International Organization for Migration (IOM) Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM)

International Dialogue on Migration 2014

Migration and Families

(7 and 8 October 2014) Centre International de Conférences Genève 17 Route de Varembé, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

List of Participants

Governments (p.1) (169 participants) International Organizations (p.14) (17 participants) Non-Governmental Organizations (p.16) (35 participants) Other International Organizations (p.19) (4 participants) Academics and other participants (p.20) (7 participants)

Speakers (p.21) (33 participants)

Total number of pages: 23 (including this page) Total number of participants: 265




Mr. Fatjon DEMNERI Mission permanente de la République d'Albanie First Secretary


M. Mohamed Lamine HABCHI M. Zoheir KHERROUR Mission permanente de la République algérienne Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire démocratique et populaire Conseiller Premier secrétaire


Sr. Julio César MERCADO Sra. Guadalupe DE IUDICIBUS Misión Permanente de la República Argentina Misión Permanente de la República Argentina Consejero Asistente


Ms. Kate O'MALLEY Mr. Richard JOHNSON Permanent Mission of Australia Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Minister Counsellor Canberra Department of Immigration and Border Protection Assistant Secretary, Visa Framework and Family Policy Branch, Migration Citizenship Policy Division

Ms. Susan LOVE Ms. Tarina RUBIN Permanent Mission of Australia Permanent Mission of Australia Executive Officer (Immigration) Second Secretary


Ms. Eveline JAMEK Ms. Patricia SCHANDLBAUER Permanent Mission of Austria Permanent Mission of Austria Counsellor Intern


H.E. Ms. Rhoda M. JACKSON Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative


H.E. Mr. Abdulla Abdullatif ABDULLA Ms. Budoor Abdulaziz AHMED Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Frist Secretary Permanent Representative

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Ms. Nahida SOBHAN Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Minister


Mr. Alexander OPIMAKH Ms. Inna VASILEVSKAYA Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor


S.E. M. Bertrand DE CROMBRUGGHE DE PICQUENDAE Mission permanente de la Belgique Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent


Mme Adignondé Blandine Alice WETOHOSSOU Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de l'Intégration Africaine, de la Francophonie et des Béninois de l'extérieur Conseillère technique à la Diaspora et aux Communautés


Ms. Sara De Sousa COUTINHO Ministry of Justice, Brasilia Department of Foreigners and Immigration Deputy Director


Ms. Boyana TRIFONOVA Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria First Secretary


S.E. Mme Evelyne M. A. ILBOUDO M. Simandé SAWADOGO Mission permanente du Burkina Faso Direction Générale de l'Economie et de la Ambassadeur Planification, Ouagadougou Représentant permanent adjoint Chargé d'études

M. Issaka YAMEOGO Ministère de la Santé du Burkina Faso Médecin épidémiologique


Mr. André BELZILE Ms. Sarah TAYYEM Permanent Mission of Canada Permanent Mission of Canada First Secretary Junior Policy Officer

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S.E. M. Malloum BAMANGA ABBAS Mission permanente de la République du Tchad Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent


Excma. Sra. Marta MAURÁS PÉREZ Sr. Patricio GUESALAGA Misión Permanente de Chile Misión Permanente de Chile Embajadora Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente


M. Paul Bernard ONDZE Mme Fernande Marie Christiane M'VILA Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Décentralisation, Mission permanente de la République du Congo Brazzaville Conseiller Directeur de l'Immigration et de l'Emigration

M. Rodrigue ABALO, Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Décentralisation, Brazzaville Chef de service des Organisations Internationales


Excma. Sra. Elayne WHYTE GÓMEZ Sra. Kathya RODRÍGUEZ ARAICA Misión Permanente de la República de Costa Rica Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, Embajadora San José Representante Permanente Directora General de Migración y Extranjería

Excmo. Sr. Christian GUILLERMET-FERNÁNDEZ Sra. Roxana TINOCO BRENES Misión Permanente de la República de Costa Rica Misión Permanente de la República de Costa Rica Embajador Consejera Representante Permanente Alterno


M. Karim SILUE Mission permanente de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Conseiller


Sr. Frank Ernesto DÍAZ DÍAZ Misión Permanente de la República de Cuba Primer Secretario

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Ms. Laura HORALCOVA Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic Intern


M. François BEYA KASONGA M. Bonaventure IBANDA SOPO Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, Kinshasa Kinshasa Direction Générale de la Migration, Décentralisation Direction de la police des frontières Directeur Général Directeur Central Adjoint

Mme Thérèse TSHIBOLA-TSHIA-KADIEBUE M. François SONY TSHIFUTSHI Mission permanente de la République démocratique Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, du Congo Kinshasa Premier conseiller Conseiller

M. Maximilien KINA NOWANA M. Jerome KANKONDE KAYEMBE Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Internationale et de la Francophonie, Kinshasa Coopération Internationale et de la Francophonie, Kinshasa Chef de Division à la Direction des Congolais de l'Etranger Chef de Bureau (MINAFFECIF)

M. Christian MUTEB KAUND M. Yves NGOIE KABONGO Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, Kinshasa Kinshasa Chargé d'études Chargé d'études


Sr. Pablo Miguel MEDINA JÍMENEZ Misión Permanente de la República Dominicana Ministro Consejero


Excmo. Sr. Alfonso MORALES Sr. Juan Pablo CADENA GÓMEZ Misión Permanente de la República del Ecuador Misión Permanente de la República del Ecuador Embajador Primer Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno

Sra. Analucía JÁCOME Misión Permanente de la República del Ecuador Attaché


Mr. Mohamed Yehia Mohamed NEGM Ms. Shahinda EMAD Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt Minister Plenipotentiary Second Secretary

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Sr. José Félix ULLOA ALVARENGA Misión Permanente de la República de El Salvador Ministro Consejero


Ms. Yanit Abera HABTEMARIAM Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Second Secretary


Mme Gisèle ALPEYRIE Mission permanente de la République gabonaise Conseiller


Mr. Axel KÜCHLE Ms. Vittoria MEISSNER Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany of Germany Counsellor Adviser


H.E. Mr. Sammie EDDICO Mr. Ebenezer APPREKU Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Ambassador Minister Permanent Representative Deputy Permanent Representative

Ms. Vivian Kafui Akua ASEMPAPA Mr. Alexander BEN-ACQUAAH Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Minister Counsellor Minister Counsellor


Mr. Ermis SOULIS-SKIADOPOULOS Permanent Mission of Greece Intern


Excmo. Sr. Francisco VILLAGRÁN DE LEÓN Sr. Carlos José ESCOBEDO MENÉNDEZ Misión Permanente de Guatemala Misión Permanente de Guatemala Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente

Sra. Michelle BRAN ALVARADO Misión Permanente de Guatemala Primera Secretaria

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Mme Marjorie PRÉSUMÉ LATORTUE Mission permanente d’Haïti Premier secrétaire


S.E. Mgr. Silvano M. TOMASI M. Stefano SALDI Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Nonce Apostolique Stagiaire Observateur permanent


Excmo. Sr. Giampaolo RIZZO ALVARADO Ms. Sandra Yamileth PONCE AGUILERA Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto Consejera Encargado de negocios a.i.

Sra. Gilliam Noemi GÓMEZ GUIFARRO Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Primera Secretaria


Ms. Zsófia CSIZMADIA Permanent Mission of Hungary Third Secretary


Mr. Anil Kumar RAI Permanent Mission of India Counsellor


Mr. Acep SOMANTRI Mr. Rolliansyah SOEMIRAT Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia First Secretary First Secretary

Ms. Mariska Dwianti DHANUTIRTO Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Second Secretary


Mr. Abbas NASROLLAHI Ministry of Interior, Tehran Deputy Director General of BAFIA

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Mme Marilina ARMELLIN Mme Francesca LEONI Mission permanente de l'Italie Mission permanente de l'Italie Premier conseiller Stagaire


Ms. Patrice LAIRD-GRANT Permanent Mission of Jamaica Minister Counsellor


Ms. Saori HAMAGUCHI Permanent Mission of Japan Second Secretary


Mr. Tom ANYIM Ms. Elizabeth ONUKO Permanent Mission of the Republic of Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya Minister Counsellor Minister Counsellor


Ms. Ieva DREIMANE ARNAUD Permanent Mission of the Republic of Latvia First Secretary


Ms. Llang Bridget Mabatloung MAAMA-MAIME Ministry of Health, Maseru National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) Manager


Mr. Adel ALAKHDER Mr. Rabie MANSOUR Permanent Mission of Libya Permanent Mission of Libya First Secretary Attaché


Mme Eléonore JOHASY M. Solofo Andrianjatovo RAZAFITRIMO Mininstère de la Population, de la Protection Mission permanente de la République de Madagascar Sociale et de la Promotion de la Femme, Antananarivo Ministre conseiller Ministre Chargé d'affaires a.i.

Mme Harivola Mirana RAVOKATRASOLOFO Mr. Nicolas BEDO Mission permanente de la République de Madagascar Mission permanente de la République de Madagascar Attaché Assistant

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S.E. Mme Aya THIAM DIALLO M. Sidi Mohamed Youba SIDIBE Mission permanente de la République du Mali Mission permanente de la République du Mali Ambassadeur Conseiller Représentant permanent


H.E. Mr. John Paul GRECH Mr. Mark CISCALDI Permanent Mission of Malta Permanent Mission of Malta Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary First Secretary Permanent Representative


Sra. Patricia MENDOZA Sr. Silvestre Guillermo REYES CASTRO Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, México Misión Permanente de México Directora de Protección para Estados Unidos de América, Primer Secretario Dirección General de Protección a Mexicanos en el Exterior


M. Saïd AHOUGA M. Hassan EL MKHANTAR Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Ministre Plenipotentiaire Ministre Plenipotentiaire

Mme Najoua EL BERRAK M. Khalid ATLASSI Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Conseiller Conseiller


Mr. Juvenal Arcanjo DENGO Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mozambique First Secretary


H.E. Mr. Myint SOE Mr. Win ZEYAR TUN Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar Deputy Permanent Representative Minister Counsellor Ambassador


H.E. Ms. Sabine BÖHLKE-MÖLLER Mr. Bience GAWANAS Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia Advisor to the Government of Namibia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Former AU Commissioner for Social Affairs Permanent Representative

Ms. Nada KRUGER Ms. Johanna SALOMO-NAUYOMA Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia First Secretary Third Secretary

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Mr. Maurits TER KUILE Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands First Secretary


Ms. Meredith DAVIS Permanent Mission of New Zealand Policy Adviser


Sra. Ana Isabel MORALES MAZÚN Ministerio de Defensa, Managua Ministra


H.E. Mr. Zamir AKRAM Mr. Aamar Aftab QURESHI Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan of Pakistan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Representative

Mr. Syed Atif RAZA Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Third Secretary


Sra. Ana María BAIARDI QUESNEL Sr. Jorge Francisco BRIZUELA PERÉZ Ministerio de la Mujer, Asuncion Misión Permanente del Paraguay Ministra de la Mujer Consejero

Sra. Raquel Cristina PEREIRA FARINA Misión Permanente del Paraguay Attaché


Sra. Sara ALVARADO SALAMANCA Misión Permanente del Perú Segunda Secretaria


Ms. Maria Celeste M. VALDERRAMA Permanent Mission of the Philippines Labor Attaché

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Mr. Yong-Ho CHA Ministry of Justice, Seoul Director of Immigrant Integration Division Korea Immigration Service


Mr. Corneliu TARUS Mr. Igor MOLDOVAN Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova Family, Chisinau First Secretary Deputy Head, Family and Child Rights Protection Department


S.E. Mme Maria CIOBANU Mme Laura STREŞINĂ Mission permanente de la Roumanie Mission permanente de la Roumanie Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Premier secrétaire Représentant permanent


Mr. Maxim EFIMOV Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation Third Secretary


M. Abdoul Wahabou SALL M. Ibrahima FALL Ministère de l'Intérieur, Dakar Ministère de l'Intérieur, Dakar Directeur de la Police de l'Air et des Frontières Conseiller technique

M. Jean-Pierre COLY M. Youssoupha NDIAYE Ministère de la Femme, de la Famille et Mission permanente de la République du Sénégal de l'Enfance, Dakar Premier secrétaire Administrateur Civil


Mr. Miroslav MILOŠEVIĆ Mr. Miodrag RAKIĆ Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia Office for Human and Minority Rights, Belgrade Minister Counsellor Independent Advisor


Mr. Ján PLAVČAN Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic Second Secretary


Mr. Andrej ŽITKO Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia Counsellor

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Ms. Tilana GROBBELAAR Permanent Mission of South Africa Counsellor


Mr. Tiit Manyuat AROP, Mr. Martin Hakim SAMUEL DAVID Ministry of Interior and Wildlife Conservation, Permanent Mission of the Republic of South Sudan Juba Third Secretary Directorate of Nationality, Passports and Immigration Executive Director


Sr. Miguel POLO Sr. Gonzalo VEGA MOLINA, Dirección General de Migraciones, España Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Jefe de la Esfera de Evaluación y Asistencia Técnica Madrid Consejero


H.E. Mr. Ravinatha Pandukabhaya ARYASINHA Ms. Samantha JAYASURIYA Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Republic of Sri Lanka Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Representative

Mr. Chatura PERERA Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Second Secretary


Ms. Lucretia REDAN Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paramaribo Chargé d'affaires a.i.


M. Olivier HOEHNE Mission permanente de la Suisse Deuxième secrétaire


H.E. Mr. Marciano Octavio Garcia DA SILVA Ms. Sebastiana BARROS Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste of Timor-Leste Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary First Secretary Permanent Representative

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Mr. Joana SANTOS Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Assistant


S.E. Mme. Nakpa POLO Mme Mounto AGBA Mission permanente de la République togolaise Mission permanente de la République togolaise Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Premier secrétaire Représentant permanent


Ms. Tristine FORDE Ms. Carlene GARDNER Ministry of National Security, Port of Spain Ministry of National Security, Port of Spain International Affairs Officer Immigration Officer

Ms. Merlana HENRY Permanent Mission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Second Secretary


Mme Chérifa Eyssar KOCHLEF Mission permanente de la Tunisie Premier secrétaire


Mr. Mustafa Kemal BASA Ms. Özlem KURAL Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara Permanent Mission of Turkey Head of Department Counsellor

Mr. Aydin TOPCU Mr. Aygül CAN Permanent Mission of Turkey Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Counsellor Communities, Ankara Expert


Mr. Hemra AMANNAZAROV Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan First Secretary


H.E. Mr. Christopher ONYANGA APARR Mr. Fred MACHULU ONDURI Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ambassador Uganda Permanent Representative Director Social Protection

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Ms. Daisy GOULDING Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Attaché


Mr. Deogratius DOTTO Mr. Thomas John SANIRA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dar es Salaam Immigration Services Department, Dar Es Salaam Foreign Service Officer Immigration Officer

Mr. Alton Ernest CHAULA Immigration Services Department, Dar Es Salaam Immigration Officer


Ms. Catherine WIESNER Mr. Richard SWART Department of State, Washington, D.C. Permanent Mission of the of America Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Deputy Counsellor Refugees and Migration

Ms. Jessica YUTACOM Department of State, Washington, D.C. Senior Policy Officer


Sra. María Lía BERGARA ETCHEGOYEN Misión Permanente de la República Oriental del Uruguay Segunda Secretaria


Sr. Jackson Antonio GALINDO Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Segundo Secretario

Migration and Families (7 October 2014 - 8 October 2014) Page 13 of 22 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS

European Commission

Mr. Lieven BROUWERS Immigration and Integration Unit, DG Home Affairs Policy Officer

European Union

Mr. Erwan MARTEIL Mr. Sebastian Frederik BOONSTRA Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, Intern Geneva Frist Counsellor

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

Ms. Raquel SANTOS GARCIA Consultant Humanitarian Affairs

Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugee

Ms. Etsehiwot KASSA Intern

International Labour Organization

Ms. Michelle LEIGHTON Mr. Azfar KHAN Labour Migration Branch International Migration Programme Chief Head, Policy Research and Knowledge Building

Ms. Natalia POPOVA Mr. Ryszard CHOLEWINSKY Labor Migration Branch Labor Migration Branch Senior Labour Economist Migration Policy Specialist

Ms. Marie José TAYAH Labour Migration Branch Technical Officer

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Ms. Jane CONNORS Ms. Nekane LAVIN Director, Research and Right to Development Division Human Rights Officer

Ms. Carolina HERNANDEZ Migration Consultant

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Mr. Jason GAGNON Migration and Skills Unit Economist

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Organization of the Islamic Cooperation

Ms. Aissata KANE Ms. Yasemin EREN Permanent Delegation of the OIC Permanent Delegation of the OIC Deputy Permanent Observer Attaché

United Nations Children's Fund

Mr. Andrés FRANCO Private Sector Engagement Deputy Director, Geneva

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Agenzia Habeshia per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Rev. Fr. Mussie ZERAI Chairman

ATIKHA Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative

Ms. Aileen PEÑAS Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative Deputy Executive Director

Bangladeshi Ovibashi Mohila Sramik Association

Ms. Sumaiya ISLAM Director

Caritas Ambrosiana, Milan

Mr. Pedro DI IORIO Responsable Servicio Accoglienza Immigrati (SAI)

Caritas Internationalis

Mgr. Robert J. VITILLO Mr. Stefano NOBILE, Head of the Geneva Delegation Advocacy Officer

Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior

Sr. Guido AROCHI MILLÁN Director General Adjunto

International Catholic Migration Commission

Mr. Johan KETELERS Mr. John Kennedy BINGHAM Secretary General Head of Policy

Ms. Cristina PALAZZO Senior Operations Officer

International Centre for Eritrean Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Ms. Lul SEYOUM Director

International Council of Voluntary Agencies

Ms. Melissa PITOTTI Ms. Louisa SHEA Policy Officer Policy Analyst

International Islamic Relief Organization

Ms. Fawzia AL ASHMAWI Representative in Geneva

International Medical Corps

Mr. William GARVELINK Ambassador

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Jesuit Refugee Service

Mr. Michael GALLAGHER Geneva Representative

NGO Committee on Migration

Ms. Eva SANDIS Chair emerita

Oak Foundation, Geneva

Ms. Anastasia ANTHOPOULOS Program Officer, Child Abuse Program

Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants

Ms. Lilana KEITH Programme Officer

Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva

Mr. Laurel TOWNHEAD Representative (Human Rights and Refugees)

Refugee Council, United Kingdom

Mr. Maurice WREN Chief Executive

Save the Children

Ms. Anita Bay BUNDEGAARD Ms. Gabriela ALEXANDRESCU Director and UN Representative Save the Children, Romania Executive President

Ms. Daniela REALE Ms. Diarra DIOP Exploited Children Adviser Advocacy Adviser Child Rights

Ms. Noemi PAZIENTI Ms. Roberta CECCHETTI International Advocacy Adviser Senior Advocacy / Policy Adviser

Ms. Beatriz OCHOA Ms. Carolina PRANDELLI Project Management Associate Advocacy Associate

Ms. Jyothi KANICS Researcher and Expert

Terre des Hommes International Federation

Mr. Ignacio PACKER Ms. Eylah KADJAR Secretary General Head of International Secretariat

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Terre des Hommes International Federation

Ms. Mirela SHUTERIQI Ms. Severine RAMIS Protection Advisor Responsible for Peru and Columbia Programmes

The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society

Ms. Ruth FARRUGIA Director General Avocate, Senior Lecturer Coordinator: Human Rights Programme Faculty of Laws, University of Malta

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International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Ms. Sue LE MESURIER Programme Services Division Manager, Migration Unit

Ordre Souverain de Malte

M. Jean-François KAMMER M. Michel VEUTHEY, Délégation permanente de l'Ordre souverain et militaire Délégation permanente de l'Ordre souverain et militaire de Malte de Malte Conseiller Observateur permanent adjoint, Ministre conseiller

Ms. Viola LEONE Assistant

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Prof. Gustavo Alexis AMADOR HERNÁNDEZ Ms. Andrea DIEFENBACH Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San Pedro Internationally awarded photographer, Germany Profesor Universitario, Director de Programa

Mr. Elvis Christian KENMOE SIEYAPDJIE Ms. Eleonore KOFMAN Biomedical Engineer Professor of Gender, Migration and Citizenship

Ms. Najat Maalla M'JID Ms. Shreejana SHRESTHA Medical Doctor in Pediatrics Nepal Republic Media Former UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, Correspondent child prostitution and child pornography

Sr. Manuel SIERRA Facultad de Ciencas Médicas Profesor Maestria en Epidemiología

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Ms. Gabriela ALEXANDRESCU, Sra. Ana Maria BAIARDI QUESNEL, Save the Children Ministerio de la Mujer, Asuncion Executive President, Romania Ministra de la Mujer

Mr. André BELZILE, M. François BEYA KASONGA, Permanent Mission of Canada Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité, Humanitarian Affairs Kinshasa First Secretary Direction Générale de la Migration, Décentralisation Directeur Général

Mr. Lieven BROUWERS, Mr. Yong-Ho CHA, European Commission Ministry of Justice, Seoul Immigration and Integration Unit, DG Home Affairs Director of Immigrant Integration Division Policy Officer Korea Immigration Service

Ms. Jane CONNORS, Mr. Marco DE GIORGI Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy Director, Research and Right to Development Division Director General, National Office against Racial Discrimination National Office Against Racial Discrimination (UNAR), Department of Equal Opportunities

Ms. Andrea DIEFENBACH, Ms. Ruth FARRUGIA, Internationally awarded photographer, Germany The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society Director General Avocate, Senior Lecturer Coordinator: Human Rights Programme Faculty of Laws, University of Malta

Mr. Andrés FRANCO, Mr. Jason GAGNON, United Nations Children's Fund Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Deputy Director, Geneva Development Migration and Skills Unit Economist

Mr. Bience GAWANAS, Ms. Sumaiya ISLAM, Advisor to the Government of Namibia Bangladeshi Ovibashi Mohila Sramik Association Former AU Commissioner for Social Affairs Director

Mr. Richard JOHNSON, Mr. Elvis Christian KENMOE SIEYAPDJIE, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Biomedical Engineer, Cameroon Canberra Department of Immigration and Border Protection Assistant Secretary, Visa Framework and Family Policy Branch, Migration Citizenship Policy Division

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Mr. Johan KETELERS, Mr. Azfar KHAN, International Catholic Migration Commission International Labour Organization Secretary General International Migration Programme Head, Policy Research and Knowledge Building

Ms. Eleonore KOFMAN, Ms. Llang Bridget Mabatloung MAAMA-MAIME, Middlesex University, United Kingdom Ministry of Health, Lesotho Professor of Gender, Migration and Citizenship National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) Manager

Mr. Fred MACHULU ONDURI, Excma. Sra. Marta MAURÁS PÉREZ, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Misión Permanente de Chile Uganda Embajadora Director Social Protection Representante Permanente

Sra. Patricia MENDOZA, Mr. Ignacio PACKER, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, México Terre des Hommes International Federation Directora de Proteccion para Estados Unidos de América Secretary General Dirección General de Protección a Mexicanos en el Exterior

Ms. Aileen PEÑAS, Sr. Miguel POLO, ATIKHA Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative Dirección General de Migraciones, España Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative Jefe de la Esfera de Evaluación y Asistencia Técnica Deputy Executive Director

Ms. Natalia POPOVA, Sra. Kathya RODRIGUEZ ARAICA, International Labour Organization Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, Labour Migration Branch Costa Rica Senior Labour Economist Directora General de Migración y Extranjería

Sr. Manuel SIERRA, Mr. William Lacy SWING Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, International Organization for Migration Tegucigalpa Director General Facultad de Ciencas Médicas Profesor Maestria en Epidemiología

Mr. Corneliu TARUS, Ms. Catherine WIESNER, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Department of State, Washington, D.C. Family, Chisinau Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Deputy Head, Family and Child Rights Protection Department Refugees and Migration

Mr. Maurice WREN, Refugee Council, United Kingdom Chief Executive

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