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Iburtraits Qrtbhisbups Nt iB urtraits of the ’ Qrtbhisbups nt fian tzrhury E M . B N Emm i) B Y G . V A A N D I SSU ED W I TH TH E AP P ROV AL O F Hrs G RAC E TH E A R CHB I SHOP OF CAN TER B U RY A . R . M LTD . OWB RAY CO . ON DON : G a t Ca s tl Ox f Ci c s W . L 34 re e Street , ord r u , ’ OXFO R D : 1 06 S . Alda t e s St re e t 1 908 LAM B ETH A LA P C E . E . , S , M a r h c 7 0 . , 9 8 MY DEAR M I SS B EV AN , I cordially approve of y o u r plan of publishing a series of such portraits as exist of the successive occupants of the See of Canterbury . I gather that you propose to a c c omp a ny the plates with such biographical notes as may present the facts in outline to those who have little knowledge of English Church History . I need hardly say that so far as Lambeth is c o n cerned we offer you every facility for the reproduction of pictures or seals . Such a book as you contemplate will have a peculiar f s interest this year, when the See of Canterbury orm the - pivot of a world wide gathering . a m I , Y s our very truly, Si n e d RAN DAL R ( g ) L CAN TUA . P REFA CE TH E idea of this book was suggested by the Gua rdroom at Lambeth , round which hang the portraits of Arch f l L l bishops of Canterbury rom Arunde to ong ey, the series being complete from Warham onwards . In the gallery leading to the Gu a rdro o rn are the portraits of the three last Archbishops , the picture of Dunstan , and Sa n c ro ft the miniature of , a case containing archiepiscopal coins , and another case containing the impressions made fro m archiepiscopal seals . In the absence of any reliable portraits before the time of Warham , the earlier Arch bishops can only be represented by the e ffigie s on their tombs , coins , and seals , and by such pictures as those of l Dunstan and Arunde , which , though of very doubtful f authenticity as portraits , are included since they orm . part of the collection at Lambeth . The picture of Al h f e e M S . Osb e m p g is taken rom an illuminated by , ’ who wrote within eighty years of the Archbishop s death . In order to increase the historical interest of the series , pictures of existing tombs are here reproduced , e ffi even when they bear no gy , but there still remain a large number of Archbishops of whom no sort of re p re se n t a tio n l is possible , and whose tombs no onger exist . It is only by means of the biographical notes that the series can be made so complete as to present an uninterrupted retrospect of the continuity of the Anglican Church extending from our own time through the thirteen centuries which have lapsed since the c oming of Augustine . Cursory as such a survey must necessarily b e s u ffic e , it may to show something of the varying conditions , of the perils from without , and the perplexities w and eakness within , amidst which the life of the Church - has been maintained , and has gone forth as a life giving stream to other lands . al Nor is the interest merely an ecclesiastic one . The biographies of the Archbishops show how large and varied a part they have played in the life of the nation , as statesmen , as men of learning , as leaders in move ments of social philanthropy ; and at a time when there appears to be a di sposition to resent ecclesiastical ' in flu e n c e a fia irs u n ro fit a b le in national , it may not be p to re fle c t that before any stable form of government was i established in England , and dur ng the centuries which have witnessed the growth of British institutions , the —b Church y promoting national education , by inculcating - self control and social responsibility, as well as by the individual capacity of many of her leaders—was building up the State . My sincere thanks are due to the Archbishop , through Whose kind permission the publication of the pictures has been made possible ; and also to those who have given me valuable assistance in the preparation of some of the biographical notes . E N . M . B V G . A M a 1908 . y , CONTEN TS PA G E P AGE LAM B ETH PALACE G I LB E RT S HELDON 1 663- 1 67 7 39 — LAMB ET H P ALACE CHAP EL VVHJ JA M Ju x o n 1 660 1 663 40 WILLIAM L AU D I 63 3- 1 645 4 1 — RANDALL THO MAS DAV ID S ON G EOR GE A B B OT 1 6 1 1 1 633 1 903 RICHARD B A N CROFT 1 604-1 6 1 0 — FREDERI CK TE MPLE 1 896 1 902 JOHN W HITG I FT 1 583-1 604 — EDWARD WH ITE B EN S ON EDMU N D G R I N DAL 1 5 7 6 1 583 — — 1 88 3 1 896 MATTHEW P ARKER I SS9 1 57 5 — ARCH I B ALD CAM P B ELL TM T RE G INALD P OLE 1 5 56 1 558 49 — — 1 868 1 882 THO MAS C RAN M ER I SS3 1 55 6 — CHARLES THO MAS LO NG LEY VVHJ JAM VVARHAM 1 5 03 1 532 1 862-1 868 H EN RY DEAN 1 5 0 1 - 1 503 — — jo n n B IRD S U MNER 1 848 1 862 JOHN MORTON 1 486 1 500 - W ILLIAM HOWLEY 1 8 28 1 848 THO MAS B O U R CHI ER 1 454- 1 486 — CHARLES MAN N ERS S UTTON JOHN K EM P 1 4 5 2 1 454 — — 1 805 1 8 28 JOHN STAFFORD 1 443 1 45 2 — J OHN M OORE 1 7 83 1 805 HENRY CH IC HELEY 1 4 1 4-1 443 - F REDERI CK COR N WALLI S ROGER WALDEN I 398 1 399 68—1 8 - 1 7 7 3 I 396 1 397 THO S A U — MA R NDEL 1 —1 1 THOMAS SEC KER 1 7 58 1 7 68 399 4 4 — MATTHEW H UTTON 1 7 5 7 WILLIAM CO U RTENAY 1 38 1 1 396 — THOMAS HERRI NG 1 7 47 -1 7 57 SI MON S U DB U RY 1 37 5 1 38 1 — JOHN P OTTER 1 7 37 - 1 7 47 WILLIAM W H ITTLE SEY 1 368 1 3 7 4 — W ILLIAM W AKE 1 7 1 6-1 7 37 SI MO N LAN GH AM 1 366 1 3 68 — - THOMAS TEN I S ON 1 695 1 7 1 5 S I MON I s u p 1 349 1 366 — JOHN TILLOTS ON 1 69 1 1 694 THOMAS B RADWARDI N E 1 349 — - W l LLl AM SANCROFT 1 67 8 1 690 JOHN STRATFORD 1 333 1 348 B CON TEN TS (co n tin u e d) PAGE — SIM ON M EPEHAM 1 3 28 1 333 WALTE R REYNOLD S 1 3 1 3- 1 3 27 — RO B ERT W I N CHELSEY 1 294 1 3 1 3 JOHN P ECKHAM 1 27 9- 1 29 2 — RO B ERT K I LWAR DB Y 1 2 7 3 1 2 7 9 — B ON I FACE 1 245 1 2 7 0 — ED MU N D RICH 1 234 1 240 RI C HARD LE G RANT 1 229- 1 2 3 1 ’ ‘ — STE P HEN LANG I ON 1 207 1 228 H U B ER ’I‘ W ALTER 1 1 93- 1 205 — B ALDW I N 1 1 8 5 1 1 90 RI CHARD 1 1 7 4- 1 1 84 THO MA S B E CKET 1 1 62-1 1 7 0 THEO B ALD -1 1 39- 1 1 6 1 — W I LLI AM D E COR B E UI L 1 1 23 1 1 36 ’ RALPH D ES CURES 1 1 1 4-1 1 22 ANSELM 1 093- 1 1 09 LAN FRAN C 1 07 0- 1 089 — STI GAN D 1 05 2 1 07 0 ROB ERT 1 05 1- 1 052 EADS I G E 1 038-1 05 0 ZET HELN OTH 1 020-1 038 LYFI N G 1 0 1 3-1 020 E LFHEAH 1 00 5- 1 0 1 1 ZELFR I C 995-1 005 93 8 10111110 990- 994 94 CANTER B U RY CATHEDRAL i amb etb QBaIace For seven centuries Lambeth has been the abode of the Archbishops of Canterbury. The circumstances which led to the acquisition of this site are alluded to in the biographical notice of Archbishop Baldwin . It is believed that the oldest existing portions are the Crypt , and the Chapel above it which was built by Archbishop Boniface during the latter half of the thirteenth century .
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