1984, Novel by George Orwell, 274 2001
Index 1984, novel by George Orwell, 274 ALOHAnet, 293 2001:A Space Odyssey , film by Stanley Altair 8800 computer, 225–231 Kubrick, 93–94, 308 Amdahl Corporation, 164 Aberdeen Proving Ground. See U.S. Amdahl, Gene, 148, 156, 249–250 Army, Ballistic Research Laboratory American Management Systems Aberdeen Relay Calculator, 18. See also (AMS), 168 IBM, Pluggable Sequence Relay American Totalisator Company, 26 Calculator Anderson, Harlan, 127 Accumulator, in computer processor, Andreessen, Marc, 303 59–60. See also Architecture, APL (A Programming Language), 233, computer 235, 248 Addressing, computer, 61, 62, 132. See Apollo Guidance Computer, 188–190 also Architecture, computer; Apollo, Project, 124, 188–189 Indirect addressing; Modes Apollo (workstation manufacturer), ADP. See Automatic Data Processing 281, 285 Adventure, computer game, 210 Apple Computer Company, 264 AESOP (Advanced Experimental AppleTalk, 275 System for On-line Planning), Apple II computer, 264–268, 311 252–253 disk drive development, 266 Aiken, Howard H., 13, 51, 81–82, 212 Lisa computer, 273–275 Air Force, U.S., 31–31, 51, 55, 65, 71, Macintosh computer, 273–276, 140, 179. See also Minuteman ballistic 294 missile Applications of computing and development of integrated finite element analysis, 147 circuit, 187 payrolls, 33–34 need for reliable circuits, 179–182 for personal computers, 230 Wright-Patterson AFB, 32, 55 typesetting, 109 Air Material Command, 32 wind tunnel data reduction, 117 Aldus Corporation, 276 Architecture, computer, 57–64. See also ALGOL programming language, 94, Accumulator; Addressing; Index 98 registers; Interrupt capability; ALGOL-68 programming language, Microprogramming; von Neumann 101, 106–107 architecture; Word length Algorithm, 103 Minicomputer, 125 Allen, Paul, 233–235, 237 Parallel, 21, 24, 196–197 432 Index Armstrong, Lancelot, 44 Automatic programming.
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