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INDEX FACT SHEET INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE January 2021 LQ45 INDEX FACT SHEET INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE January 2021 GENERAL INFORMATION HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE Index Name : LQ45 Return Jan 31, 2011 - Jan 29, 2021 IDX JATS Code : LQ45 120% Description : IHSG IDX30 LQ45 IHSG An index that measures the stock price performance of 45 100% 5862.352 stocks with relatively large market capitalization, high (71.96%) liquidity, and good fundamentals. 80% Launch Date : February 1, 1997 IDX30 486.619 July 13, 1994 60% Base Date : (62.53%) Base Value : 100 40% Methodology : LQ45 Capped Free Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weighted 911.98 20% (52.54%) 푛 σ푖=1 푀푎푟푘푒푡 퐶푎푝푖 × 퐹푟푒푒 퐹푙표푎푡 푅푎푡푖표푖 퐼푛푑푒푥 = x 100 0% 퐵푎푠푒 푀푎푟푘푒푡 퐶푎푝 -20% On each periodic review, the constituent weight is capped 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Jan 2021 so the highest weight in the index is no more than 15%. INDEX PERFORMANCE RISK CONSTITUENT SELECTION Returns YoY Returns Universe 6M 13.57% 3Y Beta 1.32 Constituents of IDX80 Index. 1Y -5.20% Year LQ45 IHSG IDX30 5Y Beta 1.31 Selection Criteria 3Y -17.52% YTD 2021 -2.5% -2.0% -3.1% 3Y Std Dev (Annualized) 25.6% From the 80 stocks of the IDX80 constituents that have 5Y 14.00% 2020 -7.8% -5.1% -9.3% 5Y Std Dev (Annualized) 21.8% been selected in the given period, 45 stocks are selected to 10Y 52.54% 2019 3.2% 1.7% 2.4% be LQ45 constituents by considering the factors below: Since Base Date 811.98% 2018 -9.0% -2.5% -8.8% 3Y (Annualized) -6.23% 2017 22.0% 20.0% 24.4% FUNDAMENTAL a. Liquidity: transaction value, transaction frequency, 5Y (Annualized) 2.66% 2016 11.7% 15.3% 15.0% number of days of transactions in regular market and 10Y (Annualized) 4.31% 2015 -11.9% -12.1% -10.2% P/E (Weight Avg.) 20.38 free float market capitalization; Since Base Date (Ann.) 8.68% 2014 26.4% 22.3% 27.4% P/BV (Weight Avg.) 2.17 b. Fundamentals: financial performance, compliance, and others. INDEX CHARACTERISTICS SECTOR WEIGHTS Basic Materials Consumer Non- INDEX MAINTENANCE Number of Constituents 45 10.2% Cyclicals Industrials 10.5% 10.1% Periodic Review Schedules Constituent In/Out Avg. (10Y) #VALUE! Infrastructures 15.5% 1. Major Review: January and July. Market Cap Total* (in tr. IDR) 1,439.42 Healthcare 3.2% 2. Minor Review: April and October. Largest 219.74 Effective Date Smallest 1.73 Energy 3.7% First trading day of the month after reviewing month Average 31.99 Consumer Cyclicals (February, May, August, and November). Median 12.46 2.4% Announcement Properties & Real Estate At the latest 5 exchange days prior to the effective date. Index MC / IDX MC (%) 61.35% 2.0% Financials 42.5% TOP 10 CONSTITUENTS Market Cap* Index Code Company Name (in trill. IDR) Weight Sector BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 219.74 15.27% Financials BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. 214.46 14.90% Financials TLKM Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 147.42 10.24% Infrastructures BMRI Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 121.51 8.44% Financials ASII Astra International Tbk. 111.35 7.74% Industrials BBNI Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 40.99 2.85% Financials UNVR Unilever Indonesia Tbk. 38.10 2.65% Consumer Non-Cyclicals CPIN Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk 37.83 2.63% Consumer Non-Cyclicals UNTR United Tractors Tbk. 34.46 2.39% Industrials SMGR Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 30.79 2.14% Basic Materials Total (Top 10 Constituents) 996.63 69.24% Data prior to the launch date is back-tested data. *Adjusted Market Capitalization Data as of: Jan 29, 2021 Contact Information Disclaimer All Indices compiled, calculated and maintained by Indonesia Stock Exchange (“IDX”) (collectively called “IDX Indices”) are owned by IDX (either owned by IDX itself or jointly owned by IDX and other parties). Trademarks and any other Business Development Division intellectual property rights of the IDX Indices are registered or at least have been applied for their registration at the Directorate General of Intellectual Properties, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, and protected Indonesia Stock Exchange under the Intellectual Property Law of the Republic of Indonesia. Any unauthorized use of IDX Indices is strictly prohibited. The use and distribution of IDX Indices trademarks, information and data for income-generating activities, require a proper license or prior written consent from IDX. IDX reserves the right to make any changes in IDX Indices without prior notice, including but not limited to the calculation method thereof, and the right to suspend the publication thereof. All More Information information provided regarding IDX Indices is for informational purposes only. IDX gives no warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, originality, availability, non-infringement, and other characteristics of the IDX Indices information and data. However, every effort is made by IDX to ensure the accuracy of any information regarding IDX Indices. There are no express or implied warranties of the fitness of IDX Indices for a particular purpose or use, or as to the results to be attained by user from the use of IDX Indices. The use of IDX Indices is at user’s own responsibility. IDX is not responsible or cannot be held accountable or has any payment obligations or anything against any losses, errors or damages arising from the use of any information or data contained herein..
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