CESARE’14 International Conference Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience Amman, 24-27.04.2014 PRESERVING THE BYZANTINE ANTIQUITIES WHILE RETAINING THE OPERABILITY OF THE VENIZELOU - THESSALONIKI METRO STATION: CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A COMMON CONSENSUS C. Anagnostopoulos1, A. Sextos1, D. Bikas1, K. Stylianidis1, D. Angelides1, I. Avramidis1 1Department of Civil Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR-54124, Greece e-mail:
[email protected]; web page: http://www.civil.auth.gr Keywords: Sustainability, Cultural Heritage, Thessaloniki Metro Abstract. This paper reviews the alternative design solutions contributed by the Department of Civil Engineering when it was assigned by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki the task to investigate the possibility of retaining the unique antiquities that were found during the construction works of the new city Metro main line, without canceling the station. It was shown on the basis of cost over the respective benefit that, such a challenging engineering task is indeed feasible from both a technical and a financial viewpoint. Given that the proposal of the Department of Civil Engineering was the first feasibility study made at a city level, it is deemed as a significant contribution to the public debate between the local and governmental authorities that essentially established a fair compromise between the involved parties and opened the path for other ideas. 1 INTRODUCTION The new Thessaloniki Metropolitan Railway infrastructure is a challenging engineering project of 1.1billion € investment, in a difficult engineering environment due to the proximity with the seaside and the exposure to a considerable level of seismic hazard. Above all, the construction of the main Metro line is faced with the challenge to accommodate the fact the city has been historically built over different layers, each one corresponding to a different era: Macedonian (Hellenistic), Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and modern Greek.