.

Handarbeitsunterricht — - Handicraft'teaching

Handball — - Handball

Handbuch Manual/handbook

Handel — - Trade/commerce

Handelsakademie Secondary commercial school E Oesterreich .(Austria)

Handelslehrer — — Commercial teacher n.b. Diplom-Handelslehrer

Handelsmissionsschule Commercial mission school

Handelsschule Commercial school Handfertigkeit Manual skill

Handpuppe Glove puppet

Handschrift 'Handwriting

Handwerk Crsft/Trade

Handwerker Craftsman :

Ha s s -. Ha tred

Ha uptamtlicher, Mi ta rbeiter Eull-time worker

Hauptfach Main subject'

Hauntschule '"Upper primary school"' (lower secondary-level continuation of primary school)

Hausaufgabe 'Homework n.b. Aufgabe Hausfrau Housewife ■

Haushaltsplan 'Budget n .b. Eta t Hauslehrer Private tutor

Hausordnung Internal regulation's (in institutions, etc)

Hauswirtschaftliche Part-time vocational school Berufsschule for home economics

Ha u sw i r t s c ha f t s s c huie School for home economics '

Hauswirtschaftsunterricht Home economics teaching n.b. Haushaltskunde >. Hauswirtschaft

Hauswirtschaftswissenschaft Science of home economics n.b.. Oekotrophologie .

Hebraeisch Hebrew

Heilgymnastik Remedial gymnastics

Heilpaedagog« Teacher in

Heim Home/institution Heimatkunde local studies (local history* geography, etc.)

Heimerzieher Teacher in a care and protection institution

Heimerziehung Education in care and protection institutions n.b. Anstalterziehung

Heimkind Child brought up in an institution

Heimschule Residential school

Heimsonderschule Residential school for special education

Heimvolkshochschule Residential adult education institute

Heizung Heating

Helligkeit Brightness

Hemmung Inhibition

Hermaphrodit He rma phro d i t e

Herrschaft Power (political)

Herrschaftsgruppe Power group

Heterogene Gruppierung Heterogeneous grouping

Heterogen itaet Heterogeneity

Heterosexualitaet Heterosexuality

High School High School

Hilfe Aid

Hilfswissenschaft Auxiliary science/discipline

Hippie Hippie

Historische Geographie Historical geography

Plistorische Paedsgogik Historical education (methods)

Hochschulauslese Selection for higher education

Hochschulautonomie Autonomy of institutes of higher education Hochschulbau University building (construction)

Hochschuldidaktik Higher education teaching ^ methods

Hochschule Higher education establishment n.b.. Hochschulwesen Universitaet

Hochschule für Bildungs­ College of Education (Austria) wissenschaften ' E Oesterreich

Hochschule für Bodenkultur Agricultural College (Austria) E Oesterreich

Hochschule für Musik — College of Arts and Music und Darstellende Kunst (Austria) E Oesterreich

Hochschule für Sosial- College of Economics and und Wirtschaftswissen­ Social Science (Austria) schaften E Oesterreich

Hochschule für Welthandel World Trade College (Austria). E Oesterreich

Hochschulfuehrer -— Guide to higher education

Hochschulinternes Closed Cir;cuit Television Eernsehen in and

Hochschullehrer — - University/college teacher n.b. Professor professor Universitaetslehrer

Hochschulneugruendung - New university foundation

Ho chs chulpo1i t ik - Higher education policy n.b. Universitaetspolitik university policy

Hochschulrahmengesetz - Higher Education Act

Hochschulrecht ~ Higher education legislation

Hochschulreife - Maturity for higher education

Hochschulreform - Higher education reform

Hochschulsatzung - University regulations/ statute (internal) Hochschulsta t is tik — Higher education statistics truktur — Structure of higher education

Hochschulverwaltung — Administration of higher education n.b. Verwaltung

Hoefligkeit — Politeness/courtesy

Hoehere Fachschule Specialist non-university college (ages 18-21)

Hoehere Handelsschule . — Secondary commercial school

Hoehere Landwirtschaft- — Secondary agricultural liehe Lehranstalt school (Austria) E Oesterreich

Hoehere Lehranstalt für — Secondary school for women's Wirtschaftliche Frauen- domestic and catering bèrufe subjects (Austria) E Oesterreich

Hoehere Schule (Oesterreich)-' Secondary school leading to access to higher education (Austria)

Hoehere technische und — Secondary technical and gewerbliche Lehranstalt trade school (Austria) E Oesterreich

Hoehere Wirtschaftsfach- — Commercial college (18-21) schule

Hoehere Wirtschaftsschule — Pull-time secondary commercial school

Hoeren Hearing (act)

Hoerfunk Radio

Ho er ge scha edig ter- Hard of hearing

Hoersaal Auditorium/lecture hall

Hoerspiel — Radio play

Holz Wood

Homogene Gruppierung Homogeneous grouping

Homogenitaet Homogeneity Homoseîcuàlita et Homosexuality

Hortnerin Day nursery teacher

Hospitalismus Hospitalism

Hospitation ■ Class observation (by. student teacher)

Humsnbiologie Human biology

Humanismus Humanism

Humanistische Bildung : Humanist .education

Humanistisches Gymnasium . "Grammar school'’' with E Oesterreich . classical bias (Austria)

Humanmedizin Medicine n.b, Medizin

Humor Humour, sense of humour

Hygiene Hygiene

Hypnose Hypnosis

Hysterie Hysteria

Ich Self/.ego n , b, Ego

Ichbewusstsein • - — Self-awareness

Ichstaerke Ego-strength

Identifikation (Psychologie)■ Identification (psychology)

Identitaetsbewusstsein ■ Identity consciousness

Ideologie Ideology

Ideologische Erziehung Ideological education

Ideologiekritik Critique of ideologies

Idiotie Idiocy

Illustrierte Magazine (illustrated)

Imbezill ita et. Imbecillity

Immatrikulation . - University enrolment Imperialismus --- Imperialism

Impulsivita et------Impulsiveness

Individualethik------Individual ethics


Individualpaedagogik------Individual education (methods)

Individualpsychologie------Individual psychology .

Induktion (Philosophie) --- Induction (philosophy)

Induktive Grammatik------Inductive grammar

Industrie --- Industry

Industriealisierung --- Industrialisa tion

Industriearbeiter --- Industrial v/orker

Industriebetrieb --- Industrial plant/works

Industriefilm -- Industrial film

Industriegesellscheft Industrial society

Industrielle Psychologie -- Industrial psychology

Industriepaedagogik -- Industrial education (methods)

Infant School --

Infantilismus — Infantilism

Infinitesimalrechnung — Infinitesimal calculus

Informatik -- Computer science

Informatiker -- Teacher of/expert in computer science

Information — Information

Informationsdienst — Information service

Informationstheorie — Information theory

Informationswissenschaft — Information science

Informeller Test — Informal test

Infrastruktur — Infrastructure LECS/DOC (72) 14

Ingenieur (grad) . :---"Certified engineer" (graduate 'of Ihgenieuraksdemie)

Ingenieurschule School of engineering

In g e n i e ur w i s s en s c h s f t Engineering science .

In-Group -— In-Group

Inhaltsanalyse Content analysis n.b. Content Analysis

Inkongruenz Incongruence

Innenpolitik Domestic policy

Innere Motivation Intrinsic motivation

Innovation Innovation

Instinkt , Instinct

Institution Institution

Integration Integration

Integrierte Gesamtschule . '"Integrated'.' (i.e. genuine) comprehensive school

Integrierte zweisprachige Integrated bilingual Sekundarschule secondary school

Intellektueller Intellectual'

Intelligenz Intelligence

Intelligenzmessung Measurement of intelligence

Intelligenzquotient Intelligence quotient n.b. IQ I.Q.

Intelligenztest ...Intelligence test

Intensives Lesen ' — Intensive reading

Interaktion — ■- Interaction

Interdisziplinaer Interdisciplinary

Interesse Interest ■

Interessentest Interest test

Internat Boarding school Internationale Konferenz International conference

Internationale Jugendarbeit- International youth work

Internationale Organisation- International organisation

Internes Fernsehen Closed Circuit Television n.b. Closed Circuit Television

Interpretation Interpretation

Interpunktion Punctuation

Interview Interview

Interviewtechnik Interview technique

Intoleranz Intolerance

Intonation (Phonetik) Intonation (phonetics)

Introversion Introversion

Invaliditaet Disablement

Investition Investment

Irrtum Error

Italienisch Italian

Jaehrlich Annual(ly)

Jahresarbeit Year’s work

Jahrgangsklasse "Age-group class" (class based, on age)

Jensplan Jena plan

Jugend Youth

Jugendalter Juvenile age-group E 12-20 Jahre 12-20 years n.b. Jugendphase

Jugendamt Youth office (local)

Jugendarbeit Youth work

Jugendarbeitsschutz Juvenile labour legislation Jugendarrest Juvenile detention

Jugendbehoerde Youth authorities

Jugendbewegung — Youth movement

.Jugendbuch Book for teenagers ■ • -

Jugendbuecherei Youth library

Jugendfernsehen TV for teenagers

Jugendfuersorge Juvenile care and protection'

Jugendgericht. Juvenile court.

Jugendgerichtsgesetz Juvenile Courts Act

Jugendgerichtshilfe Juvenile court advisory service

Jugendgruppe Youth group

Jugendherberge Youth hostel

Jugendhilfe Youth welfare (in general : embraces both juvenile care and protection and "youth car

Jugendhilferecht ' Youth welfare legislation

Jugendhof Youth welfare workers' - training hostel

Jugendkriminalitaet Juvenile delinquency o Jugendkunde Study of youth n.b, Paedagogische Jugendkunde

Jugendleiter Youth leader (male)

Jugendleiterin Youth leader (female)

Jugendlexikon Teenagers' encyclopaedia-

Jugendliche Banden — - Juvenile gangs n.b, Banden

Jugendlicher , Youth/teenager

Jugendlitera tur Juvenile literature Jugendorganisation Youth organisation n.b. Jugendverband youth association

Jugendpflege "Youth care" (i.e. welfare of non-endangered, non^ wayward youth)

Jugendpfleger Youth (welfare) worker

Jugendpolitik Youth policy

Jugendpsychiatrie Juvenile psychiatry

Jugendpsychologie Juvenile psychology '

Jugendsoziologie Juvenile sociology

Jugendsport Teenage sport

Jugendstrafanstalt Prison for young offenders, Borstal

Jugendstrafrecht Juvenile criminal law

Jugendstrafvollzug Treatment of young offenders

J ugendtourismus Teenage tourism

Jugendwohlfahrt Young, people 1s welfare, wellbeing

Jugendwohlfahrtsgesetz Youth Welfare Act .

Jugendwohnheim Young people's hostel

Jugendzeitschrift Young people's periodical

Jung (Knabe) Boy

Junglehrer Junior teacher

Junior College

Junior School Junior School

Jurist Lawyer

Justizbehoerde Judicial authority

Kabelfernsehen Cable TV Kabine — Booth n,b., Carrel carrel

Kammerton ' — Concert pitch

Kapital — Capital (economics)

Kapitalismus — Capitalism

Kartenstaender — Map 'stand

Kassettenfilm — Cassette film n.b. Filmkassette film cassette

Kassettentonband ■— Cassette tape

Katalog •— Catalogue

Ketegoriale Bildung ■— Education towards objectives expressed in terms of idealistic concepts (e.g. truth, beauty, goodness, righteousness)

Katholische Erziehung ■— Roman Catholic education

Katholische Fakultaet — Roman Catholic faculty

Katholische Jugend — Roman Catholic youth

Katholische Kirche — Roman Catholic Church

Katholischer Religions­ — *• Roman Catholic religious unterricht instruction

Katholizismus — Roman Catholicism

Kaufmaennische Ausbildung — Commercial training

Kaufmaennische. Berufe — Commercial occupations

Kaufmaennische Berufs­ — Full-time’commercial school fachschule

Kernfach — Core subject

Kernunterricht — Core subject teaching

KibbuzerZiehung ~— Kibbutz education

Kind — Child E' Kleinkind Caeugling Kinderbuch Children's book

Kinderdo'rf Childx-en's village

Kinderfernsehen Children's TV

Kinderfilm Children's film

Kindergaertnerin teacher

Kindergarten Kindergarten

Kindergelt Child's allowance

Kinderheilkunde Pediatrics/child medicine

Kinderheim Children's home

Kinderkrankheit Childhood illness

Kinderladen Voluntary pre-school, play­ group

Kinderlitera tur : Children's literature

Kinderpsychiatrie Child psychiatry

Kinderpsychologie Child psychology

Kinderschutz Child welfare

Kinderspielplatz Children's playground

Kindersterblichkeit Child mortality . .

Kindertagesstaette Day nursery n.b. Hort creche

Kinder- und Jugend­ Childhood and youth research forschung

Kindereeichnung — — Children 1s drawing

Kinderzeitschrift Children's magazine n.b. Kinderzeitung children's newspaper

Kindesalter Childhood (1-12 years) E 1-12 Jahre

Kindesmisshandlung Ill-treatment of children Kirchen (Institutionen) — 'Churches (institutions) •

Kirchengeschichte — Ecclesiastical history

Kirchenrecht — Canon law

Kirchenschure — Church school

Klassenarbeit — Class work (written)

Klassenbue oliere i — Class library

Klas s enf r e q u en z — Pupils per class

Klassengroesse. — Class size

Klasseninternes Fernsehen — Classroom closed circuit television

Klassenkampf: . .. • — Class struggle . ■

Klassenlehrer — Class teacher

Klassenreise — Class excursion n.b. Schulfahrt. school journey

Klassensprecher. -- "Class spokesman" form captain

Klassenunterricht. — Class teaching

Klassenzimmer — Class room n.b. Klassenraum

Klassifikation — Classification

Kleidung — Clothing

Kleinfamilie — Nuclear family-

Kleingruppe Small group

Kleinkind — Pre-school child (aged. 3-5 years)

Kleinkindererziehung — Infant education

Kleinstadt — Small town

Klimaanlage — Air conditioning

Klinische Psychologie — Clinical psychology

Koalition — Coalition Koedukation-. --- Coeducation n.b. Gemeinschaftsschule

Koenigsteinor Abkommen "Koenigsteiner Abkommen"

Koerperbau -— Physique, physical stature

Koerperbehinderter Physically handicapped, person . n.b, Behinderter

Koerperbe-hindertes Kind Physically handicapped child n.b. Behindei'tes Kind

Koerperbehinderung Physical handicap

Koerperhaltung Physical posture n.b. Haltung

Koerperliche Entwicklung Physical development n.b. Physische Entwicklung \

Koerperliche Zuechtigung — Corporal punishment n.b. Pruegelstrafe beating/caning

Kognitive Entwicklung — Cognitive development

Kolleg — Full-time adult education E Institut zur Erlangung institute leading to qualification der Hochschulreife for university entrance

Kollektive -— Collective/team

Kollektiverziehung — Collective education

Kolloquium — Colloquium

Kolonialismus — Colonialism

Kommentar — Comment(ary)

Kommunikation — Communications

Kommunikationsforschung — Communications research

Kommunikationsmittel — Communications medium

Kommunikationstheorie — Communications theory

Kommuni smus »— Communism

Kommunistische Erziehung — Communist education

Komoedie Comedy Kompensatorische Erziehung — Compensatory education

Konditionierung — Conditioning . ,

Konferenz — Conference n.b. Symposium symposium

Konfessionsschule — Denominational school n.b. Bek.enntnissschule. Evangelische Schule Protestant school Katholische Schule Roman

Konflikt — Conflict :

•o Kongruenz — Congruence

Konjunktur — Economic situation/business cycle ■ .

Konkordat . ■ : — Concordat

! Konserva tismus — Conservatism

Konstitution — Constitution (physiology)

Konstitutionslehre — Constitution theory, body^ build theory

Konstitutionstyp — Constitutional type

Konstruierte Antwort — Constructed response

Konsum — Consumption (of goods)

Konsument — Consumer n,b. Verbraucher

Konsumerziehung — Consumer education n.b, Verbraucher­ erziehung

Konsumgesellschaft' — Consumer society

Konsumzwang — r..,."Compulsion to consume11

Kontaktfaehigkeit — Social ability

Kontaktlinse : •— Contact lens... ■ ,

Kontaktstudium . :— Graduate refresher courses

Kontextmaterial — Contextual .material Kontrolle Control

Kontrollgruppe Control group

Konzentrationsunterricht Concentrated teaching

Konzentriertes Fernstudium Full-time higher education by correspondence

Kooperation . Co-operation

Koordination Co-ordination

Kopiertechnik -— Multicopying techniques

Korrektur Correction

Korrelation — — Correlation

Kosten Costs

Kostenanalyse Cost analysis

Krankenhaus Hospital

Krankenschwester Kurse

Krankenversicherung Health insurance

Kranker Sick person/patient

Krankheit Illness

Kreatives' Denken Creative thinking

Kreativitaet Creativity

Kretschmer-Hoehn-Test — — Kretschmer-Hoehn test

Krieg --— War

Kriegsgefangener Prisoner of war

Kriminalitaet Delinquency

Kriminalpsychologie Criminal psychology n.h. Forensische Psjrçhologie

KriminaIsoziologie Criminal sociology

Kriteriumstest — - Criterion referenced test Kritikfaehigkeit Critical ability

Kritzeltest "Scribble test"

Kuenslerische Begabung — — Artistic ability

Kuenstliche Beleuchtung Artificial lighting

Kultur — -- Culture

Kulturabkommen Cultural Agreement

Kulturaustausch: Cultural exchange •

Kulturbeziehung Cultural relations

Kulturelle Auslands­ Cultural- foreign relations beziehungen n.b. Auswaertige Kulturbeziehungen

Kulturgeschichte Cultural history

Kulturkrise Cultural crisis

Kulturpaedagogik Cultural education (methods)

Kulturphilosophie Cultural philosophy

Kulturpolitik Cultural policy

Kulturpsychologie Cultural psychology

Kultursoziologie Cultural sociology

Kulturzentrum ' Cultural centre

Kultusamt Office for Ecclesiastical E Oesterreich Affairs (in Ministry of Education) (Austria.)

Kultusministerium -— Ministry of education and culture (+ religious affairs)

Kultusrecht law relating to éducation . (including youth affairs and sport), culture and ecclesiastical affairs:' Kun s t Art .

Kunsterzieher Art teacher

Kunsterziehung Art education

Kunstgeschichte History of Art

Kun s tho ch s chule .College of art (higher ■education)

Kunststoff Synthetic materials/plastics n.b. Plastik

Kurs — •- Course

Kursprogramm — ~ Coursé programme (TV.)

Kursunterricht Course teaching (optional subjects)

Kurzgeschichte Short story

Kurzschule "Half year school" (open in winter only in rural areas - 1 9 "th century)

Kurzschuljahr Short school year

Kurzsichtigkeit Myopia

Kurzspielfilm Short film

Kurzstudium . Short university course

Kybernetik Cybernetics

Kybernetische Paedagogik Cybernetic education (methods)

Kybernetisches Modell Cybernetic model Laboratorium --- Laboratory

Labyrinthtest' --- Maze test ^ ,

Laenge —- Length

Laengsschnittuntersuchung. 'Longitudinal study

Laerm • — noise

Lager ---"Encampment" (temporary homes,- E Wohn- oder Barackenlagero an<3- camps) Laienspiel --- Amateur dramatics

Landbevoelkerung --- Rural population

Landerziehungsheim ---Private co-educational country boarding schools

Landeskunde --- Study of a country

Landesrecht National lav;

Landjugend . --- Rural youth

Landkarte ---: Map n.b. Karte

Landkind --- Rural child

Landschule ' ---Rural school n.b, Dorfschule village school

Land- und Porstwirtschaft Part-time vocational school of liehe Berufsschule .. agricultures and forestry E Oesterreich .(Austria)

Land- und Forstwirtschaft- -- Vocational agricultural and liehe Fachschule forestry school (Austria) E Oesterreich Landwirt ---.Trained farmer n.b, Diplom-Landwirt

Landwirtschaft • --- Agriculture

Landwirtschaftliche Training college for agricultural Berufspaedàgogische Lehr- vocational school teachers anstalt (Austria) E Oesterreich Landwirtschaftliche Berufs­ Part-time agricultural schule vocational school

Landwirtschaftliche Agricultural Faculty Eakultaet

Landwirtschaftlicher Agricultural teaching Unterricht

Landwirtschaftswissenschaft Agricultural science

Langeweile Boredom

Langfristige Planung Long-term planning

Langstudium Long university course

Latein . Latin

Lateinunterricht Latin teaching

Latinum University entrance qualification in Latin

Laufen Walking

Lautbildung Articulation n , b. Artikulat ion Aussprache

Lautes Lesen Reading aloud

Lautschrift Phonetic transcription

Lautsprecher loudspeaker

Layout Layout

Lebensalter — - Chronological age n , b f .Alter

Lebenserwartung Life expectancy

Lebensstandard Standard of living legastheinie -;— Legasthenia n„b. Leseschwaeche reading difficulty

Lehralgorithmus Teaching algorithm

Lehramt Permanent teaching post

Lehramt spruefung Qualifying examination for admission to a permanent teaching post Lehranstalt fuer gehobene -- School for the higher social Sozialberufe occupations (Austria) E Oesterreich Lehranstalt für Sozialberufe- — School for Social work Soziallehranstalt (Austria) • ■ ■ E Oesterreich Lehrautomat -- Teaching machine

\ Lehrbefaehigung — Teaching qualification (general)

Lehrberuf — Apprentice trades (i.e. occupa­ E Berufe mit 3 his 3.2— tions requiring ö ~ 3 Jé years jaehriger Lehrzeit training)

Lehrbuch — Text book

Lehren — Teaching

Lehrer — Teacher (male)

Lehrerausbildung — Teacher training n.b. Lehrerbildung

Lehreraustausch — Teacher exchange

Lehrerbedarf - — Demand for teachers n.b. Lehrermangel shortage of teachers

Lehrerbibliothek — Teachers' Library

Lehrerfortbildung — Teachers' further training

Lehrergewerkschaft — Teachers' trade union

Lehrerin — Teacher (female) V Lehrerkillegium — Teaching staff

Lehrerkonferenz — Staff meeting

Lehrerorganisation — ^Teachers' organisation n.b. Lehrerverband

Lehrerpruefung — Qualifying examination for (primary school) teachers

Lehrerrolle — Teacher's role

Lehrerseminar — Probationary teachers' n.b, Seminar seminar

Lehrerstudent — • Student teacher

Lehrerteam — Teaching team

Lehrerverein — Teachers'- association Lehrerzimmer Staff room

Lehrfach Teaching subject

Lehrfilm Teaching film

Lehrfreiheit Academic freedom (freedom to E Freiheit von Forschung teach without State or church und Lehre interference)

Lehrgang Course

Lehrgeraet Teaching machine (programmed n.b» lemgeraet instruction)

Lehrling Apprentice

Lehrmaschine Autotutor n.b. Autotutor Lernmaschine

Lehrmeister Master-craftsman responsible for instructing an apprentice

Lehrmittel Teaching aid n.b, Lernmittel learning aid

Lehrmittelausstellung Teaching aids exhibition

Lehrmittelfreiheit Free provision of textbooks n.b. Lemmittelfreihiet (and teaching materials)

Lehrmittelpaket Teaching package

Lehrmittelzimmer Learning resources room

Lehrmodell Model course

Lehrplan Syllabus/curriculum

Lehrprobe Lesson given by student teacher in the presence of his super­ visors) for assessment purpose

' Lehrprogramm ■Teaching programme n.b. Programm

L ehrpro grammanalyse Teaching programme analysis

Lehrprogrammeinheit Teaching programme unit n.b. Lehrprogrammschritt

Lehrschwimmbecken Beginners' swimming pool Lehrstoff Subject matter (to be taught)

Lehrsystem leaching system

Lehrwerkstatt Teaching workshop

Lehrzeit length of apprenticeship

Lehrziel Teaching objective n.b. Lernziel learning objective

Lehrzielanalyse Teaching objective analysis

Lehrzielbeschreibung Teaching objective'description n.b. Lernsielbeschreihung

Leibeserziehung Physical education n.b. Koerpererziehung

Leichtathletik Athletics

Leistung ' Achievement/performance

Leistungsdifferenzierung Differentiation according to achievement

Leistungsfaehighkeit Good performance

Leistungsgesellschaft Achievement-orientated society

Leistungsgruppe Ability group n.b. Niveaugruppe

Leistungshemmung Achievement-inhibiting factor

Leistungskontrolle Achievement còntrol leistungskurs Advanced course leistimgsmessung Achievement measurement

Leistungspruefung ' Achievement testing

Leistungsschwaeche Low achievement

Leistungssport Competitive sport

Leistungssteigerung ' ■Achievement gain ,

Leistungstest •Achievement test

Lektor Junior lecturer (practical subjects) Lektuere Reading matter

Leninismus leninism

L e rnbehinderung Learning handicap

n.b, Begabungsschwaeche lernstoerung'j Lernhemmung Lernschwierigkeit Lernen Learning

Lemenlernen Learning-to-learn n.b. Learning to learn

Lernerfolg Learning success

Lernf erti j'keit Learning skill

Lemgewohnheit Learning habit

Lernhilfe Learning aid n.b, Andeutung cue, prompt

Lernprozess Learning process

Lernpsychologie Learning psychology

L e m s p i e l Learning game

Lerntempo Learning pace, rate

Lerntest Learning test

Lerntheorie Learning theory

Lernzeit Learning time

Lesebuch Reader (book) n.b, Fibel primer

Lesefaehigkeit Reading ability

Lesegeraet Reading machine (for micro- film etc.)

Lesegeschwindigkeit Reading speed

Lesegewohnhheit Reading habit

Lesen Reading

Lesenlernen Learning to read

Lesespiel Reading game Lesetechnik — Reading technique I Lesetest — Reading test

Lethargie — Lethargy . •

Lexikon — - Encyclopaedia

Liberalismus ■— Liberalism

Liehe ■— Love

Liftkurs — Remedial course

■Linguistik — Linguistics

Linkshaendigkeit' ■— Left-handedness

Literatur ’ — Literature

Literaturbericht ■— Literature review (survey)

Literaturgeschichte. ■— History of literature

Literatursosiologie Sociology of literature

Literaturunterricht — Literature teaching

Literaturwissenschaft Literary studies

Lob Praise

Lochkarte -— Punched card

Lochstreifen -,— Punched paper tape

Logik Logic

„Logische Bloecke Logic blocks

Logistik (Mathematische ■ Mathematical logic Logik)

i Lohn Wages

Lohnpolitik Wages policy

Luegen — Lying

Lyrik Lyric poetry Maedchen --- Girl

Maedchenbildung —- Girls’ education

Maerchen --- Fairy tale

Magister -- Master's degree

Magisterpruefung -- Master's degree examination

Magnetband n.b. Videoband — Magnetic tape Videotape Magnetische Bildaufzeichnung -- ■ Videorecording (MAZ) n.b. PernsehaufZeichnung I.V. recording

Magnettafel Magnetic blackboard

Malen — - Painting (activity)

Manager — Manager

Manisch-depressives Irresein — Manic-depressive psychosis

Mann .--- Man

Mannheimer Schulsystem — "Mannheimer Schulsystem"

Manuelle Geschicklichkeit — Manual dexterity

Marxismus — Marxism

Maschinelle Sprachueber- — Machine translation setzung

Maschinenbau — Mechanical engineering n.b. Maschinenkunde Mechanics Maschinenlehre

Maschineschreiben — Typewriting

Massenmedien Mass media . . n.b. Massenkommunikations­ mittel

Mathematik - Mathematics

Mathematiker — Mathematician

Mathematikunterricht — Mathematics teaching

Mathematische Paehigkeit — Mathematical ability

Mathematisches Denken — Mathematical thinking

Mathematisches Realgymnasium — •"Mathematisches Realgymnasium" E Oesterreich (Austria) Mathemat i s ch-naturw i s s en- _— Mathematics and sciences schaftlicher Unterricht teaching

Mathematisch-naturwissen­ "Grammar school" with mathe schaftliches Gymnasium matics and science bias

Mathematisch-technischer- — - Mathematical technician Assistent n.b. Assistent

Matura University entrance E Oesterreich und qualifying examination Schweiz

Medien -.— Media/teaching aids

Medienforschung Media research

Medienkunde Study of media

Medienpaedagogik Media education (methods) n.b. Medienerziehung, screen education Medienspezialist -— Media specialist

Medienverbund Multi-media system n . b. Mu 11 i -M e d i a -3) a r b i e t un g Medienzentrum Media centre

Mediothek Learning resources centre

Medizinische Anthropology Medical anthropology

Medizinische Psychologie Medical psychology

Medizinisch-technischer Medical technician Assistent n.b, Assistent

Mehrwegprogramm Scrambled programme n.b. Verzvieigtes Programm branching programme

Meinung Opinion n.b. Gesinnung attitude

Meinungsbildung Opinion formation

Meinungsfreiheit freedom of opinion

Meister Master-craftsman

Meistèrklasse Master class

Melodie. Melody Menge Quantity

Mengenlehre Set theory

Menschenrechte Human right's

Mentor l'ut or, mentor

Methode Method

Methodentheorie Method theory

Methodologie Methodology

Metronom Metronome

Microfiche Microfiche

Microfilm Microfilm

Mieroteaching -— Microteaching

Mikrobiologie Microbiology

Mikrofon Microphone

Microskop Microscope

Mikroskopie Microscopy

Milieu Environment (social)

Milieupaedagogik -— ('Environmental education" (adaptation of methods in the light of environmental factors)

Milieuschaedigung Environmental damage (i.e., damage due to environmental factors)

Militaer Armed forces

Militarismus Militarism

Minderheitengruppe — - Minority group n.b, Minoritaeten minorities

Minderheitenschule — -- Minority school

Minderjaehriger Minor

Minderwertigkeitsgefuehl Sense o'f inferiority. t

Misserfolg — Eailure

Misserfolgserlebnis — Experience of failure

Missionsschule — Mission school

Mitarbeiter — Co-worker

Mitbestimmung — Workers' participation

Mitgliedschaft — Membership

Mittelbau — "Transitional phase" (between primary and post-)

Mittelfristige Planung — Medium-term planning

Mittelpunktschule -- Centrally-situated school m n.b. Zentralschule

Mittelschicht — — Middle class (Soc.)

Mittelschule (Oesterreich) Former designation of secondary general schools leading to higher education (Austria)

Mittelstufe ; Middle (classes of secondary) school

Mittlere Geschichte "Post-Roman history" (Great Migrations - French Revolution)

Mittlere Reife Intermediate school certificate n.b. Realschulabschluss

Mittlere Schule Intermediate school (Austria) E Oesterreich

Mobilitasi Mobility

Mode Fashion (clothes) E Bekleidung

Modell Model

Modellschule Model school

Mo delltri ckf ilm Model cartoon film n.b. Trickfilm

Modellversuch Pilot project

Modifikation Modification Moebel — Furniture

Monatlich -- Monthly

Monographie — Monograph

Montanistische Hochschule — College of Mining (Austria) E Oesterreich

Moral — Moral, morality

M orphologie — Morphology

Motivation; n.h. Entmutigung— Motivation Ermutigung Motorik Motor control n.h. Peinmotorik Grobmotorik

Motorische Entwicklung — Motor development

Motorische Fertigkeit Motor skill

Muetterberatung — Mother counselling

Muetterschule — School for mothers

Mundart — Dialect n.b. Dialekt

Museum — Museum

Musik Music

Musikalitaet Musicality

Musikerziehung Musical education n.b, Musikschule (Konser­ conservatoire vatorium)

Musikinstrument Musical instrument

Musiklehrer Music teacher

Musikunterricht Music teaching

Mus ikwissenschaft Musicology

Musische Begabung Artistic talent

Musische Erziehung Artistic education

Musisch-Paedagogisches "Grammar school" preparing Realgymnasium for admission to teacher E Oesterreich training college, with instru­ mental music as a compulsory subject (Austria) Muster Pattern, model

Mutter Mother

Mut t e rs chutz ge s e t z Mothers' Welfare Act

Muttersprache Mother tongue

Muttersprachlicher Unter­ Instruction in the mother richt tongue

Nachahmung Imitation

Nachbaraschaft Neighbourhood

Nachbars chaft she im "Neighbourhood centre” (settlement)

N ae h e r z a ehi ung-. Reproduction (of narrative, as linguistic exercise)

Nachhilfe Remedial teaching, extra tuition

Nachmittagsprogramm Afternoon programme (TV)

Nachmittagsunterricht Afternoon school

Nachrichtentechnik Communications technology (radio) n.b. Radiotechnik

Nachschlagewerk Reference book

Nachtest Post-test

Naehe Nearness, vicinity

Nahrungsmittel Pood

Nationalismus Nationalism

Nationalitaet Nationality n.b. Staatsbuergerschaft

Nationalsozialismus National Socialism

Naturlehre Nature study

Naturphilosophie Natural philosophy naturalism

Naturwissenschaft (Natural) science

Naturwissenschaftler Scientist.

Naturwissenschaftlicher ■ Science teaching Unterricht E a t urw i s s ens c haf 1 1 i che s "Grammar school" with sciences- Gymnasium bias (Austria) E Oesterreich

nebenamtliche Mitarbeiter Part-time assistant

Nebenfach Subsidiary subject

Neger -— Negro

Neokolonialismus Neo-colonialism

Nervositaet Nervousness

, Netzplantechnik Network planning

Neue Mathematik New Mathematics

•Neuere Geschichte Modern history

Neugierde Curiosity

Neuphilologie Study of modern languages and literature

Neurologie Neurology

Neurose Neurosis

Neurosenlehre Study of neurosis

Neusprachlicher Unterricht Modern language teaching

Neusprachliches Gymnasium ___ "'Grammar school" with modem languages bias

Niederlaendisch Dutch

Niveaukurs "Optional-level course"

Nomenklatur Nomenclature

Notation Notation

Novelle Novella

Nuernberger Lehrplan "Nuernberger Lehrplan"

Obdachlose Homeless persons

Oberschicht Upper class (soc.)

Oberschueler Secondary school pupil

Oberschule Secondary school

Oberstufe /6 th' form (= 3 top classes of "grammar school") Obers tuf enrefo.rm Upper school reform

Objekterkennungstest "Object recognition test"

Objektiv (linse) lens

Objektivierte Leistungs- Objective achievement test pruefung

Objektivitaet Objectivity

Objektqualitaet Object quality

Oedipuskomplex Oedipus complex

Oeffentliehe Buecherei Public library n.b, Yolksbuecherei

Oeffentliche Erziehung Public (state) education

Oeffentliche Puersorge Public welfare

Oeffentliche Jugendhilfe Public youth welfare '

Oeffentliche Meinung Public opinion

Oeffentliche Schule Public (state) school

Oeffentliche Sozialhilfe Public social welfare

Oeffentliche Traeger Public service body

Oeffentliches Fernsehen Public TV

Oeffentliches Recht Public law

Oeffentlichkeit The public

Oekonomie (Wirtschaft­ Economy (thrift) lichkeit)

Oelfarbe Oil paint

Offene Hilfen Hon-institutional welfare service

Offene Jugendarbeit Non-institutional youth work

On-the- job-'T raining On-the-Job-Training

Open University — - Open University

Operationalisierung Operationalisation Opposition — Opposition

Optik Optics

Ordnung — Order

Ordnungsrecht — Statutory disciplinary regulations in educational establishment s

Organisation(zusammen- — Organisation (body) Schluss; Organische Chemie — Organic Chemistry

Organisieren — 0rganisation (st.rueturai)

Orientierungsstufe — "Guidance period"

Ori g inaii t a e t — Originality Turnen — Orthopaedic gymnastics

Ortskraft — local staff

Ortswechsel — Change of residence

Ostkunde — Oriental studies

Out-Group — Out-Group

Paedagoge — Educator, pedagogue

Paedagogik — Education (methods)

Paedagogik der Auslands­ — German overseas school schule methods n.h. Auslandspaedagogik

Paedagogische Akademie — Teacher training college (Austria) E Oesterreich

Paedagogische Anthropologie --- Educational anthropology

Paedagogische Auslands­ Overseas educational activities arbeit (GDR) n.b. der DDR

Paedagogische Bibliothek Educational library

Paedagogische Dokumentation Educational documentation

Paedagogische Pakultaet Faculty of Education

Paedagogische Forschung Educational research Paedagogische Hochschule — Teacher Training College, n . h, PH College of Education

Paedagogische Psychologie -- Educational psychology

Paedagogische Schule — Training college for kinder­ E ' DDR garten teachers (C-DB.)

Paedagogische Statistik — Educational statistics

Paedagogische-Tatsachen­ — Educational fact-finding forschung research Institut — Pedagogical Institute

Papier — Paper

Parabel (Literatur) -— Parable

Paranoia — Paranoia

Parapsychologie ■— Parapsychology

Partei •— (Political) Party

Passiver Widerstand •— '"Passive resistance

Patient •— Patient

Pause ■— Break, school recreation period

Pazifismus — Pacifism

Pedanterie — Pedantry

Peer Group — Peer Group

Pension (Ruhegehalt) — Retirement pension

Periodikum — Periodical (publication)

Persoenliche Hilfe — Individual help

Persoenlichkeit — Personality n.b. Individualitaet

Persoenlichkeitsdiagnose -— Personality diagnosis

Persoenlichkeitsforschung — Personality research

Persoenlichkeitsmerkmal Personality trait n.b. Eigentum

Persoenlichkeitstest — Personality test 'O ersonal — -- Personnel

Pf legeeltem Poster-parents . ,

Pflegekind Poster-child

Pflichtfach' Compulsory subject n.b. Pflichtgegenstand

Pflichtjahr --— Compulsory year

PflichtStundenzahl Compulsory number of lessons

Phantasie Imagination

Phaenomeno1o gìe Phenomenology

Philologe Teacher (scholar) of languages, philologist

Philologie Philology

Philosophie — — Philosophy

Philosophische Pakultaet Arts Faculty

Philosophisch-Theologische Theological College (Austria) Hochschule E Oesterreich

Phonetik Phonetics n.b. Lautlehre

Physik Physics

Physikalische Chemie Physical chemistry

Physiker Physicist

Physiklehrer Physics teacher

Physikunterricht Physics teaching

Physiologie Physiology

Planung Planning

Platoonplan Platoon plan

Plattenspieler Ptecord player

Pluralismus Pluralism

./• DECS/DOC (72) 14

Politile Politics, policy

Politische Bildung Political education n.b. Politische Erziehung

Politische Geographie Political geography

Politische Psychologie Political psychology

Politische Soziologie Political sociology

Politische Weltkunde "World Affairs"

Politische Wissenschaft Political science n.b. Politilevv-iss ens chaft Politologie

Polizei Police

Polytechnische Bildung "Polytechnic education" E Prinzip (principle) n.b. Polytechnische Erziehung

Polytechnischer Lehrgang Polytechnic course (Austria) E Oesterreich

Polytechnischer Unterricht [Technological training E Schulfach, DDR (school subject, GDR)

Polytechnisches Kabinett School technology "museum"

Positivismus Positivism

Pragmatismus Pragmatism

Praktikant Student undergoing period of practical training

Praktikum Period of practical training

Praktische Intellegenz Practical intelligence

Presse (Zeitungswesen) The press

Pressefreiheit ■ Freedom of the press

\ Presserecht Press law

Pressure Group Pressure Group

Priester Priest

P 3? ima e r grupp e Primary group

Primarschule Primary school Primarstufe - Primary level

Privateigentum - Private property

Privatschule - Private school n.b. Privatschulwesen Private Volksschule

P r i va t s c huirecht - Private school legislation

Privatunterricht - Private tutoring

Privilegiertense hule - School for the privileged

Privilegierung - Concession of privileges

Probeunterricht - Practice lesson

Probezeit - Probationary period

P robiemlo e s en - Problem solving

Produktion’'1 - Production

Produktionstechnik - Production technology

Produktives Denken Productive thinking

Profilkurs ’’Student profile course" (optional - to suit pupul’s interests)

Prognose Prognosis

Prognostischer Test Prognostic test

Pro grammie rt e r Unt e rri cht P r o g ramme d inst rue t i o il n.b. Programmierte Instruktion Programmiertes lernen

Progressive Education------

Projektion (Psychologie). --- Projection (psychology)

Projektionstechnik --- Projection technique

Projektionstisch --- Projection table

P ro jekt i onswand --- Projection screen

Projektmethode --- Project method

Projektor --- Projector T>romotion ---'Award of doctor's degree

Promotionsordnung --- -Regulations governing award of doctorate

Promotionsstipendium — Post-graduate fellowship, (for doctorate students;

Proportion ■Proportion

Prosa — Prose

Protest ---■ Protest

Protestantismus - Protestantism

Prozentsatz --- Percentage ■' •.

Pruefung --- Examination n.D. Biplom-Examen Examen '

Pruefungsangst Examination phobia .

Pruefungsordnung — i- Examination regulations

Pruefungsrecht' ----- law governing examinations

Psychagoge --- "Psycho-pedagogue"

Psychagogik' "Psychopedagogical theory"

Psychiatrie — -- Psychiatry

Psychoanalyse — --■■ Psychoanalysis

Psychodiagnosis -— Psychodiagnosis

Psychodiagnostik — :- Psychodiagnostics ^ n.h.. Psychologische Biagnos hik . Psychohygiene - - --—■ Mental health.

Psychologe Psychologist. •' • • •

Psychologie — Psychology'

Psychologische Statistik — ■- Psychological■statistics

Psychomotorische Âktivitaët -— - Psychomotor activity .

Psychopathologie --- Psycho-pathology

Psychose — ^Psychosis n.h. Geisteskrankheit mental illness

• /. Psychosomatik Psychosomatics

Psychotherapie Psychotherapy

Pubertaet Puberty

Public Highschool Public Highschool

Public Relations Public Relations

Public School Public school

Puppenspiel Puppetry

Puppentrickfilm Puppet cartoon-film n.b. Trickfilm

Qualitaet Quality

Quantitaet Quantity

Quote Quota, number, figure

Rabbiner Rabbi

Rahmenlehrplan Outline curriculum

Rahmenplan Outline plan (i.e., of the E des deutschen Aus­ German Education Commission) schusses für das Er- ziehungs- und Bildungs­ wesen

Rahmenvereinbarung Outline Agreement (of Standing E der staendigen Conference of Ministers of Konferenz der Kultus­ Education) minister

Rasse Race

Rassendiskriminierung Racial disciùmination

Rass enint e gra t i on Racial integration

Rationalisierung Rationalisation

Raum Space

Raumbedarf Space requirements

Raumbegriff Space concept

Raumf ahrtt e chnik Space technology

Raumgestaltung Interior design, room arrangement Rauschgift Drugs, narcotics

Reaktion Reaction

Reaktionszeit Reaction time

Realgymnasium .— "Realgymnasium" (Austria' E Oesterreich

"Realia" Realia

Realschueler Intermediate secondary school Mittelschueler pupil

Realschulahsolvent "Graduate"' of intermediate secondary school •

Realschule Intermediate secondary school n.b. Mittleschule

Rechenmaschine Calculating machine

Rechenschwierigkeit Difficulty in arithmetic

Rechentest Arithmetic test

Rechenunterricht Arithmetic teaching

Rechenverfahren Arithmetical procedure

Rechnen Arithmetic

Recht Law

Rechtschreibschwaeche Dyslexia

Rechtschreibtest .Spelling test

Rechtschreibung Spelling n.b. Orthographie

Rechtschreibunterricht Teaching of spelling n.b. Orthographieunterricht

Rechtsgeschichte , - History of law

Rechtskunde - Study of law

Rechtsphilosophie Philosophy of law

Rechtsstaat Constitutional State

Redundanztheorie ' - Theory of redundancy. Ref erendarausbildung In-service training for probationary teachers (and other civil servants), prior to full qualification

"Reform" Reform f Reformpaedagogik "Reformist education" (methods)

Regierung — - Government

Regierungspartei Governing party

Regierungsschule German overseas schools financé! by the local governments

Rehabilitation Rehabilitation

Reichsschulpflichtgeset2 Imperial n.b. Schulpflichtgesetz Act

Reichtum Wealth

Reifepruefung University entrance qualifying n.b. Abitur examination

Reinforcement Reinforcement (psych.)

Reiz Stimulus

Rektor University (Vice-) Chancellor

Reliabilitaet Reliability

Religioese Erziehung Religious education

"Religion" Religion

Religionsgeschichte Religious history

Religionslehrer Eeacher of religion

ReligionsSoziologie Sociology of religion / Religionsunterricht Religious instruction

Religionszugehoerigkeit Religious affiliation n.b. Konfession denomination

Rente Annuity, pension

Report Report Reproduktion Reproduction (multi-copying;

Reproduktives Denken --- Reproductive thinking

• Republik Republic

Resozialisierung Social rehabilitation

"Retardation" — - Retardation n . b. En tv; i cklungs ve rzoegerung

"Revo luti on 'ƒ Revolution

Rezension Review (of book, film etc.) n.b. Buchbesprechung

Rhythmische Erziehung . Eurhythmies n.b. Bewegungserziehung

Rhythmus Rhythm

Richtlinien Directives/guidelines

Rigiditaet — Rigidity

. Rivalitaet Rivalry

Rollenambiguitaet Role ambiguity

Rollendistanz "Role awareness"

Rollenerwartung Role expectation

Rollenkonflikt -— Role conflict

Rollentheorie Role theory

Roman Novel (book)

Romanist — Teacher scholar of Romance n.b, Neuphilologe Languages .

•Romanistik Study of, Romance Languages

"'Rorschach test" Rorschach Test

Rudern --— Rowing ' " .

Rundfunk Broadcasting (i.e. radio and E Hoerfunk und Fernsehen TV) n.b. Funk

Rundfunkg e ra e t Radio set n.b., Radio

\ ./• Rundfunksendung Radio broadcast

Rundfunkvorlesung Radio lecture

Russisch Russian

Sachbuch lì on-fiction (book)

Sachünterricht "Factual lesson" n.b, Sachkundlicher Unter' rieht

Säugling Bursing child; infant (under 1 year old)

Saeuglingsheim Home for nursing infants

Sage Legend/myth

'Sait enins t rumen t Stringed instrument

Sammelbericht .Consolidated report

Sandkasten Sand-rpit

Satellitenstadt — — Satellite town

Satellitentechnik Satellite technology

Satire Satire

Satz Sentence (syntax)

-Satzung Statute, standing orders

Scenotest Sceno-test (G, v. STAABS, Berlin 1938)

Schallplatte Gramophone record

Schamgefuehl Sexual modesty

Schauspiel Play (drama)

Schichtentheorie "Theory of social strata"

Schichtunterricht — — Shift teaching

Schizophrenie Schizophrenia

Schlaf Sleep

Schlagzeug Percussion instruments

Schmerz Pain Schrank Cupboard, cabinet

Schreiben Writing (action)

S c hr e i b enle rnen learning to write

Schreibmaschine Typewriter .

Schreibmotorik "Writing motor skills"

Schreibunterrìcht Teaching to write

S ehre ibwe rkzeug Writing implements

Schrift Writing, script

Schriftbild Lettering, type-face

Schuechternheit . ßhyness

Schueler School pupil

Schuelerarbeitsplatz Pupil's work-place

Schueleraustausch Pupil exchange

Schuelerbeobachtung -•— Pupil observation

Schuel'erbeobacntungsbogen Pupil record card (containing psychological data) *

Schuelerbuecherei School Library

Schuelerfahrtkosten Pupil transport costs

Schuelergewerkschaft Pupils' union

Schuelerklub — - School society

Schuelerkollektive Pupils' collective

Schueler-lehrerverhaeltnis Pupil-teacher relationship

Schuelerleistung Pupil achievement n.b, Schulleistung

Schuelerlotse Member of the school road- crossing pati’ol

SchuelermitVerwaltung Pupils' participation in school n.b, Schuelermitverant- administration ■wortung SchuelerSelbstver­ waltung Schuelervertretung . S ì ! N Sc'nuelerparlament School parliament

Schuelerreise School journey n . 1. S c hulfahrt

Schuelerrolle >. Pupil1 s role

Schuelerselbstkontrolle Pupil self-assessment .

Schuelertransport . School transport

S c huelerunfall Accidents to school children . n.b. Schulunfall

S c hu e 1 e r ■w an à e run g School outings and excursions

Schuelerzahl lumber of pupils

Schuelerseichnung Pupils' drawing

Schuelerzeitschrfit -— School magazine

Schuelerzeitung — - School newspaper n.b. Schulzeitung

S.chulahgang leaving school

Schulabschluss Completion of school education

Schulanfaenger ~ — School beginner

Schulangst School phobia

Schulanmeldung School enrolment

S chularchitektur School architecture

Schularzt School doctor

Schulatlas School atlas

Schulaufgabe Schoolwork n.b. Aufgabe

Schulaufsicht School inspection

Schulaufsichtsbehoerde Schools inspectorate

Schulausstattung School equipment

SchulausStellung School exhibition

— _ School building (construction) Schulbehoerde — School authority

Schulbesuch — ^School attendance

Schulhihel — School bible

Schulbuch — Textbook

Schulbus ■—; School bus

Schulchor — School choir ‘

Schuldezernent ■— Schools administration official (at local government level)

Schuldgefuehl ■— Guilt feeling

Schuldruckerei •— School printing shop .

Schule — School

Schuleignung, — School aptitude

Schuleignungsuntersuchung •— School aptitude-test . . n.b. Untersuchung

Schuleintritt — School entrance n.b. Einschulung ■

Schuleintrittsaiter — School entrance age

Schulentlassung — '’Graduation” from school'

Schulerfolg School success

Schulfach School subject n.b. Each

Schulfeier School party, celebration

Schulfernsehen Schools TV

Schuifilm Educational film for use in schools

Schuifotographie School photography n.b. Schuélerfoto­ graphie

Schulfunk Schools radio • o

S c hu 1 g e b a e ud e ~ — School "building n.b., Schulhaus

Schulgeld School tuition fees

Schulgeldfreiheit -!— Pree school tuition

Schulgemeinde -— School community

S c ixul ge schichte School history

Schulgestuehl School chairs

Schulgroesse School size

Schulhelfer School helpers, ancillary staff

Schulhof School playground

Schulhoheit Constitutional control over schools

Schulhygiene — School health and hygiene

Schulintemes. Fernsehen School closed-circuit TV

Schuljahr --- School year

Schuljahr 1 --- School year 1

Schuljahr 2 -— School year 2

Schuljahr 3 --- School year 3

Schuljahr 4 --- School year 4

Schuljahr 5 -— School year 5

Schuljahr 6 --- School year 6

Schuljahr 7 --- School year 7

Schuljahr 8 --- School year 8

Schuljahr 9 --- School. year 9

Schuljahr 10 --- School year 10

Schuljahr 11 --- School year 11

Schuljahr 12 --- School year 12

Schuljahr 13 --- School year 13 o

Schulkindergarten Pre-kindergarten training centre (one year for children 'of school age hut not 'ready for school)

Schulklasse School class n.h. Klasse

3 c hulkle i dung School clothing

Schulklinik School clinic

S chullandhe im •Rural residential facilities n.h. landheim (for periodic use by classes from town schools)

Schullandwoche "Schools country week" (Austria) E Oesterreich i.e., week spent receiving tuition at country residence

Schulleistungstest School achievement test ■

Schulleiter Headmaster, principal n.h. Direktor

Schulmilieu School environment

Schulmoebel School furniture

S c hulmue d i gk e i t "School fatigue"

Schulmuseum. School museum

Schulmusik School music

S c hulo rdnung School rules and regulations (governing school or land chosen by school)

Schulpaedagogik .School education (theory)

Schulpause Break (recreation period)

Schulpflicht Compulsory school attendance

Schulpflichtverlaengerung lengthening of compulsory n.h. SchulzeAtver- school attendance l a e n g e r m g

Schulpolitik Schools policy

Schulpraktikum Teaching practice n.h. Informationspraktikum Schulpraktische Aus­ bildung . ■

./• 95 - DEGS/DOC (72) 14


<-> clini p syeholo g e School psychologist

Schulpsychologie — - School psychology

Schulpsychologischer Dienst Schools psychological guidance service

Schulrat School inspector

S c huiraumh e darf School space requirements

S chulraumge stalt ung — Interior school design

Schulrecht Law governing schools

Schulreform -— School reform n.h. Innere Schulreform

Schulreife School readiness n.h, Schulunreifes Kind

Schulreifetest School readiness test

Schulschrift Published annual report on school's activities (with learned articles hy staff)

Schulspeisung School meals n.h. Schulmahlzeit

Schulsport School sport

Schulstadtheim :---Urhan residential facilities (for periodic use hy classes from country schools)

SchulStandort , School location

Schulstatistik School statistics

Schulstrafe School punishment

Schulstufe School level (within school)

Schultest School test

Schultheater School theatre n.h. Schuelerauffuehrung

Schultraeger Authority rèsponsible for maintenance of schools

Schuluebergang School transfer

■ School cluh/society Schulversaemnis Eon-attendance at school

Schulversagen Failure in school n.b, Repetent repeat year Sitzenbleiben Versagen

Schuiversuch School experiment

Schulverwaltung School -administration n.h. Verwaltung

Schulverwaltungsrecht School administration law

Schulwechsel Changing schools

Schulweg Way to school

Schulwerkstatt School workshop

Schulwesen School system

Schulzahnklinik Schools dental clinic

Schulzeit • School hours

Schulzeugnis School report

Schwachsinn Feeble-mindedness, mental n.b. Geistesschwaeche deficiency

Schwangerschaftt Pregnancy

Schwererziehhares Kind Problem child

Schwerhoerigenschule School for the partially de

Schwerhoerigkeit Partial deafness

Schwester Sister

Schwierigkeit - Difficulty

Schwimmbad Swimming pool

Schwimmen 'Swimming

Science-fiction-Literatur Science fiction

Sehbehinderung Visual handicap

Sehen Sight

Sehgewohnheit Visual habit

Sehkraft Eyesight (quality of) S ehschvvae che Poor eyesight

Sehschwachenschule School for the' partially sighted

Sekretaer Secretary (male)

S ekundaergruppe Secondary group

Se kundarschule Secondary school n.b. Sekundarschulvvesen

S ekundarstuf e Secondary level

Selbstaendiger Self-employed person

Selbstaendiges lernen Independent learning

Selbstbeherrschung Self-control n.b. Selbsterziehung Selbstbestimmung Self-determination

Selbstbewusstsein Self-awareness n.b. Selbstvertrauen self-confidence

Selbstbild Self-image

Selbstinstruierendes Maten Self-instructional material ial

Selbstmord Suicide

Selbststudium Private study/self-teaching

Selbsttaetifkeit — - Independent work (pupil)

SelbstverlagsSchulbuch Author-published school textbook

Selectavision Selectavision

Semantik Semantics

Semester Semester

Seminarleiter Seminar leader

Senilitaet -■— Senility

S exualaufklaerung Sex instruction

Sexualerziehung Sex education n.b. Geschlechtser­ ziehung

Sexualethik Sexual ethics Sexualitaet Sexuality n.b. Geschlecht

Sexualkunde Study of sexuality

Sexualpaedagogik Sex education (methods)

Sexualpsychologie Sexual psychology

Sexualverbrechen Sexual offence

Sexualverhalten. Sexual behaviour

Sicherheit Security n.b. Geborgenheit

Sichtbarkeit Visibility

Siedlerschule Overseas Colonists’ ^School

Simulator — - Simulator

Singen Singing

Sinneseindruck ; Sensory impression

Sittlichkeit Morality

Sitzordnung — - -Seating arrangement

Skilauf Skiing

Skizze — - Sketch (drawing)

S l u m s . Slums

Social Studies Social studies

Sohn Sun

Soldat Soldier, member of armed forces

Sonderberufsschule Special vocational school

Sonderhort Day nursery for handicapped E Oesterreich children (Austria)

S ond erkinde rgart en , Kindergarten for handicapped E Oesterreich 'children (Austria)

Sonderpaedagogik -— Special education (methods) n.b. Heilpaedagogik

Sonderreifepruefung Subject-specific university entrance qualifying-examination for vocational and technical school candidates ■ LECS/BOC (72) 14-

Sonderschneler Special school pupil n.b. Hilfsschueler

Sonderschule Special school n.h. Allgemeine Sonder­ schule Hilfsschule

Sonderschulgeschichte History of special schools n.h. Hilfsschulgeschichte

Sonntagsschule Sunday school

Sowjetpaedagogik Soviet educational history theory and methods

Sozialarbeit Social work

Sozialarbeiter Social worker n.b. Caseworker

Sozial Benachteiligter Socially disadvantaged person

Sozialdemokratie Social democracy

Soziale Hemmung Social inhibition

Soziale Herkunft Social background

Soziale Integration Social integration

Soziale Interaktion Social interaction

Soziale Lage Social situation

Soziale Mobilitaet Social mobility

Soziale Oeffnung ."Social accessibility" (access E Oeffnung der Auslands­ to overseas schools for children schule fuer- Kinder from underprivileged classes) unterprivilegierter Schichten

Soziale Skala — Social scale

Soziale Wahrnehmung — Social perception

Sozialer Konflikt — Social conflict

Soziales Bewusstsein -' Social consciousness

Soziales Lernen - Social learning

Soziales Verhalten - Social behaviour Sozialethik Social ethics

Sozialforschung Social research

Sozialgeschichte Social history

Sozialhilfe Socia.1 welfare

Sozialisation Socialisation n.h. Soziale Entwicklung soc.ial development

Sozialisationsagentur Socialisation agency

Sozialisationsdelizit Socialisation deficit

Sozialisationsstufe. Socialisation level

Sozialisierungsprozess■ Socialisation process

Sozialismus Socialism

Sozialistische Bildungs­ Socialist educational theory theorie

Sozialistische Einheits­ Socialist comprehensive schule school

Sozialistische Erziehung Socialist education

Sozialistische Republik Socialist republic

Sozialkunde Social studies

Sozialpaedagoge "Social training specialist" (Kindergarten teachers, approved school teachers, youth leaders') '

Sozialpaedagogik "Social training" methods

Sozialpaedagogische Berufe "Social training" occupations.

S o z ialplanung Social planning

Sozialpolitik Social policy

Sozialpraktikum Practical work forming part • of training in social work

Sozialpsychiatrie . Social psychiatry

Sozialpsychologie Social psychology

Sozialstatistik Social statistics Sozialstatus Social status n.b. Sozialer Status

Sozialversicherung Social insurance

Sozialwissenschaft Social science

Soziogramm Sociogram

Soziolinguistik Sociolinguistics

Soziologe Sociologist

Soziologie Sociology

Soziologie der Frau Female sociology

Soziologie der Sexualitaet Sociology of sexuality

Soziooelconomische Lage Socioeconomic situation

Spaetkapitalismus Late capitalism

Spanisch Spanish

Speichertechnik Storage technique

Spiegel Mirror

Spiel Flay (games) E Motorisch Spielfilm Film (moving picture)

Spielplatz Playground

Spieltheorie Game theory

Speiltherapie Flay therapy

Spielturnen "Gymnasium games" (as oppo to use of apparatus)

Spielverhalten — - Play behaviour •

Spielzeug Toy

Spontaneitaet Spontaneity

Sport — — Sport

Sportgymnasium — - Sports "grammar school"

Sporthochschule --- Sports college

Sportlehrer Sports teacher n.h. Leibeserzieher Sportmedizin Sports medicine

Sportplatz Sports-ground

Sportverein Sports club '

Sprachbarriere Language barrier •

Sprache Language.

Sprachentwicklung Language development

Spracherziehung language education

Sprachfreier Test Non-verbal test

Sprachheilpaedagogik Speech therapy (methods)

Sprachheilpflege Speech therapy n.b. logopaedie

Sprachheilschule- Speech therapy school .

Sprachlabor language laboratory.. n.b. Elektronisches electronic classroom Klassenzimmer.

S prachlabo rpro gramme language laboratory programme

Sprachlehranlage Language teaching equipment

Sprachliches Lernen Verbal learning n.b. Verbales Lernen

Sprachphilosophie Philosophy of language

Sprachpsychologie Psycholinguistics n.b. Psycholinguistik

Sprachsoziologie "Language sociology"

Sprachtest Verbal test

Sprachunterricht Language teaching

Sprachverein Language Society

Sprachverhalten Verbal behaviour

Sprachwissenschaft Lingxiistics

Sprechen Speech

Sprecherziehung Speech education Sprechfertigkeit Verbal skill

Spree Tige 3 c hwind i gke i t Verbal speed

Sprechplatte Gramaphone record of speech

Staat State (country) n.b.. Land

Staatsbuergerkunde Civics

Staatsexamen State examination (for entry to upper grades of Civil Service)

Staatsphilosophie — Philosophy of the State

Stadt Town

Stadtbevoelkerung Urban population > Stadtjagend Urban youth

Stadtkind Urban child

Stadtmundart Urban dialect

Staedteplanung To vai planning

Stahl Steel .

Stalinismus Stalinism

Stammeln Stammering

Statistik Statistics

Statistische Methodenlehre * Statistical method theory

Statistisches Auswahl- Statistical sampling verfahren

Statistisches Mittel Statistical mean

Stegreifspiel — - Improvisation (dramatic or musical)

Stenographie Stenography, shorthand n.b. Kurzschrift

Stenographielehrer Shorthand teacher n.b. Kurzschriftlehrer

Sterblichkeit Mortality Steuer .Taxation

Steuerzahler .Tax-payer

Stil Style

Stilles lesen ’ Silent reading

Stimulus-Response-Theorie — - Stimulus-re-sponse theory

Stipendium Scholarship n.b. fellowship Scholarship

Stoppuhr . Stop-watch

Stottern Stuttering

Strafanstalt ■' — - Prison, penal.institution

Strafe -— Piinishment, sentence . . n.b, Bestrafung

Strafgefangenenfuersorge Prison welfare n.b. Gefangenenfuersorge

Strafprozess Criminal proceedings n.b. Prozess

Strafrecht Criminal law

Straftat Criminal offence

Strafvollzug Treatment of offenders, execution of sentence

Streichinstrument Stringed instrument

Streik Strike

Streit Quarrel

Streitkraefte Armed forces

Struktur Structure

Strukturplan fuer das Bild­ Structural Plan for Education ungswesen (German Educational Council E des Deutschen Bild­ 1970) ungsrates I 97O

Student Student, undergraduate • n.b. Hochschueler • Studentenaustausch Student exchange

Studentenehe Student marriage

Studentengehalt Student salary

Studentengemeinde Student community

Studentenorganisation Students' organisation n.b. Hochschuelerschaft Stud ent enve rband

Studentenunruhen Student unrest

Studentenverbindung Student fraternity n.b, Burschenschaft Verbindung

S tudent env ohnhe im Student hostel

Studentenzeitung . Student newspaper

S tud ent ische Selbstve rw altung -T— Student control of student affairs

Studienanfaenger lst-year student

S t ud i erib e i hi 1 f e Student grant

S tud i enb e ra tung Student counselling

Studiendauer Length of university study

Studienerfolg Success of university study

Studienfach Subject of university course

Studienfernsehen -■— Educational T.V. , courses

Studienfoerderung -— Measures to promote. university studies (student grants, loans, hostels, etc

Studiengebuerhren Tuition fees (university) n.b. Hochschulgebuehren

Studienkolleg Higher education prepara­ tory courses for foreign students,

Studienrat Established "grammar school teacher DECS/DOC (72) 14

Studienreferendar --- Probationary "grammar school" teacher

Studienreform Reform of -university studies

Studienreise Study trip

Studienseminar In-service training seminar n.b. Seminar for probationary teachers

Studienwechsel Change of university course

Studienzeit Period of university study

Studienzeitverkuerzung — - Shortening of university courses

Studienzeitverlaengerung lengthening of university course

Studium -— Course of university study

Stufenahitur . --— System whereby one or more subjects are examined separately 1 year or more in advance of university entrance-qualifying exam

Stufenlehrer "--- Teacher classified according to school level (I. pre-school and primary," II. lower secondary; III. upper secondary)

Stuhl. Chair

Stummfilm Silent film

Stummheit Dumbness

Stundenplan -— Class time-table Stundentafel. -— School time-table (i.e. time­ table of type of school, e.g., grammar school time-table)

Subjektivitaet -— Subjectivity ;

Subkultur Sub-culture

Subventionierung . Subsidising

Suchtgefaehrdung Exposure to (drug) addition risk

Suspendierung Suspension from duty E vom Dienst Symbol (Zeichen) Symbol

Symmetrie Symmetry

Synonymitaet Synonymity

''Syntax" Syntax

Synthetische Chemie Synthetic chemistry

System — - System

„Systemanalyse Systems analysis

Systematik — - Scientific classification

Tabu -!— Taboo

Tadel — — Blame

Taeglich Daily

Taetigkeitsbericht V-— Progress report

Tafel Blackboard

Tagenbuch Diary

Tagesheim Day-care centre (providing supervision outside school houses)

'Tagesheimschule "All-day school" (providing meals and supervision of children up to 5 p«m., in addition to instruction durin normal school hours)

Tageslicht ' Daylight

Tagung Assembly, congress

"Talent" Talent

Tanz Dance

Taschengeld Pocket money

Tastsinn Sense of Touch

Taubstummenerziehung Deaf and dumb education

Taubstummenlehrer Deaf and dumb teacher

T aub s tummheit Deaf-muteness Team Team

Teamarbeit Teamwork n.b. Teamwork

Teamteaching Te arn-te aching

Technik (ingenieurwissen- --- Apjjlied technology, schaften) engineering

Technik (Verfahren) -- Technique

Techniker Technician

Technikerschule School for technicians

Technische Ausruestung -- Technical equipment

Technische Begabung — Technical ability

Technische Erziehung Technical education

Technische Hochschule -- Technical university n»b, T,H, Technische Universitaet

Technischer Lehrer . — Technical teacher

Technisches Denken — Technical thinking

'Technisches Gymnasium . — Technical "grammar school"

Technisches Hilfsmittel — Technical aid •

Technisches Zeichnen — Technical drawing

Technisches Zentrum — "Technical school centre"

Technisch-naturwissenschaf t-— Teaching of science and licher Unterricht technology

Technokratie — Technocracy

Technologie --- Technology

Technologischer Wandel — Technological change

"Teenager" — Teenager

Teilnahme ' — Participation, taking part

Teilstudium------Study of subjects (technical and higher education) by correspondence or in evening classes (GDR))

Telefon Telephone Telekolleg Television-based multi-medi vocational extension coiirse (Bavaria)

Teleschueler Multi-media course student

;'Temperament " Temperament

Terminologie Terminology

"Test” Test

Testanwendung Use of tests

Testauswertung Test evaluation

Testbatterie Test battery

T e s t dur c hfii e brun g Test administration

Testeichung Test standardisation

Testerprobung Field testing

Testkonstruktion Test construction

Testmethodik Test methods

Testtheorie Test theory

Testverfahren Test procedure

Testverhalten Test behaviour

Textilien Textiles

Textilkunde Textile studies

Textinterpretation Textual interpretation_

Textwissenschaft Textual studies

Theater 'Theatre

Thematischer Apperzeption- Thematic Apperception Test .stest n.b. Thematic-Apperception- Test

Theologie Theology

Theoretische Chemie Theoretical chemistry n.b. Allgemeine Chemie

Theoretische Intelligenz Theoretical intelligence Theoretische Physik Theoretical physics

Theorie Theory

Therapie Therapy

Thermokopiergeraet Thermocopier

Thesaurus Thesaurus

Tiefenpsychologie Depth psychology

Tieraerztliche Hochschule Veterinary college (Austr E Oesterreich

Tiermedizin Veterinary medicine . n.b. Medizin V eterinaermedizin.^

Tisch • ..Table

Tochter Daughter

Tod .Death

Toleranz ■---. Tolerance n.h. Duldsamkeit

Ton (Akustik) ' -— Sound .

Tonalitaet Tonality

Tonaufzeichnung Sound recording ■

Tonband Sound tape .

•. T onb and g e r a e t Tape recorder

Tonbildreihe Eilmstrip/set of slides, n.b. Tonbildschau accompanying sound

Tonfarbe Timber

Tonfilm — Sound film

Tontraeger Sound .medium

Totalitarismus Totalitarianism

Tourismus Tourism

Tradition Tradition

Traditionalismus Traditionalism

Tragoedie Tragedy nTraining" Training

''Transfer" Transfer n.b. /Uebertragung

T r ansf o rmat i ons gramma tile Transformat ional grammar n.b, Generative Grammatik generative grammar

Traum Ure am

Trieb (Psychologie) Instinct (psych.)

Turnen Gymnastics, P.T.

T um g a r t en "Open-air gymnasium."

Turngeraete Gymnastic apparatus

Turnhalle Gymnasium

Tutor Tutor

Ueherdurchschnittliche Above-average achievement Leistung

Ueberforderung n.b. Ueberlastung Overtaxing (demanding too much)

Uebersetzung Translation

Uebersetzungswissenschaft Translation techniques

Uebertragungstechnik Transmission technique

Uebung Exercise, practice

Uebungshort Practice day-centre (Austria) E Oesterreich attached to teacher training college . .

Uebungskindergarten Practice kindergarten (Austria) E Oesterreich attached to teacher training college

Uebungsschule Practice school attached to teacher training college E Oesterreich (Austria)

Umf ang ■ Volume (extent)

Umgangssprache Colloquial language

Umschulung Retraining Umwelt Environment

Umvi eite inf lus s Environmental influence

Umw e11 e rf a s sung -— Environmental studies (curricu­ lum)

Umw e Itf o r s chung Environmental research

Unabhaengigkeit Independence

Unangepasstheit Maladjustment

Unaufmerksamkeit' Inattention

Uneheliches Kind Illegitimate child

Unehelichkeit Illegitimacy

Unehrlichkeit Dishonesty

Unfall Accident

Unfallverhuetung Accident prevention

Unfallversicherung Accident insurance

Ungelernter Arbeiter -— Unskilled worker

Universitaetsbibliothek University library

Unterdurchschnittliche. Belov-average achievement Leistung

Unterernaehrung -— Malnutrition

Unterhaltspflicht Maintenance obligation

Unternehmer — -r Entrepreneur n.b.Arbeitgeber emiiloyer

Unteroffizier Ion-commissioned officer

Unterprivilegierung Underprivileged treatment

Unterricht Instruction, teaching, lesson

Unterrichtsanalyse -.— "Lesson analysis”

Unterrichtsbefaehigung Teaching qualification (in specific subject)

Unterrichtsbeispiel "instructional example” Unterrichtseinheit Teaching unit

Unt e r r i c ht s en t wurf Lesson plan

Unterrichtserfolg Teaching success

Unterrichtsfemsehen Classroom TV n . b. lehrferasehen TJiit e r r i c h t s f i Im — Instructional film

Unterrichtsforschung Instructional research

Unterrichtsfreiheit _— Free choice of teaching method

Unterrichtsgespraech Class discussion n.h. Klassengespraech

Unterrichtslehre Didactics n.h. Unterrichtswissen­ schaft

Unterrichtsmethode Teaching method

Unterrichtsmittel Teaching medium/material n.h«. Arbeitsmittel

Unterrichtsmitschau "Lesson monitoring" by .CC.TV mieroteaching '

Unterrichtsmodell Instructional model

Unterrichtsplanung Lesson planning

Unterrichtsraum Teaching room

Unterrichtsstil Teaching style

Unterrichtstag "Lesson day"

Unterrichtstechnologie Educational technology n.h. Bildungstechnologie Erziehungstechnologie Paedagogische Techno­ logie

Unterrichtstheorie Teaching theory

Unterrichtsversuch Teaching experiment ' '

Unterrichtsvorbereitung Lesson preparation (by teacher) E des Lehrers

Unterrichtszeit Teaching hours

/ •/ * Unterrichtsziel Teaching objective.

Unterscheiden , Pifferentiate, distinguish

Un t e r s c hi c Itt lover class (soc.)

Unterschied ' Difference

Unterstufe lover (classes of secondary) school

Un t e r Stic hung s haf t Remand in custody (pending further enquiries)

Unzufried enhe i t Dissatisfaction

Urbanisierung Urbanisation

Urheberrecht Copyright n.b. Copyright

Urlaub Leave/holiday

Urteil Judgment (verdict)

Varianzanalyse Analysis of variance

Vater --- Rather

Vaterrolle — _ father's role

11 Ventilation" — - Ventilation I Veraenderung : Change, alteration n.b. Aenderung

Verachtung — -- Con tempt

Verbaende Associations

Verbesserung Improvement

Verbrechen Crime

Verdraengung Repression n.b. Repression

Verdunklung Black-out facilities

Verein Society/club

Verfassung Constitution •"

Vergehen Offence Vergiei diende Erziehurigs- Comparative education wissenschaft (theory) n„b. Vergleichende Paedagogik

Vergleichende- Psychologie :---Comparative psychology

Verhalten Behaviour

V e rhalt ens auffa e11igke i t unusual behaviour

V e rha11 en s f o r s c hung Behavioural research

Verhaltenspsychologie Behavioural psychology

Verhaltensstoérung ■ Behavioural disorder '

Verkehrserziehung Road safety education

Verkehrsgarten -— "Road safety training area"

Verkehrspsychologie — - Traffic psychology

Verkuerzung Shortening

Vermehrung Increase

V e rm ina e rung Reduction n„h0 Reduzierung

Vermuten Supposition

Versetzung Moving up (to next class) n,b. Repetent Sitzenbleiber

Versicherung (Vertrag) Insurance

Verstehen Comprehension .: n*b. Begreifen

Versuchsschule Experimental school

Verwahrloster — -Neglected child

Verwahrlosung Neglect“

Verwaltungsakademie College of Administration, Civil Service College

V erwaltungssóhule School of administration

V e rwand schaft ■ Relationship, relations ' (family)

Verzeichnis List/register Video-Kassettenrecorder Video-cassette recorder

Video re corde r Videorecorder -

Vi sue Ile Wahrnehmung' - ■ Visual, perception

Visuelles Medium ■ VisLial medium, visual material

Vitalitaet — — Vitality

V olksho chs cliul e Adult education‘institute

Volksmusik -Folk music

Volksscliueler Primary school (including 'Hauptschulef) pupil

Volksschule Primary school (including n.b. Volksschuldesen ■'Hauptschule')

Volksschulpaedagogik -"Primary school education (methods)

Volkstanz Folk-dance

Volkswirtschaft ■ Economy (national)

V olkswi rt s chaft s1ehr e Political economy (economics)

Vorbereitung — Preparation

Vorbereitungsdienst ; Preparatory service (i.e.,- employment as probationary teacher between 1st and 2nd State examinations)

Vorbereitungsjahr Preparatory year (for abroad) E des Auslandslehrers

Vorbereitungslehrgang Preparatory course (for teachers E des Auslandslehrers ■ abroad)

Vorklasse (Fachschule) — ' Preparatory class (technical school)

Vorlesung Lecture

Vormund Guardian

Vormundschaft Guirdianship - ;

Vorpubertaet -— Pre-puberty

Vorschulalter Pre-school age

Vorschulerziehung Pre-?school education Vorstudiensemester One-semester course preparing for post-secondary studies

V ortrag Lecture/talk

Vo l'uri e il Prejudice

Vorzeitiger Schulabgang Early school-leaving

Wachstuchtafel Eoller-board (flexible black­ board on. rollers)

Wachstum Growth (physical) . E Ko.erperliches Wachstum

Waehrung Currency

Waermelehre Heat theory

Wahlfach Optional subject

• Wahlpflichtfach. Alternative compulsory subject

Wahlrecht Right to vote

Wahrnehmbarkeit Perceptibility

Wahrnehmung ' Perception

Wahrnehmungspsychologie Psychology of perception

Wahrscheinlichkeits­ Probability theory- (calculation rechnung based on)

Waise Orphan

Waisenhaus Orphanage

Waldorfpaedagogik Rudolf Steiner's ’Waldorf educational method

Wand — Wall

'Wandel Change

Wandern Hiking

Wandertag Open-air class outing . .

Wandkarte Wall map

Wandschmuck Wall decoration

Wandtafel — — Blackboard, wall-board Wasserfarbe — Water paint

Wassersport — Water sports

Wehrdienst ■— Military service n.h. Militaerdienst

Wehrdienstverweigerung ■— Refusal to do military service

Wehrpflichtiger ■— Person liable for military service

Weiterfuehrende Schule ■— School leading to further. studies (i.e., heyond level of Volksschule)

Weitsichtigkeit ■— long-sightedness presbyopia

V/eltkunde ■:— "World affairs"

Weniggegliederte Schule ■— "All-age school" (’Volksschule' having up to 4 classes, in'-which two or more yearly intakers•are combined in the same class)

'Werbung — Advertising n.b, Propaganda , propaganda Reklame Werfen — Throwing

Werkkunstschule — Full time vocational schools or technical schools for arts and crafts

Werklehrer — Craft teacher

Werkraum — Handicarft room workshop

Werkstattlehrer — Workshop teacher

Werkstoffkunde — "Knowledge of materials" (curriculum subject) \ W e rkunt erricht — Handicarft teaching n.h. Werkerziehung . Werkkunde Werken

Werkzeug ■ — Tools

Werkzeugkunde ■— "Tool characteristics" (curricu­ lum subject) Wettbewerb------Competition


Wiedergabetechnik------Reproduction technology

Wiederholung------Repetition, revision



Wirtschaft --- Economy

Wirtschaftliche Konzentra- --- Economic concentration tion n.b. Konzentration

Wirtschaftsfachschule --- School of commerce

Wirtschaftsgeographie --- Economic geography

Wirtschaftsgynmasium --- "Grammar school" with economics bla.

Wirtschaftshochschule --- College of commerce (higher n.b, Handelshochschule education)'

s Wirtschaftskunde --- Commercial studies

Wirtschaftskundliches --- Home economics 'grammar school' Realgymna s ium (Austria) E Oesterreich

vVirtschaf tspaedagogik------Economic education (methods) n.b. Arbeitspaedagogik

Wirtschaftsplanung --- Economic planning

Wirtschaftspolitik ' — Economic policy

Wirtschaftsschule --- Commercial school

Wirtschaftssoziologie --- Sociology of economics

Wirtschaftsstatistik Economic statistics

Wirtschaftstheorie' --- Economic theory -

Wirtschaftswissenschaft Economics

Wissenschaft — Science, academic study

Wissenschaftler --- Scientist, scholar Wissenschaftliche Hochschule College of higher education, awarding, doctor's degrees

Wissenschaftliche Pruefung Academic examination (in teacher training, examination in the student's special subject, as opposed to examination in education)

Wissenschaftlicher Assistent Academic Assistant, (university) n,b, Assistent

Wissenschaftlicher Rat Academic Counsellor

Wiss ens chaftli che s Ins t i tut Academic institute

Wissenschaftskunde "Academic discipline", methods of academic study

Wissenschaftspolitik . Science policy

WissenschaftsSoziologie Sociology of science

Wissenschaftstheorie ■ Theory of Knowledge

Wissenssoziologie Sociology of knowledge

Woechentlich 'Weekly

Woerterhuch Dictionary

Wohnheim Residential home/hostel

’Wohnort Place of residence.

Wohnung Appartment, home

Wortschatz Vocabulary

Zahl Humber

Zahlhegriff Concept- of number .

Zahlensystem ■ Numerical system

Zahlentheorie Theory of numbers

Zahlenverstaendnis Comprehension of numbers

Zeichentrickfilm Cartoon-film n.h. Trickfilm

Zeichenunterricht Drawing instruction Zeichnen------Drawing


Zeitbegriff------Concept of time

Zeitgeschichte------Contemporary history

Zeitschrift------Periodical, journal

Zeitung------Newspaper i Zeltlager Camp (tents)

Zensur------Mark ■n.b, Benotung Hotengebung S cliulno ten

Zentralisierung------Cent rali s ation

Zentrallehranstalt------Federally.controlled teachi B Oesterreich establishment (Austria)

Zeugnis --- School report

Ziel --- Aim, objective

Zivilisation --- Civilisation

Zivilisationskrankheit --- "Twentieth-century diseases (due to stress of m o d e m li

Zoologie --- Zoology

-Zukunftsforschung --- Futurological research

Zulassungsbeschraenkung --- Admission restriction n.b. Numerus Clausus numerus clausus

Zuneigung --- Liking, affection n.b. Sympathie

Zusammenarbeit --- Co-operation

Zuverlaessigkeit --- Reliability

Zuwachs --- Increase

Zuwachsrate • --- Rate of increase

Zweisprachigkeit --- Bilingualism { jr Zweite Lehrerpruefung — 2nd teachers' examination {

Zweiter Bildungsweg — Alternative means of access 1 \4 to higher education (via « vocational education) ; x \ / Zweiter Klassenzug — 'Second (lower) stream in upper E Oesterreich primary school (Austria.)

Zwilling t ■■— Twins

Zwischenmenschliche Bezie — Human relations hung