Lambeth Palace Library Research Guide Biographical Sources for Archbishops of Canterbury from 1052 to the Present Day
Lambeth Palace Library Research Guide Biographical Sources for Archbishops of Canterbury from 1052 to the Present Day 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 2 Abbreviations Used ....................................................................................................... 4 3 Archbishops of Canterbury 1052- .................................................................................. 5 Stigand (1052-70) .............................................................................................................. 5 Lanfranc (1070-89) ............................................................................................................ 5 Anselm (1093-1109) .......................................................................................................... 5 Ralph d’Escures (1114-22) ................................................................................................ 5 William de Corbeil (1123-36) ............................................................................................. 5 Theobold of Bec (1139-61) ................................................................................................ 5 Thomas Becket (1162-70) ................................................................................................. 6 Richard of Dover (1174-84) ............................................................................................... 6 Baldwin (1184-90) ............................................................................................................
1 Establishment of the Church and the Parish of Stoke Gabriel The
Establishment of the Church and the Parish of Stoke Gabriel The founding of the church and the establishment of the parish of Stoke Gabriel are largely informed by the records of the Bishops of Exeter and the Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral. The register of Bishop Bronescombe (1257-80) is of particular note since he was the first Bishop of Exeter to keep a register of his activities, following the practice established by bishops elsewhere in the country. Written in Latin, these registers record the visits that the bishops made around the Diocese, their purpose and much other information, all of which helps to provide an early timeline of the church and parish. In the mediaeval period, the county of Devon had a population of about 100,000 (cf. about 1.1 million today), most of whom lived and worked in the countryside.1 The infrastructure was undeveloped and neighbourhoods were largely self-sufficient, exploiting locally available land and water resources to sustain themselves. Known at the time as “Stoche”, an Anglo Saxon word meaning “settlement”, Stoke Gabriel would have been no more inaccessible than many other places in the county. Its distance from Exeter was not a problem since the registers show that the bishops regularly travelled throughout the Diocese, which at that time included Cornwall. Moreover, they regularly stayed in Paignton, the principal neighbourhood within the Manor of Paignton and the location of their palace.2 Stoke Gabriel was within the manorial estate and a mere five miles from the palace. Yet, Stoke Gabriel is rarely mentioned amongst the bishops’ itineraries.
iB urtraits of the ’ Qrtbhisbups nt fian tzrhury E M . B N Emm i) B Y G . V A A N D I SSU ED W I TH TH E AP P ROV AL O F Hrs G RAC E TH E A R CHB I SHOP OF CAN TER B U RY A . R . M LTD . OWB RAY CO . ON DON : G a t Ca s tl Ox f Ci c s W . L 34 re e Street , ord r u , ’ OXFO R D : 1 06 S . Alda t e s St re e t 1 908 LAM B ETH A LA P C E . E . , S , M a r h c 7 0 . , 9 8 MY DEAR M I SS B EV AN , I cordially approve of y o u r plan of publishing a series of such portraits as exist of the successive occupants of the See of Canterbury . I gather that you propose to a c c omp a ny the plates with such biographical notes as may present the facts in outline to those who have little knowledge of English Church History . I need hardly say that so far as Lambeth is c o n cerned we offer you every facility for the reproduction of pictures or seals . Such a book as you contemplate will have a peculiar f s interest this year, when the See of Canterbury orm the - pivot of a world wide gathering . a m I , Y s our very truly, Si n e d RAN DAL R ( g ) L CAN TUA .
CHAPTER II HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO THE SCULPTURE THE AREA as do the rivers Don and its tributary the Dearne, further south. However, the county straddles the Pennines, so This volume completes the study of the sculpture of the that the upper reaches of the rivers Lune and Ribble, historic county of Yorkshire begun in volumes III (Lang draining away towards the west coast, are also within its 1991) and VI (Lang 2001) of the series: that is, it covers boundaries. the pre-1974 West Riding of Yorkshire. The geographical The effect of this topography on settlement is reflected spread of this area is in itself very important to the present in all phases of its history, as discussed below. Most study (Fig. 2). The modern county of West Yorkshire is dramatically and pertinently for our present purposes, it all to the east of Manchester, but the north-west corner is clear in the distribution of the Roman roads and the of the old West Riding curves round through the Pennine pre-Conquest sculpture, that both follow the river valleys dales to the north and west of Manchester, coming at yet avoid the low-lying marshy areas while keeping below one point to within a few miles of the west coast of the 300 metre mark. England. At the other end, it stretches a long way to the south, into what is now South Yorkshire. In fact, it touches on five other counties apart from the old North and POLITICAL SUMMARY East Ridings of Yorkshire: Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.
M emorials o f the C ounties of E ngland General Editor: R e v . P. H. D i t c h f i e l d , M.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.L., F.R.Hist.S. M em orials of O ld S taffordshire B e r e s f o r d D a l e . M em orials o f O ld Staffordshire EDITED BY REV. W. BERESFORD, R.D. AU THOft OF A History of the Diocese of Lichfield A History of the Manor of Beresford, &c. , E d i t o r o f North's .Church Bells of England, &■V. One of the Editorial Committee of the William Salt Archaeological Society, &c. Y v, * W ith many Illustrations LONDON GEORGE ALLEN & SONS, 44 & 45 RATHBONE PLACE, W. 1909 [All Rights Reserved] T O T H E RIGHT REVEREND THE HONOURABLE AUGUSTUS LEGGE, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF LICHFIELD THESE MEMORIALS OF HIS NATIVE COUNTY ARE BY PERMISSION DEDICATED PREFACE H ILST not professing to be a complete survey of Staffordshire this volume, we hope, will W afford Memorials both of some interesting people and of some venerable and distinctive institutions; and as most of its contributors are either genealogically linked with those persons or are officially connected with the institutions, the book ought to give forth some gleams of light which have not previously been made public. Staffordshire is supposed to have but little actual history. It has even been called the playground of great people who lived elsewhere. But this reproach will not bear investigation.
2 In memory of Jeffrey Martin Whittock (1927–2013), much-loved and respected father and papa. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A number of people provided valuable advice which assisted in the preparation of this book; without them, of course, carrying any responsibility for the interpretations offered by the book. We are particularly indebted to our agent Robert Dudley who, as always, offered guidance and support, as did Simon Hamlet and Mark Beynon at The History Press. In addition, Bradford-on-Avon library, and the Wiltshire and the Somerset Library services, provided access to resources through the inter-library loans service. For their help and for this service we are very grateful. Through Hannah’s undergraduate BA studies and then MPhil studies in the department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC) at Cambridge University (2008–12), the invaluable input of many brilliant academics has shaped our understanding of this exciting and complex period of history, and its challenging sources of evidence. The resulting familiarity with Old English, Old Norse and Insular Latin has greatly assisted in critical reflection on the written sources. As always, the support and interest provided by close family and friends cannot be measured but is much appreciated. And they have been patient as meal-time conversations have given way to discussions of the achievements of Alfred and Athelstan, the impact of Eric Bloodaxe and the agendas of the compilers of the 4 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 5 CONTENTS Title Dedication Acknowledgements Introduction 1 The Gathering
THE ANGLO-SAXON COINS OF HARTHACNUT. BY H. ALEXANDER PARSONS. O the student who consults the two chief works of reference relating to the English coins of Harthacnut, the striking feature which presents itself is that so many Anglian types have been attributed to a reign which was one of the shortest in this country's history. The first of these works is Hildebrand's comprehensive Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Coins in the Royal Cabinet of Coins and Medals in Stockholm, 1881. The second is the Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Coins in the British Museum, vol. ii, 1893. Both works give nine types to the reign with their varieties. It should be mentioned, however, that, from his remarks on the types, it seems that Hildebrand had some hesitation in ascribing the bulk of the different issues to England, and he clearly states that only his Types A and B are perfectly normal English types. On the other hand, in the introduction to the British Museum Catalogtie, p. xcii, it is stated that " we need not question that the types described by Hildebrand are English," although in the catalogue itself the authors indicate that one of their types, together with a variety of another, may be Danish copies of English coins, and they further exclude, altogether, one of Hildebrands types on the plea that it is Danish, p. 321. From these remarks it will readily be seen that the published English issues of Harthacnut are the subject of considerable confusion and uncertainty, and it may at once be stated that before it is possible to be constructive it is necessary to be destructive.
Scandinavica Vol 57 No 1 2018 So Far and No Further: The Story of Cnut and the Waves Alison Finlay Birkbeck, University of London Abstract This article traces the history of the legend of Cnut’s abortive attempt to rebuke the waves, from its first appearance in the twelfth-century Historia Anglorum of Henry of Huntingdon to modern critiques of climate change. Early versions located it in accounts of the king’s demonstrative piety, emphasising the limits of imperial power and the need for monarchs to acknowledge the superior power of God. Comparable tales in classical sources and medieval Welsh legends and saints’ lives suggest a possible oral origin for the story. From the eighteenth century the accusation of vainglory was transferred to an audience of courtiers who were rebuked by the pious king; claims were also made about the physical location of the scene. In modern journalistic parlance, Cnut is a byword for a delusional attempt to avert the inevitable, the most recent example being the coining of the term ‘Canute syndrome’ to describe climate-change denial. Keywords Cnut, twelfth century, saints’ lives, piety, climate change 89 So Far and No Further: The Story of Cnut and the Waves In the modern mind, the name ‘Canute’ is synonymous with the story of his futile command to the tide to bend to his authority.1 Whether the great eleventh-century Danish conqueror of England and Norway is represented as a monomaniac rebuked for his delusion of control over the forces of nature, a wise ruler rebuking his sycophantic followers for their belief (actual or pretended) in his omnipotence, or – as in the earliest recorded version of the story – a pious king acknowledging the superiority of God’s might over his own, the fable has resonated down the centuries as a lesson in acknowledging one’s own limitations.
{PDF EPUB} Athelred the Unready the Ill-Counselled King by Ann
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Athelred the Unready The Ill-Counselled King by Ann Williams Ann Williams (historian) A fellow is a member of a group of learned people which works together in pursuing mutual knowledge or practice. There are many different kinds of fellowships which are awarded for different reasons in academia and industry. These often indicate an different level of scholarship. The Society of Antiquaries of London ( SAL ) is a learned society "charged by its Royal Charter of 1751 with 'the encouragement, advancement and furtherance of the study and knowledge of the antiquities and history of this and other countries'." It is based at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, and is a registered charity. The University of East Anglia ( UEA ) is a public research university in Norwich, England. Established in 1963 on a 320 acres campus west of the city centre, the university has four faculties and 26 schools of study. The annual income of the institution for 2016–17 was £273.7 million of which £35.6 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £262.6 million. A Biographical Dictionary of Dark Age Britain: England, Scotland, and Wales, c.500–c.1050 , Routledge (1991), with Alfred P. Smyth and D. P. Kirby. Williams wrote the English entries. The English and the Norman Conquest (Woodbridge, 1995) Land, Power and Politics: the family estates and patronage of Odda of Deerhurst (Deerhurst, 1997) Kingship and Government in Pre-Conquest England, c. 500 – 1066 (London, 1999) Æthelred the Unready: the ill-counselled king (London, 2003) The World Before Domesday: the English aristocracy, 900 – 1066 (London, 2008) Related Research Articles.
Liturgy As History: the Origins of the Exeter Martyrology
ORE Open Research Exeter TITLE Liturgy as history: the origins of the Exeter martyrology AUTHORS Hamilton, S JOURNAL Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion DEPOSITED IN ORE 01 November 2019 This version available at COPYRIGHT AND REUSE Open Research Exeter makes this work available in accordance with publisher policies. A NOTE ON VERSIONS The version presented here may differ from the published version. If citing, you are advised to consult the published version for pagination, volume/issue and date of publication 1 Liturgy as History: The Origins of the Exeter Martyrology Sarah Hamilton, University of Exeter Abstract Through an Anglo-Norman case study, this article highlights the value of normative liturgical material for scholars interested in the role which saints’ cults played in the history and identity of religious communities. The records of Anglo-Saxon cults are largely the work of Anglo-Norman monks. Historians exploring why this was the case have therefore concentrated upon hagiographical texts about individual Anglo-Saxon saints composed in and for monastic communities in the post-Conquest period. This article shifts the focus away from the monastic to those secular clerical communities which did not commission specific accounts, and away from individual cults, to uncover the potential of historical martyrologies for showing how such secular communities remembered and understood their own past through the cult of saints. Exeter Cathedral Library, Ms 3518, is a copy of the martyrology by the ninth-century Frankish monk, Usuard of Saint-Germain-des-Prés , written in and for Exeter cathedral’s canons in the mid-twelfth century.
ORM the SERPENT: a Tale of Viking Leicestershire Michael Wood
ORM THE SERPENT: A taLE OF VIKING LEICESTERSHIRE Michael Wood It is a real pleasure, and a great honour, to be elected President of the Society – an undeserved honour given such distinguished predecessors. Local history is the root of history, and Leicester is the home of local history. Almost at the start of British writing on local history, following Lambarde in Kent, came Burton’s Description of Leicestershire (which went through Ned Blunt’s printing shop at the same time as the First Folio).1 Burton planned no less than three village histories – Lindley, Theddingworth and Dadlington – and his notebooks are a still untapped source of material, including his transcripts of lost Leicestershire Hundred Rolls in the Bodleian Library which would be a very valuable and exciting task for a local historian with Latin, following the model of the Kent Hundred Rolls Project. Later, as local studies burgeoned the London printer John Nichols compiled perhaps the greatest local history ever written, The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, which is still a gold mine for the local historian. That impetus continued throughout the nineteenth century when this society was founded in 1855. Then from the 1930s came a new golden age (a long one – for we are still in it!) when Frank Attenborough brought the Devonian Bill Hoskins here (there are photos of young David counting hedgerows around Oadby!). From then on the Transactions contain a roll call of the great historians who have shaped every generation of students since and opened local studies to a far wider public, nationally and internationally.