I. Some Problems of Ancient Indian History: No. III: the Gurjara Clans
JOURNAL THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. i. SOME PROBLEMS OF ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY. No. Ill: THE GURJARA CLANS. BY A. F. RUDOLF HOERNXE, PH.D., C.I.E. (Concluded from p. 662, October, 1904.) T HAVE already expressed my agreement with General Sir A. Cunningham's theory that the emperors of Kanauj were Tomaras. For the evidence, such as it is, I must refer to his Arch. Sun. Reports, vol. i, p. 132 ff. From this theory, in combination with that of Mr. Bhandarkar, it follows, of course, that the Tomaras were a clan of the Gurjara tribe. It is curious that the Tomaras are hardly ever mentioned in older records. There are, so far as I am aware, only two old inscriptions that name them. One is the Pehewa inscription (E.I. i, 244) of the time of Mahendrapala (c. 885-910 A.D.), and the other is the Harsha inscription (E.I. ii, 116) of the Chohan Vigraharaja, dated 973 A.D., which would fall into the reign of Vijayapala (c. 950 - 975 A.D.). Vigraharaja's great - grandfather Chandana is said to have defeated or slain (hatvd) a Tomara J.R.A.S. 1905. 1 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 12 Oct 2018 at 17:18:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0035869X00032676 2 SOME PROBLEMS OF ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY. lord (isa and bhupa) named Rudrena, and to have been a cause of terror (bhaija-da) to the sovereign (Ksitipati).
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