Calne Town Council

Amenities Committee

09/12/2019 “ Day ” launch – bid for funding

Report of the Head of Business

1. Purpose of the report

The purpose of this report is to request that members provide funding for a “River Marden Day” event as the catalyst to launch the River Marden modelling project with the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust which was approved earlier this year and as part of our wider Climate and Environmental Pledge.

The launch event will be designed to educate and inspire residents to better understand, love and respect their river for the key part it plays in . The key outcome of the funding will be to deliver a “River Marden Day” event on 16 May 2020 involving a host of local organisations.

2. Background

The River Marden is the only chalk stream to feed into the River Avon, therefore its’ health is of major importance and plays a major environmental and community part in the design of the town centre and is enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.

The River Marden in Calne has been neglected and almost forgotten in the days since the Harris factory was closed. The most recent survey undertaken by Environmental Agency in 2016, stated that only 17% of the rivers in are healthy. The River Marden was not on the healthy list.

The River Marden rises near Wellington. It then flows in a north west direction through Blacklands Park and , where it is joined on the right bank by the Rivers Brook. The Abberd Brook then joins it and the river turns in a westerly direction and is joined by the overspill from Bowood Lake. The river is then joined by the combined Fishers and Cowage brooks before turning to the north-west, past the village of Stanley where it joins the Bristol Avon to the north east at the hamlet of Avon.

A river modelling project was given approval at Full Council on 17 June 2019 in partnership with Bristol Avon Rivers Trust. The project will produce a detailed costed improvement opportunities document.

3. History

The Domesday survey of England in 1086 records four watermills on the Marden at Calne. In the 18th century four fulling mills are recorded and one of these, Upper Mill, became a paper mill in 1768 and continued in operation until 1860. Hassell's Mill at Studley remained in operation until 1960.

4. Current Situation

The Town Council made a Climate Change & Environmental Pledge on 17 June 2019 and will work towards being carbon neutral by 2030.

Flow rates have significantly decreased over the last few years, leading to sections of the river to become heavily silted and with little flow. There are areas where trees have collapsed and have not been removed thus causing blockages or flow restrictions. The River Marden is an underutilised resource to mitigate climate change could do more to reduce the carbon footprint of the town and impact of increasing temperatures

Key opportunities to increase awareness and engage volunteers in projects along the River Marden include

o Increasing and improving river routes will improve habitat and connectivity for a wide range of animals and plants o River banks have a higher water content and can buffer and provide refuges to plant life, fish and reptiles o Allowing river banks to have shaded areas can maintain cooler water temperatures o Organically generated carbon is stored in rivers though biomass, fallen trees, sediment and leaf litter o By recharging groundwater levels flood damage can be reduced o By regenerating floodplains, they can store carbon in their deep alluvial soils

The project will be launched by way of “River Marden” day. This will allow local residents an opportunity to discover their river. The day will hope to recruit volunteers within all aspects of the project and link to other groups and organisations in Calne. The day will provide practical activities for all ages and allow opportunities to talk with representatives from BART, Angling Clubs and Wildlife Trust.

The River Marden Day will host the following events.

An exhibition of old photos of the River in the Heritage Centre, curated by Sue Boddington. This exhibition will last for two weeks.

An exhibition of ten contemporary pictures of the Marden through the seasons, in the Corn Exchange in the Town Hall.

Again in the Corn Exchange it is intended to to invite river friendly groups like Wessex Water, CARP, BART and the Environmental Agency to show case some of their on going work

There will also be Primary School children’s pictures of what they think the River Marden Goddess looks like.

In Castlefields Park, the River Warriors and BART will lead river activities for children.

Millie a Tourism Student on work placement from Wiltshire College, is organising a trail through Castlefields Park which will teach small children about the wild life which they can expect to discover on the banks of the River Marden.

Nick Adams, a local ornithologist, will lead a walk down the Marden to Black Dog. There is also a possibility of a bat walk as well.

Genevieve Sioka will lead a children’s painting group on the Wharf.

The River will be blessed by the Rev Bob Kenway and Lisa Cossey Fulbright, a shamanic practitioner from Stroud. Invitations will be made to the Japanese kodo drummers from their organic farm base in . There is a powerful tradition in Japan to both respect and bless prominent features of their landscape, like rivers and trees.

There is an official plaque illustrating the Abberd Brook at Doctor’s Pond, but nothing to illustrate the River Marden. A River Marden plaque is to be placed next to the Abberd Brook one at Doctor’s Pond using signature art work, The new Town Mayor will give a speech.

Every primary school child in Calne will be given a postcard of the River Marden with the signature art work. A presentation will be given at each primary school, leading up to the River Marden day

The day is also about celebration and will offer music, a plastic free picnic, competitions, music and arts.

Social media accounts will be setup to promote the project along with a partnership with the Calne Heritage Centre to understand the history of the uses of the River Marden through the ages. Links will be made with local schools through the production of learning resources and an App will be launched to allow people to spot wildlife or report litter, pollution or other incidents.

The project will be supported by BART who have been active within the Calne area on the River Marden for some time, working closely with Castlefields Canal & River Park Association. (CARP), River Warriors and Calne Clean Up Crew.

The intention is that the “River Marden” Day will generate a legacy of volunteer support and spark interest and awareness of benefits that a healthy River Marden have for Calne.

4. Financial Implications

It is requested that a sum of up to £4,000 be allocated to the project.

A provisional initial costing is as follows.

Ceremonial plaque that shows the signature CTC art work £1,700 to be placed at Doctor’s Pond next to the Friends of Abberd Brook plaque Postcards of the same design to be given out to every £ 150 primary school child in Calne Ten pictures of the River Marden on A0 foam board £ 650 Material for art group £ 150 Fees and expenses for the River blessing ceremony £ 300 Materials for the River Warrior’s work in Castlefields £ 100 Millie’s Trail and prizes £ 150 The cost of using the Corn Exchange in the Town Hall £ 210 Use of town council resources including Castlefields Park, £ Included three pop up gazebo’s tables and chairs Use of town council printer and laminator for posters and £ Included other publicity Use of Officer time to create Event Plan / Publicity £ Included Use of Student Placement time £ Included Public Liability within existing Town Council policy £ Included

Additional costs to be confirmed include display stands.

5. Community and Environmental Implications

The implications to the health of the river, community and environment awareness would be hugely beneficial to the town.

The Town Council approved its refreshed Strategic Plan in September 2019.

6. Biodiversity Implications

Calne Town Council has a duty to promote the best sustainable environment and protect it for us and future generations.

A Climate and Environmental Pledge was made in June 2019.

7. Crime and Disorder Implications

There are no perceived crime & disorder implications.

8. Risk Assessment

A full and thorough risk assessment will be carried out as part of the start-up of the project and full risk assessment and event plan would be written for the “River Marden Day” event

The event would be covered by the Town Council’s public liability insurance with each partner being responsible for completing risk assessments and having appropriate public liability insurance.

There would be no amplified music unless a licence has been granted by .

9. Recommendations

Members are asked to consider the contents of this report and RESOLVE to support the initiative and to request funding from the Special Project Fund or allocate funding from the Amenities Climate Change budget of up to £4,000 for the River Marden Day launch and give permission for the event to take place on Calne Town Council land, allow use of Town Council resources identified , agree to setup a Task Group with two Councillors and external group representatives and to delegate to Director of Council Services to progress.

Mark Edwards 2nd December 2019