Fauna Lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis" 150 Years Later: Changes and Additions

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Fauna Lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Atalanta Jahr/Year: 2000 Band/Volume: 31 Autor(en)/Author(s): Anikin Vasily Victorovich, Sachkov Sergej A., Zolotuhin Vadim V., Antonova Elena M. Artikel/Article: "Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis" 150 years later: changes and additions. Part 3. Geometridae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) 293-326 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter www.zobodat.at Atalanta (August 2000) 31 (1/2):293-326, Würzburg, ISSN 0171-0079 "Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis" 150 years later: changes and additions. Part 3. Geometridae (Insecto, Lepidoptera) by Vasily V. A n ik in , Sergey A . Sac h ko v , Va d im V. Z o lo t u h in & Elena M. A nto n o va received 24.II.2000 Summary: 370 species of Geometridae are listed for the modern Volgo-Ural fauna. 7 species (Euchloris volgaria Guenee , Nemoria melinaria Herrich-Schäffer , Rhodostrophia calabraria Hübner , Ennomos effractaria Freyer, Ourapteryxpérsica M enetries , Yezognophos dilucidaría Denis & S chiffermüller and Y. serotinaria Denis & S chiffermüller ) are deleted from the list. Supposedly they were either erroneously determinated since Eversmann 's work or they are considered now of subspecific or infrasubspecific rank. 161 species are recorded from the re­ gion in addition to Eversmann 's list. This paper is the fourth in a series of publications1 and deals with the composition of the pres­ ent day fauna of geometrid moths in the Middle Volga and the south-western Cisurals. This re­ gion comprises the administrative divisions of the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Samara, Uljanovsk, Orenburg, Uralsk and Atyraus (= Gurjev) Regions, together with Tataria and Bash­ kiria. As was accepted in the first part of the cycle, only material reliably labelled, and dating from the last 20 years was used for this study. The main collections are those of the authors: V. Anikin (Saratov and Volgograd Districts), S. Sachkov (Samara District) and V. Zolotuhin (Uljanovsk district and southern Tataria). For the same districts we also made use of literature data, i. e. Astrakhan district (Lvovsky , 1971), Bashkiria (Antonova , 1985; Grosser , 1983, 1987) and Uralsk district (Ajbasov , 1974; Kuznetsov & M artynova , 1954) as well as distribution maps of some geometrid species published in "Provisional Atlases of the Insects of the European Part of the U.S.S.R." (Antonova , 1980-1982). All the data from the 19th and early 20th centu­ ries were taken into account but only as a reference (Becker , 1854-1866; Christoph , 1867, 1868; Gross , 1925; Tauscher , 1806, 1809; Jakovlev , 1861; Krulikovsky , 1910; Zhuravlev , 1910). Whilst compiling this list we also took advantage of the information from recent papers on this region (Kumakov & Korshunov , 1979; Novoderezhkin , 1983; Antonova , 1985; Anton­ ova et al., 1990; Lastukhin , 1990a, 1990b; Sachkov et al., 1996; Anikin , 1997; Antonova & Zolotuhin, 1998), which were in part critically reviewed and revised, and from recent mono­ graphs and articles dealing especially with the Geometridae (Viidalepp , 1976-1979, 1988, 1996; M ironov , 1990, 1991). The collection material from the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg and especially of the Moscow State University (with the original Eversmannos ma­ terial-curator is E. M. Antonova ) was also examined for our study. Also the private collections 1 Part 1: Atalanta (1993) 24 (1/4): 89-120; part 2: Atalanta (2000) 31 (1/2): 265-292; part 4: Atalanta (1999) 29 (1/4): 295-336. 293 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter www.zobodat.at of A. & V. ISAJEv(Uljanovsk) and V. Kupayev (Samara) were studied, to whom we express our sin­ cere thanks. Special thanks also due to Dr. V. G. M ironov (ZISP, St. Petersburg) for his help in determination of Eupithecia-species and taxonomic advices during our work. We also owe spe­ cial thanks to the curator of the Lepidopteran collection at the Kiev State University, I. Yu. Kostyuk for his help to our work with the museum collections and determination of some spe­ cies, and Dr. Ulf Eitschberger (Marktleuthen, Germany) for his valuable help in obtaining some literature sources concerning the Geometridae. In the article, the system of Viidalepp (1996) with some additions according to Wolf (1988) and M ironov (1990, 1991) was accepted. We have to note, the system of the Geometridae is not stable at present, thus the variant that has been used by us can differ from the usual ones. In any case we consider our article not a taxonomic but a faunistic work and hope it would be useful for investigators of the geometrids not only in Russia but in European states too. For the ease of use, information is given in the form of a table, with the principal data on all species mentioned for the Volgo-Ural region. Many localities have been renamed during the last 150 years, the most important ones being listed below: Orenburg - later Chkalov - now Orenburg Samara - later Kuybyshev - now Samara Simbirsk - now Uljanovsk Sarepta - now Krasnoarmeisk of the Volgograd District Waskuntschatskoi - usually noted as Baskunchak (Astrakhan District) Zarizyn or Tsarizyn - later Stalingrad - now Volgograd. Note: Spassk, usually interpreted as Eversmann 's estate not far from Orenburg, really might be also a town being flooded by the Volga's water during the erection of hydro-electric power stations and following increasing waters levels. Before that Spassk had been situated at about 82 km ESE of Kasan on the left bank of the Volga. Notes on the table and maps Column 1: Species number species is deleted from the list Column 2: Species name Column 3: Species listed by Eversmann (1844) within the regional limits of that paper Column 4-10: Administrative units 4 Astrakhan District (centre is Astrakhan) 5 Volgograd District (Volgograd) 6 Saratov District (Saratov) 7 Samara District (Samara) 8 Uljanovsk District (Uljanovsk) 9 Bashkiria (Ufa) 10 Uralsk District (Uralsk) + species is present species not found during period of this study ? species is known from old or doubtful data o type locality 294 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter www.zobodat.at Column 11: Flight periods lll-XI - months b, m, e - beginning, middle, end of month 1 (2) G - species develops 1 (2) generation(s) Column 12: Comments and larval foodplants L larval foodplants, * indicating original local data TL type locality E E. Eversm ann On the maps, the filled circles indicate the localities in which the species concerned is to be found. Hollow circles indicate those localities in which the species concerned have not been found during the last 15-50 years, possibly having disappeared due to environmental changes. A plot size we accepted is 30x30 km. E A V S S U B U V S 0 A A L A R E T L R M J S A R R G A A A H L N Species S A O T R N K S Flight Comments M K G 0 A 0 I K period A H R V V R N A A S I N N D K A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Geometridae Archiearinae 1. Archiearis parthenias m lV-m V Local in light birch- and mixed for­ Linnaeus , 1761 in 1 G est and parks. L: Betula pendula*. 2. Archiearis notha IV Rare and local in light deciduous Hübner , [1803] in 1 G forests. L: Populus. Alsophilinae 3. Alsophila aescularia elV-bV Local and rare in mixed and decidu­ D enis & S chiffermüller, in 1 G ous forests. L: Quercus, Acer. 1775 Larentiinae 4. Lythria purpuraría + + + + + V-VI; Not rare in dry and stepped places. Linnaeus , 1758 V II-VIII L: Rumex confertus*. in 2 G 5. Lythria cruentaría + + + + + V; m VI- Common everywhere. Hufnagel , 1767 mVIII (= purpurata auct.) in 2 G 6. Cataclysme riguata + mV-VI I; Rare in deciduous forests. Hübner , [1813] 1796 VIII in 2 G 295 ©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter www.zobodat.at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 Phibalapteryx virgata + + + + + + V-VI; Was cited by E. as Aspilates Hufnagel , 1767 bVIII Lineolata. Not rare in steppes, in 2 G 8. Scotopteryx coa retaría + + + eV-mVI Rare and local in steppes and D enis & S chiffermüller, in 1 G stepped biotopes. 1775 9. Scotopteryx mucronata + + + + + + mV-mVIll Common in steppes and dry mead- Seo poli, 1763 in 1 G ows. L: Cythisus ruthenicus*. 10. Scotopteryx luridata ? Was noted by E. as Aspilates Pal­ Hufnagel , 1767 um baria. In the region ssp. plum ­ bada Fabricius , 1775 is native. 11. Scotopteryx chenopodiata + + + + + - mV-mVIll Was cited by E. as Larentia Linnaeus , 1758 in 1 G Mensuraría. Common in forests and meadows. 12. Scotopteryx moeniata + + + + - Vll-m VIll Was listed by E. as Cidaria Scopoli, 1763 in 1 G Moeniaria. Not common in steppes. L: Cythisus ruthenicus*. 13. Scotopteryx burgaria - ? Known only from old collection ma­ Eversmann , 1843 terial. 14. Scotopteryx bipunctaria - bVII- Not common in steppes and D enis & S chiffermüller, mVIII stepped biotopes. 1775 (map 1) in 1 G 15. Costaconvexa + + VII-VIII Rare and local in sandy steppes, polygrammata in 1 G Borkhausen , 1794 16. Catarhoe cuculata + + + + + mVI-bVI 11 Was cited by E. as Zerene Sinuata. Hufnagel , 1767 Rare in old mixed forests. 17 Catarhoe rubidata D enis + + + + + mV-eVI; Was cited by E. as Cidaria Fumata. & S chiffermüller, 1775 VIII Rare and local in old mixed forests, in 2 G In the region, ssp. fum ata Evers­ mann , 1844 is native. 18. Camptogramma m VI-VIII Not rare in meadows, glades, clear- bilineatum Linnaeus , 1758 in 1 G ings and deciduous forests.
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    Desktop Biodiversity Report Land at Balcombe Parish ESD/14/747 Prepared for Katherine Daniel (Balcombe Parish Council) 13th February 2014 This report is not to be passed on to third parties without prior permission of the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre. Please be aware that printing maps from this report requires an appropriate OS licence. Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre report regarding land at Balcombe Parish 13/02/2014 Prepared for Katherine Daniel Balcombe Parish Council ESD/14/74 The following information is included in this report: Maps Sussex Protected Species Register Sussex Bat Inventory Sussex Bird Inventory UK BAP Species Inventory Sussex Rare Species Inventory Sussex Invasive Alien Species Full Species List Environmental Survey Directory SNCI M12 - Sedgy & Scott's Gills; M22 - Balcombe Lake & associated woodlands; M35 - Balcombe Marsh; M39 - Balcombe Estate Rocks; M40 - Ardingly Reservior & Loder Valley Nature Reserve; M42 - Rowhill & Station Pastures. SSSI Worth Forest. Other Designations/Ownership Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; Environmental Stewardship Agreement; Local Nature Reserve; National Trust Property. Habitats Ancient tree; Ancient woodland; Ghyll woodland; Lowland calcareous grassland; Lowland fen; Lowland heathland; Traditional orchard. Important information regarding this report It must not be assumed that this report contains the definitive species information for the site concerned. The species data held by the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre (SxBRC) is collated from the biological recording community in Sussex. However, there are many areas of Sussex where the records held are limited, either spatially or taxonomically. A desktop biodiversity report from SxBRC will give the user a clear indication of what biological recording has taken place within the area of their enquiry.
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