From: To: Pearson, Mathew Subject: building objection Date: 29 February 2016 11:57:22

I am writing to object to the building of houses to the North and West of Chippenham.

My objections are as follows:

Transport: An eastern link road is proposed by the developer, this road is required to access the site owned by Chippenham 2020. The developer admitted that the land is land locked and requires access to the town via the ELR.

A southern link road is the alternative proposal from the public, which will allow traffic from the A4 at Abbeyfield school to cross the river Avon and arrive at A350 at Lacock. This option is better value for money for the tax payer, and links the A4 to the A350 which is now being dualled, and gives access to the employment areas of Chippenham in the west and Corsham. An ELR requires a substantial river crossing and a rail crossing. Those wishing to travel north in the morning before 0930 can travel through Chippenham Town centre to access the station and reach the A350, therefore an ELR is not required. Please support this alternative.

Traffic: The proposed site at Site C the Riverside development of 1500 houses is far in excess of the 850 proposed by the Council in the Chippenham DPD. In addition Chippenham 2020 if successful will build down to the River Marden with a further 1,000 homes. taking into account all the other proposed developments around Chippenham only another 500 houses need to be found. This proposal is excessive and will bring significant traffic problems to the roads of parish, and Chippenham town centre.

Landscape: The 2014 Council landscape survey recommended that no development should take place to the north of the Wiltshire North Rivers Cycle Route (old railway line that runs from to Chippenham) The loss of this landscape would be a substantial loss. This is backed up by the TEP Landscape report commissioned by the Council in 2014, and by an independent consultant working on behalf of the Tytherton lucas residents Association.

Wildlife: The river Avon and Marden valleys are a haven for wildlife, and the Calne Angling Club fish the river Marden, and Chippenham Angling Club the River Avon. An excessive development will mean the loss of wildlife habitat for many animals including otters. There are many varieties of birds that visit the river Marden during the year. The noise and light pollution will mean they will leave the area.

Coalescence: The National Planning Policy Framework document para 17 bullet 5 states that towns should be prevented from merging with villages so as to preserve the intrinsic value of the countryside. Chippenham Town should not be able to merge with Tytherton Lucas.

Flooding: The original Chippenham DPD took no account of Climate Change. The Floods in the north of England show that intense rainfall can overcome Surface Urban Drainage Systems in the case of the two sites causing run off into the rivers Avon and Marden and threatening Chippenham Town which is downstream and land upstream. The Council has chosen site C which has the highest risk of flooding of all the sites. There are other sites downstream where it is safer to build. Paragraph 103 of the NPPF states "When determining planning applications, local planning authorities should ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere" We are not against development in Chippenham, but sites B & C combined provide an excessive housing development, there are other areas around Chippenham that can take smaller numbers and still achieve the required number for the DPD.



John Wallinger Stanley Lane SN15 3RF