?• Department of Envfronment Ministry of Envfronment and Forests Goversment ofthe People’s Republic of Bangladesh L NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN OF BANGLADESH 2016-2021 (NBSAP 2016-2021) Department of Environment Paribesh Bhaban E- 16, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Dhaka- 1207, Bangladesh Ph -88-02-8181800 Fax-88-02-8 181772 E-mail:
[email protected]; haider.doegmai1.com www.doe.gov.bd Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Minister Ministry of Environment and Forests ‘. Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Message It is my great pleasure to know that the updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan or NBSAP 2016-2021 is going to be published. This document is a guiding framework for biodiversity conservation, ensuring sustainable use of its components along with fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of utilization of genetic resources. Bangladesh enjoys a very rich diversity of flora and fauna in a wider range of ecosystems. The economy of the country and the people are heavily dependent on the biological resources for their lives and livelihoods. Our cultural heritage, rural lifestyles and traditional healthcare have long been attached to the services provided by the biodiversity. To ensure our rich biodiversity be conserved and used sustainably, we need to follow the updated NBSAP that reflects well thought of actions and strategies of implementation. The NBSAP as a whole could serve as a guiding document to everyone who is involved in management of country’s biodiversity. Being a developing nation, like any other such countries of the world, expansion of intensive agriculture, industrialization, rapid urbanization and rural infrastructure development caused severe stress on the habitats of biodiversity.