Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift All Figures and Tables Should Be Referred to in Publishes Papers in English, Occasionally in French, the Text by Their Number

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Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift All Figures and Tables Should Be Referred to in Publishes Papers in English, Occasionally in French, the Text by Their Number NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK . ..- .' . TIDSSKRIFT. .." ,. Ol\WEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY VOLUME 21 NO. 1 1974 Trond Hofsvang: Tipulidae (Diptera) from a Sigmund Hagvar, Jan Melaen & Eivind 0stbye: hi~h mountain area, Finse, South Norway 1 Quantitave studies of the invertebrate fauna har )Iysterud: Coleoptera on excrements of in an alpine snow-bed community at Finse, Brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Trysil, south Norway 45 outh ~orway 5 Trond Andersen & Arild Fjeldsli: Lepidoptera Turid Kjolseth Andresen: Cocoon formation by new to Norway 53 larvae of Chrysopa chrysops L. Albert Lillehammer: Norwegian stoneflies. I. (:"europtera, Chrysopidae) in the laboratory 7 Analysis of the variations in morphological .~agaard: Kaare Morphological changes caused and structural characters used in taxonomy 59 by nematode parasitism in Tanypodinae (Diptera, Chironomidae) 11 Arne Fjellberg: Karlstejnia norvegica. A new Short Communications pecies of Collembola (Onychiuridae, Tull­ Trond Andersen: Notes on Chalcis sispes Lin­ berginae) from the alpine regions in Southern naeus and Haltichella rufipes Olivier (Hym., :"orway 15 Chalcididae) 109 Lita Greve: The larvae and pupa of Helicoconis C. van Achterberg: Some Braconidae (Hymen­ lutea (Wallengren, 1871) (Neuroptera, optera) new to Norway 110 Coniopterygidae) 19 Erling Senstad: Nytt funn av Simplocaria me­ Trond Andersen: Caddis flies (Trichoptera) tallica Sturm (Col., Byrrhidae) pa Svalbard 111 from the outer part of Sogn and Fjordane 25 Erling Hauge: Notes on Norwegian spiders, IV III Cedric A. Collingwood: A revised list of Nor­ wegian ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) 31 Sigmund Hagvar: Some observations on the Jens Petter Nilssen: On the ecology and distri­ food preference of Dilta sp. (Thysanura) 113 bution of the Norwegian larvae of Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) 37 Bokanmeldelser 115 UNIVERSITETSFORLAGET I N orsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift Norwegian Journal of Entomology EDITOR Dr. philos. Lauritz Semme, Zoologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Universitetslektor Eivind 0stbye, Konsulent Per F. Waaler, Konservator Albert Lillehammer. PUBLISHER Universitetsforlaget: P. O. Box 307, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway. P. O. Box 142, Boston, Massachusetts 02113, U.S.A. CONTRIBUTIONS These should be sent to the Editor. Authors are requested to follow the instructions on page 3 of the cover. Artikler som enskes trykt i tidsskriftet sendes redakteren. Bidragsytere m<1 felge anvisningen pii omslagets tredje side. SUBSCRIPTIONS Non-members of the Norwegian Entomological Society should send theip orders to Universitetsforlaget. The subscription price per volume (two issues annually) is U.S. $ 11.00 (N. kr. 55.-). Notice of change of address should be accompanied by the old address. Back volumes should also be ordered from Universitetsforlaget. NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK FORENING ser sin hovedoppgave i <1 fremme det entomologiske studium i Norge, og danne et bindeledd mellom de interesserte. Seknad om opptagelse i foreningen sendes for­ mannen. Medlemskontingenten er for tiden kr. 20.- pr. ar. Medlemmer far tids­ skriftet fritt tilsendt. Styret har felgende sammensetning: Formann: Forseksleder, dr. philos. Alf Bakke, Det norske Skogforseksvesen, 1432 As-NLH. Viseformann: Konsulent Per F. \Vaaler, Kristins vei 30, Oslo. Sekretc£r: Amanuensis Trygve Rygg, Statens plantevern, 1432 As-NLH. Styremedlem: Kon­ sulent Reidar Mehl, Statens institutt for folkehelse, Oslo 1. Kasserer: Lektor Tore R. Nielsen, 4300 Sandnes. Styrets varamenn: Cand. real. Turid Andresen, Oslo. Kon­ servator Johan Andersen, Universitetet i Tromse, Tromse. Revisor: Brukseier Eivind Sundt, 1420 Svartskog. @ Universitetsforlaget 1974 Tipulidae (Diptera) from a high mountain area, Finse, South Norway TROND HOFSVANG Hofsvang, T. 1974. Tipulidae (Diptera) from a high mountain area, Finse, South Norway. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 21, 1-4. Tipulidae from the Finse area, 1210-1370 m a.s.l., were collected during four years. Eight different species were recorded. Some notes on the seasonal distribution of adults and the habitat of the larvae are given. T. Hofsvang, Department of Zoology, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 As-NLH, Norway. The Tipulidae fauna of Norway is poorly slope of the glacier Hardangerjokulen, about known; the lists of species published are based 1370 m a.s.l. The summer in the Finse area on occasional collections from different parts is short, with a period without snow usually of the country. Ecological information about lasting from the first half of June until to­ the larvae, their habitats, the life cycle etc. wards the end of September. are very few and often lacking. Mendl & Some of the investigations were performed Solem (1972) give a survey of the flight on one special habitat, a meadow with well­ period of several species of Limoniinae from developed tussocks and moist soil. The bor­ one locality in Sor-Trondelag. This present der of the field consisted partly of more or study deals with Tipulidae from a high moun­ less aquatic Sphagnum mosses. tain area which constitutes parts of Norway where information about the total insect fauna are sparse. MATERIAL AND METHODS The work was carried out during the years 1969, 1970, 1972 and 1973. No adult Tipuli­ DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA dae were collected during the year 1971. In Finse is situated in the inner part of Horda­ 1969 and 1970 parts of the area were investi­ land country, in the north-western part of gated every day for periods lasting about 10 the mountain plateau Hardangervidda days. These periods of investigation were (60 0 36'N - 7°30'E). The areas investigated distributed throughout the summer with inter­ were different vegetational types situated vals of 1-2 weeks. In 1972 and 1973 the peri­ east and south of the eastern end of the lake ods lasted 4-5 days with intervals of 2-3 Finsevatn, along the river, about 1200 m a.s.l., weeks. The study started 24 June 1969 and and in the southern direction near up to the ended 24 August 1973. 1 - Norsk ent. Tid8skr. _________________.'nnnmriimiimnnnmriiii"'iiinnnmrii""i1".'i1iii-ii,..,.,----- ..--.---..---- -­ 11)',1',11111111111111111I11111111I110•••••••••••••••••--------------------,.­ 2 T. Hofsvang Adult tipulids observed were captured with jflkulen glacier and westbound to Isdalen, in a sweep-net with a diameter of 30 cm. A altitudes of 1000-1400 m a.s.l. The larvae standard sweep-netting method was used in seem to prefer habitats with moist soil, and a special examination of the seasonal distri­ they have a life cycle of two years in the Finse bution of adults of the three most abundant area (Hofsvang 1972). species of Tipulidae in the area. Freeman (1968) used this method on tipulids. The sweeping was carried out along a special Tipula grisescens Zett. route in one habitat, the tussock field, and it Four specimens were collected on wet mead­ lasted for 30-60 minutes. In this mountain ows, 1210 m a.s.l. 288 19 June 1970, 1813 area the vegetation is short, and the tipulids July 1972, 1 8 27 July 1973. No larvae were are easily seen when they are disturbed. The found. T. grisescens is reported from outer sweeping was only done when the vegetation parts of Hordaland (Tjeder 1965). was dry, with little or no wind and usually in sunshine. The catches are calculated as numbers of tipulids expected to be caught per T ipula invenusta Ried. hour. The adults of this species occurred in great numbers at Finse. They emerged late, in Sep­ tember. All the specimens were captured in areas with wet mosses, 1210 m a.s.l. Pupae which subsequently hatched and appeared to NOTES ON THE SPECIES be T. invenusta, were found in the mosses. No Eight different species of Tipulidae were adults were recorded in 1973 before 24 recorded from the Finse area during the four August, when this investigation ended. years of investigation. Tipula subnodicornis Zett. Prinocera serricornis Zett. Adults of T. subnodicornis and P. serricornis Only a few specimens were captured: 1 <;? 19 are the first to be found in the Finse area June 1970,2 88 20 June 1970, 1 <;?, 1 8 22 after the snow has melted away. T. subnodi­ June 1970, 1 <;?, 1 83 July 1972, 288 5 July cornis is one of the most common and abun­ 1973. All adults were taken from the border dant species at Finse. The captures of all of the tussock field consisting of wet Sphag­specimens were from different Sphagnum num. Larvae and pupae of P. serricornis are bogs, about 1210 m a.s.l. In 1969 only two unknown (Theowald 1967). I have found lar­ adults were recorded, 1<;? and 1 8 26 June. vae from Sphagnum habitats at Finse, very The flight period was probably finished when much resembling the only known Prinocera this investigation started 24 June 1969. Some larvae in Europe, P. turcica. According to larvae were found in Sphagnum bogs. Ac­ Theowald (1967) these larvae live in especial­ cording to Coulson (1962) T. subnodicornis ly wet Sphagnum. has a life cycle that is completed once a year P. serricornis have only been recorded in England. Adults occurred from the middle once before from Norway, from Jotkajavre of May to the middle of June. Recorded from in the northern part of Norway (Tjeder 1948). different places in inner and outer parts of This species seems to have a flight period at Hordaland (Tjeder 1965). Finse in late June and in the beginning of July. Dicranota (s.str.) guerini Zett. Adults were taken from different grassland Tipula excisa Schum. habitats near Finsevatn lake, 1210 m a.s.l. and This is a common species all over the Finse at glacial moraines with poorly developed area up to the glacier, 1370 m a.s.l. Adults of vegetation (pioneer plant communities), 1370 T. excisa were also observed in the end of m a.s.l. This species has been recorded from July 1973 in great numbers all over the moun­ different places in the northern and southern tain areas east and south of the Hardanger­ part of Norway, also from inner part of ~ Tipulidae 3 Table 1.
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