Public Document Pack Calne Town Council To: Councillor Robert Merrick (Town Mayor), Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Rich Jones (Deputy Town Mayor), Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Glenis Ansell (Chairman), North; Councillor John Boaler, Central; Councillor Heather Canfer, Chilvester and Abberd; Councillor Jon Fisher, North; Councillor Alan Hill (Vice-Chairman), South; Councillor Robert MacNaughton, Central; Councillor Samuel Pearce-Kearney, South; Councillor Tom Rounds, North; 25 June 2020 Dear Councillor, As a member of the Town Development and Planning Committee, you are summoned to join a meeting of the Committee on Wednesday 1st July 2020 at 6.00 pm, via the link provided. The Press and Public are welcome to join this meeting. Questions and statements will be taken from members of the public for 15 minutes at 6.00 pm, if required, prior to the start of the meeting, in accordance with the Town Council’s Standing Order No 3. Plans may also be viewed online via the Wiltshire Council website. Yours sincerely Mrs Jeannette Young Director of Council Services Twinned with Charlieu (Loire), Caln (Pennsylvania) & Eningen unter Achalm Bank House The Strand Calne Wiltshire SN11 0EN Tel: 01249 814000 Email: [email protected] CALNE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMITTEE 1 July 2020 Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order No 3. Each person is allowed to speak for 3 minutes with a maximum amount of time allowed for public participation will be 15 minutes. A person who attends a meeting is permitted to report on the meeting whilst the meeting is open to the public. To “report” means to film, photograph, make an audio recording of meeting proceedings, use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear the meeting as it takes place or later or to report or to provide oral or written commentary about the meeting so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or later to persons not present. A person present at a meeting may not provide an oral report or oral commentary about a meeting as it takes place without permission. To receive a presentation from Theo Bird Business Development & Partnerships Manager at Intelligent Health on the Beat the Street scheme. AGENDA 1. Remote Attendance (Pages 1 - 2) Members to note the statement below in relation to the attached guidance from the Association of Democratic Services Officers: Due to the Pandemic of Covid-19 new regulations titled, The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, have come into force. These Regulations (commonly referred to as Regulations 2020), specifically part 2, regulation 5, until further notice, legally enable the remote attendance of committee meetings and therefore overrule any relevant Standing Orders. 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda as required by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Town Council on 4th February 2019. Members are reminded that, in accordance with Town Council’s Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council's Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests. 4. Minutes (Pages 3 - 10) To confirm, as a true record, the attached Minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee held on 10th June 2020. The attachments will form part of the main minutes, however, will not be redistributed with this Agenda. 5. Planning Applications (Pages 11 - 12) In considering planning applications the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan and Wiltshire Core Strategy should be used to identify reasons to object to inappropriate development. Wiltshire Council Core Strategy can be accessed online via http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/planning-policy-core-strategy (this will download the document) Key policies Calne Area Strategy (page 86) Core Policy 57: Ensuring high quality design and place shaping (page 283) Core Policy 58: Ensuring the conservation of the historic environment (page 287) Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan can be accessed online via http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/calne-community-neighbourhood-plan-referendum.pdf Built Environment Policy BE1 – Integration and Landscaping (page 61) Policy BE2 – Design Principles for Local Distinctiveness (page 63) Policy BE3 – Parking Provision (page 64) Policy BE4 – Heritage Assets (page 66) Natural Environment Policy NE1 – Local Green Space (page 69) 6. Planning Application Decisions (Pages 13 - 14) Members are asked to note the decisions by Wiltshire Council. 7. Projects Members are asked to consider potential projects for the use of the reserves being held for projects. 7.1 Beat the Street Calne Members are asked to consider whether to support the Beat the Street Calne project so that a proposal can be submitted for funding approval. 7.2 Street Names 3 At the Town Development & Planning Committee meeting held on 10th June 2020 Cllr Hill suggested that Members and Officers investigate street names and any other locations within Calne that may be a potential cause of offence to residents and visitors. There are no known statues or monuments. Hungerford Road, Churchill Close and Labour in Vain Hill could have connections to slavery and racism. Additional information will be made available to Committee Members. Members are to note this update and agree whether further action or investigation is required. For information - it is possible for Wiltshire Council to rename a whole street This process would only be undertaken as a last resort when there is confusion over a street name, a group of residents are unhappy with their street name, or new properties are built in a street and there is a need to renumber to accommodate the new properties. The request must originate from the relevant Town Council. All costs associated with providing this service and erecting the nameplates will have to be met by the Town Council. 7.3 #CalneShopsLocal The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, has launched a #CalneShopsLocal campaign on social media. This will be extended to include window stickers and banners and other promotional material. Members are asked to RESOLVE to allocate up to £2,000 from Budget 301-4307 Tourism 8. Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan To receive a verbal update. 9. Working Groups 9.1 Town Events & Tourism Working Group (Pages 15 - 18) Members to receive the notes of the meeting held on 18th June 2020 and to consider and RESOLVE to approve the following recommendation: Following further investigation, costing and research, that the holding of possibly two outdoor events at Beversbrook be considered. 4 10. Closure of Chippenham Ambulance Station (Pages 19 - 22) The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, following the action agreed at the last meeting wrote to Ken Wenman, Chief Executive, of the South West Ambulance NHS Trust. A copy of the letter is attached. Mr Wenman responded to enquiries raised prior to the last meeting. A copy of the letter is attached. A Zoom meeting which included representatives from Calne, Chippenham and Bremhill has taken place. It was reported that further work to establish a base in Chippenham is ongoing. Members are asked to note the current position. 11. Highways 11.1 Temporary Closure & Restrictions - Oxford Rd, Stanier Rd & Porte Marsh Rd (Pages 23 - 26) Members to consider the notice and plan and decide whether to submit any comments. 11.2 Temporary Closure - A4 Quemerford (Pages 27 - 30) Members to consider the notice and plan and decide whether to submit any comments. 11.3 Station Road - Speed Limit & Waiting Restrictions (Pages 31 - 32) Members to note the proposed traffic regulation orders. 12. Combined Parishes Rights of Way Group (Pages 33 - 34) Anne Henshaw has been putting together a group formed from local parishes to the east of Calne to tackle the problem of the rights of way. It is to be loosely based on the Cotswold Wardens scheme. The group will have strong support from the rights of way officer. Calne Town Council have been included on the list since this will be a useful asset to the Transport Strategy and also the GWW project. It would be good to find someone who lives in Calne but enjoys walking, cycling or generally using the tracks around the area to join the team. A representative is requested. 13. Rent - Retail Tenants Members are asked to RESOLVE whether to allow retail tenants a further 3 week period of a 50% reduction in rent. 14. Charges - User Agreements 5 It was agreed at the last TD&P on 10th June that those with User Agreements with CTC are given one month’s notice that a 50% charge would be reinstated. Members to consider whether to continue with a 50% charge for a further 3 week period, or whether to give 1 month’s notice of an amendment to the amount charged. 15. Budget & Reserves (Pages 35 - 38) Members to note the TD&P budget and reserves. 16. TD&P Action Plan (Pages 39 - 46) Members to receive the TD&P action plan. 6 Agenda Item 1 Guidance received from the Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO) Remote access is defined at regulation 5(6)(c) (see below) Remote attendance is defined in accordance with regulation 5(2) and 5(3) (see below) This is the main regulation that covers the holding of meetings without all, or indeed any, of the members physically present in a room.
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