Anglo-Saxon Wills Edited by Dorothy Whitelock Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40221-8 - Anglo-Saxon Wills Edited by Dorothy Whitelock Index More information INDEX NOMINUM Clarendon figures refer to pages, plain figures to lines of text JEffa, 12, 7; 14, i; 60, 28; 111 j^Elfhelm, Ealdorman of North- mffe, 133 f. umbria, 46, 156°.; 48, 3; ^Efic, king's high-reeve, 149 50, 12; 133, 152 ff., 176 — vicecomes of Staffs., 165 — Polga, of Wratting, testator, 30, iElfflaed, testatrix, 38, 1; 105 ff., i6;133ff., 162 139 ff., 149, 183 — 32, 21; 48, 13; 134, 136, 156 — 76, 22 iElfhere, Ealdorman, 22, 25; 24, j^Elffrith, Bishop of Sherborne, 109 10 f.; 66. 11; 121, 124 f., iElfgar, Ealdorman, testator, 6, 1; 131, 170, 175 f. 103 ff., 138, 140, 142 f. — Abbot of Bath, 62, 23; 174 — Earl, son of Earl Leofric, 78, — 14, 6 f.; 28, 18; 129, 131 footnote 13; 82, 23 ; 182,185, iElfhild, 56, 2 189 /Elfhun, Bishop of London, 66, 9; — King Ethelred's reeve, 164 176 — minister, 104 iElfketel, 84, 13 ; 107, 198 — of Meopham, 26, 14 iElfmier Cild, 134, 136 — ^ffa's son, 60, 27 f. — iEtheling iEthelstan's seneschal, — iElfhelm's son, 30, 25 60, 9; 170 — Sired's son, 130 — /Etheling iEthelstan's cniht, 58, — 76, 18; 80, 9 13; 170 ^Elfgeat, 36, 28 — Wulfwaru's cniht, 64, 19 iElfgifu, ? first wife of King Ethel — iElfric's son, 62, 2 red II, 167, 176 — 32, 12; 58, 30; 134, 136, 170 — Emma, wife of Ethelred II and iElfnoth Pilia, 28, 21 Cnut, 66, 16; 78, 18; 177, — Leofgifu's steward, 76, 17 182 f., 190 f.
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