i i “eutypon1619” — 2007/10/3 — 12:47 — page 75 — #79 i i Ò¸ ë ½ ½ ÇØôÖ ¾¼¼ EÖØÙÔÓ October 75 Å Helvetica grotesque º Κάτω Γατζέα 373 00 ᾿Αγριὰ Βόλου Η/Τ:
[email protected] Ø ×ÙÑÔÐÖôÒ ÔÒÒØ ÕÖÒ Ô ØèÒ ÖÑѹ Ø Ó Õ Ð ×ÑÒØè ÑÓ×ØØ Ô Ø Helvetica ÐÛÒ ØüÒ üÒ Ø Ñ× Ô ØÒ ÒØÙÔÓ ÌÔÓ¸ ØÒ êÐØÖÓÒ ÌÔÓ¸ Ñ Ô ØÒ ÒÑØÓÖÓº Î ×Û Ô ØÒ ÔÓÒÛÒ ¹ ÖÙÓ¸ ÓÐ ÒÐÔØ Ò Ø é ÖÑÑØÓ×Ö Ô× Helvetica Ò Ü ÓÖÒÓ ÔÖÒ Ô Ñ× ôÒº Ç ×ÓÒØ × Ø × ÖÑÑØ ØÓ ØÓ ½ÓÙ º¸ Ó Ñ ÖÐ grotesk ØèÒ ×Ö Ø ÕÓÙÒ Ø Ø × Ø ÖØ ÖÑÑØÓ×¹ ÔÖ ØÙÔô× ÔÖÓÙ ½½ ½¿º ËØ ÔÖÒ ÖÖÓ ÒØ ×ÒØÓÑ ÖÑÑØ Ô Helvetica¸ Ø ÔÖÓ Ø ÒØÖ Half a century Helvetica and one century grotesque, by Dimitrios Filippou — This year marks the 50th anniversary since the Helvetica fonts were put into circulation, and the event has received considerable attention from media of all kinds; the printed media, the electronic media, even from cinematographers. However, behind the media noise, one easily discovers that Helvetica did not fall from Heavens half a century ago. The roots of Helvetica lie in the German realistic grotesk typefaces of the end of the 19th century, which in turn have their roots in the first British jobbing typefaces of 1816–1834. This article is a short presentation of Helvetica, from its ancestors to its immitators. ½ ×Ûè Φέτος συμπληρώθηκαν πενῆντα χρόνια ἀπὸ τὴν κυκλοφορία τῆς γραμματοσειρᾶς Helvetica ἀπὸ τὸ στοιχειοχυτήριο Haas (Haas’sche Schriftgießerei), ποὺ βρίσκον- ταν στὸ Μυντσενστάιν (M¨unchenstein), κοντὰ στὴν Βασιλεία τῆς ῾Ελβετίας.