ACF-CG Agenda Item: 15-02-298 Charting Dmax (Service Volume)

Proposed Addition from last meeting:

DRAFT Order 8260.19H, paragraph 4-6-10j: f. GLS ground stations have varying service volumes, or what is known as “maximum use distance,” based on installation and siting. GLS “maximum use distance” is referred to as “Dmax.” Dmax is measured from the centroid of the ground GPS reference receiver antennas. Dmax is reported on the “Airport Details” Airport Datasheet. For GLS procedures, calculate where Dmax would occur on the procedure and include a waypoint (either existing or created to support this), which is at least 1 nm inside actual Dmax and annotate with “(DMAX)” label above the waypoint. This waypoint could be either a CNF or an existing waypoint. This waypoint is only for situational awareness and will be included on Form 8260-3/-7A so that it can be included on the approach chart. For example, “From MAKKO to KABBY (DMAX)” on Form 8260-3/-7A in the Terminal Routes section.”

Federal Aviation 1 Administration ACF-CG Agenda Item: 15-02-298 Charting Dmax (Service Volume) (Continued) • AFS-400 Counter Proposal

– Have criteria mandate procedure be developed to insure the intermediate segment is within the GLS service volume. – Since Intermediate Fix (IF) will always be within the GLS service volume, there is no need to specify Dmax location on the chart. – Similar concept as what is used for localizer service volume. – AIM/AIP and IPH guidance will be developed to explain application/concepts.

Federal Aviation 2 Administration ACF-CG Agenda Item: 15-02-298 Charting Dmax (Service Volume) (Continued)

• DRAFT Order 8260.58A, change 1, text:

Federal Aviation 3 Administration