Northern and Proud: The Bob Stokoe Story (Hardback) ^ eBook ~ D3PAHNFMN6

North ern and Proud: Th e Bob Stokoe Story (Hardback)

By Paul Harrison

Pitch Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom, 2009. Hardback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New Book. Bob Stokoe created one of the greatest moments in football history when his Second Division Sunderland side defeated the might of Leeds United in the 1973 FA Cup final. When the final whistle shrilled out across Wembley and most of the football world celebrated his side s incredible triumph against the odds, Stokoe danced across the turf, arms outstretched to rejoice with his players. That moment has been immortalised in the both the TV footage and a statue outside Sunderland s new home, the . Stokoe was all the more remarkable because he had managed to cross the divide in the north east. As a player he had been a member of Newcastle s 1950s FA Cup winning teams as a centre-half seemingly hewn out of granite who took no prisoners as he protected the likes of Jackie Milburn, Bobby Mitchell, George Robledo and Len White. During a forty-year career in the game, which took in spells with Hartlepool United, Bury and managerial stints with Charlton Athletic, United, and Rochdale, Stokoe locked swords on the pitch with Brian Clough, over the...



This publication is definitely not eortless to get going on looking at but really exciting to read through. It really is rally intriguing throgh looking at time period. Its been written in an remarkably straightforward way which is just soon aer i finished reading through this book where basically altered me, change the way i think. -- Erna Langosh

The ebook is easy in read through easier to fully grasp. It is rally fascinating throgh reading through time. I am eortlessly can get a enjoyment of reading a written publication. -- Kiarra Schultz III

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