COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONSEIL DE L’ EUROPE DECS/DOC (72) 14 PROVISIONAL LIST OE GERMAN EUDISEE DESCRIPTORS ("Thesaurus Pädagogik" - English equivalents) il mi hi h mi mi ilium COE081346 Translator's note : Brackets have been used to indicate explanations or restrictions of meaning (scope notes). Items other than terms verified as being actually used in the sense in question or descriptive, terms are indicated by quotation marks. In particular, "grammar school" has been used throughout to render 'Gymnasium', as shorthand for "selective general secondary school leading to access to higher education". Otherwise,, nomenclature of school types, follows as closely as possible that of the CCC's "School Systems - a Guide". » 28.04-5 Alo en dgymn a s ium _— Evening "grammar school" Abendprogramm. Evening programme (TV) AbendreaIschule Evening "Realschule" (intermediate secondary_ school) Abendschule Evening school n.b. Abendstudium evening classes Abendunterricht AbenteuerSpielplatz Adventure playground Ability Grouping Ability grouping n.b. Streaming streaming Abiturient "Grammar school" graduate a, ■ <*« • i Abiturientenzahl . -Humber of ^grammar school" . graduates Abkommen (Vertrag) — - Agreement (formal) ; ■ Abneigung ■ — Aversion n.b. Aversion Abnuetzungsquote Rate of depreciation Ab s chlus skiasse --— Einal class Abschlusspruefung Einal examination Abschlusszeugnis Einal school certificate n.b. Abgangszeugnis leaving certificate Abspielgera et Video-recorder E zu Eernsehempfaengen n.b. Tele-Player tele-player Abstammungslehre Theory of Evolution n.b. Deszendenztheorie Abstraktion — Abstraction Abstraktionsfaehigkeit Abstract intelligence n.b. Abstraktionsvermoegen faculty of abstraction Abtreibung — Abortion Abwesenheit — A/bsence Abweichendes Verhalten — Deviant behaviour Adaptives Lehrgeraet — Adaptive teaching machine n.b. Adaption Adaptives Lehrprogramm — Adaptive learning programme n.b. Adaption Additive Gesamtschule — "Additive" compréhensive school (multilateral school) Adoleszens — Adolescence Adoption — Adoption Adoptiveltern — Adoptive parents Adoptivkind — Adopted child Adressat — Target (person for whom material is intended) Adressatengruppe — Target group n.b. Zielgruppe Aehnlichkeit — Similarity Aequivalenz — Equivalence Aerztliche Untersuchung ' Medical examination n.b. Untersuchung Aesthetische Erziehung — Aesthetic education Aeussere Differenzierung — "External class differenti­ ation" (i.e. allocation of pupils to separate classes) Aeussere Motivation — Extrinsic motivation' Affekt — Affect (emotion) Affektive Entwicklung Affective development n.b. Emotionale Entwicklung emotional development Aggression Aggression n.b. Aggressivitaet aggressiveness Akademie — Academy, college Akademiker — University graduate (male) Akad.emikerbedarf — Demand for graduates Akademikerin. --University graduate (female) Akademische Freiheit — Academic freedom Akademischer Grad — University degre'e Akademischer Rat — Academic Counsellor Akkulturation — Acculturation n.h. Assimilation assimilation Akustik — Acoustics (of a room) E Schallverhaeltnisse eine; Raumes Akustische Wahrnehmung Aural perception Akzeleration — - Acceleration (of ..development) n.b. Entwicklungs­ beschleunigung Akzidenteller Irrtum Accidental error Algebra Algebra Algorithmus Algorithm Alkohol Alcohol Alkoholismus Alcoholism Allgemeinbildende Hoehere Secondary general schopl Schule Ë Oesterreich leading to higher education (Austria) ? Allgemeinbildende Poly­ Secondary general polytechnic technische Oberschule school n.b. Polytechnische Oberschule Allgemeinbildende Schule — School of general education Allgemeinbildung — General, education n.b. Allseitige all-round education Erziehung Allgemeine Psychologie General psychology Allgemeine Soziologie — - General sociology All Year School All-year school Alphabet Alphabet Alte Geschichte Ancient History Altenheim Old people's home Altphilologe Teacher/scholar of classical languages Altphilologie Study of classical languages Altruismus Altruism Altsprachlicher Unterricht Classical languages teaching Altsprachliches Gymnasium "Grammar school" with classical languages bias Ambiguità et Ambiguity Ambivalenz Ambivalence Amerikakunde American studies Amerikanisch American Amerikanisches Englisch American English Amerikanischunterricht American English teaching Amstblatt Official gazette - { Ams t Vormunds c.ha f t Official guardianship Analogrechner Analog computer Analphabetentum Illiteracy Analyse Analysis (general) Analysis Analysis (infinitesimal calculus) Analytische Chemie Analytical chemistry Analytische Geometrie Analytical geometry Analytische Methode Analytical method Analytisches Denken Analytical thinking Anamnese Anamnesis Anarchismus Anarchism Anfangsunterricht Initial. phase of schooling n.h. Erstunterricht (esp, first two years of- primary school) Anfangsverhalten Initial behaviour Angelernter Arbeiter Semi-skilled worker Angestellter Clerical worker, "staff" worker A :■ Angewandte Forschung Applied research Angewandte Kunst Applied art 1 Angewandte Linguistik Applied linguistics Angewandte Psychologie Applied psychology Anglist Teacher/scholar of - English n.b, Neuphilologe Anglistik Study of English language and literature Angst Anxiety Anlage Disposition n.b. Vererbung heredity Anlernausbildung Training of semi-skilled workers ( Anlernberuf Semi-skilled occupation' Anomaler 'Geisteszustand — — Mental abnormality - Anomales.Kind Abnormal1child Anorganische Chemie Inorganic chemistry Anpassung ( - Adjustment n.b. Adaption ' adaptation Anpassungsstoerung Maladjustment n.b. Kontaktschwierigkeit socially handicapped . Anschauung - First-hand observation (Pestalozzi) Anschauungsmaterial - Demonstration material - - Anschauungsunterricht - Object teaching (Pestalozzi) Anspruchsniveau Level of aspiration Antennenanlage Radio/TV aerial Anthropologie Anthropology n.b. Ethnologie- ethnology Anthropologische Psychologie— Anthropological psychology Anthropoc©phische Erziehung Anthroposophie education. Antiautorita ere Erziehung — — Anti-authoritarian education Antiautoritaeres Verhaltung Anti-authoritarian behaviour Antifaschistische Erziehung Anti-fascist education Antikommunismus Anti-communism Antisemitismus Anti-semitism Antrieb (Psychologie) Drive (psychology) Antwort Response/answer Antwortart - Response type An t s o r tb e s ta e t igung - Confirmation of response n,b. Erfolgsbestaetigung confirmation of success Antwortbogen Answer sheet Antwortkonstruktion Answer construction Antwortkontrolle Response control Antwortlatenz -— Response latency An twortvergle'ich Comparison of responses Antwortverzoegerung . — Delayed response Anwesenheit Presence Apathie Apathy Apha sie — - Aphasia n.b. Agrammatismus Sprachstoerung Apperzeption — - Apperception DECS/DOC (72) 14 Arbeiter Worker Arbeiterbewegung Workers' movement Arbeiterbildung ■ Workers' education Arbeiterkind Worker's child Arbeiterklasse - v ■ ' --- Working cla.ss Arb éi'ter spräche --i Workers' language* Arbeitnehmer — Employee Arbeitsamt- . Employment .office Arbeitsanalyse Work study Arbeitsbedingungen --— Working conditions • Arbeitsfoerderungsgesetz Occupational Advancement Act (retraining, educational leave, etc.) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Study group Arbeitsgruppe -— Work group Arbeitskraeftebedarf --- Manpower demand . Arb ei.t skr a ef t'ef orschuhg -— • Manpower research. Arbeitslehre Preparation for working life as part of school curriculum teaching of technology Arbeitslehrerin Woman handicrafts teacher E Oesterreich (Austria) Arbeitsleistung -— Work output Arbeitslosenunterstüetzung — - Unemployment'benefit Arbeitsloser --- Unemployed', person ." . Arbeitsmarkt — Labour market Arbeitsmarktforschung Labour market research Arbeitsmaterial --- Work material n.b, Arbeitsmittel Arbeitsmedizin Industrial medicine n.b. Arbeitsphysiologie Arbeitsplanung Planning of work Arbeitsplatzanalyse Job evaluation Arbeitsplatzwechsel Change of j*b Arbeitspro jektion Overhead projection Arbeitsprojektor Overhead projector n.b. Overheadprojektor Arbetispsychologie • Industrial psychology, n.b. Berufspsychologie occupational psychology Arbeitsrecht Labour law Arbeitsschule . "activity scho»l" (late 19th century, Kirschensteiner) (stressed pupils’ activity rather than factua.l- learning) ArbeitsSoziologie Occupational sociology Arbeitsstreifen Single-concept film n.b. Elementfilm single-concept-film Arb e i t s t e ilun g Division of labour Arbeitstransparent Overhead projection trans­ n.b. Eolie parency Arbeitsunterricht "Activity methods" (cf. "Arbeitsschule") Arbeitswelt World of work Arbe it sv/iss en scha ft Industrial studies (industrial medicine, psychology,. technology, law, sociology, •-I etc. ) Arbeitzeit Working hours Archetyp . Archetype Architektur Architecture. Archiv Archive Arithmetik ■Arithmetic Armut Poverty Arzneimittel Medicament n.b, Medizin - medicine Arzt Doctor (physician) Asozialitaet * Anti-social behaviour Assoziation Association Astigma tismüs' Astigmatism Astronomie' Astronomy ■ n .b..H imme1 skunde Atemuebung Breathing exercise Atheistische Erziehung Atheistic education .• "« s ■ • Atlas i Atlas Atomphysik Nuclear physics Audiolinguale Methode Audio-lingual method Audiometer Audiometer Audiovisuelle Methode Audio-visual method Audiovisuelles Bildungs­ 'Audio-visual aid mittel 'n.b. Audio-visuelles Arbeitsmittel Audio-visuelles Unterrichtwmittel: • Optisch-akustisches Hilfsmittel Auditives Medium Audio aid Aufbauklasse \ Extension class Aufbauschule Extension schorl n.b» Aufbaugymnasium Aufbaustudium Extension course (higher education)
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