Public Document Pack Town Council

To: Councillor Robert Merrick (Town Mayor), Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Rich Jones (Deputy Town Mayor), Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Glenis Ansell (Chairman), North; Councillor John Boaler, Central; Councillor Heather Canfer, Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Jon Fisher, North; Councillor Alan Hill (Vice-Chairman), South; Councillor Robert MacNaughton, Central; Councillor Samuel Pearce-Kearney, South; Councillor Tom Rounds, North;

25 June 2020

Dear Councillor,

As a member of the Town Development and Planning Committee, you are summoned to join a meeting of the Committee on Wednesday 1st July 2020 at 6.00 pm, via the link provided.

The Press and Public are welcome to join this meeting. Questions and statements will be taken from members of the public for 15 minutes at 6.00 pm, if required, prior to the start of the meeting, in accordance with the Town Council’s Standing Order No 3.

Plans may also be viewed online via the Council website.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Jeannette Young Director of Council Services

Twinned with Charlieu (Loire), Caln (Pennsylvania) & Eningen unter Achalm

Bank House The Strand Calne Wiltshire SN11 0EN Tel: 01249 814000 Email: [email protected]


1 July 2020

Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order No 3.

Each person is allowed to speak for 3 minutes with a maximum amount of time allowed for public participation will be 15 minutes.

A person who attends a meeting is permitted to report on the meeting whilst the meeting is open to the public. To “report” means to film, photograph, make an audio recording of meeting proceedings, use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear the meeting as it takes place or later or to report or to provide oral or written commentary about the meeting so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or later to persons not present.

A person present at a meeting may not provide an oral report or oral commentary about a meeting as it takes place without permission.

To receive a presentation from Theo Bird Business Development & Partnerships Manager at Intelligent Health on the Beat the Street scheme.


1. Remote Attendance (Pages 1 - 2) Members to note the statement below in relation to the attached guidance from the Association of Democratic Services Officers:

Due to the Pandemic of Covid-19 new regulations titled, The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) ( and Wales) Regulations 2020, have come into force. These Regulations (commonly referred to as Regulations 2020), specifically part 2, regulation 5, until further notice, legally enable the remote attendance of committee meetings and therefore overrule any relevant Standing Orders.

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda as required by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Town Council on 4th February 2019.

Members are reminded that, in accordance with Town Council’s Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council's

Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests.

4. Minutes (Pages 3 - 10) To confirm, as a true record, the attached Minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee held on 10th June 2020. The attachments will form part of the main minutes, however, will not be redistributed with this Agenda.

5. Planning Applications (Pages 11 - 12) In considering planning applications the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan and Wiltshire Core Strategy should be used to identify reasons to object to inappropriate development.

Wiltshire Council Core Strategy can be accessed online via (this will download the document)

Key policies Calne Area Strategy (page 86) Core Policy 57: Ensuring high quality design and place shaping (page 283) Core Policy 58: Ensuring the conservation of the historic environment (page 287)

Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan can be accessed online via

Built Environment Policy BE1 – Integration and Landscaping (page 61) Policy BE2 – Design Principles for Local Distinctiveness (page 63) Policy BE3 – Parking Provision (page 64) Policy BE4 – Heritage Assets (page 66) Natural Environment Policy NE1 – Local Green Space (page 69)

6. Planning Application Decisions (Pages 13 - 14) Members are asked to note the decisions by .

7. Projects Members are asked to consider potential projects for the use of the reserves being held for projects.

7.1 Beat the Street Calne Members are asked to consider whether to support the Beat the Street Calne project so that a proposal can be submitted for funding approval.

7.2 Street Names


At the Town Development & Planning Committee meeting held on 10th June 2020 Cllr Hill suggested that Members and Officers investigate street names and any other locations within Calne that may be a potential cause of offence to residents and visitors.

There are no known statues or monuments.

Hungerford Road, Churchill Close and Labour in Vain Hill could have connections to slavery and racism. Additional information will be made available to Committee Members.

Members are to note this update and agree whether further action or investigation is required.

For information - it is possible for Wiltshire Council to rename a whole street

This process would only be undertaken as a last resort when there is confusion over a street name, a group of residents are unhappy with their street name, or new properties are built in a street and there is a need to renumber to accommodate the new properties.

The request must originate from the relevant Town Council.

All costs associated with providing this service and erecting the nameplates will have to be met by the Town Council.

7.3 #CalneShopsLocal The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, has launched a #CalneShopsLocal campaign on social media. This will be extended to include window stickers and banners and other promotional material.

Members are asked to RESOLVE to allocate up to £2,000 from Budget 301-4307 Tourism

8. Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan To receive a verbal update.

9. Working Groups

9.1 Town Events & Tourism Working Group (Pages 15 - 18) Members to receive the notes of the meeting held on 18th June 2020 and to consider and RESOLVE to approve the following recommendation:

Following further investigation, costing and research, that the holding of possibly two outdoor events at Beversbrook be considered.


10. Closure of Chippenham Ambulance Station (Pages 19 - 22) The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, following the action agreed at the last meeting wrote to Ken Wenman, Chief Executive, of the South West Ambulance NHS Trust. A copy of the letter is attached.

Mr Wenman responded to enquiries raised prior to the last meeting. A copy of the letter is attached.

A Zoom meeting which included representatives from Calne, Chippenham and Bremhill has taken place. It was reported that further work to establish a base in Chippenham is ongoing.

Members are asked to note the current position.

11. Highways

11.1 Temporary Closure & Restrictions - Oxford Rd, Stanier Rd & Porte Marsh Rd (Pages 23 - 26) Members to consider the notice and plan and decide whether to submit any comments.

11.2 Temporary Closure - A4 Quemerford (Pages 27 - 30) Members to consider the notice and plan and decide whether to submit any comments.

11.3 Station Road - Speed Limit & Waiting Restrictions (Pages 31 - 32) Members to note the proposed traffic regulation orders.

12. Combined Parishes Rights of Way Group (Pages 33 - 34) Anne Henshaw has been putting together a group formed from local parishes to the east of Calne to tackle the problem of the rights of way. It is to be loosely based on the Cotswold Wardens scheme. The group will have strong support from the rights of way officer.

Calne Town Council have been included on the list since this will be a useful asset to the Transport Strategy and also the GWW project.

It would be good to find someone who lives in Calne but enjoys walking, cycling or generally using the tracks around the area to join the team.

A representative is requested.

13. Rent - Retail Tenants Members are asked to RESOLVE whether to allow retail tenants a further 3 week period of a 50% reduction in rent.

14. Charges - User Agreements


It was agreed at the last TD&P on 10th June that those with User Agreements with CTC are given one month’s notice that a 50% charge would be reinstated.

Members to consider whether to continue with a 50% charge for a further 3 week period, or whether to give 1 month’s notice of an amendment to the amount charged.

15. Budget & Reserves (Pages 35 - 38) Members to note the TD&P budget and reserves.

16. TD&P Action Plan (Pages 39 - 46) Members to receive the TD&P action plan.


Agenda Item 1

Guidance received from the Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO)

Remote access is defined at regulation 5(6)(c) (see below) Remote attendance is defined in accordance with regulation 5(2) and 5(3) (see below) This is the main regulation that covers the holding of meetings without all, or indeed any, of the members physically present in a room. In effect, it replaces all legislation and standing orders with these provisions, allowing individual authorities to create subservient standing orders to fine tune the procedures for local circumstances and particular technologies.

r.5(1) – This regulation allows for remote meetings through “electronic, digital, virtual locations and telephone conferencing”. It defines ‘place’ broadly so as to remove it from the council building to more than one virtual location, but it leaves the option of meeting in person (“present in the same place”) once the restrictions are lifted if so desired. The ‘place’ at which the meeting is held may be a Council building or may be where the organiser of the meeting is located or an electronic or a digital or virtual location, a web address or a conference call telephone number. We have been advised by Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) that remote attendance by members counts for the purpose of the six-month rule on attendance, and for allowances. Where there is absence for illness the Council can continue to deal as now and pass the necessary resolution to approve the absence.

r.5(2) – To be classified as a ‘member in attendance’ and attend a meeting remotely, all conditions in regulation 5(3) below must be satisfied.

r.5(3) (a) - Members must be able to hear and (where practicable) see and be heard and (where practicable) be seen by other members in attendance at the meeting. This full requirement also extends to members of the public attending to exercise a right to speak at the meeting (b). All other members of the public must as a minimum be able to hear (but if practicable be seen as well) (c). In practice this means that if members and speaking members of the public can be heard and hear each other and other members of the public not speaking can hear, this would fulfil the minimum criteria.

r.5.4 - This clarifies that any reference to a member or the public attending a meeting includes remote access.

r.5(5) - The regulations contained in rule 5 override any existing procedure rules/standing orders or other rules authorities may have relating to the governance of meetings. In effect, they cease to have effect.

r5(6) – This gives local authorities the flexibility to make other procedure rules/standing orders relating to remote attendance in relation to voting, member and public access to meeting documents and the remote access of the public and press to meetings by electronic means, including by telephone conference, video conference, live webcasts and live interactive streaming. This has been drafted widely so as enable authorities to hold meetings regardless of existing restrictions and to match facilities to suit their circumstances.

Page 1 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4


Minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 10th June 2020 Remote

PRESENT: Cllr Robert Merrick (Town Mayor) Cllr Glenis Ansell (Chairman) Cllr John Boaler Cllr Heather Canfer Cllr Jon Fisher Cllr Alan Hill (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Robert MacNaughton Cllr Samuel Pearce-Kearney Cllr Tom Rounds Cllr Declan Boore (Substitute for Cllr Rich Jones)

OFFICERS: Mark Edwards Head of Business Natasha Griffin Committee Clerk

APOLOGIES: Cllr Rich Jones





6 members of the public were present.

Two members of the public spoke in support of planning application 20/01057/FUL, proposed medical centre, land north-west of Silver Street and south of Fynamore Gardens Calne, with one member of the public objecting to the proposed medical centre.

Cllr Boaler submitted a copy of a petition with the names of those in support of the proposed medical centre which will be sent to Wiltshire Council.


Members noted the Remote Attendance guidance.


1 Page 3 Agenda Item 4

Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr Jones.


Cllr Pearce-Kearney is a member of the patient participation group at Patford House surgery and a patient.


It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, seconded by Cllr Canfer and

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee held on Wednesday 20th May 2020 as a true record and these will be signed by the Chairman at a future face-to-face meeting once restrictions have been lifted.


Planning Application - 20/01057/FUL Amended plans

Land north-west of Silver Street and south of Fynamore Gardens, Calne CALNE CENTRAL

Proposed medical centre with integral pharmacy, with associated development including means of access, access road, diagnostics/ambulance bay, car and cycle parking, bin storage area, and hard and soft landscaping.


In considering the amended plans submitted for planning application 20/01057/FUL the Town Development & Planning Committee has carefully considered the public benefit that the replacement surgery provision could bring to the Town and welcomes the investment in primary care facilities. This has been considered against the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan and Wiltshire Core Strategy.

In reaching this decision the benefit of primary care facilities have been given sufficient weight to set aside the objection that the site is outside the settlement boundary and contrary to Policy 2 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy. However, access to the site needs to ensure compliance with Core Policy 61 the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

We ask that a sum is committed to provide funding for a dial a ride or similar ‘on demand’ public service.

Page 4 2 Agenda Item 4

We ask that the applicant is required to enter into an agreement to fund improvements to the pedestrian and cyclist access to the site to and from the Town Centre which will include improved signage and lighting.

To ensure highway safety that no right turn is allowed from the new Surgery onto the A3102 and that traffic turns left only and uses the White Horse Way Roundabout.

To ensure highway and pedestrian safety a speed limit review is undertaken.

The Town Development & Planning Committee has approved a Sustainability Statement as part of the Climate Emergency & Climate and Environmental Pledge which we would ask is considered when determining this application.

Subject to above matters being addressed the Town Development & Planning Committee would SUPPORT this proposal.

Planning Application - 20/03598/FUL

Members deferred decision pending further information relating to the changes to the existing carport.

69 Quemerford Calne SN11 8JT CALNE SOUTH

Amendments to approved Carport


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Pearce-Kearney and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to defer decision once again pending further information regarding the changes to the existing car port already in place.

Planning Application - 20/03686/FUL

Land to the rear of 20, 22 and 24 Lickhill Road Calne SN11 9DE CALNE NORTH

Erection of 6 no. 3 bedroom dwellings with associated car parking, access and associated infrastructure.


No objection.

The Town Development & Planning Committee has approved a Sustainability Statement as part of the Climate Emergency & Climate and Environmental Pledge which we would ask is considered when determining this application.

Page 5 3 Agenda Item 4


Members noted the planning application decisions.


22/20.1 Speeding at Quemerford

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Pearce-Kearney and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to address the issue of speeding at Quemerford to request enhancements to the 30mph speed limit signs so that they are clearly visible, repainting of the 30mph limit sign on the road that is worn, to further request the resurfacing of the A4 and that a metro count in the 40mph stretch of the A4 is submitted.

22/20.2 Speeding at School Road

It was discussed that residents have noticed that speed has increased at School Road.

It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Pearce- Kearney and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve the request for a metro count at School Road.

22/20.3 Planned Road Closure - A4 Curzon Street, Calne; from its junction with A3102 Greenacres Way to its junction with Station Road

It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Hill and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to write to Wiltshire Council to object to the planned length of time for the closure of the A4, Curzon Street and the impact on residents and businesses, and this instead should be phased so that the town can be accessed during this time.

22/20.4 Station Road, Calne - Speed Limit & Waiting Restrictions

Members noted that a proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit and implement waiting restrictions on Station Road, Calne and surrounding areas has been approved.

22/20.5 Bus Stop - Oxford Road

Page 6 4 Agenda Item 4

It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Hill and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to request that a bus stop sign be suitably placed at the bus stop along Oxford Road, at the Evangelical Church.

22/20.6 CATG Update

Members noted the CATG update.


Members received the Briefing Note from Wiltshire Council. The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick and Cllr Ansell stated that a meeting has been organised by Malmesbury Town Council to discuss this matter.


Members noted the CCTV annual report.

Cllr Ansell gave a vote of thanks to the CCTV Manager and the volunteers.


A second meeting has not taken place and therefore there is nothing to report at present. The Head of Business confirmed that the request for volunteers to join the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan group was advertised on social media and on the town notice boards, and there have been 6 expressions of interest.


The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, will write to the South Western Ambulance NHS Trust with thoughts as to the impact of the closure of Chippenham Ambulance Station and its move to Corsham. The letter will also ask whether response times will increase.


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Canfer and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve funding in the amount of £352.80 from the Youth Services budget 301- 4315 for The Rise Trust to undertake Youth Engagement Work in Calne in Summer 2020.


To delegate to the Head of Business to proceed.


Page 7 5 Agenda Item 4

It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, seconded by Cllr Rounds and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to allow retail tenants a further 3 week period of a 50% reduction in rent.


It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by the Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that those with user agreements are to be given one month’s notice that a 50% charge would be reinstated.

Members discussed that any club/group unable to pay can apply to have this decision reviewed if they submit evidence that they are unable to afford a payment.


It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Hill and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to write to Wiltshire Council to express an objection to planning application 16/05708/WCM, Freeth Farm and Calne Quarries.


Cllr Ansell proposed ‘Beat the Street’ as a potential project and has had a conversation with the instigator/inventor of this project who provided a quote that would include, beat boxes, swipe cards and required technology.

It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Hill and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to invite the instigator/inventor of ‘Beat the Street’ to provide an overview of the project and answer members’ questions.

The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, has begun investigations as to how to promote Calne following COVID-19 and will provide an update report.

Cllr Hill suggested that Members and Officers investigate street names and any other locations within Calne that may be a potential cause of offence to residents and visitors. Findings to be brought to the next TD&P meeting.


Page 8 6 Agenda Item 4

Members noted the TD&P budget and reserves.

32/20.1 Budget Recommendation

It was proposed by Cllr Ansell, seconded by Cllr Rounds and

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve a new £3,000 budget line taken from the unspent Summer Festival 308-4350 so that a community event can be planned before March 2021 or as and when Covid-19 guidelines allow.


Members noted the TD&P action plan.

Meeting Closed at: 7.48 pm



Page 9 7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5



Application Number Location of Description of Development Development/ Ward

1 20/04810/TCA 1 Alma Terrace Calne 1 Metre Crown Redcution to Yew, Remove Lower Wiltshire SN11 0HN Branches and Reduce Back to Boundary Wall

CALNE CHILVESTER AND ABBERD 2 20/04205/FUL 361 Quemerford Erection of single storey front and side extensions Calne Wiltshire SN11 and alterations to outbuilding 8LF

CALNE SOUTH 3 20/04870/TPO 2 The Willows Calne 30% Crown Reduction to Oak (T1), Reduce Willow Wiltshire SN11 8LX Tree Back to 1 Metre Below Previous Pruning Points, and Crown Raise to 4 Metres from Ground Level CALNE SOUTH AND

In considering planning applications the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan and Wiltshire Core Strategy should be used to identify reasons to object to inappropriate development.

Wiltshire Council Core Strategy can be accessed online via (this will download the document)

Key policies Calne Area Strategy (page 86) Core Policy 57: Ensuring high quality design and place shaping (page 283) Core Policy 58: Ensuring the conservation of the historic environment (page 287)

Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan can be accessed online via

Built Environment Policy BE1 – Integration and Landscaping (page 61) Policy BE2 – Design Principles for Local Distinctiveness (page 63) Policy BE3 – Parking Provision (page 64) Policy BE4 – Heritage Assets (page 66) Natural Environment Policy NE1 – Local Green Space (page 69)

Information in relation to PNEX application types can be found here. larger_home_extension.pdf

1 Page 11 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6


Application Decision Site Proposal Number 1 20/03598/FUL Approve 69 Quemerford Retrospective amendments to approved Carport. with Calne SN11 Conditions 8JT The difference between in height between the CALNE SOUTH previously consented carport and the current proposal is approximately 500mm and a change to the roof form of the carport. The application has been subject to enforcement. This application seeks to regularise the divergence from the previously approved plans. 2 20/03320/FUL Approve 21 Anchor Road Single storey side and rear extension with Calne SN11 Conditions 8DX

CALNE CENTRAL 3 20/03326/FUL Approve 88 London Removal of existing single storey building to with Road Calne the rear elevation and construction of new Conditions SN11 0AH single and double storey extension to the rear of the building. CALNE SOUTH 4 20/03553/TPO Approve 1 Meadow View 40% Crown Reduction to Horse Chestnut, and with Stockley Lane 2 Metre Height Reduction and 2 Metre Lateral Conditions Calne Wiltshire Reduction to East and South-East Side to SN11 0ST Balance the Crown to Hornbeam.

CALNE SOUTH 5 20/00749/LBC Approve Bank House Removal of some rusted iron cramps and their with The Strand replacement with stainless steel cramps, plus Conditions Calne SN11 some repointing and stone repairs inside and 0EN United outside the clocktower. Kingdom

CALNE CENTRAL 6 20/02868/FUL Approve 162 Oxford Demolition of existing single storey kitchen, with Road Calne garage and front porch, erect two storey side Conditions Wiltshire SN11 extension and rebuild front porch, using 8AH existing footprint.


1 Page 13 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9.1

Calne Town Council

Notes of the Town Events & Tourism Working Group Meeting Thursday 18th June 2020

PRESENT: Cllr Robert Merrick Cllr Rich Jones Cllr John Bennett Cllr Heather Canfer Cllr Terry Couchman Cllr Robert MacNaughton

OFFICERS: Erin Weaver Events & Wedding Liaison Officer Ronan Wilson Publicity & Promotions Officer Natalie Waters Events & Wedding Liaison Officer



Cllr David Conway.


Natalie, who will be providing maternity cover for Erin’s position, was introduced to all Councillors and welcomed to CTC.


The notes of the meeting held on 20th January 2020 were agreed and approved.


The working group had been asked to review Wedding Packages by the Amenities Committee meeting held on 1st June 2020.

Before the meeting, Erin had issued the documents which were previously asked to be actioned by Councillors in August 2019, in regards to the current prices for hire of the Town Hall.

It was suggested that the current prices and those newly proposed, would still not generate an appropriate number of bookings for the Town Hall. It was further suggested we should be encouraging more corporate style meetings and bookings, as well as those in relation to wakes /birthdays /christenings /children’s parties.

1 Page 15 Agenda Item 9.1

*The Working Group asked that a consideration to allow the Events Officer to have discretion to set prices for the hire of the Town Hall for a trial period of 18 months.


Erin was only able to give minimal information in regards to events moving forward at this time, pending further government information.

It was explained that all music events had been cancelled apart from the following two which deposits had been paid for - Kylie-a-like and Elvis.

Erin explained however that these too may not be able to take place if groups of people were not able to meet within enclosed spaces.

An expression of concern was also stated by councillors, due to ventilation within the venue.

Outdoor venues were further discussed with the likes of Beversbrook, Castlefields and the Recreation Ground all being mentioned. Providing that Beversbrook has availability, if was felt that the two music events scheduled to take part for the remainder of 2020, should be hosted there if possible. Natalie to further investigate.

It was further discussed that the events would require staging, possibly being that of a flatbed trailer, outdoor food vendors, use of the indoor bar (if permitted) as well as an additional bar and the audience area being like that of an outside festival atmosphere.

Recommendation to TD&P ; -

Following further investigation, costing and research, that the holding of possibly two outdoor events at Beversbrook be approved.


The current theme was ‘Quirky Christmas’ for 2020 however, with all going on, Erin suggested adapting this theme to ‘Christmas of Colour’ – incorporating the rainbow, bright colours, glitter and flamboyance throughout the event. This is to make all have a fun and energetic feel, given the current global state.

All councillors were in agreement.

Further suggested that the theme of ‘Quirky Christmas’ be carried over to 2021, where the theme should focus on quirky/abstract/Dr Suess… etc.


Page 16 2 Agenda Item 9.1

The working group discussed the Tourism Introduction Report and draft Tourism SWOT Analysis. Key areas of focus were highlighted by members to research and develop for the introduction of a Tourism Plan for Calne.

Cllr Bennett suggested that Walking be added as an opportunity on the SWOT Analysis to develop tourism in Calne, by finding resource to develop new, and update existing walking maps/guides for both print and digital distribution. It was highlighted that facilities need to be addressed to cater for the walking visitors, i.e. Public Toilets and Suitable Rest/Catering Facilities.

Cllr MacNaughton highlighted the importance of researching Accommodation providers in the area, for example the local AirBnB hosts. It was requested that a detailed analysis of local hosts took place to understand the occupancy rates throughout the year and why visitors stay at their offering to see how we can develop the existing Tourism market. Members agreed that the Council look at ways to support and develop new accommodation providers in the town.

Cllr Jones suggested that Cycling is added as an opportunity to develop our Tourism Plan. It was suggested that local cycling magazines are investigated as a potential advertising platform.

Members discussed a plan to develop a bespoke Love Calne App to promote Calne’s local businesses, walking and cycling routes, council information and latest news. It was requested that research takes place to find local businesses that can develop an app.


As the notes from January’s meeting do not seem to reflect the themes for 2021, Erin re-capped on these to clarify approval.

Summer carnival: Fairy tales & Nursery rhymes Bonfire night: Traditional (given that it falls on the official bonfire night date) Christmas festival of lights: Quirky Christmas

All councillors approved this.

All councillors thanked Erin for her work within the Council and wished her luck on her Maternity leave, again welcoming Natalie to the team.

No date arranged for the next meeting.

* Post Meeting note: The Town Council is required to set and review prices annually. To ensure consistency and accountability a fixed schedule of charges is required.

Meeting Closed at: 4.00 pm

Page 17 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10 Calne Town Council

Mr K Wenman South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Abbey Court Eagle Way Exeter 12 June 2020 EX2 7HY

Dear Mr Wenman

I have been asked to write to you and raise the concerns of Calne Town Council on the closure and relocation of Chippenham Ambulance Station.

It was first brought to our attention at our Town Development and Planning Committee on Wednesday evening that SWAST were planning on closing Chippenham Station and relocating the Station to Corsham. I am surprised that SWAST never considered consulting with the related towns to address the many questions and concerns the members of the public have.

Who made the decision to close Chippenham Station and Move it to Corsham? Was there a formula and what data did you use when deciding to move the Chippenham Station to Corsham? Are you planning on providing more crews and ambulances at Devizes station to cover the resource gap left by moving the station? In your letter you state there will be a standby point Chippenham Hospital, how many crews/ambulances can this hold at anyone time especially in the current climate with social distancing? How will the Trust ensure that our residents can rely on the same level of emergency provision post the end of May next year - will it provide 24/7 ambulance cover based at Chippenham Community Hospital for example? Surely having the station at Corsham means the crews have to start there then travel back to Chippenham for that standby point and in a world where we are all trying to do our best to help the environment and our carbon footprint this seems incredulous. Furthermore, as an example if crews are going into start a shift from Corsham and an emergency comes in it will take at minimum an extra 5 minutes (google maps), to reach the centre of Calne and that is not taking into account any traffic delays coming out of Corsham or hitting Chippenham.

Twinned with Charlieu (Loire), Caln (Pennsylvania) & Eningen unter Achalm

Bank House The Strand Calne Wiltshire SN11 0EN Tel: 01249 814000 Email: [email protected] Page 19 Agenda Item 10

The surrounding villages of our Town will also suffer, we are as you surely know a rural community with a network of narrow country lanes and an aging population and many farms where serious accidents can and do happen, the additional time will not only impact on the patient but less importantly on your target response times. Can you explain if other sites were considered and why it appears they have been discounted? I refer in particular to a site near TK Max in Chippenham where it is stated build to you own specification.

Has the service considered providing a satellite station in Calne?

Further to all the question above I would like to invite you to a meeting with all the relevant Town and Parish Councils, in the hope that you can allay our fears and concerns and explain why this move is necessary. The meeting will be held remotely using Zoom (a link will be sent) and ideally held within the next week, day and time acceptable to you other than the evening of Monday 15 June 2020. I would appreciate your timely response.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Robert Merrick Town Mayor

Page 20 Agenda Item 10

Trust Headquarters Abbey Court Our ref: KW012802.jja Eagle Way Exeter 14 June 2020 Devon EX2 7HY

Mark Edwards Tel: 01392 261500 Head of Business Fax: 01392 261510 Calne Town Council Website: Bank House Calne SN11 0EN

Sent via email: [email protected]

Dear Mark

Re: Chippenham Ambulance Station

Thank you for contacting us regarding proposed changes to the future ambulance service estate in Chippenham. The current seven acre site in Malmesbury Road Chippenham houses an ambulance station, but the majority of the site is mainly non-operational and underutilised.

We are pleased to confirm that the Trust has exchanged contracts for sale of the land to Persimmon Homes Plc, who are expected to submit a planning application to Wiltshire Council by the end of June 2020. We anticipate that planning permission will be granted and the sale will be complete by December 2020. At this point, the Trust will need to give vacant possession of the site, excluding the ambulance station. The Trust will continue to use the ambulance station under license to Persimmon until the end of May 2021.

I can confirm that it is our intention that the ambulances and staff currently based at Chippenham ambulance station will relocate to a new ambulance station in Corsham. Though we are also reviewing other locations as we move towards a final decision point and welcome your feedback and support in finding a new location for our ambulance station.

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that this change will not result in a loss of clinical cover in the area. We will continue to provide the same or improved service in the area, with our ‘People Plan’ aiming to reduce patient waiting times across the region. The deployment model means that vehicles are rarely at an ambulance station for any significant amount of time. Aside from starting and finishing and taking a meal break, ambulances are much more likely to be attending to patients, at a ‘standby’ point such as Chippenham Community Hospital, or at a local hospital following conveyance.

In relation to your specific query regarding response times, the Trust publishes response times on our website at and we attend local Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

Page 21 Agenda Item 10

We will also proactively provide updates to Michelle Donelan MP and James Gray MP as and when additional information becomes available.

Yours sincerely

Ken Wenman Chief Executive

Page 22

Agenda Item 11.1

Wiltshire Council

Section 14(1) and 14(7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Closure and Introduction of a Temporary No Waiting at Any Time Restriction on: Oxford Road (Part), Stanier Road and Porte Marsh Road, Calne (Ref: TTRO 6626)

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to:

Close temporarily to all vehicular traffic:

a) Oxford Road (Part), Calne; from its junction with Porte Marsh Road to its junction with Sandpit Road.

And to temporarily implement No Waiting at Any Time:

b) Stanier Road, Calne; from its junction with Oxford Road to its junction with Porte Marsh Road;

c) Porte Marsh Road, Calne; from its junction with Stanier Road to its junction with Oxford Road.

To enable: Conlon Ltd to install foul outfall.

Alternative route: via Oxford Road (unaffected length) – Stanier Road – Porte Marsh Road and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 27 July 2020 and the closure will be required until 16 August 2020. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.

For further information please contact Pat Bymes on 07789722299.

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

23 July 2020

Page 1 of 1 Page 23 This page is intentionally left blank TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT NOTES: Work Instruction Number 109 - “Workforce in Road” signs (Relaxation Works) 1) All temporary traffic management shall be in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs All Amberon “Traffic Management Installations or Removals on any main road or Manual 2009. approaching road works 40mph and above” (unless the site specific risk 2) All temporary traffic management shall be in assessment deems it necessary on lower speeds of 40mph) must display the accoradance with the Traffic Signs (Ammendment) “Workforce in road Slow” sign, this being the 1st Sign out and last sign in. (No.2) Regulations and General Directions 2016. 3) All temporary traffic management shall conform to the Safety at Street Works and Road Works, A WORKFORCE Code of Practice. IN ROAD 4) All temporary traffic management signs should be located 450mm min from the kerb face. SLOW 5) All temporary traffic mangement sign locations are indicative and are subject to on site approval from the Engineer.

Diversion Diverted ends traffic QTY: 3 REF: 7010-1 Nature of temporary hazard ahead - Road Ahead Closed ROAD AHEAD Diverted CLOSED

traffic QTY: 2 REF: 2702 Start of temporary diversion route (right) Diversion

Diversion QTY: 3 REF: 2703 Diverted Direction of temporary diversion route from junction Diverted ahead (ahead) traffic traffic

QTY: 2 REF: 2702 End of temporary diversion route (text) Diversion ROAD ends AHEAD Diverted QTY: 3 REF: 2703 CLOSED Direction of temporary diversion route from junction Diverted ahead (left) traffic traffic

QTY: 2 REF: 2703 Direction of temporary diversion route from junction Diverted ahead (right) traffic

QTY: 1 REF: 573 Direction to hazard (variant)

QTY: 2 REF: 7001 Road works ahead

QTY: 1 REF: 2702 Start of temporary diversion route (left) Diversion

QTY: 1 REF: 7010-1 Nature of temporary hazard ahead - Road Closed ROAD CLOSED Page 25 Page

Key Diverted traffic Traffic sign

Traffic cone/cylinder

No waiting cone

Pedestrian barrier

Diversion Road closure

Diverted Agenda Item 11.1 Diversion route traffic ROAD AHEAD ROAD CLOSED Checked by: JAYSON USHER Diversion CLOSED ends Customer: CONLON Job Reference: Location: OXFORD ROAD, CALNE, SN11 8AP

Diverted Date: 27/04/2020 traffic Description: Road Closure + Diversion Diversion Diverted Scale: NTS traffic Amberon Ltd ROAD Tel: 0845 371 5050 AHEAD CLOSED Produced By: JOSH HARPER Drawing Ref: 27/04/2020 - JH - 146 This Drawing is subject to Copyright and remains the property of Amberon Ltd. Amber n Ltd This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 11.2

Wiltshire Council

Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Closure of: A4 Quemerford (Part), Calne and ( Ref: TTRO 6628)

Notice is hereby given that Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic:

A4 Quemerford (Part), Calne and Calne Without; from its junction with Stockley Lane to its junction with C15.

To enable: Tarmac to carry out carriageway resurfacing, ironwork adjustment / renewal and road marking.

Alternative route: via A4 (unaffected length) – A361 – A342 and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 27 July 2020 and the closure will be required between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00 until 14 August 2020. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.

For further information please contact John Moss of Atkins on 01225 730360.

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN 23 July 2020

Page 27 This page is intentionally left blank 100 Notes

1. Limits of work are approximate and are to be agreed on site with the Engineer.


Proposed Closure

Proposed Diversion Route Millimetres 10 0 Page 29 Page DO NOT SCALE

Client Finance Code: 63 31 88 Works Order No: TBC Postal Area: SN11

USRN: 28602124 Grid Ref: 400551,169824 to 402128, 169776 Philips Street Atlas: Page 89 D8 & Page 172 A8 Road Speed Limit: 30/40/60mph SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION In addition to the hazards/risks normally associated with the types of work detailed on this drawing, note the following significant residual risks (Reference shall also be made to the design hazard log). Construction (Enter "None" if applicable)

Maintenance / Cleaning (Enter "None" if applicable) Agenda Item 11.2

Use (Enter "None" if applicable)

Decommissioning / Demolition (Enter "None" if applicable)

Description Drawing Suitability Status Project Title Major Maintenance 2020/2021 Status Revision Drawn Checked Reviewed Authorised Issue Date WORK IN PROGRESS S0 Surface Only Schemes 2020/2021 Drawing Title Description County Gate County Way Status Revision Drawn Checked Reviewed Authorised Issue Date Trowbridge SO0716 A4 London Road, Quemerford, Calne Wiltshire Proposed Diversion Route Description BA14 7FJ Tel: +44 (0)11225 730360 Status Revision Drawn Checked Reviewed Authorised Issue Date Copyright C Atkins Limited (2018) Description Client Drawing Number Project Originator Volume Status Revision Drawn Checked Reviewed Authorised Issue Date WHCC_HM - ATK - HSN -

Description 2021SO0716 - DR - CH - 000001 First Issue Location Type Role Number Project Status Revision Drawn Checked Reviewed Authorised Issue Date Original Scale: Ref. Sheet: Rev: Size: A3 NTS 5188286 1 of 1 P01.1 S0 P01.1 ------No: This Drawing is saved on ProjectWise. Plotted: 01/04/2020 18:53:01 By: SING5990 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 11.3




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 9th June 2020 Wiltshire Council made the above mentioned Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act of 1984”) and Order 1 under the Traffic Management Act 2004 the effect of which is as follows:

Order 1 To amend the following restrictions in the Calne and Calne Without Consolidation Order 2015 by revoking Map Schedule No. DC54 dated 6th February 2015 and replacing it by the insertion of revised Map Schedule No. DC54 and introducing new Map Schedule No. DC53 the effect of which will be as follows: a) To remove No waiting at any time on the following lengths of roads: Station Road – west side – from a point 3 metres south of the midpoint of its junction with Woodland Park for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction Woodland Park – both sides – from its junction with Station Road for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction b) To extend No Waiting at any time on the following length of road: Station Road – east side from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Woodland Park for a distance of 16 metres in a southerly direction c) To introduce No Waiting at any time on the following lengths of road: Station Road – south side – from a point at the eastern corner of property No. 37 Station Road in an easterly direction to a point at the western corner of property No. 33 Station Road Station Road – south side – from a point at the western corner of property No. 17 Station Road for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction Station Road – south side – from a point at the western corner of ‘Carikes Bottom’ substation for a distance of 60 metres in an easterly direction Station Road – south side - from the southern end of the layby opposite the Fire Station for a distance of 48 metres in a westerly direction Station Road – north side – from a point at the eastern corner of property No.37 Station Road to a point 6 metres west of the boundary of property No.47 Station Road Station Road – north side – from the boundary of property No.49 and apartment Nos. 50 – 52 Station Road to a point 4 metres west of the boundary of property Nos. 53 and 54 Station Road Station Road – north side – from a point at the south western corner of property No. 72 Station Road for a distance of 40 metres in an easterly direction Station Road – north side – from a point at the western pillar at the entrance to the Fire Station car park for a distance of 8 metres in a westerly direction

Page 31 Agenda Item 11.3

Station Road – south and west side – from a point at the north eastern corner of apartment building Nos. 18 – 22 Station Road for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction Station Road – north and west side – from the boundary of the Fire Station and the Skate Park for a distance of 44 metres in a westerly direction Station Road – both sides – from a point 17 metres west of the midpoint of its junction with Wenhill Heights for a distance of 36 metres in an easterly direction Wenhill Heights – both sides – from its junction with Station Road for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction

Order 2 To introduce a 20mph speed limit zone on the following lengths of roads: Canal Close – the complete length Marden Way – the complete length Pinhills – the complete length Station Road – the complete length Valley View – the complete length Wenhill Heights – the complete length Woodland Park – the complete length

A copy of the Orders and plans may be inspected at the offices of Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge during normal office hours.

Any person aggrieved by the Orders and desiring to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained in the Orders on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the relevant Section of the Act of 1984 or on the grounds that any requirement of that Section or of Part III of Schedule 9 of the Act of 1984 or any regulation made under the said Schedule, has not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks of the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

The Orders will come into operation on 22nd June 2020.

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN

18th June 2020

Page 32 Agenda Item 12

Combined Parishes Rights of Way Group


To have the best possible rights of way within our area


We will protect, promote, and maintain rights of way across our area, for the benefit of the public by working with local authorities, landowners and other interested groups; We will support efforts to improve the local economy, sustain mental and physical health and enhance appreciation of our area’s remarkable history, pre-history and natural setting.

Our Objectives

• To help arrest the present deterioration and to protect and preserve our rights of way for future generations

• To promote sustainable use and to create an attractive environment for public use

• To promote parish and community links through the use of rights of way, to stimulate wider interest in the appreciation and benefits of our environment.

• To help maintain and manage rights of way, keeping them clear and accessible to facilitate public use.

• To support and work alongside local authorities and other relevant bodies in pursuit of our objectives

• To help attract people to our area and encourage the appreciation of our rights of way to promote local amenities and grow the economy.


- Stimulate the interest of relevant stakeholders and create contact with and between them - Welcome designated representatives from parish councils to our steering committee - Set up groups of path maintenance volunteers - Carry out a survey to assess condition of paths currently Page 33 Agenda Item 12

- Path maintenance volunteers to work with other groups to carry out works identified - Create leaflets and other promotional material to educate people about rights of way and to encourage their sustainable use. - Work across parishes to map out circular walks, or walks between two points - Promote these maps - Create guided walks - Maintain a relationship with Wiltshire Council’s Countryside Access officers. - Act as the eyes and ears of Wiltshire Council about rights of way in our area - Make contact with Visit Wiltshire and other relevant bodies and promote the walks with them. - Develop annual and 3 year action plans to deliver our objectives

Our Area

This covers a triangle with Broad Hinton, Avebury and Calne at its three points. Parishes involved at this stage would be:

Avebury Cherhill Hilmarton Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Clyffe Pypard Broad Hinton and Winterbourne Bassett Calne Town Council

Page 34 Agenda Item 15 23/06/2020 Calne Town Council Page 1 15:29 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 23/06/2020

Month No: 3 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Transfer Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available to/from EMR

Town Development and Planning

301 Environmental Projects 1055 Grant - Youth Services 0 500 0 (500) 0.0% 1130 Sponsorship Floral Schemes 0 0 5,500 5,500 0.0%

Environmental Projects :- Income 0 500 5,500 5,000 9.1% 0 4000 Salaries, NI and Pension 2,134 6,403 27,700 21,297 21,297 23.1% 4040 Uniforms 0 0 200 200 200 0.0% 4063 Maint/Equip Repairs/Renewals 0 0 2,000 2,000 185 1,815 9.2% 4305 Bus Shelters 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 4306 Free Parking-Church Street 0 6,749 8,500 1,751 1,751 79.4% 4307 Tourism 0 2,075 10,000 7,925 7,925 20.8% 4310 Floral Displays 4,516 4,516 13,250 8,734 5,580 3,154 76.2% 4315 Youth Services 756 756 8,000 7,244 250 6,994 12.6%

Environmental Projects :- Indirect Expenditure 7,407 20,500 71,650 51,150 6,015 45,135 37.0% 0

Net Income over Expenditure (7,407) (20,000) (66,150) (46,150)

304 Crime and Safety Initiatives 4000 Salaries, NI and Pension 1,156 3,469 16,000 12,531 12,531 21.7% 4085 CCTV Running Costs 0 2,097 8,200 6,103 6,103 25.6%

Crime and Safety Initiatives :- Indirect Expenditure 1,156 5,566 24,200 18,634 0 18,634 23.0% 0

Net Expenditure (1,156) (5,566) (24,200) (18,634)

308 Events and Leisure 1164 Self Financing Events-Income 0 0 4,000 4,000 0.0% 1165 Events Income-Summer Festival 0 1,073 1,000 (73) 107.3% 1166 Events Income-Fireworks 0 128 8,000 7,872 1.6% 1167 Events Income-Christmas Fest 0 218 700 482 31.1% 1168 Events Income-Wedding Fair 0 0 400 400 0.0%

Events and Leisure :- Income 0 1,419 14,100 12,681 10.1% 0 4000 Salaries, NI and Pension 2,989 7,723 32,000 24,277 24,277 24.1% 4350 Summer Festival 0 15 6,000 5,985 650 5,335 11.1% 4351 Fireworks 0 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 4352 Christmas Festival 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% 4353 Spring Sing 0 16 250 234 234 6.3% 4355 Calne in Bloom 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4357 Wedding Fair 0 6 500 494 494 1.2% 4360 Christmas Lights 0 0 20,000 20,000 3,824 16,176 19.1%

Page 35 Continued over page Agenda Item 15 23/06/2020 Calne Town Council Page 2 15:29 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 23/06/2020

Month No: 3 Committee Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Transfer Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available to/from EMR

4371 Self Financing Events-Costs 0 445 3,000 2,555 464 2,091 30.3% 4372 Skatepark Activities 0 0 1,500 1,500 2,100 (600) 140.0%

Events and Leisure :- Indirect Expenditure 2,989 8,204 79,250 71,046 7,038 64,008 19.2% 0

Net Income over Expenditure (2,989) (6,785) (65,150) (58,365)

Town Development and Planning :- Income 0 1,919 19,600 17,681 9.8% Expenditure 11,552 34,270 175,100 140,830 13,053 127,777 27.0%

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (11,552) (32,351)

Grand Totals:- Income 0 1,919 19,600 17,681 9.8% Expenditure 11,552 34,270 175,100 140,830 13,053 127,777 27.0% Net Income over Expenditure (11,552) (32,351) (155,500) (123,149)

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (11,552) (32,351)

Page 36 Agenda Item 15 23/06/2020 Calne Town Council Page 1 15:36 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 23/06/2020

Month No: 3 Cost Centre Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent Transfer Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available to/from EMR

903 Earmarked Reserves TD&P 9011 Climate Change Reserve 367 367 10,000 9,633 9,633 3.7% 9101 Traffic Calming 0 0 4,604 4,604 4,604 0.0% 9102 CCTV Capital Cost 0 0 16,617 16,617 16,617 0.0% 9104 Britain in Bloom 0 0 9,700 9,700 9,700 0.0% 9106 Events 0 0 4,884 4,884 4,884 0.0% 9109 Youth Services 0 0 3,350 3,350 3,350 0.0%

Earmarked Reserves TD&P :- Indirect Expenditure 367 367 49,155 48,788 0 48,788 0.7% 0

Net Expenditure (367) (367) (49,155) (48,788)

Grand Totals:- Income 0 0 0 0 0.0% Expenditure 367 367 49,155 48,788 0 48,788 0.7% Net Income over Expenditure (367) (367) (49,155) (48,788)

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve (367) (367)

Page 37 This page is intentionally left blank

TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date 1 Improved Calne Town Council Expand and consolidate Communications To include greater attendance at On-going Communication (CTC) opportunities for two-way dialogue Budget meetings, meet the team events, with residents and ensure greater newsletter, website, increased Full Council community engagement in and social media presence. Statistics 5/2/18 resolved awareness of Town Council activity. indicate greater engagement with to print & Review methods of distribution for residents via website, social distribute Calne Town Council news. The Town media and newsletter. Connection. Council website and social media to be used more to promote and On-going responsibility by all Full Council

Page 39 Page generate income in all aspects of Committees and all services 4/5/20 agreed Town Council business additional e- newsletters 2 Youth Services CTC Drop in Centre – 5 Wood Street Yes Lease Ended August 2018

Youth Facilities and Working Yes Youth Needs assessment completed summer 2019

Agenda Item 16 Youth Club pilot started 2020 but Review after on hold due to staffing issues and lockdown Covid-10

3 Community Events CTC Continue to fund, arrange and Yes The Calendar of Town Events is Review annually support community events look for approved annually. opportunities to expand and increase events. To continue to Review feedback seek funding and sponsorship


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date

for our town events to make Notes of the Town Events & them cost neutral. Tourism Working Group are presented to TD&P.

Skate series events planned for Summer Holidays 2020 4 Information CTC Include links about local clubs and Yes Building Community Connections On-going societies on the Town Council event took place in June 2018 and website and link through to other a showcase event took place

Page 40 Page websites which promote events. September 2018.

Covid-19 leaflet distributed May 2020 5 Improved CTC with WC and Review street cleaning (including Yes The Town Council provides top up On-going environmental other providers dog fouling) and litter collection street cleaning in the town to services and services. enhance the basic provision by CTC has installed appearance Wiltshire Council. 8 dog bins in Review street furniture including March 2019

bus shelters and improve facilities Volunteer led litter pick initiatives (Amenities Agenda Item 16 where required. are addressing other areas across Committee the Town. makes decisions)

Further discussion around service devolution to be arranged with Wiltshire Council. 6 Floral Displays CTC – Continue Continue to provide attractive floral Yes, and seek Aim to progress to Britain in South West in South West in displays in the town additional Bloom Bloom 2020 Bloom sponsorship


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date

competition cancelled.

7 Continue to Wiltshire Continue to liaise and work in close No The Town Council will continue its On going reduce the fear of Police/CTC partnership with to close working partnership with crime for the share information on local crime the Police. benefit of Calne’s and safety issues. The includes Police report residents, Wiltshire Police attending Town The Town Council are not entirely submitted to workers, students Council meetings and the Town satisfied with the current level of each Full Council

Page 41 Page and visitors Council forwarding any enquiries policing and police presence in Meeting. and concerns of the public. the town which is having a direct impact on crime, with statistics Police Station re- indicating crime is increasing. opened March 2020 – Covid 19 Public Meeting ‘Policing in Calne’ held 6th Nov 17 at John Bentley CTC represented School. at Community Safety Forum

Area Board paid for 2 x bicycles meetings. Agenda Item 16 and CCTV van for the police to use in and around the town and these are rarely seen being used.

TD&P Committee 20/5/20 endorsed that Calne become and Crimestoppers Ambassor.


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date 8 CCTV System CTC CCTV Suite, manager and Yes The Town Council will continue its On-going volunteers providing invaluable close working partnership with service to the community the Police, supporting them and providing intelligence.

CTC CCTV working group meeting to be arranged

9 Emergency CTC/WC Liaise with WC’s Flood and Yes CTC Emergency Planning working Review Annually

Page 42 Page Planning Emergency Recovery Group to build group Calne Emergency Plan up community resilience and approved by Full Council emergency preparedness. See action re Winter Plan Provide information on the Town Council website related to community emergency planning. 10 Increased local WC / CTC CTC to ensure Calne benefits from a No CIL monies are being received and On-going influence on fair distribution of support/spend projects considered.

planning decisions of S106 & CIL. Agenda Item 16 and development Area Board S106 and Air Quality Groups meet.

11 CTC Develop CIL procedure including Calne benefits from 25% of CIL On-going spending plan. CIL report approved by Full Council annually 12 CTC Encourage local residents to Yes Masterplan On-going during participate in any strategic planning WC Core Strategy (Local Plan) the construction


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date

consultations which impact upon Ensure details are widely of the plan and Calne communicated with the then review community annually 13 Markets CTC Support requests for the occasional No Opportunities arise which we take On-going speciality market, such as a advantage of. Christmas market and additional general markets. Support Calne Springs in the management of markets. 14 CATG CTC/WC To work with the CATG group to Yes CATG has representation from On-going

Page 43 Page progress highway improvement CTC. works 15 Highways issues CTC/WC Include clear information on the No Issue log will monitor On-going CTC website to signpost people to enquiries/reports and provide the appropriate contact in relation feedback and follow up to to highways issues and provide initiators guidance about how they can raise Review findings issues. Transport Strategy funding for from Phase II Phase II agreed by Full Council summer 2020

8.4.19 Agenda Item 16 16 Highway CTC Forward any complaints CTC No Refer residents to the Wiltshire On going – complaints receives about roads, pavements or Online portal monitor through kerb damage to WC. issue logs ort.htm

The My Wiltshire APP enables smartphones to take a photo of issues and log directly with GPS to WC. Feedback on progress comes


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date

directly back. It works well. This is being rolled out and more promotion by WC is due to take place. The Town Council need to help publicise this resource by any means possible; Calne Connection, Website, Social media. 17 Public Transport CTC Improve access to public transport No Information and advice available On-going

Page 44 Page information. at the Information Centre and on our website 18 Improved parking WC Undertake a Parking Survey to Yes There is only one chargeable car Review annually provision establish current parking trends park and the Town Council have and needs (link to Masterplan) agreed to extend the trial to subsidise two hours free parking for a 12-month period from January 2020.

Free Parking on Sunday’s has Agenda Item 16 been extended. 19 Calne Community CCNPSG/CTC/ To consider the Neighbourhood Yes The outcome of the Referendum Update to each Neighbourhood CWPC Plan in all consultation from on 1 February was carried. TD&P meeting Plan Wiltshire Council so that only development which benefits Calne Steering Group to be reformed – is allowed. May 2020


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date 20 The Town Centre CTC Masterplan WG provided support Yes Updates are provided to Full On-going Masterplan to TD&P to object to development Council rear of the High Street Masterplan WG now merged with Strategic Plan WG - new 10 year plan to be drafted

21 Calne Our Place CTC lead Wayfinding Review Yes To continue to support through On-going recommendations delivered by officer time and attendance at

Page 45 Page LEADER funding April 2019 meetings

CTC supported hosting costs of website

22 Speed Indicator CTC To investigate the purchase and Yes Replacement SID purchased as Devices installation of new SIDs. per minute number 132/18

Lake View

20/05/20 – Software update Summer 2020 Agenda Item 16 required which requires unit to be demounted.

23 Great West Way CTC To achieve benefit from being an Yes Year 3 membership approved Review end 2020 ambassador destination 24 Salt Bins CTC To produce snow and cold weather Yes With Emergency Plan WG Review July 2020 incident response policy that fulfils the requirements of the Parish


TOWN DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING To ensure the town develops in a managed and in a sustainable way and that infrastructure improvements are managed to keep pace with any growth

Objective Lead/Partners Activity Budget Required Comments Review Date

Emergency Assistance Scheme (PEAS) and policy for Salt Bins 25 Tourism CTC To develop a tourism/visitor plan Yes With Events & Tourism WG Review July 2020 for Calne

Page 46 Page Agenda Item 16