The Anti-Conversion Bill: Political Buddhism, ‘Unethical Conversions’ and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka
7KH$QWL&RQYHUVLRQ%LOO 3ROLWLFDO%XGGKLVP 8QHWKLFDO&RQYHUVLRQV DQG5HOLJLRXV )UHHGRPLQ6UL/DQND 0LFKDHO+HUW]EHUJ Dissertation for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) at the University of Bergen Dissertation date: 3 © Copyright Michael Hertzberg The material in this publication is protected by copyright law. Year: 2016 Title: The Anti-Conversion Bill: Political Buddhism, ‘Unethical Conversions’ and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka Author: Michael Hertzberg Print: AiT Bjerch AS / University of Bergen 4 Acknowledgements Colleagues and friends have been involved in reading, commenting and discussing various chapters and pieces of this thesis. First and foremost a sincere thanks to my supervisors Kari Telle and Knut Jacobsen for continual support, engaging discussions and constructive criticism. Compassionate thanks to all my informants and helpers in Sri Lanka. Without your time and enthusiasm for the project, this thesis would not have been possible. Although none are named, none are forgotten. We will see each other again. The vivid conversations at Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and in the research cluster “The Politics of Violence and Security” have been an everyday pleasure. Thanks to Gunnar Sørbø, Are Knudsen, Arne Strand, Astri Suhrke, Kjetil Selvik, Mari Norbakk, Karin Ask, Torunn Wimpelmann, Iselin Strønen, Nefissa Naguib, Anne Bang and Liv Tønnessen. Others at CMI also deserve to be mentioned: Chris Jacob, Reidunn Ljones, Åse Johanne Roti Dahl, Steinar Hegre, Guri Stegali and Merete Leby. At the institute for archaeology, history, religion and cultural studies (AHKR) at University of Bergen (UiB) several employees and fellow PhD-candidates have contributed along the way: Michael Stausberg, Knut Aukland, Marie von der Lippe, Sissel Undheim, Knut Melvær, Håkon Tandberg, Stefan Olsson, Håkan Rydving, Jane Skjoldli, Arne Mykkeltveit and Magnus Halsnes.
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