Reviving -Weaving Traditions in Roya Taghiyeva

The Azerbaijani Carpet Makers Union The Azerbaijani Carpet Makers Union (ACMU), founded in January 2010, is a voluntary self-governmental public association of citizens rallied to support Azerbaijani carpet weaving. The ACMU seeks to promote a revival of the powerful spiritual heritage of , the national traditions of the Azerbaijani people, a consolidation of the creative potential of seen figures of society and culture, support for talented children and youth, and creative carpet dynasties. The purpose of the ACMU is also to convey objective information about the unique national culture, rich historical heritage, and diversity of the carpet art of Azerbaijan to the international community. In 2012, the ACMU was accredited as a non-governmental organization to provide advisory services to the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

▲ Carpet weaver, Modern Potential for the Development of Carpet Making in Karabakh Project

The surveys and results obtained during the projects, the interest of the population, and the creation of new jobs can create conditions for the assessment of carpet development potential. The monitoring is an important part of projects to survey the economic situation in the regions and to enable carpet making to be regarded as a traditional economic sector aimed at the non-oil sector of economic development. ▲ Educational program: “Wedding Ceremony”

zerbaijan is one of the unique carpet-pro- as well as by rural and urban artisans. In many ducing regions in the world. As a cultural regions of Azerbaijan, this production was a source manifestation of the Azerbaijani people, of substantial income for a large part of the popu- Athe carpet is the bearer of information about not lation. Carpet weaving was the most important only the present days of the people but also their industry of the country, which produced carpets ancient roots and cultural values over the past for both domestic and foreign markets. hundreds of years. Carpet weaving was closely connected with Traditionally, local carpets met both aesthetic the daily lives and customs of the communities and utilitarian requirements. The patterns repre- involved, and the role of carpets was reflected in sented the folk beliefs, religious outlooks, and the symbols, the designs, and their applications. cosmological conceptions that were handed down The carpet was widely used as home furniture or from generation to generation. On the other hand, decoration, and special carpets were woven for the carpet, as an object of household purpose, was wedding ceremonies, medical treatments, births used to decorate dwellings, create a comfortable of children, and mourning rituals or prayers. living environment, and protect people against the For example, carpets with a red background cold. As an Azerbaijani proverb says, “My home is played a huge role in wedding ceremonies. The red wherever my carpet is spread.” color symbolizes a life-giving beginning, birth, But the carpets were not only handicraft prod- wedding, or protection against evil. The ucts with utilitarian and household purposes; they was an indispensable part of the bride’s dowry. were also an important detail of the lifestyle of the During wedding ceremonies, the red flat-woven people. rug was used as a curtain for protecting Traditionally, carpets were woven by nomads, a bride against the and for setting up a

13 wedding tent for the newlyweds. The red color, special customs of congratulations and feast days. combined with motifs of the moon and stars on Two to three people are needed to wind and stretch the carpet, was connected with notions of fertility the warp around the loom, because this work is a and abundance. During the spring New Year basic stage for preparing the future carpet. The holiday, Novruz, unmarried girls seated on red process is supervised by a skilled master. When the shadda rugs, called beht khalchasi (luck-bringing work is finished, a gift is given to the master, and carpet), told their fortunes and sang traditional on this day a feast is celebrated. After the initial songs. Then, the girls, saying, “Let it see the sky, border and half of the carpet are woven, feasts are the moon, and the stars,” spread the rugs in an also arranged to finish the carpet successfully. The open field for a week so that their wishes would cutting of a finished carpet from the loom is an come true. Clothes made of the fine red shadda unusually solemn celebration. This day is consid- were also used as a cure in traditional medicine. ered lucky, and on this day people make wishes. Carpet making includes such traditional skills, Since ancient centuries, local carpet makers transferred through practice and oral methods, have produced magnificent specimens, starting as wool processing, natural collecting, yarn from simple flat weavings up to a vast variety of making and dyeing, and, lastly, carpet weaving carpets. Azerbaijani carpets are classified into and knotting. Large sectors of the society are seven regional groups regarding the province of engaged in carpet making: shepherds, masters of their production: Kuba, Shirvan, , Ganja, wool shearing and wool processing, yarn spinners, Kazakh, Karabakh, and Tabriz. Additionally, dyers, loom and weaving tool makers, designers, Azerbaijani carpets are woven in various tech- weavers, and masters of carpet restoration. niques. Basically, they are divided into pile carpets Carpet making is, first of all, a family business, and flat-woven textiles. Distinctive features of in which children take an active role. In spring Azerbaijani carpets demonstrate highly stylized and autumn, fathers and sons shepherd sheep and plant, animal, anthropomorphic, and geometrical shear them. In the spring, summer, and autumn, motifs, along with bright colors. women and girls are occupied in collecting Azerbaijani pile carpets are distinguished by and in spinning and dyeing yarn. In winter, after a vast variety of ornamental compositions that finishing agricultural tasks, looms start working number over one hundred designs. Some of the in most rural houses: the daughter weaves original designs were woven only in specific villages together with her mother and grandmother, and or towns, with the names of localities preserved in the daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law, as a the labelling of the carpets. Frequently, the designs single family unit. were handed down as valuable heritage from Relatives and neighbors also help make carpets. generation to generation. This collective work is calledimadgi . All of the Flat-woven textiles, most popular among rural process of carpet making is connected with the people, are divided into rugs (palas, jejim, kilim,

14 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan shadda, ladi, varni, zili, and sumakh) and various and types of flat-woven bags and coverlets also inten- − investing more creativity in the interpretation of sively used in the household: mafrash (woven designs. trunk), khurjun and heyba (saddlebags), chuval It is important for Azerbaijan to stimulate the (sack), chul (horse cloth), yahar ustu (saddle rug), carpet production in areas where the traditions etc. are disappearing and to protect the quality of However, today there is a need for reviving the the Azerbaijani carpet internationally. This, in national carpet-weaving and carpet traditions, turn, will encourage young people to focus their as well as for safeguarding carpet patterns, tech- attention on cultural heritage and to respect it, to nology, and diversity and the transmission of these develop the creative potential of weaving societies, to future generations. and to support the further development of carpet In the age of globalization and the free market, weaving in Azerbaijan. the safeguarding of the technological know-how In this regard, the Azerbaijani Carpet Makers of traditional carpet weaving is of particular Union (ACMU) pays much attention to the devel- importance. Today, Azerbaijani traditional carpets opment of local carpet weaving. cannot compete with cheaper carpet products that The ACMU, located in Baku, Azerbaijan, was are made in some foreign countries for the mass established in January 2010. It is a non-govern- market. This comes, in turn, because of different mental association of people wishing to support social and economic problems that accumulated Azerbaijani carpet weaving. The ACMU was in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries in accredited as a non-governmental organization to Azerbaijan. They are, for example, provide advisory services to the Intergovernmental − using artificial yarns and low-quality dyes, Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible − losing a variety of flat-woven techniques, Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2012. The union − merging regional characteristics of pile carpets, promotes the revival of the carpet-weaving heri- − forgetting the prime meaning of motifs, and tage of Azerbaijan and the national traditions of − losing creativity to interpret old designs in the right the Azerbaijani people, consolidates the creative way. potential of prominent figures of society and In order to change the situation, the first step is culture, and supports talented children and youth to revive traditions of carpet weaving, such as the and weavers’ dynasties. following: At the moment, the ACMU has 65 members. They − applying natural yarns and dyes, are specialists who live and work in the following − reviving a variety of flat-weaving techniques, areas of Azerbaijan: Baku, Guba, Sheki, Astara, − following regional characteristics of traditional and Ismayilli (Lahij). These members include carpets, three art historians; four painters and designers; − applying motifs in accordance with their meanings, 15 carpet designers; three engineers-technologists;

15 eight carpet weavers; and 28 masters of embroi- dery, batik, engraving, calligraphy, and jewelry. ACMU’s Projects The ACMU periodically conducts master classes, exhibitions, training courses, and round tables on carpet-weaving techniques and compositions of carpet centers of Azerbaijan for professionals, Reviving Dastarkhan Rugs students, amateurs, and school children, covering In order to realize its goals, the ACMU implements all regions of the country. In this capacity, the projects on the stimulation and development ACMU participated in the preparation of the of traditional carpet weaving in regions of the nomination of The Traditional Art of Azerbaijani country. For this activity, it is very important to Carpet-Weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which know information about the weaving zones, the was inscribed onto the UNESCO Representa- number of carpet weavers involved in the produc- tive List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of tion of traditional carpets, and the raw materials Humanity in 2010. they use. Within these activities, the NGO has The inscription of the art of Azerbaijani carpet realized special projects. weaving onto the Representative List followed For achieving the goals of sustainable devel- the long-term policy of Azerbaijan to integrate opment of the carpet-weaving communities, the its cultural heritage into the world cultural space projects aimed at making a database of carpet- and to promote a dialogue on the basis of cultural weaving communities, creating work places for exchange and mutual understanding between female weavers, holding exhibitions and trade fairs various stakeholders. This inscription further sets of craftspeople, enabling opportunities for crafts- obligations for Azerbaijan in the safeguarding and people to enter foreign markets, and conducting development of the cultural heritage of national trainings for young weaver generations and special carpet weaving. Earlier, in 2004, the National Law education courses at universities. on the Preservation and the Development of Azer- One of the ACMU’s long-term, continuous proj- baijani Carpet Art was developed and adopted in ects is the revival of making flat-wovendastarkhan collaboration with representatives of the weavers’ (tablecloth) rugs. The dastarkhan was closely community. connected with the everyday way of life of the people and their customs, and its role is reflected in the deepest sense of its color, its patterns, and its applications. The carpet has been a protective home, family, and person. These protectors are ornaments and colors that give beauty to the carpet. The dastarkhan held an important place in the

16 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan life of the nomadic and sedentary tribes. Regard- colors, the carpet traditionally used raw vegeta- less of the homeowner’s social status, the table bles and sometimes products of animal origin. rug could be seen in every home. In some parts of Therefore, most of the raw materials for the dyeing Azerbaijan, they also referred to the thickly built center can be obtained directly from enterprises pieces as hampers and used them for the quick processing agricultural products. For the produc- opening of dough. The utensils were further used tion of madder, a pigment used as the main source as household appliances in nomadic and sedentary for obtaining red and violet shades, the industrial tribes. For example, tablecloths were used to cover cultivation of these products is envisaged. dough and to bake bread on top of. Given the market demand for traditional The weavers of the ACMU make copies of old carpets, the establishment of mass production of textiles, both dastarkhan and other carpets, and inexpensive natural dyes and yarns will stimulate exhibit them at a number of events. This, a long- demand for this raw material not only among term project, is based on the revival and application the weaving workshops of Azerbaijan, but also in of traditional methods of dyeing carpet yarn. The neighboring countries. current mass production of carpet in Azerbaijan, striving for minimal costs for production, uses low-quality, cheap dyes, which leads to a deteriora- Short-term Projects tion in the quality of carpets and negatively affects Apart from these long-term projects, the ACMU the preservation of the traditions of the Azerbai- also regularly realizes many short-term programs. jani carpet. In 2010, the ACMU participated in Monitoring However, in conditions in which modern artifi- Mechanisms for Supporting the Intangible Cultural cial products are used in modern carpet making, Heritage of Azerbaijan, supervised by the Ministry there is a great demand in the world market for of Culture and Tourism. In the same year, partic- carpets dyed with natural dyes. Such carpets ipation in the development of a long-term state reproduce traditional shades that have been valued program on the stimulation and development of in the Azerbaijani carpet for centuries and which carpet-weaving crafts in traditional carpet regions have created its glory. To this end, the ACMU is was being drawn up, including inscribing the developing a long-term project to create a Tradi- Azerbaijani Carpet onto the National Inventory of tional Dye Center, where carpet yarn dyed with Intangible Heritage of Azerbaijan. natural dyes will be made for sale. The ACMU also organized the workshop Azerbaijan has great raw materials and the “Modern Traditions of Nakhchivan Carpets” in industrial potential for the development of tradi- Nakhchivan. In order to revive the traditions of tional dyeing: a variety of wild and cultivated the Nakhchivan carpets, an exhibition of local plants, large areas of farmland, and a developed carpets and an exhibition of carpets reproducing agro-industrial complex. To obtain the basic the paintings by the Azerbaijani painter Tahir

17 Salakhov were organized. Presentation of the book with the Azerbaijan Carpet , participated Nakhchivan Carpets also contributed to the resto- in the project “Beyond Boredom, Dust and Decay ration of technology. The opening of workshops on – as Life Long Learning Spaces for carpet weaving in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Intercultural Dialogue” for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Republic after the work with local masters also Georgia, and Russia under the grant of the Insti- influenced the sustainable development of the tute for International Cooperation of the German cultural product. Presentation of the magazine Adult Education Association (DVV International). Azerbaijani Carpets, the documentary television The project addressed and remedied problems of film Azerbaijani Carpets Nakhchivan Group, and intercultural relationships in the South Caucasus the internet website of the museum are the real and the Russian Federation by making use of a results of the work that has been done and is still variety of adult education and lifelong learning continuing to be done with the local communities. concepts and contributing to changing the image In 2010 and 2011, the ACMU, in collaboration of the museums and transferring them into lively

▼ “Beyond Boredom, Dust and Decay – Museums as Life Long Learning Spaces for Intercultural Dialogue”

18 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan lifelong learning spaces for cultural diversity and Dialogue,” led by Beata Schmit (DVV Interna- social inclusion. tional). Within the framework of the project, on In order to establish and develop the exchange February 18–19, 2010, a regional training was of experience and cooperation with the EU and organized in the city of Guba on the theme “The within the region, the ACMU held a training Network of Museums in Azerbaijan: Realities seminar on the topic “Creation and Importance and Prospects,” inviting museum workers from of Support Networks for Museums,” in which northern regions of Azerbaijan (Guba, Gusar, museum workers from Baku and the regions Khachmas, Shabran, and Siyazan), the public, exchanged experience with great pleasure in this local entrepreneurs, and the media. direction, along with studying the European A month before the training, the union prepared experience, as told to them by museum specialist and sent special questionnaires for museum workers, Thomas Schneeberg, the head of the project of which were the main objects of discussion. the Center for Lifelong Learning at the University In the regional training, the following issues of Charles von Ossietzky, located in the city of were discussed: Oldenburg. The training workshop, along with − educational programs for adults; adult education, also served to enhance the social − increase in the professionalism of museum workers; role of museums through the involvement of the − strengthening of inter-museum connections; public and the improvement of the professionalism − prospects for implementing joint projects; of museum workers. − promotion of the national cultural heritage; While so far the museums had mainly worked − impact of the worldwide practice of the Friends with school children and tourists, this program of the Museum associations on the activities of gave an opportunity to individually approach all museums; and age groups, take into account their wishes, and, − importance of joint projects within the Network of on the basis of these, create educational and enter- Museums of Azerbaijan. tainment programs to serve the improvement During the training, these main problems of the economic situation of museums, having were discussed, and the museums exchanged adopted the best international and local experience experiences. The first event in the northern region to improve museum management. Along with of Guba was decided: to carry out a carpet tour the museums of Baku, museums of the regions called “Pearls of the Bay.” To prepare for the carpet of Astara, Sheki, and Guba also took part in the tour, it was decided to conduct a survey among trainings. They discussed the urgent problems of carpet masters, which was held by the museums museums, including the role of the Friends of the of the region. Based on the results of this survey, Museum clubs in museum management. organizers could learn about the development of In 2010, the ACMU also hosted a two-day carpet making in the region, introduce the public training titled “Museums as a Place for Intercultural to people who preserve carpet art, and collect

19 folklore, customs, and traditions associated with Take into Account the Needs of the Audience in carpet art. the Activities of Museums,” “The Direction of According to the results of the survey, 58 Museum Educational Programs,” and “Organiza- questionnaires had been filled in. Along with the tion and the Importance of Clubs of Interests in names of carpet weavers, these questionnaires Museums.” They were given a CD about activities identified objects of interest for the carpet tour as and a manual on active methods of adult education. well as types of preserved carpets and associated During the event, a survey was also conducted on customs and folklore. The organizers learned the work of museums and on the development of about the problems of carpet weaving and decided applied arts in the region. to organize an exhibition of folk craftsmen and The regional training seminar created the oppor- award winners by the end of that year. tunity to attract viewers to the museum with the Based on the polls conducted, a representative aim of organizing museum education for a lifelong office was established in Guba, which was overseen period. Also, regional kinds of folk-applied art and by a member of the organization, a carpet weaver the interest of the population in their development and entrepreneur named Fatima Agamirzoyeva. through museums were studied. The possibilities A local group of carpet weavers was established of the stability of jewelry art, artistic embroidery, there, and, with the assistance of the United etc. were determined and conversations with local States Agency for International Development masters were conducted. (USAID), this group organized small enterprises On September 14, 2010, within the framework in November 2017 under the leadership of Fatima of the project, a master class and a roundtable on Agamirzoyeva in the villages of Alpan, Uzun- “Non-changing Values ​in a Changing Time Space” meshia, Kurkun, and Susay, where they would were held. The events were devoted to the resto- revive the traditions of the Guba carpet-making ration of the lost technologies of flat-woven carpets school. Weaving enterprises would also contribute through the training of adults, the improvement of to the sustainable development of the economy and the professionalism of museum workers, and the the opening of new jobs (for which women were promotion of carpet art among various sections recruited) and the development of rural lifestyles. of society. Heads of production associations, On July 11, 2010, within the framework of the carpet shops, weavers, carpet artists, teachers of project, a regional training seminar on the theme the Academy of Fine Arts, art experts, fashion “Directions of Museum Educational Programs” designers, embroiderers and patrons, carpet was held in Belokan, where, besides representa- amateurs, etc. took part in the event. tives of Belokan, representatives of the museums During the master class, weavers Z. Guliyeva of Gakh and Zagatala also took part. During the and G. Yusifova demonstrated the technologies training seminar, the speakers spoke about the of flat-woven carpets, which were simultaneously importance of the following projects: “How to displayed on the monitor.

20 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan In the second part of the event, questions of carpet weaving in traditional weaving zones of were discussed at the roundtable and a number Azerbaijan. of proposals were put forward. For the event, a The purpose of the guide was to help museum booklet was published on the technologies of flat- workers and school teachers to apply the educa- woven carpets. tional policy at museums and educational insti- During the event, a survey was conducted in tutions for encouraging children and adults to which the respondents specified their questions engage in carpet weaving. The guide also described and wishes. At the request of the participants, the basic characteristics of Azerbaijani carpets courses on these technologies were then launched and technical principles of carpet weaving to use for eight people. In the future, organizers went on them in the learning programs of educational to hold discussions on the following topics, which institutions. Finally, it included methodological were also of interest to the participants of the event: instructions to help museum workers and school − Azerbaijani carpet art and its comparison with teachers to use it at their institutions. flat-woven carpets of other peoples; The project also included carrying out trainings − organization of an exhibition of carpets preserved among museum workers and school teachers from in memorial museums; various regions of Azerbaijan. These trainings were − modern interpretation of carpet ornaments; to assist them to apply the guide at their educa- − competition of works by artists on the carpet; tional institutions. As an initial step, there were − design of works of artistic and thematic carpets, nine trainings in total that were carried out at the taking into account the requirements of the time; in Baku. The duration − meaning of ornamental drawings; and of the project for trainings was six months, from − intercultural dialogue. December 2010 till May 2011. The trainings were At the end of the event, a modern interpretation intended for trainees from the Baku, Gazakh, and of the carpet elements on the clothes by young Shirvan regions of the country. fashion designer Minara Guliyeva was demon- In total, three groups of trainees (10-15 persons strated. The event was widely covered in the local in a group) were formed. Each group had three media. consecutive trainings, with each training From 2010-2011, the ACMU realized the capac- concerning one of the following age ranges of ity-building pilot project Mobilizing Museum museum education: for preschool and primary Educational Resources for the Preservation and school children, for secondary school children, Development of Azerbaijani Traditional Arts and and for adults. In total, the trainings involved up Crafts and Carpet Weaving Traditions. The project to 45 trainees and included discussions to get to was supported by the UNESCO office in Moscow. know the problems of museum education facing This project included developing a guide for museums in the regions. museum education for promoting the development This methodological guidance served as the

21 ▲ An educational program titled “Journey into the World of Patterns”

basis for establishment of the Heritage Center, foundations and traditions rooted in depth and where courses on carpet design, guiding, and chil- propagandizing the national cultural heritage. dren’s theater were organized for children. These In 2011, the ACMU developed and implemented courses are still functioning today. Courses cover educational programs for all ages: in particular, all age groups. Children who have been engaged in for pre-school children, “Journey into the World training now plan to continue vocational training of Patterns” and “Create Your Own Pattern”; for in high schools throughout the country. There older children, “Let’s Continue the Tradition of are also exhibitions of works by children and Dress,” “Carpet Puzzles,” “Grandmother and youth engaged in these circles. The main features Granddaughter,” “Magic of the Cell,” “Learning of these performances were their ethnographic to Weave Carpets,” “Grandma’s Spinning Wheel,

22 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan Grandfather’s Rolling Pin Take Care of Me,” exhibition demonstrated several hundred works “Magic Wheel,” “History of the Carpet of the by craftspeople from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, World,” and “Clothes Make the Man”; for fami- Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, lies, “Where There’s a Will There’s a Way” and Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. “Wedding”; and for adults, “Unchanging Values in Additionally, the international exhibition a Changing Time” and “Carpet Technology.” Renaissance of Traditional Wedding Costumes of From March 29 to April 3, 2011, the ACMU Central Asia, organized by the ACMU in 2012 organized an exhibition, workshops, and a round- in Baku, is worth noting. Azerbaijani fashion table in Baku with the participation of the nation- designers were given an opportunity to revive ally applied art of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan traditional elements and brands in the houses of in association with the Ministry of Culture and celebrations and modern wedding clothes. Small Tourism of Azerbaijan, the State Museum of Azer- rugs based on ancient ritual tablecloths in wedding baijan Carpet and Applied Art, the Fund “Forum ceremonies were also developed. of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan,” and the Asso- In 2014, the ACMU and the Azerbaijan Carpet ciation of Antiques of Uzbekistan (MEROS). Museum also organized an exhibition of works The invited masters of folk and applied arts of by Azerbaijani designer Sabina Huseyn. In her Uzbekistan opened an exhibition in Azerbaijan works, Sabina Huseyn uses the folklore and rich and held master classes and a round table, which culture of Azerbaijan, synthesizing traditional were attended by members of the organization, styles and modern fashions with great imagina- masters of the folk and applied arts of Azerbaijan, tion and originality. Her works made in knitting young carpet artists, and students. The subjects and plaiting techniques show no particular prefer- of all the meetings were aimed at preserving the ences. Patterns represented in her costumes were cultural heritage and reviving the craft traditions. borrowed from old carpets and textiles. Cultural exchange between craftsmen facilitated In the exhibition, headdresses, woolen chemises, the organization of trade shows and fairs in the women’s trousers adorned with beads, and saddle- two countries. bags made in traditional weaving techniques were The ACMU has organized a number of activ- on display. The author’s most original works, ities, including exhibitions and workshops of covers, were on display, too. They are made in the handicrafts. Among them, worth mentioning is shape of thin handbags and look like saddlebags. the Constellation of Thousand Hearts international The designer prefers to use red, coral, dark blue, workshop-exhibition of handicrafts from the and brown colors in her works. The bright works Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) coun- of Sabina Huseyn displayed here gave an idea tries supported by the Intergovernmental Foun- about the beauty, refinement, and richness of her dation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural collections. Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO) in 2012. The In 2015, the ACMU implemented a project for

23 ▲ Exhibition of costumes by Azerbaijani designer Sabina Huseyn

developing the online resource library to preserve the preparation of a questionnaire on the situation the cultural heritage of the Karabakh zone, of carpet weaving in the region and a report on the including its carpet-weaving heritage. The project basis of the data obtained. They also conducted a was supported by the Council on State Support series of trainings on the topics “The Management to Non-Governmental Organizations under the and Marketing of Cultural Products,” “E-trade Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azer- of Nationally Applied Products,” and “Business baijan (CSSN). Basics for Women Entrepreneurs” for 100 local From April to November 2016, members of the carpet weavers, discussed problems with them ACMU actively participated in the project The during roundtable meetings, and carried out Role of Women in the Development of Rural Life, master classes on dyeing and the rational use of carried out by the Social Organization in Support local dyes in the development of carpet weaving of Studying of Cultural Heritage (MIRAS) and in the region. As a result of the project, a Carpet sponsored by the CSSN, which took place in three Fair was organized to match the time of the Carpet villages of Agsu: Hegeli, Bijo, and Gashad. During Weavers’ Day on May 5, and a presentation was the project, members of the society were involved in also held for a book about the results of the project,

24 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan co-authored by members of the society. Interactive classes covered the following topics: On December 28, 2016, the ACMU and the Nur flat-woven carpets, weaving, types of artistic Art House organized a program and exhibition sewing, embroidery with beads, felt, pile carpets, called From the Past to the Future, which was Azerbaijani carpets of Novruz as a national attended by the followers of the school of Azer- cultural heritage, tapestry, batik and kelagai tech- baijani carpet designer Latif Kerimov, adding a nique, our ornaments, our history, nowadays past, new spirit to the classical traditions of the Azer- carpet technology, management and marketing baijani carpet with their works. The program also of cultural product, and Azerbaijani carpet as a featured the teachings of Haji Eldar Mikailzade, kind of widely used folk art. The trainings were Latifa Garayeva, Eldar Hajiyev, Eliar Guliyev, conducted by Roya Taghiyeva, researcher Gulshen and Adil Mammadov, reviving and instilling Huseynova, and designers Taryer Bashirov, Eldar into the youth the art of weaving in Azerbaijan. Hajiyev, Rauf Abdulhuseynoglu, Badir Aliyeva, Carpet artist Taryer Bashirov, who studied the Gunel Huseynova, and . art of the traditional carpet from his masters, On June 30, 2017, the Russian Information and also imparted a volume of knowledge and used Cultural Center and the Nur Art House, under color in a peculiar style, presenting the audience the framework of the project Talks about Art, held with youthful enthusiasm, harmony, and a new an event called “Birds Hovering in the Gardens,” interpretation. Others included carpet-making where the chairman of the ACMU conducted designer Narmin Aliyeva, occupying a peculiar a thematic, interactive lecture titled “The Art place in the history of art of the country, who left of Time and Peoples: The Mutual Influence of a deep trace in his craft and revived the art of felt; Mutual Enrichment.” Spectators also attended artist Rauf Abdulhuseynoglu, whose every loop is the program and exhibition of the works of the an example of elegance; Shahla Askerova, whose members of the Azerbaijan Association of Carpet embroidery pleases the eyes and whose beaded Makers: the carpet designer Eldar Haji; masters in woven carpets and creations each revive already the art of sewing, Elmira Gasimova and Hokuma forgotten compositions of the carpet; and master Gasimova; and carpet viewer Rahila Akhmedova. of embroidery Badira Aliyeva, whose examples Carpet weaver Gulnara Aliyeva, with her graceful of folk-applied art as carpets were demonstrated, fingers, presented a different technology of carpet each one more beautiful than the last. weaving to the attention of spectators. In February and March of 2017, the ACMU and For Eurovision in 2013, for the European Games the Nur Art House Gallery organized a master class in 2015, and in connection with the Islamic called “Learning from Masters” for students of the Olympic Games in 2017, the organization has Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art. constantly engaged in the selection and production At this event, besides the students themselves, art of souvenirs of the cultural heritage, an initiative amateurs also participated with great enthusiasm. which promotes national crafts and develops and

25 assists the sales work of members of organizations. project envisaged the preparation of proposals and The chairperson of the organization, Professor recommendations to inform the local authorities Roya Tagiyeva, is a member of the commission about Karabakh carpets, specimens, and carpet- for the selection of works for international events weaving facilities existing there. and forums. Badir Aliyev, Shahla Askerov, Frangiz The project aimed to revive traditions of the Aliyeva, and other members of the organization Karabakh carpet-weaving school, which was exhibited their works and souvenirs for sale there. an important part of the carpet-weaving art of Azerbaijan, and to restore forgotten designs and develop carpet-weaving technologies. In this Ongoing Projects regard, the project intended to monitor the poten- From August to November 2017, the ACMU tial of carpet weaving in Karabakh and carry out launched the project Modern Potential for the surveys among carpet weavers. The project also Development of Carpet Making in Karabakh, included a study of modern carpet products. funded by the Council on State Support to The implementation of this project contributed Non-Governmental Organizations under the to the preservation of the heritage of Azerbaijani Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azer- carpet weaving by stimulating the interest of the baijan (CSSN). weaving community in expanding carpet produc- The project involved collecting information tion and developing its creative potential. A tool about traditional handmade carpet production for such growth of production and exchange of among carpet markers and refugees from Kara- ideas could become a database that will include bakh: carpet producing localities, designers, their information about weavers, modern types of number, and the carpet types they wove. The carpets, weaving tools, patterns, and sources of information database to be established during the raw materials.

▼ Karabakh Rugs, an educational exhibition for schoolchildren, Modern Potential for the Development of Carpet Making in Karabakh Project

26 1. Reviving Carpet-Weaving Traditions in Azerbaijan The project was realized in four months and Implementation of all of the projects mentioned included the following steps: above was intended to help preserve the carpet − collecting information about weavers; weaving of Azerbaijan, which will be achieved − drawing up a questionnaire for weavers; by expanding the carpet production and caring − visiting workshops, collecting data, and conducting potential of the carpet-weaving community. This a survey among weavers; kind of development and exchange of ideas can be − collecting photographic materials; an instrument for textile carving, modern types of − developing a computer database and inputting carpets, techniques, patterns, and raw materials. collected information into it; and The surveys and results obtained during the − drawing up proposals for the revival and develop- projects, the interest of the population, and the ment of carpet weaving in this area. creation of new jobs can create conditions for the Results of the project were expected as follows: assessment of carpet development potential. The − increasing respect and attention to national culture monitoring is an important part of projects to and history; survey the economic situation in the regions and − promoting the revival of traditional crafts and lost to enable carpet making to be regarded as a tradi- weaving technologies; tional economic sector aimed at the non-oil sector − promoting the improvement of opportunities for of economic development. the growth of carpet production in Azerbaijan; In general, the realization of projects by the Azer- − strengthening the role of information technology baijani Carpet Makers Union in reviving weaving as an instrument in the development of carpet technologies and carpet designs can promote the weaving; spread of carpet-making technologies among the − searching for and developing economic tools to younger generation, which will contribute, eventu- stimulate carpet production; ally, to the sustainable development of the carpet- − strengthening the communication between weavers weaving regions in Azerbaijan. and potential buyers through a database; and − creating new jobs for weavers. Results included the database contents, the information about Karabakh weavers, the possi- bility of establishing a connection between the producer and the consumer, and the situation of eight weavers working at the factories in Agdam and two weavers in Goradiz.