New Buddhist Extremism and the Challenges to Ethno-Religious Coexistence in Sri Lanka This study attempts to understand the emergence of politically motivated Buddhist organizations, their modes of activism, the way in which their role New Buddhist Extremism and the Challenges to is being perceived and responded to by the other forces of Sinhala-Buddhist Ethno-Religious Coexistence in Sri Lanka nationalism, and lastly, how the activities of these organizations affect the precarious political equilibrium in the post-Eelam war Sri Lanka which is dominated by antagonistic relationships among a number of ethno-religious nationalisms. It argues that these organizations are very much part of the hegemonic Buddhist organizational network in Sri Lanka and logical offspring of a recent evolution of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, University of Colombo. ISBN 978-955-580-191-1 9 789789 555802 Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri Printed by Horizon Printing (Pvt) Ltd. New Buddhist Extremism and the Challenges to Ethno-Religious Coexistence in Sri Lanka Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri International Centre for Ethnic Studies October 2016 New Buddhist Extremism and the Challenges to Ethno-Religious Coexistence in Sri Lanka © 2016 International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2, Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 08 Sri Lanka E-mail:
[email protected] URL: ISBN 978-955-580-169-0 This work was carried out under the ‘Building Resilient Communities’ initiative implemented by ICES with support from USAID. Copyright to this publication belongs to the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES). Any part of this book may be reproduced with due acknowledgement to the author and publisher.