Industrial Limestones and Dolomites in Virginia
Please return this publimtion to the Virginia Division of Mineral Reeourcea when you have no further use for it. Postage will be refuntled. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jauos L. Calvrn, Commissioner of Mineral Resources and State Geologist Bulletin 73 Industrial Limestones and Dolomites in Virginia: ]ames River District West of the BIue Ridge By RAYMOND S. EDMUNDSON Cnenr,ortnsvrr,le, Vrncnvre 1958 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jerr.rns L. Cervnn, Commissioner of Mineral Resources and State Geologist Bulletin 73 Industrial Limestones and Dolomites in Virginia: James River District West of the Blue Ridge By RAYMOND S. EDMUNDSON CHenlorrpsvrrrr. VrncrNtr 1958 CortnaoNwner,rH or VrncrNre DrvrsroN or Puncn.tst alto PnrNnr.rc RrcglaoNr 1958 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Reyl.oNo V. LoNc. Director. Richmond Boenn C. S. Cenrnn, Bristol, Chairrnan Vrcron W. Srnwenr, Petersburg, Vice-Cbairman Mns. J,lrvrns H. Anaus, Richmond A. PluNrsr Bernre, Orange RelpH N. Donsrv, Berryville ANonnrv A. Fenlrx, Danville Jev W. JouNs, Charlottesville E. W. Leucr<, Luray A. G. Lwnlv, Lebanon G. Ar,vrN MasssNsunc, Flampton B. F. Moovraw, Roanoke Lnn Pescn,tr,r,, Richmond SHnr,roN H. Suonr, Jn., Chase City LETTER OF TRANSN{ITTAL CotnloNr,vnalTH oF Vrncrxre DnpenrlaBNr op CoNspRvATroN erqo DBvBr,opMENT DrvrsroN or A4rNpner, Rpsouncns Cnenr,orrnsvllln, VmcrNrA March 24, 1958 To the Depnrtrnent of Conseraation and Deaelopment: GE'lltrunN: I have the honor to transmit and recommend for publication as Bulletin 73 of the Division of Mineral Resources the manuscript and illustrations of a report on Industrial Limestones and Dolomites in Virginia: lurmes Ri,uer District West of the Blue Ridge, by Dr.
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