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JEffa, 12, 7; 14, i; 60, 28; 111 j^Elfhelm, Ealdorman of North- mffe, 133 f. umbria, 46, 156°.; 48, 3; ^Efic, king's high-reeve, 149 50, 12; 133, 152 ff., 176 — vicecomes of Staffs., 165 — Polga, of Wratting, testator, 30, iElfflaed, testatrix, 38, 1; 105 ff., i6;133ff., 162 139 ff., 149, 183 — 32, 21; 48, 13; 134, 136, 156 — 76, 22 iElfhere, Ealdorman, 22, 25; 24, j^Elffrith, , 109 10 f.; 66. 11; 121, 124 f., iElfgar, Ealdorman, testator, 6, 1; 131, 170, 175 f. 103 ff., 138, 140, 142 f. — Abbot of Bath, 62, 23; 174 — Earl, son of Earl Leofric, 78, — 14, 6 f.; 28, 18; 129, 131 footnote 13; 82, 23 ; 182,185, iElfhild, 56, 2 189 /Elfhun, , 66, 9; — King Ethelred's reeve, 164 176 — minister, 104 iElfketel, 84, 13 ; 107, 198 — of Meopham, 26, 14 iElfmier Cild, 134, 136 — ^ffa's son, 60, 27 f. — iEtheling iEthelstan's seneschal, — iElfhelm's son, 30, 25 60, 9; 170 — Sired's son, 130 — /Etheling iEthelstan's cniht, 58, — 76, 18; 80, 9 13; 170 ^Elfgeat, 36, 28 — Wulfwaru's cniht, 64, 19 iElfgifu, ? first wife of King Ethel­ — iElfric's son, 62, 2 red II, 167, 176 — 32, 12; 58, 30; 134, 136, 170 — Emma, wife of Ethelred II and iElfnoth Pilia, 28, 21 Cnut, 66, 16; 78, 18; 177, — Leofgifu's steward, 76, 17 182 f., 190 f. — 52, 8; 60, 20 — testatrix, 20, 1; 118 f. Alfred, King. See Alfred — of Northampton, 152 f., 182 — Ealdorman, 173 — Wulfgeat's wife, 164 — of Lincoln, 208 f. — Ketel's stepdaughter, 90, 18, — 26, 13 23 iElfric, , iElfheah, Ealdorman, testator, 16, 6, testator, 44, 13, 25; 46, 12; 16; 22, 8; 114 f., 121 ff., 126 50, 11 f.; 52, 1; 100, 137, — and Arch­ 147, 153 f., 160 ff. bishop of Canterbury, 44, 25 ; — , 78, foot­ 54, 1; 120, 125, 150, 163, note 12; 189 168, 174 — Bishop of Elmham, 70, 17; 74, — , 159 3, 24; 179, 182 f., 185 — discifer, 121 — Abbot, the Homilist, 145, 161, — jElfstan's son, 28, 20; 132, 178 172, 174, 176 — Esne's son, 52, 28 — Abbot, 66, 10; 176 — Ordheah's son, 26, 15; 28,9, — priest, 76, 8, 10 11 — Ketel's priest, 90, 32 — 72, 9; 131 — deacon, 175

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214 INDEX NOMINUM ^lfric Modercope, testator, 74, 14; iElfweard, 20, 27; 22, 6; 120 185 f. ^lfwig, priest, 72, 17 ; 82, 10 — of Barton, 60, 23 — Ketel's cniht, 90, 18 — Ealdorman /Elfhere's son, 131 — Leofgifu's steward, 76, 16 — ^Elfhere's son, 26,16; 28,14 ff.; — 16, 14 128 f., 131 iElfwine, Ealdorman (?), 153 — ^lfstan's son, 28, 20; 132, 178 — Bishop of Elmham, 182 — Wihtgar's son, 76, 19; 78, 22; — Bishop of Winchester, 78, 20; 188, 196 191 — 62, 2; 72, 22; 78, 2; 82, 19; 196 — Abbot of Ramsey, 82, 21; 192, iElfsige I, Bishop of Winchester, 196 testator, 16, 1; 100, 114 f., — priest at Walsingham, 72, 14 122 — /Ethelstan iEtheling's chaplain, iElfsige II, Bishop of Winchester, 60, 7 58, 1, 29; 62, 2; 114, 167, — Wulfred's son, 78, 21; 192, 169 196 — Abbot, 44, 27; 150 — 22, 28; 24, 11; 64, 3ff.;80, 8; — Abbot of Cowwaforde, 66, 10 f.; 82, 22; 84, 15; 125, 196, 176 197 f. — priest in Croydon, 28, 22 ^Elfwold, , 100, — King's , minister, 66, 12; 127, 137, 161, 174 116, 130, 176 — Abbot, 44, 28; 150 — Hunlafing, 130 — ^Ethelflaed's priest, 36, 25 — 12, 2; 14, 3 — 8, 12; 12, 12; 32, 10, 20; 68, iElfstan, Bishop of London, 42, 18, 12; 88, 31; 119, 134, 143 22; 118, 130, 146, 148, 161 iElfwyn, -wen, wife of the Ealdor­ — Bishop of , 118 man iEthelstan, 138 — , 26, 16; — 70, 7; 180 130 j^Escwig, Bishop of Dorset, 125, — Bishop, 18, 23; 118 161 — 28, 20; 32, 12; 84, 5; 134, 136 — Abbot of Bath, 24, 11 f.; 125 — See Lyfing ^scwyn, 128, 131 /Elfswith, Brihtric's wife, testatrix, iEthelbriht, St, King of East 26, 11 Anglia. See Ethelbert — Ealdorman iElfheah's wife, 22, — Ealdorman, 167 29; 122, 124 f. iEthelflaed of Domerham, testatrix, — iEthelstan iEtheling's foster- 6,9ff.;8,4rT.;34, i3;103ff., mother, 60, 4 136, 138 ff., 142 ff., 176 — 12,9 — testatrix, 66, 1; 176 iElfthryth, wife of King Edgar, 22, — the White, 14, 16; 113 21; 24, 10; 38, 26; 62, 9; — Ealhhelm's daughter, 14, 6; 113 121, 123, 141, 143, 145, — 10, 7 ff.; 12, 14; 14, 17 ff.; 20, 150, 170 32; 110, 119 f., 176 — 's daughter, 153 iEthelfrith, Ealdorman, 119 ^lfwaru, ^Elfgifu's sister, 20, 28, — 110 31;120 /Ethelgar, Abbot of New Minster — Burga's daughter, 14, 3 and Bishop of Selsey, 18, 23 ; — Wulfwaru's daughter, 62, 30; 117 f., 121, 125, 129 64, i2ff. — 8, 26 iElfweard, Bishop of London, 76, iEthelgeard, testator, 18, 10; 117 15; 78, 19; 187 f., 191 — preng, 117 — Wulfwaru's cniht, 64, 20 ^thelgifu, 12, 1; 14, 18 — Ealdorman iElfheah's son, 22, iEthelgyth, testatrix, 92, 9; 190, 27; 24, 3 205 f.

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INDEX NOMINUM 215 ^thelgythjThurstan's wife, 78,13 f.; iEthelweard, son of Ealdorman 80,4 f.; 82, 5ff.;84, 1; 190, iEthelwine, 173 192 ff., 205 — 8, 8; 20, 27; 22, 6, 28; 107, — !2, 7 119 f., 124 iEthelheard, King of Wessex, 115 -flEthelwine, Ealdorman, 24, 11; iEthelmaer, Ealdorman, testator, 24, 125, 136 f., 173 13; 119, 122, 125 f., 136, — Athelstan iEtheling's cniht, 60, 144 19 — Ealdorman of the Western Pro­ — the Black, 188 vinces, 40, 12; 105, 126, — son of Ealdorman iEthelmaer, 141, 144 f., 173 126 f. — Bishop of Elmham, testator, ^Ethelwold, Ealdorman (-946), 100, 92, 1; 184 f., 205 105 — 'discthegn,' 145 — Ealdorman of East Anglia, — priest, 36, 27 123 — Pari, 84, 2; 197 — Bishop of Winchester, 18, 22; — iEthelweard's son, 124, 145 20, 24; 24, 10, 21; 109, — 40, 17; 44, 14, 28; 76, 24; 118 f., 121, 129, 132, 178 145, 149, 188 — testator, 30, 1; 118, 123, 132, iEthelnoth, Archbishop of Canter­ 147 bury, 66, 8; 175 f. — pes greta, 113 — 76, 11 — 56, 27 iEthelred, King. See Ethelred Aeulf, 8, 26; 108 — thegn, 118 Ail-, Ayl-. See iEthel- iEthelric of Boccing, testator, 42, 6; Ailid. See ^Ethelgyth 44, 2; 143,147 ff., 183 A1-. See also lEli-, Eal- — priest, 76, 8; 78, 1, 3 Alf-. See also lE\i- — monk, 80, 15 Alfred, King, 110, 112, 119, 170, — Sibriht's brother, 141, 147 173: laws of, 100, 112, 131, — 30, 21; 32, 10, 20; 48, 14; 72, 163, 183 6; 76, 20; 80, 12; 134, 136, Alkil. See .Elfketel 188 Alti, 204 iEthelsige, dean of Worcester, 164 AlwinuSy dux, 153 — deacon, 76, 9 Arfast, Bishop of Elmham, 194 — 56, 8; 76, 5 ff.; 131, 154, — 80, 28; 194 187 Askil, Abbot Brand's brother, 210 iEthelstan, King. See Athelstan — 82, 29; 84, 2; 197 — ^Etheling, testator, 56, 10; 112, Athelstan, King, 18, 18; 99, 114, 123, 127, 167 ff. 143, 172: laws of, 99, 110, — 'Halfking', Ealdorman, 104 f., 137,191: charter of, 118 119, 138, 145 Athulf, 173 — Ealdorman, 138 f. — Mann's son, 134, 136 Beda, 12, 7 — Tofi the Proud's son, 186 Beorht-. See Briht- — See Lyfing Berric (for Beornric?), 76, 17 ^thelswith, 80, 16; 82, 29; 110, Bica, 12, 7; 111 193 Bote, 84, 22; 90, 8 iEthelweard, Ealdorman and Chro­ Brand, Abbot of Peterborough, 94 nicler, 119, 120, 124, 138, 24, 26;207f., 210 f. 145 Brihtferth, Ealdorman, 104 — II, Ealdorman, 145, 173 — minister, 104 — the Stammerer, 60, 13; 172 Brihthelm, Bishop of London, 99 — son of Ealdorman iEthelmaer, — Abbot, 44, 28; 150 145, 173 Brihtmaer, Abbot, 62, 2; 173

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2l6 INDEX NOMINUM Brihtnoth, Ealdorman, 6, 25; 8, 2, Eadgifu, Queen, 28, 19; 100, 132 14; 34, 23, 25; 36, 2ff.; 66, — Ulf's mother, 208, 211 11; 104 ff., 116, 141, 143 ff., — 2, 11; 10, 29; 12, 1, 28; 14, 149, 175, 190 2, 8; 100, 110, 116 — Abbot of Ely, 123 Eadhelm, 12, 5 Brihtric, testator, 26, 11; 128 ff. Eadmaer, 10, 15, 22; 12, 13, 23; — minister, 106 f. 14, 27; 110 — Grim, testator, 18, 14; 117 f. Eadmund. See Edmund — 14, 5; 26, 16; 128 Eadnoth, , 212 Brihtsige, 12, 8 Eadred, King. See Edred Brihtwaru, 26, 15; 28, 5 ff.; 128 ff. — King Ethelred's son, 169 Brihtwold, Bishop of Ramsbury, 164 Eadric, Ealdorman (-949), 6, 4; — ^thelflasd's cniht, 36, 24 104 f. Brihtwyn, 14, 30; 109 — Streona, Ealdorman of , Brun, iungere, 72, 12 f., 25; 183 66, 12; 175 f. — reeve of Ipswich, 184 — of Ho, 28, 21 f. — 56,5 — of Laxfield, 188, 196 Bunele, 14, 5 — Wynflaed's son, 58, 29 f.; 60, 18 Burga, 14, 3 — 42, 17; 82, 19; 132, 196 Burhulf, 12, 2 Eadsige, Archbishop of Canterbury, Burhwold, , 145 78, 18; 190 f. Burhwyn, 14, 2 Eadstan, 14, 1 Byrht-. See Briht- Eadulf, Bishop of East Anglia, 99 — , 178 Ceolric, 52, 13 ff. — 4,2 Ceolstan, Eadstan's son, 14, 1 Eadweard, King. See Edward -12,3 Eadwig, King. See Edwy Ceolthryth, 10, 5; 14, 14 — King Ethelred's son, 58, 28; Ceolweard, 52, 11 168 f., 171 Ceolwyn, 14, 19 Eadwine. See Edwin Cnut, King, 66, 16; 70, 18; 102, Eadwold, priest, 78, 20; 191 130, 149, 151, 170 f., 177, — 10, 20; 12, 18, 23; 14, 1, 30; 180 ff., 186, 190 f.: charter 110 of, 183: laws of, 127, 149. Eadwyn, 12, 4; 14, 5 See also Heriot Eakild, 8, 16; 107 Coenwulf, King of Mercia, 130 Ealcild, Ealdcild. See Eakild — King of Wessex, 119 Ealdgyth, 's wife, 50, 15 Crawe, 36, 30; 38, 32; 40, 3; 141 — 84, 24; 199 Curing. See Wulfric Ealdhelm, 198 Cwatt. See Leofwine Ealdred, Archbishop of York, 94, Cynelufu, 14, 26 i9;207ff. Cynestan, 14, 4 Ealhcild, Ealh(h)ild. See Eakild Ealhhelm, 14, 6 Denewulf, Bishop of Winchester, Ealhmund, 70, 11; 181 115, 118 Earngrim, 155 Drew de Beuere, 208 ff. Ecgbyrht, King Ethelred's son, 169 Dunstan, Archbishop of Canter­ Ecgferth, 88, 7; 121 bury, 18, 22; 44, 21; 103, Ecghelm, 14, 4 118, 122, 132, 135, 139, Ecgwine, ^Ethelflaed's reeve, 36, 22 168, 191 Edgar, King, 34, 20; 106, 118-25, 128 f., 132 f., 138 f., 151, Eadburg, 14, 20 162, 178: charters of, 115, Eadgar, King. See Edgar 120 f., 130,133 f., 138,140 — King Ethelred's so 169 165, 173: laws of, 101

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INDEX NOMINUM 217 Edgar, Mtheling, 210 124,126,131 fr.,151,154ff., Edmund, King, 6, 5; 34, 19, 22; 164: laws of, 101, 110, 127, 99,101,103 f., 132 f., 138 f.: 149, 170 charters of, 109, 125, 130, Ethelwerd. See ^thelweard 138 f. — Ironside, King, 58, 11, 18; 60, Fila. SeeOsuXi 24; 62, 1; 155, 168 ff.: Fraena, 44, 29; 66, 13; 150, 176 charter of, 127 Frithwald, King of Surrey, 199 — /Etheling, King Edgar's son, Fugel, 10, 6; llQ 124 Fulcheric, 211 — 36, 19; 70, footnote 4; 107 Edred, King, 18, 16 f.; 121, 132; Gerburg, 12, 1; 111 charters of, 99, 115 ff., 121, Gersand, 12, 6; 111 130, 152: will of, 132, 172, Gode, Countess, 158 183 — 64, 8; 84, 22; 90, 12; 198 Edward the Confessor, King, 78, Godgifu, wife of Earl Leofric, 212 18; 86, 11; 165, 168, 186, Godhere, 32, 14 189, 199, 202: time of, 100, Goding, 88, 20 102 and passim: writs of, Godric, Abbot of Peterborough, 210 182, 185 f., 191 — the Dapifer, 199 f. Edward the Elder, King, 14, 29 f.(?); — Leofgifu's reeve, 76, 26 100, 109, 111, 115, 132, — Leofgifu's steward, 76, 14 150: charters of, 169 — 32, 6; 74, 20, 24; 90, 16; 134, Edward the Martyr, King, 58, 10; 136, 198 112, 120, 123 ff., 133, 162, Godwine, Earl of Wessex, 78, 19; 169 f. 84, 26; 171, 191, 199 Edwin, Earl, 153 — Bishop of Lichfield, 159 — testator, 86, 12 ff.; 88, 13, 28; — Bishop of Rochester, 44, 26; 90, 2;196-203 130 f., 147, 150 — monk, 72, 16 — the Driveller, 60, 17, 23; 173 — Ecgferth's son, 88, 7 — of Fetcham, 28, 21 — 82, 17; 196 — of Worthy, 114 Edwy, King, 119, 121 f., 132: — Ealdorman iElfheah's son, 22, charters of, 106 f., 115 ff., 26; 124 121 f., 130 — Wulfnoth's son, 60, 2 f.; 171 Elsa, 10, 5 — 68, 15; 76, 22; 82, 17; 198 Elswitha, 's wife, 153 Gosebricht, 4, 27; 103 Emma, Queen. See iElfgifu Gouti, 82, 18; 196 Eormenhild, St, 40, 6; 144 Grim. See Brihtric Erkenwald, Bishop of London, 106, Grimbold, 211 194 Grimketel, Bishop of Selsey, 182 Erneis de Burun, 208 Gundwine, 4, 29; 103 Esgar Staller, 186 Gurhann, 12, 7 ; 111 Esne, 52, 28 Guthrum, 100, 111, 112 Ethelbert, St, King of East Anglia, Gytha, Osgot Clapa's daughter, 186 2, 31; 54, 11; 102,165 Ethelred, King of Mercia, 122 Hardacnut, King, 196 — I, King of England, 119 Hargodusy priest, 175 — II, the Unready, King of Eng­ , King, 70, 19; land, 44, 1; 50, 25 f.; 56, 13 ; 72, 5 ; 153, 182 f. 58, 12; 62, 8, 13; 66, 7; — Earl, 80, 26; 82, 16; 84, 26; 112, 118, 123 f., 131, 150, 90, 24; 186, 193 f., 201 154, 162, 164 f., 167 f., Hawase, 153 170 f., 173 ff.: charters of, Healden, 96, 6; 208 f., 211 f.

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2l8 INDEX NOMINUM Henry de Ferrieres, 154,156,158 f. Leofwine, testator in Crawford Char­ Herestan, 14, 4 ters, 135 Herfast, Haerfast. See Arfast — Cwatt, 60, 14 f.; 173 Heyng, Haeing, 180, 190. See — iElfheah's son, 131 Thurketel, Thurstan — Athulf's son, 173 Hisfig, 14, 2; 113 — 30, 14; 58, 17; 88, 20; 153, Hugh, son of Baldric, 208 171 Humbert, Bishop of East Anglia, 99 Leofwyn, iEthelric's wife, 42, 10; 149 Ine, King of Wessex, laws of, 111 f. — ThurketelJs wife, 68, 6; 72, 18; Ingemund, 96, 1, 5; 211 179, 184 Lufa, 24, 18 Johanna, 12, 5 Lustwine, 84, 4; 189 ff., 197 Judith, Countess, 178, 208 f., 211 Lyfing, Archbishop of Canterbury, 44, 28; 147,150 Ketel Alder, testator, 84, 13, 20; — 60, 13 88, 2ff., 197 ff., 201 ff. — 70, 10 Madselin, testatrix, 94, 14; 209 Mangod, 177 Leofcild, sheriff, 78, 20 f.; 191,197 Mann, Ketel's reeve, 88, 16 — 76, 23 f.; 82, 24; 197 — 12, 5; 134, 136 Leofcwen, 68, 10 Mantat, testator, 66, 16; 177 Leofeca, 164 Martin, 14, 2; 113 Leofflaed, Ealdorman Brihtnoth's Merewine, 82, 12; 84, 5; 195 daughter, 141 f., 190, 193 Merfyn, 195 Leofgifu, testatrix, 76, 1; 78, 10; Merwald, underking of Mercia, 166 101, 151, 183, 187 Miscin, 12, 2; 111 — 94, 28 Modwenna, St, 160 Leofmaer of Bygrave, 60, 16; 173 Morcar, Earl, 153, 208 ff. — 82, 20; 196 — thegn of the Seven Boroughs, Leofman, 40, 30 48, 7; 50, 15; 58, 16; Leofnoth, predecessor of Ralf, son 153 ff., 159, 167, 170 of Hubert, 155 f., 159 — 54, 26 Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury, 28, Leofric, Earl, 78,19; 150,166,191, 20; 103,114, 119,131 f. 212 Odgar, 4, 28; 103 — Abbot of St Albans, 52, 26; Odo of Bayeux, 162 f. 161 ff. Offa, King of Mercia, 58, 18; 102, — Abbot of Peterborough, 210 171 — seneschal, 82, 24 f.; 197 — 2,32 — of Holewelle, 134, 136 Omund, 70, 10; 107 — 68, 14; 86, 15; 88, 21 Ordgar, Ealdorman, 123, 150 Leofsige, Ealdorman, 44, 12, 26; — sheriff of Cambridgeshire, 196 f. 149, 176 — 82, 22 f.; 103, 196 f. — Abbot of Ely, 82, 20; 192, Ordheah, Thurstan's chaplain, 82, 196 11 — 32, 14; 134 — 26, 15; 80, 15 Leofstan, Abbot of Bury, 192, 196 Ordnoth, testator, 16, 21; 18, 6; — dean, 72, 3; 82, 18; 183, 192, 116 196 Ordulf, 44, 29; 150 — 60,14 Osbeorn, 68, 13; 82, 17; 180 Leofwaru, 78, 12; 80, 4; 84, 2; Osgar, 32, 13 190, 192 f. Osgot Clapa, 82, 16; 102, 186, 196 Leofwine, Ealdorman, 44, 27; 150 — Swegn, 82, 22; 194, 196

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INDEX NOMINUM 219 Osgot, Eadulf's son, 4, 2; 102 78 20; 80, 26; 82, 16; 88, 24; — 2, 24, 28; 4, 7; 101 90, 31; 100, 173, 182, 185, Osmaer, iElfhelm's cniht, 32, 11 188 f., 191 f., 201 f., 205 Osmund, 76, 16 — 76, 20; 188 Osulf Fila, 78, 21; 82, 24; 191 Swegn, King of Denmark, 44, 4; Oswold, Bishop of Worcester, 125, 144, 148 f., 155, 180 137, 160, 162, 187, 191 — Cilt, 156, 158 Osyth, St, 82, 2; 199 — of Essex, 105 Othelbriht, 10, 5 — 70, ii; 84, 6; 181. See also Osgot Pari. See iEthelmasr Penda, King of Mercia, 199 Theodred, Bishop of London, tes­ Pifus, 12, 4; 111 tator, 2, 1, 20; 4, 6; 6, 4; Pilia. S^^lfnoth 99-105 Polga. See ^lfhelm — 4, 26 Thor(e)d, Thorth, comes, 168 Ralf Bainard, 190,195, 205 — steallere, 194 — son of Hubert, 155 f. — 80, 27; 193 Ranulf Peverel, 198, 202 ff. Thrunni. See Thrym Remigius, Bishop, 212 Thrym, 74, 26; 186 Reynold, son of Ivo, 190, 202, 205 Thurbrand, 58, 16; 171 Ringwaru, 72, 16 Thurgot, 84, 4; 197 Roger of Poitou, 154 Thurketel Heyng, testator, 70, 1, 16; 180 Saeflaed, 88, 15; 90, 22; 202 — of Harmsworth, 178 Saewine, 80, 17; 178 — of Palgrave, testator, 68, 1, 21; Scegth, 48, 14; 156 136, 179, 184, 204 Scemund, 212 — (Thurkil), testator, 92, 9; 190, Sendi Arfast, 80, 28; 194 193, 205 f. — 82, 24 — 68, 10; 193 Sexburg, St, 40, 6; 144 Thurkil. See Thurketel Sibriht, 36, 21; 72, 19; 141, 147 Thurlac, 72, 20; 184 Siferth,thegn of the Seven Boroughs, Thurstan, Wine's son, testator, 78, 60, 11; 155, 167, 169 ff. 11; 80, 1; 82, 29; 84, 1; — 58, 4; 94, 27; 151, 169 117, 127, 136, 172, 178, Siflaed, testatrix, 92, 13; 94, 1; 206 183, 189 ff., 204 f. Sigelm, Ealdorman, 132 — Thurstan's chaplain, 82, 10 Sigeric. See Siric Thurward, 88, 7 Sired, Alfred's son, 26, 13; 28, 9; Tofi the Proud, 74, 26; 186, 196 130 Toli, 205 f. — the old, 130 Tope, 208 ff. Siric, or Sigeric, Archbishop of Canterbury, 44, 6; 147,149, Ucca. See Wulfstan 161 Ufegeat, sheriff, 66, 13 ; 175 f. — Abbot Brand's brother, 210 — ^lfhelm's son, 46, 25; 153, — 88, 20; 204 155, 176 Siw(e)ard Barn, 156, 158 f. Ufi, Abbot of Bury, 181, 184, 196 — 130 — Prior, 72, 15; 184 Siworth, Abbot Brand's brother, 210 Ufic, 78, 21; 191 Snel, 12, 6; 111 Uhtred, Earl, 171 Sprow, 12, 5; 111 Ulf, Thorald's son, 210 Stamera. See iEthelweard — Tope's son, testator, 94, 14; Stanhand, 74, 9 207 ff. Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury, — 82, 17

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Ulfketel Cild, 82, 22; 193 f. Wulfmaer, Wulfwaru's son, 62, 25^ — (of East Anglia?), 58, 15 ; 170 64, 13, 16 — Wulfgyth's son, 84, 20; 198 — 32, 22; 84, 3; 134, 136 — 68, 10; 82, if., i9;193f. Wulfnoth Cild, 171 — 60, 3; 72, 18; 171 Viking, Thurstan's cniht, 82, 4; Wulfred, 78, 21; 192, 196 127, 194 Wulfric, princeps, 116 Vftharr. See Withar — Abbot of Ely, 196 — priest,'175 Waltheof, Earl, 178, 208 — Wulfwaru's cniht, 64, 20 Weohstan, Ealdorman of Wiltshire, — Curing, 16, 12; 115 110 — of Wickham, 16, 15 Wigheard, Abbot, 66, 10; 175 f. — Spott, Wulfrun's son, testator> Wihtburg, St, 40, 6; 143 44, 29; 46, 5; 50, 27; 100, Wihtgar, 76, 19; 78, 22; 188, 196 150, 152-160, 187 Wihtred, King of Kent, laws of, 165 — Edwin's brother, 86, 27; 88> Wihtric, 88, 19 29;90, 3;201,203 Wilburg, Penda's daughter, 199 — Leofwine's son, 153 Wilflaed, 56, 1 — 56, 24 f. William I, King, 191, 205, 209 f. Wulfrun, 44, 29; 152 f., 164 f. — , 205 Wulfsige, Bishop of Dorset, 44, Wimund, 32, 14 25 f.; 150 Wine, priest, 26, 14 — the Black, 26, 14 — 80, 1; 189 f. — testator, 74, 1; 185 Winehelm, 8, 18; 108 — Wulfstan Ucca's brother, 26> Wiswith, 8, 9; 107 13; 28, 24 f. Withar, 60, 8; 172 — 28, 8 Wulffljed, 10, 29; 14, 18 Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York,, Wulfgar, Abbot of Abingdon, 44, 52, 29; 66, 9; 160, 163, 176, 27; 150 206 — Wulfric's cniht, 48, 6 — Bishop of London (between 951 Wulfgeat, Abbot of Burton, 160 and 963), 99 — of Donington, testator, 54, 7; — Bishop of London, 52, 26 j 153, 156, 164 f., 194 160, 163 — Leofeca's son, 144,150, 164 f. — Bishop of Worcester, 210 — Wulfrun's kinsman, 164 f. — Wulfwaru's cniht, 64, 20 — 44, 29; 82, 17 — Ucca, 26, 13; 28, 11, 22; Wulfgifu, 54, 24, 26 129 f. Wulfgyth, testatrix, 84, 8; 197 ff., — 4, 8; 179 201 ff. Wulfwaru, testatrix, 62, 13; 127, — i^lfswith's daughter, 12, 9 165, 174 Wulfheah, ^lfhelm's son, 46, 15 ff.; — Brihtsige's wife, 12, 8 153, 155 — 10, 27 — Ordheah's son, 26, 15; 28, 7 ff. Wulfweard, monk, 72, 8 Wulfhere, King of Mercia, 144 Wulfwine, 68, 11, 15; 82, 24 Wulfhild, nun, 106 Wulfwyn, 74, 4; 185 Wulfhun pes blaca, 113 Wynflaed, testatrix, 10, 1; 109 ff. Wulfmasr, priest, 92, 16 — 58, 30; 60, 18; 109 — the bishop's brother, 134, 136 Wynsige, 14, 5

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Abingdon (Abbandune), Berks., ab­ Ashdon (Aesredune), Essex, 82, 7; bey of, 20, 14; 24, 29; 30, 7; 190, 195 52, 8 f.; 119,132,160 ff., 164: Ashfield (Aisfeld), Suffolk, 8, 16 abbots of, 150, 176: Historic/. Ashfield Green (Aysfeld), Suffolk, of, 152, 154, 156, 160 2, 29; 102 Acclea. See Oakley Ashford (Essetesford), Kent, 84, 25; Acofre. See Okeover 199 Acton (Actune), 48, 23 ; 157 Ashingdon (Assandun), Essex, 170$ Acton (Acantune, Acyntune), Suffolk, 191 40, 25 f.; 146 Ashwell Thorpe (Aescewelle), Nor­ Acton Round, Shropshire, 157 folk, 88, 9; 201. See also Adder bury (Eadburg(g) ebyrig), Oxon., Thorpe 10, 23; 56, 16; 168 Ash Wicken. See Wicken JElfredingtune. See Alvington Athelington (Elyngtone), Suffolk, 2, JEllsendune. See Ellandun 30;102 Aesredune. See Ashdon Aungre. See Ongar Ailsworth, Hunts., 129 f. Austrey (Aldulfestreo), Warwicks., Aldbourne (Ealdincburnan), Wilts., 48, 11; 152, 156 22,26 Avon (Hafene), Wilts., 12, 24 Aids worth (Ealdeswyrcfe), Glos., 48, Awsworth, Notts., 159 33; 154, 159 Aylesbury (JEgelesbyrig), Bucks., 22, Aldulfestreo. See Austrey 16; 122 f. Alfreton, Derbyshire, 159 Algarsthorpe (Eskeresthorp), Nor­ Baddow (Beadewan), Essex, 32, 1 folk, 86, 14; 200 Balsdon Hall (Byligesdynse; By lies-, Alpington, Norfolk, 199 Byligesdyne), Suffolk, 36, 13; Alresford (Mlesforda), Essex, 38, 4; 38, 17; 40, 21; 140, 146 142 Balsham, Cambs., 135 Alvaston (Alewaldestune), Derby­ Balterley (Baltry&eleage), Staffs., 48, shire, 46, 25; 154 6 Alvington {JElfredingtune), Glos., Barking (Berkynge; By ore-, Beorc- 50, 1; 154, 159 ingan), Essex, abbey of St Alwalton, Hunts., 130 Mary's, St ^thelburg's at, 6, Amalburnan, Suffolk, 40, 30 f.; 146 23; 34, 24; 38, 25, 28; 80, 30; Anhus. See Onehouse 106, 194 Ann, Abbots {Anne), Hants., 16, 7; Barlaston (Beorelfestune), Staffs., 46, 115 21 Appelsco, Norfolk, 86, 19; 200 Barlborough (Barleburh), Derby­ Appleby (JEppebbyg), Leics., 48, 31; shire, 48, 9 158 Barnham, Suffolk, 136 Apton (Apetune), Norfolk, 86, 19, Barton (Bertune), 60, 23; 173 21; 200. See also Bergh Apton Barton (? Byrdetune), Essex (?), 38, Arley, Upper, Worcs., 164 f. 5; 142 Arrington (Earnningtone), Cambs., Barton Bendish, Norfolk, 195, 205 f. 2, 11 Barton Turf (Berton), Norfolk, 74, Ashbury, Berks., 115 f. 19;186

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Barton, Great (Bertune), Suffolk, Brandune, 187 4,3 Brayfield, Bucks., 106 Batcombe (Batancumbas), Somerset, Breadsall (Bregdeshale), Derbyshire 24, 2; 122, 125 48, 28; 156, 158 Bath (Bapum; Ba&an), Somerset, Brett, River (? Mercyl), Suffolk, 40, 144: abbey (St Peter's) of, 20, 29; 146 15; 22, 13; 24, 32; 62, 15; Brickendon (Brycandune), Herts. , 64, 25; 119: abbots of, 125, 30, 22;134f. 174: cartularies of, 174 Brightwell, Berks., 117 Baylham, Suffolk, 184 Brocklesby, Lines., 208 Baythorn (Babtngptrne; Babbing- Bromley (Bromlege), Essex (?), 82, pyrnan), Essex, 6, 20; 38, 25 f.; 7; 195 106, 143 Bromley (Bromleah), Kent, 28, 15; Beaumont (Fulanpettas), Essex, 38, 128 f., 131 4; 142 Bromley, Abbots (Bromleage), Staffs., Bedericeswyrpe (By devices-, Beod- 48, 18; 152, 156 riches-), 6, 13; 36, 4; 42, 21; Bromley, Great and Little, Essex, 102, 105, 183. See also Bury 195 Bedintun. See Pillaton Bromyard (JBromgearde), Hereford­ Beesby, Lines., 211 shire, 54, 13 Beighton (Bectune), Derbyshire, 48, Buckland, Berks., 121 10 Bupton (Bubandune), Derbyshire, Belchamp (Belhcham), Essex, 76, 14; 50, 6; 159 188 Burghclere, Hants., 115 Benham, Berks., 115 f. Burh. See Peterborough Bentley (Benetleye), Essex, 76, 15 Burnan, Kent, 52, 3 ; 161 Bergh Apton (Birthe, Berhe, Beorthe, Burstead (Burgestede), Essex, 32, 1 Beorh), Norfolk, 74, 17, 22 f.; Burton, Yorks., 208 86, 17, 20; 186, 200 f. Burton Hastings (Burhtun), War- Berkhampstead (Beorhpanstasdas), wicks., 48, 32; 156, 158 Herts., 20, 27; 120 Burton-on-Trent (Byrtun, -e), Staffs., Bidicheseye, 80, 24; 193 abbey of, 46-50, 151 ff. (espe­ Bildeston, Suffolk, 140 cially 156, 160), 187 Bindhascce, 40, 31 f.; 146 Bury St Edmunds (Byrig, Biri, see Birling (Bserling-an, -as), Kent, 26, Eadmundes stowe, seynt Ead- 28; 28, 6; 131 (bis) mundesbiri, see Eadmunde, etc.), Bishopsbourne(? Burnan) ,Kent, 161 also called Bedericeswyrth, Suf­ Bledlow (Bleddanhlazwe), Bucks., 20, folk, bequests to, 4, 5; 6, 13; 11 36, 4; 38, 29; 42, 21; 68, 2; Blyford (Blitleford), Suffolk, 86, 70, 4, 21; 72, 1 ff.; 74, 2 ff.; 22 f.; 200 76, 4; 80, 7ff.; 86, 1, 14; Bocking (Boccinge), Essex, 42, 11; 88, 3ff.; 90, 8, 23; 92, 2ff.; 44,2,7, 18; 147, 149 94, 8: documents preserved at, Bocking Hall, Essex, 149 68, 20; 70, 16; 78, 10; 82, 27; Boreham (Borhatn), Essex, 76, 18 88, 1 if.; 137, 181: dean of, Borough Green (Burg), Cambs., 82, 82, 18 f.; 183, 192, 196: car­ 2; 190, 194 tularies of, 99, 103 f., 185: Boughton, Norfolk, 195, 205 memorials of, 99, 102, 155, Bourne (Burnan), Lines., 24, 33 ; 127 196: estates of, in Domesday Box, River, Suffolk, 146 Book, 102, 105, 140, 179 f., Boxford, Berks., 115 182, 184 ff., 192, 206: writs Bradenham, Norfolk, 195 in favour of, 102, 182, 185: Bramford (Bromforde), Suffolk, 76, relics of St Edmund transferred 19;188 to, 102: Cnut's foundation of,

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INDEX LOCORUM 223 180 f.: names of, 183: Abbot Carlton (Carletunes), Cambs., 32, 4; Ufi of, 184: commendation to 136 the abbot of, 186: soke of, Carlton-le-Moorland (Carlatune), 195, 204 Lines., 94, 16; 208, 209 Butcombe (Budancumbe), Somerset, Castern {psetespyrne)> Staffs., 48, 62, 28 27; 157 Buxhall (Bucyshealae), Suffolk, 38, Catherington (Cateringatune), Hants., 5f;204 60, 10; 170 Bygrave (Biggrafari), Herts., 60, 16; Celchyth, synod at, 101 173 Ceol&swyr&ae. See Chelworth Byliges-, Byliesdyne. See Balsdon Cerne, Dorset, 145 Hall Chadacre (Cheartekere), Suffolk, 84, Byornham, 32, 22; 136 25; 199 Byrsetune, 38, 5; 142 Chaddleworth, Berks., 115 Bytham, Lines., 94, 17; 208, 209 Chadstone, Northants., 208 Chalton (Cealhtune), Hants., 58, 13; Caeorlesweorpe. See Chelsworth 170, 173 Cseresige. See Kersey Charlton (Ceorlatunse), Wilts., 22, Caestaeleshammse. See Chesham 12;122 Caister (Castre), Norfolk, 70, 2; 180 Charlton Horethorne (Ceorlatune), Caldon (Celfdun), Staffs., 48, 27; Dorset, 10, 12 f.; 12, 3; 110 157 Chelmsford, Essex, 147 f. Cambridge, 127: MSS. at, 99, 103 f., Chelsworth (Casorlesweorpe), Suf­ 185 folk, 36, 2; 38, 30; 137 ff., 143 Cambridgeshire (Grauntebregge- Chelworth (Ceol&swyr&ae), Wilts., schire), 82, 20; 106, 197 22, 16 Candover (Cendefer), Hants., 16, 22; Chertsey, Surrey, abbey of, 150, 116 194 Canterbury (Caunterbiri; Cantu- Cheselbourne, Dorset, 109 wara-y Cantwarebyrig), Kent, Chesham (Csestseleshammse), Bucks., 6, 28; 24, 27 f.; 34, 21; 38, 21: 20, 14; 119 archbishops of, see -^Elfheah, Cheshire, salt-towns of, 167 iElfric, iEthelnoth, Dunstan, Cheveley {Cseafle)y Cambs., 40, 10; Eadsige, Lyfing, Oda, Siric, 144 Stigand Chick. See St Osyth Christchurch Cathedral (Cristes Chickering (Chikeringe), Suffolk, 2, cyrican, etc.), bequests to, 6, 28; 28; 102 24, 27; 26, 28 f.; 34, 21; 38, Chieveley, Berks., 115 21; 42, 11; 44, 7, 15; 52, 2; Childrey (Cillari&e)y Berks., 10, 27 58, 2ff.; 78, 12 ff.; 80, 3f.; Chilton, Berks., 164 84, 12 ff.; 88, 15; 107, 139: Chinnock (Cinnuc), Somerset, 10„ saints buried at, 44, 21: docu­ 15; 12, 2, 25; 14, 1 ments preserved at, 46, 3; Chipping Norton, Oxon., 170 78, 26: estates of, in Domesday Chirton, Wilts., 126 Book, 106, 131, 147, 161, Cholderton, Wilts., 116 169, 198: MSS. at, 146, 148, Cholsey (Ceol(e)sige), Berks., 34, 14; 167, 189: list of benefactors to, 139: abbey of, 52, 12; 162 147, 169 Christchurch. See Canterbury St Augustine's {see Augustine, Cic. See St Osyth Austine), bequests to, 24, 28 ;28, Ciltrigtune, 16, 15; 116 3 ;78,16; 80,6; 86, 3 : document Clackclose Hundred, Norfolk, 205 at, 78, 26: dedication of, 127 Clare, Suffolk, 188 Carleton, East (Karltune), Norfolk, Claverton (Clatfordtune), Somerset, 84, 21; 198 62, 26; 174

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224 INDEX LOCORUM Claxby (Cleaxbyg), Lines., 96, 6; Crowland, Lines., abbey of, 166, 208, 211 209 Clere (Cleran), Hants., 16, n; Croydon (Crogdsene), Surrey, 28, 114 f. 22 Clife, 126 Cylleshale. See Kilsall Clifton-on-Teme (Cliftune), Worcs., Cyngesbyrig. See Kingsbury 54, 13 Cyrthugtune, 24, 20; 126 Clowne (Clune), Derbyshire, 48, 9 Cnapwelle. See Knapwell Damerham (Domarhame), Wilts., 34, Cockayne Hatley. See Hatley 19; 138 f. Cockfield (Cokefeld; Cohhanfeldsea; Darenth (Dsersentari), Kent, 28, 5 Cochanfelde), Suffolk, 6, 9, 13; Darlaston (Deorlafestun), Staffs., 48, 36, 2; 38, 30; 137, 140 24; 157 Cockhampstead (Cochamstede), Herts., Denchworth, Berks., 115 66, 4; 175 Dengie (Denesige), Essex, 4, 23 Coggeshall (Kockeshale) > Essex, 90, Denton (Denetune), Kent, 26, 23; 17;198, 203 130 Coleshill (Colleshylle), Berks., 10, Derbyshire, heriot in, 202 i6ff.;12, 6 Dereham, Norfolk, 143 Colne, Essex, 6, 29; 38, 19; 76, 9; Devon, bishopric of, 150 101, 107, 187 Ditton, Fen, or Wood (Dittone; Colungahrycge, 60, 22; 173 Dictune)y Cambs., 6, 9, 15; Compton (Cumtune), 60, 3; 171 34, 27; 40, 9 Compton (Cumtune), Somerset, 62, Docking (Doccyncge), Norfolk, 72, 2 27; 174 Doncaster (Doneceastre), Yorks., 48, Compton, Berks., 121 10 f. Compton, Little, 145 T)onmgton(Dunnintune), Shropshire, Compton Dando, Somerset, 174 54, 7, 10, 24; 56, 8; 165, 167 Compton Martin, Somerset, 174 Donyland (Dunninglande), Essex, 36, Conington (Cunningtune), Cambs., 25 ff. 32, 9 Dorchester, Dorset, bishops of. See Conington (Cuninturi), Hunts., 66, iEscwig, Eadnoth, Wulfsige 20 f.; 130, 178 Dorset (on Dorsseton), 44, 26; 150, Conisbrough (Cunugesburh), Yorks., 161 46, 22 Dovercourt (Douorcortse), Essex, 38, Cookham (Coc(c)ham), Berks., 22, 4; 142 15; 44, 10; 122 Droitwich, Worcs., 167 Cookley, Worcs., 106 Duckmanton (Ducemannestune), Der­ Copford (Coppanforde), Essex, 42, byshire, 48, 9 19; 148 Duddeston, Warwicks., 165 Coringatune, 96, 6; 211 Dullingham, Cambs., 82, 4; 194 Cornhill, London, 184 Dulwich, Surrey, 121 Cottesmore, Rutland, 26, 6; 127 Dumbleton (Dumeltan, Dumelturi), Cotum. See Keelby Cotes Glos., 46, 13; 52, 7;152ff. Cotwalton (Cotewaltune), Staffs., 48, Dunmow (Dunemowe, Dunmawe), 25;157 Essex, 2, 23; 82, 13; 190, 195 Cowwaforde, 66, 11; 176 Dunsby, Lines., 211 f. Crediton, Wilts., bishopric of, 150: Duxford (Dukeswrthe), Cambs., 2, bishop of, see /Elfwold 10;100 Cricklade (Cracgelade), Wilts., 24, 32 f.; 127 Eadburg(g)ebyrig. See Adderbury Crimplesham, Norfolk, 205 Eadulfingtune, 52, 7; 162 Crondall (Crundel-an, -om), Hants., Ealdeswy[r&e]. See Aids worth 16, 5; 22, 11; 115, 122 Ealdincburnan. See Aldbourne

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INDEX LOCORUM 225 Ealing Bridge (Gildenebrigge), Essex, 104 ff., 149, 176: sheriff of, 80, 8; 192 191 Earl Stonham. See Stonham Evenlode (Eowniglade), Worcs., 54,22 Earnningtone. See Arrington Evesham, Worcs., 167, 176: Chro- East Anglia {East Englan), 58, 20 f.: nicon Abbatiae of, 124 bishopric of, 99, 102, 184: Exeter, Devon, 127, 150 bishops of, 182: ealdormen and Exhall, Warwicks., 159 earls of, 104 f., 123, 125, 136, Eynsham, Oxon., 127, 145, 212 138, 145, 170, 193 East Carleton. See Carleton, East Faccombe (Faccancumbe), Hants., Ebbesborne Wake (Ebbelesburnan), 10,17,19; 12,4 Wilts., 10, 8 Faringdon (Fserndunas), Berks., 22, Ecclesall, Yorks., 159 26; 124 Eccleshale, 50, 1; 159 Fawkham (Fealcnaham), Kent, 28, Eccleshall, Staffs., 159 14; 128 f. Eckington (Eccingtune), Derbyshire, Fen Ditton. See Ditton 48, 10 Fersfield (Fersafeld), Norfolk, 72, Egmere (Eggemera), Norfolk, 72, 15 ; 12; 179 184 Fetcham (Fecham), Surrey, 28, 21 Eldemesland, 84, 18; 198 Fiddington (Fittingtune), Glos., 52, Eleigh, Monks (Illeye, Illanlege), 27;163 Suffolk, 6, 24; 38, 22; 106 f. Fillington, Bucks., 191 Elford (Elleforda), Staffs., 46, 27; Fincham, Norfolk, 195, 205 154 Fingringhoe (Fingringaho), Essex, Ellandun (JElls&ndune), Wilts., 22, 36, 5; 40, 2 11; 121 f. Flamstead, Herts., 162 Elmham (JElmham), Norfolk, 72, 20; Flegg, East, Norfolk, 180 184: bishops of, see iElfric, Forendale, 78, 3 ; 189 i^lfwine, /Ethelmasr, Arfast, Frating (Fretinge), Essex, 90, 30; Grimketel, Stigand 202, 204 Elmsett (Ylmesseton, -ssetun), Suf­ Frendenhale, 78, footnote 5; 189 folk, 36, 17; 38, 5; 142 Freshford (Ferscesforda), Somerset, Elvaston, Derbyshire, 154 62, 24 Ely (Ylig, JElig, Elig), Cambs., St Freston (Fresantun), Suffolk, 38, 16; Etheldreda's, bequests to, 30, 143 20 f.; 34, 27 f.; 40, 5ff.; 58, Fritton (Fripetune), Suffolk, or Nor­ 22 ff.; 72, 7f.; 74, 17; 80, folk, 84, 27; 199 12 ff.; 86, 1,18: benefactors of, Froxfield (Froxafelda), Hants., 22,29 107, 144, 163, 190: abbots of, Fuglholm, Norfolk, 74, 21; 186 82, 21 ff.; 123, 150, 196: ab­ Fulanpettm. See Beaumont besses of, 135, 144: estates of, Fulham (Fullenham), Middlesex, 4, in D.B., 135, 140, 193, 200 f.: 22;103 commendation to the abbot of, Fundenhall (Fundenhale), Norfolk, 186: Liber Eliensis, 106 ff., 88, 10 Ill, 118 ff., 135, 144, 151, 187 ff., 193, 196 Gaesssete. See Guist Elyngtone. See Athelington Gailey (Gageleage), Staffs., 48, 19; Enhale (Heanhealan), Cambs., 32, 2; 156 135 Garford, Berks., 115 Ernlege, 165 Garrington, Kent, 169 Eskeresthorp. See Algarsthorpe Garwaldintune, 58, 5; 169 Essetesford. See Ashford Gestingthorpe (Gyrstlingaporpe; Grist- Essex (Eastsexon, -an, Essexe), 44, lyngthorp), Essex, 32, 5; 76, 5; 4; 78, 22; 82, 23 : ealdormen of, 187 WAS 15

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Giffords Hall {Giddin{c)gforda), Suf­ Harlow {Herlawe), Essex, 80, 7; 192 folk, 40, 32 f.; 42, 1; 146 Harrietsham {Hser-, Herigeardes- Gifle. See Yeovil hamme), Kent, 26, 28; 28, 10 Gildenebrigge. See Ealing Bridge Hatfield {Hse6fselda), Herts. (?), 20, Glastonbury {Glastingbiri; Glest-, 17; 120, 142 Glsestingabyrig), Somerset, ab­ Hatfield Peverel {Haipfselda), Essex, bey of, 4, 25; 18, 23; 24, 5 f., 38, 13; 142 31; 34, 19; 103, 121, 124 f., Hatley, Cockayne {Hasttanlea), Bed­ 138 f. fordshire, 32, 13; 133 f. Glazenwood {Glsesne), Essex, 42, Haughley {Hage'le), Suffolk, 76, 22 19; 148 Haversham {Hsefseresham), Bucks., Godstone. See Walkhampstead 20, 16 f. Grayingham, Lines., 208, 211 Healhtune. See Holton Greenstead (Grenstede; Grasnstydse), Heanhealan. See Enhale Essex, 8, 8; 36, 15; 38, 17 f.; Heantune. See 107 Henham, Essex, 82, 9, 28; 195 Grimston {Grimastune), Norfolk, 72, Hereford, St Ethelbert's, St Guth- 3 lac's at, 165 Guist (Gassssete), Norfolk, 72, 16; Herefordshire, shiremoot in, 186 184 Heregeresheafode, Suffolk, 40, 22 f.; Gussage (Gyssic), Dorset, 20, 17 146 Gyfle. See Yeovil Heybridge (Tidwoldingtone), Essex, Gypeswich. See Ipswich 8, 11; 38, 24; 107, 143 Highclere, Hants., 115 Haddon, Hunts., 130 Hilum. See Ham Hadham {Hedham), Herts., 34, 25; Hindolveston {Hildoluestone), Nor­ 36, 23 ; 38, 23 ; 140 folk, 92, 3f.;205 Hadleigh {Hedlsege; Hsedleage), Suf­ Hindringham, Norfolk, 92, 3; 205 folk, 36, 19 f.; 42, 4; 107, 141 Hintlesham, Suffolk, 76, 4, 7 Hseslholt{e), Kent, 26, 27; 28, 9 Hligham. See Layham Hafene. See Avon Hlincgeladse. See Linslade Hainford {Hemfordham), Norfolk, Hnutstede. See Nurstead 90, 16; 202 f. Hnyddinge. See Nedging Halen, 48, 22; 157 Hoby {Houcbig), Leics., 94, 20; 208, Hales, Sheriff, Staffs., 157 210 Halesowen, Worcs., 157 Hocgestune, Somerset (?), 64, 6; 175 Hallam, Kirk, and West, Derby­ Hockliffe {Hocganclife), Bedford­ shire, 157 shire, 60, 12 Ham {Hamme), 34, 21; 139 f. Holderness, Yorks., 208 Hambledon (Hamelandene), Hants. (?), Holewelle, 134, 136 58, 31; 170 f. Hollingbourne {Holungaburnan)t Hampshire, ealdormen of, 121, Kent, 58, 3; 169 125 f., 144 Holme, Norfolk, abbey of St Bene­ Harbury {Hereburgebyrig), Warwicks., dict at, 70, 5ff.; 72, 8, 22; 48, 33; 156, 159 74, 18; 80, 20; 88, 12; 90, 7; Hardwick {Heordewicari), Northants., 180 f., 184, 200 94, 19; 207 ff. Holme-next-the-Sea {Holme), Nor­ Harlaston (Heorlfesturi), Staffs., 46, folk, 70, 23; 183 20;154 Holton {Healhtune), Somerset, 64, 5 ; Harleston (Heorulfestune), Suffolk, 175 Norfolk or Devon, 60, 7 f.; 172 Holvestone {Huluestone), Norfolk, Hading, East {Herlingham; Her- 86, 22; 200 linge), Norfolk, 84, 21; 88, 24; Hoo {Ho), Kent, 28, 22; 132 198, 202 Horham, Suffolk, 2, 30

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Horningsea, Cambs., 108 Ketteringham (Keteringham), Nor­ Horningsheath (Horninggeshsethe), folk, 90, io;202f. Suffolk, 4, 4; 102 Kettleby (Kitlebig; Kytlebi), Lines., Hoxne, Suffolk, 2, 31; 4, 13 f.; 72, 96, 4 f.; 208, 211 21: centre of diocese, 99, 102, Kilsall (Cylleshale), Shropshire, 54, 184: relics of St Edmund at, 11, 22; 165 102 Kingsbury (Cyngesbyrig), Middlesex, Hrsegenan. See Rayne 52, 6; 162 Hramesege. See Ramsey Kingston Bagpuize, Berks., 124 Hremesleage. See Romsley Kings Worthy. See the Worthys Hrisanbeorgan. See Risborough Kirk Hallam. See Hallam Hrodene. See Roden Kirmington (? Coringatune), Lines., Hrofeceastre. See Rochester 96, 6; 208, 211 Hry&erafelda. See Rotherfield Knap well (Cnapwelle), Cambs., 80, Humelcyrre, Suffolk, 40, 22; 146 14; 189, 193 Hunstanton (Hunstanestune), Nor­ Kockeshale. See Coggeshall folk, 70, 23; 183 Huntingdonshire, possible ealdor- Lsetanlia. See Netley man of, 106 Lambeth, Surrey, 196 Hzvifermirscet Hwifersce. See Wither- Lambourn (Lamburnan), Berks., 34, marsh 14; 139 Hwipstede. See Whepstead Lancashire, 154 Hwitewylle. See Whitwell Langan-. See Long- Hwitin(c)gho, Suffolk, 42, 2; 146 Langham, Norfolk, 92, 3; 205 Hyde Abbey. See Winchester Laughton, Lines., 212 Lavenham (Lauanham), Suffolk, 6, Ickleton (Icelingtune), Cambs., 32, 21 10, 17; 36, 12; 38, 17 Ickworth (Ikewrthe), Suffolk, 4, 4; Laver (Lagefare), Essex, 66, 3; 102 175 f. Ham (Hilum), Staffs., 48, 27; 157 Lavington (Lofintune), Lines., 94, Illanlege, Illeye. See Eleigh 19; 207, 209 Illington (Illyntone), Norfolk, 2, 10; Lawford (Lalleford), Essex, 78, 2; 100 189 Ingardine or Ingwardine (Ingewyrcfe), Lawling (Lellinge), Essex, 40, 13; Shropshire, 56, 1; 166 107, 145 Inglesham (?) (Inggeneshamme, Inc- Laxfield, Suffolk, 188, 196 gensesham, Igeneshamme), Wilts., Layham (Hligham), Suffolk, 42, 4 f. 10, 16, 24; 22, 16; 26, 5; 122, Leigh (Leage), Somerset, 64, 4; 174 127 Leigh (Lege), Staffs., 48, 26; 157 Instead (Isestede), Suffolk, 2, 28; 102 Leigh-on-Mendip, Somerset, 174 Ipswich (Gypeswich), 4, 8; 103,153, Leominster (Leomynstre), Herefords., 184, 188 54, 12; 166 Lexden (Lsexadyne), Essex, 38, 5 Jerusalem (Ierusalem), 94, 15; 209 Lichfield, Staffs., 159 Limber (Lindbeor^h'ge), Lines., 96,8; Karltune. See Carleton 208, 212 Kedington (Kydingtone), Suffolk, 82, Linslade (Hlincgeladse), Bucks., 20, 11;190,195 16;118,120 Keelby Cotes or Nun Co ton (Cotum), Liston (Lissingtune), Essex, 40,17 Lines., 96, 4; 211 Lithtletic, 76, 21; 188 Kent (Cent), 52, 24; 130, 162: Littlebury (Lytlanbyrig), Essex, 32, people of (Centingan), 54,2; 129 15;136 Kersey (Casresige), Suffolk, 42, 3 Littleworth. See Worth Kettering, Northants., 130 Little Melton. See Melton 15-2

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Little Stonham. See Stonham Mas worth (Msessanwyr&ae), Bucks., Loddon (Lodne), Norfolk, 74, 15 ff.; 20, 17; 118, 120 185 f. Mawyrpe, 32, 22; 136 Lohtune, 96, 9; 212 Melton, Great (Middil~> Middeltone; London (Lundene, Lundenebyri), 4, Metheltone), Norfolk, 86, 28, 11 ff.; 34, 27; 38, 23; 52, 19; 30; 88, 6; 90, 6;201f. 66, 5, 9; 72, 25: people of Melton, Little (Lithle Meddeltone), (Lundeneware), 2, 1: meeting in, Norfolk, 86, 16; 200 128: gild in, 137: bishops of, Melton Ross, Lines., 208 see iElfhun, ^Elfstan, iElfweard, Mendham (Mend-, Mynd-, Mind- Brihthelm, Erkenwald, Theo- ham), Suffolk, 2, 24 ff.; 4,1; 101 dred, Wulfstan Meopham (Meapaham), Kent, 26, St Paul's Cathedral (Paulesbiri, i2ff.;28, 3; 131 Paulusbyrig, Paules mynstre, see Mercia, ealdormen of, 124, 150, Pauley etc.), 2, 12 ff.; 8, 13; 166, 176, 191, 212: king of, 34, 26; 38, 22 ff.; 42, 15 ; 66, 5 : 166: people of (Myrcean), 46, 2 estates of, in D.B., 101, 103, Mercyl. See Brett 107, 140, 148, 175: spurious Meredene, 84, 6; 197 charter of, 143: registers of, Mersea (Mereseye, Myresige, Myresie, 175 etc.), Essex, 8, 4, 15; 36, 6, 15; St Peter's Church, 184 38, i8f.;40, 1; 140, 149 Longdon (Langandune), Staffs., 50, Mersey, River (Maerse), Lanes., 46, 3; 159 16; 154, 202 Longfield (Langanfelda), Kent, 26, Merton, Norfolk, 195 24; 130 Merton, Surrey, 121 Longford (Langanford), Shropshire, Messingham (Msessingaham), Lines., 48, 19; 156 96, 4; 208, 211 Loppandune, Suffolk, 40, 28; 42, 5; Mettingham (Mydicaham), Suffolk, 146 2,27 Lothingland (Luthinglond), Suffolk, Micclantun, 106 2, 32; 102 Middlesex, people of (Middelsexon), Ludgarshall, Glos., 173 54,3 Ludgershall, Bucks., 173 Milborne (Mylenburnari), Dorset, Ludgershall, Wilts., 173 10, 14;110 Lurgashall, Sussex, 173 Milbrook, Hants., 116 Lutegaresheale, 60, 17; 173 Mollington (Mollintune), Oxon., 58, 15 Mackney, Berks., 117 Mongewell (Mundingwillae), Oxon., Maldon, Essex, Battle of, 106, 116, 20, 26 f. 141, 144, 147 Monks Risborough. See Risborough Malmesbury (Mealdselmses-, Meald- Montacute, Somerset, 186 elmesbyrig), Wilts., 22, 13; 24, Moran, 90, 24; 204 32; 122, 150, 176 Morden (Mdrdune), Cambs., 56, 20; Manningford (Maningforda), Wilts., 169 30, 10; 132 f. Moredon, Wilts., 164 Manthorpe (Mannethorp), Lines., Morley (Morlege), Derbyshire, 48, 94, 25 ; 208, 210 28; 156, 158 Marchington (Mserchamtune), Staffs., Morlingtun, 48, 11; 155 46, 21 f. Morningthorpe, Norfolk, 180 Marlingford (Marp-> Mardingfor6(d))y Morton (Mortune), 94, 20; 210 Norfolk, 92, 14; 94, 2, 9; 206 f. Morton (Mortun(e)), Derbyshire, 48, Marlow (Merelafan), Bucks., 56, 18; 28, 30; 156, 158 169 Mosbrough (Moresburh), Derbyshire, Martyr Worthy. See the Worthys 48, 10

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INDEX LOCORUM 229 Moulton (Mulantune), Norfolk, or Ormsby (Vrmesbyg), Lines., 96, 7; Suffolk, 72, 19; 184 212 Mousehold Heath, Norfolk, 204 Osney (Osanig), Oxon., 52, 18 Murton, Yorks., 210 Overton, Cold (Ofertune), Leics., 96, 2; 211 Nadder, River, Wilts., 121 Oxhey, Herts., 162 Nay land (Neolondes), Norfolk, 88, 11; 201 Pakenham, Suffolk, 4, 3; 102 Nedging (Hnyddinge), Suffolk, 38, Palgrave (Palegraue), Suffolk, 68, 2, 32; 143 11;179 Netley (Lsetanlia), Hants., 16, 16 Palterton (Paltertune), Derbyshire, Nettlestead, Suffolk, 196 48, 13; 156 Newnham Murren (Niwanhdm), Patching, Sussex, 115 Oxon., 20, 20; 120 Pa via (Pauie), 4, 26, 29 Newton (Niwantune), Glos., 52, 27; Peak valley (Pedcesdele}), Derby­ 163 shire, 58, 21; 171 Newton by Middlewich, Cheshire, Peldon (Piltendone; Peltandune), Es­ 156 sex, 8, 4; 36, 15; 38, 18 Newton Solney (Niwantune), Derby­ Penkridge (Pencric), Staffs., 54, 14; shire, 48, 21; 157 166 Niwantun set paste wi[c\, 48, 19 f.; Pentlow (Pentelawe), Essex, 82, 7; 156 190, 195 Norfolk (Norfolke), 82, 6, 16: Peterborough (Burh), Northants., bishopric of, 99, 102, 184 abbey of, 94, 16; 109,129,150, Northampton. See /Elfgifu 176, 178, 207 ff. Nor&felda, 40, 31; 146 Pillaton, Staffs., 156 Nor&ho, 42, 20; 148 Pilsley (Pilleslege), Derbyshire, 48, , ealdorman of. See 29; 156, 158 ^Elfhelm Pinxton, Derbyshire, 158 Norton (Nor&tune), 46, 25; 58, 14; Polstead (Polstede; Pol(e)styde), Suf­ 154, 170 folk, 36, 7; 38, 17; 40, 28; 140, Norton Bridge, Staffs., 154 146 Norton Cuckney, Notts., 154 Potton (Pottune), Bedfordshire, 32, Norton in Hales, Staffs., 154 13; 133 f., 136 Norton, Chipping, Oxon., 170 Poyning, Sussex, 115 Norwich (Nor&wic, Northwich), Nor­ Preston (Prestone), Suffolk, 90, 15; folk, 72, 23; 94, 6; 184, 207 203 Nowton (Newetune), Suffolk, 4, 4; Princes Risborough. See Risborough 102 Purton (Wyritunae?), Wilts., 22, 27; Nun Coton. See Keelby Cotes 124 Nurstead (Hnut-, Huntstede), Suf­ folk, 42, 1 Ramsbury, Wilts., bishops of, 118, Nytimber, Sussex, 115 149 f., 161, 164 Ramsey (Hramesege; Rameseye), Oakley (Acclea), Staffs., 46, 28; 154 Cambs., abbey of St Benedict Ogston (Oggodestun), Derbyshire, at, 32, 23; 74, 20; 80, 19; 82, 48, 29; 156, 158 21; 94, 18; 125, 133 f., 137 f., Okeover (Acofre), Staffs., 48, 26; 157 188, 192 f., 196 Onehouse (Anhus), Suffolk, 90, 20; Rayne (Hrsegenan\ Raegene), Essex, 202, 204 32, 3; 42, 14; 147 Ongar (Aungre), Essex, 82, 14; 84, Reading (Readingan), Berks., 34, 14; 5; 190, 195,197 139 Ormesby (Ormisby), Norfolk, 70, 7; Rettendon (Rettendune), Essex, 40, 181 8; 106, 142

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230 INDEX L0C0RUM Ribble, River (Ribbel), Lanes., 46, Shaftesbury (Sceaftes-, Sceaftenes- 16; 154, 202 byrig), Dorset, abbey of, 12, Rimpton (Rimtune), Somerset, 18, 26; 24, 30; 58, 10; 109, 112, 15; US 169 f. Ringwood (Runcwuda), Hants., 16, Shangton (Scen[ct\une), Leics., 48, 13 22;157 Risborough, Monks (Risenbeorgas), Sharnford (Scearnforda), Leics., 48, Bucks., 52, 3; 161 32;158f. Risborough, Princes (Hrisanbeorgari), Sheen (Sceon), Staffs., 50, 2; 159 Bucks., 20, 6; 119 Sheen (Sceon), Surrey, 4, 21; 103 Rochester (Hrofeceast(e)re, see An­ Shelley (Scelfleage, Leage), Suffolk, drea, etc.), Kent, cathedral (St 40, 28 f.; 146 Andrew's) of, 24, 29; 26, 22; Sherborne, Dorset, 124: bishops of, 28, 6 ff.; 44, 26; 128 ff.: bishops 109, 150 of, 130, 147, 150 Sherborne, Glos., 123 Roden (Hrodene), Shropshire, 54, 22 Sherborne, Warwicks., 124 Rolleston (Rolfestun), Staffs., 46, 20; Sherborne, West, Hants., 124 153 f., 159 Sheriff Hales. See Hales Rome, 90, 22 Shimpling (Simplingham), Norfolk, Romsey (Rummsesigse-, Rumesige), 68,7; 179 Hants., 20, 13; 24, 30; 118 f. Shimpling, Suffolk, 179, 190 Romsley (Hremesleage), Shropshire, Shipford, Oxon., 106 48, 22; 157 Shipley (Sciplea), Shropshire, 48, Rotherfield (Hry&erafelda), Oxon. or 23;157 Sussex, 58, 6; 169 Shirburn, Oxfordshire, 114, 123 4 Rougham (Rucham), Suffolk, 4, 3 Shortland' (Scortland) 68, 5 ; 179 Roydon (Reydone; Rygedune), Nor­ Shotford (Scotforcf), Suffolk, 2, 26; folk, 68, 4, 8, 16; 72, 17; 179, 101 184 Shouldham (Sculham), Norfolk, 80, Roydon Drift (Rigen-, Rigindune), 10, 19; 192 f., 205 Suffolk, 40, 26; 146 Shrivenham (Serifenanhamme), Rudyard (Rudegeard), Staffs., 48, 25 ; Berks., 10, 26 157 Silham. See Syleham Rushbrooke (Ryssebroc), Suffolk, 8,17 Skillington (Scillintune)y Lines., 94, Rushford (Rissewrthe), on the Nor­ 20; 207 ff., 210 folk-Suffolk border, 90, 33; Snelsmore, 111 202, 204 Snelton, 111 Snodeswic, Derbyshire, 48, 30; 158 Ssegham. See Soham Snodland (Snodingeland), Kent, 28, St Albans {see Albane, Albsene), 17; 128 f., 131 Herts., abbey of, 52, 6, 12, 18; Soham (Ssegham), Cambs., 40, 9; 78, footnote 14; 160 ff., 176 144 St Osyth (Tit, for Cic; Chich; seynte Somerleyton (Sumerledetune; Somer- Osithe), Essex, 2, 16; 86, 2; ledetone), Suffolk, 84, 22; 90, 101, 188, 199 11; 199, 203 Saxlingham (Sexlingham), Norfolk, Somerset, bishopric of, 150 84, 22 Somerton, Suffolk, 199 Scratby (Scrouteby), Norfolk, 70, 11; Sotwell (Stottanwelle), Berks., 18, 181 10;117 Scyr&burnan, 22, 22; 123 Southery (Suthereye), Norfolk, 2, 18; Selsey, Sussex, bishop of. See 99, 101 /Ethelgar Sparham, Norfolk, 86, 23; 200 Sempringham (Sempingaham), Lines., , vicecomes of, 165 94, i8;208f. Stamford, Lines., 157

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'Stane Street', Essex, 147 Sutton-on-the-Hill (Suttun), Derby­ Stanmore, Berks., 115 shire, 48, 21; 157 Stanway (Stanwaegun), Essex, 38, 4; S wanton No vers (Suanetone), Nor­ 142 folk, 92,4; 205 Stedham, Sussex, 115 Swavesey, Cambs., 195 Stirchley (Styrcleage), Shropshire, Syleham (Silham), Suffolk, 2, 28 48, 19; 156 Stisted (Stistede), Essex, 84, 11, 17; Tadmarton, Oxon., 106 88, 14; 198, 202 Tmafersceat, 20, 24; 120 Stocton, Norfolk, 136 Tamworth (Tarn-, Tomwurpin), 48, Stoctune, 32, 17; 136 4; 50, 2; 152, 155, 159 Stoke-by- Nayland (Stoke; Stocy; Tardebigge ( Tserdebicgan), Worcs., Stoce), Suffolk, 6, 19; 8, 3ff.; 54, 8; 56, 1 f.;164f. 36, 8 ff.; 38, 9, 12; 40, 16; 105, Tathwell (TaSawyllan), Lines., 48, 140, 145 30 f.; 158 Stoke Holy Cross, Norfolk, 202 Taunton (Tantune), Somerset, 16, Stoke Rochford (Stoce), Lines., 94, 4; 115 27; 208, 211 Tavistock, Devon, 150 Stonham, Suffolk, 76, 21, 25; 184, Teddington, Middlesex, 124 188 Tew (Tiwan), Oxon., 52, 13; 162 Stonham, Earl, Suffolk, 188 Tewin (Tywingari), Herts., 60, 14; Stonham, Little, Suffolk, 188 162, 173 Stonham Aspall, Suffolk, 188 Tey (Tigan), Essex, 6, 29; 38, 19; Stottanwelle. See Sotwell 107 Stour, River (Sture), Suffolk, 40, 29; Thatcham (psecham), Berks., 22, 146 15 Stow (see Marian stowe), Lines., 96, peogendeporpe, 48, 8 ; 155 7; 158, 212 Thetford, Norfolk, 157 Stratford St Mary (Straetford(a)\ Thornbury (pornbyrig)f Hereford­ Stredforda), Suffolk, 32, 1; 36, shire, 54, 25; 166 10 f.; 38, 16; 135 Thorney(pornige, pornege), Cambs., Stratton (Strattune), Norfolk (?), 90, abbey of, 66, 20; 96, 10; 129, 18; 204 173, 176 ff. Stratton (Straettune), Surrey, 28, 13 ; Thorpe, Norfolk, 70, 2; 180 131 Thorpe, Ashwell, Norfolk, 86, 28; Stratton Strawless, Norfolk, 204 88, 1, 8; 90,7; 201 Stretton (Straettune), Derbyshire, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk, 180 50, 16; 159 Thorpe Morieux (porpae), Suffolk, Stretton (Straat[tu]n), Staffs., 48, 18; 36, 19; 141 156 Thrandeston (Thrandestone), Suf­ Stroxton (Strocfistune), Lines., 94, folk, 68, 14; 180 28; 208, 211 purwineholm, Norfolk, 74, 21; 186 Sudbury (Su&byrig), Suffolk, St Tichborne (Tioceburnan), Hants., Gregory's at, 40, 4; 42, 20; 143 16, 12; 115 Suffolk (Suffolke), 82, 18: bishopric Tichwell (Ticeswelle), Norfolk, 72, 2 of, 102, 184 Ticknall (Ticenheale), Derbyshire, Sunbury, Middlesex, 121 f. 48, 21; 157 Surrey, 132,199: people of (Suffriori), Tidwoldingtone. See Hey bridge 54,3 Tidworth (Tudanwyrcfe), Hants, and Sutton (SuStune), 48, 28; 158 Wilts., 24, 22; 126 Sutton (Su&tune), Somerset (?), 22, Tillingham, Essex, 2, 21; 101 13;122 Tillington, Sussex, 115 Sutton Maddock (Su&tune), Shrop­ Titsey (Tydiceseg), Surrey, 28, 25 shire, 48, 23; 157 Toft with Lound, Lines., 210

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232 INDEX LOCORUM Tong (Tw(e)ongan), Shropshire, 48, Westley Waterless (Westle), Cambs., 15; 54, 15; 156 82,4; 194 Tonge, Leics., 156 Westminster (Westmenstre), 30, 22 f.; Totham, Essex, 8, 13; 38, 18 127, 133, 135, 184 Troston (Trostingtune), Suffolk, 32, Weston (Westune), 60, 5; 172 19 f., 25 Weston (Westune), Essex, 80, 16; Tudanh&cce, Suffolk, 40, 32; 146 190, 193 Tudanwyr&e. See Tidworth Weston in Arden (Westune), War- Tudincgatunas, 22, 27; 124 wicks., 48, 32; 158 Twywell (Twiwell), Northants., 66, Westwell (Wyllan), Kent, 52, 3; 20; 177 161 West Wickham, Cambs., 135 Upton (Uptune), Wilts., 30, 13 ; 133 Wetheringsett (Wetheringsete), Suf­ folk, 80, 12; 190, 193 Vrmesbyg. See Ormsby Whaddon (Hwsetsedunse), Bucks., 20, 13;119 Wadduney 50, 1; 159 Whaddon, Glos., 159 Waededune, 48, 20; 156 Whepstead (Wepstede; Hwipstede), Waldingfield (Wseald-, Wealdinga- Suffolk, 4, 5; 30, 25; 102 felda; Wald(d)ingfeld), Suffolk, Wherwell, Hants., 123 36, 30; 40, 3 f.;76, 21, 26 Whiston (Witestan), Staffs., 48, 19; Waldringfield (Waldringfeld), Suf­ 156 folk, 4, 6 f. Whittingham (Witingham)t Suffolk, Wales, Yorks., 155 68, 2; 179 Walesho, 48, 8; 155 Whitwell (Hwitewylle), Derbyshire Walkhampstead (Wolcnesstede), Sur­ 48, 8 rey, 22, 25; 28, 11, 13; 124 Wibtoft (Wibbe[to]fte), Warwicks., Wallingford (Wealingaforda), Berks., 48, 14; 158 52, 11 Wick in Garboldisham, Norfolk, Walsingham (Walsingaham), Nor­ 185 folk, 72, 10, 14; 183 Wicken, Ash, Norfolk, 185 Walsingham (in East Carleton), Nor­ Wickford (Wicforda), Essex, 36, 21 folk, 84, 21; 90, 13 ; 198, 201 ff. Wickham (Wicham), 16, 15; 20, 15; Waltham, Essex, 170, 186 116, 119 Waltham, Little, Essex, 147 Wicumun. See Wycombe Walton (Wealtune), Suffolk, 30, 26; Wiggenhall, Norfolk, 205 135 Wigorham. See Wereham Wantage (Waneting), Berks., 10, 25 Wigston, Little (Wicge-, Wiggestane), Wareham, Dorset, 170 48, 22, 33 ; 157 f. Warley (Werle), Essex, 76, 23; 189 Wiken, 74, 2; 185 Washington, Sussex, 129 Wilbraham (Wilburgeham), Cambs., Wateringbury (Wo&ringaberan, 32,3 -byras), Kent, 26, 27; 28, 8 Wilby, Norfolk, 195 Welford, Berks., 116 Wilby (Willabyg), Northants., 94, Well Wapentake, Lines., 157 26; 208, 210 f. Wells, Somerset, 147, 150 Willesham (Willauesham), Suffolk, Wendover (Wasndofron), 22, 17; 76, 20 123 Wilrincgawerpa. See Worlingworth Weowungum. See Wing Wilton (Wiltune), Wilts., abbey of, Wereham (Wigorham), Norfolk, 92, 10, 6; 24, 30; 106, 109 f., 121 9; 190, 205 f. Wiltshire (Wiltunescire), 52, 24 f.; Wessex, earls of, 191, 193, 199: 110, 150, 162 f. people of (Westsexan), 46, 1 f. Wimbish (Wimbisc), Essex, 78, 12; West Hallam. See Hallam 80, 3; 190, 192

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INDEX LOCORUM 233 Winchester (Wintan-, Winti-, Winta-, Withermarsh (Hzvifersce; Wifsermyrsc; Winceastre, -ceaster), Hants., Hwifermirsce), Suffolk, 36, 9; 16, 23; 18, 12, 25; 22, 12; 24, 38, 17; 40, 28; 140, 146 15 f.; 44, 25; 78, 20 Wolverhampton (Heantune), Staffs., Bishops of, see j^Elfheah, Mlf- 54, 14; 152, 164 ff. sige, iElfwine, iEthelwold, Dene- Wood Ditton. See Ditton wulf, Stigand Woodham (Wudaham; Wuduhamses), Cathedral, Old Minster (ealdan Essex, 34, 23; 38, 27; 140 mynstre, scePetre, etc.), 16, 6 ff.; Worcester (Wigeracsestre), 54, 10; 18, 15 ff.; 20, 5, 29; 22, 11; 163 f.: bishops of, see Eadulf, 24, 24; 56, 15 f.; 58, 1: estates Oswold, Wulfstan of, in D.B., 115, 118, 122, Worlingworth (Wilrincgawerpa), Suf­ 168 f.: cartulary of, 116: dedi­ folk, 70, 20; 182 cation of, 168 Worth (Wyrdx), Berks., 22, 15; 122 New Minster, later called Hyde Wortham (Wrtham), Suffolk, 4, 8 Abbey (Nizvan, nigean, mynstre, Worthing, Sussex, 115 etc.), 18, 11, 24; 20, 11; 24, 16; Worthys, the (pan twan Worpigum), 30, 5 ff.; 58, 7 f.: cartulary of, Hants., 16, 8f.; 114 f. 114: foundation of, 115: es­ Wo&ringaberan, -byras. See Water- tates of, in D.B., 115 ff., 133: ingbury dedication of, 126, 169: Liber Wouldham, Kent, 132 Vitae of, 114, 117, 119, 126, Wramplingham, Norfolk, 199 169: abbots of, see ^Ethelgar, Wratting (Wrmttincge), Cambs., 30, Brihtmaer 2o;133ff. Nunnery of St Mary (Nunna(n)-y Wreningham, Norfolk, 88, 9 Nunnena mynstre, etc.), 20, 12; Wrottesley (Wrotteslea), Staffs., 56,4 24, 26; 58, 6; 126 Wrtinham, 2, 29; 102 Winford (Wunfrod), Somerset, 64, 9 Wudemannestune, Suffolk, 42, 2; 146 Wing (Weowungum), Bucks., 20, 16; Wunemannedune, 4, 21; 103 120 Wunfrod. See Winford Wingfield (Wynnef[eld]), Derby­ Wycombe (Wicumun), Bucks., 22, shire, 48, 30;158 28 Wingfield (Wingefeld), Suffolk, 68, 9 Wyken, Suffolk, 185 Winshill (Wineshylie), Staffs., 48, 21; Wyllan. See Westwell 157 Wyritunse. See Purton Winterborne, Dorset, 109 Winterton (Wintringatune), Lines., Yaxham, Norfolk, 205 96, 2; 211 Yaxley, Hunts., 129 Wirral (\Wir\halum), Cheshire, 46, Yeovil (Gyfle; Gifle), Somerset, 10, 16; 154 15; 12, 29 Wissington. See Wiston Ylmesseton. See Elmsett Wiston (Wiswypetun), Suffolk, 38, York, archbishops of, 160,176,189, 16; 107, 143 209 f.: priests' gild at, 126 f. Witham-on-the-Hill, Lines., 208, Yorkshire, heriot in, 202 210

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Accusation. See Onspasc, Spasc Biscopham. See Episcopal property Acquirement of property ibegietan\ Biscoprice. See Episcopal demesne <(ge)earntan\ 2, 2 ff.; 18, 16; 30, Bishop, for archbishop, 28, 1; 94, 3f.;42, 12; 48, 7; 70, 18; 74, i7f.; 19; 131, 209 f.: Englishmen to be 76, 6. See also Purchased land freed at the death of, 101, 163: to Advocacy, advocate 'foresprasc ', 'fore- own the woman enslaved as a sp{r)eca\ 26, 21; 40, 15 f.; 44, 6, punishment for incest, 111 f.: son 14; 50, 13 of, 114 f.: to be witness when JEhta. See Goods, Livestock, Pos­ restriction limiting bookland to sessions, Property kindred is broken, 131 JElmesse' alms',' charity', * charitable Blsedhorn, seolforhammenne ' silver- bequests', 2, 5; 54, 18; 58, 25 f.; coated trumpet', 58, 20 62, 14; 66, 18 Bledu 'bowl', 34, 16; 62, 19; 139 Agreements. See Contract, Mar­ Boc. See Books, Title-deed riage agreements Bohscyld, 60, 12 f.; 172 Aldreday, 6, 12 ff.; 82, 30; 105, 197 Bookland lbocland\ xix, xx, xxix, Alienation, 8, 27; 10, 9; 70, 5 f.; xxxii and n. 4, xxxiii, xxxv n. 1, see also Frescet: of an estate from xxxvi, 132, 178 a religious foundation forbidden, Books, bequest of, 14, 23; 52, 20: 18, 13: other restrictions on, see mass books, 2, 14; 4, 27. See also Kindred, Men Psalter, Title-deed Anathema, xi n. 2, xvi; 4, 32 f.; 8, Borg. See Debts 22 ff.; 16, 18 ff.; 28, 28 ff.; 34, Boundaries ' landgemsera', ' -mearca', 4ff.;50, i9ff.;54, 5f.;62, ioff.; 40, 2iff.;145f. 64, 27 ff.; 66, 13 ff.; 68, 18 f.; 70, Brand, 58, 19; 171 13 ff.; 74, 11 ff., 27f.; 78, 6ff.; 82, Broccen 'of badger skin', 113 25f.;86, 4ff.;90, 33f.;92, 7f., Brooch '(mentel)preon\ 10, 8; 14, 11 f., 19 ff.; 94, 11 ff. 12; 64, 11; 110. See also Bui Andluman ' utensils', 14, 28 Bryce 'use', 'usufruct', 6, 29; 8, 9; Ar' estate', 56, 11; 60, 29:' income', 18, 19; 38, 22 ff.; 48, 1; 50, 4. 54, 17; 56, 27; 169: 'property', See Usufruct see Property Brypen 'brewing', 54, 10; 165 Archives. See Documents Bui, 50, 16; 159 Association. See Gild Bullocks 'hry&ra', bequest of, 54, Adum, 76, 23; 188 13 ff.; 94, 6 Attestation. See Witness Burgesses, heriot of, 157 Burial fee. See Sawolsceatt Baend 'headband', 20, 33; 26, 26; Burreaf' tapestry for a chamber', 64, 28, 4; 64, 10, 20; 120, 131 18; 175 Bayeux tapestry, 144, 172 Byrne. See Coat of mail Beag 'armlet', 6, 2; 12, 19; 20, i8ff.; 127, 144: agrafenan beak, Calves, bequest of, 12, 31 10,7 Carta, xxiv, xxxii and n. 4: carta Bedreaf' bedclothing', 12, 22; 14, 9; primitiva, xxxii n. 4, xxxv n. 1: 62, 22; 74, 25 cartae excisae, xxiv n. 2. See also Bedwahrift' bed-curtain', 14, 9 Levatio cartae, Traditio cartae. Beodreaf' table-cover', 64, 18 Cf. Notitia Binde 'headband', 14, 16 f. Castenere ' chest', 64, 22

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INDEX RERUM 235 Ceap 'purchase', 94, 20. See also 177; cf. instances under Sawol- Landceap sceatt: the donee is to be loyal to Ceaplond ' purchased estate', 68, 7 the donor's heir, 8, 19: the donee Chalice 'calic', 2, 14: simbelcalic, 4, is to pay a sum of money for the 27 estate, 28, 7; 32, 17; 56, 4 f.; 72, Chancery, Anglo-Saxon, xxxii n. 2 iff.; 78, 15 ff.; 90, 17 f.: the Charitable gifts, 4, 11 ff.; 16, 26 f.; donee is to support the will and 22, iff.; 28, 22 ff.; 58, 24; 80, the heirs, 40, i2ff.; 46, 14, 26; 28 f. see also Heriot: the donee cannot Chasuble ' massehakele\ 2, 13; 4, forfeit the estate, 46, 30; 70, 7 f.; 26fT.;101 154: the donee is to respect exist­ Chattels, bequest of, xxxvi: rare in ing arrangements, e.g. leases, early wills, 100: transfer of title rights of way, 52, 13 ff.; 88, 16 ff., to, xxxvi n. 5. See also Goods 21 f.: the donee (the donor's Chirograph, cyrograph, xiii n. 1, widow) is not to marry again, 124: xvi nn. 2, 3, xxiii and nn. 1, 2 4, the donee is to perform certain xxiv and nn. 1, 2, xxv and n. 5, charitable payments, see JElmesse, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi and n. 2, xxxii Charitable gifts, Food-rent: the n. 4; 133,148,151,163,167,189 land is to remain in the family, see Christianity, bequest for the com­ Kindred: masses or prayers are to munication of, 42, 15 f.: charitable be said for the soul of the donor gifts to be made as long as the and others, see Intercession, Soul duration of, 58, 24 ff. Confirmation of gifts of land, see Church, private ownership of, 88, King 6 f.; 92, 16; 187, 207: dispersion Confraternity, 132 of the property of, 105, 156 Contract 'forword', ' (word)gecwide\ Church furniture, 109. See also ' maldage', ' gepinge', ' gerednes', Books, Chalice, Meley Ofringsceat, 'conventio\ 'pactum', ix-xxxviii, Paten, Rod, Shrine passim: with provision for sur­ Church vestments. See Chasuble, vivorship, xxi n. 1, 166, 194, 203: Masssereaf formal, xxxviii: real, ibid. See also Cincdadenan, 14, 16; 113 f. For(e)w{e)ardi Marriage agree­ Clothing. See Binde, Church vest­ ments ments, Crusne, Cuffie, Cyrtel, Controversy '(ori)geantalu\ 84, 15; Hakele, Haliryft, Mentel, Nun's 88, 6. See also Uncontested vestments, Paell, Tunece, Wifscrud Conveyance, ix, xi, xvii, xix-xxi, Cniht 'servant', 24, 33; 32, 11; 36, xxxii-xxxviii 24; 48, 6; 58, 13; 60, 19; 64, 19; Copies. See Chirograph 72, 7; 78, 2; 82, 5, 14; 84, 4; 90, Costes pe, pses, 44, 21 f.; 149 18; 96, 8; 127, 170, 195, 197 Council. See Witan Coat of mail ' byrne', bequest of, 52, Countergift, xx, xxv and n. 6, xxvi 4; 58, 16; 74, 11: as part of the and n. 1. See also Launegild heriot, 26, 4; 74, 7; 80, 23; 88, Cows, bequest of, 12, 31; 68, 4 27; 134, 153: as part of a tax, 137 Crencestre 'woman-weaver', 10, 30; Colts, bequest of, 54, 20; 56, 6: 111 value of, 166 Cross, crucifix, bequest of, see Mele, Commemoration 'gemynd\ 26, 26 Rod, Sweorrod: Holy Cross of Commendation, 186, 194, 200 Shaftesbury, 58, 10; 170: of Compensation for crimes, 111, 126, Waltham, 170, 186: true Cross, 128, 149, 168. See also Un- sent to Alfred, 170: cross on chiro­ atoned graphs and wills, xxii n. 2, xxiii Conditional gifts, xxv-xxvi: the n. 2 donee is to grant right of burial, Crusne 'fur-robe', 30, 14 f. xxvi and n. 2, 18, 2 ff.; 116, 144, Cuffie fcap\ 14, 17; 114

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Cups, 2, 14; 12, 15; 30, 5, 12; 34, Dispositive documents. See Docu­ 16; 64, 10, 15; 112: silver, 2, 7 f.; ments 10, 3; 12, 18; 26, 25; 28, 2f.: Distribution to the poor. See with a lid, 12, 13 : wooden, 14, 11: Charitable gifts wooden, with gold ornamentation, Documents 'gewritu\ dispositive, 12, 19. See also Scencingcuppe, viii, ix, xii-xiv, xxiv and n. 2, xxvii, Sopcuppe xxxii-xxxv, xxxix, xl; see also Carta: Custom. See Germanic, Roman, law evidentiary, viii-xiv, xxiv and n. 2, and custom xxv, xxvii, xxxii-xxxiv, xxxvii, Cwide, cwyde, quide, etc., xii, xiii and xxxix-xl; see also Chirograph, n. 1, xv and nn. 1, 5, xvii, 2-94 Notitia: Graeco-Roman, ix, xxiv, passim, 204 xxv: ecclesiastical influence on, ix, Czvidrasden, xv n. 5 xii, xiii, xxvii, xxxiv: reading Cynn. See Kindred of, for publicity, xviii: memoriae Cyrograph. See Chirograph causa, xxiv: tense of verb used in, Cyrtel 'gown', 14, 7, 16: linen, 14, xxx, xxxi and n. 1: delivery of, to 8: woollen, 86, 2. See also Cinc- the donee, xxxi-xxxii, xxxiv, dadenan, Twilibrocenan xxxvi: instead of symbolic pledge, xxix n. 1, xxxi n. 2: preservation Dasg ' lifetime', 2-94 passim: twegra of, by the parties or in royal and manna dasg, 48, 23 f.; 157: er daye monastic archives, xxiii, xxxiv, 46, 7 after daye, 68, 17 f.; 180 2 ff.; 68, 20 f.; 70, 15 f.; 78, 8 ff., Dsegfeorm. See Food-rent 25 ff.; 82, 26 ff.; 88, nfL; 148, Dselan ' share the profits', 154 150 f.; see also Haligdom: spurious Danelaw, heriot in, 133, 147, 193, or suspicious documents, 115, 202 134, 143, 162,167 f., 175 f., 177 , religious foundations de­ Donationes irrevocahiles post obitum, stroyed by, 106, 162, 181: battles xi, xii, xxii, xxxvii, xxxviii against, 114, 170: invasions of, Dorsal. See Hricghraegl 148: defence against, 149: bribes Dos. See Morgengifu paid to, 149, 161 ff.: martyrdom Dowry, 179, 204 of St .Elfheah by, 150: capture of Duzme (?), 94, 7 Wulfrun by, 152 Deacons, gild of, 24, 27; 126 f. Ealdordom ' lordship', 48, 5 Dead's portion, 110. See Sawol- Earnian 'hold in return for ser­ sceatt vice^?), 178 Dean 'decan', 72, 3; 82, 18; 183 E(a)rninglond, 88, 31; 178 Death-bed wills and gifts, viii, xii Ece yrfe. See Perpetual inheritance and n. 2, xiii n. 1, xxx n. 2. See Egress, right of, 88, 21 f. See also also Verba novissima Ingress and egress Debts, instructions for payment of, Eldrene. See Yldran 52, 22; 60, 22 ff.; 72, 13 ; forgive­ Episcopal demesne c biscoprice*, 4, ness of, 54, 2 ff.; collection of, 56, 11, 13; 16, 3; 103 27 Episcopal property lbiscopham\ 34, Decan. See Dean 27; 38, 23; 103, 140, 184 Delivery of document. See Docu­ Erfe. See Yrfe ments Estates 'land', passim, see especially Demesne thegn, 199 101: 'landare\ 44, 18; 50, 10; 60, Discpegn. See Seneschal 15; see also Ar: cannot be held Dish worth three pounds, 22, 18 before a certain age, 10, 20 f.: Disinterested monastery, documents value of, 131, 156: acquirement, entrusted to, xxiii, xxxiv, 151 conveyance, exchange, lease, pur­ DispositiOy xvi, xxii, xxx, xxxii n. 4, chase, sale, of, see Acquirement, xxxiii etc., Purchased land: cannot be

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INDEX RERUM 237 alienated from kindred, see Kin­ disposed of by will, 112, 165: the dred : lawsuits over, see Litigation: lord retains the mund, wergeld and reserved to supply food for a re­ inheritance of, 165: distinct from ligious community, see Sustenance half-free, 206. See also Manu­ Evidentiary documents. See Docu­ mission clauses ments Freemen, bequest of a moor for the Exchange of estates, 94, 28-96, 5; use of, 68, 16 ff. 129, 154 Frescety freschot, for freosceatt ' free Executors, * protectors', vii, xv n. 6, property', 86, 24; 92, 19; 200 f. xxxvi, 52, 25 f. See also Mund Furlong, 68, 5; 179 Exile. See Outlawry Furniture. See Andlumant Bedreaf, Bedwahrifty Beodreafy Burreafy Cas- Fatfylre ' cup-bearer', 72, 6; 183 tenere, Heallreafy -wahrift, Hopp- Felage 'partner', 80, 27 ff.; 193 scyte, Hraeglcysdy Hricghrsegl, My- Felageschipe ' partnership', xxi n. 2, dercey Ruway Sethraegly Tapestries, 82, 1; 90, 3; 194, 203 Towmydercey Vessel Feld 'open land', 136: contrasted Future interests, 6, 12-8, 19; 10, with woodland, 32, 7; 42, 18; 74, 18 ff. and passim 18; 84, 19; 94, 9: with woodland and fen, 74, 15: with fen, 76, 7 f. Gafol. See Rent Fen, 72, 2off.;74, 15; 76, 8 Gafollandy xxxvi, 12, 27; 112 f. Feoffment, xxxii n. 4, xxxiii, xxxiv Garef 42, i7;147f. Feorm. See Food-rent GebWy disposed of by will, 12, 27; Festuca notata, xxiv 112 Fetels 'sheath', 6, 6; 105. Cf.fetel- Gefsederey 22, 22; 123 sade, 6, 2; gefetelsode, 26, 19 Gefera ' companion', ' fellow-mem­ Feudalisation, relation of, to gift, xix ber of an association', 24, 21; 32, Filigree, 14, 12; 113 25; 126, 137 Findan ' provide', 64, 23 ; 175 Gegengabe. See Countergift Fishing rights, 2, 19; 46, 23 f. Gehealdan 'satisfy', 'pay', 60, 22; Folkland, xxxv n. 1, xxxvi and nn. 3, 173 5,162 Gemynd. See Commemoration Food-rent ' (daeg)feorm ', 8, 12; 20, Gerede 'harness', 22, 20; 88, 27. 30; 26, 27; 58, 22; 64, 25; 107, Cf. geraedodey 26, 3, 18; 30, 19 120 GeredneSy xxii, 18, 2. See Contract Foresp(r)3ecy -a. See Advocacy Gerefa. See Reeve Formalities, viii-x, xiv, xxi, xxiii, Germanic law and custom, viii, ix, xxvi-xxxv, xl xi, xii, xiv, xviii, xx-xxi, xxiv- For(e)w(e)ard, -word ' agreement', xxvii, xxviii, xxxi n. 2, xxxii, xxxiii, 'contract', 'terms', xxi and n. 2, xxxiv, xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xlvii, 100 xxii, 26, 9; 48, 24; 52, 13 ff.; 68, Gesplottude 'ornamented with dots', 8; 70, 8; 82, 1; 86, 27; 88, 2, 28; 14, 11; 113 90, 5 ff.; 94, 14, 25. See Contract, Geteld 'tent', 12, 13; 52, 21; 74, Marriage agreements 25 Forfeiture, 24, 19 f.; 60, 15 f. (?); Gewered 'stocked', 18, 20; 118 90, 26 f.; 115, 121, 128, 130, Gewiredan. See Filigree 153 ff., 164 f., 176, 178: an Gewrit. See Documents estate in which the holder has only Gift or Grant, viii-xii, xiv, xix- a life-interest cannot be lost by xxxviii passim: post obitumy viii, xi, forfeiture, 46, 30; 70, 7 f. xii, xxii, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, Forswat for forspaec, 90, 26; 204 xxxviii, xxxix: mortis causay viii, Franca 'javelin', 42, 9; 147 ix, x, xi, xv, xviii, xx, xxi n. 2, xxii, Freedmen 'freotmannon\ 10, 13 ; 54, xxvii, xxix n. 1, xxxvii, xxxviii, 9; 64, 23 f.: lisingar, 92, 11; 206: xxxix: inter vivos, xi, xx, xxxvii:

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238 INDEX RERUM * present gift', xxxvii. See also Heregeatland 'heriot land', 48, 27; Charitable gifts, Conditional gifts, 157 f. Countergift Heriot, payments of, 2, 6 ff.; 6, 1 ff.; Gild, of priests, 24, 26; 126: of 22, 14 ff.; 26, 1 ff.; 30, 7 ff., 17 ff • *, deacons, 24, 27; 127: in Cambridge 32, i8ff.;42,7ff.;44,9;46,6ff.; and Exeter, 127: in London, 137 52, 23 ff.; 54, 18 ff.; 70, 6; 72, Gingra. See Iung(e)re 4 f.; 74, 6 f., 23 f.; 80, 21 ff.; 84, Gode 7 for zvor(u)lde,for, 30, 17; 38, 10; 88, 26 ff.; 123, 161: payment 2; 60, 30; 134 by women, 84, 10; 100, 120, 139, Godes peow, 10, 4; 62, 7; 110 187, 198: payment by ecclesi­ Goldwreken ' gold-inlaid', 74, 7; 185 astics, 100, 163: origin of, 100: Goods 'aehta\ 16, 26; 26, 9; 30, 16: paid to obtain the lord's protection 'licgendan\ 50, 19. See also Pos­ of the will, ibid.: heriot of an earl, sessions, Property 105, 127, 153: of a king's thegn, Graeco-Byzantine culture among the 130, 132 f., 134, 147, 153, 166, clergy, xxiv n. 2 186, 193: of other , 185 f., Graeco-Roman documents, see Docu­ 202: heriot in Domesday Book, ments 130, 147, 157, 202 f.: must be Grant. See Gift; form of grant used paid by the widow within a year, for contract of sale, xix and n. 1 149: rights to receive heriot, 157: Greek law. See Roman law omission of, 200: paid to a lord Gulapiwgslogr, 195 other than the king, 88, 24 ff.; 202 f.: Cnut's law on, passim, see references supra. See also Here- Haftungy xxviii Haga 'messuage', 'enclosure', 4, 7; geatland 72, 23 f.; 86, 19; 184: derhage Hide, 8, 26 f., 108, 130, and passim 'deer-enclosure', 82, 15 Hirdprest. See Priests Hakele ' cloak', 74, 11 Hiredcniht. See Cniht Half free, 92, 11; 206 H06 'spur of land', 80, 9; 192 Haligdom 'relics', 20, 10: '(king's) Hoppscyte, 62, 22; 174 sanctuary', xxiii, 46, 3 ; 78, 9; 151, Horns, drinking-, 22, 7; 56,25; 86,1. 189 See also Blsedhorn, Wesendhorn Haliryft 'holy veil', 14, 15 Horses, bequest of, 12, 12; 58, 16 f.; Hall 'heall', 80, 10, 19; 96, 1; 60, 8ff.; 74, 10: as part of the 192 f., 211 heriot, see Heriot: stallions, 6, 3; Hand, marked on a sword, 60, 18 f.; 26, 21; 58, 30; 60, 10: wild horses, 173 14, 26 f.; 50, 17: tame horses, 14, Handsex 'short sword', 22, 19; 26, 31: stud of, 32, 25; 60, 22; 82, 18; 28, 12 15: geldings, 50, 18: mares with Harness. See Gerede, Sadelfate, colts, 54, 20; 56, 5 f. sadelgarun Hrseglcysd 'clothes chest', 14, 21 Hawks and hounds, as part of the Hricghrsegl 'dorsal', 62, 21; 86, 3; heriot, 26, 19 f.; 130, 147 174 Headband. See Baend, Binde Hryder. See Bullocks Headorhund' staghound', 26, 20 Hwer 'cauldron', 58, 8; 169 Heafodbotl 'chief messuage or resi­ dence ', 32, 5; 64, 1; 136 Iherneny 70, 13; 181 Heallreafy -wahrift 'tapestry for a Inalienable property. See Alienation hall', 14, 13; 64, 16 f; 175 Incest, punished with slavery, 111 Hege 'enclosure', 42, 19; 84, 5; 148 Indenture, xxiv n. 2 Helmet, bequest of, 52, 4: as part of Inflectional system, break-down of, the heriot, 26, 3 ; 74, 7; 80, 22; 88, 166 f., 182 27; 134, 153: as part of a tax, 137 Ingress and egress 'ingong and ut- Hencgest 'gelding', 50, 18 gong\ 70, 3; 76, 7

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INDEX RERUM 239 Inlaid weapons, 172. See Gold- Levatio cartae, xxxii n. 4 wreken, Malswurd Liability, xxviii, xxix and n. 1, xxxi Inland, 28, 10; 131 n. 2, xxxviii. See also Haftung, Inter vivos. See Gift Schuld Intercession, 2, 4 f.; 20, 25 Libbendan 7 on licgendan, on,' in live­ Iung{e)re, 72, 12, 25; 183 stock and other goods', 50, 18 f. Ins ad rem, xxviii, xxxviii; in rem, Lights, bequest for the provision of, xxxviii; in personam, xxxviii 42, 15 Lisingar. See Freedmen Javelin. See Franca, Gare Litigation over estates, 68, 16 f.; Jewelry. See Baend, Beag, Brooch, 128 f., 131 f., 146 Bui, Filigree, Ring, Sweorbeag Livestock ' yrfe', ' libbendan', ' aehta', Jurisdiction, private, 112, 158, 168. 10, 10 ff.; 12, 23 ff.; 36, 32; 50, See also Socn 5 ff.; 68, 8; 94, 10; 135. See also Bullocks, Calves, Cows, Gewered, Kindred *cynn\ 'gecynd', estates not Horses, Metecu, Oxen, Sheep to be alienated from, 28, 8 ff.; 52, Loanland, xix 29; 54, 23; 131, 163 Loh 'position', 'office', 76, 11; 187 King' cyning', * (cyne)hlafordy; trans­ Lord lhlaford\ = husband, 28, 16; fers land by writ, xxxvi and n. 5: 38, 8, 26; 40, 1, 9, 11; 76, 2; 84, testator's lands acquired from, 2, 15: = king, 2, 3, 6; 6, 1 ff.; and 2ff.; 30, 3f.; 70, 18: testator's passim: = intermediate lord, 88, loyalty to, 6, 7 f.; 32, 30 ff.: pro­ 25; 90, 32; perhaps, 54, 18 ff.; tection of testator's followers or 56, 8; 70, 6: horse and weapons heirs by, 22, 4ff.; 50, 8fL; 54, reverted to, 100: gebur not free to 20 f.: accusation of treason made choose, 112: inland retained by, by, 44, 5 ff.: confirms grants and 131: men free to choose, 157: bequests of land, 44, 1 ff.; 107, men who cannot leave their lord 162,175,186: entrusting of docu­ without permission, 186, 194 f. ments to the king's sanctuary, see Lysing, xviii Documents, Haligdom: heriot paid to, see Heriot: king's authority in Maessepreost. See Priests connection with disposal of land Maessereaf 'set of mass-vestments', by will, see Wills 62, 20 King's thegn, 66, 12 f. See also Maldage 'contract', xiii n. 1, xxi and Heriot n. 2: to mund and to maldage, 82, Knight. See Cniht 6; 195 Malswurd 'inlaid sword', 60, 8, 21; Laetan 'let', 'lease', 50, 3; 52, 16; 172 56, 2of.;76, 25 Mancus, 6, 2 ff.; 10, 4 ff.; and pas­ Land, landare. See Estates sim, especially 100, 168 Landbook, x, xii, xiii, xvii n. 3, xxvii, Manor, U93, 211: larger heriot for xxix, xxxi and n. 1, xxxii and nn. 2, thegn with more than six, 202 f. 4, xxxiv. See also Title-deed Manumission clauses, 2, 17 ff.; 4, Landceap, xxxv and n. 2 iff.; 12, iff.; 16, iff.; 20, 7ff.; Landsethlen, tenants, 94, 4 24, 6ff.; 36, 30 f.; 54, 4f.; 56, Launegild, xxv i4f.;68, 3, 9; 70, 13; 74, 5; 78, Lay-abbess, 109 4f., 23; 80, 5 ff.; 84, 16 f.; 86, Lease. See Gafolland, Laetan, Loan- 23 f.; 88, 16 ff.; 90, 23; 92, 18; land, Rent, Services, Tenants, 94, 4 f.; 101,112, 163,165,175: Utland the manumitted slaves are to re­ Lecg, 22, 19; 30, 8, 13; 123 tain their homesteads, cow and Leof, as a title, 20, 3, 34; 34, 4; 38, corn, 68, 3 ff.; to retain all pos­ 7; 56, 8; 62, 15; 142 sessions except land, 88, 22 f.

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Mares. See Horses Oath, 129, 149 Mark, of gold, 2, 7, 12; 4, 10; 72, 5, Qffringdisc. See Paten 13; 74, 8, 23; 76, 12; 80, 22 ff.; Ofringsceat, 10, 2 f.; 109 82, 3; 90, 10; 94, 21; 100, 183, Onspsec 'accusation', 44, 16 185 f.: of silver, 74, 20; 92, 5: Open-field system of agriculture, 179, written in error for mancus, 100 187 Marriage, 135 f. See also Dowry, Orality, viii-xl, passim Morgengifu, Remarriage Ordeal, 149 Marriage agreements, 128, 135 f., Ore, 74, 8; 185, 202 180 f., 195. See also Maldage Outlawry, 145, 149, 171, 176, 196 Massehakele. See Chasuble Oxen, 12, 30; 52, 9 Masses for the dead. See Soul Mast pasture, 30, 24; 74, 4 PaelV robe ',34, 15; 139 Meadow * medwe ', ' leswe', 70, 3; 84, Partnership. See Felageschipe 24; 92, 17; 94, 3, 9 Paten ' qffringdisc', 20, 12 Mele ' cross', 58, 7 Penal slaves. See Witepeow Men, granted with estates, 10, 9 f.; Pence, 28, 7, see also Pound: peneg- 12, 23 ff.; 52, 9; see also Mete and gawyrd, 10, 26; 14, 19 f. mid mannum, mid: cannot be alien­ Perpetual inheritance 'on ece yrfe\ ated from an estate, 52, 10 10, 8 Mentel'cloak', 14, 11 Personal names, spelling of, xlii f.: Mentelpreon ' brooch', 10, 8 of foreign origin, 111, 177: Ger­ Messuage. See Haga, Heafodbotl man, 99, 103, 111, 177, 209: Mete 7 mid erfe, mid, 68, 8 Scandinavian, 101, 103, 107 f., Mete 7 mid mannum, mid, ' with pro­ 117, 150, 156, 171 f., 180, 184, duce and men', 18, 20 f.; 24, 18; 190, 193 f., 196 ff., 212: two 32, 6; 38, 28 f.; 40, 13, 18; 48, brothers with the same name, 134 12; 62, 24 ff.; 64, 1 ff.: on mete ge Pilgrimage, 90, 21 f.; 94, 15 on mannon ge on yrfe, 50, 4 ff. Pledge. See Wedd Metecorn, metecu, 68, 4; 179 Poor. See Charitable gifts Mills, bequest of, 72, 16, 18; 80, 30 Possessions 'sehta', 18, 8; 32, 5; 42, Minster, 2, 25 ; 4, 16 ff.; and passim: 7; 56, 11; 60, 30; 62, 17; 68, 1; not necessarily a monastery, 101: 70, 1; 74, 1; 92, 13; 94, 1. See private ownership of, 187 also Goods, Property Monastic revival, 101, 109, 118 f., Post obitum. See Donationes, Gift 121 f., 161 f.: reaction against, Pound, 4, 9 ff.; 10, 6 ff.; and passim: 124 of silver, 6, 6; 56, 18: of pence, Morgengifu 'marriage gift', xlvii; 10, 12, 17; 20, 34; 24, 17, 25: by tale, 17; 32, 1; 40, 8; 44, 15; 111, 58, 2; 78, 16 f.; 169 135 f., 142, 144, 149 Pre-emption, right of, perhaps meant Mortgage, xxxv; 94, 21; 210 by, 32, i6f.;72, iff. Mortis causa. See Gift Preon. See Brooch Mund, mundiend ' executor', ' guard­ Preservation of documents. See ian', 'protector', 40, 19; 48, 3; Documents 50, 12; 74, 27; 76, 11; 92, 18; Priests ' (maesse)preostas', gild of, 24, 129: 'protection', 165, 187 26; 126: parish (?) priests, 28, 22; Mund 'marriage payment'. See 42, 13: in private service, some­ Maldage times called hirdprest, 32, 8; 36, Myderce 'chest', 12, 22; 14, 8, 21 f. 25 ff.; 60, 7; 72, 14; 78, 1; 82, 10 f.: church to be retained by a Notitia, xiii n. 1, xxiv and n. 2, priest's issue, 92, 16 f.: not allowed xxx n. 2. Cf. carta to wear weapons, 172. See also Nuncupative will, viii, xxx n. 2 Secular canons Nun's vestments, bequest of, 14, 17 Prior. See Provast

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INDEX RERUM 241 Produce. See Mete Roman law, viii, xxxii, xxxiv, xlvii: Profit. See Tild Greek and, xxiv Proof, by writings, xxxix n. 2. See Roman road ' (stan)straet', 40, 24 f.; also Swutelung 42, 18; 86, 18, 21; 147 f. Property ' erfe ', 2, 2: * ar \ ' aehta \ 2, Romanic practice, ix, xxxii 22; 4, 6; 30, 16; 38, 2, 10; 40, 16; Rule of St Benedict, 50, 14 f.; 113, 56, 4; 58, 27; 62, 17; 64, 23; 70, 184 17. See also Goods, Possessions Rutoa, -e 'covering', 14, 9; 113 Protection. See Executors, King, Mund Sac and soc. See Socn Provast' prior', 72, 15; 184 Sadelfate, sadelgarun ' trappings', Psalter, 54, 1; 66, 24 'harness', 74, 11; 80, 22; 185, Purchased land, 8, 16 f.; 32, 14; 56, 193. Cf. gesadelode, 46, 8 i6f.;60, 5f.;72, i7f.;94, 19 f.; Sale, contract of, in form of grant, 128 f.: purchased messuage, 4, xix and n. 1: instructions for, 72, 7 f.; purchased goods, 4, 26 ff.; 9 ff.; 80, 23 ff.; 96, 2: record of, 56, 25 f. See also Ceapy Ceaplond, 124, 208, 212 Contract, Landceap Sanctuary, 111: king's, see Halig­ Pyttedan, 58, 19; 171 dom Sawolsceatt, xxvi n. 2: payments of, Quit-claim, xxxv n. 3 10, 4ff.; 12, 29; 30, 4ff.; 40, 11 f.; 52, 2 f.; 54, 8 f.; 147: not Reeve *gerefa\ 36, 22; 76, 26; 141, specifically named, 18, 3 ff.; 20, 184, 189 5f.;24, i5f.;56, 15 ff.; 66, i9f.; Refland, 76, 25; 189 76, 3: laws concerning, 109 f.: Release *resignatio\ 'abdicatio\ xvii ring given as, 40, 11 f.; 144: un­ and n. 1, xxxv and n. 3 certainty as to the recipient of, Relief, 130, 202. See Heriot 165 Reliquias ' relics ',2, 15. Cf. Haligdom Scsed, scegd' long-ship', 32, 23; 137, Remarriage, loss of morgengifu by, 156 111: will perhaps has reference to, Scandinavian influence, xxi n. 2, 134, 124 136 f., 148 f., 179, 181,190, 193, Rent 'gafol', 54, 17; 88, 4: cf. ga- 195, 206. See also Personal names felian 'pay rent for', 42, 17: paid Scandinavian law, references to, to the donee by the donor who xiii n. 1, xviii, xxi n. 2, xxv n. 6, retains the estate for his lifetime, xxvi, 195 78, 14 fT. See also Food-rent, Sceadd, 46, 18 f.; 154 Gafolland Sceardany 60, 10, 21; 172 Residuary gifts, 14, 22 ff.; 18, 1 f.; Scencingcuppe, 12, 14 f.; 112 22, iff.; 52, 25; 94, 8; 128 Schuld, xxviii Revocability of will. See Wills Sciremanf scirgerefa. See Sheriff Rights, estate bequeathed with all Secular canons 'preostas', 72, 20 f.; the rights owned by the testator, 101 f., 110, 122, 152, 161, 165, see Swa ful and swa ford: of free 188, 212 alienation, see Alienation: of way, Seelgake, xxvi n. 3. See Sawolsceatt, see Ingress and egress, Way: of Soul jurisdiction, see Socn. See also Ius Seisin, livery of, xxxiii Riht, on, (mid) rihte, rihtlice 'law­ Semestre, -a 'seamstress', 'tailor', fully', 'rightfully', etc., 8, 5, 19; 10, 30; 72, 9; 111 34, 12; 60, 24; 64, 2; 70, 19; 90, Seneschal 'discpegn', 60, 9; 82, 25; 25. Cf. Unrichte 121, 127, 145, 170, 172, 183 Ring, 54, 1 Sepultura. See Sawolsceatt Rod' crucifix', 54, 2; 58, 29; 62, 20; Serfs. See Gebur, Half free, Men 84, 28 Servant. See Cniht

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242 INDEX RERUM Services, land held in return for, 80, Strips of land (?) 'smale londe', 102 17; 88, 3i; 178: transfer of, 112. Subtenure, 178, 194, 200 f., 208 f. See also peowdom Suiting, 26, 23; 58, 4; 108, 130 Sethrsegl ' seat-covering', 14, 14; Sunday labour punished by slavery, 84, 28 111 Sheath. See Fetels Survivorship. See Contract Sheep, bequest of, 74, 22 f. Sustenance of a religious community, Sheriff, 66, 13; 78, 21; 176, 188, estates reserved for, 'to be(o)d- 191, 197, 202 f. londe ',2, 16 f.; 101:' to bigleofan', Shield *(boh)scyld\ 'targe', bequest 66, 5 f.: ' to foddan', 72, 20 f.: ' to of, 60, 11 ff.; as part of the heriot, fostre', 78, 13; 84, 12: 'pro victu', see Heriot: shape of, 172 122 Ships, bequest of, 32, 23 ; 52,4, 24 f.; Swaful 7 swaford, 70, 21 f.; 72, 4; 137, 161 f.: as part of the heriot, 74, 16 ff.; 90, 24 f.; 92, 10; 186. 100 See Rights Ship-tax, 137, 163 Sweorbeag 'necklace', 20, 22; 26, Shiremoot, 106, 132, 174, 186 25; 28, 2 Shrine 'serin', 20, 10; 24, 17; 119 Sweorrod ' pectoral cross', 54, 1 Slavery. See Manumission clauses, Sword ' sweord', as part of the heriot, peow, Witepeow see Heriot: gift of, to obtain per­ Socn, soc, sac and soc 'jurisdiction', mission to make a will, 6, 4 ff.: 48, 29; 158, 186, 195, 200, 202, silver-hilted, 46, 7; 56, 23; 58, 204 15, 28: owned by King Offa, 58, Sod, symbolic use of, xxxii and n. 4. 18: with a 'pitted' hilt, 58, 19: See also Traditio per cespitem notched, 60, 10 f.: with a hand Sokeland, 158, 211 marked on it, 60, 18 f.: worth 152 Sokemen, a cniht included among, mancuses of gold, 105: of the 127, 194: heriot of, in D.B., Viking period, 171. See also 157 Brand, Fetels, Handsex, Malswurd Sopcuppe, 20, 19 ff.; 22, 6, 18; 38, Swutelung 'evidence', 'proof, xxv 6f.;120 and n. 3 ; 16, 24; 78, 14: 'declara­ Soul, bequests to religious founda­ tion', 30, 16; 44, 22 tions for, 2, 3, 20ff.; 6, ioff.; and Symbolism, ix, x, xiv, xxi, xxvii, passim: masses and prayers for, xxviii, xxix and n. 1, xxxi n. 2, xxvi, 66, 23 ; 88, 4 f.: distribution xxxii-xxxiv, xl. See also Festuca, of property for, see Charitable Sod, Wedd gifts. See also Intercession, Sawol- sceatt Tapestries. See Bayeux tapestry, Soulscot, xxvi n. 2. See Sawolsceatt Wahrift, Bedwahrift, Heallreaf, Spsec 'accusation', 44, 8fT.: 'juris­ -wahrift diction', 56, 15; 112, 168 Targe ' round shield', 42, 9; 60, 11; Spear, 'franca',' spere', as part of the 147 heriot, see Heriot: gold-inlaid,74,7 Tenants, lands held by, 68, 11 ff.; Sprase. See Spaec 76, 15 ff., 25; 80, 7ff.; 84, aff.; Spurious documents. See Docu­ 86, 15 f.; 88, 16 ff., 31. See also ments Landsethlen, Utland Spurs, 28, 26 Testimonium, viii, xvi, xxv, xxvii, Standan 'be valid', 26, 22; 30, 3; xxxviii 32, 15, 29; 34, 17; 40, 21; 44, 22; Theft, 99, 111, 128, 154 56, 23; 62, 5 Thegns, of the four divisions of Eng­ Steda 'stallion'. See Horses land, 46, if.: of Essex, 78, 22: Steward 'stiward', 72, 7; 76, 14 ff.; gild of, 127: western, 144. See 183 also Demesne thegn, Discpegn, Stock. See Livestock Heriot, King's thegn

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peowy peozo man ' bondman', * slave', Wahrift 'tapestry', 14, 25. Cf. bed-y 12, 28, 31; 92, 11; 206 heallwahrift peowdom ' service', 48, 4 Waine gong, 92, 15; 94, 3 ff.; 207 Third of the goods, as sawolsceatt, Wapentake, 209, 212 110: as the wife's portion, 181 Way, right of, 86, 20. See also In­ Tild 'profit', 62, 24 ff.; 64, 1 ff. gress and egress Title-deed, book 'boc', xvi, xxxvi: Weapons, 46, 8: reverted to the lord, land conveyed to the donee by 100. See also Coat of mail, Helmet, giving up of, xxxvi, 10, 8; 16, Heriot, Inlaid weapons, Shield, 23 f.; 18,16 ff.; 28, 25; 118: stolen, Spear, Sword 128 f.: in different possession Wedd 'pledge', xxi, xxvii, xxviii, from the estate, 131: possible xxix and n. 1, xxxi n. 2; 26, 9; 56, forgery of, 177. See also Landbook 3 : word and wedd, xiv n. 2 Toft 'homestead', 68, 11 ff.; 80, 8; Wesendhorn 'buffalo-horn', 12, 12 82, 14; 94, 3; 179: retained by Wic, 48, 20; 56, 8; 156, 167 manumitted slaves, 68, 4; 94, 4: Widow, who has taken vows of chas­ priest's, 68, 6 tity, 109. See also Heriot, Re­ Towmyderce, 14, 21 marriage Traditio, xxxiii, xxxvi n. 5: cartae, Wifscrud 'women's clothing', 64, xxxii: per cartam, xxxii and nn. 3, 11 f. 4, xxxiii: per cespitem, xxxii: per Wills, Anglo-Saxon, not wills in the ramum, ibid. modern sense, vii: nuncupative, Treachery, 148 f., 164. See Unraed viii, xxx n. 2: consist of gifts Trumpet. See Blaedhorn mortis causa, x: relation of, to the Tun 'village', 'estate', 32, 28; 36, landbooks, x, xxix-xxxiv: bilateral 31 f.; 38, 13; 78, 4; 88, 30 and contractual nature of, x-xii, Tunece 'tunic', dun-coloured, 14, xv, xviii, xxii-xxix, xxxvii-xl: 10: black, 14, 14 orality of, x-xviii, xxv-xxvii, xxx, Tunkirke, 80, 14 ff.; 82, 8; 94, 2 xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii-xl: irrevoca­ Turfgret 'turfpit', 86, 19; 200 bility of, xi and n. 2: exotic and Twilibrocenan, 14, 7; 113 ecclesiastical origin of the written wills, xii, xiii, xxvii, xxxiv: execu­ Unatoned ' ungebett', 44, 9; 149 tion of, xv n. 6, xxxv, xxxvi: Uncleared 'ungeladod', 44, 9; 149 making or reading of, before Uncontested 'unbesaken', 70, 5 witan, xvii-xviii, 62, 3; 173: king Unraed, 44, 4; 148 f. present at the making of, xvi, xvii Unrichte, mid, 'wrongfully', 90, 29 n. 2, 78, 18; 86, 11: king's per­ Usufruct, xvii, xx, xxxvi and n. 3, mission requested or obtained for, xxxvii, xxxviii. See also Bryce xxxv n. 1, 6, 3 ff.; 20, 1 ff.; 22, 9; Usurpation of land, 60, 15 f (?); 90, 60, 28 ff.; 62, 13 f.; 66, 6f.: 29 f.; 131, 165, 171, 177, 209 addressed to the king, 24, 13; 46, Utgong. See Egress 5; 66, 16: king's confirmation of, Utland ' land leased to tenants', 28, 44-46, 50, 25: the king is re­ 11; 131 quested to acknowledge the validity and prevent the violation of, 8, Validity. See Standan, Wills 19 ff.; 26, 16 ff.; 28, 26 f.; 30, Veil. See Haliryft 1 ff.; 32, 29 ff.; 34, 16 f.; 56, Verba novissima, xii, xvii. See also 21 ff.; 66, 24 ff.: a similar re­ Death-bed wills quest to other magnates, 16, 16 ff.; Vessel of silver, 38, 7. See also 40, 17 ff.; 42, 21 f.; 62, 3 ff.; 74, Bledu, Cups, Dish, Horns, Hwer 26 f.; 78, 5 f.; 90, 27 ff.; cf. 199: Vestgotalag, 195 confirm previous contracts, xxii, Village. See Tun 16, 13 f.; 28, 15 ff.; 38, ioff.;40, Violation of wills. See Wills 1 ff.; 74, 9; see also For(e)w{e)ard:

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244 INDEX RERUM diplomatic form of, xxx, 177,187: in the laws, 111 f.: private owner­ litigation about, xxxvi-xxxvii, 132, ship of, ibid.: not mentioned in 173, 188: post-Conquest history wills after Ethelred's reign, or from of, xxxviii-xl: number and distri­ East Anglia, ibid. bution of, xli, xlii: previous edi­ Witness * gewyta \ 'gewitnes', viii, xii, tions of, ibid: wills no longer extant, xv and n. 6, xvi, xxi, xxv, xxvi, xli, 132,151,173, 188: no heriot xxvii, xxix, xxx and n. 2, xxxii n. 4, in early wills, 100: bequest of xxxvi n. 5; 18, 6 f., 22 ff.; 24, 9 ff., chattels rare in early wills, ibid: 21; 26, 12 ff.; 28, i9ff.;34, iff.; provisions of, not carried out, 105, 44, 24 ff.; 62, 1 f.; 66, 7 fT.; 78, 140, 142, 190: only a portion of 17 ff.; 82, 15 ff.; 86, 10 f.; 90, the testator's property bequeathed 25 f.; 129, 175 by will, 117, 200, 204 f.: rele­ Woodland (weald\ lwudu\ 'wudu- vant information omitted from, lond\ 8, 16; 32, 7, 26; 38, 13 ff.; 141 f., 144, 199 f., 205 f., 208 f.: 42, 18; 56, 2; 74, 15 ff.; 76, 7; wills which never took effect, 176, 82, 14; 84, 26; 92, 15 : every third 200, 208: chirographic wills, see acre in, 76, 6 f.; 187: right to Chirograph: preservation of, see fetch waggonloads from, 92, 15; Documents: witnessing of, see Wit­ 94, 3ff.; 207 ness. See also Cwide, Death-bed Wordgecwide, xv n. 5, xxi wills, Verba novissima Worpig, 14, 29 Witan ' council', ' councillors', 44, Writ, form of, in wills, xxx, 177,187: i off.: documents read before, title to land transferred by, xxxvi xvii, xviii and n. 3, 44, 23 ff.; 62, and n. 5: usually evidential, xxxii 3; 173: of the year 999, 149 n 4. See also Edward the Confessor Witchcraft, estate forfeited on ac­ count of, 130 Yardland 'girde', 74, 3; 84, 3; 185 Witepeow, witefaest man, manumis­ Yldran, eldrene, 99 sion of, 12, 9 ff.; 16, 2 f.; 20, 8 f.; Yrfan 'inherit' (?), 78, 25; 181, 192 24, 7f.; 54, 4f.; 56, 14 f.; 101: Yrfe, erfe. See Livestock, Property

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