Minutes of a meeting of the Carlisle Area Committee held on Wednesday 4 September 1996 at 2.30 pm at The Courts, Carlisle.


Mr S F Young (Chairman)

Mrs V Coast Mr J W Oswald Mrs A Glendinning Mr J R D Robinson Mr A Graham Mr A Toole Mr T G Hodgson Mr Watson Mr J D Jefferson Mr G Whalley Mr J Mallinson Mr B G Whitaker Mr S J Matthews Mr K Wilkinson


Apologies for absence were received from Mr R E F Aldersey and Mr C B Ross.


RESOLVED, that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the Meeting during consideration of item 21 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act:-


The Committee welcomed Mrs Margaret Van-Tilberg who addressed the meeting in relation to item 14, Residents Parking in Carlisle. The Committee agreed to consider this item of business at this stage of the Agenda.

Residents Parking in Carlisle

Mrs Van-Tilberg indicated that she had been asked to represent the views of the residents of Chiswick Street and the section of Warwick Road which ran along the boundaries of Chiswick Street from Spencer Street to Hartington Place and would include the views of the Spokesmen for the various medical general practitioners that had practices in the area.

Residents of Warwick Road shared rear access to Chiswick Street and the back lane of Chiswick Street. They were fronted by a bus lane and had no vehicular access to the front of their houses. They therefore experienced the same parking difficulties as Chiswick Street. Chiswick Street had a 2 hour waiting restriction. Warwick Road had no parking and Spencer Street no parking. Residents were in favour of parking being available for them although there were divisions on the issue of funding.

Local GPs based in the area had 30,000 patients who visited (and were likely to park) on average six times a year.

Around 150 nurses were based in local GP premises and had to move their cars every two hours.

As a conservation area it was impossible to make conversions to eg back yards for car ports.

The back lane to Chiswick Street was regularly used - and abused - as a "rat run" for taxi drivers and "joy riders".

Carlisle College now had some 11,000 full and part-time students and the College provided no student parking facilities whatsoever and this represented a growing pressure on parking in the area.

The Committee went on to consider the report on residents parking in Carlisle by the Director of Economy and Environment which detailed work carried out by Carlisle City Council in developing proposals for residents parking schemes in the City, the current policy of the County Council and sought Members views as to how a residents parking scheme in Carlisle should be developed.

The Committee welcomed Mrs Van-Tilberg’s contribution to the meeting and recognised the range of pressures that were facing residents parking in the area in question. There was a consensus that as a matter of principle no policy of charging should be levied on residents parking. It was agreed that subject to the establishment of a Carlisle Joint Policy Advisory Committee (reference Minute 17) this issue should be the subject of in-depth consideration in the first instance by this body and

RESOLVED, that the issue of residents parking in Carlisle be deferred to the Carlisle Joint Policy Advisory Committee for the fullest consideration and report back.


The Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 29 May 1996 and 22 July 1996 were agreed and thereupon signed by the Chairman.


The Notes of the Joint meeting of the Carlisle Area Committee with representatives of Carlisle City Council on 30 August 1996 were agreed (Appendix A, page ) RESOLVED, that

(a) a Carlisle Joint Policy Advisory Committee be constituted as detailed in the Annex to the Notes of the Joint meeting with Carlisle City Council on 30 August 1996 (Appendix B, page ) for the purpose of advising the two Authorities on any matter relating to the discharge of their functions or responsibilities in respect of Highways matters within the administrative area of the ;

(b) the Joint Policy Advisory Committee be constituted with 7 Members from each Authority;

(c) the County Council Appointees be on a 3: 3: 1 basis nominated substitutes as appropriate;

(d) appointments to the Joint Policy Advisory Committee be as follows:

Labour Mr A Graham Mr R Watson Mr S F Young

Conservative Mr J D Jefferson Mr A Toole Mr B G Whitaker

Liberal Democrat Mr R A F Aldersey

(e) attendance at the Joint Policy Advisory Committee be an approved duty for Members Allowances purposes.


The Corporate Services Manager reported on a proposed Service Level Agreement (SLA) designed to meet the needs expressed by the Area Committee at its last meeting for Neighbourhood Development and set out two options to facilitate this.

The report detailed the core services between the provider (Neighbourhood Development) and the purchaser (the Area Committee). The Corporate Services Manager gave a detailed analysis of the relationship between the two with regards to Neighbourhood Development and had identified two options:

Option 1 - Purchasers required from an annual number of days - on an average across the County Neighbourhood Development would equate to 10 working days per Neighbourhood Forum. Up to 100 working days had therefore been identified for the Carlisle area. The draft SLA detailed what outputs and outcomes could be achieved from allocation for the Carlisle area of 100 days Neighbourhood Development. Option 2 - Purchase "as required" no guarantee - however if the Committee wished to purchase only on an "as required" basis which would not give Neighbourhood Development the guarantee of a certain volume of work and hourly rate would have to be charged. The SLA would not detail outputs and outcomes. Outputs and outcomes would be specified as hours were purchased. This arrangement would require the Area Committee to determine who would authorise and control this expenditure.

The Corporate Services Manager went on to detail arrangements for charges for services.

The advantages and disadvantages of both options were fully discussed and, upon being put to the vote, it was


(1) option 1 as the proposal for Neighbourhood Development Service Level Agreement be approved;

(2) it be noted that the proposal is subject to Policy Review Sub-Committee approving the planning assumptions upon which they are based on 25 October 1996.


The Under 8s Co-ordinator presented a report detailing up to date pre- school and nursery provision in the Carlisle area

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


The Committee noted the financial statement with regard to the Under 5s budget for the Carlisle area.


The Client Services and Property Unit Manager and the Corporate Services Manager presented a joint report providing further information relating to the possible provision of a base for pre-school groups at Morton Park Primary School, Carlisle

RESOLVED, that the report be noted. 22 NURSERY VOUCHERS

The Director of Education presented a report updating Members on proposals by the Government to introduce nursery vouchers for all 4 year olds from April 1997 and seeking their endorsement to plans aimed at maintaining, in the short term, current standards and provision. A copy of the latest consultation newsletter circulated to schools was appended to the report.

Members reiterated their concerns about the possible implications of the nursery voucher scheme for the Authority and its effect on the Council’s budget.


(a) with the Education Committee, the continuing commitment to Under 5s in 1997/98 be maintained;

(b) the Education Committee’s intention to commission a review of the effect of the introduction of nursery vouchers for 4 year olds on the take up of places within the state, voluntary and private sectors in towards the end of 1997 be endorsed.


The County Heritage Services Officer presented a report detailing a promotional strategy "Books for Babies" as part of an update on an initiative which in October 1995 had been launched to encourage young children to use library services and as a foundation for reading skills and a love of books for life long learning. A free book and high quality information pack was made available for any child under 3 who lived in Cumbria and enrolled at the Library. The initiative and implementation of this practical scheme, throughout the County, had been enthusiastically supported and received by parents, carers, other professionals and the children themselves. The success was an indication that the scheme should continue and be taken forward to enable a more widespread response to the scheme.


(1) Books for Babies be extended to 3 year olds;

(2) the employment of short-term project workers in each area to promote Books for Babies to playgroups etc through libraries where take-up was lower be endorsed;

(3) training be extended to front-line staff so they could better promote the aims of the service;

(4) a grant of £4,700 be made to support the extension to 3 year olds and the targeting of places where take-up is lower. 24 ADULT EDUCATION - INTERIM REPORT

The County Heritage Services Officer reported on a promotion currently being undertaken and also developments in community based courses.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


The County Heritage Services Officer presented a report on the progress of family literacy projects in the Carlisle area and recommended an extension of this approach which would attract the maximum Government and/or European funding available.

The report went on to detail the need for action to avoid possible duplication of provision of the Carlisle area between the service and Carlisle Colleges.


(i) the avoidance of duplication of provision in the Carlisle area be endorsed;

(ii) the advice of the education service be sought to evaluate each of the Carlisle models of family literacy with a view to recommending a model of good practice;

(iii) the following be appointed to the Steering Group on a 1:1:1 basis - Mr S J Matthews, Mr J D Jefferson, Mrs V Coast.


The Corporate Services Manager reported on an application considered by Members in the Carlisle East Forum Area who wished to make a grant of £5,000 which was more than 25% of the annual budget.

RESOLVED, that the following grant be agreed:

Botcherby Tenants Action Group £5,000


RESOLVED, that the grants be agreed as detailed in the Corporate Service Manager’s report. 28 DIVISIONAL GRANTS - CRITERIA AND BIDS TO DATE

RESOLVED, that this report be deferred to the next regular meeting of the Committee.


The Director of Economy and Environment presented a report giving an update on the £66,000 allocated to the Carlisle Area Committee by the County Council on 20 July 1995. This money was allocated to a number of projects at a special meeting of the Area Committee held on 10 May 1996. A report outlined progress made with each project.

In considering the report it was stressed that the Carlisle Youth Arts Festival was intended to be a positive economic development initiative, should have continuity from year to year and be the joint production of the City Council and the Area Committee.

In considering the report in relation to the Croftlands Trust Mr Young and Mr Hodgson declared an interest.


(i) the expenditure of £2,500 be approved to carry out a feasibility study for a Carlisle Youth Arts Festival in 1997 out of the total amount of £25,000 earmarked for this project. The study of recommendations to be brought back to the next regular meeting of the Committee for approval before any additional expenditure on setting up a 1997 Festival is approved;

(ii) three Members be appointed to the Steering Group with Carlisle City Council and the Youth Groups on the basis of 1:1:1 being Mr S J Matthews, Mr K Wilkinson and Mr T G Hodgson (or nominating substitutes);

(iii) no action be taken on the work ways project.


The Director of Economy and Environment presented a report on devolution. In considering the report it was felt that the wide ranging implications contained therein that it would be appropriate to consider this paper in full at the suggested special meeting to consider the Highways Agency Agreement in October.

RESOLVED, that the report be deferred to the special meeting of the Committee to be scheduled in October 1996 (Minute refers). 31 BOTCHERBY HOUSING ESTATE ACTION PROGRAMME - RECONSTRUCTION OF DURRANHILL ROAD

The Director of Economy and Environment reported on work being carried out by Carlisle City Council into the Botcherby Housing Estate Action Programme and sought approval for the highway work to be included in the Programme for 1996/97, and for authority to be given to Carlisle City to advertise necessary legal orders.


(i) the Economy and Environment Committee be asked to approve the inclusion of the reconstruction of Durranhill Road in the highways programme of work for 1996/97 noting that this work is to be fully funded by Carlisle City Council;

(ii) subject to the above approval, the Committee authorises Carlisle City Council to advertise an Order under Section 90(c) of the Highways Act for the installation of traffic calming features on Durranhill Road and to use any powers needed under Sections 90(a) to (i) of the Highways Act in respect of this Scheme;

(iii) Carlisle City Council be delegated authority to consider and determine any objections received to the advertised notice under Section 90(c) subject to consultation with the Joint Policy Advisory Committee.


The Committee considered a report by the Director of Economy and Environment outlining the investigation, design and consultation work being carried out on the highway capital funded or developer funded schemes in the Agency area, in which he reported progress and sought approval for legal notices where needed.

In considering the report Members stressed that of two types of traffic calmer that could be installed around Carlisle one type on the viaduct industrial estate appeared safer than the type installed eg in Lindisfarne Street.


(i) the anticipated dates for public consultation for schemes shown in Appendix A of the report be noted;

(ii) Carlisle City Council be authorised to act under Sections 90(a) to (i) of the Highways Act when necessary for each of the schemes shown in Appendices A and B;

(iii) Carlisle City Council be delegated authority to consider and determine any objections received to any notices advertised for schemes in Appendices A and B of the report under Section 90(c) of the Highways Act subject to consultation with the Joint Policy Advisory Committee;

(iv) the list of developer funded schemes shown in Appendix B of the report be noted.


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on the issue of cable television in the Carlisle area. The franchise for the installation and operation of cable television and telecommunications network in Carlisle had been awarded to the US Cable Corporation. Appended to the report was a paper to Carlisle City Council giving the background to the franchise and the proposed work. Members of the Area Committee were invited to attend a presentation from the Cable Company with Members of the City’s Environmental Committee on 3 October 1996.

In considering the report Members expressed concerns at the degree of roadworks and disruption this would cause in the entire Carlisle area.

In the light of the fact that cable TV would affect the Ward of every Member on the Carlisle Area Committee it was

RESOLVED, that either the whole of the Area Committee attend the presentation by the Cable Company on 3 October 1996 or a special meeting with the Cable Company be sought.


The Director of Economy and Environment reported on work being done on Windermere Road detailing the present policy for footway resurfacing and a petition from the residents which was scheduled to be presented to the 16 September meeting of the Economy and Environment Committee.

The Committee welcomed as an observer Mr M Firth, local resident to Windermere Road.

Windermere Road was listed in the revenue Highway Structural Maintenance Budget for 1996/97 for footway reconstruction and carriageway resurfacing.

The original footways were concrete flags with bituminous verges with the vehicle crossings being of similar construction but with some being fully in-situ concrete construction. The original carriageway was concrete.

Original footway had sycamore trees in the bituminous verges and Carlisle City Council had taken the opportunity to remove these and replace them with trees better suited to an urban environment.

The work was now partly complete and a new footway had been completed on the event number of houses side consisting of new concrete flags between vehicle crossings, bituminous vehicle crossings and bituminous verges. Work on the other footway was being limited to the verges and sections between the vehicle crossings as the residents were not happy with the treatment being used for the vehicle crossings.

On 19 August 1996 the petition appended to the report was presented to the Chief Executive requesting that the vehicle crossings be constructed using concrete block paviours.

Mr Hodgson spoke for Mr Aldersey as the local Member for Windermere Road and requested that a view in support of changing construction to utilising concrete block paviours be recommended to the Economy and Environment Committee.

In considering this issue the Committee recognised that it had to take into account the implications for the rest of the City and indeed the whole of the County in terms of resources and expenditure when footway resurfacing had been agreed broadly in line with the present policy.

In considering the report the Committee recognised that the Joint Policy Advisory Committee with Carlisle City Council had to look at the issue of standards of footway and carriageway maintenance and resurfacing for the whole of Carlisle and in the event of this it would be more appropriate for the situation at Windermere Road to be reported to the Economy and Environment meeting in October 1996.

RESOLVED, that the issue of footway and carriageway maintenance in general and Windermere Road in particular be referred to the next meeting of the Joint Policy Advisory Committee.


The Director of Education presented a report providing a brief description of the existing arrangements and associated costs in respect of school crossing patrols and the appointment of LEA Governors. The Committee was asked to note the costs involved and consider whether or not to purchase, through a Service Level Agreement, the current administrative arrangements in relation to these areas of activity.

Reviews were carried out as either a result of a specific request or when a post became vacant and there had been no traffic check within the last 24 months.


(1) the report be noted;

(2) the current administrative arrangements in relation to school crossing patrols and the appointment of Governors be purchased through a Service Level Agreement.

At this point the press and public left the Meeting. 36 SCHOOL CROSSING PATROLS

The Director of Education presented a report providing information on the number and location of school crossing patrols in Carlisle.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


The Committee considered a schedule of recommendations for the appointment of LEA representatives on the Governing Body of the following schools:

RESOLVED, that subject to their consent the following be appointed:-

School Representative

Bewcastle Mr T Ferguson Fawcettlees Bewcastle Carlisle

Mr G Phillips Roughsyke Roadhead Carlisle

Brook Street Mrs L Paisley 5 Orchard Street Carlisle

Burgh by Sands Mrs J Reay Park Farm Grinsdale Carlisle CA5 6DS

Mrs D I Baxter Eden Bank Farm Beaumont Carlisle

Pennine Way Infant Mr D J Donaldson 16 Silloth Street Carlisle

Pennine Way Primary Ms K Irving 41 Beverley Rise Harraby Carlisle CA1 3RY Mr J Clark 34 Eldon Drive Harraby Carlisle CA1 3JQ

Mr G Johnson 43 Hillary Grove Harraby Carlisle CA1 3JQ

Mr S Morgan 14 Palmer Road Belle Vue Carlisle CA2 4NE

Robert Ferguson Primary Mr C J Southward 25A Wigton Road Carlisle CA2 7BB

Mrs T A M Metcalfe 10 Dalston Street Carlisle CA2 5JW

Mr M D Coleman 156 Nelson Street Carlisle CA2 5NH

Mr P Unwin Red Lodge Hartington Street Carlisle CA1 1NE

Stoneraise Ms E J Mattrass 106 Durdar Road Carlisle CA4 4ST

Mrs C Holland 19 Goosegarth Wetheral Carlisle Yewdale Miss C Ridley Milbourne House Catlowdy Nicholforest Longtown Carlisle

Wreay Mr I Heap Copper Cottage Southwaite Carlisle CA4 OJT

The Meeting ended at 5.40 pm