Cal WRIT/ 89/2015 Vs
1 IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA In the matter of an Application for order in the nature of Writ of Quo Warrantor, certiorari and Mandamus under and in terms of Article 140 of the Constitution. General Sarath Fonseka of No.461/7, Pubudu Pedesa, I Wali Road, i Thalawathugoda. \'.1 PETITIONER CAl WRIT/ 89/2015 Vs, 1. Dhammika Kitulgoda, Former Secretary- General of Parliament, Parliament of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura, Kotte. 2. Da yananda Dissana yake, Former Commissioner of Elections, 83/C Honnantara South, Samupakara Mw, Piliyandala. 3. Dhammika Dasanayake, Secretary- General Parliament, Parliament of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura, Kotte. 4. Mahinda Deshapriya, Commissioner of Elections, Elections Secretariat, \ 2 Rajagiriya. 5. H.K. Kamal Padmasiri, Returning Officer, District Secretariat, Colombo 05. 6. Lakshman Nipunarachchi of No.07 Rajaye Niwasa, Bokundara, Piliyandala. 7. Jayantha Ketagoda of No.12/A, Dambugahawatta, Malabe. 8. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General's Department, Colombo 12. RESPONDENTS f f Before : Vijith K. Malalgoda PC J (PICA) & J '\, H.C.J. Madawala J Counsel : Faiz Musthapha PC with Upul Jayasuriya, S.P. Sriskantha and Ifthikar Asihq for the Petitioner, Ms. Farzana Jameel Senior DSG with Sumith Dharmawardhane DSG and rd th th th Yuresha de. Silva for the 3 ,4 , 5 and 8 Respondents, Srinath Perera PC with Buddhika Wansharatne for the i h Respondent 3 Argued On : 13.05.2015 Written Submissions On : 29.05.2015, 03.06.2015 Order On : 18.06.2015 Order Vijith K. Malalgoda PC J (PICA) The Petitioner has filed the present Application before this Court seeking inter alia; b).
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