Abd Al-Baha4
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76924-2 - Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915 Nile Green Index More information Index ‘Abd al-Baha ,4 124 Ajmer, 107 ‘Abd al-Haqq, Sarda r,4 216–17 ‘Alı 3 A gha" ’ı4 3 Mazandara nı4 ,3 Ha jjı4 3 ‘Abd al-Husayn Amı n3 al-Tujja r,4 132 Sayyid, 115 ‘Abd al-Husayn Husa m4 al-dı n,3 ‘Alı 3 Ra’ı s,3 Sayyidı ,3 108 Sayyidna ,4 177 ‘Alı 3 Sha h,4 A gha" ,4 147–8 ‘Abd al-Karı m3 Munshı ,3 80–5 , 87–8 ‘Alı ,3 Ha jjı4 ,3 shrine of, 64–5 ‘Abd Alla h4 al-‘A bid," 175–6 alms giving, 144–7 Abu 4 Bakr Amod Jhavery, 213 American Board of Commissioners Abu 4 Bakr Effendı ,3 211–12 for Foreign Missions Abu ’l4 Hasan Mı rza3 4 Shaykh (ABCFM), 26 al-Ra’ı s,3 149 Anglophone Indian elite, 32 adventures, in religious books, Anı s3 al-Za kirı4 n3 , 102–4 153–4 anjuman fi rms, 16–17 advertisements, hagiographies Anjuman Isha’at al-Islam, 224–5 as, 111–12 Anjuman-e Isla m,4 35 , 36 , 37–40 , 41 aetiological legends Arab bloodlines general discussion, 77–8 of Ghula m4 Muhammad, 216 about Ha jj4 Malang, 72–3 of saints, 81–2 , 114 Mı ra3 n4 ‘Alı 3 Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 Risa lat4 al-Tarjama , 175–6 Pı r3 Changı 3 Ba ba4 4 shrine, 74–5 A ra" ’ish-e4 Mahfi l , 104 Sha h4 Dawla Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 architecture of Bombay, 52 Shamna 4 Mı ra3 n4 shrine, 73–4 A rya" 4 Sama j,4 210 Africa, and Bombay print market, Asra r-e4 Darwe sh4 , 194–5 97–8 .
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