Doussie (Afzelia Apa)

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Doussie (Afzelia Apa) SpeciesCode Scientific Name Commercial Name AFZ Afzelia spp (bella africana) Doussie (Afzelia Apa) ANI Anigeria robusta Aningre (Annegre) BRA Brachystegia leonensis Naga CAN Canarium schweinfurthii Aiele CEI Ceiba pentandra Ceiba (Fromager CHI Chidlowia sanguinea Bala CHL Chlorophora Iroko (Odum Kambala) DIS Distemonanthus benthamianus Movingui ENTA Entandrophragma angolense Tiama (Edinam) ENTC Entandrophragma candollei Kosipo (Abourd Kro) ENTCY Entandrophragma cylindricum Sapele (Sapelle Aboudikro) ENTU Entandrophragma utile Sipo (Utile) GIL Gilbertiodendron preussii Limbali GUA Guarea cedrata Bosse GUI Guibourtia ehie Amazakoue (Bubinga) HAL Hallea ciliata Abura (Bahia) KHA Khaya anthotheca Khaya (Acajou blanc) KHI Khaya ivorensis Khaya (Acajou d Afrique) LOP Lophira alata Ekki (Azobe) LOV Lovoa trichilioides Lovoa (Dibetou) NAU Nauclea diderrichii Kusia (Bilinga Opepe) PIP Piptadeniastrum africanum Dahoma TAR Heritiera utilis Niangon (Whismore) TEI Terminalia ivorensis Framire (Baji Emire) TES Terminalia superba Frake (Limba Afara) TET Tetraberlinia tubmaniana Tetra (Sikon) TIE Tieghemella heckelii Makore (Baku Douka) TRI Triplochiton scleroxylon Obeche (SambaWawa) ANO Anopyxis klaineana Kokoti ANT Antiaris africana Ako BOM Bombax buonopozense Bombax CHR Chrysophyllum spp Akatio (Longui) CYN Cynometra ananta Apome DAN Daniella thurifera Faro DID Didelotia idea Bondu ERY Erythrophleum ivorensis Tali (Sassawood) HAP Haplormosia macrophylla Black gum (Idewa) MAM Mammea africana Mammea (Oboto) MAN Mansonia altissima Mansonia (Bete) NES Nesogordonia papaverifera Danta (Kotibe) OLD Oldfieldia africana Oldfieldia (Dantoue) PER Pericopsis elata Afromosia PTE Pterygota macrocarpa Koto (Ake) PYC Pycnanthus africanus Ilomba RHO Rhodoguaphalon brevicuape Alone (Kondrotti) SAC Sacoglottis gabonensis Ozouga TUR Turraeanthus africanus Avodire AFRO Afrosersalisia afzelii Akuedao ALB Albizzia zygia Zygia ALS Alstonia boonei Emien AMP Amphimas pterocarpoides Lati (Bokango) ANH Anthonotha fragrans Anthonotha (Kibokoko) ANTH Anthcliesta nobilis Cabbage Tree ARA Araliopsis tabouensis Araliopsis (Grenian) AUB Aubrevillea platycarpa Biethi BEI Beilschmiedia mannii Kanda (Tawa) BER Berlinia confusa Pocouli (Ebiara) BRI Bridelia grandis Doandoh BUS Bussea occidentalis Samanta CAL Calpocalyz aubrevillei Badio (Calpocalz) CEL Celtis spp (aldolfi-friederiei) Celtis (Lokenfi) COM Combretodendron macrocarpum Abale COP Copaifera salikounda Etimoe COU Coula edulis Coula CRY Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum African Pine DAC Dacryodes klaineana Monkey plum DIA Dialium aubrevillei kropio (Eyoum) DIO Diospyros sanzaminika Ebony ERYM Erythroxylum mannii Landa FAG Fagara macrophylla Fagara Olondu FUN Funtumia elastica Funtumia (Mutundu) GLU Gluema ivoransis Adiepingoa HAN Hannoa klaineana Hannoa (Effeu) IRV Irvingia Gabonensis Irvingia KLA Klainedoxa gabonensis Klainodoxa (Eveuss) MANI Manilkara obovata Duka (false Makore) MON Monopetalanthus compactus Ekop MUS Musanga cecropioides African corkwood NEW Newtonia aubrevillei Pellegrin ONG Ongokea gore Angueuk (Kuwi) PAC Pachystela brevipes Bokulolo PAK Parkia bicolor Parkia (Lo) PAR Parinari excelsa Parinari (Songue) PEN Pentadesma butyracea Timber-lacewood PENT Pentaclethra macrophylla Oil-bean tree RIC Ricinondendron heudelotii African Oil tree SAB Sabicea species Abobonkahyire SAM Samanea dinklagai Monkey Pod SAN Sanseviera liberica Africana Hemp STR Strombosia glaucescens Afina SYM Symphonia globulifera Symphonia SYN Synsepalum dulcificum Sweet Berry UAP Uapaca guinensis Uapaca (Rikio) UNK Unknown Unknown XYL Xylia evansii Dan (Mano) XYLO Xylopia aethiopica Guinea Papper Tree (Okala) C .
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