Resources Legal and Democratic Services  The Lonsdale Building  The Courts   CA3 8NA  Fax 01228 226372 Tel 01228 606060  Email [email protected]

6 September 2012

To: The Chair and Members of the County Council Local Committee for Carlisle



A meeting of the County Council Local Committee for Carlisle will be held as follows:

Date: Friday 14 September 2012 Time: 10.30 am Place: Committee Room 2, The Courts, Carlisle

Angela Harwood Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Services

Group Meetings:

Labour: 9.00am Kraemer Room Conservative: 9.00am Committee Room No 4 Liberal Democrat: 9.00am Liberal Democrat Group Office

Enquiries and requests for supporting papers to: Lynn Harker Direct Line: 01228 226364 Email: [email protected]

This agenda is available on request in alternative formats

Serving the People of Cumbria


Conservative ( 7) Labour (8) Liberal Democrat (1)

Mr J Mallinson (Vice-Chair) Mr J Bell Mr T Allison Mr LN Fisher Mrs H Bradley Mrs EA Mallinson Mr H McDevitt Mr NH Marriner Mr I Stockdale Mrs FJ Robson Mr R Watson Mr A Toole Mr C Weber (Chair) Mrs V Tarbitt Mr W Whalen Mr SF Young

Genuine Independent (1)

Mr RW Betton


Agenda and Reports

Copies of the agenda and Part I reports are available for members of the public to inspect prior to the meeting. Copies will also be available at the meeting.

The agenda and Part I reports are also available on the County Council’s website –

Background Papers

Requests for the background papers to the Part I reports, excluding those papers that contain exempt information, can be made to Legal and Democratic Services at the address overleaf between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. A G E N D A



To receive any apologies for absence.


Members are invited to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interest they have in any item on the agenda which comprises

1. Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.

2. Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses. (This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

3. Details of any contract which is made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) and the authority.

(a) Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and

(b) Which has not been fully discharged.

4. Details of any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority.

5. Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer.

6. Details of any tenancy where (to your knowledge).

(a) The landlord is the authority; and

(b) The tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial interest.

7. Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where

(a) That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the authority; and

(b) Either –

(i) The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or

(ii) If that share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.


A “disclosable pecuniary interest” is an interest of a councillor or their partner (which means spouse or civil partner, a person with whom they are living as husband or wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they are civil partners).


To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.


There were no public questions, deputations or petitions to be considered at this meeting.


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 30 July 2012 (copy enclosed). (Pages 1 - 14)



[Electoral Divisions: Carlisle] a Communities Budget

[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Resources (copy enclosed).

This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities Budgets as at 31 July 2012. (Pages 15 - 32) b Highways Budget

[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Resources (copy enclosed).

This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 31 July 2012. (Pages 33 - 44)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report provides details of the meeting of the Highways and Transport Working Group held on 14 August 2012 and presents recommendations for the Local Committee to consider. (Pages 45 - 178)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report outlines some principles for funding local projects. (Pages 179 - 184)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report outlines requests for grant funding. (Pages 185 - 218)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report outlines requests for grant funding. (Pages 219 - 222)


[Electoral Divisions: Botcherby, Longtown & Bewcastle, Stanwix & Irthington, Wetheral, Castle, Denton Holme, Dalston & Cummersdale, Harraby and Upperby]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report seeks to commit elements of the Local Revenue Scheme budget and includes members proposals that have been sufficiently worked up to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions. (Pages 223 - 240)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed) (Appendix A to follow).

This report outlines the next steps for using the Area Plan and developing the performance reporting that is appropriate to the Local Committee. (Pages 241 - 250)


[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

To consider a schedule by the Corporate Director – Children’s Services (copy enclosed).

A schedule of recommendations for local authority governor appointments to schools in Carlisle. (Pages 251 - 252)



[Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle]

The Forward Plan of items for meetings of the Local Committee for Carlisle is attached for information. (Pages 253 - 262)



[Electoral Divisions; All Carlisle]

This is Appendix 12 to agenda item no 7 – Highways and Transportation Working Group (copy circulated to members only).

This appendix is not for publication by virtue of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as this report contains exempt information relating to information to any individual and financial business affairs. (Pages 263 - 266)

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5


Minutes of a Meeting of the County Council Local Committee for Carlisle held on Monday, 30 July 2012 at 10.30 am at Carlisle East Fire Station, Eastern Way, Carlisle.


Mr C Weber (Chair)

Mr J Mallinson (Vice-Chair) Mr NH Marriner Mr T Allison Mrs FJ Robson Mr J Bell Mr I Stockdale Mr RW Betton Mrs V Tarbitt Mrs H Bradley Mr R Watson Mr LN Fisher Mr W Whalen Mrs EA Mallinson Mr SF Young Mr H McDevitt



An apology for absence was received from Mr A Toole.


There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared at the meeting.


RESOLVED , that the press and public be not excluded from the meeting for any items of business.


There were no public questions, deputations or petitions relating to the business of the Committee on this occasion.

Page 1 43 MINUTES

RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 12 June 2012 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

On minute 31(e) - Bus Stop Panel meeting – February 2012 – it was agreed to include an item on the agenda planner for a report back at the end of the year on a review of the usage of the bus stop to be introduced at the west end of the parking bays on Brampton Road.

The Chair referred to a policy briefing that had been circulated to members for information prior to the meeting outlining a request from Carlisle City Council for a licence to oversee the erection of temporary advertising banners along the route of the Tour of Britain, which Carlisle would be hosting on 12 September.

As Highways Authority the County Council was authorised to issue licences under Section 178 of the Highways Act 1980. The Chair advised that he had been consulted on the request from Carlisle City Council and was supportive of approval being granted. This view was endorsed by the Local Committee.


(1) Communities Budget

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Resources which presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities budget as at 31 March 2012.

RESOLVED , that the following be noted:-

(1) the budget allocations for 2011-12 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

(2) the final unspent balances of £433,906 of which £231,367 are unallocated in the Communities Revenue budgets as at 31 March 2012;

(3) the final unspent balances of £19,683 which has all been allocated in the Local Member Capital Schemes budgets as at 31 March 2012.

(2) Highways Budget

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Resources which presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital budgets as at 31 March 2012.

RESOLVED , that the following be noted:-

Page 2

(1) the budget allocations for 2011-12 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

(2) the Highways Revenue budget overspend of £15,216 against budget;

(3) the Highways Capital budget underspend of £389,592 against budget;

(4) the Winter Damage budget underspend position at the end of the financial year of £5,437.


(1) Communities Budget

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Resources which presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities budget as at 30 June 2012.


(1) the budget allocations for 2012-13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date be noted;

(2) the unallocated resources in the Communities Revenue budgets of £586,156 be noted;

(3) the predicted balanced budget in the Local Member Capital Schemes budgets be noted;

(4) the revised sum of £5,000 for the Carlisle Music City project from the General Provision budget be agreed;

(5) the decommitments and reallocations of Members Capital Schemes, as set out in appendix F(1) to the report by the Corporate Director – Resources, be agreed;

(6) as works are now complete, the following commitments in the School Crossing Patrol budget be decommitted:-

(a) School Crossing Patrol Wig Wag Signs of £1,233

(b) Signage for Edgehill Road of £1,800

(c) Signage for Arnside Road of £2,733

Page 3 (d) School Crossing Patrol Signs – Warwick Bridge of £1,657

(e) to net off the over commitment of £854 for the flashing lights at Cumwhinton School with the above de- commitments;

(f) to net off the over commitment of £58 for the School Safety Zone Measures at Inglewood School with the above de-commitments;

(g) Traffic Restriction Orders at Schools of £4,000;

(h) Service Level Agreement with Client Services 2010/11 of £748;

(i) Service Level Agreement with Client Services 2011/12 of £13,020;

(7) the following commitments in the Area Projects budget be decommitted:-

(a) Harraby project of £67

(b) Advanced Works for Capital schemes of £2,864

(c) Creditors Service Level Agreement of £416

(d) Carlisle Alleygates of £14,374

(8) the Forums budget which includes a £40,000 contribution from Carlisle City Council which had been invoiced but is as yet unpaid be noted.

(2) Highways Budget

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Resources presenting the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital budgets as at 30 June 2012.

RESOLVED , that the following be noted:-

(1) the budget allocations for 2012-13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

(2) the Highways Revenue budget which is currently projecting an overspend of £16,054 at the end of the financial year;

(3) the Highways Capital budget which is currently projecting an underspend of £392,629 at the end of the financial year.

Page 4


The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Children’s Services providing background on the consultation currently being undertaken by the County Council on the proposed provision of a maintained nursery at Irthington Village Community School through changing the age range from 4-11 to 3-11.

The first stage of the proposed change of age range involved consulting with interested parties including the Local Committee. Its response, along with all the feedback received during the consultation period, would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 13 September 2012. Dependent upon the outcome of the consultation a decision would be taken on whether statutory notices should be published.

The local member welcomed the proposals and asked the Local Committee to support this initiative.


(1) the contents of the report be noted;

(2) in order to establish a nursery at Irthington Village Community School Cabinet be RECOMMENDED to approve the “change of age range” from the current 4-11 age range to 3-11 age range.


Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Safer and Stronger Communities advising of the current Community Safety partnership structure following a significant reorganisation over the past 12 months. It also looked at the forthcoming election of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the potential impact this would have on the delivery of Community Safety services.

In conclusion the report touched upon the relationships that existed in statute between the PCC and the current partnership structure. One of the documents the Police and Crime Commissioner would have to have regard to was the County Council’s Community Safety Agreement. The strategic assessment, which fed the Community Safety Agreement, had to include information from as many sources as possible to provide the Commissioner with a comprehensive view of what the County Council considered to be its priorities.

Page 5 RESOLVED , that

(1) the current delivery structure in place for community safety, and the potential impact of the Police and Crime Commissioner be noted;

(2) a Working Group of 1:1:1:1, consisting of Mr W Whalen, Mrs V Tarbitt, Mr T Allison and Mr R Betton, be established to work with the Safer Communities Manager to agree the areas of priority for the strategic assessment.


A report by the Corporate Director – Organisational Development presented the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 27 June 2012.

(a) Minutes (Appendix 1)

RESOLVED , that the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transport Working Group held on 27 June be received.

(b) Crash Group Update (Appendix 2)

RESOLVED , that the report be noted.

(c) Carlisle Area Highways Programme Report – Capital (Appendix 3)

In relation to the indicative funding shown for each stage of the Currock Bridge scheme, set out in the report attached at appendix 3, it was noted there was a risk that potential scheme costs could exceed the current budget, and that future tasks planned were conditional upon sufficient funding being made available by government. In discussion the point was made that there would be a contribution to the scheme costs from the 106 Agreement. Circulated at the meeting was a summary of initial community consultation undertaken by the Area Support Team which identified general support for Option 3.

Having regard to the recommendation of the Working Group that the scheme at West Walls should not be pursued at this time there was support to the view that a further report to a future meeting of the Working Group describing how the scheme had been developed to date was not required.


(i) Currock Bridge Option 3 be further developed and the Area Support Team continue to undertake community engagement as the project develops;

Page 6 (ii) the West Walls Scheme in the non-devolved budget be not pursued any further, and any necessary steps be taken to delete this scheme from all programmes.

(d) Parking Task Group Update (Appendix 4)

RESOLVED , that further data collection is undertaken to advise the Carlisle Parking Task and Finish Group’s decision making a total cost of £7,200 plus VAT, to be funded from the existing Variation Order budget approved by the Local Committee in March 2012.

(e) Dalston Bus Stop Panel (Appendix 5)

RESOLVED , that the existing bus stops at the Square in Dalston remain as they are currently, and that the proposed new bus stops outside the Co- op be not provided.

(f) Bus Stop and Shelter Provision Durranhill Area (Appendix 6)

Reference was made to the fact that the local member for Botcherby was contributing £5,400 from his Local Member Schemes budget towards the cost of providing bus shelters at Geltsdale Avenue and Victoria Road, and the introduction of a bus stop clearway on Victoria Road. In order for this work to be completed in the current financial year it was suggested providing funding from the Local Committee’s underspends referred to earlier in the meeting (minute 45(1) refers).

RESOLVED , that a scheme for the provision of bus shelters at Geltsdale Avenue and Victoria Road, and the introduction of a bus stop clearway on Victoria Road, be prepared for inclusion in this year’s Minor Highways Improvements Capital List with funding of £5,400 from the Botcherby Division Local Member Schemes budget and £2,000 from the General Provision budget.

(g) Winter Service (Appendix 7)

RESOLVED , that the report be noted and recommendations made to Cabinet in time for its review meeting in August 2012.

(h) Development Control Annual Report 2011-12 (Appendix 8)

RESOLVED , that the report be noted.

In considering the report of the Highways and Transportation Working Group the Acting Highways and Transportation Manager agreed to seek clarification on the location of the flashing signs that had recently been moved from Brampton Road. The local member sought reassurance that these were still deployed in the Stanwix Urban and Rural areas.


A report by the Chief Executive provided information on the delivery of the Money Advice Contract in the Carlisle area. Appended to it was a performance report covering the period October 2011 to March 2012.

The report also outlined the arrangements for the provision of Money Advice once the current contract ended in March 2013, and sought the Local Committee’s views on future requirements.

The Money Advice contract was delivered by Citizens Advice Cumbria which was a consortium of the 6 Citizens Advice Bureaux in Cumbria, namely Allerdale, Barrow, Carlisle, Copeland, Cumbria Rural, Eden and South Lakeland. The total value of the contract countywide was £317,000. Reference was made to the fact that, whilst the Local Committee had a budget allocation of £53,890 for Money Advice this was ringfenced and decisions about the delivery of the contract were taken by Cabinet. During the course of the debate it was suggested that it would be useful to have a discussion with the other Local Committees about the process in relation to the provision of Money Advice at a meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership.

Concerns were also raised about the fact that the Carlisle and Eden bureaux had merged. The Strategic Policy Advisor reassured members that the Local Committee’s budget allocation would only be spent on supporting families and individuals in the Carlisle area.


(1) the information contained in the report be noted;

(2) a report from the Citizens Advice Bureau be presented to a future meeting of the Local Committee;

(3) the Money Advice Contract be included as an item for discussion at a future meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership.


The Local Committee had before it a report by the Chief Executive seeking to commit elements of the Local Member Schemes (LMS) budgets including member proposals that had been sufficiently investigated and developed to enable it to consider spending decisions.

In presenting the report the Area Manager reported verbally on the proposed costings of a lighting scheme in the Longtown and Bewcastle area.

RESOLVED , that the following grants be approved:-

Page 8

(1) a revenue grant of £2,000 from the Upperby Division LMS budget to contribute towards the cost of reducing the drainage problems on Buchanan Road;

(2) a revenue grant of £1,500 from the Upperby Division LMS budget to contribute towards the refurbishment of St Margaret Marys Parish Community Centre;

(3) a revenue grant of £1,000 from the Currock Division LMS budget to contribute towards the refurbishment of St Margaret Mary’s Parish Community Centre;

(4) a revenue grant of £2,500 from the Upperby Division LMS budget to contribute towards the cost of renewing a number of gullies in the Upperby area;

(5) a revenue grant of £2,500 from the Upperby Division LMS budget to Petteril Bank Community centre to contribute to a division wide community event;

(6) a revenue grant of £250 from the Longtown & Bewcastle Division LMS budget to contribute towards the cost of developing a community website for Beaumont Parish Council;

(7) a revenue grant of £1,000 from the Brampton & Gilsland Division LMS budget to contribute towards the cost of refurbishing the kitchen at the Dacre Hall, Lanercost;

(8) a revenue grant of £550 from the Dalston & Cummersdale Division LMS budget to contribute towards the resurfacing of Wreay Village Hall car park;

(9) a revenue grant of £500 from the Wetheral Division LMS budget to contribute towards the cost of a kitchen refurbishment at Cumwhitton Village Hall;

(10) a revenue grant of £1,500 from the Morton Division LMS budget to contribute to the costs of refurbishment to the ‘Rainbow Room’ at Newlaithes Infant School;

(11) a revenue grant of £2,883 from the Stanwix Urban Division LMS budget to contribute to the costs of refurbishment of the Cenotaph in Rickerby Park;

(12) a revenue grant of £2,500 from the Stanwix and Irthington Division LMS budget to contribute to the cost of resurfacing the car park at Scaleby Village Hall;

Page 9 (13) a revenue grant of £1,500 from the Longtown and Bewcastle Division LMS budget to contribute to the cost of the lighting scheme on the A7061.


A report by the Chief Executive asked the Local Committee to consider the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group on a number of grant applications to the Area 0-19 Youth Grants Budget. It also asked for consideration to be given to the recommendations made by the Group on the future priorities and structure of the 0-19 budget.


(a) the following grants from the Area 0-19 Youth Grants budget be approved:-

(i) £5,000 to Carlisle & Eden Children in Care Council for a series of young person led engagement events;

(ii) £1,200 to Trinity School towards the costs of young people supporting a project in Uganda;

(iii) £700 to Carlisle Festival towards the costs of running a classical music composition challenge;

(iv) £15,000 to Petteril Bank Community Centre towards the costs of a range of children and young people activities throughout the year;

(v) £1,500 to the “Friends of Acredale Park” for equipment to further improve the park for use by children and young people;

(vi) £1,350 to Botcherby Community Association towards the costs of a summer play scheme;

(vii) £300 to Harraby Catholic Club FC towards the costs of football strips for the under 11s team;

(viii) £900 to Currock House Community Centre towards the costs of delivering a summer play scheme;

(ix) £1,000 to Brampton Parish Council towards the cost of delivering a summer activity day;

Page 10 (x) £5,000 to East Cumbria Family Support Association towards the costs of supporting families who have children and young people with specific social, emotional and physical needs;

(b) the proposals from the 0–19 Task & Finish Group meeting on 3 July 2012 in respect of future proposals for the allocation of the Local Committee’s 0–19 budget, set out in Appendix 2 to the report by the Chief Executive, be agreed as follows:-

- one of the main priorities to be funding provision specifically aimed at children aged between 5-11 years;

- from the financial year 2013-14 a portion of the 0 -19 budget be devolved to local electoral division level. This to be based on population figures of people aged 0-19 in each division, and also to be weighted to take account of deprivation figures and rural proofing;

(c) the following grants that had been paid by the Area Support Manager following the meeting of the 0-19 Task and Finish Group on 22 June in respect of the grant applications that had been deferred at the Local Committee meeting on 12 June 2012 be confirmed:-

(i) £1,500 to Stanwix Rural Parish Council to support the delivery of Summer Activities at Houghton and Crosby on Eden by Carlisle SPAA (Sport & Physical Activity Alliance);

(ii) £1,956 to Beaumont Parish Council to support the delivery of a Summer Activity Scheme at Beaumont Parish Hall by Carlisle SPAA (Sport & Physical Activity Alliance);

(iii) £1,000 to Bewcastle Parish Council to support the delivery of a Summer Activity Scheme at Roadhead by Carlisle SPAA (Sport & Physical Activity Alliance);

(iv) £2,000 to Wetheral Parish Council to support the delivery of a Summer Activity Scheme in the Wetheral area by Carlisle SPAA (Sport & Physical Activity Alliance);

(v) £5,000 to Carlisle College to contribute towards the cost of delivering a series of educational workshops with children (aged 5–11);

Page 11 (d) a grant of £31,276 to Safety Net Advice & Support Centre to provide targeted, trauma focussed, long term therapeutic support to children & young people (aged 3–25) be declined.


The Local Committee received a report from the Chief Executive which outlined requests for grant funding from Carlisle Cricket Club and Carlisle Mencap.

The Cricket Club had applied for £1,900 towards the costs of improving their security system. They had installed security but were now looking to improve this following two recent break-ins and vandalism to the grounds. The club provided cricket coaching and competitions for children, young people and adults from across Carlisle.

Carlisle Mencap had applied for £994.65 for the full costs of sensory equipment at California House which provided respite facilities for adults with learning disability, autism and physical disabilities, providing person centred support for people across the Carlisle District. The sensory equipment would provide extra stimulation for those people with autism or complex needs.


(1) a grant of £1,900 be awarded from the Area Grants Fund to Carlisle Cricket Club towards the cost of improving their security system;

(2) a grant of £994.65 be awarded from the Area Grants Fund to Carlisle MENCAP for the full costs of providing sensory equipment at California House.


The Local Committee received a report from the Chief Executive which presented the Area Plan for Carlisle and described the development process involved. The Committee were asked to endorse the 2012/14 Plan which was designed to be a ‘living’ document.

Members were generally pleased with the Area Plan as presented. During discussion views were expressed about possible improvements to the content of the document, and comments made about the photos; the need for captions to be included; and the inclusion of a map showing the location of what had been achieved in the Carlisle area eg the two new community fire stations. In responding the Area Support Manager agreed to take on board the points raised.

Page 12 RESOLVED , that

(1) the Carlisle Area Plan for 2012/14 be endorsed and that before being submitted to the September meeting of Cabinet the final version be agreed by the Chair, Vice Chair and Cllr Allison;

(2) the development of the Area Plan during the year be noted.


There were no nominations for County Council representatives on the governing bodies of county nursery, primary and secondary schools to be considered on this occasion.


RESOLVED , that the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership held on 30 May 2012 be received.


The current Forward Plan of business for future meetings of the Local Committee was noted.


To allow the Local Committee to meet on a six weekly basis future meetings on the following dates were agreed:

Friday 14 September 2012 Tuesday 30 October 2012 Wednesday 12 December 2012 Tuesday 5 February 2013 Wednesday 20 March 2013

The meeting ended at 11.40 am

At the close of the meeting there were presentations, for members, only on the Community Asset Transfers by Georgina Ternent, Strategic Policy Advisor and the Disposal Policy by Frank Blenkharn, Asset Manager.

Following the presentations members were given the opportunity to have a tour of the new Fire Station.

Page 13 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 14 Agenda Item 6a


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Corporate Director – Resources



1.1 This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities Budget as at 31 st July 2012.


2.1 The Local Committee’s 2011-12 proposed Cash Limited Budget was informed to County Council on 16 th February 2012. The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets. 2.2 The carry forwards of Local Committee balances from 2011-12 into 2012-13 were approved at 21 st June 2012 County Council meeting. 2.3 The original Local Committee Revenue budget is £687,623. This is increased by carry forward balances of £433,907 and other contributions of £40,000 to give a spending limit of £1,161,530. 2.4 The Local Committee Local Member Capital Schemes budget has carry forward balances of £19,683 to be spent in the current financial year.


3.1 Note the budget allocations for 2012-13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date; 3.2 Note the unallocated resources in the Communities Revenue budgets of £553,785; 3.3 Note the unallocated resources in the Local Member Capital Schemes budgets of £5,569;

Page 15


4.1 The report updates Members on the Local Committee’s Communities budgets for the 2011-12 financial, which are summarised in Appendix A to the report.

4.2 Appendix B details the expenditure and commitments against the General Provision budget line. There is an unallocated balance of £39,164.

4.3 Appendix C details the expenditure and commitments against the Community Support and Community Grants budget line. There is an unallocated balance of £203,987.

4.4 Appendix D details the expenditure and commitments against the 0-19 Services budget line. There is an unallocated balance of £70,478.

4.5 Appendix E details the expenditure and commitments against Local Revenue Schemes. There is an unallocated balance of £240,156. The Local revenue schemes budgets can be spent over two years. The carry forward balance of £158,946 is from the 2011/12 budget so needs to be spent by the 31 st March 2013. The £170,000 budget from 2012/13 can be spent up until the 31 st March 2014.

4.6 Appendix F details the expenditure and commitments against Local Capital Schemes. There is an unallocated balance of £5,569. However, some of the projects have returned underspends, these are to be reported within the local members scheme report that is being brought to this meeting by the Local Area Support Manager.


5.1 The Local Committee may decide to vire money between budget headings or decide not to, in line with Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Local committee is not able to vire money from Capital Budgets into Revenue budgets.


6.1 Local Committee could take decisions that would commit existing budgets against future expenditure.


7.1 The recommendations in this report do not contain any legal implications; however, Local Committee could take decisions that could have future legal implications.

Page 16


8.1 The Local Committee’s Communities Revenue Budget has an unallocated balance of £553,785 as at 31 st July 2012.

8.2 The Local Committee’s Communities Capital Budget has an unallocated balance of £5,569 as at 31 st July 2012.

Tony Chew Finance Manager

3rd September 2012


Appendices A-F: Details of 2012-13 Communities Devolved Budget.

Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.


*List here any previous relevant decisions. If none, state “No previous relevant decisions”.

Page 17


If a matter has been considered by Overview and Scrutiny, this section should give details of meeting dates and any Scrutiny recommendations. If not, state “Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny”.


County Council 16 th February 2012: Agenda Item 10: Revenue Budget and Capital programme.

County Council 21 st June 2012: Agenda Item 14: 2011/12 Provisional Outturn Report – Revenue and Capital.


Contact: Allan Graham Finance Officer – Resources Tel No: 01228 226575 Email: [email protected]

Page 18 Appendix A CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE 2012/13


Appendix Budget Sector 2012/13 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2012/13 Remaining Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Commitments Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budget Limit to Date or Variance ££££££££ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

B General Provision 145,831 29,958 0 -110,000 65,789 0 65,789 21,125 5,500 26,625 39,164 THEME A C Community Support and Grants 224,022 167,678 110,000 0 501,700 40,000 541,700 167,174 170,539 337,713 203,987 THEME A & C D 0-19 Services 147,770 77,325 0 0 225,095 0 225,095 58,233 96,384 154,617 70,478 THEME D E Local Revenue Schemes 170,000 158,946 0 0 328,946 0 328,946 59,517 29,273 88,790 240,156 THEME A - F

REVENUE TOTAL 687,623 433,907 110,000 -110,000 1,121,530 40,000 1,161,530 306,049 301,696 607,745 553,785

F Local Member Capital Schemes 0 19,683 0 0 19,683 0 19,683 14,095 19 14,114 5,569 THEME F Page 19 CAPITAL TOTAL 0 19,683 0 0 19,683 0 19,683 14,095 19 14,114 5,569

LOCAL COMMITTEE TOTAL 687,623 453,590 110,000 -110,000 1,141,213 40,000 1,181,213 320,144 301,715 621,859 559,354 APPENDIX B CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTE E FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/201 3

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : General Provision BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 5945201 £ £

2012/13 Original Budget 145,831

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 21,625 - Unallocated 8,333 29,958 Virements in:

0 Virements out: Area Grants -10,000 Neighbourhood Forums -100,000


2012/13 Spending Limi t 65,789

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/1 3 Commitment Actual Street lighting on A6071 to Longtown Dec-11 16,000 Note 1 Longtown multi-use games area Dec-11 3,125 Carlisle Music City Mar-12 0 5,000 Multicultural Carlisle Mar-12 0 500

Sub-total 19,12 5 5,500

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/1 3 Commitment Actual Gelsdale Ave & Victoria Road Bus Shelters Jul-12 2,000

Sub-total 2,000 0

Totals 21,12 5 5,500

Total Actual and Committed 26,62 5

Unallocated Resources: 39,16 4

Note 1: £16,000 allocated to Street Lighting on A6071 Longtown on understanding further £5,000 is secured for scheme

Page 20 Appendix C CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE 2012/13


Appendix Budget Sector 2012/13 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2012/13 Remaining Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Commitments Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budget Limit to Date or Variance £££££££ £ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

Neighbourhood Development Team 129,772 0 0 129,772 129,772 86,512 43,260 129,772 0 THEME A C(1) Forums 0 88,819 100,000 0 188,819 40,000 228,819 13,321 67,135 80,456 148,363 THEME B-F C(2) School Crossing Patrols 40,360 48,121 0 0 88,481 88,481 58,346 4,996 63,342 25,139 THEME D Money Advice Contract - CAB 53,890 0 53,890 53,890 0 53,890 53,890 0 THEME B C(3) Debt Recovery & Money Advice (DRAMA) 0 6,794 0 0 6,794 6,794 0 0 0 6,794 THEME B

Page 21 C(4) Area Projects 0 21,821 0 0 21,821 21,821 4,100 0 4,100 17,721 THEME B C(5) Area Grants 0 2,123 10,000 0 12,123 12,123 4,895 1,258 6,153 5,970 THEME B TOTAL 224,022 167,678 110,000 0 501,700 40,000 541,700 167,174 170,539 337,713 203,987 CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE APPENDIX C(1) FINANCIAL YEAR 2011/12

£ £ Original Budget 2012/13 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 23,839 - Unallocated 64,980 88,819

City Council Allocation 40,000 General Provisions 100,000 Virements In 0 100,000 Virements Out 0

2011/12 Spending Limit for Forums 228,819

BUDGET AREA : FORUMS DATE: 31-Jul-12 COST CENTRE 5940301 BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard City & Forum Area County Commited Un - Virement 2012/13 Earmarked Grants Unallocated Council B/Fwd Allocated In Spending Grants Paid to Balances Cost based on B/Fwd Centre Population £ ££££££ £

Belah W00000029 7,905 2,362 5,806 16,073 1,200 1,162 13,711 Belle Vue W00000030 7,596 650 4,751 12,997 650 280 12,067 Botcherby W00000031 8,081 1,171 9,252 1,800 1,908 5,544 Brampton and District W00000032 8,772 4,244 13,016 0 4,669 8,347 Castle W00000033 7,658 5,239 12,897 12,897 Currock W00000034 8,141 5,559 13,700 0 10,102 3,598 Dalston and Cummersdale W00000035 10,514 4,164 14,678 2,000 4,150 8,528 Denton Holme W00000036 8,070 4,090 12,160 0 1,500 10,660 Harraby W00000037 8,079 4,487 42 12,608 2,792 4,385 5,431 Longtown and Bewcastle W00000038 8,728 909 9,637 0 2,250 7,387 Morton W00000039 7,785 2,050 2,260 12,095 1,400 1,550 9,145 St Aidans W00000040 7,670 5,252 456 13,378 0 5,252 8,126 Stanwix and Irthington W00000041 8,997 8,997 17,994 0 6,866 11,128 Stanwix W00000042 7,808 7,742 15,550 2,183 7,709 5,658 Upperby W00000043 7,297 200 3,492 10,989 200 3,000 7,789 Wetheral W00000044 8,895 5,796 14,691 0 2,000 12,691 Yewdal e W00000045 8,004 1,096 8,004 17,104 1,096 10,352 5,656

Total Grant payments 140,000 23,839 64,980 0 228,819 13,321 67,135 148,363


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : School Crossing Patrols BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 2410201 £ £

2012/13 Original Budget 40,360

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 47,261 - Unallocated 860 48,121 Virements in: General Provisions

0 Virements out:


2012/13 Spending Limi t 88,481

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/13 Commitments Actual School Crossing Patrol Wig Wag Signs Feb-08 0 Note 2 Signage for Edgehill Road September-08 0 Note 2 Signage for Arnside Road September-08 0 Note 2 SCP Signs - Warwick Bridge March-10 0 Note 2 Cumwhinton School - Flashing Lights March-10 0 Note 2 School Safety Zone measures - Inglewood School December-10 0 Note 2 Traffice Restriction Orders at Schools December-10 0 School road safety upgrades February-11 14,620 Pennine Way warning signage upgrade February-11 1,080 Better Ways to Schools proposals February-11 2,282 SLA with Client Services 2010/11 0 Note 2 SLA with Client Services 2011/12 March-11 0 Note 2 Pass Plus+ Sep-11 5,000

Sub-total 22,982 0

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/13 Commitments Actual SLA with Client Services - reducing balance March-12 35,364 April 1,123 May 1,888 June 1,985 July Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March

Sub-total 35,364 4,996

Totals 58,346 4,996

Total Actual and Committe d 63,342

Unallocated Resources: 25,139 Note 1

Notes: Note 1: Any surplus can only be used for SCP or Road Related Safety (as per Cabinet Paper 3rd March 2011) Note 2: These schemes have been completed and remaining allocations decommitted in July 2012 meeting.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : Debt Recovery & Money Advice (DRAMA) BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 5941501 £ £

2012/13 Original Budget 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 6,794 6,794 Virements in: 0

0 Virements out: 0


2012/13 Spending Limit 6,794

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/13 Commitments Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/13 Commitments Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 0 0

Total Actual and Committed 0

Unallocated Resources: 6,794



FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : Area Projects BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 5942501 £ £

2012/13 Original Budget 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 21,821 - Unallocated 21,821 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out:


2012/13 Spending Limi t 21,821

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/1 3 Commitments Actual Harrbay Project Feb-09 0 Note 1 Advanced Works for Capital Schemes Sep-09 0 Note 1 Creditors SLA Mar-10 0 Note 1 Citadel Lighting Oct-10 200 Carlisle Alleygates 0 Note 1 York Fields Jan-10 3,900 Sub-total 4,100 0

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/1 3 Commitments Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 4,100 0

Total Actual and Committed 4,100

Unallocated Resources: 17,721




2012/13 Original Budget 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 2,123 - Unallocated 2,123 Virements in: General Provisions March-12 10,000 10,000 Virements out:


2012/13 Spending Limi t 12,123

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/1 3 Commitments Actual Cumbria Army Cadet Force Jul-11 1,500 Quondam Arts Trust Mar-12 0 623 Sub-total 1,500 623

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/1 3 Commitments Actual Carlisle Border Reviers American Football Club 0 635 Uma Buddhist Centre Jun-12 500 Carlisle Cricket Club - Security System Jul-12 1,900 Carlisle MENCAP - Sensory Equipment Jul-12 995

Sub-total 3,395 635

Totals 4,895 1,258

Total Actual and Committed 6,153

Unallocated Resources: 5,970

Page 26 Appendix D CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE 2012/13


Appendix Budget Sector 2012/13 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2012/13 Remaining Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Commitments Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budget Limit to Date or Variance £££££££ £ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

D(1) 0-19 Services 147,770 30,111 0 0 177,881 177,881 47,045 77,194 124,239 53,642 THEME D D(2) 0-19 Local Devolved Services 0 47,214 0 0 47,214 47,214 11,188 19,190 30,378 16,836 THEME D

Page 27 TOTAL 147,770 77,325 0 0 225,095 0 225,095 58,233 96,384 154,617 70,478 APPENDIX D(1) CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTE E FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/201 3

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : 0-19 Services BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 1713301 £ £

2012/13 Original Budget 147,770

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 30,111 - Unallocated 30,111 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out:


2012/13 Spending Limi t 177,881

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments pre 2012/13 Commitments Actual Carlisle Youth Council Sep-11 500 Longtown multi-use games area Dec-11 3,125 Carlisle Youth Council Jan-12 3,935 Carlisle & District Federation of Community Orgs Mar-12 0 12,000 Safety Net Advice and Support Centre Mar-12 -1 5,596 St Cuthbert Without Parish Council Play Area Mar-12 0 1,500 Cumbria Federation of Young Farmers Northern Dist Mar-12 0 3,456

Sub-total 7,559 22,552

Remaining Expenditure and Commitments 2012/13 Commitments Actual Cumbria Federation of Young Farmers Northern Dist Mar-12 0 144 Carlisle Mencap - Grace Little Centre Mar-12 0 21,598 Friends Of Rockcliffe - Sports Coaching May-12 0 3,720 Carlisle College Jun-12 0 5,000 Cumwhitton Parish Community Partnership Jun-12 0 7,000 St Bedes RC Primary School Jun-12 3,760 Friends of Newtown Community Primary Jun-12 2,500 Football 4 All Disability Group Jun-12 0 500 Cumbria Scouts Jun-12 1,000 Carlisle Able to Play Schemes Jun-12 0 7,000 Brampton Parish Council Jun-12 0 3,000 Cumwhinton After School Club Jun-12 0 500 Wetheral Parish Council Jun-12 0 2,000 Bewcastle Parish Council Jun-12 0 1,000 Beaumonth Parish Council Jun-12 276 1,680 Stanwix Rural Parish Council Jun-12 0 1,500 Carlisle & Eden Children in care Council Jul-12 5,000 Trinity school - Uganda Project Jul-12 1,200 Carlisle Festival - Classical Music Challenge Jul-12 700 Petteril Bank Community Centre Jul-12 15,000 Friends of Acredale - Park Equipment Jul-12 1,500 Botcherby Community Association - Play Scheme Jul-12 1,350 Harraby Cathloic Club FC - Strips Jul-12 300 Currock House Community Centre - Play scheme Jul-12 900 Brampton Parish Council - Activity day Jul-12 1,000 East Cumbria Family Support Association Jul-12 5,000

Sub-total 39,486 54,642

Totals 47,045 77,194

Total Actual and Committed 124,239

Unallocated Resources: 53,642

Notes: Note 1: 0-19 services budget was over allocated by £21,742 in 2011/12. Have moved £144 of the £3600 commitment for Cumbria federation of Young Farmers in the 2012/13 commitments and £21,598 for carlisle Mencap into 2012/13 commitments.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT 31-Jul-2012 BUDGET AREA : 0-19 Devolved Services BUDGET MANAGER : David Sheard COST CENTRE 5943201

Allocation 2012/13 0 Virement in from 0-19 Services 0

Available base budget 0 Unallocated Balance b/f from 2011/12 34,420 Earmarked Grants b/f from 2011/12 12,794 Total Budget available to Forums 47,214 Page 29 Forum Area Cost 2012-13 2011-12 2011-12 Virements Virements 2012-13 Grants 2012-13 Unallocated Centre Allocation B/Fwd Earmarked in out Spending Paid to Earmarked Resources from b/f Limit Date Grants ££ £££££ £ Belah W00000029 0 3,242 988 4,230 988 0 3,242 Belle Vue W00000030 0 -161 2,780 2,619 2,780 -161 Botcherby W00000031 0 156 156 156 0 Brampton and District W00000032 0 5,273 5,273 2,500 0 2,773 Castle W00000033 0 1,104 1,104 0 1,104 Currock W00000034 0 4,584 4,584 2,633 1,952 -1 Dalston and Cummersdale W00000035 0 4,744 500 5,244 500 3,000 1,744 Denton Holme W00000036 0 2,071 116 2,187 116 2,071 Harraby W00000037 0 4,339 4,339 4,116 223 0 Longtown and Bewcastle W00000038 0 2,750 124 2,874 1,000 124 1,750 Morton W00000039 0 3,267 200 3,467 200 0 3,267 St Aidans W00000040 0 1,618 1,618 1,618 0 0 Stanwix and Irthington W00000041 0 2,814 2,814 1,000 1,814 0 Stanwix W00000042 0 721 721 250 471 0 Upperby W00000043 0 623 700 1,323 700 0 623 Wetheral W00000044 0 422 422 422 Yewdale W00000045 0 3,685 552 4,237 3,685 552 0

Total for Are a 0 34,418 12,794 0 0 47,212 19,190 11,188 16,834 APPENDIX E CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE 2012/13



Project Budget Sector 2012/13 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2012/13 Remaining Actual Actual Unallocated Code Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Commitments Expenditure & Committed/ Resources Budget Limit to Date Projected or Outturn Variance £££££££ £ £ £ £ Capital Budgets:

RV1000137 BELAH 10,000 11,000 21,000 21,000 7,211 7,211 13,789 RV1000138 BELLE VUE 10,000 12,000 22,000 22,000 9,747 0 9,747 12,253 RV1000139 BOTCHERBY 10,000 8,400 18,400 18,400 1,510 1,510 16,890 RV1000140 BRAMPTON GILSLAND 10,000 2,500 12,500 12,500 2,500 1,055 3,555 8,945

Page 30 RV1000141 CASTLE 10,000 10,800 20,800 20,800 2,420 2,420 18,380 RV1000142 CURROCK 10,000 11,000 21,000 21,000 1,000 1,000 20,000 RV1000143 DALSTON CUMMERSDALE 10,000 10,210 20,210 20,210 7,579 7,579 12,631 RV1000144 DENTON HOLME 10,000 12,000 22,000 22,000 0 0 22,000 RV1000145 HARRABY 10,000 10,500 20,500 20,500 0 0 20,500 RV1000146 LONGTOWN BEWCASTLE 10,000 7,670 17,670 17,670 2,250 3,384 5,634 12,036 RV1000147 MORTON 10,000 12,000 22,000 22,000 1,500 10,000 11,500 10,500 RV1000148 ST AIDANS 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 5,636 5,636 4,364 RV1000149 STANWIX IRTHINGTON 10,000 11,366 21,366 21,366 2,500 250 2,750 18,616 RV1000150 STANWIX URBAN 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 9,800 9,800 10,200 RV1000151 UPPERBY 10,000 11,000 21,000 21,000 11,000 11,000 10,000 RV1000152 WETHERAL 10,000 8,500 18,500 18,500 500 500 18,000 RV1000153 YEWDALE 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 0 8,948 8,948 11,052

TOTAL 170,000 158,946 0 0 328,946 0 328,946 59,517 29,273 88,790 240,156 APPENDIX F CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE 2012/13



Project Budget Sector 2012/13 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2012/13 Remaining Actual Actual Unallocated Code Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Commitments Expenditure & Committed/ Resources Budget Limit to Date Projected or Outturn Variance £££££££ £ £ £ £ Capital Budgets:

CE1000137 BELAH 0 6,590 6,590 6,590 6,590 0 6,590 0 CE1000138 BELLE VUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000139 BOTCHERBY 0 3,889 3,889 3,889 3,889 0 3,889 0 CE1000140 BRAMPTON GILSLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000141 CASTLE 0 50 50 50 0 0 0 50

Page 31 CE1000142 CURROCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000143 DALSTON CUMMERSDALE 0 402 402 402 0 0 0 402 CE1000144 DENTON HOLME 0 5,477 5,477 5,477 3,616 0 3,616 1,861 CE1000145 HARRABY 0 145 145 145 0 0 0 145 CE1000146 LONGTOWN BEWCASTLE 0 615 615 615 0 0 0 615 CE1000147 MORTON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000148 ST AIDANS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000149 STANWIX IRTHINGTON 0 1,189 1,189 1,189 0 0 0 1,189 CE1000150 STANWIX URBAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000151 UPPERBY 0 1,326 1,326 1,326 0 19 19 1,307 CE1000152 WETHERAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE1000153 YEWDALE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 0 19,683 0 0 19,683 0 19,683 14,095 19 14,114 5,569


Page 32 Agenda Item 6b


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Corporate Director – Resources



1.1 This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 31st July 2012.


2.1 The Local Committee’s 2012-13 proposed Cash Limited Budget was informed to County Council on the 16 th February 2012. The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets. 2.2 The carry forwards of Local Committee balances from 2011-12 into 2012-13 were approved at 21st June 2012 County Council meeting. 2.3 The original Highways revenue budget is £2,532,788. This is decreased by carry forward balances of £15,216 to give a spending limit of £2,517,572. 2.4 The original Highways Capital Budget is £2,860,000. This is increased by carry forwards of £395,030 to give a spending limit of £3,255,030.


3.1 Note the budget allocations for 2012-13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

3.2 Note the Highways Revenue budget is currently projecting an overspend of £15,216 at the end of the financial year;

3.3 Note the Highways Capital budget is currently projecting an underspend of £371,602 at the end of the financial year;

Page 33


4.1 The Highways Revenue budget is showing a projected overspend at this stage of the financial year of £15,216. This is mainly the carry forwards from 2011/12. The Area Highways and Transport Manager is looking into ways of reducing this overspend.

4.2 The Highways Capital Budget is showing a projected underspend at this stage of the financial year of £371,602. This is mainly due to carry forwards from 2011/12 not yet being allocated to schemes.

4.3 The year to date capital figure includes some significant credits in respect of accruals made at the end of 2011-12 but as yet the accounts have not been finalised. These are being examined to determine the actual value of charges now expected, but for this report the full accrual charge is assumed to be valid. A full review of the charges expected will be complete by the next meeting and this may allow further budget to be made available.


5.0 The Local Committee may decide to vire money between budget headings or decide not to. Noting that the Local Committee is not able to vire money from Capital Budgets into revenue budgets.


6.0 The recommendations in this report do not contain any specific financial implications. Local Committee could take decisions that would commit existing budgets against future expenditure.


7.0 The recommendations in this report do not contain any legal implications; however, Local Committee could take decisions that could have future legal implications.


8.0 The Highways revenue budget is showing a projected overspend for the financial year of £15,216. The Highways Capital budget is showing a projected underspend for the financial year of £371,602 are mainly due to the carry forwards from 2011/12 that were agreed in the June 2012 Council meeting.

Tony Chew Finance Manager 3rd September 2012

Page 34


Appendix A(2) Summary of Carlisle Local Committee Highways Budget 2012-13 Appendices G-H Detail of Individual Highways and Capital Budgets

Electoral Divisions: All Carlisle

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.

PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS [including Local Committees] *List here any previous relevant decisions. If none, state “No previous relevant decisions”.

CONSIDERATION BY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY If a matter has been considered by Overview and Scrutiny, this section should give details of meeting dates and any Scrutiny recommendations. If not, state “Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny”.

BACKGROUND PAPERS County Council 16 th February 2012: Agenda Item 10: Revenue Budget and Capital programme.

County Council 21 st June 2012: Agenda Item 14: 2011/12 Provisional Outturn Report – Revenue and Capital.


Contact: Allan Graham, Finance Officer – Resources Tel No: 01228 226575 Email: [email protected]

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Appendix Budget Sector 2012/13 Brought Virements Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Actual Commited Estimated Unallocated Original Forward In Out Budget Contribs Limit not paid Paid and Actual Outturn or Budget To Date to date Variance

£££££££££££ £

G Highways Maintenance - Revenue 2,532,788 -15,216 0 0 2,517,572 0 2,517,572 700,877 76,454 777,331 2,532,788 -15,216

Total Highways Revenue Budget 2,532,788 -15,216 0 0 2,517,572 0 2,517,572 700,877 76,454 777,331 2,532,788 -15,216

H Highways and Footways Schemes 1,529,938 346,475 0 0 1,876,413 0 1,876,413 173,859 -295,747 -121,888 1,504,698 371,715 H Minor Structural Maintenance 981,715 0 0 0 981,715 0 981,715 296,874 265,315 562,189 981,715 0

Page 37 H Lighting and Traffic Signals 223,347 0 0 0 223,347 0 223,347 7,470 1,510 8,980 223,347 0 H Highways Improvements 125,000 48,555 0 0 173,555 0 173,555 6,647 46,312 52,959 173,668 -113

Total Highways Capital Allocation 2,860,000 395,030 0 0 3,255,030 0 3,255,030 484,850 17,390 502,240 2,883,428 371,602

Highways Total Resources 5,392,788 379,814 0 0 5,772,602 0 5,772,602 1,185,727 93,844 1,279,571 5,416,216 356,386 APPENDIX G

Highways Revenue 2012/13 Budget Carlisle Local Committee

Approved Brought Virements Committed and Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Revised Budget Other Contribs Spending Limit Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 ££££££££££££ Basic Maintenance Cumbria Highways 907,188 0 0 0 907,188 0 907,188 668,613 285,181 953,794 907,188 0 City Claimed Rights 586,000 0 0 0 586,000 0 586,000 0 (160,957) (160,957) 586,000 0 Total Basic Maintenance 1,493,188 0 0 0 1,493,188 0 1,493,188 668,613 124,224 792,837 1,493,188 0

Road Lighting Carlisle incls Energy and Signals 750,000 0 0 0 750,000 0 750,000 32,264 99,710 131,974 750,000 0 City Claimed Rights 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 0 160,000 0 (39,483) (39,483) 160,000 0 Total Road Lighting 910,000 0 0 0 910,000 0 910,000 32,264 60,227 92,491 910,000 0 Carlisle 15,000 (64,125) 0 0 (49,125) 0 (49,125) 0 838 838 15,000 (64,125) City - Winter Maintenance 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 40,000 0 (26,135) (26,135) 40,000 0 Total Other 55,000 (64,125) 0 0 (9,125) 0 (9,125) 0 (25,297) (25,297) 55,000 (64,125)

Fees, etc. Page 38 Fixed Fees Carlisle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Claimed Rights 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time Charges/ Percentage Fees Carlisle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Claimed Rights 74,600 48,909 0 0 123,509 0 123,509 0 (82,700) (82,700) 74,600 48,909 Total Fees, etc. 74,600 48,909 0 0 123,509 0 123,509 0 (82,700) (82,700) 74,600 48,909

Total Highways Revenue Budget 2,532,788 (15,216) 0 0 2,517,572 0 2,517,572 700,877 76,454 777,331 2,532,788 (15,216) APPENDIX G(1)

Highways Revenue 2012/13 Budget Cumbria Highways

Approved Brought Virements Committed and Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Revised Budget Other Contribs Spending Limit Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 ££££££££££££ Better Highways Better Highways Out of Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 Better Highways Plant & Materials 0 0 0 780 780 0 0 Better Highways Teams 732,188 732,188 0 732,188 473,083 267,660 740,743 732,188 0

Sub Total Better Highways 732,188 0 0 0 732,188 0 732,188 473,863 267,660 741,523 732,188 0 Cyclic Maintenance Verge Maintainance 50,000 50,000 50,000 66,588 66,588 50,000 0 Gully Cleansing 90,000 90,000 90,000 128,162 17,521 145,683 90,000 0 Signs and Roadmarkings 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 35,000 0

Sub Total Cyclic maintainance 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 0 175,000 194,750 17,521 212,271 175,000 0 Total Basic Maintenance 907,188 0 0 0 907,188 0 907,188 668,613 285,181 953,794 907,188 0

Road Lighting Energy 462,000 462,000 462,000 56,795 56,795 462,000 0

Page 39 Lighting, Signals, Illuminated Signs 140,000 140,000 140,000 3,110 19,715 22,825 140,000 0 Traffic Signals 148,000 148,000 148,000 29,154 23,200 52,354 148,000 0 Total Road Lighting 750,000 0 0 0 750,000 0 750,000 32,264 99,710 131,974 750,000 0 Other Unallocated Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 Balance B/fwd 2011/12 0 (64,125) (64,125) (64,125) 0 0 (64,125) Bad Debt Provision 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 Other 0 0 0 838 838 0 Total Other 15,000 (64,125) 0 0 (49,125) 0 (49,125) 0 838 838 15,000 (64,125)

Total Highways Revenue Budget 1,672,188 (64,125) 0 0 1,608,063 0 1,608,063 700,877 385,729 1,086,606 1,672,188 (64,125) APPENDIX G(2)

Highways Revenue 2012/13 Budget Claimed Right Carlisle City Local Committee

Approved Brought Virements Committed and Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Revised Budget Other Contribs Spending Limit Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 ££££££££££££ Basic Maintenance Highway Response Teams 120,000 120,000 120,000 0 (32,619) (32,619) 120,000 0 Minor Carriageway Repairs 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 (84,740) (84,740) 45,000 0 Permanent Carriageway Repairs 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 0 45,000 0 Permanent Footway Repairs 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 Drainage & Remedial Earthworks 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 0 65,000 0 Footways & Cycleways 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 Fences & Barriers 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 Verge Maintenance 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 (2,322) (2,322) 30,000 0 Sweeping & Scavenging 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 Cleansing 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 (29,316) (29,316) 100,000 0 Non-Illuminated Traffic Signs 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 (11,960) (11,960) 30,000 0 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 Winter Damage Permanent Patching 0 0 0 0 0 Unallocated Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 40 Total Basic Maintenance 586,000 0 0 0 586,000 0 586,000 0 (160,957) (160,957) 586,000 0

Road Lighting Lighting, Signals, Illuminated Signs 160,000 160,000 160,000 0 (20,801) (20,801) 160,000 0 Column Replacement & Painting 0 0 0 (18,682) (18,682) 0 0 Total Road Lighting 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 0 160,000 0 (39,483) (39,483) 160,000 0

Winter Maintenance Delegated 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 (26,135) (26,135) 40,000 0 Total Other 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 40,000 0 (26,135) (26,135) 40,000 0

Fees, etc. Basic Maintenance 74,600 74,600 74,600 0 (60,700) (60,700) 74,600 0 Road Lighting 0 0 0 (18,000) (18,000) 0 0 Winter maintainance 0 0 0 (4,000) (4,000) 0 0 Balance B/Fwd 2011/12 48,909 48,909 48,909 0 0 48,909 Other (Provisions for timecharges residents Parking, HGV Permits etc) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Fees, etc. 74,600 48,909 0 0 123,509 0 123,509 0 (82,700) (82,700) 74,600 48,909

Total Highways Revenue Budget 860,600 48,909 0 0 909,509 0 909,509 0 (309,275) (309,275) 860,600 48,909 APPENDIX H

HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2012/13 Carlisle Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 £££££££££££ £ Capital Schemes 2011/12 Schemes

NPRN C/Fwd 2011/12 346,475 346,475 346,475 0 0 346,475 0 Not Specified 0 0 0 3,136 3,136 0 0 CE7000035 Archives HLF Stage 2 0 0 0 153 161 314 0 0 HA1305900 PSDP 0 0 0 26,126 26,126 26,126 (26,126) HC1A20004 Salkeld Rd/Beacon edge Penrith 0 0 0 66 66 0 0 HC1A20005 U3617 Sandcroft, Penrith 0 0 0 1,204 1,204 0 0 HC3119800 Learning Village Greenway 0 0 0 (16,950) (16,950) 0 0 HC3128900 Great Corby Physical measures 0 0 0 (2,779) (2,779) 0 0 HC3229800 LED Units West Tower U/Pass 0 0 0 265 265 265 (265) HC3229900 Dimming Units - Various 0 0 0 (1,824) (1,824) 0 0 HC3319700 Geltsdale Avenue 0 0 0 206 206 206 (206) HC3319700 Talkin Close 0 0 0 236 236 236 (236) HC3324500 Surface Dressing 11/12 0 0 0 176 176 176 (176) HC3324600 Pre Surface Dressing 11/12 0 0 0 517 517 517 (517) HC3325100 Howard House, Gilsland 0 0 0 1,740 1,740 1,740 (1,740) HC3325200 Wallbeck, Brunstock 0 0 0 (1,000) (1,000) 0 0 Page 41 HC3325500 Slurry Seal Programme 0 0 0 (8,365) (8,365) 0 0 HC3325600 Caldew Cyclepath 0 0 0 (12,858) (12,858) 0 0 HC3325700 Area Team 7 winter 0 0 0 577 577 577 (577) HC3325800 Area Team 8 winter 0 0 0 196 196 196 (196) HC3325900 Area Team 9 winter 0 0 0 92 92 92 (92) HC3326000 Area Team 10 winter 0 0 0 35 35 35 (35) HC3326300 Lighting/Signs/Signals Holding 0 0 0 (2,608) (2,608) 0 0 HC3326600 Public Transport Infrastructure 0 0 0 2,074 2,074 0 0 HC3326900 Preliminary design (lump sums) 0 0 0 1,204 1,204 1,204 (1,204) HC3328100 Currock Road 0 0 0 (1,877) (1,877) 0 0 HC3329900 Replace Columns Botchergate/London Rd 0 0 0 1,430 1,430 1,430 (1,430) HC3500300 Area Team 7 (c/way repairs) 0 0 0 176 176 176 (176) HC3500700 C/Way repairs - Classified in City 0 0 0 174 174 174 (174) HC3500800 Carraigeway Repairs - Unclassified 0 0 0 (25,000) (25,000) 0 0 HC3500900 Cpnc Bays Knowefield avenue 0 0 0 (28,000) (28,000) 0 0 HC3051000 Conc Bays Holmacres Drive 0 0 0 (28,852) (28,852) 0 0 HC3501300 Botchergate (Rydal-Grey St) 0 0 0 (36,936) (36,936) 0 0 HC3501400 Slurry Seal Footways - Classified 0 0 0 97 97 97 (97) HC3501800 Montgomery Bus Stop Disable Access 0 0 0 (582) (582) 0 0 HC3502700 City Corporation Rd 0 0 0 (8,228) (8,228) 37 (37) HC3502900 City longlands Link Rd 0 0 0 (22,418) (22,418) 0 0 HC3503100 Wigton Rd, A7 Stanwix Bk Col 0 0 0 283 283 283 (283) HC3503200 A6 Botchergate - London Rd Col 0 0 0 264 264 264 (264) HC3503400 Currock Road South Rail Br 0 0 0 (26,508) (26,508) 0 0 HC3503500 Dunmail Drive Refurbish Column 0 0 0 (15,706) (15,706) 0 0 HC3503600 Richardson St Refurbish Column 0 0 0 (24,316) (24,316) 0 0 HC3503700 Ferguson Rd & Lismore Place 0 0 0 (8,911) (8,911) 0 0 HC3503800 Brampton Division Columns 0 0 0 (6,257) (6,257) 0 0 HC3503900 Castle Division Columns 0 0 0 (17,064) (17,064) 0 0 HC3504000 Yewdale Division Columns 0 0 0 (43,136) (43,136) 0 0 HC3504300 Ferry Hill Wetheral 0 0 0 (39,992) (39,992) 0 0

Total for 2011/12 Schemes 0 346,475 0 0 346,475 0 346,475 153 (339,732) (339,579) 33,831 312,644 2012/13 Schemes APPENDIX H

HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2012/13 Carlisle Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 £££££££££££ £

Scheme Overheads 286,000 286,000 286,000 0 286,000 0

Footways and Cyclepath Schemes

HC3A20017 C1040 Cumwhinton Rd - No 52-78 25,949 25,949 25,949 0 0 25,949 HC3A20018 Orton Road - Inglewood to No 41 16,035 16,035 16,035 0 0 16,035 HC3A20019 Orton Road - No 91 - 116 17,087 17,087 17,087 0 0 17,087 HC3A20020 C1020 Cumwhinton Pub Towards Scotby 13,439 13,439 13,439 7,292 276 7,568 13,439 0 HC3A20021 Eastern Way CW - Window Sys - Toucan 11,544 11,544 11,544 0 11,544 0 HC3A20022 Victoria Place/Spencer St Junction 6,723 6,723 6,723 0 6,723 0 HC3A20023 Eastern Way CW - London rd to Surgery 6,850 6,850 6,850 0 6,850 0 HC3A20024 Stanwix Bank Cricket Club 22,833 22,833 22,833 105 105 22,833 0 HC3A20025 Upperby road No 52 to Emberley Rd 20,561 20,561 20,561 261 261 20,561 0 HC3A20030 Edgehill Rd -Springfield Rd - Allandale Rd 22,748 22,748 22,748 5 5 22,748 0 HC3A20031 Whinsmoor Drive East Side 20,128 20,128 20,128 0 20,128 0 HC3A20032 Portland Place 28,052 28,052 28,052 0 28,052 0 HC3A20033 Greystone Rd - Brunton Ave 28,747 28,747 28,747 0 28,747 0

Page 42 HC3A20034 Fusehill Street - Broad St 17,861 17,861 17,861 0 17,861 0 HC3A20035 Lismore Place - Strand Rd 18,304 18,304 18,304 0 18,304 0

Carraigeway Maintainance Schemes

HC3A20001 Surface Dressing Programme 224,547 224,547 224,547 868 868 224,547 0 HC3A20002 Micro Asphalt Programme 328,302 328,302 328,302 2,093 2,093 328,302 0 HC3A20007 Nelson Bridge 87,709 87,709 87,709 3,241 759 4,000 87,709 0 HC3A20008 Bellvue to Cleughside 32,000 32,000 32,000 37,361 550 37,911 32,000 0 HC3A20009 Stelshae to Routledgeburn 24,000 24,000 24,000 43,202 348 43,550 24,000 0 HC3A20010 Red Cat towards Burthwaite - Phase 1 88,000 88,000 88,000 0 88,000 0 HC3A20011 Roadhead 63,000 63,000 63,000 26,841 37,976 64,817 63,000 0 HC3A20012 The Barn to Priorigg Cottage 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,487 262 16,749 16,000 0 HC3A20013 Carlisle Airport Jnc to U1094 Jnc 60,000 60,000 60,000 222 222 60,000 0 HC3A20014 Burnside Bridge to Fergushill Cottage 30,000 30,000 30,000 39,282 260 39,542 30,000 0 HC3A20015 Brampton - Cobbles outside Post Office 13,519 13,519 13,519 0 13,519 0

Total for 2012/13 Schemes 1,529,938 0 0 0 1,529,938 0 1,529,938 173,706 43,985 217,691 1,470,867 59,071 APPENDIX H

HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2012/13 Carlisle Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 £££££££££££ £ Minor Structural Maintenance

Minor Structural Maintenance Schemes HC3A20005 Preparatory Patching for 2013 434,878 434,878 434,878 114,893 139,740 254,633 434,878 0 HC3A20006 Minor Sructural Repairs 291,000 291,000 291,000 24,673 14,553 39,226 291,000 0 HC3A20004 Patch Spraying 75,000 75,000 75,000 66,265 22,509 88,774 75,000 0 HC3A20003 Preparatorty Paching 2012 Additional 100,000 100,000 100,000 62,707 85,918 148,625 100,000 0

Drainage and Remedial Earthwork Schemes HC3A20040 Low Crosby 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 0 HC3A20041 Greenwell Village 22,514 22,514 22,514 15,235 15,235 22,514 0 HC3A20042 Toppin Castle 6,400 6,400 6,400 333 333 6,400 0 HC3A20043 Old School House, Hallbankgate 24,770 24,770 24,770 211 211 24,770 0 HC3A20044 Newtown Village 14,582 14,582 14,582 11,483 2,051 13,534 14,582 0 HC3A20045 Hornsby Gate - Nr Carlatten 9,571 9,571 9,571 1,618 1,618 9,571 0

Total for Minor Structural Maintenance 981,715 0 0 0 981,715 0 981,715 296,874 265,315 562,189 981,715 0 Lighting and Traffic Signals

HC3A20048 A7 Scotland Rd - Etterby St - Waverley Rd 25,344 25,344 25,344 0 25,344 0 Page 43 HC3A20049 C1036 St Nicholas St/Blackwell Terrace 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0 HC3A20050 C1016 Etterby Street 22,582 22,582 22,582 0 22,582 0 HC3A20051 B5299 Dalston Rd (Cemetary/Pirelli) 9,592 9,592 9,592 0 9,592 0 HC3A20052 B5299 Carlisle Rd/Square Dalston 38,237 38,237 38,237 0 38,237 0 HC3A20043 C1043 Cumwhinton Road 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 8,000 0 HC3A20054 A6 London Rd BQ/Harraby Inn Lights 9,592 9,592 9,592 0 9,592 0 HC3A20055 City Lighting Renewals 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 0 HC3A20057 A6 Carlisle City centre - Lowther St 35,000 35,000 35,000 7,470 1,510 8,980 35,000 0

Total Lighting and Traffic Signals 223,347 0 0 0 223,347 0 223,347 7,470 1,510 8,980 223,347 0 Highways Improvements 2011/12 (formerly APM)

Balance B/Fwd 2011/12 0 48,555 48,555 48,555 0 48,555 0 HC3326400 Local Traffic Matters 0 0 0 100 100 100 (100) HC3326600 Public Transport Infrastucture 0 0 0 (1,152) (1,152) 0 0 HC3501300 Botchergate (Rydal-Grey St) 0 0 0 36,936 36,936 0 0 0 Not Specified 0 0 0 13 13 13 (13) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total for Highways Improvements 2011/12 0 48,555 0 0 48,555 0 48,555 0 35,897 35,897 48,668 (113) Highways Improvements 2012/13

HC3A10001 Blackwell Rd - Pedestrian Build Outs 5,000 5,000 5,000 100 100 5,000 0 HC3A10002 Hurley rd Footpath 21,000 21,000 21,000 237 237 21,000 0 HC3A10003 Minor Local Safety Schemes 12,000 12,000 12,000 562 562 12,000 0 HC3A10004 TRO Carlisle 2012 (1) 10,000 10,000 10,000 4,670 2,784 7,454 10,000 0 HC3A10005 TRO Carlisle 2012 (2) Castle/St Aidans 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 HC3A10006 TRO Carlisle 2012 (3) Castle/Belle Vue/Dent o 10,000 10,000 10,000 878 878 10,000 0 HC3A10007 Speed Restriction Scotby 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,977 2,093 4,070 5,000 0 HC3A10008 Longtown South Speed Limit review 11,000 11,000 11,000 726 726 11,000 0 HC3A10009 J44 to Blackford Crossroads Speed Limit Re v 16,000 16,000 16,000 1,082 1,082 16,000 0 HC3A10010 Speed In Villages 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,953 1,953 20,000 0

Total for Highways Improvements 2012/13 125,000 0 0 0 125,000 0 125,000 6,647 10,415 17,062 125,000 0 APPENDIX H

HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2012/13 Carlisle Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 31st July 2012 £££££££££££ £ Total for Highways Improvements 125,000 48,555 0 0 173,555 0 173,555 6,647 46,312 52,959 173,668 (113) Total Non-Principal Capital 2,860,000 395,030 0 0 3,255,030 0 3,255,030 484,850 17,390 502,240 2,883,428 371,602 Page 44 Agenda Item 7


From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 This report gives details of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 14 August 2012 and presents Working Group recommendations to the Local Committee for approval.

1.2 The Local Committee is also asked to consider additional recommendations related to the matters considered by the Working Group.


2.1 The recommendations within this report relate to budgets and programmes that are devolved to this Local Committee for determination and delivery.

2.2 The policy position, links to corporate strategy, and the budgetary implications are set out in the individual Working Group reports previously circulated to Members.


3.1 That the recommendations of the Highways and Transportation Working Group set out below be considered, and where thought appropriate, Agreed by the Local Committee.


AGREED that the Group recommended to the Local Committee that:

1. The scheme for A6071 Newtown proceeds to formal consultation and inclusion in the Minor Highways Improvement Scheme list for consideration for implementation in the 2013/14 financial year, but

Page 45 for a 40mph speed limit (and not a 50mph as previously recommended).

2. That no change is made to current speed limit on the C1028 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks.


AGREED that the Group recommend to Local Committee that there is no change made to current speed limit on the U1095 at Laversdale but that this to be reviewed again should the Carlisle Airport development proceed.


AGREED that the Group recommend to Local Committee that new cushions are constructed outside and opposite numbers 97-99 Brookside and that the existing flat top speed table (which is located 70m east of the junction with Shadygrove Road) is removed, in order to ensure that the required speed reducing spacings are met and the continuity of speed reduction in the Raffles area is maintained.


AGREED that the Group recommend to Local Committee that

1. The current 30mph limit on the A7 at Longtown is extended by 198m in a southerly direction to reflect the start of the settlement and if there are NO representations received to the statutory consultation and advertisement, recommend to resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.

2. A 50mph speed limit be introduced on the A7 from junction 44 to a point 170m north of the Blackford crossroads (a distance of approximately 2500m) and if there are NO representations received to the statutory consultation and advertisement, recommend to resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.


AGREED that the Group recommend to Local Committee that this report is noted.


AGREED that the Group recommend that Local Committee that this report is noted.

Page 46


AGREED that the Group recommended that the Local Committee that full support given to Carlisle City Council in taking forward the introduction of a restricted parking zone to further enhance the historic part of the city centre and approve that they carry out a full informal consultation to seek residents and public views on the plan to introduce a restricted parking zone in the Castle Street area.


AGREED to recommend to Local Committee that they

(a) Note that funds are available for a non-devolved Improvement Scheme related to Improvements to Pedestrian facilities in Lowther Street 4.2.1

(b) Note that up to £1.250m has been made available, from an underspend on CNDR, to support ancillary works associated with the CNDR route as outlined in paragraph 4.3.

(c) Endorse the approach to be taken with regard the capital funds carried over from 2011/12 as outlined in Paragraph 4.6.

(d) Agree a list of schemes and projects under various capital improvement programme headings as outlined in paragraph 4.7(c).


AGREED to recommend that Local Committee note this report.


AGREED to recommend that Local Committee note this report.

3.1.11 CARLISLE CITY COUNCIL, UPDATE ON HIGHWAYS CLAIMED RIGHTS (Not for Publication by virtue of Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as this report contains exempt information relating to information to any individual and financial business affairs.


4.1 The notes of the Highways and Transport Working Group held on 14 August 2012 are attached at Appendix 1 to this report, together with recommendations to Local Committee where appropriate. The recommendations from the Working Group are summarised at paragraph 3.1.

Page 47 4.2 The relevant Working Group reports have previously been circulated to Members.


5.1 The options in respect of each of the recommendations are set out in the original reports to the Working Group previously circulated to Members.


6.1 The resource and value for money implications in respect of each of the recommendations are set out in the original reports to the Working Group previously circulated to Members. 6.2 The finance report considered under a separate agenda item contains details of approved budget and spend to date against all Local Committee devolved highways budgets.


7.1 The legal implications in respect of each of the recommendations are set out in the original reports to the Working Group previously circulated to Members.


8.1 The Local Committee is asked to consider the recommendations made by the Working Group and the supplementary information set out in the report.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director - Highways and Transport

August 2012


Appendix 1 Minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 14 August 2012

Appendix 2 Speed Limit Reviews – A6071 Newtown and C1028 Brampton to Gilsland (via Banks)

Appendix 3 Speed Limit Review – U1095 Laversdale

Appendix 4 Brookside, Raffles – Installation of Speed Cushions

Appendix 5 A7 Speed Limit Reviews – Outcome of Informal Consultations and Speed Data Collection

Appendix 6 Gully Cleansing Schedule – Carlisle City

Appendix 7 Review of Winter Maintenance

Appendix 8 Castle Street Restricted Zone

Appendix 9 Highways & Transport Service Progress Report – Capital Programme in Carlisle

Appendix 10 Briefing Note – Carlisle Parking Strategy

Appendix 11 Working Group Briefing August 2012

Appendix 12 Carlisle City Council, Update on Highways Claimed Rights (Not for publication by virtue of paragraphs 1 and 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as this report contains exempt information relating to information to any individual and financial business affairs)


Staffing: None Financial: The highways budgets referred to in the report are devolved to local committees for determination and delivery. Electoral Division(s): All

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

Page 49

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No



Contact: Kevin Walsh Tel. No: (01228) 67 3072 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 50 Appendix 1


Minutes of a Meeting of the Carlisle Highways and Transport Working Group held on Tuesday 14 August 2012 at 10.00 am at The Courts, Carlisle


Mr J Mallinson (Chair)

Mr C Weber Mr R Betton Mr LN Fisher Mr R Watson Mr T Allison Mr J Bell (Observer) Mr H McDevitt

Mrs E Martlew

Also in Attendance:-

Mr K Walsh - Acting Highways & Transport Area Manager Mr K Crawley - Traffic Management Engineer Mr K Poole - Highways Services Manager, Carlisle City Sharon Jenkinson - Senior Highways Engineering Technician, Carlisle City


Apologies received on behalf of Cllr Fiona Robson.


Cllr John Mallinson disclosed an interest in Agenda item 10 as close family member has disability badge.


The minutes of the last meeting of the Highways & Transport Working Group held on 27 June 2012 were agreed.


Mr Crawley presented to the Members a report to advise of the reinvestigation into the Speed limit Reviews which were previously reported to Local Committee on 1 November 2011. He advised the group that additional survey work had been carried

Page 51 out at Newtown and the outcome of these investigations highlighted that it would be appropriate to introduce a 40mph speed limit at Newtown which also include village area to the south of the A6071 being captured within this speed restriction.

A further survey was also carried out on the C1028 Brampton to Gilsland (via Banks) following a request by Local Committee for this to be revisited due to pedestrian and cyclists using this route. Mr Crawley advised the Group that the survey carried out provided information that was not dissimilar to the previous information received. Consultation with English Heritage and the Police took place which proved there was not a requirement for this speed restriction to be put in place. English Heritage were particularly keen not to have an intrusion of signs within this area. In addition and works would have archaeological implications.

Cllr Fisher enquired date when previous data taken as if data was taken in July/August it would have a different outcome to results taken at other times of year as during this period there is a high volume of continental buses and cyclists. Mr Crawley to advise the Group.

AGREED that the Group recommend to the Local Committee that:

1. The scheme for A6071 Newtown proceeds to formal consultation and inclusion in the Minor Highways Improvement Scheme list for consideration for implementation in the 2013/14 financial year, but for a 40mph speed limit (and not a 50mph as previously recommended).

2. That no change is made to current speed limit on the C1028 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks.


Mr Crawley presented a report to Members following a representation by Irthington Parish Council at Local Committee on 1 November 2011 for consideration to be given to introduce a 30mph speed limit through Laversdale. Following a further survey Mr Crawley advised the Group that introducing a 30mph to the village was not appropriate as surveys found the average speed limit to be 28.6mph. Indeed the imposition of a 30mph limit may have the effect of raising the speed at which people drive..

AGREED that the Group recommend to the Local Committee that there is no change made to current speed limit on the U1095 at Laversdale but that this to be reviewed again should the Carlisle Airport development proceed.


Mr Crawley presented a report to Members advising the outcome of a formal consultation into the proposal to construct additional speed reducing features (speed cushions) in Brookside, Carlisle. Mr Crawley advised that following obligatory consultation under Section 90 A-F of the Highways Act 1980 and statutory advertisement which was undertaken no objections were received. Cllr Betton

Page 52 enquired about maintenance cost of these and Mr Crawley advised the group that the maintenance of these cushions is not significantly different to what is currently in place.

Cllr Martlew raised concerns over speeding in Crichton Ave and Bowe Street by boy racers and would like the Local Committee to look at the area generally regarding these problems.

AGREED that the Group recommend to Local Committee that new cushions are constructed outside and opposite numbers 97-99 Brookside and that the existing flat top speed table (which is located 70m east of the junction with Shadygrove Road) is removed, in order to ensure that the required speed reducing spacings are met and the continuity of speed reduction in the Raffles area is maintained.


Mr Crawley presented a report to Members advising the outcome of an informal consultation as previously reported to Local Committee in November 2011 regarding the Speed Limit Reviews on the A7 consisting of extending current 30mph at Longtown and introducing a 50mph speed limit north of Blackford crossroads.

Mr Crawley referred to item 3.1 in which if there are no representations then Working Group is asked to recommend that Local Committee resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.

Mr Walsh advised Members that as the A7 is part of CNDR PFI Project Network these works will be undertaken by Connect Roads and that in subsequent years a specific allocation would be required in the Local Committee Revenue Budget to pay for the ongoing maintenance costs of these improvement works

AGREED that the Group recommend to the Local Committee that

1. The current 30mph limit on the A7 at Longtown is extended by 198m in a southerly direction to reflect the start of the settlement and if there are NO representations received to the statutory consultation and advertisement, recommend to resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.

2. A 50mph speed limit be introduced on the A7 from junction 44 to a point 170m north of the Blackford crossroads (a distance of approximately 2500m) and if there are NO representations received to the statutory consultation and advertisement, recommend to resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.


Mr Poole presented a report to Members on gullies cleaned within Carlisle City accompanied with a list of where these have taken place along with details of where cars have been parked. Cllr Mallinson requested that any individual issues should be reported to Mr Poole at the end of the meeting. Cllr Weber feels that this is a well presented report highlighting to Members where works have been carried out.

AGREED that the Group recommend to the Local Committee that this report is noted.


Mr Poole presented a briefing note to Members on Review of Winter Maintenance within Carlisle City following changes to gritting routes two years ago. Cllr McDevitt raised concerns regarding removal of Morley Street junction Northumberland Street as this is an elderly residential area and feels they will be marooned if this is removed. Cllr McDevitt raised concerns regarding a bin which was previously agreed to be placed at No 1 Carvel Terrace but doesn’t appear to have been carried out. Concerns were also raised regarding bins being removed from No 2 and 68 Springfield, Broadoaks Grange and Wood Street which all have steep gradients. Mr Poole advised members that Wood Street is staying but would investigate others highlighted.

Mr Walsh asked for clarification on the implications of the changes, noting that there was a net decrease in proposed sites. Mr Poole indicated that opportunities would be taken to re-site bins.

Cllr Allison highlighted that a bin paid from his member’s funds at Baldwinholme does not appear on any lists. Mr Walsh advised that if it is presently used then it will be filled automatically in October and should be on Carlisle area list.

Cllr Fisher requested a list of grit bins within Brampton, Mr Walsh to advise.

Cllr Mallinson advised that all members should have opportunity to raise issues but should agreed this list in principle as it has been assessed by County Council criteria and any changes should be only reassessed against these criteria.

Post Meeting Note: as requested by members there has been an additional paragraph added to the winter maintenance Agenda Item to help clarify criteria for the positioning of Grit Bins.

AGREED to recommend to Local Committee that this report is noted.


Mr Poole presented a report to members setting out a proposal to implement a Restricted Parking Zone in the Historic Core of Carlisle City Centre whereby it was an aspiration to remove yellow lines within this quarter to enhance area. Mr Poole

Page 54 advised that it was previously agreed to seek permission from DfT and at that time did not succeed, as legislation has since changed this report has been brought back to the Group to seek agreement.

Ms Jenkinson presented an updated plan to Members of what is proposed confirming to Members that there are sufficient disc places available for residents with more places being made available on Abbey Street. Cllr Mallinson raised concern regarding complications previously raised by businesses within this area and would not hope to encounter these again. Ms Jenkinson advised Members that hopefully this would not be the case.

Mr Walsh raised concerns regarding time available to be able to carry out an informal consultation and implement before end of March as there may not be sufficient time to progress through Local Committee. It was suggested that the December Local Committee be invited to resolve that the Traffic Regulation Order be made if there are no representations following a formal advertisement in the late autumn.

AGREED that the Group recommended that the Local Committee that full support given to Carlisle City Council in taking forward the introduction of the restricted parking zone to further enhance the historic part of the city centre and approve that they carry out a full informal consultation to seek residents and public views on the plan to introduce a restricted parking zone in the Castle Street area.


Mr Walsh presented a report to Members on implementation of the 2012/13 Capital Programme as agreed at 22 March 2012 detailing a number of recommendations.

Mr Walsh referred to Page 83 which has been updated to include a preparation scheme looking at Lowther Street pedestrian improvement omitted from previous report.

Mr Walsh referred to Page 76 item 4.3 advising that at County Council in June it was agreed that some of the unspent money on CNDR land allocation be utilised towards ancillary works in relation to the CNDR route. This would include such items as tying up footways and cycleways in Orton Road, Newtown Road, Burgh Road and Kingmoor as it has became very apparent that the public use these routes but there are not currently linked.

Cllr Martlew raised concerns regarding lack of litter bins and especially for dog walkers having no suitable bins and would seek a contribution towards providing these facilities. Cllr Mallinson acknowledges that this would be a large undertaking for City and agreed Mr Walsh look into this.

Mr Poole raised an issue with HGV’s entering the City and it has become apparent that there are insufficient signs in place on radio routes. Mr Walsh will investigate

Page 55 and report back to the Group. If this were to be the case then a Traffic Order Regulation would be required to be changed as it currently lists all sign locations.

Mr Walsh advised the Members that traditionally there has been an agreement to carry over capital funds and reported that the proposed allocation of uncommitted monies is as listed on Appendix 3 and 4.

Mr Walsh referred to Item 4.7(b) whereby in June 2012 members agreed that an initial list of projects under each of the capital programme headings be brought back to the Group in August. A series of potential Improvement Schemes are detailed on Page 102-105 and Mr Walsh advised members that, although there is no guarantee that any of these will progress, he recommends that members agree a list that can be assessed by officers and put into a future works programme.

Mr Crawley reported on all items within Appendix 5 to Members. A number of issues were raised against items in the list and others that members thought should be on the list. Mr Walsh noted that Officers would now take the comments and score the items so that a prioritised list could be prepared.

Cllr Weber requested a report be brought back to confirm what will be put forward. Mr Walsh noted that this was planned for the meeting in October 2012.

Referring to Table 3 on Page 84, Cllr Fisher asked for clarification on legal landowner issue regarding C29 Dandy Line as he will be providing local member funds towards this cost and concerned this will go past re-election period. Mr Walsh to ask the Countryside Access Team to clarify situation.

AGREED to recommend to Local Committee that

(e) Note that funds are available for anon-devolved Improvement Scheme related to Improvements to Pedestrian facilities in Lowther Street 4.2.1

(f) Note that up to £1.250m has been made available, from an underspend on CNDR, to support ancillary works associated with the CNDR route as outlined in paragraph 4.3.

(g) Endorse the approach to be taken with regard the capital funds carried over from 2011/12 for recommendation top Local Committee as outlined in Paragraph 4.6

(h) Agree a list of schemes and projects under various capital improvement programme headings for recommendation to Local Committee as outlined in paragraph 4.7(c).


Mr Walsh presented a briefing note to Members to explain that alongside the on street surveys being carried out once University, colleges and schools return, it is proposed to hold an open day at an appropriate venue within the City to encourage the public to present their views on parking within zones A and C.

Page 56

It was noted that the informal Consultation on the Castel Street Restricted Zone referred to in Minute 31 above could form part of this event.

AGREED to recommend that Local Committee note this report


Mr Walsh presented to Members a briefing note on other issues happening within Carlisle Area which may be of interest. Cllr Martlew raised concern regarding road markings at Court Square and feels that if there were left and right markings then it would ease traffic flow. Mr Walsh will consult with Network Rail.

Mr Walsh reported that more information has came to light following investigation regarding challenge on precious review on Lonsdale Street which may challenge what has been put forward from Solicitors. Mr Walsh will report further when known.

The Tour of Britain will be in Carlisle on 12 September and road closures will be implemented on a rolling closure basis on route throughout the City.

Cllr Martlew raised concern regarding vehicles exiting right from Milbourne Street onto Castle Way. There is no appropriate signage in place to advise drivers that this is a left turn only. Mr Walsh and Mr Crawley to investigate following this meeting.

Post Meeting Note: An additional paragraph has been added to this Agenda Item as a further update for members following the meeting held on 14 August 2012.

AGREED to recommend that Local Committee note this report.


Not for publication by virtue of Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as this report contains exempt information relating to information to any individual and financial business affairs.

Mr Walsh presented to members a report providing an update on the County Council involvement in a review of the Claimed Rights being undertaken by the City Council.

Page 57

Page 58 Appendix 2


Meeting date: 14 th August 2012

From: Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation



1.1 This report seeks to advise Members of the reinvestigation into the Speed Limit Review for the two above mentioned routes.

1.2 These were previously reported to the Local Committee on 1 November 2011 as part of the major Speed Limit Review which was undertaken following the issue of DfT Circular 01/2006.

1.3 At that Committee members asked that the A6071 Newtown Irthington and C1028 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks be revisited.


2.1 The proposal presents very little opportunity for positive or negative impacts on the County Councils strategic aims to –

Challenging poverty in all its forms; Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.2 However, Traffic authorities are required to keep speed limits under review. Existing Cumbria County Council policies on speed and speed limits commits the County Council to establishing criteria for setting mandatory speed limits.

2.3 The Local Transport Plan sets a number of targets for transport which are aligned with the new National Indicator Set and the Cumbria Agreement. The review of speed limits will contribute to the achievement of safety related targets /casualty reduction.

Page 59 2.4 No significant equality implications have been identified at this stage. The statutory consultation processes for Traffic Regulation Orders provide a mechanism to address any such perceived issues .


3.1 The Highways and Transport Working Group recommends the Carlisle Local Committee to note the contents of this report and to resolve that;

• the scheme for A6071 Newtown proceeds to formal consultation and inclusion in the Minor Highways Improvement Scheme list for consideration for implementation in the 2013/14 financial year, but for a 40mph speed limit (and not a 50mph as previously recommended);

• that no change is made to current speed limit on the C1028 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks.



4.1.1 The previous Speed Limit Review report presented to the Local Committee recommended that, based on information at the time that the report was initially prepared, a speed limit of 50mph be introduced through the settlement of Newtown.

4.1.2 At that same Committee (1 November 2011), Irthington Parish Council made representation under the Public participation element for consideration to be given to introducing a 30mph speed limit through Newtown on the A6071.

4.1.3 The County Member also requested that this be reinvestigated as it was thought that Newtown held many similarities with Smithfield, which has a 30mph limit. It should be noted that the 30mph limit at Smithfield was introduced (in 2004) before this DfT criteria was issued (in 2006). Smithfield just meets the DfT criteria to be classed as a village (and therefore subject to the 30mph speed limit as norm) due to its length and the fact that it has a Public house and school serving the surrounding area.

4.1.4 New speed data was obtained and the results of this, along with any recorded incidents, was analysed. The outcome of these investigations was that whilst Newtown did not meet the required criteria for a 30mph limit to be introduced, the most recent data did support the introduction of a 40mph limit.

4.1.5 Members of the Working Group are asked to refer to Appendix I which details the background, investigations, assessment of Newtown against the DfT criteria and estimated works costs for this scheme in detail.


4.2.1 The previous report recommended that, based on the information, there was no requirement for a speed limit to be introduced.

Page 60 4.2.2 Local Committee asked for this route to be revisited due to it being used by pedestrians and cyclists and in order to do so, a new speed investigation was undertaken and any reported collisions were considered.

4.2.3 Informal consultation was also undertaken with the Police and with English Heritage.

• The Police can see no justification on the grounds of safety to implement a reduced speed limit;

• English Heritage commented that if a reduced speed limit were absolutely required for safety reasons, then they would work with the Highway Authority but they would be ‘delighted’ if they were not required for safety reason as minimising sign clutter is a recognised requirement of the World Heritage Site Management Plan. (A speed limit on this length of highway would involve a minimum of 24 no signs and posts being placed in the highway, directly on the line of a Scheduled Monument and in a World Heritage Site.)

4.2.4 Members of the Working Group are asked to refer to Appendix II which details the background, investigations, assessment of this route against the DfT criteria and estimated works costs for this scheme in detail;


5.1 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that the results of these reinvestigations are noted and that, where works are justified, they are delivered in future years programmes.

5.2 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that the works on the A6071 at Newtown are brought forward and delivered this year but to be aware that this would be at the expense and delivery of scheme(s) already programmed for delivery this financial year as the 2012-13 Capital budget is fully allocated. Members are asked to note that this scheme is currently included in the Minor Highways Capital Improvement Schemes list and as a result may be considered for delivery in 2013-14.

5.3 That no alteration be made to the current speed limit on the C1028 Brampton to Gilsland as the site does not meet any of the required criteria, nor are there any safety related issues.


6.1 If members decide to bring forward the A6071 Newtown scheme to 2012/13 from 2013/14, then another scheme that is programmed for delivery in 2012/13 will need to be reduced or deferred to 2013/14.

6.2 Current (2012-13) estimates for the A6071 Newtown scheme would be £6,000 but this will be subject to being priced by Connect Roads as the A6071 falls within their remit.


7.1 There are no legal implications associated with this report at this time.


8.1 The report advises the Working Group of the results of the re-investigations into the two speed limit reviews which they asked to be revisited at Carlisle Local Committee on 1 November 2011 and makes recommendations as to whether these sites meet the defined criteria to justify a reduction in the current posted speed limits.

Andrew Moss

Assistant Director - Highways and Transportation August 2012


Appendix I – A6071 Newtown detailed background Appendix II – C1028 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks Appendix III – Lengths proposed at Newtown

Electoral Division: Brampton & Gilsland, Stanwix & Irthington

Executive Decision (Not at Group) Yes

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? ` N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Carlisle Local Committee 1 November 2011/Highways & Transport Working Group 10 October 11


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.




Sarah Steel – Traffic Management Officer

Contact: S Steel 01228 673169 Email: [email protected]

Page 63

Page 64 Appendix I



Irthington Parish Council has requested through the Public Participation element at Carlisle Local Committee (1.11.2011) that a speed limit of 30mph be introduced on the A6071 which divides Newtown especially as this runs alongside the village green and the National Trail Hadrian’s Wall walk crosses the A6071.

This route had previously been considered as part of the Speed Limit Review on A & B roads as advised by the DfT Circular 01/2006 but did not meet any of the criteria for a 30mph speed limit, although data at that time supported a 50mph speed limit. Connect Roads had no objection to that proposal in principle, but were concerned about the benefits of it and that further investigation works be undertaken in respect of this regarding accident records and likely benefits of reducing the limit.

The Committee advised the Parish Council that this request would be investigated and that the A6071 at this location be revisited and reported back to the Highways & Transport Working Group but that a strict set of guidelines is required to be satisfied. Currently Smithfield is the only settlement along the A6071 which has a speed limit (30mph) which was introduced a number of years ago.

Newtown is a hamlet situated partly on and dissected by the A6071, but with the majority of properties (40no.)served by the U1098. The settlement is mainly linear in development along the U road with a small cluster of properties served by short unclassified roads off the A6071 on its northern side with 4 properties having direct frontage onto the A6071.

The A6071 carriageway width is approx 8m wide, with a short length of footway on the southern side, open green spaces either side of the A6071 and double white lines and road studs along the majority of the route in Newtown. There are warning signs in advance on both approaches to advise drivers that they may encounter pedestrians in the highway.


Survey lasted for 7 days - Friday 13 April to Thursday 19 April 2012. Counters were placed in the middle of the settlement adjacent to the phone box. Speed survey recorded the following:

• Daily average vehicle movements both directions –2104 no. vehicles

• Mean speed 36.5mph

• 85% tile speed 43.4mph

• 0.04% of vehicles travelled › 60mph • 0% of vehicles travelled › ACPO limit

Page 65 • No vehicles were recorded as travelling faster than 70mph – during the 7 day period of the survey 5 vehicles were recorded at travelling in the band 60- 65mph, and 1 at 65-70mph.

• Total of 14730 vehicles were counted, both directions 1.1% motorcycles 86.4% cars/cars & trailers 9.8% light goods vehicles 2.7% HGV/artics

Peak hours were 7am to 7pm, with the average total (so both ways) vehicle movement being 150 per hour.

Previous data:

Speed data was supplied by the Police from 2007 who recorded 15250 vehicles passing through the site, with the mean recorded speed being 46mph and the 85 th % 54mph. At that time the Police Traffic Management Officer stated that he would support a 40mph restriction here. As can be seen the mean speed recorded has since fallen, despite no engineering measures being undertaken, which may suggest that drivers are taking into account the road layout and the settlement.

DfT Criteria day day Hall Hall (20+) (20+) Locn Locn Road Road Mean Mean Other Other Injury Injury speed speed Upper Upper Lower Lower accdts accdts Village Village Length Length School School Church Church No. props No. props Traffic flow/ flow/ Traffic

2104/ 36.5 A6071 Newtown Yes No 255 5 direct Yes No No No None day mph

Notes : Upper Tier – high quality strategic routes, primarily through routes, typically A and B roads; Lower Tier – predominantly local, access or recreational in function, typically C and Unclassified roads.

DfT criteria for a village are as follows:

• 20 or more houses (frontage development on one or both sides of road); • Length exceeding 600m; • A density of at least 3 houses per 100m, particularly at either end of the village, as these give a visual message to drivers, and the limit should be reserved to cover the main body of the village only.

The DfT criteria recommend that 30mph should be the norm in villages where the appropriate criteria are met.

Newtown does not fit the DfT criteria:

• the length involved does not meet the requirements;

Page 66 • there are only 5 properties which directly front the A road; • The property density requirements are not achieved;

It therefore appears that the current (National Speed) limit is the correct limit when the criteria contained in this guidance are applied. However, the recorded speeds suggest that most drivers perceive speeds of between 36 and 43 mph to be appropriate when driving here.

The A6071 would be classed as an ‘upper tier’ road as it serves primarily a through function. The local police have also commented that the bend at the southern/eastern end on the A6071 is seen as a challenge by some drivers and the Police perceive that there may also be an issue for traffic using the U road junction when traffic is travelling on the A6071 from Brampton.

Visibility for traffic exiting from the U road onto the A6071 is restricted from the east to 80m owing to the road alignment and topography, as the road bends to the left and drops. Reducing the speed limit to 40mph would aid movements out of this junction, as the slower moving traffic would give drivers additional time to make their turn. It must be noted that in the previous 5 years there have no recorded incidents in Newtown apart from 1 damage only in 2008. (Prior to that, 1 serious 2004, 1 slight 2006).

In these circumstances, DfT Circular 01/2006 suggests that a 40mph speed limit may be considered here, and this would be the recommendation to follow at this location (this would also encompass the whole of Newtown on the adjoining U roads).

Estimated costs:

Assuming that a 40mph limit become the option pursued, road studs spacing would need amended and signs would be required, estimate £6000.00 but again cost would be dependant on Connect Roads pricing mechanism.

Page 67

Page 68 Appendix II



The original brief for the Speed Limit review was prepared in 2007 and whilst the intention of DfT Circular 01/2006 was that all County Councils review the limits on A & B roads, the C1028/1025 Brampton to Gilsland via Banks was identified in the Carlisle area brief for further study.

The outcome of the subsequent study recommended that there be no change to the limit here (currently national speed limit). Local Committee asked that this be reinvestigated.

The route from Brampton to Gilsland via Banks encompasses the C1025 and C1028. The C road alignment is generally narrow and winding, particularly from Brampton to Banks through Lanercost, and, becoming straighter from Banks following the line of Hadrian’s Wall which runs adjacent to this road and includes Birdoswald fort. These roads average 4.8m wide and the topography of these undulates following the land contours.

The route of the NCN 72 Hadrian’s Cycleway follows these roads, as does the National Trail Hadrian’s wall path, (although part of this is off highway following the Wall).


Survey lasted for 7 days - Friday 13 April 2012 to Thursday 19 April 2012. Counters were placed at Wall Bowers.

Speed survey recorded the following:

• Daily average vehicle movements both directions – 286 no. vehicles • Total vehicles for 7 days – 2001 no. vehicles • Mean speed 30.7 mph • 85%tile speed 43.4 mph • 11 no vehicles (0.5%) of vehicles travelled › 60 mph • 1 no vehicles(0.0%) of vehicles travelled › ACPO guidance • Total of 2944 vehicles were counted, both directions 5% motorcycles 84.5% cars/cars & trailers 10.2% light goods vehicles 0.3% HGV/artics

The assumption is made that most of this traffic will be local or tourists due to Hadrian’s Wall/Birdoswald/Lanercost Priory.

Page 69 Peak hours were 7am to 7pm, with the average total (so both ways) vehicle movement being 22 per hour.

This low density of vehicles movements (22 per hour average) combined with the mean recorded speed of 30.7mph would suggest that most drivers are driving at speeds appropriate to the road topography, alignment, width and gradients.

There are speeds recorded in excess of the mean 30.7mph and the 85%tile of 43.4mph. However, over the week, of the 2001 no. vehicles, 234 (11.7%) travelled at speeds of between 45-50 and 65-70mph, (only 1 vehicle travelled at between 66 and 70 mph). It must be taken into account that there are lengths on the C1028 where forward visibility is good allowing the driver to take into account oncoming traffic, presence of cyclists/walker and weather conditions and the road can be driven at an appropriate speed.


Lanercost only has a school, the Priory and Cricket Club. It has 5 properties with direct frontage.

Banks has 11 properties with direct frontage.

DfT criteria for a village are as follows: • 20 or more houses (frontage development on one or both sides of road); • Length exceeding 600m; • A density of at least 3 houses per 100m, particularly at either end of the village, as these give a visual message to drivers, and the limit should be reserved to cover the main body of the village only.

The DfT criteria recommend that 30mph should be the norm in villages where the appropriate criteria are met.

These lengths of highway do not meet the requirement of the DfT Circular 01/2006 and has the correct limit when the criteria contained in this guidance are applied to it.

DfT Criteria

Hall Hall (20+) (20+) Road Road Mean Mean Other Other Injury Injury Upper Upper speed speed Lower Lower Traffic Traffic accdts accdts Village Village Length Length School Church Church flow/day flow/day Location Location No. props No. props

C1025/ Lanercost/ No Yes 8000m No No Yes* Yes* Yes* 286 30.7 2 no (not C1028 Banks mph speed related; 2009 and 2010)

Notes : Upper Tier – high quality strategic routes, primarily through routes, typically A and B roads; Lower Tier – predominantly local, access or recreational in function, typically C and Unclassified roads.

Page 70 *Lanercost only has a school, the Priory and Cricket Club. It has 5 properties with direct frontage.

Additional matters to consider:

As previously mentioned, these routes follow the line of Hadrian’s Wall, a Scheduled Ancient Monument and World Heritage Site. The opinion of English Heritage has been sought in regard to any potential works in this location: they commented that if there is a safety requirement for these signs and that they are absolutely required for public safety, then English Heritage would work with the Highway Authority to try to secure them without unacceptable archaeological harm – as a minimum an archaeological watching brief would be required at each post location and it would likely be a requirement that evaluation work in the form of trial pits would also be required.

If the restrictions are not required for safety reasons, English Heritage would be delighted as it would limit the amount of clutter in this part of the World Heritage Site and its setting, which is a recognised requirement of the World Heritage Site Management Plan. There is currently very little highway related furniture along this length. The potential high volume of posts and signs which would be associated with this proposal would be visually intrusive.

The Police have also offered their opinion on this and state that when taking into account the length of settlement and current low mean speeds and low collision history, they do not see a requirement for the introduction of a reduced speed limit.

Estimated costs

Should a speed limit be introduced on this length (8000m), the minimum number of posts which would require to be erected would be:

• 4 at either end for the speed limit terminal signs; • 20 posts throughout for the required repeater signs;

Working on a budget of £500 per sign location, actual works are estimated to be in the region of £12000.00 excluding the additional costs for archaeological watching briefs and trial pits.

Page 71 Page 72 Appendix III

Page 73 Page 74 Appendix 3


Meeting date: 14 th August 2012

From: Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation



1.1 This report seeks to advise Members of the investigation into the Speed Limit on the U1095 at Laversdale.


2.1 The proposal presents very little opportunity for positive or negative impacts on the County Councils strategic aims to –

Challenging poverty in all its forms; Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.4 However, Traffic authorities are required to keep speed limits under review. Existing Cumbria County Council policies on speed and speed limits commits the County Council to establishing criteria for setting mandatory speed limits.

2.5 The Local Transport Plan sets a number of targets for transport which are aligned with the new National Indicator Set and the Cumbria Agreement. The review of speed limits will contribute to the achievement of safety related targets /casualty reduction.

Page 75 2.3 No significant equality implications have been identified at this stage. The statutory consultation processes for Traffic Regulation Orders provide a mechanism to address any such perceived issues .


3.1 The Highways and Transport Working Group recommends the Carlisle Local Committee to note the contents of this report and to resolve that;

• no change is made to current speed limit on the U1095 at Laversdale


4.1 At Carlisle Local Committee (1 November 2011), Irthington Parish Council made representation under the Public Participation element for consideration to be given to introducing a 30mph speed limit through Laversdale on the U1095, on the grounds of the road being narrow with blind bends, considerable HGV usage and safety reasons.

4.2 Local Committee noted this request and advised the Parish Council representatives that Laversdale would be reviewed against the strict set of guidelines which were required to be satisfied before an introduction of a 30mph limit could be introduced.

4.2 New speed data was obtained and the results of this, along with any recorded incidents, was analysed. The outcome of these investigations was that Laversdale did not meet the criteria defined within DfT Circular 01/2006

4.3 Members of the Working Group are asked to refer to Appendix I which details the background, investigations and assessment of Laversdale against the DfT criteria.


5.1 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that the results of these investigations are noted and that no alteration to the current speed limit is made at Laversdale.

5.2 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that this be reviewed again should the Carlisle Airport development proceed.


6.1 There are currently no financial implications associated with this report.


7.1 There are no legal implications associated with this report at this time.

Page 76 8.0 CONCLUSION

The report advises the Working Group of the results of the investigations into the speed limit review at Laversdale and recommends that at this time, as the site does not meet the DfT defined criteria, that the existing speed limit remains as it is.

Andrew Moss

Assistant Director Highways and Transportation August 2012


Appendix I – U1095 Laversdale detailed background

Electoral Division: Stanwix & Irthington

Executive Decision (Not at Group) Yes

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? ` N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Carlisle Local Committee 1 November 2011


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.




Sarah Steel – Traffic Management Officer

Contact: S Steel 01228 673169 Email: [email protected]

Page 78 Appendix I



Irthington Parish Council has requested through the Public Participation element at Carlisle Local Committee on 1.11.2011 that a speed limit of 30mph be introduced through this community.

The Committee advised the Parish Council that this matter would be investigated but that a strict set of guidelines is required to be satisfied. These guidelines are set out in the DfT Circular 01/2006

Laversdale is a hamlet situated on the U1095. The settlement is mainly linear in development along the U road. It is approached from the south from a junction of the U1095 with the A689, a somewhat winding road which skirts the airport: from the north it is approached from a junction of the U1095 with the A6071.

The carriageway with is 4.8m and is subject to the National Speed Limit and is an unclassified road (U1095). The length involved is approx 700m.


Survey lasted for 7 days – Friday 13 April 2012 to Thursday 19 April 2012. Counters were placed in the middle of the settlement adjacent to the phone box. Speed survey recorded the following:

• Daily average vehicle movements both directions – 421 no. vehicles • Mean speed 23.0mph • 85%tile speed 28.6mph • 9.6% of vehicles travelled in excess of 30mph • 0.8% of vehicles travelled in excess of 36mph (ACPO guidance) • No vehicles were recorded as travelling faster than 45mph • Total of 2944 vehicles were counted, both directions 2% motorcycles 82% cars/cars & trailers 8% light goods vehicles 8% HGV/artics

Peak hours were 7am to 6pm, with the average total (so both ways) vehicle movement being 30 per hour. The chart below shows this.

Previous data:

Speed data was recorded in April/May 2009, on the northern exit from Laversdale (approach to A6071). This count took place outside the settlement boundary, and the mean speeds recorded here were 33.5mph

Page 79

DfT criteria for a village are as follows:

• 20 or more houses (frontage development on one or both sides of road); • Length exceeding 600m; • A density of at least 3 houses per 100m, particularly at either end of the village, as these give a visual message to drivers, and the limit should be reserved to cover the main body of the village only.

The DfT criteria recommend that a speed limit 30mph should be the norm in villages where the appropriate criteria are met.

Laversdale does not meet the requirement of the DfT Circular 01/2006 and has the correct limit when the criteria contained in this guidance are applied to it; it does not meet the property frontage or density requirements.

Traffic flow is low– the road topography and alignment does not appear to make it conducive to being used as a ‘rat run’.

DfT Criteria

Hall (20+) (20+) Locn Locn Road Mean Other Injury speed Upper Lower Traffic accdts Village School Length Church flow/day No. props U1095 Laversdale No Yes 700m No Yes No No No 421 (24 23 1 no hrs) mph (weather 403 (6am related to 10pm)

Notes : Upper Tier – high quality strategic routes, primarily through routes, typically A and B roads; Lower Tier – predominantly local, access or recreational in function, typically C and Unclassified roads.

However, it is noted that future developments relating to Carlisle Airport may affect traffic behaviour and it is suggested that this matter is held in abeyance as development here may lead to Traffic Regulation Orders possibly being required as a result of traffic assessments.

Page 80

Page 81

Page 82 Appendix 4


Meeting date: 14 August 2012

From: Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation



1.1 This report seeks to advise Members of the Working Group of the outcome of a formal consultation into the proposal to construct additional speed reducing features (speed cushions) in Brookside, Carlisle.


2.1 The proposal presents very little opportunity for positive or negative impacts on the County Councils strategic aims to –

Challenging poverty in all its forms; Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria.

2.2 Introduction of the scheme may adversely affect the aims of the Local Transport Plan key targets of reducing air, noise and light emissions and carbon consumption as vehicles travel over the speed cushions.

N.B. No significant equality implications have been identified at this stage. The statutory consultation processes undertaken for the placing of speed cushions in the highway provided a mechanism for any such perceived issues to be addressed.


3.1 That the Group recommends to the Carlisle Local Committee that new cushions are constructed in order to ensure that the required speed reducing spacing of the Cumbria Design Guide are met and the continuity of speed reduction in the Raffles area is maintained.

Page 83 4.0 BACKGROUND

4.1 Members will be aware of the ongoing redevelopment in Raffles by Lovell Partnership.

4.2 The recent development of the Carlisle West Community Fire Station involved negotiations between the County Council and Lovells regarding their land. This led to the next phase of Lovells development (Site F) being redesigned to reflect a ‘land swap’ between the two parties to allow the Fire Station access to be suitably located on Brookside.

4.3 This redesign of Site F, which has full planning permission, meant that the access for this site was located on a current speed reduction feature, namely a flat top speed table which has a chicane on it, moving traffic from the left to the right hand side of the road.

4.4 This is not an appropriate location for a new estate road junction serving 25 properties. Discussions between Lovells, Cumbria Highways and the then Development Control Engineer for the Carlisle area led to the proposal that this feature be removed to allow the new junction to be constructed, with new speed reduction features, in the form of a pair of speed cushions being constructed at a point approx 55m further along Brookside. The plan in Appendix I shows this.

4.5 As speed cushions are classed as an obstruction in the highway, the installation of them has to be statutorily advertised and consulted upon under Section 90 A-F of the Highways Act 1980 and then, once placed in the highway, they are not to be treated as an obstruction but rather as part of the highway and are to be maintained as such. Statutory advertisement and consultation was duly undertaken from 27 April to 18 May 2012. No objections were received by Legal Services.

4.6 One comment was received from the City Council Access Officer and the Access Group in regard to the proposal direct to the Local Area Office. They had no objection to the removal of the flat top speed table or the installation of the cushions, but asked for dropped kerbs at a suitable point along Brookside, stating that driveways were not an acceptable alternative option. Due to the layout of driveways on this length of Brookside it would not be practical to install an additional dropped crossing point, as these would direct those crossing into the line of a driveway. However, either end of this length of Brookside has dropped kerbs and tactile paving located at the natural desire line for crossing this road.

4.7 No other comments, either for or against the proposal, were received during or after the formal consultation period.

4.8 The traffic/speed management in Raffles has been in place for some time now, in excess of 15 years. The length of Brookside in question is approx 175m in length and is subject to one way traffic west to east.

4.9 The location of the proposed cushions was selected to comply with the requirements of the Cumbria Design Guide, and the location of the housing

Page 84 layout approved under the planning permission. The cushions however were not conditioned under planning.

4.10 Redevelopment of this area is likely to lead to more on-street parking once properties become occupied, which serves in its own way as a form of speed reduction. Taking this into account along with the new Fire Station, the fact that this is a busy bus route, and that there are 5 junctions on this short length, members may wish on this occasion consider not installing these cushions. As the area is not subject to a 20mph, this would not compromise any Traffic Orders.


5.1 The Highways and Transport Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that the speed cushions are located and constructed in the highway as per the consultation and layout drawing.

5.2 The Highways and Transport Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that the speed cushions are not installed.


6.1 There are no financial implications to the County Council for the costs involved in the legal, consultation or works costs for these speed cushions. All costs are being borne by the developer, who has completed a Private Works Agreement with the County Council.

6.2 If members agree to the installation of the speed cushions, then at some point in the future there will be maintenance obligations in regards to these features. These are not known at present and will need to be met out of the Highways Revenue budget.


7.1 There are no legal implications insofar as the recommendation in paragraph 3.1 is concerned.

7.2 If however Members resolve that speed reduction measures are implemented, then they must be certain that the provisions of Sections 90A-F of the Highways Act 1980, have been complied with, i.e. the procedures to be followed before the road humps can be constructed (which includes speed cushions).

7.3 The procedure involves consulting with the chief officer of police for the area in which the highway concerned is situated and the publishing in a newspaper in the area and on site of a notice stating the nature, dimensions and location of the proposed road humps and the address to which, and the period within which, any objections to the proposals may be sent (ie. Within 21 days).

7.4 The Authority, ie. The Local Committee, shall then consider objections sent to them (if any) in accordance with the notice and make a decision as to whether or not they should be constructed.

Page 85 7.5 No objections were received to the siting of these speed cushions.


8.1 This report seeks to advise the Working Group of the results of the formal consultation regarding the removal of the existing speed table and the introduction of one pair of speed cushions on Brookside in Carlisle. These changes have been brought about by the ongoing developments in the Raffles area.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director Highways and Transportation

September 2011


Appendix I – Layout plan

Electoral Division: Belle Vue

Executive Decision (Not at Group) Yes

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? ` N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.




Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.



Sarah Steel – Traffic Management Officer

Contact: S Steel 01228 673169 Email: sarah.steel@cumbria

Page 87

Page 88 Appendix 5


Meeting date: 14 th August 2012

From: Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation



1.1 This report seeks to advise Members of the outcome of the informal consultation which was undertaken regarding the Speed Limit Reviews on the A7, as previously reported to Local Committee in November 2011

1.2 Members may recall that these sites were subject to review following the issue of DfT Circular 01/2006, with these sites being determined to be addressed in the first tranche of works to be undertaken as a result of that review in the Carlisle area.


2.1 The proposal presents very little opportunity for positive or negative impacts on the County Councils strategic aims to –

Challenging poverty in all its forms; Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.2 However, Traffic authorities are required to keep speed limits under review. Existing Cumbria County Council policies on speed and speed limits commits the County Council to establishing criteria for setting mandatory speed limits.

2.3 The Local Transport Plan sets a number of targets for transport which are aligned with the new National Indicator Set and the Cumbria Agreement. The review of speed limits will contribute to the achievement of safety related targets /casualty reduction.

Page 89 2.3 No significant equality implications have been identified at this stage. The statutory consultation processes for Traffic Regulation Orders provide a mechanism to address any such perceived issues .


3.1 The Highways and Transport Working Group recommends the Carlisle Local Committee to proceed to formally advertising a Traffic Regulation Order and formally consulting on the proposals to:

• Extend the current 30mph limit on the A7 at Longtown by 198m in a southerly direction to reflect the start of the settlement;

• Introduce a 50mph speed limit on the A7 from Junction 44 to a point 170m north of the Blackford crossroads (a distance of approximately 2500m).

3.2 Any Representations received will be reported back through the Local Committee process for determination. However, in the absence of any such representations, the Working Group is asked to recommend that Local Committee resolve that the Traffic Regulation Orders be made as advertised having taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of this Report..



• Members of the Working Group are asked to refer to Appendix I which details the background, investigations, results of the informal consultation and estimated works costs for this scheme in detail;

• responses to the informal consultation are detailed in Appendix II;

• Appendix III shows the length intended to be covered by this extended 30mph limit.


• Members of the Working Group are asked to refer to Appendix IV which details the background, investigations, results of the informal consultation and estimated works costs for this scheme in detail;

• responses to the informal consultation are detailed in Appendix V;

• Appendix VI shows the length intended to be covered by this 50 mph limit.

Page 90 5.0 OPTIONS

5.1 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that formal advertising of the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and consultation with the Statutory Consultees and affected frontagers commences to extend the 30mph limit at Longtown south and to introduce a 50mph speed limit on the A7 from J44 to Blackford. These would fulfil the criteria contained within DfT Circular 01/2006.

5.2 The Highways Working Group can recommend to the Carlisle Local Committee that no further action takes place at these sites – this option is not however recommended as it does not fulfil the requirements of the DfT Circular 01/2006.


6.1 Members of the Working Group are asked to note that these works will be undertaken by Connect Roads as they are on the A7.

6.2 Connect Roads have provided estimates for the implementation of these schemes:

A7 Longtown - £11,500

A7 J44 to Blackford - £13,500

6.3 Cost estimates for the future maintenance of the these schemes, associated with the change order for Connect Roads, are £13,224.96 for the A7 Longtown and £19,241.00 for the A7 Junction 44 to Blackford crossroads, calculated over a 26 year period for routine & cyclic maintenance. This equates to approximately £500 / year for each scheme which is a reasonable estimate of the lifecycle costs.

6.4 Members should note that this annual cost will be payable to Connect Roads for the life of the CNDR PFI Contract and will increase by the increase in the retail price index each year and that it will need to be accounted for in future annual Revenue budgets.

6.5 Provision has been made for these schemes in this years Capital budget within Minor Highways Improvements, with £11,000 being allocated to the Longtown scheme and £16,000 to A7, J44 to Blackford Crossroads scheme.


7.1 If Members agree the recommendations, Local Committee will consider any representations which are received to the formal statutory advertisement and will be required to take into account the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 in considering whether it is expedient to agree to the implementation of the advertised speed limits detailed in this Report for the reason specified at section 1(1)(a) of the 1984 Act, namely for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising.

Page 91 7.3 Under Section 122(2), the matters which Local Committee must take into account in exercising that duty are: -

(a) The desirability of securing and maintaining reasonable access to premises;

(b) the effect on amenities of an area;

(c) the national air quality strategy prepared under section 80 of the Environment Act 1995;

(d) the importance of facilitating the passage of public service vehicles and of securing the safety and convenience of persons using or desiring to use such vehicles; and

(e) any other matters appearing to the authority to be relevant.


8.2 The report advises the Working Group of the proposal to proceed to formal advertising of the required Traffic Regulation Order and consultation to the Statutory Consultees and affected frontagers.

8.3 In the event of there being any unresolved representations arising from the formal advertisement process, a revised report will be brought back to the Local Committee for determination of those representations.

8.4 The financial implications on future Revenue Budgets of introducing these improvements on the Connect Roads managed network are noted in the report.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director Highways and Transportation August 2012


Appendix I – A7 Longtown detailed background Appendix II – A7 Longtown responses to informal Appendix III – A7 Plan showing extents of formal proposal Appendix IV – A7 J44 to Blackford detailed background Appendix V – A7 J44 to Blackford responses to informal Appendix VI – A7 J44 to Blackford Plan showing extents of proposal

Electoral Division: Longtown & Bewcastle, Stanwix & Irthington

Executive Decision (Not at Group) Yes

Key Decision No*

Page 92 If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? ` N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Carlisle Local Committee 1 November 2011/Highways & Transport Working Group 10 October 11


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.




Sarah Steel – Traffic Management Officer

Contact: S Steel 01228 673169 Email: [email protected]

Page 93 Page 94 Appendix I



Longtown currently has a speed limit of 30mph which commences at its southern boundary approx 237m south of its junction with the A6071. An initial assessment of this length of highway, when applying the criteria of the DfT Circular 01/2006, recommended to Local Committee in October 2011 that the 30mph speed limit be extended along this length of the A7. Local Committee recommended that informal consultation commence.

The built up area of Longtown extends southerly from the existing 30mph limit for a further 198m to the ‘gateway’ feature of the nameplate and red surfacing, with a further 9 properties on the eastern side of the A7, all having direct access onto the A7. The speed limit on this length of highway is 60 mph (national speed limit). The carriageway width is 7.2m wide, with a footway width of approx 2.1m on the property side.

Requests have been made over a number of years that the speed limit of 30mph be extended to encompass this southern boundary of Longtown. The speed limit review under taken supports this.


No speed survey has been undertaken as the extension of this speed limit supports the criteria as defined in the DfT Circular and achieves the desired objectives:

• The local speed limit better reflects the needs of all road users, not just motorised vehicles; • The speed limit is more appropriate to the settlement; • Improves the quality of life for the local community; • That 30mph should be the norm in villages (where appropriate)

The extension of the limit here also reinforces the start of the settlement and the gateway feature currently in position adjacent to the Longtown name plate.

Informal Consultation:

This was undertaken in March 2012. All potentially affected frontagers, Parish Councils, County Councillors, the Police and Connect Roads were consulted. Responses in the main were very supportive.

Cllr Tarbitt fully supports the proposal, as does an affected resident and Connect Roads (who have been contacted previously by residents asking for this limit to be extended).

Whilst the Police support the proposal, they also state that some form of traffic calming would also be required – there is currently a ‘gateway’ feature by way of red

Page 95 surfacing on the road which would then be reinforced by the new speed limit signs, and it would be proposed to place ‘dragons teeth’, ‘rumble strips’ or countdown signage in advance of the relocated limit.

Estimated works costs:

Should Working Group and Local Committee recommend that formal consultation progresses on this scheme, the estimated works costs to be borne in mind are £11500.00. This is an increase from the original estimate due to the number of road studs which require to be removed and relocated.

The works will include: remove existing signs and posts and relocate to new location on new posts; remove existing red surfacing, road markings and road studs; lay new road markings and road studs (as the change in speed limit means that the length and position of these MUST be altered); relay red road surfacing; install ‘dragons teeth’ or ‘rumble strips’ in advance of the reduced limit.

The works, whilst being funded by Cumbria County Council, will be undertaken by Connect Roads and the final costs will be dependant upon their pricing mechanism.

Progression of scheme:

It is recommended that this proposal continue to being formally consulted upon for the extension of the existing 30mph speed limit to the boundary of Longtown, with the associated road markings and ‘dragons teeth’, ’rumble strips’ or countdown signage also forming part of this consultation.

Page 96 Appendix II

A7 Longtown Informal Consultation for 50mph Speed Limit

Consultee Response

Cllr Tarbitt Supports proposal for a 30mph speed limit

Police Supports the proposal for the 30mph, but also request some form of traffic calming on the approach.

Resident - Longtown Supports proposal for a 30mph speed limit

Connect Roads Supports proposal for a 30mph speed limit

Page 97

Page 98 Appendix III

Page 99 Page 100 Appendix IV



Following an initial assessment of this length of highway, when applying the criteria of the DfT Circular 01/2006, it was recommended to Local Committee in October 2011 that a 50mph speed limit be introduced along this length of the A7. Local Committee recommended that informal consultation commence, and as part of this, up to date speed survey data was obtained.

This initial assessment was based on speed data recorded in 2009 and the accident statistics for that length of highway which showed that speed was an issue in 40% of recorded incidents along this length. Residents along that the length in question has also contacted the Local Area office previously to express their concerns regarding turning into their property driveways especially when they needed to cross the oncoming traffic lane. Investigations: Survey lasted for 7 days - Friday 13 April to Thursday 19 April 2012. Two counters were placed; one at Harker and one at Blackford. These surveys recorded the following:

BLACKFORD HARKER • Daily average vehicle movements 8927 no. vehicles 9212 no. vehicles • Mean speed 50.9 mph 45.3 mph • 85% tile speed 57.9 mph 55.3 mph • % of vehicles travelled › 60mph 9.9% 5.9% • % of vehicles travelled › ACPO limit (68mph) 2.2% 1.2% • Total vehicles were counted 62489 64481 % motorcycles 0.75% 0.70% % cars/cars & trailers 83.35% 83.6% % light goods vehicles 10.7% 10.6% % HGV/artics 5.2% 5.1%

Informal Consultation: This was undertaken in March 2012. All potentially affected frontagers, Parish Councils, County Councillors, the Police and Connect Roads were consulted.

Responses in the main were very supportive, although a number of residents felt that it didn’t go far enough and would like to see a 40mph limit.

Westlinton PC would like the proposal extended to the Westlinton crossroads, particularly following the most recent accident in that vicinity. This additional length was not considered at the initial investigation stage as:

Page 101 • it did not form part of the original brief, the locations initially selected for further investigation being identified by analysing traffic and accident data using the national criteria at a meeting of the then Principal Transport Policy Officer, Area Engineer, Police Traffic Management and the County Council’s consultant at that time; • it does not meet the frontage or density requirements of the DfT circular 01/2006; • Recent incidents at the locus were not related to speed (the most recent being loss of control, fatigue, distraction; prior to that, one in 2010 which was fatigue related; and one in 2009 which was caused by an animal in the carriageway; • VAS (vehicle activated signs) were installed on the A7 at Westlinton as part of a previous scheme to alert drivers to their speed when approaching the Westlinton crossroads.

There are therefore no proposals currently to extend the extents of this 50mph proposal, as the road layout, recent incident/collision records or property frontage/density does not support this. Drivers are likely to expect and respect a lower limit where they can see potential hazards, such as residential properties in reasonably close proximity. This is not the case on the length from Blackford to Westlinton, some 2200m of highway with 6 properties having direct frontage. When applying the DfT 01/2006 criteria to this length of road, the current speed limit of 60mph is the most appropriate.

DfT Criteria: Road Location Upper Lower Length No. props (20+) Hall School Church Other Traffic flow/day Mean speed Injury accdts Village A7 Blackford Yes No 2500 No No Yes- Yes No 8927 50.9 mph 15 slight; & Harker m Blackford adj – Blackford (57.9 6 11 adj 85%) serious; Blackford 1 fatal

Harker No No No Yes 9212 45.3 mph 10 Harker (55.3 85%) Harker

Notes : Upper Tier – high quality strategic routes, primarily through routes, typically A and B roads; Lower Tier – predominantly local, access or recreational in function, typically C and Unclassified roads.

Circular 01/2006 states that mean traffic speeds should be used as the basis for determining local speed limits. These are underpinned by extensive research demonstrating the well proven relationship between speed and accident frequency and severity, and also reflect what the majority of drivers perceive as an appropriate speed to be driven for the road – the original mean speed driven on the road should be at or below the new proposed limit.

Page 102 Neither settlement, even when taken as a whole, meets the criteria to be considered as a village as they lack both the frontage property requirements and the required density. These are less built up communities and so the DfT criteria states that limits of 40 or 50mph can be considered.

The length considered is approx 2500m – Blackford being approx 1300m long with 11 properties having direct frontage and Harker in the region of 900m with 10 and the remaining distance being the road leading from Junction 44. Due to the linear layout of these two settlements and the fact that they ‘run’ into each other they have been considered together. The A7 at this location is generally a straight road, with undulations in the topography in the vicinity of Hill Farm/Bridge House, and a number of road junctions which serve the surrounding rural network.

The mean speeds recorded (50.9 mph at Blackford and 45.3 mph at Harker) support the informal consultation that a 50mph speed limit would be the most appropriate to introduce along this length of highway location. This will also ensure continuity of speed rather than having drivers increase/decrease their speed.

Estimated works cost:

Should the Working Group and Local Committee recommend that formal consultation progresses on this scheme, the estimated works costs to be borne in mind are £11000.00 to allow for erecting new speed limit terminal signs at 8 locations plus repeater signs along the A7 – there are no requirements to alter any road markings as the speed limit is not being reduced to below 40mph.

The works, whilst being funded by Cumbria County Council, will be undertaken by Connect Roads and the final costs will be dependant upon their pricing mechanism.

Progression of Scheme: It is recommended that this proposal continue to being formally consulted upon for the introduction of a 50mph speed limit, with that consultation explaining to the affected residents the criteria behind this decision.

Page 103 Page 104 Appendix V

A7 Harker & Blackford Informal Consultation for 50mph Speed Limit

Consultee Response Supports proposal but would like to see limit lowered to 40mph to Resident – Blackford match HGV limit Cllr Tarbitt Supports proposal for a 50mph speed limit Police Supports the proposal for the 50mph, but not the Parish Council request that it be extended towards Jerriestown/Westlinton,as it would detract from the current proposal – this additional length is straight with few frontages or junctions. There is an established camera site for the speed of HGVs on this length to be surveyed. Felt it would be beneficial to consider accident records and commented Stanwix Rural PC that they had not been consulted on this before Supports 50mph but would like to see a lower limit of 40mph being Resident – Harker introduced, similar to A689 at Houghton Does not think a 50mph speed limit will help and would like to see a Resident – Harker 40mph limit introduced Wholeheartedly supports proposal but would like to see a 40mph or Resident – Blackford even a 30mph be considered Supports the proposal for a 50mph speed limit but would like it extended to Jerriestown and The Boggs. They also circulated a list to Westlinton PC residents, responses detailed below: Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Westlinton via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Jerriestown

Page 105

Consultee Response Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Jerriestown Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Jerriestown Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Westlinton via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Westlinton via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Westlinton via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Westlinton via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal but 40 mph limit would be better Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal but 40 mph limit would be better Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal but 40 mph limit would be better Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal but 40 mph limit would be better Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Would like existing limit to be enforced Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal and would like extended to Westlinton Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal but 40 mph limit would be better Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Resident – Blackford via Westlinton PC Supports 50mph proposal Connect Roads Initially sceptical of benefits, but accepted that a lower limit may reduce number of rear end shunts, bearing in mind that these tend to be caused where drivers are waiting to turn right into their properties

Page 106 Appendix VI

Page 107 Page 108 Appendix 6


Highways and Transport Working Group

Meeting date : 14 August 2012

From: Carlisle City Council

Briefing Note: Gully Cleansing Schedule

The attached sheets detail the gully cleaning and drainage repairs carried out by Carlisle City Council for April to June 2012

K.B. Poole Highways Services Manager - Carlisle City Council

Page 109 Page 110

Carlisle City Council - Gullies Cleaned during April 2012

Date Location Cars Parked/Problems

03/04/2012 Hayton Acre Close 03/04/2012 AppleGarth 03/04/2012 Brier Close 03/04/2012 Brier Lonning Road 03/04/2012 Castle View 03/04/2012 Hayton Main Road 03/04/2012 Fenton Fenton Gate Road 03/04/2012 Greenriggs Road 03/04/2012 Nook Park Road 03/04/2012 St Mary's Church Access 11/04/2012 Kershopefoot 02/04/2012 Sleetbeck Sleetbeck 10/04/2012 Thurstonfield Southerly Rd 10/04/2012 South View to Laurel Bank 10/04/2012 Red House Rd to Yew Tree Cottages 10/04/2012 Chapelfield 10/04/2012 Longburgh Road 10/04/2012 spur Longburgh Road 10/04/2012 Hill Farm Road 04/04/2012 Warwick-on-Eden Buffs Croft no. 19 new top req 04/04/2012 Grahams Croft 04/04/2012 Daisy Hill 04/04/2012 Opp Queens Arms 04/04/2012 Warwick Farm new lid opp Daisy Hill no. 04/04/2012 Village Road 12 04/04/2012 Jct with A69 South Westerly 10/04/2012 Moorhouse The Courtyard 10/04/2012 Moorhouse Village 10/04/2012 Monkhill Road new lid req. Opp Pub 10/04/2012 nr. Monkhouse Farm 05/04/2012 Smithfield Ryehill Park 05/04/2012 Beechtree Court 05/04/2012 Jct opp Fir Ends Sch past Ryehill Pk 02/04/2012 Cumwhitton Kirkcroft 12/04/2012 Burgh by Sands Amberfield 12/04/2012 Ludgate Hill 12/04/2012 Milton Lane 12/04/2012 West End Croft 12/04/2012 Chapelfield 12/04/2012 Station Road 12/04/2012 Southfield 12/04/2012 Marsh House Gardens

Page 111

Date Location Cars Parked/Problems

12/04/2012 Burgh by Sands Orchard Close 12/04/2012 Lawrence Place 12/04/2012 Lawrence Close 02/04/2012 Rockcliffe Blencarn Park no. 39 car parked 02/04/2012 The Court yard 02/04/2012 Redhill Road 02/04/2012 Lonning Foot 02/04/2012 Heather Ct to track on lhs 16/04/2012 Scotby Ghyll Road 13/04/2012 Hill Head 13/04/2012 Holme Close 13/04/2012 Holme Fauld 16/04/2012 Lambley Bank 16/04/2012 Oakbank 13/04/2012 Near Park 16/04/2012 Nightingale Court 13/04/2012 Park Close 16/04/2012 Sutton Court 13/04/2012 The Old Tannery 16/04/2012 Wellgate Close 13/04/2012 Wheel Barrow Court 18/04/2012 Wetheral Croft Park no. 15 car 17/04/2012 Elm Garth no. 10 car 17/04/2012 Fausten Hill 18/04/2012 Goosegarth 17-18/4/12 Green Acres no. 3, 60 car 19/04/2012 Hall Moor Court 18/04/2012 Jennet Croft 20/04/2012 opp Plains Road 20/04/2012 Plains RD 19/04/2012 The Glebe 20/04/2012 Railway Station Rd 19/04/2012 The Green 18/04/2012 Wheat Sheaf Gardens 18/04/2012 White Gate 19/04/2012 Crown Hotel, Wetheral 19/04/2012 church to River 11/04/2012 Crindledyke Crindledyke 12/04/2012 Front road 13/04/2012 Rear road 10/04/2012 Cumwhitton Chestnut Grove 10/04/2012 Townhead Court 10/04/2012 Holme Meadow 10/04/2012 Holme Farm Court 10/04/2012 Kirkcroft 20/04/2012 Dalston Barras CI-D 17/04/2012 Buckabank 20/04/2012 Bishops mill 20/04/2012 Buebank RD 19/04/2012 Caldew Drive 20/04/2012 Carlisle rd Serv

Page 112

Date Location Cars Parked/Problems 17/04/2012 Dalston Crakegarth 17/04/2012 Crakegarth Close 18/04/2012 Glebe close 19/04/2012 Low Moorlands 17/04/2012 Madam Bank RD 19/04/2012 Nine Rigg 18/04/2012 Nook Lane 18/04/2012 Nook Lane Close 19/04/2012 Barras Close 17/04/2012 Riverside 20/04/2012 Hawkdale Bridge Road 19/04/2012 Station RD 19/04/2012 Summerfields 17/04/2012 The Forge 17/04/2012 Townhead RD 20/04/2012 Union Bridge Lane 20/04/2012 White bridge RD 17/04/2012 Walk Mill 20/04/2012 Yetlands 10/04/2012 Durdar Cawflands 10/04/2012 Willows 10/04/2012 Woodhayes 18/04/2012 Faugh Warrenhill 23/04/2012 Longtown Arthuret Drive no. 17, 19 cars 23/04/2012 Arthuret Road to 30mph sign 30/04/2012 Bank Street - L 24/04/2012 Bellsfield 24/04/2012 Briar Lea Court 24/04/2012 Burn Street 27/04/2012 Duke Wood Road no. 51, 10 cars Kirkandrews on 23/04/2012 Esk Inch Rd

Gully's cleaned by request Date Cleaned Location 32 Brantwood 12/04/2012 Avenue slow running integral 04/04/2012 9 Belah Crescent clean out gully integral s/o 11 Elm Garth, 13/04/2012 Wetheral 88 & 91 South 30/04/2012 Street clean out 2 x gully's

Page 113

Carlisle City Council - Gullies Cleaned during May 2012

Date Location Cars Parked/Problems

01/05/2012 Longtown The Scaur 01/05/2012 Ward Street 01/05/2012 Esk Bank 01/05/2012 Esk Street no. 8 car 04/05/2012 WALKMILL CRESCENT 04/05/2012 WHIMBREL DRIVE 04/05/2012 CURLEW WALK 04/05/2012 FINCH CLOSE 04/05/2012 HERON DRIVE 04/05/2012 FALCON MEWS 11/05/2012 BRAMERTON ORCHARD 11/05/2012 CROFT TERRACE 11/05/2012 SINCLAIR COURT 11/05/2012 BROADOAKS GRANGE no. 68, 20 cars parked 11/05/2012 BROADOAKS COURT no. 18 van parked 14/05/2012 Burnside Court entrance x 2 14/05/2012 Langdale Ave/Scafell Rd Jct 14/05/2012 Langdale Road rear no. 4 14/05/2012 Friars Court o/s Stamp Shop 14/05/2012 Colville Street rear lane 14/05/2012 OAKLEIGH WAY main blocked CCTV 15/05/2012 Station Road, Dalston no. 12 survey required HOLYWELL CRESCENT 15/05/2012 1/11/11 no. 15 15/05/2012 TILBURY ROAD 15/05/2012 EDEN PARK CRESCENT 15/05/2012 WOOD STREET 15/05/2012 ST. ANDREWS CLOSE BORLAND AVENUE - 16/05/2012 BOTH PARTS 16/05/2012 ENNERDALE AVENUE 17/05/2012 CAVENDISH TERRACE MARLBOROUGH 17/05/2012 GARDENS ST GEORGES 17/05/2012 CRESCENT 17/05/2012 CARLETON GARDENS no. 6 new gully top int. Req. 17/05/2012 CROMWELL CRESCENT 18/05/2012 BURNSIDE COURT 18/05/2012 ROSEBERY ROAD no. 13 new lid 18/05/2012 DALMENY ROAD new lid req. By lane 18/05/2012 YORK ROAD 18/05/2012 CROSSFIELD 23/05/2012 ARKWRIGHT ROAD 23/05/2012 BRUNEL WAY

Page 114

Date Location Cars Parked/Problems 23/05/2012 STEPHENSON ROAD 23/05/2012 TELFORD ROAD gully's were replaced for pot THORNTON ROAD gullies in Apr 2012 22/05/2012 SCOTBY CLOSE 22/05/2012 SCOTBY GARDENS no. 46 car 23/05/2012 CUMREW CLOSE no. 72 car 25/05/2012 GELTSDALE AVENUE new lid no. 5. no. 11, 23 cars 24/05/2012 HESPECK RAISE no. 27 car. No. 32 new lid req. 24/05/2012 WINGATE ROAD 23/05/2012 FARLAM DRIVE 22/05/2012 GILSLAND ROAD 22/05/2012 ALEXANDRA DRIVE 22/05/2012 MOORWOOD CLOSE 22/05/2012 PASTURE WALK 22/05/2012 HEATHFIELD CLOSE 29/05/2012 ELDON DRIVE no. 26 car on gully BEVERLEY RISE + 29/05/2012 1/11/11 no. 144, 55-79 189 - cars 29/05/2012 MEADOW VIEW 37 - 79 cars 29/05/2012 HILLARY GROVE no. 25 no. 22, opp 2 gully tarmaced 30/05/2012 HAZEL DENE over 30/05/2012 CROSSWAYS no. 57, 4 cars 30/05/2012 WHINTON CRESCENT 30/05/2012 HIGHWOOD CRESCENT 31/05/2012 HOPESHILL DRIVE no. 45 30/05/2012 ASHFORD WAY no. 1-10 cars no. 439 new top tar on gully on 31/05/2012 MALLYCLOSE DRIVE r/about

Gully's cleaned by request Date Cleaned Location 04/05/2012 20 Margaret C. Gardens next to rear lane o/s garage 02/05/2012 Bowman St/Fusehill St door no. 42 slow running - 21/05/2012 20 The Square, Dukeswood Rd, Longtown camera req. 24/05/2012 Ward Street, Longtown no. 14 new gully req. No. 52 28/05/2012 14 & 52 Borland Ave slow running 28/05/2012 21 Ennerdale Ave dig out gulley full concrete 28/05/2012 225-209 Denton Street 195 camera req. 01/05/2012 28 Levens Drive gully full of dog muck in bags

Page 115

Carlisle City Council - Gullies Cleaned during June 2012

Faults Date Location Cars Parked/Problems Fixed/Comments

06/06/2012 JOHN STREET 06/06/2012 QUEEN STREET 06/06/2012 RIGG STREET 06/06/2012 BROADGUARDS 06/06/2012 MORTON STREET 06/06/2012 HAWICK STREET 07/06/2012 SILLOTH STREET SILLOTH STREET - YORK 07/06/2012 STREET R.L. 07/06/2012 WETHERAL STREET no. 1 car WIGTON ROAD - WETHERAL 07/06/2012 STREET R.L. 07/06/2012 DUKE STREET 08/06/2012 KENDALL STREET KENDALL STREET - DUKE 08/06/2012 STREET R.L. 08/06/2012 NEWCASTLE STREET opp. 59, 17 cars DALSTON ROAD - STANHOPE 08/06/2012 ROAD - SCAWFELL ROAD R.L. 11/06/2012 FOREST HILL no. 36 car 11/06/2012 GOOSELAND HEAD no. 19 gully full concrete - 11/06/2012 HIGH GREEN CROFT new gully 11/06/2012 FARBROW ROAD 11/06/2012 CARLETON CLOSE PETTERIL TERRACE & REAR 14/06/2012 LANE no. 1 concrete in gully, new 14/06/2012 HILLCREST AVENUE lid req/no. 2 lid req 14/06/2012 HIGH BANK CLOSE 14/06/2012 CALDECOTES 14/06/2012 STANHOPE ROAD 7-8/6/12 YORK STREET 13/06/2012 OSBORNE AVENUE no. 38 car 13/06/2012 FINN AVENUE no. 1 car 12/06/2012 CRUMMOCK STREET 08/06/2012 CRUMMOCK STREET R.L. 08/06/2012 BASSENTHWAITE STREET BASSENTHAWAITE STREET 08/06/2012 R.L.

Page 116

Gully's cleaned by request Date Cleaned Location 01/06/2012 rear 76 Blackwell Road cleaned out 2no gullies Hillary's Antiques, nr. Moat cleaned out 3 no on 13/06/2012 Lodge, Front St, Brampton footpath 13/06/2012 9 Richardson Street cleaned 3 gullies 2 gullies on Carlisle 07/06/2012 Hartington Street Campus side not running needs new gully or 07/06/2012 57 Lindisfarne Street investigation 22/06/2012 62 Mount Pleasant Road 15/06/2012 34 Grey Street 2 x gully's 29/06/2012 Aglionby St/Alfred St South gully full of leaves 29/06/2012 3A Briar Bank 2 x gully's 28/06/2012 24 Lismore Street new gully required 27/06/2012 28 Levens Drive gully ok 28/06/2012 99 Sunnymeade 2 x gully's

Page 117 Works and Repairs carried out April – June 2012

Date Work Address Details of work Required Complete Thornton Road Replace integral gullies 05-Apr-12 69 Crummock Street Replace integral gully 05-Apr-12 5 Mill Street, Longtown Repair to damaged/collapsed drain 25-Apr-12 19 Buffs Croft, Warwick-on- New gully top required 27-Apr-04 Eden Opposite Daisy Hill, Village New gully top required 24-Apr-12 road, Warwick-onEden Jct The Whins, Heads Nook New gully top required 26-Apr-12 12 The Whins, Heads Nook New gully top required 27-Apr-12 15 The Whins, Heads Nook Gully top seized 27-Apr-12 Opp Pub, Monkhill Road, New gully top required 24-Apr-12 Moorhouse 32 Etterby Lea Grove New gully top required 27-Apr-12 11 Parkside New gully top required 24-Apr-12 1 Eden Court New gully top required 24-Apr-12 opposite Beckmount, Capon New gully top required 24-Apr-12 Tree Road, Brampton Junction of Strand Road and Remove cement from gully pots 04-May-12 Hartington Street 51 Adelaide Street Replace integral gully 23-May-12 Junction of Empire Road / St 2no broken covers please replace 01-May-12 James Road 21 Bracken Ridge Lid jammed - free or renew as appropriate 03-May-12 opp 75 Bracken Ridge From gully sheet - down to be renewed but can you 16-May-12 check by jetting first Junction of Dunmail Drive and Excavate and repair to collapsed drain 25-Apr-12 Langrigg Road 36 Peel Street Repair collapsed drain 29-May-12 6 Hartington Place New gully top required 03-May-12 2 Quebeck Avenue (side of Replace gully 15-May-12 Booze Busters) 52 Lightfoot Drive New gully top (integral) 01-May-12 Old Peoples Home, Lightfoot New gully top (pot) 02-May-12 Drive William Street, side of New gully top 01-May-12 Knoxwood 5 Abbots Way Replace frame and cover (jammed / too heavy) 03-May-12 11 Wellside Walk Remove cement from gully 04-May-12 28 Watermans Walk Blocks lifting with gully - please repair 10-May-12 23 St James Road CCTV gully connection to check for blockages 09-May-12 36 Castlerigg Drive CCTV gully connection 09-May-12 34-36 Trafalgar Street Replace gully 15-May-12 35 Millfield, Brampton CCTV gully and pipework 11-May-12 112 Lansdowne Crescent New gully top required 03-May-12 The Glebe, Wetheral 2 no lids smashed 02-May-12 White Gate, Wetheral (on New cover required 02-May-12 Corner)

Page 118 Date Work Address Details of work Required Complete Crown Hotel, Wetheral Replace integral gully 18-May-12 Milbourne Street CCTV gully connection 10-May-12 o/s Eskdale House, Burn Street, CCTV gully connection 11-May-12 Longtown 1 Manor Road Replace integral gully 14-May-12 41 Coney Street Replace integral gully 14-May-12 Townhead Road, Dalston Repair damaged drain and jet out drain from behind 12-Jun-12 co-op 51 Burnrigg Damaged gully cover - please replace 03-May-12 46 Levens Drive Damaged gully cover Garthfoot Farm, Castle Carrock Repair damaged drain next to BT pole 28-May-12 42 Dukeswood Road, Longtown CCTV gully connection 12-Jun-12 6 Carleton Gardens New gully top needed (int) 01-Jun-12 13 Roseberry Road New gully top needed 01-Jun-12 By lane, Dalmeny Road New gully top needed (int) 01-Jun-12 Milbourne Street Repair damaged drain 21-Jun-12 Armstrong’s, Brunel Way 2 new gully lids required 28-Jun-12 9 Faustin Hill, Wetheral CCTV gully connection 15-Jun-12 Orchard Lane, Houghton CCTV gully connect identified on plan to ensure no 15-Jun-12 blockages causing wet ground on The Green Junction of Brunel Way & CCTV gully connections 15-Jun-12 Arkwright Road 12 Station Road, Dalston CCTV gully connection 31-May-12 opp 19 Madam Banks Road Repair to gully structure 01-Jun-12 23 St James Road Replace integral gully 26-Jun-12 Junction of Strand Road and Replace gully 27-Jun-12 Hartington Street o/s Eskdale House, Burn Street, Repair collapsed drain 20-Jun-12 Longtown Denton Street (last 3 gullies on CCTV gully connections 15-Jun-12 left hand side past school) 22 Hazel Dene Remove tarmac from gully 22-Jun-12 Mallyclose Drive, at roundabout Tarmac on gully 22-Jun-12 19 High Green Croft Concrete in gully 22-Jun-12 1 Hillcrest Avenue Concrete in gully 22-Jun-12 2 Hillcrest Avenue New lid required 28-Jun-12

Page 119 Page 120 Appendix 7


Highways and Transport Working Group

Meeting date : 14 th August 2012

From: Carlisle City Council



Members will recall that the Winter Maintenance service on the Claimed Rights roads was reviewed in 2010. The road gritting routes were modified and are considered appropriate and no changes are proposed.

The grit bin locations were amended in 2010 and some of the locations are considered to be inappropriate. Officers have reviewed all the bin locations taking account of the County Council Service Procedure. A list is attached detailing the old and proposed new grit bin locations. A Plan will also be available to be viewed at the meeting.

Members are asked to endorse the proposed locations.

When any requests are received for additional bins it is proposed these will be assessed by officers. If the location satisfies the Service Procedure requirements a bin would be approved subject to finance being available to fund its installation and maintenance.

The County Council service procedure with regard the provision of grit bins or heaps states that these are normally provided at bends, steep gradients, road junctions and in villages that are not served by Priority 1 & 2 pre-salting routes. Additionally they can be used when late treatment of gritting routes may cause problems e.g. near schools, buss routes or main distributors on housing estates. Decisions as to their placement are based upon accident history and local knowledge of difficulties experienced by road users. Consistency of decision making is important as inappropriate provision can lead to further requests for similar locations.

K.B. Poole Highways Services Manager - Carlisle City Council

Page 121 Page 122

Page 123

Page 124

Page 125 Page 126

Page 127

Page 128 Appendix 8


Highways and Transport Working Group

Meeting Date : 14 th August 2012

From: Carlisle City Council


1.0 Executive Summary

1.1 This report sets out a proposal to implement a Restricted Parking Zone in the Historic Core of Carlisle City Centre. The proposed scheme was discussed initially several years ago at the time the Castle Street and Historic Core works were being developed and was initiated to address the issue of enhancing the Historic part of Carlisle. It was last presented to Local Committee in 2010 when it was agreed to seek DfT approval but permission from the DfT was never granted. Due to legislation changes this revised proposal is presented to achieve the original intentions of the scheme. Work would be funded by Carlisle City Council as the previous work to enhance the area has been.

2.0 Strategic Planning and Equality Implications

2.1 The development of this scheme will assist the County Council to achieve the objectives set out in the Local Transport Plan (LTP3). It will also aid the Council to work towards its Council Plan priorities.

2.2 At present no Equality impact assessment has been carried out

3.0 Recommendations

3.1 The HTWG recommend that Carlisle Area Local Committee fully support Carlisle City Council in taking forward the introduction of the restricted parking zone to further enhance the historic part of the city centre.

3.2 The Highways and Transport Working Group recommend that the Carlisle Area Local Committee approve the proposal to carry out a full informal

Page 129 consultation to seek residents, and public views on the plan to introduce a restricted parking zone in the Castle Street area.

4.0 Background

4.1 Originally a proposal was tabled as part of the Renaissance scheme to enhance the Historic Core of the city. A scheme was developed to enhance the paving and to remove as many of the unsightly roadmarkings from the cobbled surfaces as possible as these did not reflect the historic nature of the area. As Members will be aware extensive work has taken place in Castle Street on West Walls and further work is imminent at Abbey Street/Annetwell Street junction. The works proposed in this report complement the work already completed.

4.2 This proposal has been tabled previously at HTWG and at the Local Area Committee and was given approval in principal pending permission from the Department for Transport to introduce a restricted zone in the Historic Core.

4.3 Under the then existing legislation the DfT required that a restricted zone be approved by them prior to implementation but it was not possible to deliver on the Historic Core proposal as the lining and signing and loading issues could not be resolved within the constraints of the previous legislation.

4.4 The legislation has now been amended to allow the restricted zone parking. The proposal for the Historic Core no longer needs approval from the DfT. In light of this change in legislation a plan has been developed showing a restricted zone.

4.5 The existing parking arrangements in the area are such that many drivers ignore the yellow line restrictions and park in inappropriate locations, often using blue badges. This results in obstructions to through traffic and detracts from the appearance of this historic part of the City. The proposals would ensure that parking took place only in the designated locations, which will be indicated using signs and lines as at present. Within the proposed zone parking will only be permitted where signs and lines indicate so the proposal will also enable the removal of the yellow lines and associated signs thus enhancing the appearance of the area. Additional provision is proposed for loading and blue badge parking to compensate for the fact that vehicles would no longer be able to park in the areas that formerly had yellow lines.

4.6 The plan, a copy of which is attached, shows the distinct areas of parking and loading which it is suggested should be allowed in the zone. No parking or waiting would be allowed anywhere in the zone other than in these defined parking and loading areas. The existing yellow lines can be removed and signage is only required to be displayed at the two entrances to the zone and at each specific parking or loading bay.

4.7 If approved the consultation would take place with a further report presented to HTWG later this year.

Page 130 5.0 Options

5.1 To carry out a full informal consultation of the residents and businesses in the immediate area to gather their views on these proposals.

5.2 Pending results from the consultation and subsequent report back to HTWG and the LAC, the Committee may modify the proposals if required and approve the proposal to implement the restricted zone in full, extending from Heads Lane on West Walls right through the city centre to Market Street, implementing parking and loading in marked bays only.

6.0 Resources and Value for Money Implications

6.1 Carlisle City Council has a sum of £10,000 carried forward from the 2009 Historic Core enhancement scheme. This would cover the staff costs, the legal work and all signing and road marking and removal where necessary.

6.2 As Cumbria County Council may not be able to deliver the scheme in this financial year Carlisle City Council can provide the resources to progress the scheme in partnership with Cumbria County Council.

7.0 Legal Implications

7.1 The revised national legislation recently introduced means that restricted zones can be implemented now without seeking special authorisation from the DfT. The works proposed are adding to the existing parking provision in the area so should meet the expectations of businesses and residents in the area.

7.2 There could be legal implications and objections to any proposals to remove loading to any of the properties or businesses in the area. This justifies the amount of loading availability proposed in the zone.

8.0 Conclusion

8.1 The funding for this scheme cannot be carried forward for another year and Carlisle City Council feels that the scheme would be a huge benefit to transforming the area, making it less congested and much more pedestrian and tourist friendly. This could be achieved by City officers undertaking the consultation and both City and County officers working together on delivering the scheme pending the results of the consultation and subsequent approval from LAC and within the constraints of the amended legislation.

Sharon Jenkinson – Senior Engineering Technician

Page 131 Appendices

• Plan A – Historic Core showing current restrictions • Plan B – Historic Core showing proposed restrictions and extent of restricted zone • Table listing the current restrictions and the proposed changes on each street in the proposed zone


Street Name Current Restrictions Proposed restrictions with the Restricted Zone Market Street Double yellow lines Loading only bay Fisher Street Double yellow lines Loading only bay Single yellow line Blue badge holder bay Blue badge holder bay Finkle Street Double yellow lines Disc zone parking Disc zone parking Loading only bay Castle Street Double yellow lines Disc zone parking Disc zone parking Loading only Loading only Blue badge holder bays Blue badge holder bays Annetwell Street Double yellow lines Disc zone parking Loading only Abbey Street Double yellow lines Disc zone parking Single yellow line Loading only Disc zone parking Blue badge holder bay Paternoster row Double yellow lines Disc zone parking Single yellow line Loading only Blue badge holder bay West Walls Double yellow lines Blue badge holder bay Greenmarket Restricted access Loading only

• The current double yellow lines restrictions operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year but there is an exemption for blue badge holders for 3 hours and unrestricted loading. This contributes to the congestion in the area. • The current single yellow line restrictions operate Monday to Saturday 8.30am-6pm but there is an exemption for blue badge holders for 3 hours and unrestricted loading. This contributes to the congestion in the area. • The current disc zone parking restrictions that operate in the area are for zone C. waiting is limited to 1 hr and the hours of operation are Monday to Saturday 8.30am-6pm. This is not proposed to change. There is an exemption for permit holders and blue badge holders. This would also apply to the proposed disc parking bays. • The Greenmarket currently is restricted access but this cannot be enforced by CEO’s and really should be done by the police. • The proposed loading bays are envisaged to operate Monday to Saturday 8.30am-6pm. This would allow unrestricted parking outside of these hours for

Page 133 visitors and residents. No loading to any of the businesses takes place on a Sunday and this would also assist with the provision for church goers. • The current blue badge holder parking bays that operate in the area are Monday to Sunday. Waiting is limited to 3 hrs and the hours of operation are 8.30am-6pm. This is not proposed to change. This would also apply to the proposed blue badge holder parking bays. • The restricted zone is proposed to be enforce at all times and as such will restricted all loading and parking to marked bays only and allow the removal of all the yellow line markings.

Page 134 PLAN A

Page 135 Plan B

Page 136 Appendix 9


Meeting date: 14 th August 2012

From: Assistant Director – Highways & Transportation



1.1 This report updates members on implementation of the 2012/13 Capital Programme as agreed by Local Committee at their meeting of 22 nd March 2012.

1.2 The report provides information on the funds carried over from 2011/12 and suggests how they should be allocated.

1.3 The report also provides members with an opportunity to consider the prioritisation of future capital improvement programmes.


2.1 The Council Plan 2011/14 was agreed by Full Council in February 2011. The Council Plan sets out the role of the Council and the Council’s strategic priorities and aspirations for the 3 years from 2011/14. The draft revenue budget and capital programme has been developed with the aim of supporting the delivery of all the Council’s aspirations, as set out in the Council Plan, with a focus on the priorities of challenging poverty in all its forms, ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need, and improving the life chances of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria.

2.2 The Council’s revenue budget and capital programme are key to achieving the aim underpinning the Council’s priorities and aspirations of being as effective and efficient as possible, prioritising services, targeting resources where they are most needed, re-engineering services to find a new, different and more effective and efficient ways to do things, and focusing on our customers, putting people at the heart of everything we do.

2.3 There is no requirement for an Equality Impact Assessment at this stage. Equality Impact Assessments will be undertaken on a scheme specific basis

Page 137 for those Works which have received approval to proceed and exceptions will be brought back to the Group for consideration.


3.1 That the Working Group considers all the matters raised and makes suitable recommendations to the Local Committee. Specifically members are asked to

(a) Note that a non-devolved Improvement Scheme related to Improvements to Pedestrian facilities in Lowther Street is in preparation 4.2.1

(b) Note that £1.250m has been made available, from an underspend on CNDR, to support ancillary works associated with the CNDR route as outlined in paragraph 4.3.

(c) Endorse the approach to be taken with regard the capital funds carried over from 2011/12 for recommendation top Local Committee as outlined in Paragraph 4.6

(d) Agree a list of schemes and projects under various capital improvement programme headings for recommendation to Local Committee as outlined in paragraph 4.7.3.


4.1 The Highways Capital Programme covers a range of activities some of which are centrally determined and others where decisions are devolved to local committees.

4.2 Appendix 1 sets out the schemes approved in the 2012/13 non-devolved capital budget, under the different capital blocks: Principal Road Network (PRN) Structural Maintenance, Bridges & Structures and Integrated Transport (which is sub divided into 5 separate areas of work). The tables included a simple “traffic light” system with a commentary against any schemes that are of concern.

(a) In relation to the improvement Schemes over £50,000 it has become clear that a scheme has been missed of this list in previous reports namely preparation work to investigate the feasibility of improving the environment for Pedestrians in Lowther Street. Investigatory work utilising existing and some new traffic surveys and modelling work is being arranged to provide background information to allow informed options to be prepared later in the year.

(b) Members will be aware that the Currock Bridge consultation activity successfully identified that the Option 3 route was the most acceptable to the local communities. This is now being developed into the scope of the work to be put out to our design consultants.

4.3 At County Council Meeting on the 21 st June 2012 it was agreed “to carry forward the £1.250m CNDR capital payment underspend to support ancillary

Page 138 works associated with the CNDR route (detailed schemes will be developed in 2012/13 and brought forward for approval through the appropriate mechanism)” It is proposed that these ancillary works will include projects to link the CNDR new road with the footpath / cycle links on some of the radial routes in the City such as Orton Road, Moorhouse Road, Burgh Road and Kingmoor Road. Initial investigations are presently being undertaken and a detailed report will be brought to the working group later in the year.

4.4 Appendix 2 sets out the schemes approved in the 2012/13 devolved capital budgets and as noted in 4.2 above also has a “traffic light” system added to the published tables.

4.5 In relation to the programmed schemes listed in Appendices 1 & 2 members will note that the majority are on track.

4.6 At the Carlisle Local Committee on 30 July 2012, it was reported that there was a carry forward of £395,030 from the 2011/12 Devolved Capital Highways Budget.

(a) The main reason for this was that some works ordered with Amey (NPRN only) were not commenced or completed. These are shown in Appendix 3, a total value of £207,018. It is proposed that these schemes have first call on the budget carried forward, most of which have already been re-ordered as these were prioritised works.

(b) In addition there have been substantial credits which came back into the budget in March 2012 as a result of agreeing the final accounts with both Carlisle City Council and Amey for the Financial year 2010/11. It is proposed that the remainder of this budget carried forward be used to carry out further schemes from the 2012/13 prioritised list of NPRN schemes approved by Carlisle Local Committee on 22 March 2012, as set out in Appendix 4.

4.7 Members may recall that a Transport Capital Programme (future development) report was presented to Local Committee on the 9th May 2012. This report was aimed at making arrangements to provide Members with details of the proposed process for the development of the 2013/14 Transport Capital Programme and beyond.

(a) In June 2012 members agreed that an initial list of projects under each of the capital programme headings be brought before the working group in August 2012 for consideration. This can then be refined at the October meeting before final agreement in December.

(b) Appendix 5 of this report lists the projects that have been identified from a number of sources in recent months. These sources include the CRASH Group, Parish Council and member referrals, direct requests from road users.

(c) Members are asked to comment on this list in particular identifying the level of community interest that there might be in each one. This information can then be used alongside the technical and financial data when prioritising

Page 139 5.0 OPTIONS

5.1 The Highways and Transportation Working Group may make any recommendations to Carlisle Local Committee based on the issues raised in this report.


6.1 Unspent balances from 2011/12 of £389,592 relating to Highways Capital Budget and £5,437 relating to Highways Winter Damage Budget were approved to be carried forward to 2012/13 at the County Council meeting of 21 st June 2012.

6.2 A structured approach needs to be taken to identifying, assessing and allocating resources to both maintenance and improvement schemes. The Highways Service is developing an asset management approach to help ensure that the process is robust and consistent across the Authority.

6.3 By understanding the process being developed members can contribute to ensuring that scarce resources are allocated where they will be most effective.


7.1 The County Council has statutory duties to maintain the highway and in certain circumstances could be held liable for injury damage or loss caused to users of the highway as a result of failure to take responsible precautions to secure their safe use of the highway. There are no other direct legal implications.

7.2 The allocation of resources available for highway improvement schemes on the basis of demonstrable priorities would support the Council’s defence against any third party claims that might be made on the basis of loss suffered allegedly as a result of a failure to improve the highway.

7.3 Local Committee is empowered, by virtue of paragraph 26 of the County Council’s constitution, to determine and deliver certain programmes, within agreed budgets, policies and standards, around the County’s highways network, as covered in this report. Accordingly, Local Committee will be able to take into account Working Groups recommendations when deciding on those programmes.


8.1 This report updates the working group on progress with the 2012/13 Capital Programme and provides further insights into the development of future year’s programmes.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director – Environment August 2012

Page 140


Appendix 1 Non Devolved Capital Programme 2012/13 Progress Tables Appendix 2 Devolved Capital Programme 2012/13 Progress Tables Appendix 3 Schemes carried over from 2011/12 Appendix 4 Schemes to be undertaken with unspent funds from 2011/12 Appendix 5 List of Projects identified for assessment as potential improvements


Electoral Division(s): All divisions

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


September 2010 Local Committee March 2012 Local Committee July 2012 Local Committee


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.

Contact: Kevin Walsh Tel: 01228 673072 Email address: [email protected]

Page 142 Appendix 1

Non Devolved Capital Budget 2012/13 Principal Road Network (PRN) Structural Maintenance

Road Scheme Type Scheme / Location District Asset Group Works Type Cost Status Status Comments Number Details Description

Surface Botchergate - English Carriageway Patching £19,310 Carlisle A6 Treatment to Tait Inlay and Lowther Street Bus Carriageway Surfacing £49,352 Carlisle A7 Patching Lane Page 143 Inlay and Hardwick - Newmarket Carriageway Surfacing £20,448 Carlisle A7 Patching Jct on to Georgian way Surface Surface Complete Carriageway East of Hallbankgate £69,391 Carlisle A689 Treatment Dressing Inlay and Eden Bridge - Carriageway Surfacing £32,182 Carlisle A7 Patching Approach to Hardwick Inlay and Carriageway Surfacing Georgian Way £68,876 Carlisle A7 Patching Surface Carriageway Patching Brunswick Street £25,554 Carlisle Treatment

Sub Total £285,113

Bridges & Structures

This block of money is for a range of bridge, structures and geotechnical schemes as shown in the table below.

District Road Scheme / Location Scheme Type Scheme Works Type Status Status Comments Number Description Details Cost Maintenance Carlisle Dovecote Bridge Parapet wall repairs £75,000 C1029 Works and pointing Maintenance Carlisle Retaining Walls Repair/Rebuild walls £30,000 Various Works as identified Maintenance Carlisle Cattle Grids Repairs Repair/Replace grids £25,000 Various Works as identified B6263 Warwick Bridge Potential issues with Page 144 Carlisle Countywide slopes Slopes Works £245,000 Various to Wetheral design/land acquisition. Carlisle High Bridge Maintenance Parapet and sprandrel £10,000 Stockdalewath Works wall repairs Holmehead Irish Ford Maintenance Carlisle £8,000 Works Pipe replacement Howford Bridge Maintenance Carlisle £5,000 Works Replace Parapets Routledgeburn Maintenance Carlisle Works Parapet Repairs £9,000 Stanebeck Maintenance Carlisle Works Remove vegetation £8,000 Gaitsgill Strengthening Carlisle Works Diver Survey £5,000


1. Engineering Studies and Implementation Measures

Table 1a - Road Safety Studies

Local Status Comments Description Allocation Committee Route Studies C1014 Junct 42 to Carlisle £7K


Table 1b - Implementation

Area Study Study Title Location Measures Cost of Status Comments Year Remedial Measures Carlisle 2009/10 A7 Kingstown Kingstown Review location of call £500 Road/Scotland Road/Morrisons/ cancel signal loop Page 145 Road, Carlisle Briar Bank junction location and review signal timings.

2. Improvement Schemes over £50k

Scheme Name Scheme CCC Partner 11/1 12/1 13/14 14/15 Notes Status Comments Estimate Funding Funding 2 3 (£K) (£K) (£K) Prep Prep Pre p Prep Lowther Street 3 5 Preparation Work Work being scoped. pedestrian May not be improvements adequate funding Currock bridge 1000 1000 Some 15 25 500 500 Preparation work to Initial Consultation and associated 106 enable detailed design. very positive cycle links CCC to pursue partner/developer funding. West Walls 400 0 20 200 200 No further action to Carlisle Pedestrian be taken as agreed improvements at Local Committee 30 th July 2012. Petteril Valley cycle 120 120 5 Preparation work to Preparation in route develop accurate costings 13/14.

3. Other

Table 3. Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Total Capital Potential Potential Comments Scheme Transport Project District Funding Match Work required Justification Status Cost ROWIP Sources Funding (approx) spend

This route links Brampton train station Landfill to the town. Phase 3 will see Legal – Landowner Tax , C29 Dandy Line improvement from the railway station Issue Parish Surface improvements on Phase 3 Carlisle £8,000 £4,500 £3,500 to A69 to further improve pedestrian funds, a further section FP105024 access into the town. The route also local links in to a number of permissive Page 146 member woodland routes.

C288 Petteril Legal diversion, Footpath129017 Carlisle TBC TBC TBC groundwork, furniture 9011

C1274 Ivegill Drainage, furniture, Legal Carlisle £5,000 TBC TBC Legal – Landowner Loop362002 issues. Issue

C25 + C27 Re-alignment of definitive Geltsdale line. Mainly legal work. rationalisation Carlisle TBC TBC TBC Some ground works may 124001 4003 4006 be necessary 4017

Appendix 2 CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE HIGHWAY, DEVOLVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2012/13 TABLE 1 - CARRIAGEWAY SURFACE DRESSING PROGRAMME (m) (m) (m) Bed Bed Traffic Traffic Status Status Location Location Road No. No. Road Area (m2) (m2) Area Urban/Rural Urban/Rural Parish/Ward Parish/Ward Management Management Start Grid Ref Ref Grid Start Cost for Each for Each Cost Dressing Type Type Dressing Average Width Width Average Comments Finish Grid Ref Ref Finish Grid Estimated Works Works Estimated Total Bed Length Length Total Bed Sleetbeck Bewcastle/Longtown 350478 351234 Racked- Road All works due to C1004 Crossroads to Rural 2100 4.4 9240 18480 and Bewcastle 576996 577503 In Closure commence 27 July 2012 Bailey Mill

Sleetbeck Bewcastle/Longtown 350478 352166 Racked- Road B6318 Crossroads to Rural 2120 5.3 11236 22472 and Bewcastle 576983 576537 In Closure Shawhead

Page 147 Nicholforest/ 345823 346100 Road B6318 Catlowdy Village Rural Single 320 5.4 1728 2022 Longtown/Bewcastle 576672 576879 Closure

Bewcastle/Longtown 352117 351795 Roadhead Road B6318 Rural Single 1100 5.6 6160 8932 and Bewcastle 575424 574569 Village Closure

Solport/Longtown 347262 348134 Shankhill to Road C1004 Rural Single 950 3.7 3515 4218 and Bewcastle 571866 572191 Windyhill Closure

Silver Syke Location should read Hethersgill/Stanwix 347626 351642 Road C1012 Junction to Rural Single 5780 5.8 33524 47604 Newlands Farm junction and Irthington 569114 572417 Closure Lyneholmeford to Kirkcambeck junction

Stapleton/Stanwix 351953 351944 Road B6318 Crossings Inn Rural Single 100 4.5 450 540 and Irthington 572013 572124 Closure

Stapleton/Stanwix 347626 347535 Newlands Farm Road C1005 Rural Single 1650 5.5 9075 10890 and Irthington 569114 570772 to Rack Bridge Closure

Hethersgill Location should read Hethersgill/Stanwix 347822 347626 Crossroads to Road C1012 Rural Single 2110 5.6 11816 17133 Hethersgill Crossroads to and Irthington 567182 569114 Silver Syke Closure Newlands Farm Junction

(m) (m) Traffic Traffic Status Status Status Location Location Road No. No. Road Each Bed Each Bed Total Bed Total Bed Area (m2) (m2) Area Estimated Estimated Length (m) (m) Length Urban/Rural Urban/Rural Parish/Ward Parish/Ward Management Management Start Grid Ref Ref Grid Start Comments Comments Dressing Type Dressing Average Width Width Average Finish Grid Ref Finish Grid Works Cost for for Cost Works Irthington/Stanwix 348460 349240 The 3 Horse Road C1030 Rural Single 1410 5.5 7755 9073 and Irthington 564500 563363 Shoes Closure

Bewcastle/Longtown 354781 355346 Naworth to Racked- Road C1025 Rural 815 5.8 4727 9454 and Bewcastle 562687 563260 Great Easby In Closure

Burgh By 333017 331846 Moorhouse to Racked- Road Sands/Dalston and B5307 Rural 1180 5.8 6844 13346 556850 556581 Thurstonfield In Closure Cummersdale

Orton/Dalston and 333550 336603 Orton Road- Road C2051 Rural Single 3260 5.2 16952 19834 Cummersdale 552929 554504 CNDR to Orton Closure Complete Page 148

St Cuthbert Brisco 7.3.28/1 342695 343485 Racked- Without/Dalston and C1014 Crossroads to Rural 1200 7.4 8880 16.5.32. 17760 551003 551595 In Cummersdale Junction 42 6

St Cuthbert 340208 340462 Road Without/Dalston and C1036 Stoneraise Rural Single 1360 6.1 8296 9955 549460 550948 Closure Cummersdale

Dalston/Dalston and 337128 337952 Rose Castle to Road C2049 Rural Single 1670 5.3 8851 12834 Cummersdale 546650 545419 Raughton Head Closure

149049 £224,547


Estimated Ward Location Area (m²) Urban/Rural Comments Scheme Cost Status Status Blackwell Road - 5 Road Ends to Currock Awaiting contract return prior to Currock 2982.6 U £18,492 roundabout agreeing start date Dalston & Durdar Road - Old White Ox to 40mph 8874.2 U £55,020 Cummersdale Brampton Brampton Town Centre 2198.1 U £13,628 Durranhill Road - Montgomery Way to Alexandra Botcherby 2220 U £13,764 Drive Longtown & Now premium surface dressing Parkhouse Road - Asda to Kingmoor Park 6957.4 U £43,136 Bewcastle not micro surfacing - Complete Further investigation into Yewdale 2283.5 U £14,157 deteriorating statutory Page 149 Orton Road - A595 to NSL undertakers reinstatement Currock Currock Road - Red Bank Tce to HRA joint 5459 U £27,295 St Aidans Greystone Road - Jackson St to Warwick Road 3188 U £15,940 Botcherby Brantwood Av - Edgehill Road to Pennine Way 2142 U £10,710

Belah Brackenridge - Fernlea Way to Briar Bank 3692 U £18,460 Morton Borrowdale Road - Dunmail Drive to No 24 1701 U £8,505 Stanwix Urban Tarraby Lane - College gates to Beech Grove 1349 U £6,745 Castle Annetwell / Finkle St & Castle St Nth 2819 U £14,095 Castle Cecil St - Tait St to Warwick Road 2500 U £12,500 Belle-Vue Dobinson Road - Orton Road to Parham Grove 2012 U 10060 Morton Windermere Road - Wigton Road to Borrowdale 1119 U 5595 Belah Caird Av - Belah Road to Hartley Av 2117 U 10585 Castle Granville Road - Section between Granite Setts 903 U 4515 Castle Peel St & Caldbeck Rd - Wigton Rd to Newtown Rd 2969 U 14845 Belle-Vue Keld Road - Green Lane to Acredale Road 2051 U 10255 £328,302 Budget cut-off




(m2) (m2) Cost Cost Comments Ward Ward Score Score Costs Costs Status Status Status Location Location Cumulative Cumulative Type of Work of Type Work Total Scheme Scheme Total Start Grid Ref Ref Grid Start Road Number Number Road Length ( m ) m ( Length Finish Grid Ref Ref Finish Grid Priority Assessed Assessed Priority Estimated Scheme Scheme Estimated Scheme Estimated Total Scheme Area Area Scheme Total 340079 339958 Mid September C1043 Nelson Bridge Castle Structural inlay 87709 87709 155 2510 318 555495 555419 351834 352071 Bellevue to C1025 Bewcastle Overlay 32000 119709 390 1404 315 581267 580776 Cleughside 351456 351560 Stelshaw to Page 150 C1025 Bewcastle Overlay 24000 143709 240 792 315 582056 581897 Routledgeburn 353015 352984 Brampton - Cobbles Liaising with Parish B6413 Brampton Reconstruction 13519 157228 40 80 306 561065 561054 outside Post Office Council to agree start date Red Cat towards 341294 341197 St Cuthbert C1037 Burthwaite - Phase Overlay/Patching 88000 245228 500 2950 300 550171 551011 Without 1 352044 351841 Complete B6318 Roadhead Bewcastle Overlay/Patching 63000 308228 700 4060 298 575320 574420 345933 345825 The Barn to Priorigg C1005 Hethersgill Inlay 16000 324228 90 585 289 568503 568446 Cottage 349190 347964 Carlisle Airport jnc to U1095 Irthington Overlay/Patching 60000 384228 166 830 286 560966 561428 U1094 jnc 342513 342590 Burnside Bridge to C1005 Kirklinton Overlay / Patching 30000 414228 230 1150 286 566441 566170 Fergushill Cottage Budget cut-off




- Carlisle City schemes still to be assessed using CVI Criteria

- All schemes yet to be valued

Parish/Ward Road No Location Treatment Score Status Status Comments Longtown & Bewcastle B5307 CNDR Roundabout towards Moorhouse Pre Patching SD 5 Longtown & Bewcastle B6318 Sleetbeck to Crossings Pre Patching SD 5 Brampton & Gilsland B6413 Brampton Centre Section 2 Pre Patching MA 5 Complete Location should be Parkhouse to Harker junction. Condition of surface is beyond

Page 151 Longtown & Bewcastle C1022 Asda to Harker Micro Surfacing treatment – will be Pre patching MA 5 assessed for future scheme 2013/14 Orton Road Carlisle Sandsfield Lonning to A595 Further investigation into deteriorating Yewdale C2051 Wigton Rd Pre Patching MA 5 statutory undertakers reinstatement Stanwix Urban B6264 Brampton Road - Stanwix Bank to Art College Pre Patching MA 5 Further investigation work required Wetheral C1038 Scotby Village - A69 to Wellgate Pre Patching MA 5 Complete Castle C1043 Victoria Viaduct - English St to James St Pre Patching MA 5 Upperby C1037 Scalegate Road - Ridley Road to Lamb St Pre Patching MA 5 Longtown & Bewcastle C1016 Rockcliffe Village Pre Patching MA 5 Complete Belle Vue Acredale Road - B5307 to 12 Kirkstead Road Pre Patching MA 5 Belah Dene Crescent - Brackenridge to Briar Bank Pre Patching MA 5 Castle Dacre Road - Devonshire Walk to West Tower St Pre Patching SD 5 Belle Vue Acredale Rd & Birchdale - Kirkstead to Kells Road Pre Patching MA 5 Harraby Crossways - Edgehill Rd to Hilary Grove Pre Patching MA 5 Longtown & Bewcastle U1060 Burnfoot Road Pre Patching SD 4.5 Complete A section of this is no longer suitable for Sandysike to Longtown Church (Sandysike to Longtown & Bewcastle U1062 surface dressing and will be assessed for Hornickhill - Hornickhill to church) Pre Patching SD 4.5 future scheme Dalston & Complete C1040 Beech Farm to Cumwhinton Road Cummersdale Pre Patching SD 4.5 Currock Coney St - Adelphi Terrace to Currock Park Av Pre Patching MA 4

Parish/Ward Road No Location Treatment Score Status Status Comments

Castle Abbots Road - Bedford Road to Crummock Road Pre Patching MA 4 Castle Bedford Road - Between Granite Setts Pre Patching MA 4 Castle Portland Sq - Brunswick St to Alfred St Pre Patching MA 4 Extent of works to be determined as and Stanwix & Irthington U1181 Crosby on Eden to A689 Pre Patching SD 4 when works are completed Longtown & Bewcastle C1001 Junct C1006 to The Moat (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1003 Longtown to Fine View (Easton) (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1004 Windyhill to The Crossings (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1004 Longtownmoor to Wellknowe Rigg (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1005 Lynedale to Windyhill (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Stanwix & Irthington C1005 Prior Rigg / Waingatehead junction (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Being undertaken within Carriageway Longtown & Bewcastle C1005 Fergushill to Burnside Bridge Pre Patching SD 4 Structural Schemes

Page 152 Extent of works to be determined as and Longtown & Bewcastle C1006 High Luckens To Black Lyne Bridge (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 when works are completed Longtown & Bewcastle C1006 Netherby to Easton (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1007 A6071 junc to Wellknowe Rigg (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle C1007 Wellknowe Rigg to Chapeltown (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & ditto Whintingstown (Brownhills) to B6318 near Nickies Hill Bewcastle, Brampton C1025 (Through Bewcastle) (CJS) & Gilsland Pre Patching SD 4 (Wetheral Pastures - B6263 junc to U1168 Cotehill Wetheral C1038 Junc (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 Wetheral C1040 Cumwhinton to Cotehill Pre Patching SD 4 Longtown & Bewcastle U1008 The Moat to The Inch (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1013 Glencroft (C1006 junc) to Pedderhill (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1026 Kinkry Hill to Roadhead (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 Longtown & ditto Bewcastle, Stanwix & U1027 C1004 junc to B6318 junc (Oakshawford (CJS) Irthington Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1027 Nether Oakshaw to Roughsike (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1028 Snouts (B6318 junc) to Low Todholes (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1035 C1025 (Brownhills) to Roney Ford Pre Patching SD 4 Brampton & Gilsland U1037 Lyne Bank Bridge to Park Farm (Park School) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto

Parish/Ward Road No Location Treatment Score Status Status Comments ditto Stanwix & Irthington U1044 Kirkcambeck to Cays House (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Stanwix & Irthington U1045 Patties Hill to Longrigg (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Stanwix & Irthington U1046 Whitegate Cottage to Gibbs Hill (CJS) Pre Patching SD 4 ditto Longtown & Bewcastle U1279 Crofthead Pre Patching SD 4

Patching & preparation of carriageway for future years surface treatment works £434,878

Small scale permanent carriageway repairs £291,000 Works started w/c 28/5 Sealing of small areas of carriageway using sprayed bitumen & chippings £75,000

Additional patching required to "tidy up" 2012/13 surface dressing & micro- All works ordered

Page 153 asphalt beds due to anticipated further deterioration during winter £100,000 £100,000



£ £ Comments Score Score Work Work Status Status Status Priority Priority Location Location Length of of Length Cumulative Cumulative Score 11/12 Score 11/12 Width M M Width Treatment M M Treatment Cost £ Cost Scheme Cost Cost Scheme Road Number Number Road Maintained by by Maintained Estimated Works Works Estimated Average Footway Footway Average Cumwhinton Rd - No Relay Flags and Complete 1 County C1040 25,949 25,949 150 2.7 N/A 168 78 to No 52 Bitmac Verge Cumwhinton - Pub 2 County C1020 towards Scotby Relay Bitmac 13,439 39,388 70 2.00 N/A 164 Edgehill Road - Page 154 3 Springfield Road to City Allandale Road Inlay/Overlay 22,748 62,136 151 2.75 99 155 Orton Rd - Inglewood Relay Flags and Complete 4 County C2051 to No 41 Bitmac Verge 16,035 78,171 110 2.50 N/A 153.5 Whinsmoor Drive - 5 City East side only Relay Bitmac 20,128 98,299 380 2.00 N/A 133 Eastern Way Cycle Way - Carlisle Window 6 County C1045 System to Toucan Relay Bitmac 11,544 109,843 85 2.00 N/A 128.5 Victoria Place / 7 Spencer Street County A69 junction Relay Bitmac 6,723 116,566 40 2.50 N/A 128 Eastern Way Cycle Way - London Rd to 8 County C1045 Surgery Access Relay Bitmac 6,850 123,416 40 3.00 N/A 126 Orton Road - (Opp 91 Relay Flags and Complete 9 County C2051 to number 116) Bitmac Verge 17,087 140,503 114 2.20 90 112.5 Stanwix Bank - Cricket Relay Flags and Club to St Georges Bitmac Driveway 10 County A7 Crescent X-overs 22,833 163,336 150 3.50 N/A 97.5 Portland Place - 11 Botchergate to Cecil Relay Flags and City Street (both sides) Bitmac Verge 28,052 191,388 250 2.50 N/A 84 Greystone Road - Brunton Avenue to Relay Flags and 12 City Bend Bitmac Verge 28,747 220,135 150 2.50 81 82.5 Fusehill Street - Broad 13 Street to College first Relay Flags and City entrance Bitmac Verge 17,861 237,996 80 3.50 72 75.5

£ £ £ M Score Score Work Work Status Status Status

Priority Priority Comments Average Average Location Location Length of of Length Estimated Estimated Cumulative Cumulative Score 11/12 Score 11/12 Works Cost Cost Works Treatment M M Treatment Scheme Cost Cost Scheme Road Number Number Road Maintained by by Maintained Footway Width Width Footway Upperby Road - (No 52 to Junct Embleton Relay Flags and 14 County C1037 Road) Bitmac Verge 20,561 258,557 159 2.20 62 74 Lismore Place - 15 Strand Rd to Victoria Relay Flags and City Place (East side) Bitmac Verge 18,304 276,861 140 2.00 N/A 69.5 Budget cut-off

Page 155




Ref Ref

Road Road Comments Status Status Status Grid Ref Grid Ref Location Location Estimated Estimated Comments Comments Earthworks) Earthworks) R (Remedial (Remedial R D (Drainage) (Drainage) D Scheme Cost Cost Scheme

Fit flap valves to river outfalls to 1 D Various Various Low Crosby prevent back up leading to fluvial £3,000 flooding Page 156 353871 / 2 R U1205 Greenwell Village Collapse of road side verge £22,514 556231 Waterlogged carriageway sub grade 3 D C1024 Various Toppin Castle £6,400 causing surface degradation 357850 / Old School House, Flooding in dip causing flooding to 4 D C1031 £24,770 559480 Hallbankgate carriageway, flooding property. 350033 / Flooding of carriageway in dip - affects Complete 5 D U1098 Newtown Village £14,582 562798 property 352103 / Hornsby Gate - Nr 6 D C1039 Washed out headwall £9,571 550342 Carlatten Budget cut-off



Road Number Location Description of Works Estimated Cost Status Status Comments

Scotland Road - Etterby Street - Waverly Refurbish 8m columns and convert full A7 Road length to white light & night dimming £25,344

St Nicholas Street/ Blackwell Road Refurbish 8m columns and convert to C1036 (Woodrouffe Terrace - Currock Road) white light with night dimming £25,000

Etterby Street (Scotland Road - Etterby Refurbish 8m columns and convert to C1016 Road) white light with night dimming £22,582 Refurbish 8m columns and convert full length of 40mph to white light with night B5299 Dalston Road (Cemetery/ Pirelli area) dimming £9,592

Page 157 Refurbish 8m columns and convert to B5299 Carlisle Road/ Square Dalston white light with night dimming £38,237 Refurbish 8m columns convert full length Cumwhinton Road (London Road- to Garlands to white light with night C1043 Edgehill Road) dimming £8,000 Refurbish columns and convert length Crown Street - Cumwhinton Road to A6 London Road (B&Q - Harraby Inn white light with night dimming £9,592

Refurbish columns and convert to white Holmrook Road light with night dimming £13,500

Refurbish columns and convert to white Queensway light with night dimming £21,500

Refurbish columns and convert to white Crosshill Drive light with night dimming £15,000

Total £188,347


Road No Phase Cost Status Status Comments

A6 Carlisle City Centre - Lowther Street £35,000

Budget cut-off

Page 158




Road LTP3 Estimated Running Scheme Title Ward Description Status Status Status Comments No Score Cost total Construction of Build Outs at Blackwell Junction of Blackwell Approved at Road - Road/Henderson Road and C1036 Currock 36.5 £5,000 Local Committee £5,000 Pedestrian associated waiting 15/09/11 Build Outs restrictions. Scheme source 2007 APM List Construction of footway and Consultation and Hurley Road introduction of priority traffic C1013 Stanwix Rural 36 21,000 Outline design £26,000 Footpath flows Scheme source 2007 complete APM List

Page 159 Minor safety improvements at sites identified by CRASH Some sites Minor Local Group Neighbourhood identified and Various Safety Various Forum etc EG Hethersgill, £12,000 £38,000 investigation Schemes Kirkland Corner etc. ongoing Schemes to be progressed as per MLSS protocol Traffic Various outstanding Issues Awaiting Local Works ordered Variation minor amendments Various Various £10,000 Committee £48,000 Order Carlisle throughout Carlisle Area - Approval 2012(1) including Lonsdale St Outline design complete. Partially Delivery is deferred awaiting Traffic considered by completion of Car Parking Variation Castle / St Zone A/C amendments Various £15,000 LC 2011/12 but £63,000 Strategy Order Carlisle Aidans postponed from 2011/12 decision 2012(2) postponed for further consideration

Traffic Castle/Belle Awaiting Local Delivery is deferred Various Variation Vue/Denton Zone D/E Review £10,000 Committee £73,000 awaiting completion of Car Order 2012(3) Holme Approval Parking Strategy

Road LTP3 Estimated Running Scheme Title Ward Description Status Status Status Comments No Score Cost total Extension of 30mph limit on Approved for Speed Wetheral road out of Scotby Consultation at C1019 Restriction - Wetheral 44 £5,000 £78,000 Neighbourhood Forum Local Committee Scotby Referal 15/09/11 Extend 30mph limit to building line on south Approval to Longtown Longtown and approach to Longtown consult from A7 South Speed 30.5 £11,000 £89,000 Bewcastle Implementation of speed Local Committee Limit Review limit from speed limit review 01/11/11. as detailed above J44 to Introduce 50mph limit Approval to Blackford between J44 and Blackford. Longtown and consult from A7 Crossroads Implementation of speed 36 16,000 £105,000 Bewcastle Local Committee Speed Limit limit from speed limit review 01/11/11. Review as detailed above

Page 160 Villages identified for Introduction of speed limits investigation Speed in and improvement of through Various Various £20,000 £125,000 Villages regulation of speed in Neighbourhood villages Forum process include Crosby on Eden etc

Budget cut-off


Note - Devolved Capital Programme for Carlisle £2,860,000 Allowance of 10% for overheads £286,000 2012/13 Remaining works budget £2,574,000

Appendix 1 Carriageway Surface Dressing programme 2012/13. £224,547

Appendix 2 Carriageway Micro Asphalt programme 2012/13. £328,302

Appendix 3 Structural carriageway schemes programme 2012/13. £414,228

Appendix 4 Minor Structural Maintenance programme 2012/13. £900,878

Appendix 5 Footway schemes programme 2012/13. £276,861

Appendix 6 Drainage and Remedial Earthworks schemes programme £80,837 2012/13.

Appendix 7 Lighting scheme programme 2012/13. £188,347

Appendix 8 Traffic Signals programme 2012/13. £35,000

Appendix 9 Minor Improvements 2012/13. £125,000


Page 161

Page 162

Appendix 3


Allocation Code Scheme Description Cost HC3325400 Surface Treatment - Micro Asphalt Programme £114,372

HC3325400 Surface Treatment - Patching £30,662

HC3502800 Blackwell Rd Nr Montreal St - Carriageway Surfacing £14,620

Replacement Lighting Columns - Botchergate / London HC3329900 Road £13,556

HC3326700 Barrier and Railing replacement Carlisle £12,778

HC3326400 Botcherby '20' zone £16,030

HC3326500 Burgh by Sands Gateway £1,642

HC3326600 Lowther Street Improvements £3,433

Total £207,093

Page 163

Page 164

Appendix 4



Hespin Wood entrance to C1022 £60,000 Newlands Farm Junction £27,000


Strand Road, Georgian Way to Trinity sports centre £14,562


Patching & protection for future years surface treatment £51,375 Small scale permanent carriageway repairs £35,000

Total £187,937

Page 165

Page 166

Appendix 5

CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE Potential Capital Improvements LTP3 Estimated Cumulative Road No Scheme Title Description Status Score Cost total

Schemes over £50,000

Carlisle Road/Stations Alter existing layout and Improvement requested by CRASH B5299/U1133 Road Dalston - Junction provide mini roundabout at £80,000 £80,000 Initial investigation complete Improvement junction

Schemes under £50,000 Page 167

Outline design complete. Partially Traffic Variation Order ZoneA/C amendments considered by LC 2011/12 but Various £20,250 £20,250 Carlisle 2013(1) postponed from 2011/12 decision postponed for further consideration

Traffic Variation Order Various Zone D/E Review £13,500 Awaiting Local Committee Approval £33,750 2013(2)

Introduction of 30mph limit Wetheral to Warwick from Warwick Bridge to Eden B6263 Bridge Speed Limit Holme Implementation of £7,800 £41,550 Review limits from Speed Review approved by Local Committee

LTP3 Estimated Cumulative Road No Scheme Title Description Status Score Cost total Extend 30mph Speed limit on Barras Lane from existing limit Barras lane Dalston Speed to Barras Brow. Approval to consult from Local U1133 £6,100 £47,650 Limit Review Implementation of limits from Committee 01/11/11. Speed Review approved by Local Committee Introduce Speed limit on A6071 and through village.

Page 168 Set limit dependant on Newtown Speed Limit Approval to consult from Local A6071 outcome of further £8,100 £55,750 Review Committee 01/11/11. investigation. Implementation of limits from Speed Review approved by Local Committee Extend 40mph Speed limit on B5299 from existing limit to Peter Lane and introduce Cummersdale Road end 30mph limit on U1162 to Approval to consult from Local B5299 to Peter Lane Speed Limit £8,800 £64,550 Cummersdale. Committee 01/11/11. Review Implementation of limits from Speed Review approved by Local Committee Construct short length of link Wetheral Old Police Outline Design Complete land B6263 footway between The old £10,800 £75,350 House - Footway ownership issues to be resolved Police House and Whitegate Introduction of 20mph Zone Edgehill Rd Pennine Way Request from NF no Various for remainder of roads in £29,700 £105,050 20mph Zone investigation/feasibility undertaken Harraby Estate

LTP3 Estimated Cumulative Road No Scheme Title Description Status Score Cost total Introduce 40mph limit From existing 30mph limit at Brampton Old Road Whiteclosegate to M6 Approval to consult from Local B6264 £20,250 £125,300 Speed Limit review overbridge. Implementation of Committee limits from Speed Review approved by Local Committee Introduction of 20mph Zone for remainder of roads Skiddaw Rd/Ullswater Rd Various between Dalston Rd, Dunmail £40,500 Outline design completed £165,800 20mph Zone Drive, Wigton Road and Stanhope Rd

Page 169 Post Scheme Various £5,000 £170,800 Implementation Surveys Minor safety improvements at Minor Local Safety sites identified by CRASH Various £12,000 No schemes identified at this time £182,800 Schemes 2013 Group Neighbourhood Forum etc Traffic Variation Order Various Carlisle Zones F and G Review £10,100 £192,900 Carlisle 2014(2) Traffic Variation Order Various Carlisle North Review £13,500 £206,400 Carlisle 2014(3) Sewells Lonning 7.5T Wt Request from Parish Council. No U1164 £5,000 £211,400 Restriction investigation/feasibility undertaken Dalston Speed 20mph Request from Parish Council. No B5299 £20,000 £231,400 Speed Limit investigation/feasibility undertaken

LTP3 Estimated Cumulative Road No Scheme Title Description Status Score Cost total Caldew School 20mph Request from School. No B5299 £6,000 £237,400 Zone investigation/feasibility undertaken Union Lane Brampton £7,500 £244,900 Carlisle Car Park Signing Various £25,000 £269,900 Review Various MLSS 2014 £12,000 £281,900 Various A & B Warning Sign Review £10,000 No schemes identified at this time £291,900 School Warning Sign

Page 170 Various £11,000 £302,900 Review William Howard School Request from Parents to improve A6071 £10,000 £312,900 20mph Zone road safety at school Learning Village 20mph Request from School for road safety A69 £10,000 £322,900 Zone improvements at this location Crosby on Eden School Request from PC for improvements U1182 £6,000 £328,900 20mph Zone at the school Cumwhinton Speed Limit Request from Parish Council. No Various £10,000 £338,900 Review investigation/feasibility undertaken Stoneraise School Safety Request from PC for improvements C1036 £7,500 £346,400 Zone at the school Safety Concern Raised be Carlisle Moorville Drive VAS Sign Provide New VAS post site £3,000 £349,400 City Council Member

Appendix 10


Meeting date: 14 August 2012

From: Assistant Director- Highways & Transport



1.1 This report sets out to advise the group of the need for informal consultation to compliment the parking surveys agreed at the Local Committee on the 30 th July 2012. The consultation would be in the form of a city centre drop in event for all residents with a principal focus on zones A and C.


2.1 It was requested at Local Committee in July 2012 that data collection in the form of beat parking surveys are undertaken to inform the development of the Carlisle parking strategy.

2.2 In order to assist with the application of the beat survey results, and ensure the continued momentum of the parking review, it is proposed that further information collection takes place. This would be an informal consultation in the form of a drop in session in the city centre.

2.3 The drop in would focus principally on zones A and C areas of the city but would be available for all residents to attend and comments on other areas of the city would be noted. This consultation will compliment the results of the beat surveys and help offer a guide as to the issues facing residents.


3.1 That the Highways and Transport Working Group recommend to Carlisle Local Committee that informal consultation in the form of a drop in session in the city centre is undertaken. The thoughts and concerns of the residents are an important consideration when developing the parking review.

Page 171


3.1 In order to keep up the momentum of the parking review it is recommended that informal consultation is undertaken to compliment the beat surveys that are due to be undertaken in the autumn.

3.2 The results of this informal consultation will be reported back to Local Committee along with the beat survey results at the December meeting.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director- Highways and Transportation

August 2012


Contact: Abigail Dodds- Traffic Management Officer Email: [email protected] Tel- 01228 673066

Page 172

Appendix 11


Number of Briefing: CA12/03 Title of Briefing: Working Group Briefing August 2012 Date: August 2012 Author: Kevin Walsh Unit / Directorate: Highways and Transport, Environment Audience: Carlisle H&TWG

1.0 Background

There are a number of highways & transport issues that could be of interest to members some of which may become of greater importance and may require decisions by the Local Committee in due course. This Briefing Note identifies these and provides a short summary of information on each so that members have early sight of the potential problems and opportunities for the Committee.

No action is considered necessary at present but members’ views are sought and an informal discussion of these issues may be helpful.

2.0 Key Issues

1. Court Square Traffic Movements

Concerns have been raised regarding the guidance for road users exiting from Court Square. The layout of the circulation system points vehicles towards English Street / The Crescent and this is appropriate as we would not wish to encourage unnecessary vehicle movements down Court Square Brow and English Damside.

2. Lonsdale Street VO4 Challenge

Members will be aware that following a challenge to some alterations to parking in Lonsdale Street officers have been investigating changes to the layout of the street. Evidence has been obtained that shows the road layout for a period of nearly 60 years prior to the improvement works in the late 1980s. This will be submitted to the challengers Solicitors shortly to seek a withdrawal of their objection. We hope to be able to report on this further direct to Local Committee on 14th September.

Page 173

3. Tour Of Britain Cycle Race, 12 September 2012

This race will involve Closures in the Castle St area of the City from midnight the night before until 13.00 hrs on the 12th, and a rolling closure over the route from the City centre to the District Boundary at Wreay Bridge.

4. Caldewgate, Sainsbury’s Development

Members will note that the road works to modify the A595 at Caldewgate have been substantially completed. The new traffic signals are being commissioned and traffic delays should be substantially over by the end of August.

5 Meetings with Parish Council Representatives

Following requests from Stanwix Rural, Irthington, Rockcliffe & Kingstown Parish Councils two meetings have been held recently

Concerns from Stanwix Rural and Irthington were related to accidents and traffic flows along the A689 between M6 J44 and the A69. A representative from Connect Roads attended the meeting and we will be discussing the requirements for route study work on this section of road with them.

Concerns in the Rockcliffe / Cargo area related to HGV movements in the area and in particular the access arrangements to BSW on Cargo Road. Plans for the improvement of access arrangements to BSW were discussed and the issue of a promised 7.5tonne limit in the area was raised. Further investigation into the latter issue is to be undertaken.

Kevin Walsh Area Highways and Transport Manager

Page 174


Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Gully Cleaning Report Quarterly Report Information Keith Poole 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 Keith Poole/Mike Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Review of Winter Maintenance Joint report to update existing policies. Information/Decision 25/07/2012 01/01/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 Foster

Report to advise the Group of the Outcome of the further This report follows a request from the Local Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Speed Limit Review - Newtown & Lanercost investigation into speed limit implementation at Newtown Committee to reconsider the recommendations Decision Sarah Steel 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 and Lanercost made in the previous report to Local Committee

Request to install speed humps on Brookside as Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Speed Humps Brookside condition to planning application for Development by Decision Sarah Steel 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 Lovells Construction

Report detailing responses to formal consultation Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Speed Limit Review from 23.5.12 A7 Longtown and Blackdyke Speed Limit Review for sites considered in 2012/13 Speed Limit Decision Sarah Steel 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 Review

Report to advise the Group of the outcome of the Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Laversdale Speed Limit Assessment 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 speed limit review requested at Local Committee Decision Sarah Steel Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 St Nicholas Business Park Briefing note detailing the proposed highway changes Briefing note regarding the S278 works Information Shamus Giles and likely program for implementation associated with the proposed development at St 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012 Nicholas Business Park.

Carlisle HTWG 14/08/2012 Castle Street Restricted Zone Complete Castle Street Improvement Scheme by Decision Keith Poole introducing a restricted zone into the area as 25/07/2012 01/08/2012 06/08/2012 14/08/2012

Page 175 previously discussed.

Recommendations of Working group to Carlisle CLC 14/09/2012 H&T Working Group Recommendations Various reports from 14/08/2012 Kevin Walsh 27/08/2012 03/09/2012 06/09/2012 14/09/2012 Committee

Report to advise LC of the outcome of investigation into Kevin Walsh 27/08/2012 03/09/2012 06/09/2012 14/09/2012 Carlisle CLC 14/09/2012 Lonsdale Street VO40 Challenge the challenge to parking restrictions on Lonsdale Street

Report advising the group of the details of the Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 CRASH Group Update business of the CRASH Group and any Information Kevin Crawley 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 implications for the Local Committee

Report to advise the group of the outcome of the Bus The report deals with the recommendations of Stop Panel meeting to discuss bus stop provision in Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Currock Area Bus Stop Panel the bus stop panel and advises of the outcome of Decision Abigail Dodds 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 Currock following introduction of new bus service by consultations with affected frontagers. Reay's buses

Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Carlisle Area Highway Progress Report Information Kevin Walsh 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012

Report advising the Group of the outcome of recent Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Crosby Village Speeding and Parking Issues meetings with representatives of the Parish Council and Decision Abigail Dodds 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 the School to address speeding and parking issues

Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 St Nicholas Business Park Briefing note detailing the proposed highway changes Briefing note regarding the S278 works Information Shamus Giles and likely program for implementation associated with the proposed development at St 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 Nicholas Business Park.

The report deals with the outstanding issue of Report to advise the Group of the position with regard to works that CCC is to provide as part of the S278 Victoria Viaduct Estate Pedestrian/Cycleway Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 outstanding works from the S278 Agreement with Tesco Agreement and an outstanding request from Decision Kevin Crawley 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 improvements for the development of the Viaduct Estate Castle NF for pedestrian improvements from Castleway to the Viaduct Estate

A report to outline the results of the consultation Consultation results for proposed resiting of bus stop at Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Orton Road Bus Stop to resite bus stop and advis e Members of options Decision Abigail Dodds 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 162 Orton Road. to resolve this matter.


To discuss whether traffic orders should be Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Pavement Parking introduced to control pavement parking on certain Decision Keith Poole 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 streets in the City. To discuss how Section 106 funds recently released from the Persimmon Homes Carlisle HTWG 10/10/2012 Petteril Valley Cycleway Decision Keith Poole 19/09/2012 26/09/2012 01/10/2012 10/10/2012 development can be spent to continue to develop this cycleway.

Recommendations of Working group to Carlisle CLC 30/10/2012 H&T Working Group Recommendations Various reports from 10/10/2012 Kevin Walsh 30/10/2012 Committee

Report outlines discussions to and findings of the Report to advise the group of the recommendations of Carlisle HTWG 09/11/2012 Parking Review Update work of the T&F Group and advises of the Decision Abigail Dodds 22/10/2012 29/10/2012 01/11/2012 09/11/2012 the task and finish group recommendations of the T&F Group

Report to advise the Group of the further investigation Carlisle HTWG 09/11/2012 Beverley Rise Bus Shelter Decision Abigail Dodds 22/10/2012 29/10/2012 01/11/2012 09/11/2012 into the replacement of the bus shelter on Beverley Rise

Report to Advise the group of the proposed programs of Carlisle HTWG 09/11/2012 2013/14 Capital Program Decision Kevin Walsh 22/10/2012 29/10/2012 01/11/2012 09/11/2012 work for determination for 1213/14 Page 176

Recommendations of Working group to Carlisle CLC 12/12/2012 H&T Working Group Recommendations Various reports from 9/11//2012 Kevin Walsh 12/12/2012 Committee

Report to advise the Group of the outcome of the review Carlisle HWTG 09/01/2013 Brampton Road Bus Stop Review Abidail Dodds 17/12/2012 24/12/2012 28/12/2012 09/01/2013 requested at LC on 30/7/2012

Develop joint signage plan for cars arriving at car parks Carlisle HTWG 09/01/2013 Car Park Signage Identify funding for implementation Decision Keith Poole 17/12/2012 24/12/2012 28/12/2012 09/01/2013 and pedestrians leaving car parks

Recommendations of Working group to Carlisle CLC 05/02/2013 H&T Working Group Recommendations Various reports from 09/01/2013 Kevin Walsh 05/02/2013 Committee

Carlisle HTWG 28/02/2013 08/02/2013 15/02/2013 20/02/2013 28/02/2013

Recommendations of Working Group to Carlisle CLC 20/03/2013 H&T Working Group Recommendations Various reports from 28/02/2013 Kevin Walsh 20/03/2013 Committee

Future Subject June 2013?? Rydal Street, Carlisle Traffic Calming Review requested by LC on 12/6/2012

Page 177

This page is intentionally left blank

Page 178 Agenda Item 8


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report outlines some principles for funding local projects. Most require further work to firm up the options but the report seeks views and support on these.


2.1 The County Council’s key priorities are:

Challenging poverty in all its forms;

Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and,

Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.2 Through the Area Plan the area priorities are:

Economic Growth

• Attracting investment in jobs by developing the local infrastructure and supporting small medium enterprises (SME), as well as maximising the benefits of the Carlisle Northern Development Route (CNDR);

• Keeping existing jobs in the area and encouraging private sector investment that supports communities, e.g. in commercial service bus provision;

• Looking at the opportunities to open up development land for jobs and necessary housing and considering the potential for a southern link to the M6 and the West Cumbrian coast.

Page 179


• Ensuring we have service provision in the rural areas, for example youth activities through the 0-19 funding and library access for older people;

• Developing our integrated transport systems, particularly the cycle routes, to deliver a network across Carlisle while developing links to the new CNDR cycle and walking route provision.

Strong communities

• Using the council’s own facilities to access and support community groups (including the new Community Fire Stations, support from our Community Grants and our continued engagement with communities);

• Continuing educational campaigns and joint working with the Credit Union and our services (such as Trading Standards) to deal with loan sharks and promote better money management.

Health and Well-being

• Supporting an ageing population;

• Helping support the fitness of people in the area, particularly young people, and the issues of child obesity, teenage pregnancy and reducing smoking and alcohol misuse;

• Tackling deprivation;

• Working with partners to ensure the delivery of sufficient levels of specialist housing to meet the needs of all within the community.

2.3 An Equality Impact Assessment is not required for this report.


3.1 To determine allocations from the current unallocated balances to the projects listed in Appendix 1.


4.1 At the last Local Committee meeting approval was given to the Area Plan for Carlisle and there was a review of commitments in the Communities Budget. This report builds on these decisions and presents a number of options for consideration.

4.2 Members are asked to consider the proposals in Appendix 1 and agree that further work be carried out to firm up the proposals determining allocations against these or other projects.

Page 180

4.3 As part of the projects listed reference is made to a joint study being undertaken by the City and County Councils to review the provision of sports facilities and playing fields (including school playing facilities). This study is aimed at determining a joint strategy around the provision of sports facilities in the area for the future and will assist in consideration of funding opportunities to future projects.

4.4 Also listed is an option to develop a new phase of Alleygate projects. The community engagement, consultation and partner engagement to achieve such a programme is significant and will take time to develop such a programme. If the Area Support Team, supported by the local Highways officers, were to begin work on this it would take up to 6 months before any project delivery costs would be incurred.


5.1 To approve the commitments against the projects outlined as presented, make alternative suggestions or not approve the proposals.


6.1 The spending limit for General Provisions for 2012-13 is £65,689 with £26,625 already allocated this leave an unallocated balance of £39,164. Should the amounts in the appendices be approved then the General provisions would be fully utilised in this financial year. The Local Committee could also consider using the Area Projects Grants which currently has an unallocated balance of £17,721.

6.2 The School Crossing Patrol spending limit is £88,481 with amounts committed for schemes and the SCP Contract of £63,642 leaving an unallocated amount of £25,139. Extrapolating current spent to date on the contract this would give a projected total spend on the annual contract of £19,984 (£4,996 - already spend x 4 quarters). Should the contract stay the same throughout the year then this would leave a balance of £20,376 from the annual contracted amount. Therefore, in theory there could be an unallocated amount of £45,515 for reallocation for road safety schemes.

6.3 The Debt Rescue and Money advice contract has no annual budget this year. However, there is an amount of £6,794 brought forward from last years budget. If the recommendation is approved this would fully utilise this brought forward balance.


7.1 Paragraph 5.25 of the Constitution authorises local committees to approve local member scheme proposals i.e. projects which offer benefits to communities in the electoral division concerned and help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement and in line with the priorities within the Council Plan and specific local priorities within the area plan for the Local Committee area. Therefore the recommendation of this report is in line with the Constitution.

Page 181


8.1 This report sets out a number of projects for possible funding utilising projected unallocated resources to target the recently agreed priorities in the Area Plan.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

24 August 2012


Appendix 1 – Proposed Projects

Electoral Division(s): All Carlisle

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


CONSIDERATION BY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.

BACKGROUND PAPERS Area Plan for Carlisle.

REPORT AUTHOR Contact: David Sheard, Area Support Manager (North) 01228 226746 [email protected]

Page 182     

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Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report outlines :

• Recommendations from the 0 – 19 Task & Finish Group for grant funding from the following organisations:

• The Rock – Currock Youth Project • Denton Holme Community Centre • Living Well Trust • St Cuthbert’s Catholic Community School • Cumbria Army Cadet Force – Currock Detachment • Stanwix Rural Parish Council • Dalston Recreation Association • Talkin Tarn Amateur Rowing Club • Cumwhinton After School Club • Vistula Polish Association • Cumbria Pride • Carlisle City Football Club – Junior Section


2.1 Carlisle Local Committee has the executive function to determine applications for grant funding, loans and contributions to external bodies, voluntary organisations or individuals. The Area 0 – 19 Grant process relates to the priorities of the Council Plan 2011 - 2014:

ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and

improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria.

Underpinned by the aspiration in the Council Plan that Cumbria should be ‘a great place to be a child and grow up.

Page 185

2.2 The key priorities for Children’s Services for this budget are:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe & enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

2.3 A separate Equality Impact Assessment is not required as equality issues are dealt with at a grant level and through monitoring of the Directorate EIA. Applicants are required to submit equal opportunities statements, child protection and vulnerable adults’ policies along with supporting data about inclusion of the community and responding to the community based on Ward Profiles, Community Plans, Parish Plans, etc. Grant funding is monitored on the District protected characteristics under the EIA for the Directorate.


3.1 Members are asked to consider the recommendations of the 0 – 19 Group meeting on 21 st August 2012 with respect to Grant Applications as detailed in Appendix 1:

3.1.1 To award a grant of £1500 to The Rock – Currock Youth Project to purchase new chairs for the Youth Room at Currock House Community Centre.

3.1.2 To award a grant of £1500 to Denton Holme Community Centre towards the delivery of a summer play scheme.

3.1.3 To award a grant of £200 to Living Well Trust towards ‘Wacki Wednesday’ sessions

3.1.4 To award a grant of £275 to Living Well Trust to deliver a summer holiday club.

3.1.5 To award a grant of £4000 to St Cuthbert’s Catholic Community School to deliver a ‘UCanShine’ project.

3.1.6 To award a grant of £750 to Cumbria Army Cadet Force – Currock detachment towards the purchase of training equipment.

3.1.7 To award a grant of £2000 to Stanwix Rural Parish Council towards purchasing play equipment for Crosby on Eden play area.

Page 186

3.1.8 To award a grant of £2000 to Carlisle Community Centre’s Federation to allow young people to attend a mini Olympics event.

3.1.9 To award a grant of £5000 to Dalston Recreation Association to purchase play equipment.

3.1.10 To award a grant of £5000 to Talking Tarn Amateur Rowing Club to fund Get Kids Rowing sessions.

3.1.11 To award a grant of £1000 to Cumwhinton After School Club towards the costs of delivering a sport and activity programme.

3.1.12 To award a grant of £2000 to Vistula Polish Association towards the costs of a Saturday Supplementary School.

3.1.13 To award a grant of £500 to Cumbria Pride towards the costs of delivering a Cumbria Pride event in Carlisle.

3.1.14 To award a grant of £4000 to Carlisle City Football Club towards the costs of their junior Football Section.


4.1 Appendix 1 contains the detail on the individual grant applications for consideration. Each proposal provides:

• grant requested, • overall project cost, • a brief project description, • a summary assessment given by the Area Engagement Officer, • comment from Children’s Services Youth Engagement Officer, • a recommendation from the 0 – 19 Task & Finish Group


5.1 For members to consider the recommendations of the 0 – 19 Task & Finish Group, approve applications, reject the applications or to allocate funding as appropriate.

5.2 Members also have the option of recommending that the projects listed be referred to the Neighbourhood Forum grants groups for consideration from the Neighbourhood Forum budgets.


6.1 The Carlisle Local Committee had a 0-19 Services budget spending limit of £177,881 of which there is £53,642 available for allocation.

6.2 The value of recommendations of the 0 – 19 Task & Finish Group presented in this report totals £29,725. Members are asked to consider awards against individual projects.

Page 187

6.3 The recommendations if all approved would allocate £29,725 from the 0-19 Services budget. Leaving a balance of £23,917 available for future allocation in 2012-13.

6.4 In respect on the recommendation 3.1.13 members should note that the Area grants budget is being asked to consider a grant of £1,000 for this event also, bringing the total grant consideration t0 £1,500.


7.1 Under the Council’s Constitution at paragraph 24 of Part 5, Local Committees are empowered to “determine applications for grants loans and contributions to outside bodies, voluntary organisations, individuals or third sector organisations (which are not specifically delegated to an officer) within a policy approved by the Executive”. Additionally, and as a separate power, paragraph 22 of Part 5 of the Constitution enables Local Committees to allocate, in accordance with the guidance agreed by Cabinet on 3 March 2011, funds from the 0-19 services budget in order to support positive activities, both targeted and mainstream, designed to improve outcomes for children and young people and reduce inequalities and, in doing so, ensure that projects should address at least one of the following criteria:

Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities. Providing access to care or educational activities. Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go. Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities. Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making. Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or the expenditure of that budget.

7.2 The County Local Committee is thus properly authorised to consider spending decisions within unallocated budgets as proposed in this paper.


8.1 This report sets out details of eligible grant applications received for consideration by Carlisle Local Committee from the 0–19 Youth Services budget.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

23 August 2012

Page 188


Appendix 1 Applications for Consideration

Electoral Divisions: Carlisle District

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


No previous relevant decisions.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


A full copy of each application with all supporting papers is available from the Carlisle Area Support Team on request.


Contact: Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer. Tel (01228) 226570, email: [email protected]

Page 189

Page 190

Appendix 1

Application Summary: Children & Young People 0 – 19 Youth Fund

Division(s) / Area(s) Currock Ref No. 106 Group Name The Rock – Currock Youth Project Supporting Officers Paul Carrigan, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration November 2012 Amount Requested £1,608 Total Project £1,608 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Applicat ion Summary

Towards the costs of funding appropriate seating for “The Rock” youth room. Current seating is extremely worn and is not fire retardant. The new seating will meet health and safety standards and also be long-lasting as they have vinyl covering.

The room is used by 7-19 year olds with 5 sessions a week running regularly attended by almost 200 young people aged from 5 - 18.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Comm ittee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

Page 191

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 196 Break down of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Chairs £1,608 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Donations and commercial sponsorship will make up the balance of the project funding Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0 – 19 Task & Finish Group Recommendation:

Award of £1,500

Page 192

Division(s) / Area(s) Denton Holme Ref No. 105 Group Name Denton Holme Community Centre - Summer Play Scheme Supporting Officers Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local 14 th September 2012 Committee Project Start August 2012 Date/Duration Amount Requested £2,000 Total Project £3,000 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

The grant will be used towards the costs of funding the summer play scheme for children and young people in the Denton Holme area. The scheme is aimed at children aged between 5-11 years and will be attended by children from Denton Holme and Longsowerby area. The funding will be used to pay for resources, training for play staff, including local volunteers and sports equipment. It will also be used to subsidise healthy snacks for children who do not usually have access to a variety of health options. A daily fee is collected from each child attending and this funding bid is used to subsidise this charge.

This application was received in advance of the event taking place. Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum,

Page 193

youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 80-100 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates): Staff training = £816.20, Arts and crafts equipment = £701.05, Sports equipment = £120, Subsidised healthy snacks = £400

Details of Match Funding (where necessary):

Children’s Fees Children’s Services Officer Evaluation/Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Task & Finish Group Recommendation:

Award of £1500

Page 194

Division(s) / Area(s) Belle Vue / Castle Ref No. 90 Group Name Living Well Trust – “Wacki Wednesdays” Supporting Officers Paul Carrigan, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration August 2012 Amount Requested £200 Total Proje ct £200 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Living Well trust are applying for funding for a new project which will enable kids to interact both with each other and with their parents – in a safe environment – playing and learning at the same time. Activities will include dance, sport, arts and crafts and Olympics “it’s a knockout”.

The scheme will be held throughout August for children aged 3-11 years. Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Page 195

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 50+ Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Arts and crafts equipment = £90, Bouncy Castle = £65, snacks and refreshments = £45 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

N/A Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £200

Page 196

Division(s) / Area(s) Belle Vue / Castle Ref No. 89 Group Name Living Well Trust – Summer Holiday Club Supporting Officers Paul Carrigan, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration August 2012 Amount Requested £275 Total Project £275 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Sum mary

Living Well Trust is applying for funding for a summer holiday club which will be themed around the Olympics. Parents will be encouraged to come along to the sessions and get involved playing and learning alongside their kids. The summer club is aimed at children aged 3-10 years.

The funding will be used for arts and crafts resources as well as funding equipment towards a talent show. Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Page 197

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 50+ Br eakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Arts and crafts equipment = £115, Disco and Talent show = £160 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

N/A Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £275

Page 198

Division(s) / Area(s) Botcherby / Harraby / St Aidan’s Ref No. 96 youth Group Name St Cuthbert’s Catholic Community School- U Can Shine Project Supporting Officers Paul Carrigan, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration In the Autumn Term; funding permitting Amount Requested £5000 Total Project £5000 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

The School is applying for funding to cover the costs of a “U Can Shine” project which aims to raise children’s self esteem, wellbeing and give them aspirations to achieve. By having this project running the school hope to give the children the skills to achieve in life and education. The project will be aimed at school children who are 5-11 years old and in the catchment area which is Botcherby, Harraby & St Aidan’s Divisions. This project has been delivered at some schools in Carlisle South with great success and outcomes are being achieved that positively benefit young people.

This project targets the priority group of 5 – 11 year olds identified by the Local Committee’s Task & Finish Group.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

Page 199

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 100 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Breakdown of full costs received from School Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

None at present

Children’s Servi ces Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £4,000

Page 200

Division(s) / Area(s) Currock Ref No. 67 Group Name Cumbria Army Cadet Force – Currock Detachment Supporting Of ficers Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration ASAP Amount Requested £1,000 Total Project £1,250 Cost

APPLICATION REPOR T Application Summary

Cumbria Army Cadet force are applying for funding towards equipment that would help them deliver improved training to the 12-18 year olds who attend the cadets sessions. The Cadet force provides teaching and training on a variety of subjects based on the army activity syllabus. The funding would be used towards the purchase of a laptop, printer and projector.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committ ee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Page 201

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 15 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Lap top = £350, Printer = £60, projector = £770 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

From exiting funds held Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £750

Page 202

Division(s) / Area(s) Stanwix & Irthington Division Ref No. 113 Group Name Stanwix Rural Parish Council Supporting Officers Jeff Tweddle, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration Autumn 2012 Amount Requested £2,000 Total Project £41,492 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Stanwix Rural Parish Council - Crosby on Eden Play Area

Crosby on Eden playground is desperately in need of refurbishment with the current equipment offering limited play value and dating from the 1970’s.

Stanwix Rural Parish Council alongside a local community group have worked together for the last two years to try and raise funding for the project, the target to be raised currently standing as £41,492.

Earlier this year the group were successful in applying for funding from Britvic who have awarded a grant of £4,500 towards the project. Part of the requirements of this funding is that the project implementation is managed by Groundwork Trust whose team of Landscape Architects are currently designing plans for the area. Planning permission for the playground has also been obtained.

The Parish Council are applying for a contribution towards the cost of redeveloping the play area, purchasing and installing new play equipment.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local C ommittee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

Page 203

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 53 Bre akdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Play Equipment: Large Climber £12,000 Group Swing £5,500 Toddler Swings £2,800 Springy See Saw £900 Roundabout £2,200 Trim Trail £3,800 Sub Total £27,200 Site Preparation and Other Costs: Remove Old Play Equipment £850 Informal Play – Boulders & Logs £2,250 Willow Dome & Tunnel £750 Hedge Planting £150 Fencing & Gates £480 Patio Area £3,200 BBQ £400 Tables £800 Sub Total £8,880 Groundwork Trust Fees @ 20% £5,412 Total £41,492

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Grants from other bodies and Parish council funds will match fund this project. In addition an application has also been made to the Stanwix & Irthington LMS Fund for £4,000.

Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application

0 – 19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £2,000

Page 204

Division(s) / Area(s) Carlisle Wide Ref No. 81 Group Name Carlisle Community Centre Federation Supporting Officers Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration ASAP Amount Requested £2,290 Total Project £2,290 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Applicat ion Summary

The community centres federation are applying for funding which will enable all community centres in Carlisle to access the “Mini Games” festival in celebration of this year’s Olympic games aimed at children aged between 5-12 years. Funding will cover the costs of transport, medals and t-shirts for all the children representing their community and taking part in this celebratory event. Strategic Fit

This project fits with the County Council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Page 205

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 500 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Coach Hire £240, Facility hire £750, Staff £750, medals £300, T shirts £250. Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to funding this project 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £2000

Page 206

Division(s) / Area(s) Dalston & Cummersdale Ref No. 100 Group Name Dalston Recreation Association Supporting Officers Jeff Tweddle, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration Autumn 2012 Amount Requested £7,000 Total Project £53,266.80 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Dalston Recreation Association – Play Equipment

The Dalston Recreation Association is seeking funds to improve the play area adjacent to the Recreation centre in Dalston.

The current play area is very dated and the equipment is in need of replacement and renewal.

The group have developed an ambitious project to redevelop the play area for the benefit of local children and young people. A detailed breakdown of project costs has been supplied in support of the application for funding.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

Page 207

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 200 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Play Equipment:

Jukebox – New Wave £10,140 Jungle Climber – Amazon £8,311 Gravity Rider £696 Cradle Swing – Anti Wrap £1,517 Five Joined Legs £336

Ground Works and Site Prep:

Grass Tiles £3,723 Wetpour £7,852 Sub base Preparation £3,414 Removal of existing cradle swing £1,500 Uplift & Reinstall Bench £100 Works Container & Welfare Facilities £661 Delivery & Installation £6,119

Sub Total £44,389

VAT @ 20% £8,877.80

Total £53,266.80

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

The group are currently applying for other grants to match fund this project along with funds raised locally by the group and monies held by the group from income from the Recreation Centre.

Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application

0 – 19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £5,000.

Page 208

Divisio n(s) / Area(s) Brampton & Gilsland Division and Ref No. 114 Carlisle Wide Group Name Talkin Tarn Amateur Rowing Club (TTARC) Supporting Officers Jeff Tweddle, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration Autumn 2012 Amount Requested £7,448 Total Project £10,352 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Talkin Tarn Amateur Rowing Club (TTARC) – Get Kids Rowing

Following the success of the London 2012 Olympics there has been an increasing interest from children and young people with a desire to learn to row.

To meet this demand and to develop a local Olympic legacy project the TTARC have developed plans to offer Learn 2 Row courses for young people aged 10 – 17 years old. To date the club have offered ad hoc sessions on an individual basis but with no real programme of sessions for groups of young people.

The club wish to deliver six Learn 2 Row courses over the next 12 month as part of their “Get Kids Rowing” initiative to contribute towards the London 2012 legacy. Each course would include six two hour sessions held each week. It is anticipated that there will be eight participants per course leading to a total of 48 young people participating.

The courses would provide the opportunity for young people to participate in sport at either competitive or recreational level and stay healthy with the added bonus of learning a new skill.

The request for funding is to support the delivery of these Lear 2 Row sessions as any funding would contribute to the purchase of equipment needed to run the sessions. Series

There will be a fee for attending a course and the club is also match funding the project from their own funds along with volunteer time to run the course.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Page 209

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 48 (10-17 year olds) Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Volunteer Time (Tutor, Coach and Safety People) £1,404 Blades (Oars) £3,940 Junior Training Sculling Boats x2 £5,008

Total £10,352

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

The project will be match funded from Volunteer Time provided by TTARC and an application for funding has been made to the Brampton & Gilsland Youth Fund.

Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application

0 – 19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £5,000

Page 210

Division(s) / Area(s) Wetheral Division Ref No. 98 Group Name Cumwhinton After School Club Supporting Officers Jeff Tweddle, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration Autumn 2012 Amount Requested £1,700 Total Project £1,800 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Cumwhinton After School Club – SPAA Activity Sessions

The Club are seeking funding to deliver a programme of sports and cultural activities. The programme of activities will be delivered during September by Carlisle SPAA.

Funding will cover the cost of 50 hours of sports activities delivery by Carlisle SPAA.

Members are advised that this group have already received funding of £500 this financial year from the 0-19 fund to contribute towards a two week sports summer club.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

Page 211

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 53 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

50 hours of delivery by Carlisle SPAA £1,125 Football, Zumba and other Sessions £675

Total £1,800

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Parent contributions will match fund this project.

Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendati ons:

No objection to this application

0 – 19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £1,000

Page 212

Division(s) / Area(s) District Wide Ref No. Group Name “Vistula” Polish Association - Saturday supplementary school Supporting Officers Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration ASAP Amount Requested £2,265 Total Project £4,800 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

The group is applying for funding to support the start up costs of a school for people to learn about the polish language and culture. It will be aimed at children from second generation Polish families who live and work in the Carlisle area and will be complimentary to their existing mainstream school curriculum. The group will link in with local schools to extend this project and are working with the English as an Additional Language (EAL) advisory teacher. The project will aim to work with children between 5-11 years and develop an accredited course for older children. Funding will be spent on room hire, text books, teaching resources, and CRB checks.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the County Council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

Page 213

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 50 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Room Hire £555, Text Books £300, Arts and crafts resources £210, Transport costs £700, Teaching resources £200, Computer hardware £1800, First aid course £120, First aid kit £15, CRB checks £165 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Parents contributions Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £2000

Page 214

Division(s) / Area(s) Carlisle Wide Ref No. Group Name Cumbria Pride Supporting Officers Niall Mcnulty, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration 29 th September 2012 Amount Requested £500 Total Project £22,300 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

This application is towards costs for a Cumbria Pride Event celebrating and raising awareness of the LGBT community in Cumbria. This year’s event aims to address health issues (including sexual health), drugs and alcohol awareness raising, health eating and issues related to mental health. It also offers the opportunity for members of the LGBT community to gain peer support and advice as well as access formal support services from the area.

The family event was attended by over 750 people last year, of which 255 were under 18. An application for total funding of £1500 has been made of which £500 has been requested from the 0 – 19 Youth Services fund as approximately 30% of the attendees are young people who are under 18.

Strategic Fit

This project fits with the County Council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives. Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

Page 215

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 255 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) Testicular cancer “Ball Pool” £100, Testicular and breast cancer test kits £290, information for young people leaflet £70, tables designed by young people £150 Details of Match Funding (where necessary) Sponsorship, funding from Carlisle Local Committee’s Area Grants fund of £1000 has been requested, current funders include: Riverside Housing Association, Cumbria Co op, Clydesdale Bank PLC, Unison, PCS Union HMRC, Variety town, Swallow Hilltop Hotel & Carlisle Leisure. Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to this application being funded 0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £500

Page 216

Division(s) / Area(s) Carlisle Wide Ref No. 115 Group Name Carlisle City FC – Junior Section Supporting Officers Paul Carrigan, Area Engagement Officer Joanne King, Youth Engagement Officer Date of Local Committee 14 th September 2012 Project Start Date/Duration Amount Requested £6,000 Total Project £31,500 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

This application is towards the costs of operating 21 junior football teams (15 boys & 6 Girls) with an overall participatory membership of 263 young people, 88 of which are girls. The club has achieved FA Charter Standard and therefore has an obligation to deliver coaching and match day activity for every young person attending at a prescribed level. The club welcomes any young person regardless of ability, race & gender and the targeted aims are open access, development of abilities & skills.

Funding will contribute towards the main fundamental deliver costs of pitch hire for matches, indoor facility hire for winter training, insurance cover, referee fees, trophies & equipment & travel costs. Strategic Fit

This project fits with the County Council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Match with Criteria & Local Committee Priorities

When awarding funds from this scheme applications for funding should demonstrate that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities

• Providing access to care or educational activities

• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go

• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities

• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making

Page 217

• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action

Number of people 0 – 4 yrs 5 – 11 yrs 12 – 19 yrs benefiting within the following age ranges: 263 Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) The costs of operating one team over a season are detailed as follows:

Carlisle City under 16 Girls – Pitch hire £200, summer & winter training £335, officials £300, travel £100, trophies & presentation night £320, stationery & postage £120, medical bag £10, tournament entry fees £100 – Total annual costs £1785

Details of Match Funding (where necessary) Funding is secured via Sponsorship, parent & player contributions & players raising funds via bag packing etc. Children’s Services Officer Evaluation / Recommendations:

No objection to funding this project

0-19 Youth Grants Group Recommendation:

Award of £4000

Page 218 Agenda Item 10


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report outlines the request for grant funding from the following organisations:

1.2 Herdwick Fencing Club

1.3 Cumbria Veterans Badminton Association

1.4 Cumbria Pride


2.1 The County Council’s key priorities are:

Challenging poverty in all its forms;

Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and,

Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.2 The support for the grant referred to in this report directly contributes to all of the above the main priorities and in addition, this work of the Local Committee will contribute directly to the aspirations for Cumbria:

To enjoy an independent and healthy life: We want Cumbria to be a place where everyone is able to enjoy an active, healthy and fulfilling life.

A place to live in a high quality and sustainable environment: We want everyone to enjoy living in our truly world class environment.

A place to live with a thriving economy: We want to ensure that Cumbria’s economic position is strengthened

Page 219

2.3 Carlisle Local Committee has the executive function to determine applications for grant funding, loans and contributions to external bodies, voluntary organisations or individuals within a policy framework. The relevant policy framework is the Council Plan.

2.4 Carlisle Local Committee has previously agreed a fund of £10,000 for organisations to apply to where grants cover an area of the Carlisle District.

2.5 A separate Equality Impact Assessment is not required as equality issues are dealt with at a grant level and through monitoring of the Directorate EIA. Applicants are required to submit equal opportunities statements, child protection and vulnerable adults’ policies along with supporting data about inclusion of the community and responding to the community based on Ward Profiles, Community Plans, Parish Plans, etc. Grant funding is monitored on the District protected characteristics under the EIA for the Directorate.


3.1 Members are asked to consider the grant applications from the Area Grants Budget and approve the recommended amounts below.


4.1 Herdwick Fencing Club has applied for grant funding of £1000 towards the costs of purchasing new equipment to allow increased accessibility for new participants in the sport of fencing. The club is based at Austin Friars in Carlisle and all participants are required to wear specified protective clothing to allow them to take part. The club has targeted a potential of 100+ new trial participants it hopes to introduce to fencing locally and the purchase of the equipment will allow wider access in Carlisle. The project hopes to build on the Olympic Legacy and increase participation levels locally. The total project cost amounts to £5,000.

4.2 Cumbria Veterans Badminton Association has applied for grant funding of £250 towards the venue hire of the Richard Rose Morton Academy for the 2012 Cumbria Classic Veterans Badminton Tournament. This event attracts over 150 of the best veteran Badminton players in the County to Carlisle and has in the past had National & International senior players taking part. The costs of staging the tournament total £3000.

4.3 Cumbria Pride is holding an event in Carlisle celebrating and raising awareness of the LGBT community in Cumbria. This year’s event aims to address health issues (including sexual health), drugs and alcohol awareness raising, healthy eating and issues related to mental health. It also offers the opportunity for members of the LGBT community to gain peer support and advice as well as access formal support services from the area.

Page 220

The family event was attended by over 750 people last year, of which 255 were under 18. An application for total funding of £1500 has been made of which £500 has been requested from the 0 – 19 Youth Services fund and the balance of £1000 is being requested from this budget.


5.1 For members to approve applications, reject the applications or to allocate funding as appropriate. Members have also the option of recommending that Neighbourhood Forums consider funding these projects as listed from their own General Provision Budget.


6.1 Carlisle Local Committee has a Community Grants - Area Projects budget spending limit of £12,123 for 2012/13 of which there is £5,970 available for allocation. 6.2 The recommendations within this report propose allocating £2,250 from the Area Projects budget. 6.3 If members agree the recommendations it will reduce the amount available to allocate on the Area Projects budget to £3,720.


7.1 Part 5 paragraph 17 of the Constitution authorises local committees to determine grants loans and contributions to outside bodies voluntary organisations individuals and third sector organisations.


8.1 This report sets out details of grant applications received for consideration by Carlisle Local Committee from the Area Grants budget.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

24 August 2012


No appendices

Electoral Divisions: Carlisle Wide

Page 221

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


No previous relevant decisions


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny


Copies of applications for Grant Funding are available from the Area Support Team Carlisle.


Contact: Paul Carrigan (Area Engagement Officer) 01228 221054 [email protected]

Page 222 Agenda Item 11


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report presents a number of projects to be funded from the Local Member Schemes (LMS) budgets and some adjustments to previous approved schemes and LMS budgets. The report includes Members’ proposals that have been sufficiently investigated and developed, to enable Local Committee to consider spending decisions.


2.1 Proposals coming forward under the Local Members Scheme should be projects which offer benefits to communities and help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement and which are in line with the priorities within the Council Plan and specific local priorities within the Area Plan for the Local Committee Area.

2.2 If these proposals are developed as a result of effective community engagement they will also contribute to increasing community perceptions of their ability to influence the delivery of public services.


3.1 That the adjustments outlined in Appendix 1 to the individual commitments and approved schemes be approved.

3.1.1 Which includes allocating the following schemes or part scheme funding to the Local Member Scheme Capital Budget:

Castle: £50 Improvements to frontage of John Street

Dalston & Cummersdale: £402 Installing sign to deter parking at Barras Lane, Dalston

Harraby: £145 Improvements to Harraby Catholic FC Ground - Gilford Park

Page 223

Longtown & Bewcastle: £ 615 New carpet for Longtown Carpet Bowling Club

Upperby: £ 1,307 Renewing gullies in Upperby Area

Members approve the following:

3.2 A revenue grant of £11,000 from the Botcherby Division LMS budget to provide additional parking in the Cumrew Close area of Durranhill.

3.3 A revenue grant of £220 from the Longtown & Bewcastle Division LMS budget to contribute towards the purchase of a new multimedia projector for the Reiver Arts and Craft Group.

3.4 A revenue grant of £480 from the Stanwix & Irthington Division LMS budget to contribute towards the purchase of IT equipment for Carlisle Youth Zone to deliver a rural outreach programme.

3.5 A capital grant and a revenue grant of £4,000 (£1189 capital; £2811 revenue) from the Stanwix & Irthington Division LMS budget to Stanwix Rural Parish Council to contribute towards the redevelopment of Crosby on Eden play area.

3.6 A revenue grant of £931 from the Stanwix & Irthington Division LMS budget to Hethersgill Village Hall Committee to contribute towards the purchase of new tables and blinds at the village hall.

3.7 A revenue grant of £1,500 from the Wetheral Division LMS budget to Carlatton & Cumrew Parish Council to support the cost of installing roadside kerbing in Cumrew Village.

3.8 A revenue grant of £10,000 from the Wetheral Division LMS budget to Wetheral Community Association to contribute towards the construction of a new community centre in Wetheral.

3.9 Members are also asked to note that due to likely proposed changes to the Electoral Division boundaries next year it is strongly recommended that the remaining balances on the LMS budgets are fully utilised within the term of this Council.


4.1 The general options available to members are to:

• propose a single project; or several smaller elements of eligible activity which could be amalgamated within a wider eligible and agreed programme of works

• support projects inside and outside of their electoral division • combine their allocations with other County Councillors to support larger scale projects.

Page 224

4.2 Appendix 2 contains the detail on the proposals for consideration. Each proposal ends with a summary assessment given by the Area Engagement Officer, having regard to any technical or other advice from colleagues in relevant Directorates.

4.3 As part of the 2011-12 County Council budget settlement for Local Committees, there was a new revenue scheme, financed for one year only, but available across two financial years. It makes available, through Local Committee decisions, £12,000 in respect of each electoral division across Carlisle. Being revenue, it is not constrained by the capital expenditure rules. In addition as part of the 2012-13 County Council budget settlement for Local Committees, there was additional revenue finance provided for one year only but available across two financial years. This provided a further £10,000 in respect of each electoral division across Carlisle but can be spent up to the 2013-14 financial year.

4.4 Following a review of previously approved schemes and the commitments there are a number of minor changes proposed. This will add commitments to the Capital LMS budget with the aim of spending this budget by the end of the year. In Appendix 1 there is a summary of changes to schemes allocated to already approved revenue funded schemes to be transferred to the LMS capital budget. The net effect will be to slightly increase the available balances on the revenue LMS budgets in this financial year.


5.1 Members can approve, vary or reject any or all of the recommendations, within the delegated frameworks of the Local Member Scheme.


6.1 Following its meeting of 30 July 2012 Local Committee has unallocated balances available of £240,156 in the Local Member Revenue Schemes budget and £5,569 in the Local Member Capital Schemes budget

6.2 The recommendations if approved would allocate £24,423 from the Local Members Revenue Schemes budget and allocate £3,708 from the Local Members Capital Schemes budget.

6.3 The recommendations if approved would leave a balance of £215,733 available for future allocation from the Local Member Revenue Schemes budget and £1,861 from the Local Member Capital Schemes budget.


7.1 The Local Committee is empowered under the Constitution to approve Local Member Scheme proposals, i.e. projects which offer benefits to communities in the Electoral Division concerned and help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement and in line with the priorities

Page 225

within the Council Plan, and specific local priorities within the Area Plan for the Local Committee area. (HM)


8.1 The use of these Electoral Division Local Member Scheme budgets, when linked to the Council’s well-being powers does enable a flexible response to perceived local needs, and is capable of resolving some long standing blockages and frustrations for local people, having regard to wider community benefit as a key outcome.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

22 August 2012


1. Summary of proposed re-allocations of funds from LMS Revenue allocations to Capital allocations. 2. Scheme Proposals for Approval

Electoral Divisions: Botcherby, Longtown & Bewcastle, Stanwix & Irthington, Wetheral, Castle, Denton Holme, Dalston & Cummersdale, Harraby and Upperby

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


Council Budget Report 17 February 2011 Cabinet approved the allocation for a Local Member Schemes Budget on 3 March 2011

Page 226


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers


Contact: Jeff Tweddle, Area Engagement Officer, 01228 226474 [email protected]

Page 227

Page 228 Appendix 1

Page 229

Page 230

Appendix 2


CCC Electoral Division Botcherby Supporting Officer Paul Carrigan Date Approved by Local 14 September 2012 Committee Total Project Cost £14,090 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £11,000

Additional Parking provision – Cumrew Close Durranhill – Botcherby Division

Following a local consultation exercise with residents on Cumrew Close a scheme has been developed that aims to resolve parking problems that have existed in this area for some time. The scheme has been developed in partnership with Riverside Housing (landowner); Carlisle City Council & Cumbria County Council. An area of green space will have Grass Crete parking blocks installed to provide additional parking from 47 to 55 Cumrew Close.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 - 100 100 +

Breakdown of costs -- Carlisle City Council Highways quotation £14090

Supply & installation of Grass Crete parking blocks from 47 – 55 Cumrew Close; order to Carlisle City Council to complete works.

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary) Carlisle City Council – Environmental enhancement budget £3090

Estimated date of completion ASAP

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This scheme demonstrates the willingness of Local Committee to respond to a local need and meets with the Council Plan 2011 – 2014.

Officer Evaluation

This scheme to be delivered at the request of residents following completion of a consultation process.

Page 231


CCC Electoral Division Longtown & Bewcastle Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost £220 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £220

Reiver Arts & Craft Group, Bewcastle Area

Funding id require to purchase a projector for this active community group.

A projector would enable the group to show different methods of arts and crafts without the need of a tutor and therefore saving the group having to pay for tutoring time.

A core cost for the group is the time of tutoring and the use of a projector connected to the interned will bring down this cost and make the group cheaper to run, making it more affordable for members of the local community. The group currently has 20 members aged between 40 and 80 years of age.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 50 - 100 ¤ 100 + ¤

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

Projector estimated at £200 - £250.

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary)

The group will provide any shortfall in funding this project.

Estimated date of completion 31 st March 2013

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014. This is an active group locally and provides as a valuable social group in a remote rural community.

Officer Evaluation The project is eligible for funding under the criteria for the LMS budget. Grant funding will enable the group to become more accessible and affordable to the community. The group provide a valuable social network for older vulnerable adults within a deep rural community.

Page 232


CCC Electoral Division Stanwix & Irthington Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost £5,480 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £480 Carlisle Youth Zone – Equipment for Rural Outreach Programme

Carlisle Youth Zone is seeking to deliver a new pilot outreach project in order to develop the activities of Carlisle Youth Zone in more isolated / rural local communities. This proposal is the pre cursor to a wider and deeper programme covering other rural areas of the Carlisle District.

The grant allocation will cover the costs of IT equipment to support the delivery of Youth Work sessions in the community. The grant requested of £480 will enable the purchase of IT equipment to deliver outreach work for the benefit of families and young people in the Stanwix & Irthington area.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 - 100 ¤ 100 +

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

Youth Work Delivery Estimated at £5,000 IT Equipment Estimated at £480 Total £5,480

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary) This project has received funding from the Local Committee 0-19 Fund.

Estimated date of completion 31 st March 2013

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives. Officer Evaluation The project is eligible for funding under the criteria for the LMS budget. Grant funding will enable the project to take place and be of benefit to children and young people across the Stanwix & Irthington Division.

Page 233


CCC Electoral Division Stanwix & Irthington Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost £41,492 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £4,000

Stanwix Rural Parish Council - Crosby on Eden Play Area

Crosby on Eden playground is desperately in need of refurbishment with the current equipment offering limited play value and dating from the 1970’s.

Stanwix Rural Parish Council alongside a local community group have worked together for the last two years to try and raise funding for the project, the target to be raised currently standing as £41,492.

Earlier this year the group were successful in applying for funding from Britvic who have awarded a grant of £4,500 towards the project. Part of the requirements of this funding is that the project implementation is managed by Groundwork Trust whose team of Landscape Architects are currently designing plans for the area. Planning permission for the playground has also been obtained.

The Parish Council are seeking a contribution towards the cost of redeveloping the play area, purchasing and installing new play equipment.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 - 100 ¤ 100 +

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

Play Equipment: Large Climber £12,000 Group Swing £5,500 Toddler Swings £2,800 Springy See Saw £900 Roundabout £2,200 Trim Trail £3,800

Sub Total £27,200

Site Preparation and Other Costs: Remove Old Play Equipment £850 Informal Play – Boulders & Logs £2,250 Willow Dome & Tunnel £750 Hedge Planting £150 Fencing & Gates £480 Patio Area £3,200

Page 234

BBQ £400 Tables £800

Sub Total £8,880

Groundwork Trust Fees @ 20% £5,412

Total £41,492

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary)

Grants from other bodies and Parish council funds will match fund this project. In addition an application has also been made to the Local Committee 0-19 Fund for £2,000.

Estimated date of completion 31 st March 2013

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014 under the following theme:

For Children & Young People ; We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives.

Officer Evaluation

The project fits well with the criteria for the LMS budget enabling a community based project to progress for the benefit of residents and visitors to the area.

The project has been developed in partnership between a local community group and the local Parish Council. This is a worthwhile project with a good level of community support locally for the development of this area in the village.

Page 235


CCC Electoral Division Stanwix & Irthington Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost £931 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £931

New Tables & Blinds at Hethersgill Village Hall

Following the development of a new community meeting room at Hethersgill Village Hall the management committee wish to purchase a new suite of tables and blinds for use in this room.

Funding is required for the purchase of 10 tables and two blinds for use in the new community meeting room.

The purchase of this new equipment will improve the offer of the village hall as an important local community asset.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 + ¤ 100+

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

10 Folding Tables £623.59 2 x Blinds £308

Total £931.59

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary)

No match funding is required.

Estimated date of completion 31 st March 2013

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

The local community have identified the village hall as an important community asset and a number of well established community groups rely on the hall as a meeting place for local community events and activities.

The development of the village hall is identified as a priority for the village hall committee and Hethersgill Parish Council.

Page 236

Officer Evaluation

The project will assist in the creation of a high quality public meeting space available for community use. Additional facilities in this area of the hall will finish the recent development of a meeting room facility which will be of benefit to local groups and organisations.

The project has a good level of support locally and meets the criteria of the Local Members Scheme.

Page 237


CCC Electoral Division Wetheral Division Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost £2,950 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £1,500

Carlatton & Cumrew Parish Council – Roadside Kerbing at Cumrew Village

Funds are requested to install roadside kerbing between Sycamore House and Oak Tree View within the village of Cumrew.

The project will introduce 40 metres of kerbing to improve this are of the village for both motorists and pedestrians alike.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 - 100 ¤ 100 +

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

The works have been estimated at a cost of £2,950 +VAT

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary)

The Parish Council are match funding this project along with a grant of £1,000 awarded by the Wetheral Division Community Grants Fund.

Estimated date of completion 31 st March 2013

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014.

The project has been developed by the Parish Council as a community project to improve the village.

Officer Evaluation The project is well supported locally as it has been developed by the local parish council at the request of residents in the village of Cumrew.

Page 238


CCC Electoral Division Wetheral Division Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Project Cost Circa £690,000 Project Description CCC LMS Contribution £10,000

Wetheral Community Association – New Community Centre in Wetheral

Funds are requested to support the development of a new build community centre to be constructed in Wetheral.

Wetheral Community Association has developed plans for a new community centre building to be constructed adjacent to the playing fields in Wetheral Village on the B6263.

This new community asset will provide brand new community facilities for the local community to use and provide a space for the use of community groups in the area.

The association have worked hard over the last few years to get to this stage of the project having raised a considerable amount of funding to contribute to the build cost of over £600,000.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 - 100 ¤ 100 +

Breakdown of costs (supported by estimates)

A detailed tender document has been provided to support the application which details an estimated build cost of £600,000.

Costs: Construction Costs – Tender price - £ 600,000. Architects / Solicitors Fees - £ 50,000. Contingency - £40,000.

Total Costs - £690,000 (approx).

Statement of ‘Match Funding’ (where necessary)

Match funding is being provided by a variety of funders including funds raised by the selling off of other assets owned by Wetheral Community Association and Wetheral Parish Council.

Circa £625,000 has been raised to date by the Community Association.

Page 239

Estimated date of completion 31 st October 2013

Strategic Fit & Evidence of Community Support (link to Council Plan, Local Area Plan, Community Strategy, Community Plans, etc)

This project fits with the county council’s “aspirations for Cumbria” as identified in the Council Plan 2011 – 2014.

The project has been developed by the local Community Association in partnership with Wetheral Parish Council as a community project to improve the village and provide facilities for local people and community groups.

Officer Evaluation

The project is well supported locally as it has been developed by local residents and volunteers.

This is evidenced by the significant amount of funding raised locally through a variety of fundraising events held by the community.

Page 240

Agenda Item 12


Meeting date: 14 September 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 Following approval of the Area Plan this report outlines the next steps for using the Area Plan and developing the performance reporting that is appropriate to the Local Committee.


2.1 The County Council’s key priorities are:

Challenging poverty in all its forms;

Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and,

Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria

2.2 The work of the Area Plan referred to in this report directly contribute to these main priorities and in addition, this work of the Local Committee will contribute to the 4 aspirations for Cumbria:

For the economy: We want Cumbria to be a place with a thriving economy where we challenge poverty in all its forms

For the environment: We want Cumbria to be a place where you can live in a high quality and sustainable environment and you can move easily and safely around the county

For children and young people: We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives; a place where young people will want to live and work in the future

For independent, safe and healthy lives: We want you to enjoy an independent and healthy life and to be safe from harm, with more control over your life and a say in the decisions which affect you

Page 241 2.3 Under the Constitution each Local Committee has an Executive function to formulate an Area Plan which helps to shape services and places within the Area. At the 30 July 2012 meeting the Local Committee approved the Area Plan for Carlisle. The Area Plan is part of the strategy framework of the County Council and links to the Performance Management Framework (PMF) across the Council.

2.4 Within the overall framework, Cabinet endorsed the use of 3 types of performance scorecards across the Council, namely; Corporate, Directorate and Local Committee Area Scorecards. The purpose of all 3 performance scorecards is to systematically embed performance measurement, reporting, monitoring and management across the Council, leading to continuous performance improvement.

2.5 There are no equality issues linked to this paper.


3.1 That a small task and finish group is established to work with officers to consider the format and presentation of the Area Scorecard for Carlisle.

3.2 That arrangements for the autumn workshop be confirmed.


4.1 The Council’s constitution provides an Executive Function to each Local Committee to develop Area Plans. The plan for each area sets out the Council’s priorities, provides a comprehensive socio-economic picture of the area, records achievements in the last year and planned service delivery across all of the Council’s responsibilities.

4.2 Area plans are an important feature of Area Planning – which is the broader process of Local Committees working together with communities and local service leads to consider

§ the needs of the area § local performance and feedback § understand the strategic direction of travel § how services need to be developed and delivered locally

4.3 Each Area Plan will sit alongside the Council Plan, Service Plans and other key strategies – providing an overview on an area by area basis of how the council is delivering on its priorities in a way which reflects the specific needs and opportunities within an area. Local priorities will be defined by Local Committees which are informed by local communities and local evidence. The plans have been developed using a set of common principles, which support the integration of Area Plans into the strategic planning process.

4.4 The 6 Area Plans will be used to support:

§ the reconfiguration of services within geographical localities

Page 242 § the development of future council priorities and aspirations § decision making about strategic asset management and the capital programme § decision making of Local Committees § the development of Service Plans

4.5 The Council’s PMF sets out arrangements for each Local Area Committee to receive a performance report on a quarterly frequency that sets out progress toward delivery of the functions devolved to the Committee. Additionally, the PMF sets out arrangements for each Local Area Committee to receive an Area Performance Scorecard that sets out key performance information for the Local Committee area. Local Committees would then be expected to review the performance of the area, and highlight any concerns and opportunities for improvement.

4.6 During the process of developing Local Area Plans and priorities, reference has been made to local ‘quality of life’ indicators for Carlisle, covering performance in Carlisle and how Carlisle compares with other Local Committee Areas in Cumbria across areas such as:

Local employment, business survival and growth Access to services Deprivation, household and child poverty Housing Transport Crime and crime prevention Health inequality and life expectancy

4.7 Consequently Local Committee Area Scorecards have been intentionally built on Quality of life indicators. The Local Committee for Carlisle has considered the data for the area and has agreed the following area priorities to target its resources:

Economic Growth

attracting investment in jobs by developing the local infrastructure and supporting Small Medium Enterprises, as well as maximising the benefits of the CNDR

keeping existing jobs in the area and encouraging private sector investment that supports communities e.g. in commercial service bus provision.

looking at the opportunities to open up development land for jobs and necessary housing and considering the potential for a southern link to the M6 and the West Cumbrian coast.


ensuring we have service provision in the rural area for example youth activities through the 0-19 funding, library access for older people

Page 243 developing our integrated transport systems and particularly the cycle routes to deliver a network across Carlisle while developing links to the new CNDR cycle and walking route provision

Strong communities

using the councils own facilities to access and support community groups (New Community Fire Stations; support from our Community Grants and our engagement with communities)

continuing educational campaigns and joint working with the Credit Union and our services (Trading Standards) to deal with loan sharks and promote better money management

Health and Well-Being

supporting an ageing population

helping support the fitness of people in the area, particularly young people and the issues of child obesity and teenage pregnancy as well as reducing smoking and alcohol misuse

tackling deprivation

Working with partners to ensure the delivery of sufficient levels of specialist housing to meet the needs of all within the community.

4.8 These priorities are also aligned to the following 4 aspirations in our Council Plan

We want to be a place with a thriving economy where we challenge poverty in all its forms.

We want Cumbria to be a place where you can live in a high quality and sustainable environment and you can easily and safely travel around the County.

We want Cumbria to be a great place to be a child and grow up in; a place of opportunity where young people are able to live happy and productive lives; a place where young people will want to live and work in the future.

We want you to enjoy an independent and healthy life and to be safe from harm, with more control over your life and a say in the decisions which affect you.

4.9 These priorities and targets have been summarised in the appended Summary of the Area Plan (Appendix A). With approval of the Area Plan the focus now is on embedding the monitoring and looking at the priorities for delivery. This will be a cyclical approach is represented in Appendix B.

4.10 To prepare for the Autumn seminar/workshop the Area Scorecard needs to be developed. It is suggested that a small group of Members work with officers to develop the Area Scorecard so that this can be reported to the

Page 244 October Local Committee. The seminar could then be planned for early November where specific service areas could be reviewed. Possible dates for the seminar are:

Tuesday 6 November 2012 Wednesday 14 November 2012 Monday 19 November 2012


5.1 To support the development of the Area Scorecard through a small working group of Members or to develop the Area Scorecard via alternative methods (committee reports or via a workshop).

5.2 To determine the date for the autumn workshop.


6.1 The Area Plan for Carlisle highlights the key major strategic initiatives proposed and where relevant informs on the financial considerations for individual items.

6.2 Whilst the Area Plan highlights the financial considerations, these are the subject of ongoing development and review as part of the Council’s budget planning process. The items specifically mentioned in the Area Plan have been checked against the 2012-13 medium term financial plan to ensure consistency at this point in time, but Members should be aware that this may require review and amendment as the budget planning process rolls forward.


7.1 There are no legal implications at this time.


8.1 This report presents the Area Plan summary, the Area Planning cycle and seeks approval for a small group of members to work with officers to develop the Area Scorecard for Carlisle.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

23 August 2012


Appendix A – Summary of Area Plan Appendix B – Area Planning Cycle

Page 245 Electoral Division(s): All Carlisle

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.


30 July 2012 – Carlisle Local Committee.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: David Sheard, 01228 226746 [email protected]

Page 246 Page 247 Page 248 Appendix B

Page 249

Page 250 CARLISLE LOCAL COMMITTEE: 14 September 2012 Agenda Item 13


Schedule of Recommendations



Hayton 1 No nomination

Yewdale 1 No nomination

Irthington 1 No nomination

Petteril Bank 2 Donald Cape Councillor Young 54 Upperby Road Carlisle Cumbria

Mr S Young Councillor Young 58 St James Road Carlisle Cumbria

Page 251 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 252 Local Committee Forward Plan – Carlisle

LOCAL COMMITTEE: DATE: TUESDAY 30 OCTOBER 2012 Forward Planning Meeting Wednesday 3 October 2012 at 9.00 am Reports to Legal & Finance Tuesday 9 October 2012 Final Reports to Democratic Services Wednesday 17 October 2012 Chair’s Briefing Meeting Thursday 25 October 2012 at 9.30 am

PRESENTATIONS Subject Summary of Presentation Directorate /Organisation Presenting Lead Consultation – Draft Extra Jackie Dodd, Service Development Adults and Local Services Care Housing Strategy Manager Library Review Adults and Local Services Bruce Bennison

Page 253 REPORTS Report Name Summary of Report Decision/s Required Lead Officer Directorate Carlisle Local Committee Devolved Budget 2012/13 Tony Chew Resources Communities Budget Highways Budget Electoral Division Local Agenda Item14 David Sheard Chief Executive Member Scheme Community Engagement David Sheard Chief Executive Activity 0-19 Services Grants David Sheard Chief Executive Budget Carlisle Area Grants Fund David Sheard Chief Executive Governor Appointments Faith Matthews Children’s Services Highways and Transport Marina Lillie Environment WG Minutes (10 Oct): CRASH Group Update Currock Area Bus Stop Panel Carlisle Area Highway Progress Report 2013/14 Capital Programmes Carlisle Area Highway Progress Reports • Capital • Revenue Crosby Village Speeding and Parking Issues Victoria Viaduct Estate

Page 254 Pedestrian/Cycleway Improvements Bus Stop Panel (Orton Road) St Nicholas Business Park Orton Road Bus Stop Pavement Parking Petteril Valley Cycleway LTP3 Tony Chew Resources Money Advice – report from Georgina Ternent Chief Executive the Citizens Advice Bureau (minute 49 of 30 July refers) Community Development Georgina Ternent Chief Executive Centres (CDCs) Update Community Engagement David Sheard Chief Executive Activity

Brampton and Beyond David Sheard Chief Executive Community Trust Local Area Committee Performance Report and David Sheard Chief Executive Scorecard for the Carlisle (Duncan McQueen) Area: Quarter 4, 2011/12 Draft Transport Capital Allan McNicoll Environment Programme Local Leadership and Chairs Meeting – Jackie Currie Resources 11 September 2012 Carlisle Local Committee – Lynn Harker Resources Forward Plan

Page 255 Local Committee Forward Plan - Carlisle

LOCAL COMMITTEE: DATE: WEDNESDAY 12 DECEMBER 2012 Forward Planning Meeting Wednesday 14 November 2012 at 9.00 am Reports to Legal & Finance Wednesday 21 November 2012 Final Reports to Democratic Services Thursday 29 November 2012 Chair’s Briefing Meeting Friday 7 December at 9.00 am

PRESENTATIONS Subject Summary of Presentation Directorate /Organisation Presenting Lead

REPORTS Page 256 Report Name Summary of Report Decision/s Required Lead Officer Directorate Carlisle Local Committee Devolved Budget 2012/13 Tony Chew Resources Communities Budget Highways Budget Electoral Division Local David Sheard Chief Executive Member Scheme Community Engagement David Sheard Chief Executive Activity 0-19 Services Grants David Sheard Chief Executive Budget Carlisle Area Grants Fund David Sheard Chief Executive Governor Appointments Faith Matthews Children’s Services Carlisle Local Committee – Lynn Harker Resources Forward Plan Leadership and Local Committee Chairs Meeting Jackie Currie Resources – 3 January 2013 Highways and Transport WG Minutes (9 Nov) Parking Review Update Beverley Rise Bus Shelter Carlisle Area Highways Marina Lillie Environment Progress Reports Capital Capital Programme 2013/14 Revenue

Page 257 Local Committee Forward Plan – Carlisle

LOCAL COMMITTEE: DATE: TUESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2013 Forward Planning Meeting Tuesday 8 January 2013 at 9.00 am Reports to Legal & Finance Wednesday 16 January 2013 Final Reports to Democratic Services Thursday 24 January 2013 Chair’s Briefing Meeting Wednesday 30 January 2013 at 9.00 am

PRESENTATIONS Subject Summary of Presentation Directorate /Organisation Presenting Lead

REPORTS Page 258 Report Name Summary of Report Decision/s Required Lead Officer Directorate Carlisle Local Committee Devolved Budget 2012/13 Tony Chew Resources Communities Budget Highways Budget Electoral Division Local David Sheard Chief Executive Member Scheme Community Engagement David Sheard Chief Executive Activity 0-19 Services Grants David Sheard Chief Executive Budget Carlisle Area Grants Fund David Sheard Chief Executive Governor Appointments Faith Matthews Children’s Services Carlisle Local Committee – Lynn Harker Resources Forward Plan Highways and Transport WG Minutes (9 Jan): Marina Lillie Environment Car Park Signage Review of the usage of the bus stop to be introduced at the west end of the parking bays on Brampton Road

Page 259 Local Committee Forward Plan - Carlisle

LOCAL COMMITTEE: DATE: WEDNESDAY 20 MARCH 2013 Forward Planning Meeting Monday 25 February 2013 at 11.00 am Reports to Legal & Finance Thursday 28 February 2013 Final Reports to Democratic Services Friday 8 March 2013 Chair’s Briefing Meeting Friday 15 March at 9.00 am

PRESENTATIONS Subject Summary of Presentation Directorate /Organisation Presenting Lead

REPORTS Page 260 Report Name Summary of Report Decision/s Required Lead Officer Directorate Carlisle Local Committee Devolved Budget 2012/13 Tony Chew Resources Communities Budget Highways Budget Electoral Division Local David Sheard Chief Executive Member Scheme Community Engagement David Sheard Chief Executive Activity 0-19 Services Grants David Sheard Chief Executive Budget Carlisle Area Grants Fund David Sheard Chief Executive Governor Appointments Faith Matthews Children’s Services Carlisle Local Committee – Lynn Harker Resources Forward Plan

Highways and Transport WG Minutes (6 Feb): Marina Lillie Environment Car Park Signage

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Page 262 By virtue of paragraph(s) 1, 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A Agenda Item 15 of the Local Government Act 1972.

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