Feb11-1925.Pdf (8.029Mb)

Feb11-1925.Pdf (8.029Mb)

Tm r««fb WU Wf«r fTMi i s.». ntT ?:»«■ "iH* wm «|T« jroa ih« ra- Ad^ PlMte «• M l,,f yiiu h»*» h. orrklkc RcUll A.ikm* H<b<iU rrlc» 7W par b«i PBkraBry mmt lUrah wttk «M«r atoM •J4 raia ara Mtka a»a. paa will OM VAN HOUTEN’SREXAli DRUG STORE VAR Hoonrs RIXAillROC STORI nm HRST Y EAR NANAIMO. VANCOUVUnSLAND. BRftlSH COLUMBIA. Vt^NE^AY. FIBRliACT H.1925 number 251. LOCAL MAnEllS EARL HAIG TO SOFDROWNED FEEDING or THE INDICATIONS ARE THAT MAI ~ CONEBCrORETl PAT VISIT TO JAPANESESAILORS RESSIANMILUONS MPnSOeiHEIITECATCATE BOAKDOriKAD PACme COAST AREEOVERED CAESESCOHCERH VniL BE EXTRICATED TORKHT Tbr rrgaUr moathlyn«ia«ias I nder th* oapilon • When Haig and Moacaw. Pah. 11.—With the fall- Ibr Naaaliao Boarf of Trad* he n r R L roaie to Canada. ' a re ura of thto yaar'a eropa. tha problam 7 fsoL I bald l*'I nlgkl ah«n a oamb«-r cm Uin* of Tha Veteran, otficinl a:ait*r» o' §-aaral lal.raai tamo wat r*rot*r*d from th* bottom lor Raaaia ’a mll- PUhllcntloa of the G W V A . haa the of Rarrard Inlet Ini* yesterdayaf Iloaa of popalatloa la glelag tha tloBs at iTlO^Zam^irr rioydi •“•*"**^ ,lty .hd dl.lrl«t war.- diKuam fullowiag article which will ha of In- Uoa woM M ho oM^^o^joU — nsrapoi lernooB aad with U th* last of th* SoTlal goveramaat lact X l»it«T a*» r*«;»*»o4 from lereal to all eg terylc* mca lata toalght from th* mad eav. ta Ca»» twmal aa aBadap alght p H la wkirb Ik* laformattoa mm bodl*. of *l*Y*n men who diad when cera Reaawad order* ar* batag On Jnnanry Itih tha Do.l.ioa placed abroad whkh h* haa beoa trapped lor 11 aad t (lT«a that tk# romiMiBr aa* plaa- th* pinnae* sank Saturday nighi. th* day*. H. T Carmtchaal la al '’ornmnad. O W V.A . r«c*lyad a «hortag* of grain at horn* With pmm aaarchdS eavas la tha vtetaMy Biaa r«t.u»l»«lm»roY*Bieot* result of a colllaioD with a transfer slaklag th* abaft, aald ________ cablegram from the Headqaartert' barge Four bodies were found In ■he aacaptloa of tha C-aacasaa. Ras- te ite Mt hat u a* aaaU. Thar* local akarf Th* Hoard of Trad* Adrlaory Commute* of th* Brlilah stnkiag of (ha aavara m which Ool- the pRinac* while (our other* were •la haa aa aansaalty mlM aad Ir- ha* hwta ooUaaaM* a dowa draft la bare b*oD aorklog oa th* quoatlua Dmpir* R*r»lce Le*bn*. aa follows: iiaa ta a prtaoaar woald h* ih* aaly the day Th* pla- regalar wlatsr tkli year affecting hoapfU th* reek MIda lor tom* tim*. aad racoatlr arot* •r.eld Marshal Haig haa now d» B*r* waa located la M f*M of _____ to « aptala Troui>*. of the 1‘ Ided to tear* her* ^ poaMhl, fad to a. a««.r;„„,*^ that ma..ar by oae of th* drags operated by the >w aad molstar* hat caaaad Urge ,^lt, aaklBg W anythla* aa middle of July and Ehipir* Head Btyy boats A momeat towing areas to pariah It was aa- baar >B lb* abarB'* of f'aptalB tuarter*' Commute* hat d»<ldsd t* To ViSir CANADA lacad todayat a aMatiag al th* line* fr*m three Japan*** fUblng a xmh tha a Traap tbo ftdIaatoB r*ply aaa hold Coatereac* la Ottawa at *ad of Carl Haig. Oeaeral Oflear C bm* ----------Vi central anacattr# war, aaly a (aw faai from a mtad tlaa daviaa aftaa^tTlhr:^^ haaia also raagbt A dieer wk Ml«Mi by Hctr. tary Iroatidei f July or uarly la Aagaat Piald aumdtag the Brttlsh Force* ia m* taraia o, (..aai i,,, wgHg ^ "T?** Marakal-s aUy limited to two waekt weat down retaraed and report* Oraat War. will n#uCaaada la Jaty raptaiB Nrrotoaa. aaeor data the pinnace bad been hooked iNn caa die tkair waj to Flofd Oolttao, j lat« tadajr fava wkaU tte Mteal^aa Canada. *- a abort tlma. A amall clofl aaar ! *r **> *^ laa 2*1 on th* bottom, prettyaaarly oa a th* third bleanlal roafareaea'of tte • Your, of J*B 2«th. r* C. P R. This rablecram definitely aettlaa » forty-lootmarh waa tooBorrowI thot CWHlao wao atiu al^ *»*B ke.1 Wiib th* aid of a derrick BiitUh Empliw Rerrlca Laagu* akarf *i Naoalmo a lima of the Coaterenee. a pamw *^ d^gtM auwlght t*; A aarta. ofTiracSlT^arrapt. r which hat been la doabt ____ the boat was broMht to th* aaiihc* which la to ha held U OtUwa - Th* plao* aad apacIflralloB* rrlat- th* bottom of tho rt a shaft ta Ih* od tha ragalarly ttmad. iBiM rattl* :ha anaouacemeat last Pall that the lb* Naaaiinu wharf hat b**a i raiberiBg would taka place la C*a- CLAM DAMAGES Cae* City.Ky..Pah. Ih— Stroag sda. that Colliao waa Hd to our h*ad otUc* la Wlaalpog. Jafl Without Fine. mas of haaaaa oU com* throagh aoaghlag ar martag abaat. Th* comlag of Field Maruhal Haig wKk r**oo«oi*odBiloat W* ar* the baltom of th* raaca* shaft Th. • braathia," aaaad. la th. rw- Id the Hrltiah Cmptr* Bweic* Lea ­ For BooUeggert NAVIGATORS IIP FOR COLLISION n lag down toward Ploys OoUlas' pep- Ceora at tha aeaa rau *( twaatp rn* Rlrnalal Coafereac* to Canada ■oard of IMrcctura la Moatroal ana Toronto.Feh. II — Coacurreai — aad officials u charg* of tho proTldaa Caaadlaa eg-aenrlr* : had stroag hopaa of Bodtag o bar* to paa» oa all approprlatloai with the new temperaac* Uw to per i. Asassad ta atoo- At youwill roatU*. whtl* It with aa opportaalty wf which they taaaol or crwrle* Uroagh which (h*y •hoBld prepare tb*ms*|y«* to take AGAINST WORST mu ih* sal* of 4 4 per caat hear NAlAMOiUnOR pawibi* to d*floit*ly ttat* that th* might roach tha imprtosaad maa Th* shaft at I o'eiech wm aama- aptroprUtluB wilt k* approtod Vaacoavar. PMh. 11— 1 Comrade Haig and tha delegates eUlmed byJaaeph «ay- a that you .f the leading eeterant' orgaaiution WEATHER IN TEARS New Waatmlaster tag boat oper­ from Beery rowatlineal portkoa of ator aad eoal mafckaat. from tha Ike Empire will be the gaettt of Boeton. Feb II Id fog roadi Caasdlaa ei-eerrlce men The rItU >B* daaerlbad byaaelgaton at the PacMlr Tag aad Bar«i Co., to com- iimim n mnuni (■ W NBROrTSOB peaaat* him (ar the taaa ofa eoal la- h r*ply to a 1* t*r to th* H..a ant being ipoaeored by tha >rti la years, th* Brltlah freighter EXPRESSES HOPE Maamlmo barbae last Va Sloaa. Hrorlarlal 8**r*tary. ra^ tmeat or Militia aathorltlos. city of Boetoa. which strark oa a *ol*ly by ihs yeiaraas MMih Novaatbar. Th* ptolaUff aUa ga* th* prdiBK th* Naaalaio taik*t Hoad la Boetoa Harbor yaatarday (mui KmnmiiiKH wa* meorad toa bnoywbaa th* jMBiuBtcalloa aa* r*c*ltod fron. full rBullullon of this fact. It Is the whtl* oatboaad. waa tilll agroaad RDNORISTRIIE duty and priyttagc of Caaadlaa ya(- •oduy. Rba I* not la danger. Bey- I'a tag Pacific Moaarch. Mlnittcr-t offir* tiatUi that Mr crashed lata It. I^B aa* out of towB hat that other yesaels which waadcrad Oliawa. Fob. 11 —-That wobM It Is aadarataod th* dafwdaat da- ■niuiiRiimiiTriii attlrr would b* brought to hla ali*a from their roarta* la th# bewilder­ omradaehip aad cordialitythat they t>* fine and I bop* It la right." auM ala* th* tag oollldad with th* aeow. ka Inmadlatrly oa hit r*lura ing mark of yeeicrday were flostad ■if.w fael la their hearts. high lid* early today. Maay ia- Hoa T A Low. Minister of Trad# Roma. pah. 11—All t At the latt n**tlBg of tk* Board when told of M* ramM that tk* Field Marshal Haig, to the cirla- boond eeeaeU anchored ontalde to t( Trad* tk* aiatt*r of kartag >a of many other laterettt that rtBadlaa Pacific ocean aarrlcat la Mala* of th* to*al port raitod from clear wcaiber PropoMdCriticized would probably hare resulted In :ing to withdraw from th* North tho Holy____ 0bA* No' 2 to No 3 waa hrought u( Atlantic WINDSOR STORE greater personal adyaatage. has de­ ta matad la Mrekaa claa* to Uo gae- By The Globe tad th* a*rr*tarr wa* lattructcd emed himself BBremltteaily ta th* d*r the Caaadlaa gwearameafa pro- arti* th* K*d*ral Minuter of Manor oramoat. haa mad* th* laltlal eoadl- •i-eerelc- m*a a;ace tha POM^ tchem* to tnb.ldlM traaa- Uoa that th* CoBoordat b* ackaow- Toraato. Fab ll.—Coa tad rtoh*n*« tad alto th* Mon Wat of th* Great War Hu FATE OF PERSIAN Mlaailc shipping to redac* ocean MANAGER KIUB ladgad by all on tfct Btroagar boar proposal tatrw- ■aaa. Hoih th* porit of Priac* Ru acrire ro-operailoa wUh orgaalred freight rat** Low aald hi* de|lepart- aa lataraalioaal ag ream eat Thta dpred Into tha 'wgtalatara yaatae- pMtaad N>* M*otmln*t*r ar* rat*d rataraat In Great Britain ha* been had recelred aothlag froi>m th* woald aaabl* any algaatery party dty. tho Toroata O.oha taya Th* ■a No 2 par'*, aad aa a rnB**qn*n*» :f laettlmahle raise la aecurlag pea- DTNASTT IS IN I enadlaa Paciric Ha*, however, to BT ROBBERS latarfar* ta what Italy eoasidat* aanouDeemaat !• - illy the ------ lh«htT* th* rtiht* of p<irt r*gU'ry the ramor was Ira* saaaattoaal that aa •loa aad ra esiabllthment meaaaraa owe iDtaraal affairs aamaly.

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