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[email protected]. Editor: A. Scott Moreau Associate Editor: Gary Corwin Managing Editor: Laurie Fortunak Nichols Book Review Editor: Marcus Dean Evangelical Missions Quarterly October 2014 Vol. 50, No. 4 Graphic Design: Dona Diehl Website: Advertising/Fulfillment: Karen Helmkamp Editorial email:
[email protected] Editorial/Advisory Committee: Subscription email: Ronald Blue Erin Kawaye
[email protected] Paul Borthwick Mary Lederleitner Advertising:
[email protected] Dave Broucek Brent Lindquist Matt Brown Grant McClung Mike Constantz Samuel Naaman Charles Cook Marvin Newell Richard Coleman Susan Perlman Sarita Gallagher JR Rozko Bruce Huseby Copyright © 2014. Evangelical Missions Quarterly Address all correspondence to: EMQ, P.O. Box (ISSN 0014-3359) is published each January, April, 794, Wheaton, IL 60187. When giving change July, and October by the Billy Graham Center for of address for subscription, supply both old and Evangelism at Wheaton College, P.O. Box 794, new addresses. Wheaton, IL 60187. Phone: 630.752.7158. Fax: Periodicals postage paid at Wheaton, IL, and 630.752.7155. additional post offices. Revenue Canada GST EMQ Disclaimer: Articles and advertisements 131544934. Postmaster: Send address changes published in EMQ are the sole responsibility of to Evangelical Missions Quarterly, P. O. Box 794, the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily Wheaton, IL 60187. represent the views of the editors, the Billy Graham Indexed in: Christian Periodical Index, Religious Center for Evangelism or Wheaton College. and Theological Abstracts and ATLA Religion Subscription rates: One year (4 issues) $32.95.