CHINA HONG KONG RAILWAY INSTITUTION P.O. Box No. 626 Shatin Central Post Office Fax : 2947 7001 Web Site : Hainan High Speed Railway Trip, 7 – 10 June 2012 Thursday, 7 June 2012 AM, flight from Hong Kong to Haikou, Hainan PM, visit the operations of Guangdong – Hainan Railway Cross-harbour Ferry Friday, 8 June 2012 AM, visit Hainan Eastern Ring High Speed Railway Control Room and Depot AM, meeting with Hainan Railway Authority PM, ride CRH train and sight-seeing in Xinlong Saturday, 9 June 2012 AM, sight-seeing in Xinlong PM, sight-seeing in Sanya Sunday, 10 June 2012 AM, sight-seeing in Sanya and flight from Sanya to Hong Kong Details of the trip are shown on the attached itinerary (in Chinese). The cost covers air tickets, travel expenses in Hainan, insurance, meals, shared-room accommodation and scenery spots entrance fees. CHKRI is not responsible for any losses, damages or liabilities arising from the trip. Cost Member and Non-member – HK$ 4,300 per head (Add HK$450 per head for single-room) Registration and Enquiries For registration, please fax the duly completed registration form to Ms. Edith Yu at fax number (852) 29937771. If you have any queries, please contact Mr. Billy Tam, Mainland Affairs Secretary via email
[email protected] or (852) 29933208. Registration will close on Monday, 14 May 2012. A ballot will be conducted if participants exceeded 20. All successful participants will be notified by email on Wednesday, 16 May 2012. Registration Form To : CHKRI Fax : (852) 29937771 E-mail :
[email protected] I would like to reserve ___________place(s) for the Hainan HSR Trip, 7-10 June 2012 Name : Mr / Ms ________________________________ F/AF/M/AM/Non-member Company :________________________________________________________ Tel : ________________ Fax No : _______________________ E-mail : _____________________________ Signed ________________________ ______________________ Participant Date Notes: 1.