Tm r««fb WU Wf«r fTMi i s.». ntT ?:»«■ "iH* wm «|T« jroa ih« ra- Ad^ PlMte «•M l,,f yiiu h»*» h. orrklkc RcUll A.ikm* H*. of the 1‘ Ided to tear* her* B*r* waa located la M f*M of _____ byoae of th* drags operated bythe >w aad molstar* hat caaaad Urge ^ poaMhl, fad to a. a««.r;„„,* ^ that ,^lt, aaklBg W anythla* aa middle of Julyand Ehipir* Head Btyyboats A momeat towing areas to pariah It was aa- baar >B lb* abarB'* of f'aptalB tuarter*' Commute* hat d» *^ This rablecram definitelyaettlaa on th* bottom, pretty aaarly oa a th* third bleanlal roafareaea'of tte • Your, of J*B 2«th. r* C. P R. *»*B ke.1 Wiib th* aid of a derrick BiitUh Empliw Rerrlca Laagu* » forty-loot marh waa too Borrow I thot CWHlao wao atiu al^ akarf *i Naoalmo a lima of the Coaterenee. a pamw *^ d^gtM auwlght t*; A aarta. ofTiracSlT^arrapt. r which hat been la doabt ____ the boat was broMht to th* aaiihc* which la to ha held U OtUwa - Th* plao* aad apacIflralloB* rrlat- th* bottom of tho rt a shaft ta Ih* od tha ragalarly ttmad. iBiM rattl* :ha anaouacemeat last Pall that the lb* Naaaiinu wharf hat b**a i raiberiBg would taka place la C*a- CLAM DAMAGES Cae* City. Ky.. Pah. Ih— Stroag sda. that Colliao waa Hd to our h*ad otUc* la Wlaalpog. Jafl Without Fine. mas of haaaaa oU com* throagh aoaghlag ar martag abaat. Th* comlag of Field Maruhal Haig wKk r**oo«oi*odBiloat W* ar* the baltom of th* raaca* shaft Th. • braathia," aaaad. la th. rw- Id the Hrltiah Cmptr* Bweic* Lea ­ For BooUeggert NAVIGATORS IIP FOR COLLISION n lag down toward Ploys OoUlas' pep- Ceora at tha aeaa rau *( twaatp ■oard of IMrcctura la Moatroal ana rn* Rlrnalal Coafereac* to Canada — aad officials u charg* of tho proTldaa Caaadlaa eg-aenrlr* Toronto. Feh. II — Coacurreai bar* to paa» oa all approprlatloai with the new temperaac* Uw to per : had stroag hopaa of Bodtag o with aa opportaalty wf which they i. Asassad ta atoo- At you will roatU*. whtl* It mu ih* sal* of 4 4 per caat hear taaaol or crwrle* Uroagh which (h*y pawibi* to d*floit*ly ttat* that th* •hoBld prepare tb*ms*|y«* to take AGAINST WORST NAlAMOiUnOR might roach tha imprtosaad maa aptroprUtluB wilt k* approtod Th* shaft at I o'eiech wm aama- Comrade Haig and tha delegates Vaacoavar. PMh. 11— 1 eUlmed byJaaeph «ay- a that you .f the leading eeterant' orgaaiution WEATHER IN TEARS from Beery rowatlineal portkoa of New Waatmlaster tag boat oper­ ator aad eoal mafckaat. from tha Ike Empire will be the gaettt of Boeton. Feb II Id fog roadi Caasdlaa ei-eerrlce men The rItU >B* daaerlbad byaaelgaton at the PacMlr Tag aad Bar«i Co., to com- iimim n mnuni (■ W NBROrTSOB peaaat* him (ar the taaa ofa eoal la- h r*ply to a 1* t*r to th* H..a ant being ipoaeored by tha >rti la years, th* Brltlah freighter EXPRESSES HOPE Maamlmo barbae last Va Sloaa. Hrorlarlal 8**r*tary. ra^ tmeat or Militia aathorltlos. city of Boetoa. which strark oa a *ol*ly by ihs yeiaraas MMih Novaatbar. Th* ptolaUff aUa ga* th* prdiBK th* Naaalaio taik*t Hoad la Boetoa Harbor yaatarday (mui KmnmiiiKH wa* meorad toa bnoywbaa th* jMBiuBtcalloa aa* r*c*ltod fron. full rBullullon of this fact. It Is the whtl* oatboaad. waa tilll agroaad RDNORISTRIIE duty and priyttagc of Caaadlaa ya(- •oduy. Rba I* not la danger. Bey- I'a tag Pacific Moaarch. Mlnittcr-t offir* tiatUi that Mr crashed lata It. I^B aa* out of towB hat that other yesaels which waadcrad Oliawa. Fob. 11 —-That wobM It Is aadarataod th* dafwdaat da- ■niuiiRiimiiTriii attlrr would b* brought to hla ali*a from their roarta* la th# bewilder­ omradaehip aad cordiality that they ing mark of yeeicrdaywere flostad t>* fine and I bop* It la right." auM ala* th* tag oollldad with th* aeow. ka Inmadlatrly oa hit r*lura Hoa T A Low. Minister of Trad# ■if.w fael la their hearts. high lid* early today. Maay ia- Roma. pah. 11—All t At the latt n**tlBg of tk* Board Field Marshal Haig, to the cirla- when told of M* ramM that tk* t( Trad* tk* aiatt*r of kartag boond eeeaeU anchored ontalde to >a of many other laterettt that clear wcaiber rtBadlaa Pacific ocean aarrlcat la Mala* of th* to*al port raitod from would probably hare resulted In :ing to withdraw from th* North PropoMd Criticized 0bA* No' 2 to No 3 waa hrought u( tho Holy____ greater personal adyaatage. has de­ Atlantic WINDSOR STORE ta matad la Mrekaa claa* to Uo gae- By The Globe tad th* a*rr*tarr wa* lattructcd emed himself BBremltteaily ta th* d*r the Caaadlaa gwearameafa pro- arti* th* K*d*ral Minuter of Manor oramoat. haa mad* th* laltlal eoadl- •i-eerelc- m*a a;ace tha POM^ tchem* to tnb.ldlM traaa- Uoa that th* CoBoordat b* ackaow- Toraato. Fab ll.—Coa tad rtoh*n*« tad alto th* Mon Wat of th* Great War Hu FATE OF PERSIAN Mlaailc shipping to redac* ocean MANAGER KIUB ladgad by all on tfct Btroagar boar proposal tatrw- ■aaa. Hoih th* porit of Priac* Ru acrire ro-operailoa wUh orgaalred freight rat** Low aald hi* de|lepart- aa lataraalioaal ag ream eat Thta dpred Into tha 'wgtalatara yaatae- pMtaad N>* M*otmln*t*r ar* rat*d rataraat In Great Britain ha* been had recelred aothlag froi>m th* woald aaabl* any algaatery party dty. tho Toroata O.oha taya Th* ■a No 2 par'*, aad aa a rnB**qn*n*» :f laettlmahle raise la aecurlag pea- DTNASTT IS IN I enadlaa Paciric Ha*, however, to BT ROBBERS latarfar* ta what Italy eoasidat* aanouDeemaat !• - illy the ------lh« htT* th* rtiht* of p

il baaa. aad tba rallad Queen’s Theatre Co. flutaa maat alrriirtbaa lu flart ba BO doubt that in the Hilarious Comedy I'Bitad ftataa, wlb Caaada oa bar TU Gio yoa wM oA ^ag^-^w«rf„d of fmrity riakt aad woafalrally Birth Rate Decline Seen Aaitralla oa bar left, ta la tha froat S3*2S per ^ttfe Nwim Frte Prtn raak of whita rlrlltaatloo facldg tha A* Britiftk Netionel Pacific la which tha Japaaaaa Km- The Cin for you is "H. d U." plrr rary aatarally lataada to “NIGHTIE NIGHT’ Peril I tba BrUaia of tha Par Eaat Maarhaatar Pak 11 -Darllaa of l.l>l FATK or I B. tka kiru rou la Cactaad bai ba- I*- RK»X>RI9HT VnoN M "A ROAR OF UUCHS FROM START TO RNlSir coma a aatlooai parU la tba opiaiao not I NnKRT.AltRN fOON of fir Bobart Blair, forwar eklaf .<«liXiAO BHOT TO HP till death wn a hr aa I two othar pirn oUoa offlrar of tba L< Now York Pah 11 —Amarldk ul 22 ENGUSH ARTISTS 22 aiiampiad to hold up a bonk at tlnataly will ahara the fata of drao- nconrrllla. la todar Ilia ronpuB- TWICE BEFORE H. M. THE QUEEN. latc fBDlDa-rlddaa Chlaa aalaai the aatlaatad that wlthla tha aait a|phl yaara tbora would ba 1.044.44U fawar workara ta Uta eoaatry. SEATS NOW ON SALE "WltklB tha laat faw yaara. Daray. of Ohio, told tha Ohio So- IM of U« koUkol Mtrk off tfeo birth rata baa fallaa off traai< rlaly of Nai/ York loot Bight Mr PRKTS-«5c. $1 10. $I 65. $2.20 (iaclwU. Ut) of thia ProTiaco loot yoor voo ly." ba aald. "aad appaara < Daray la kaowa aa oao of the fara- SAFETY FIRST Uoa W. boaa thoro- to ba dolac dowo. 'Wa ara low aioat aalbarltloa oa trooc la tha lOfo fko oioot rolooMo holllMit floft- lag cklldraa a yoar taom L'altad ftataa ' Poraat daatrurtloB HfVf Gmi Brakff bb Ymm Cw kreU Acci^cato. ^ ory la tbo world, oo4 tko yroi aach aga group la tba aehoolc. aad ba aayi. -OMoot tba dlaoppaaraora tioa of tko book* aa BY VM. fENATOR to BOW lo viftorlo. •rlllak roloaMa'a dlroot tatoroot of tbo birth rota darlas faotlla. Pah 11.—Baaator W W. RANGES la tko MBoal cotrk tba yoora mt tko war la toma aioa Coaaar. of thia city, raauaaiad of S.c , ur Spc.«y— by apyroilmotolr throo-flfTha of areooata for lha rodactloa la la faoala Ralaa Cotaailitaa parmla- Boakor of ohlldroB who oro aoi OB to latrodaeo a bill to aatabllsh large? .. Ic, u.D l( )..« arc o»l aalicried wlTk •at 14.- lalBlad sabool oca. areordlat to ala* tha whlpplag peat for lha pualah- •C to tko DaHod your, or nc.d new p.rte iBUy of baolth oftlcato. toaal of robbora Raportlag tha rrodHod la i»c u. Sati-r.i M,.n Ouaran propact. Tbo foattla Ttoiaa aald that I Ika kollhot li^d thaao watara to aot aa diraet la lia eltad aiaBy holdupa to Boat- boaafita to oar aafshbor aa oro Ua. with oaa la Tacooia fatarday la Efty Payaeal SyatcB tbrao-artba to tkto Prortaeo. la which a baak bmb waa killed. Bent- •rat placo. aU tbo hoHbat oaoch Coeaor told tbo eoanaittaa that oporatora of kwarkaa boaU to ahlp- pad oat la hood fron Prlar#Rapart for rotoban footpada TODAY and THURSDAY lIO OODowf. SlO.Nptr aod atlokap aad aot froa tko Ualtad Stotaa porta CLlSSiriED IDSi wooM bo aa acarco aa ta BrMtob Colaablo ■PirtL. adlaraal to tba proda-lBd baaka. I'p tharo a crtaiool kaowa ha will ba whipped. Tbl* obTtooaly baa aa lawortoat WANTBb—Tour claaatag. praaaiag mthaBou:lcThose ll'ho aomlr tataraol la raopaW of aaplop> aU^^y^. Pktoloy Dy. Wor^ Bow Dowr ks the Weaithy aiaat oo Oaaadloa aoO. la tba lao- Hargreaves^ Hardware Co. OBd ploea. tka Hatching Eggs bay tholT halt aad aU thoir aappttoo WANTRD—OM Porda lo ororhaal. rtORy f. C. Whhe IxyBMwwe LOUIS B. MAYERe yrnenit 51 Commercial Street l‘ 24 i at Prtaro Rapart or othar porta cyllodara lo rAoro. or aay Pord Ird Year CoailBuoua Trapnaatlng Pea A —Record 114 lo 144 agge. tba Moot, aad la aaarly all laatai work ot tbo Ford Hot rota labor PuUot yaar Price ft SO aattlag malBlala tbalr raoHllaa la tbooo lo- cborsao. B. C. RMdo. Baottoo ft. Poo B—Rmord 141 to 114 egga. ealltlaa Coaaa aotboUdlowa U good ooodttloo HEDDA HOPPER PHYLLIS HAVER Will aall ehaap tor ahon tarBS Bijou Theatre Jkppiy Boa I*. Frao Paano. 4»-«t LAST TIMES TODAY Wanted - Boarders a of tba kallbat flahIkK lb- la the nio.t mod. ra h in town II ,i?;» .» ,,g .te.m brat daatry la aH Ha POR BALR-^araey aow. otoa Hot- and running w.i»r m -v.t> r,.,.n.. ,a.,».r t.. h. U.rage ta aualpa M« for the took to which ho aula cow. Jaat traobaoad. O Rli- TH0& H. mCE ,7.^*^ ““" ’•'> “"d'U’c Ulre a. a If bto Ua. Bagt Coder. 44-fi PraaoBU POR fALX— Throe lou. fei of tbo old baaka ehtekao hoaaa. ate: yooag (rail The Newcastle Hotel tba oatotaoea ot oo traaa. bbo H fralti. ate; cloo. la oo .Sana,u.o. B C. will ba tbo caoo. tboro w«l ba a aory WiDChooUr araooa. Pira Aeree paoettoal ladleatlaB of 4444. Bog No. 14. Prao Proaa ■aaoblp which woo n 3 4*-4t the Hanbat Traaty. WE WILL GIVE YOU SERVICE •RYMBFORTB 90OR OBR ------■ a.irk.d I.',, .. ; ...... mran- OAMR FROM TRX RA0IRB la^lntrlilgcn? Attmtl.m ' pr..mpi .n<1 hrarn , , rat ,.n .erre aniDnc elec may «cr»«- VV» h.ya • , r 11, me lo loot araotora City Uaagoa fig- B*Tl‘cn 1Ho4. ^ toya tbo Doraoperu look tbo odd tim OtrmL ei-U pelat froai tbo Bagloa Mr. S. Bor- SIT'S"— NANAIMO MEAT & PRODUCE CO., Ltd. ‘ * n.t I

IH IT* _____ 141 m 144 ■ -4M IIT 144 MoLaogkiU Botor aar. lo flat BEFORE YOU START TO ______IM m 1T» eoadlUoo. 174* Apply P.O. Boo BUILD, SEE 444 Vlatorto. RC. J. STEEL kSON POR RBNT—Two Bodorh porow- rooBod hoaaoa: taraaca. raaalod IhsOdere aad Ojoirm t«i»e water, tit par Boath; Dapartarw Eniimate. Given I'bon. I->1 Bay Applyi R. Dandaob. Pboaa!!! •ILt. *7-tf ..1»4 14T 14T ply I4d Fry otract. ■ VRaL tlM. T-I-R-E-S Teolght tbo OW T A. Boot tbo Army aod Mory la STARTLING TKE REDUCTIONS lor tbo epotor oopi TOR RRNT— Paratobod hooiokacp. bu rooBA Afpir Mra Daaaaa. nrn PrldooM atroot. BOOL A WILSON BELORE BUMNG WRU. n PAR BORBI FOR BALM—BMltoh baby buggy. 58 V KrtoriA Crescent 602 grey la good coadlUoo. Apply ■award. Alooko. Pab 11—aaor- A t*-4t BOOT bardfl of Booao oa Vaaa Pao laaolo. kaewaoa Cook lalai aod COMEDY •noca WnUoB foaad. are tarrlrlag Apply “RIDERS OF PURPLE COWS” «ha Wlator hi flaa ohapa aad hara ltd TIctorU Rood. 44 41 Rtaaly ot roof ewlcg to atroog wtada REVIEW-TOPICS SPRING blowlag tba eaow away Oaorga POIWD — Baiall turn of Booty Tha greet norel by ------. geld# aad woodoBa ‘ Owaor apply J. A. Irrlao. YUcaa- BkOak Lake, forty Bllaa hortkwool loug Worha 4 It KATHLEEN NORRIS Tonight and Thursday at 8.45 p.m. SHIPMENT OF of Boward. aald hara today. Boaoe. Naleoa daclatod. ora loet LOer—4*mm Motttaa Oroaa lira. riMRRttVUfr ^ lag rapidly wiu baoda at tiwB forty 00 daBooolobla rta Reward oo and *BABY SHOW lo etay oaioBU rorlog tbo larrtt* reiara to Praa Preoe Otfica 44 11 LINOLEUM df« aoB# BhltUag to tba Ipoliaii. b Tpiiight.PW 4 1 to 40. TW4afi Pic^ 1^ hy McDpasy 4 BbU m 2 and 4 yards wide. HRnnony Orcheetra ^SSh^- Don t Forget lo BfinR i Pencil. Opoo tor EagagaBooU Magnet Furniture I Tba B aad B Pan Allrot _ ROY UlCDON. Maaagor ___AESOrS FABLES Store OM Paaaaogw Blago to aow laorlad Coniat Fndiy. ‘The Silent Accuser." tviih Peter the Gredl — L^taot HIU W. B Welker Prop. froB BOl RyAa'a tail oRlea dafy the Wonder Dog. ht 1 M ^ oPd UIrty BiBBtaa Pboaa 4T4Y ar 441R. COUNTRY STORE TONMarr Pboae 114. Opp Tlra Hall fRar fl^ IMBI, phoM II. Il-tf NANAIMO FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. FEBRT.ARY II. 1925. Pbof Tiai Earl Haig To a*.*«KW%WanT LIWIIHI 41 (QilN RJllLliO.U)S Pay VUit To HGiL NOTICES — 4my of M*.r I hurvb otrobi Ubpoit tb« h^t or..#,OB a. al*o Ibaf aara at I0040 «|oociiM bo U>l No. «. Hiock *7. -4. VIriortb L*»4 IU«i«irbt To continue one Lotw Hotel ■b# flrat bloBBlal ronfar#Bro la Lob-' t' * UI*4»r' ‘t«Trict.. In Iho rrovtMTOl*rovtMro of HritkoM UndertRkinf Parlor • nd im^roTraieBti. I Bd.-r M«4»oo mi too Mooo I Itfsi PHikNR tas aotall.'i.' of arllrlly wbleh It* roBItlluH I ataa* or by ll># op#n boiii, f«, con NoTK K f hwrohir «tooo tfiot. «• th*. WbllM . .Bt*«rlB«rBdaBCfo( R«- aatkorlaad Ob# of It* f.r*i am ifrSo4“inlUndH?‘^^Lp|IlPl« *hl ol Aldkst ... r. formfrljr nlBtatar iiaa waa Iba rollaciloB of dafiol ,„B»P«f»'*"" earrfBl aludr la ba- oplBloB from roBititaaal orsaalaa- lluupeU Vt Smith’s Musk Studio mm lioorar Toytoro iDuck »it« toacbiBg -fiotr.i btr4 •• Mifilo Avonido Welling Psnto «(%aa.*B|< r«. tb*- iBcraaiW < I of a coapataat >..n. ugob tho hsbd* 4oo« nr»o4 •• Lms General Transfer Ika ■aiBl<-B*Br* of aafujr. aad a Non. K^"” WOOD AMD COAL j Buikfac sad Roofioc ***^ Bi.rr.B- B of prprofit IIM. 4«y of M. ‘rtT-rat }lT:'u.‘or:“',.'.r'^7. :? U Uachlaary SL PboBO lUU. Man»d latri.d...... V., :«t. VIolorla L«nd K.e.ira u,*l All ordsra »rom*Uy attsadad U WMB -bl loarlat a faalrot Uoard StomssdRMiHI 11 bo abi.- I waa rasardad aa oaa of Iba Parkin Braa. to takr a Ihruuab Irala froa th« affariiaa (aMraiBaata la tha PUstering A Cement 141 Milton Bt ’ dork* at BrmicrbarrB aBd Caiharra haBd* af tba Bril lab rrpraaratatlyai roH for m-rllB Thaa arlll a pro-war Kmpira Haadqnarlar* of the Lm- Work JOHN lAISir ooroi.o hr rrauaod. Wirolraa tali la arara aatabliibad Utar la Loa- Painting, Knkf irh‘;.-,:r'tn'ri:.r.? ‘ 3. •WMMKHBWt-.BT U*|l <*« aCW ■atteataa Olraa rraa Repair •koBM bava hr> b loilallr-d ob tk doB, and Iba work of thU offira altK-a Bwlta* W appllawltaa taa Baaa klaawa. gtgoo or hf Iho rnpmm hoiii* for c04* Work Promptly Atuadad ta. tralna b<*ann lirrlla aBd llao ha. cBllnu«l to upaad .l.adlly It •umguon on tho gromloom. W7.r..r.4oy of Pohrooij IfU Garden Work barf rr.nkfart BBd XaBlrh. protiB of laaatiBablo aalua. nOMINA UHt>nKh nniFOTnui! Th, .r..a«. apaad of O.ra. partlrnlarly to tba orfanliatloaa la 4»I4| OPEN DAY AN) NKHT hr'.M tbr »ar wa. 41 i ail. tariou* HomiBioD* aad t'oloBlaa B. H!Tlonie Rogarr Block Commaretal St 01 boar and Oaraaap alwafa ba nbtrh kata boaa ooBfroatad with Victorl* CrenMi. SmmAtma. mpmn tiae (tt Albert Si Pbon* W. ■. neUNlTT. Frnm a)at*d thr rrpaiatloB of barla pruklawi* arlalBf from tba proaoBc* FISH AND CHIPS I'i I.'fW if.-J': 1rS.r k.*r, tTa/ltallaVrl.,^. lo^ arridoBla Ibaa aor oih. of larfo aaaibara of Imparlal ai Uintriri. im Ihm Province of MriCleh mad* troB th* b«*( lagraidmau < ol^mLih. for tbe Mle of beer by tn« toMtn IB lb* arorld la 1114 tbo Mtaua aiaa la tbair oitdat ..... ,.;r fftoM mr hr the open bottle fur tun "HAZELWOOD” optad arrraca wa* 14 T. bat lUrac Tbi* U-d to the avolnilua of a ay* f.i-M- I.rina part af ih. hairdina bt •umptioo uo the groiiileee. C. TAXIS i.r Hatal. *11001# at c« UB.«. ibi. nn hMM SIS ar 0»' a:;,______------Appltoaat. Teecher of Pieno (bar* wi I bo oatrBaWa ImproTa- >f Iba ItoBlaloaa. tbla adalca b Sf> 14 Victoria Lend U«-gietmtlmi BBd Ctoaad Cara. From»t aad to rark* Kaktaa* and roll Itallabla to any of tha DoBlnion* Ikkelnct. le ibe cite of Nmnatmo. I*re- ( U«l «MI AC W. MOWBRAY RTflriaat Sarrle* Day aad binre of lirltleh roivinMe f *r tbe eete ’ Retire ef AMMIeeilee lev Meev L Night. 4»oeb alrraitr' are aatUfartorj. Tbia adaira la arallabla without biaa >f Uvr by the gleee or l.> the o|i atae*. ISS bMmi iHaaa* Iba dlrrr-ur aaar-rta Tk# G.rman railroad trataai am- of grant yalua to thou.aada of ...laa .nt. nn .‘0% r..^. floft th at aiMi ttoo moB Tbaro ana who. on acrount of aroaoBl *•*“------:Lv: “rAaraWa.:.'.u'Si‘;.^5 enr CBMn A WINDOW WHBf m RAKAmorrorat aia 11 li't railroad .tat ob*. JJ.ooi B«#*aliy. haaa boaa forrad to laaaa ■••a of traik Iwd rnaatrartlon . Motbarlaad •y ra;r*:i:;LV.ri2:. ..t:.; v OEANDIG CO. BRAKES THE WINDSOR Obnpa iBd S.127 admlalalrmtloa of A •yniaa of latarckaaca of a «I. ..#-0, ,,.#« .r,.., a. ta. (Ucaaaad Cblmaay Swaspi r.hip. ao that a aaaibar of a Oaa of tb# dhrartor'a rblaf taak< RELINED FIRST CLASS SOTRL a ta BMkr tha llaaa profltablo to anoakar WnilAH HART Moack to ink# rara of tkrir ahar- part Bay iraaffar hi* mambarnbip t WUI girs bottar sarrlca U th* If tfea raparatlnaa bnrdaa. fad ka l< 'a loaalltuaal orgaaiiatloa IB b:< Italag la applied with a CMatar- MfldOBt lh;a raa. ba doaa. Ha ha< -w hoiaa. u BOW boing Bade af alaklag BMChka*. RlraU wUl Miss Ula Doherty afro* hand i« run iba ajratam on tbaa b* labsddad la tb* lin­ •ClMtlr baalBro prlnrlplaa. Ho ha* Tba L«aga* baa dona aplandid ing aad caat ator* tb* draau. 4M>a**d J«o "aa maa a boa ba roo work la looklag aftar tha latarMia 4 ■- Claaa (or High Seboei 0h» la adarad *up-rfluou-1 rallwajm uffi - linparial aaiaraa* who are bow Applicent l-ti. .i.‘; o'f Ma.h B*«t 11# o* t#r-ia--l CANADIAN OMl ao loner bold ibair Job* for diffaraat parU of tba Enplra. aa 1 ii.i.Bd* I.. *ppiy to ti>a Lraaor Coairoi PACiric chlB*. No ckarga. Baking <*riala that protlaion* for r OB At i; tba rouBtrla. , pon.loB* and traalaaBt ara aaailabl. •• fee Beee & >a tj^*^ Iba Boraaalty of prolongad J. A. IRVINE dalby IB rafarring tba nattar to Lob- Mk i:. Ml ■ Patrick laaraa Na- MAY TAYLOR doB. Hvaerd •efpevt of pre- Itawg* a vied I am OB Moaday. uiidlhc known CsaeMto Aaoihar mattar la whirb tba Liaagu* y aad Friday, loaaoa 1 pm naaS* a« PrwSaaMai FoDch Actork made it* «#ightfait wa* that of •*■ g!***“o/'ay'ta#*op*» not Laavea Nanaimo oa Taaa- . arlBg g#n*r*la**ant to tha propoanl Enraptured by day. Thursday sad Saturday at •h»t all tioraniiBOBt roBtract* ahuulJ 7 a m aad t p.m American Audiences > kapt WIII.IB Iba Cmplra umhie. fr*f the enle of beer hy Laaraa Vaaeaarar at Id am. At tha inailgalluB of Iba aarlou* R or by the open bottle fur nrb. Tab 11 ykmariean* ara all ■•rganiiatioa* roB.tilaaat to lb* Ihir M Any .yjvbrVery. IPii •“k-Jj:,",. l^agua, afforiB ara balag mado t-. kart. rirmiB Gaailer. groat Praarb ALEX OVROC.A. AUCTIONEER Apparent 8 8 ( harmar laara. Vaa- aocnra tba laaaa of battia rlaap* 11 I* .P|..y .0 Ih. bmuor • onir- CRiairRNT KXI-HANOR STORB near, dirorlor of th* od*«a ihaair*. rourar 10 *9 p m oa Tbnraday COAL airompany war Badala. Tht* ha* Wa boy or aall Naw or Saeoad laU tk* Ai:.*rl.40 Hub of I’arta la l.aar*s Naaalmo 1 Id am Frt- Rcicrve Lump de­ 1.0I boaa arrompflnbad yat. bat tbaro Aetlee e« Appllei Band Good*. „n II,# 1 w#ili»etoB.rr.abarry Dlatrlct up-* da>* for Powell Klrwr. Horn­ livered in I or 2 loa loU; I* avary iBdI.ation that tba affor' by l.laad. lN^*p Bay. Daamaa STORAOB OR SHIPPING will .orcaad IB Iba Baar fulura Ulaad. L'atea Bay aad CwBoa ako drr wood. «>y length. Awarlnw R»«» Opaw fwr It- Tba Brit lab RBpira Marylco Laagita iVaerU for e lu-«-e*e ir* t.KO BROWN. W McQlRR an a rolura for tba mieee hdPing pert of the _ If yoa Ba** anythiag i* 4i*po* ba* unanimuaaly aipra*a*d It* >up- Wharf Agaat. Ctty Tkbat Agt Phons 17* or tllL. Our tt-. potl of tha Uagua of Nation* and I* W H Sd «!1. Oaa PaasaagerAgt. wtll eollaet aama. Ftam>4 aattla- **kB( Jaaiaa K Ha.k*ll to - - - - a* lui* No* 1. : aa H. H. Weeks farugnitod a* uaa of Iba a**ut pn*:i. Ihc a book W. b*-a riwart. aad ib*ir .motion I* daap of lb* empire baariag cradantlal* added **varal new book*, g.v- •r •• Ta lOnttriiia tht*. ba told <>l from cunaliturnt orgaalaaiIon* aad School de Ballet iBg oat Miroaa tb* oppor.un. oalrblag a Molnar play In .Vaw A 1 bran.ha* of Fancy Dancing ac-! ff I _r*J Ity to read lha Uta*t books at ...... -I:;;—-^T-st^sHrsH taught C N Wright. Ill Biawan Asm Yofb. ta which O.. ur* a highly .apiad for malDbar.hip lo tbit club.! si;'*lr**i; .Nanaimo. f»- THoVA* KINKAltK. very small «o*t. W* carry a iloaal *c*aa Tb* aadlanra. after A. WH.B a. p*r«*n#Bt praml.*. for, bnon . ^ .h. ______>t.».r#r Edna McCourt wid* selaciloa *f aagaalBaa. ttiraa .laaut W len-a ar*#. Jw-l a. Old Coaatry papers, school mp- l.„n* i:;.3 Studio 74 S'lco! Si tb* cartala waa falliug. bagaa Ic piiaa. aaglosarlng aad Radia teagb M Oaailar. puulad. IngBlr building. I yz.r iy t'b# bMkt. colorad , iMaa. akc •d af tkaafrlral m*n about tbi* aad A b aotlrr ia*aa of Tha ViftaraB 1 «“» •aa laM H •*. baranwa tha Amari No Frozen FibIi SoM T. A. r. .mard could ba lakan up with a racitalloa I |'Ci#d NANAIMO CAFE rag playgarr'* •*n*l;|yaaa*a to aroo of ih* work In band by lb# Brltiab' orUaed iMaaJ tppt.rU wao *0 thoroagh ba Kmpira R#riri. # Laagu.- Tba** f#w . * CammeicuJ Slrrel raaM aal Imic *u*taln It. and laagb- brief paragraph* are .uffkicnily IB-' Xiotatw *d •* a aalural reartUm "That I* d.ailr*. howara,. of the w^op. and *' •by." ba aiplaln*d. "your apaBkar*. McADIE] dtacatalBg th# mo.t ..-aou# aut.Jarl I* to bold It* blannii Freak. Hr* Cod from tbs Wast Uraw ta tw» or Ihraa Jokaa " iH’awa thU aaamar. t oast thra* ttmaa a wsak. The Undertaker H G*BW-r prataad ABartcan Ibt# In appracUiloa of Iba Holkbat or Cod Staaka sold PHObK ISO ALBKRT ST. ktraa. Ain* »lBflt and hoB- dvB* lo I anadlao ralaruB*.aruB.. and tb* .. r.i.#d a. V V. L ------trosh or rooked to order aaty of . ipr.-.l.u, .nd *bo»a all tba oriun.ty coBfroBllBg ih*B arary; “10,^1, a *#. li n.ngaA • m.okKWNwi MRS. S. WELLS raONR 7SS Prop. frmdoB Iron. guyarnmaBl control a .hoold a. once **ah to ..lively, .^rjTr*.: —w. -4 ap*B Yoar srdsr will b* raady of art himaalf with tha naaraat branch I t..t. Xi«m\^ for '* nrogramma for 1 ••• •»* Ir ta# dn* 1.1 iBoior yahlala. ba* baao It datirad. Ih# B»atiBg ot Ih* League and the Ntwdlo: 97 V.mtmorrM Hirma Royal Transfer If yoa w.nt a good load of Mad* through ty.4aBattr laarbing of VI*.t of t omrada Karl Haig ar* Bow ...... iV’'Vb#\s;;:"rb-,'rL'r.iart;’/,;b f'h,.,,.•* 7M „r WiKid or Sh-pbarda Coal. ggfaly In Iba public *. hoot* of la ba ng worbad oat. bat ihair »ac.a*a < KOK KXPSKT Aagal..* H ba* baan ravaalcd lu Pbnn* t»P aad get gairk will depend largely upon tb* aap "‘jij.’ i^*r,r7f"i7rr _ *01.11..^, Piano Tuning and rbaah mada by tha Aalomoblla < l« I'l.rl accorded by t aoad.aa vviaran* Nanaimo Liberal of Routham t'allfomA. generally “"‘w. MORRISSY. Mgr. Rearing rrlruluB la Ai Wa have pot oar aboulder* lo Iba Association gal#* public acboula wa* laaugural*^ usk Let's aaa It Uroagb far ihe aat# ..f i.> t»a y'V. a* n*'.v ' l 7'u"rW-r' n.#*t. th* fir.t Tue.d.y In each about hraa yaar* ago through tht Sly iF«1 Infvrcts *o to th* i BioDlb 111 lk> Liberal R. W.I^TH »ia day et F#twuar. I 417 Fit.William St. Fb,.-.. 241 co-op. r.'li.B of tha board of .dura officer* of th. G W V A ] WM IIKNVFTT Party Rsom. Esrk Blsck All Work Uusraiia.J lion and th* pohllc *-*f-«y depart bean informed that Earl Haig .ii.jat I'ia- ;.;Xn'‘"’.;:..-"“i;:-.-, NMNiioIMders'Sipply M»at of th* •urlng hi* atay la Canada, pay -«i»tt;HNW*-Nr I.iainn ».t- Phaa* 74S Bansoa 8tr**l It to Ih* Coast aad It la aapi < tad X ^rv.rvr..,v? N*«lae et tpailenllMl le* Maa* '^'WM t..,d tlegwiraliee luvlrtci Iti ih. IT" I Hebind Imparial [.sundry I for • III dallver an addi ALEX. K* LpW MRS. REY.NOLDS , for bull# SASa DOORS. MOULDINGS. K..|, tT *. Ih* ,.r# NANAIMO tiB. «„..l In the a*fair B.o»am*Bl HIGHPIR T»:A l•Hll•^>4 KXPMTKIk AutoRepairs "lillir.1 Ihu lllh dn. ..I BUILDERS- HARDWARE Wploma* are Imiu . d to atudanl. AW IIAV DRESS AGENCY .. i. it V lu 'kIn A’■ Roeriag. Building Pap«r*. BZM (ITZWILLl.tM SVRAKT *OBpI#ilagtba coaraa. Tb# aailmaied increaaa In tb* PalBU. Stain*. VarnUB*. buys and Salto Lad.a#'. U«au' lOB-umptlon of tea IB 1*24 oaar AFPLT AT OFFICB FOB and ChiUraa • Oaat-oft 1»2J baa amountad lo ot#r J» rail- KT ok N A­ PRICES. CIWthtBg ll.iii pound* A b Increa#.- In prinluc NA WIMO Wallboard Oaaulaa Fir iitnpany. DO YOU EVER HAVE -.1. plaint Mount Ar- SPARK P«.UG TROUBLE? .lib aay. at al. J. Leili«.Re)saM.. A.LC.M. If ao. gat a aat of H; Fra- CHOICE MEATS qu#D y ( ni dno^ar* and buy no d by rlrlua of a warraat Bca l.v»l auBBar. Tb* t’lAMi . till TliKOK V Peggy Reynolds Th* cboica»t of local meat* □i>r* plug* W* guaran'ae 1 directed lo me again*! roBinmar today I* oa Tba krt ..f »r,..mpa*.liH.i.l Coocert Ssftsas iB.iudlag Veal. Mutton and 'barn to f ra a plug fouled with a y,«d* cbatlrln of Iba abofa lha bania o auch lower prhbary fvrk. alao Batter aad Fr*»b ,->.1 or with a rrai k.d porcelain r- aibcr of Viol a tad S.ngiB* ini-d IN- lant* I will offer for ova. r® a gaaaral Increa*.' to la* I hay a’*. Impruv* tna spark I li litrcn * rinaaea Saturday .nd aall by public rinkara la iBavRabl* IB th* Bear fB- iig of nay car aad so sara MoriiiDg from 19 to 12 ■•'uritg; . _Kchruary th# 14th. GIVE ce A TRIAL fv*o.:na an.i batiery Com* •iiudk. SJH I awllUam Btrtwu - i-.liM-k la th* af Vi! t.'.ru Vv5i!-»nt?'Ksn*lm«. u a-.J *■» I barn .«! Urm.!!n^"lh* "following AI! th«* Hck* title and Interevt of v.TJ^i;‘MV'«V‘vi:'.7! ‘r;,’'.':.,v. I A Taylor cl.iratloii |.l••rlc^ in iha «•»« i.f JOHNSON S DAY AND the n.faad*al> la oa* mill nod R.E.CUSW0KTH4S0N u J Qaeaa*:i» •Auipmant. nl«> two apaa of home. NIGHT GARAGE At lha llina of the abora aal# I t by the Hwadlsh military auih.irt- Pricticbl PbiBlrri ind Ptper- I 4.% < 11*1*1 Hirael Announcement to •III alao offer for aala a qaanlliy >s In an effort to diacover th# bant his(ers al *awa lumbar conaiatlng of !i4 Bd of pararhnta It U lha iBlna- Local Farmers •SHINWIIIIHL*.. nt'. »ii: and commou dliaaaaloB m of tha gurarBrneni. ahould the Si -»c«f Ap:* - >ult of caparlmaBia ba aaii.fac- •^io%y:n%»ir%T 1 imi «»« •«t- EAGLE HOTEL CRESCENT M Errlaglon. I w‘ll *ell a *mal. ry lo make the carrying of para- victoria tVcwccBI HOTEL ulas by air pilot* and paaaaagir* F'-T' Sv Fully moaara ta ovary nspaa' tandanta oa Iba e S N. Railway fBdrr iba M.ntgamaal ef *;<*mp.By balwaaa Coomba aad J. G. NELSON Hot and raid water, aiaam ,f PlaBci, Urgaii, PatkatUla. . Modara acbooi ot ptaao sad h—ad. oMI MRS. C. TtMBEY Tlwnir, Any milk pro.iurar* ti Th* aboT* aal#will be h< M al lb* Ibm.ry CoaruBB IB flB.alc.1 aad piaaaaaaiKaa ^1 and at^h^loadlag platform aa popular maalc. R. W Booth, la- ..Ib w and Hlagtag NOONS TO REffT ■lor PaplU preparod for tb* Home Cooking by tb* day. weak or mot'h Term* of Sal* Taab ilBBtloBS ot tba R A. M.. tb* b n.iard W.J# Woodward aad ta* b«wt of •ttaatti a given MSM ll.ima -o..k Bg and th* best .1- «>atad at Nanatmo B C . tbla 7tb ( oil#*, of V9.1C Tr*uraac* S Baal Ratata Agent to gaasia aad boarder*. ^C M . or tk* T C M If daatrad. tawtioB gitaa bi«rd*ra. •B»w.f Kobraary. AD. 1»»» Brm lOBBaar*. Taeaday. Sapt tad Jl C(.mm»rc:ol Street. Pboa* ^ CHAS. J TRAWrORD. Xodlo 417 riuwllll.n. Si.. Pboa* FKA.NR Rt'ZICR.t. Prop. 111 cr S2ka Rates Moderate Wariff (or Ua Couaty ot Naaalmo. ll-MI AppHcaai m Pt« Fof _ NAWAMP FRg fmS. WEDNISDAY. FIBWJARY II. 1925. WAUVHH wen M«ma owNKH-a ukaaurr TtritoNTii MKiu'H.tvr Ijcrr •atUAsa •noTLAim Toroaio, rok. 11—fad.r tko Oa- HANitoMiMR HNgi nm« KU« BRIEF MENTION Vtmiom. Trt, 11 —Dartag tarto kutates tko ovoor of aa aato- HJOIOTr or NMi-LnvaB PMt tU rean oa*>tklr4 of ScaUaad mokUo to Itoklo ter aor daomsaa Toroato, r,L ll—j,..opk Kilsoar Tka Wait Bo-Art Vatastlaa Paara kM ckaacod kaa«a tkroafk tka raal (Uctad kr kto aatomoklla. Apaal- of Teraeio. who dtod at Hampton la tba Q W V A Hall. Friday. Fab aauta aarka«. La»t yaar ««a tka lato OtTlaloa. koasror. ta a raeoat •prlapa. FU . oa Jaa It. loft aa aa- IS faaaarlmbo Orrbaatra Admto- Haratt itkca tka var; aaly tM.Okt tadsmoat. addod a lidar to tko Uv •tata ralBOd at II.IS .SSS. and ap- •loB by larllalloti oaly. H-lt a«raa wara aold aa caagara^ arltk to thi orart tkat wkiro tka oar Is plleattoa far probata of tka wiM. dai- February House Beds, Springs and acraa la 1*IS. Bot diiroa by tka own.r. tka awaar rd Drc II. IS2I. will aooa ba BMdr Tba PriBcaas PatrleU will Uara aiaao tka vkalaaala dUpoaal at raa racoiar asalasl tka ditrar, pro- Lasaclaa raagtas from «MSt to Naaalma for Vaacoarar oa Taaaday | •oattlak Uadi kagaa (■■14^017 Tldad tka oaraar to Bot feUtly aa- MS.SSS ara Uft to aianr aapb.wi tba 17th loot,at t a m. lasioad of altar tka arvlatUa. akoat sticaat vltk tka drlTSTB. 7 ta. t»-:t •eaaa ka*a kaaaad Uto aaw oa akik at Sale Prices Marrlad at Wallasa ktraat Molko- Laka Coachtoklar and tb. raaldaa The wlaarrs of prUai at tba OW Furnishing Sale dtot paraoaacs. Fab. Ttk. at 1 p.m.. of tbs sauta. after paymaat af sar- V A ohM dtlT# IBM arealns wrr* by Rai Hack NUoa; Arthar PklUp raosloa datlaa sad baqamta. CoMtinues No\ethese Price* l^dlaa. Ill Mrs A Sharp, lad Mr> Extra Special •aalaagar of NortMlald. and Mlm ployaaa of tba lata Mr. Kilsoar aad A R WitooB. Ird Mm rrykar; goa- Map WaUar. aC Braatoa. B.C. af the firm of Kilsoar Bros . UoiKad tl-msB. lit Mr 4-ook. Sod K illrst Bed. Sprint smi lUttre. COMPARISON ksBPP yaaat aaapla adU aaka tkair racalra saaoron traalaaat by the Ird F Qalatlas Cd«Wf It $12JR\ EziMtiM TkUe fume ,>tpr bosks at N. termi of the wUl. aad tba aaarwtora t'uirri'd In tape A .p.i' showing In qmitfAmU thmy* W ..i.d Heel •uppurin. Kell ara laatnirtod to lat aalda ______rnloriare rrd and br hi.ih Hold, n and fumnd 1 with art licking mUt wilfc ■ » highly mp4r4*d roll !raa roBBU of mall rokkarywkaa d4nia on Monday.Fab. IS. larita- •pring and all (i RSa OF MtRRIAOR. •print* SI four "DO I ha trial opaasd la tka fadaral aaert 1 will ba oat la the roama of a aitcn.ioi February Sale Uyer F«lt MattrM* BATH M.t4-IMIXAU> •way" corner•r Rupiyifft.upp'fl $27.90 WllsoB plaadad aot rallty. kaw- taw days. chain; February — - - - - (Ballt —Not Marfad) aalaa aror to (ha saraataaBth eoaat ladlcl-' Laadoa. Fab 11 • JUrrlaga to $10.90 for mact. aliaciat tks ptaadartap of aot a fallara doais falka ara than- Valaatlaa Oi I the G W V A K.. $110.00 Simmon's Jute Felt twaira maU sacks attar tka loot »aa sahraa fallarea. aad fallara to ihair Hall. mdar. IS. Jassartta- W*Tea Wir« SariBn Mattress $10.75 let. bat saaa and ordlaary people bo Orebasira. 4S-4t DNMcrskt $13 93 iKiubls woT.a wire Jul* Kelt Ma If yaa «nat kaaar. W m *a« ■aat aot allow the odd oaes to make Neat droaocn finished with two fist steel baud!, tba rale," aayi former Pramlar Ram- la Irory. walnut aad supported witb hello* Dasraa staff praetlca. ray MacOoaald wrltlas la tbs Op- golden Hare three du»t- springs, splendid $7.90 proof drawer, and c ~m| tlmlit. a paper edited by bla dangb- February Sale ‘ FOR Rnrr—ortlca la tba Teaas tar. libbal. ta tba latarssta of a hoa- I'rir* $4.45 Simmon’s Felt Mattress Block. VIetorU Crasraat. Pboaa r-‘-V' $13.90 plial cbarlty. iddaa death of Mr Arthur Good quality Kell M:.i r.-, »i h r ii.ti ••Wa aboBld roaaplra to prwtm C mt4 TbU m. S3.SI MoAdam. Jaanary ISrh. at bli laffdls kl Sdl< Price edge covered ham agalaat tba daeatUal aad da- koma la Wamblay. Fng. Mr Me Folding Card Tables tirkla February : rasiaiiag old rafflaa Falsa Roaaaoa. Adam was amployod by tbo roaodlaa rorered In green felt Price $10.90 styles Just the thing for card who haags a Daamow Flluh la front Eiploaliaa Co . Dapartaro Bay. and oil .aoeismiuiiT reduied partlm. Meery horn* JAP CREPES of Ualr noaos. as carrou ara haag raaldad with hla fStaUy oa NowcastU; ImDcrial Coil Spring i in froat of doakays. to lead tk«m Tewaiilo. Ha loft elaroa yaam ago' Si'-'";;- $67,50 astray. Marriage wltkoat eoaiawa r“r.ri,.$3.50 itche 2Sc ayard to make hU koma la Reglaad H N •aasa aad food kamor to a IsaTss to moara hla loaa. basldas kto BdM saaMiy of Jap raatara. bat thara to pUstyat both $6.M flaa aad aary attrac- widow, two soaa. Doaglas aad Archie la tka world, so wo aaod aot do- ttow aettoa tabrie for waah ■ad one daagbtar. Wlaala. Ilalag In No-Sway Spring ■tlkart Bloak. Neat flra Hall apalr." say farawsll prior to At o'clock. $12.90 ira for f “ •t $2.81 and Home where Mr. Ksllogg Pear., good qualil; Hear Mr. W Quirk, well kaown Saemury of Ststo Haghos. The Woven Wire Springs 1920 NmIi Sa tounac. Vaacoarar barlloae. at PeggyRey- Furnishings Good strong frame. with doubl« amboaoador aad Mm Ksllogg ra- old* eonrart Buaday algkl. Fab aoblag Powder malaad at the Palace for aa laformaj flat ateel hands 7nd ”'heh. Had. OotatahM Thaatn. ------• packet 8V at Genuine Complete raSL^.$650 Jamison's Coffee. WkIM Drira Bpaadway HaU. Wad- Ib packet for ___ Savings. $5.65 SLAB WOOD •aday. Fab llth. Adtaiashw »c Toilet Roll*, small. S for Me Wallaoa Street Matho- Large. 3 for Mr Naawr baoa la watar dtot paraoaaga byRot. Hogb NIxoa. 4*-lt Woven Wire Springs P>>>t)ob.ioe.or c^gn I hipso (like Laxi. pkt. av ftonble WoTen W re w.ih two rial oa Taaaday araalag. Fab. It. Mr. pe^alliiaaBe ..... Heln* Vinegar, targe site steel band. .upporied with h> 1 I- DA-t ttsi U.A CU. Gaorga WklU aad Mm. Jaaa Doe- ailver Cornet Prisa Bead Whist per bottle gjr gall. both ofNaaalmo. Mr aad Mrs. P * G Naptha Soap. 3 Me Sur IohH... ipWd towi in DH ts. at Joha Ambalaare Hall. Fri­ Whit# will make their homo at the day. Mareh 13 th. • .-clock sharp •k^ if TOO kke die Star, Ptaa Acraa. Nanaimo. aix fwlaabla priam. tl-3t 8oip*r7m* ’ Dayid SimnKNi’s Improved Rex PROVBWH COUNTER G>il Spring Sprmcfield Butter, Spencer Simmon • Inipnivrd < ..i| Spring wiik 3 lU. for $1.15 >0 roll .print, and two no-.way Uwd FomL 4l»it deky- JItaey loavaa A O. F. Hall at 7 tachmenta February Sale ------ery. Jurt omiiMiied. a real •eloev sharp o. Thamday. llth. for $9.45 car for Ike oath Welllagto.. All membam la- iNlag togo pkoaa 1117R or I0..L at $355 4*-lt The annual meeting of the W A n lujf HT»:x«iGatniKR Ford toanac. jiut over- of the G W V A will be held Fab viKNX.i rovprrN t.%.\. qvt xtnn N Hirm Block. PhoMgygwr M Ckurrh haa arraaged for an excel llth. at 3 pm Election of officers VleBB*. Feb ll Vl.naai. IS kaaied. a real fa^ car aad 37 -If Saix^ny lent lecture couma to ba given by (or Ib* ensuing year will uke place, throe, of a contlict over taie. three noted spMkem of Vnncoi and at the cloae of the meeting a city adminl.tratloa. which a le Mr and Mm Ouxbary of Coaaidy i:sir.*^$325 Tb* nnmea and dates ara at fol­ aoelal time will be held. II rtollst. bold, that the amai low*: Col W W Fo.l#r, aobject. left this momlag to take ap their tax levied OB theatre. *Bd c Gaelph. Oat. We ha«a otker* too. - Oar National Parks." Feb 3«th IXHPtMTOa G.%VE AIMmSMS hall. 1. *;.o applicable to the rads Nr W C. CaateloB. barrister, lab- wrvice ll therefore A well attended meeting of ib* Ject. "Law aad Uberty."March 34 ■omen of Mooaeheart Legloa leci a tax apon the use of radie m We wdi ctmtinue our Sde oi LWd Cara for llte baknee local Parcnl-Teachera' Aaaoclatlua Profemor Bastmaa. -Ths Oeaera Thursday evening at 7 3# Ini­ re.iaurants and coftre I ofAii waek aad for tiw cotivcainKC of ihotesot able to wa* held la tb* llomestir Science Protocol aad Laagaa of Nation*. tiation aad floral march. H-3t rtK)m of the Queanel mboal la*i Ibe day, we have decided to rcmaiB open April 31. A* th*s* are able and well leAlD AT RMHT evealng An lateresilng addree* on Nauno Motors known spoakem. dealing with vital Coart Wblot Drive under the ane- -Tbt fuaeral of the |.,i* I uBtil 9 p-m. every evcMag. general achool work wo* delivered •nblect*. the yoaag people beltwve plce* of Dasllon Chapter will be held by Inapecior Patterson Following Msmb look place yeater.liy I they am readerlag real senrlc* to lb* G W V A. Hall Thursday ai We arc bmI^ the tetaw oa ell USED CARS to Nit the addrena a presentation of a ailver no..a from the family rnudsam. If tb* rommaalty and tboyaollcit your pm Admiseloa. lacludlniing r< naGMfi«MaCaMaMe Everabarp lead pencil was mode to Kohoon »lr—I to the Neo.lmo CUB. patronage. freabmeat*. 36 ceat*. tO-J i-ry Captain lUlvemoa. of tb* V T A Barnard, praaldeat. and STbSSce'^ritv^uTt^^ WTEwSt“^ rslioB Army,conducted the a Mloa Wilson, secretary, a* a lokea of CARD «»F THAN KM aod the psllhearers were Wat DONTDEUY. It i. ao trouble to ihow Cars. recognllloB of their services durlog Beiow arc oaly a few of the aiaay Bargains tve have Ixindon. Feb. 11 — Mm Fraoce* the past year. Mr* James Mason aod family Jan* Parker. . slater of tb* late Lord ------I Blah to etpreaa their Mneerv lhanks to offer: Kitchener, died In Londonyesterday —to the many friends who tendered m RX»a> Til DEITB It wa* onlya *hort time ago that she their help and sympathy daring their Sudbury,imi . fen 11 AltbUUfI bad loot hope and coma to balleTe recent bereavemeal. he waa awakened by comya Goodand Cos MIT ttAND CHEVtOLCT, privately owned, looband that her brother died wbe. tha crato- ATTblNTHtX. WtlRKbMH when fire broke out In the ! ru4M like pew. moat comfoctabiefamilycar. License paid ar Hampahlm sank la Jaaa. 111*. A Challenge All the rondittona that you 'now Mck.-I bunkh.tu.e at Frood enjoy were fought for by your fttre- yercerday moralag. Demliro S rak refnaed lo believe the btoa* *« Hoasefbriisliing '”$725.00 To Canadian War falhem. ll you deulm better condl- tlona for your rblldreu you mn.l or- aerlou. and went back to bed. raiD UGHT DCUVERT, equipped with sUrtcr and BratoeU. Feb II—Woman anf- Veterans ranlse Meeting of the On* HIg I n was burned tc death The etkd frag* I* to be lbs mala laea* In alec- Ion will be held I* Foremer*' Hall men In the bunkhnua* escaped. titoaa for Parliament oa April 6. FebruarySale Saturday night. Feb 14. at 7 o'­ Tbs quealloB haa cauaod the govura- IP •••‘■■(‘■‘I that a F ATHER FVlUfX Urr 5S^ $295.00 clock All wage workem are Invited ment to decide to dlioolvs parlla- •6 every man who fnugbi Moderate tn fresh northerly wladk toi- Canadt ovemen*. hi. dc- to attend Anyone wishing to Join LMobamACoi un MaHl sumiot OeVKOUT TOUIDK. All meal at Ik* end of February, or generully and coMer month prior to tb* explmtlon of the pcndenia. aod the dependenis good tires, ako extra brc. Car runt kke CC9C AH of thoae who did not return, term* of tbo mumbem Tb* Cnih- are receiving fair and adequate new; a bargam. Termg to Nrt WOD.UU olle deputies, milled with twenty-one •»*__ consideration, and that aot Huclallstk. favored granting wo T at .SJ5 LATE WNDEL FORD TOUIMG, aewiypainted and over- on* deservlag rase for pension at ___ aixno tb* saffrng* la provtaclal eloctloas. or treatment or r*-e*ubllsh- *»l* • at ait ao while tbo Uborala aad moat of the meat has been overlooked; *«ll at aiT.eo ...... $350.00 Bocialtol* ar* oppoaad. •>11.1 at aiajto IP ParDealar- tau ____ aai mi HINT THAT WHrTB BREAD ■F ly vhea any of your ir.iati __ CHEVROLET TOURBia newly paiatod and overhauled omradea of the C B F. uoii___ CAt-RRH CAXfXR DRirER “*“*^$325.00 BRITUin TO WHOIX WHEAT Dress Goods London. Feb. II —The English 11^ tb* ram of the mentally ar* becoming a aatloa of whole raoal i»mi Rm for only. I3.N mo ucBT onivnT, i9i* i»d.i. bread eatem Since the proaouace- ■» afflicted, lb* prematnre- FkKy Check Flaniiel. 54 inchei wide; prelly shade* ta lyaged, tb* widowed and the Smmmt CntaHiaa a coKk by ment. a little moru than a yearago. orphaned doesn't appeal to you fawn aad ton. Price, yard |23f bytb* emlaeat anrgooa. Sir William a Mle bedatn«ht $165.00 a. part of your peace time re- Laa*. that white bread to probably ■poBsIblllty; ...... lU.H i*M apmoi OEviioifr lOAisnit. .dy oa* of the caaaos of cancer, baker, PUin FWU ui copen. navy, faw, and gray; 32 117 romrannloD with yonrfet­ Cad Wired froaa ...... |7.N one moadi: car put like new. We toll give you the new of England bav# noticed a decraasc $1.91 All Feh Mattreadaa froa II.N the sal* of whit* biwad. aad an car Miaraatee of three moalht from C7CA AA Increna* In lb* consumption of whole Braa aad Steel Bedi at prices dial tkto of purchaw. Terms to suit 9 f Oll.UQ meal produeu Tb* ebaage la the shlpt and achieving snece** t L.te.t ta heavy gtnped Stlk^ NiUble for dredu^ or ntR*- aailooal appetite boa berom* *« aether has left no responsti chord la your heart; Am. Price, per yard ...... $2.45 IVi TOR RETUBIIC, heavy duty truck, in perfect con- wideapread that tbo Bakar*- Aaaocla fc?a baa laaaed postern aad pampb yoa have no particular lets showlug and nrging It* wider latereat whether oar Slijtad Remur. Cloth, rnuukie for ildrteg. or Atuet. rt^t'o'r"”...... $985.00 The priew of whole meal bread COBB try ■goes to the dog*, - or baa aot Increased this winter Speci­ bat It. ■eet firmly set upon Price, per yard ...... §$« CHEVROLET TOURMG. newly pahtod and overhauled; fic figure* of one of tb* largest ■he road to prosperity; hakerloa la Loadun show tb* sale Ak> all ovr fiat stock of Wikw of whole meal loaves during Decem- $300.00 ' y»B are i ‘"J ^ Ru«i ia five r-fcs. o bu.almo*t three tlmos that ..f ^ PrMre. yard $3.f| the previous December. \9U 9WERI0R C^OLET TOORIRC. ha. .D Cord saalsl those witb whom the !>• W Ifcal Is GMi( Ta. war may hare dealt lea.• kind- ^ abo spare. T>u. car ha. been driven oolv 100 mile* ly thanban with yourMlf. lackinglari the •pintsplrli of romr*de.hlp.romr*de«hlp. and ------TTIREE STORES- without a drop oftro* patrlol- $795.00 London. Feb. 11—Aatiqne wall Um In yonr veins. paper. 300 yamm old. will be ased oa the wolto of a room belag bnllt In THFN 1> »o ptace Malpaaa* Wilson GROCETERIA • he Eagtlah farwitam gallerioo at r '“• *• Lonuaeroal Street p|^ 603 J.UGOOD&CO. Soath Keaslagton Museam Tb* \l«r Veieran.' Apsocia-

nitar* mad* at or aboat the time J. H. Malpau Malpaat & Wilton Weeks MotorsLtd. PnMI.hod by the Dotalnlon a Abb* dtod Tb* wallpaper Dry Good*. Fkoa* t3» HALIBrRTON BTRBHT i “THE SAFEST PUa TO BUT A USED CAR” Command O W V A. Clilgen ho* been taken from a room Ik aa BnlMIng. Ottawa Onwry Fta*.* itT old boas* la Oloaeeater. wher* It hag bang for two ooatprtao.