Draft Revised NWRS
1 | P a g e Task: NWRS 2 Title of document: Draft National Water Resource Strategy 2 (NWRS-2): Task leader: FC van Zyl Task team FC van Zyl, H Keuris members: Authors of Prof MN Nkondo, FC van Zyl, H Keuris, B Schreiner document: Contributors: MP Nepfumbada, H Muller Reviewers: FC van Zyl, H Keuris, MP Nepfumbada, H Muller Report status: Version 1. comprehensive Date: July 2012 Issued to: Keywords: National Water Resource Strategy National Water Resource Strategy 2 Page | i Executive Statement Water is a critical strategic natural resource. It is essential for growth and Water is a critical development, the environment, health and wellbeing of the people of South natural strategic Africa. Although this principle is generally accepted, it is not always well resource understood or appreciated. Despite the fact that South Africa is a naturally water stressed country, further challenged by the need to support growth and development as well as potential climate change impact, the resource is not receiving the priority status and attention it deserves. This situation is reflected in the manner by which this scarce resource is wasted (more than 37% water losses), polluted, degraded, inadequately financed and inappropriately strategically positioned. Paradoxically South Africa has a fairly well developed water management and infrastructure framework which has resulted in a perceived sense of water security (urban and growth areas), as well as a lack of appreciation and respect for a critical strategic resource. South Africa is facing a number of water challenges and concerns, including Water is a security of supply, environmental degradation and resource pollution.
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