The National of History of

The National Museum of is a scientific research, cultural and educational establishment that is occupied with collecting, study, exhibit and propaganda of material and spiritual monuments concerning all periods of Azerbaijan history. The museum was created by the name of “The educational museum of native land” on June 15, 1920 attached to “Musexcursion” subdivision which was newly established at the department of out-of-school work of People’s Education Commissariat of Azerbaijan SSR. The materials of “Istiglal” museum opened on the occasion of anniversary of Parliament of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on December 7, 1919, formed its main base. From July, 1920, it was called “The educational museum of native land – Istiglal (Independence) ” in honour of the above-mentioned museum. From October, 1920 to March, 1936 it was named as Azerbaijan SSR State Museum. From July, 1920 History Museum was placed in the palace built by a prominent oil baron and philanthropist, Hadji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev in 1895-1901. The museum received its first visitors in May, 1921.

In the initial period of its establishment such departments as History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Botany and Zoology, Mineralogy and Geology, Fine Arts and Artistic Craft, Public Education, Auxiliary Educational Institutions, as well as the Society on Exploration of Azerbaijan - Native land and the Commission on Ancient Monuments’ Guard functioned in the museum. The Society on Studies and Exploration of Azerbaijan established in 1923 and functioning in close relationship with the museum united the said society and the commission under its direction. The following years in accordance with the demand of the period structural changes were made at the museum repeatedly.

The increase of attention to the political-educational issues of the growing generation in the mid 1930s, the realization of the demands of the Party and the Government for the necessity of demonstrating the “privileges” of the socialist society at the museum expositions made the study of history and its propagation in accordance with the totalitarian regime policy one of the burning issues of the day. The increased attention to the teaching of history at schools was accompanied by the establishment of new type history-regional ethnography . Under the decree of the Council of People’s Commissars (CPC) of Azerbaijan of March 31, 1936 the rebuilding of Azerbaijan State Museum resulted in the establishment of the museum of a history profile and its being handed over the administration to the newly-set up Azerbaijan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the name of Azerbaijan History Museum. It in its turn gave rise to the separation of other non-history profile scientific fields in addition to the Theatre Museum separated from the former State Museum in 1934 and to the establishment of new museums (Museum of History of Nature, Art Museum, Museum of Religion and Atheism History, Literature Museum, etc. ).The mass repression and the war taken place at the end of the 30s and at the beginning of the 40s rarefied the rows of scholars and museum worker. History museum which used to be an independent body till 1941 turned into museum department within the Institute of History, Language and Literature of Azerbaijan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Azerbaijan History Museum functioned under the same name attached to Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences of the USSR that was established in 1945.

From 1920 to 1941 organizing exhibitions mainly on different historical themes both at Taghiyev’s house and Shirvanshahs’ Palace the museum (in 1941-1952 the CPC of Azerbaijan SSR, later renamed Council of Ministers, was placed at Taghiyev’s house) much preferred research (especially archaeological) works in the years of war and the following years.

Given back of Taghiyev’s estate to the museum in 1953 and the measures taken by the state in the field of the museum-building created conditions for the establishment of the scientific exposition at the Azerbaijan History Museum reflecting the history of our people from the ancient periods up to now.

One needs frequently use the words “the first” or “for the first time” while speaking about activity of the Azerbaijan History Museum. In fact, from 1925 to 60s, till carrying out excavations was given to History Institution of Academy of Sciences, History museum functioned as an archaeological center of the Republic and archaeological investigations carried out in Khojaly, Nakhchivan, Gabala, Ganja, Kharaba Gilan, Orengala, Mingechevir, etc. by archaeologists of History Museum Davud Sharifov, Yevgeni Pakhomov, Ishag Jafarzade, Movsyum Salamov, Saleh Gaziyev, Mammadali Huseynov , etc. laid the ground for the scientific investigation of the ancient monuments of material culture in the territory of Azerbaijan. Artefacts discovered during these expeditions and ethnographic expeditions organized by the Museum and stored at the museum departments today, enriched museum collection and became a source for many books and dissertations.

Beginning from the 60s though the museum didn’t organize archaeological expeditions, it became the centre of a new area - underwater archaeological investigations. In 1968 – 1972 a divers’ group led by Viktor Kvachidze investigated the and seaside territory (Byandovan I, Byandovan II, Bilgeh, etc.) and discovered underwater archaeological materials which have a special place in the exposition today. They discovered medieval residences (Mughan, Gushtasfi) and founded research activity of them.

The rich collection of the museum has served as a source for booklets, catalogues, albums and articles published in different years. The books published tastefully by the museum under the name “National garments” ,“Jewelry”, “Oriental arms”, “Copperware ” , “ and All Kinds of Carpets and Rugs”, “Azerbaijani embroideries”, “Archaeological material”, “Numismatics” and “Underwater archaeology” were received with great interest. Also the publication of “The catalogue of gold and silver objects found during archaeological excavations ” in 1966 and the album “The ancient adornments of Azerbaijan” in 1972 roused a great interest for history lovers. In the years of 1970-1980 a two-volume book by name “The exhibits speak” came out , covering the description and the information on the original and rare exhibits concerning our contemporary history.

An original “The Statehood in Azerbaijan and its symbols” book-album came out in 2000. Besides reflecting a greater material kept at the museum funds it comprises our state symbols for the first time in Azerbaijan-based history studies.

The Museum-related works published and research sessions-related materials devoted to the results of research works carried out in the Museum in 1950-1990 comprise its research editions. Continued since 2001 under the name of “Azerbaijan History Museum ” this work has been edited by name “Azerbaijan History Museum- 80 ”, “Azerbaijan History Museum -2002 ”, “Azerbaijan History Museum- 2003”, “Azerbaijan History Museum -2004”. The said works being the collection of scholarly work mainly rely on the Museum materials, reflect the characteristic features of the collected exhibits, the organization of expositions from scientific point of view, the duties of museum management studies and the scientific activity of the Museum research workers. In 2002 the “Maestro Niyazi” catalogue made on the memorial collection preserved at the Museum funds in 2003. the “Multi Media” CD (with financial aid of UNESCO) devoted to the collection of the Azerbaijan History Museum came out. It should be noted that these works comprise only the least part of editions come out with signature stamps of the Azerbaijan History Museum throughout its activity.

The research works carried out in the Museum besides developing the Science of History in Azerbaijan also fulfill the main function of the Museum: they form the face of the museum i.e. its exposition. Though the results of various expeditions, valuable archaeological, ethnographic, numismatic materials and documents gained after intense searches are exhibited in the exposition of the Museum and they witness the centuries- old culture and history peculiar to our people.

In 2005 began capital restoration and reconstruction of Azerbaijan History Museum. Consequently, Taghiyev’s palace obtained its past exterior and interior view again. In November, 2005 the museum was given national status under order of Cabinet of Ministers.

The building where the National History Museum of Azerbaijan is presently located was the dwelling house for Hadji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev and his family. The palace designed by architect Joseph Goslavsky, Pole by origin (1865-1904) is one of the most beautiful buildings of . He was born in Polish noble family, in Warsaw province. He graduated from the Institute of Petersburg Civil Engineers. J. Goslavsky was sent on an official journey to Baku as an expert in building of Alexander Nevsky Church in 1891. J. Goslavky was the Chief Architect in 1893-1904. He was the author of 12 beautiful buildings as City Parliament, Tagiyev’s mansion and Russian-Muslims Girls’ School and etc. H.Z.A Tagiyev’s mansion was built in 1895-1901. This three-storied mansion with huge domes overlooks to Baryatinsky Street (now Abdulkarim Alizade), Polis (now Yusif Mammadaliyev), Mercury (now Zarifa Aliyeva) and its facade overlooks Gorchakov street, (Hadji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev). The rooms in the mansion are two-row. The front part of the marble stairs overlook to the west. The interior of the eastern Hall differs from magnificent ornaments and decorations and vertical and horizontal details divide the surface of the wall into the sections filled with vegetable ornament motifs. The grace columns of Eastern hall have been compiled in Mauritania style. On the basis of Goslavsky’s sketch, wooden ceiling looks magnificent made of selected elements and consisting of geometric pictures. While building the mansion, various architecture styles were used. Thus, symmetric basic facade was built in the style of Italian Renaissance, the dressing room is in French rococo, the dining room is in Flemish baroque and the bedroom is in modern style. H.Z.Tagiyev’s cabinet, dining room, living-room and other rooms were decorated in modern style. The division of the mansion stairs, the deep engraving layings of the walls, and richness of architectural style display the great taste of architects.

“The Biography of famous Hadji Zeynal Abdin Tagiyev with his property and philanthropy” book notes that 270 engineers, architects, carpenters, engravers and other masters built this mansion. All equipment in the mansion were brought from Russia, France, USA, Germany. Heating and freezing systems were installed at mansion. The mansion is three-storeyed, the height of the room stretches to metre. The columns of the mansion were decorated with coloured mirror glass and the floor was covered with birch wood. The furniture is from the USA, pictures and brocade curtains are from Germany. It is said that (in the book) the mansion cost 12 roubles (except furniture and equipment). On the ground floor are H.Z.Tagiyev’s contour and other rooms, a study – Western and Eastern hall are on the first floor, as well as two rooms with safe, dressing rooms, a kitchen and bath-rooms and etc. The second floor consists of 16 rooms, which overlooks to Y. Mammadaliyev street.

Building materials, as well as equipment, chandeliers and everything for interior were brought from Russia and Western Europe and well-qualified masters and painters were invited. On the first floor is European hall decorated with vegetable ornaments pilaster. Eastern Hall is distinguished by its ornaments, splendour and grace. The winter garden with fountain in the center were attached Eastern hall. Tagiyev’s wife Sona khanum’s boudoir is distinguished by its particular beauty and originality. The ceiling is flagged with plate-glass, so the room is often called as “mirror hall”.

“Baku Merchants Bank” owned by Tagiyev was situated in the mansion 1914. In 1920 Azerbaijan government was seized power by Bolsheviks and they confiscated the Tagiyev’s mansion and State History Museum began its activity in the mansion. In 1941-1954 History Museum were moved to Shirvanshah Palace. Azerbaijan SSR People Comissars were replaced in the mansion. The first floor of the mansion was back to History museum in 1954. On the ground floor was situated Technical and Medical Archieve. The mansion was wholly History Museum of Azerbaijan in 2000. Tagiyev’s mansion was reconstructed for several times. During the reconstruction in the middle of 20th century, pictures in the mirror rooms were destroyed as “bourgeois remains” and were plastered again. During the reconstruction in 2000 the pictures were found out again. Though the pictures were coloured for four times, they haven’t losed their freshness.

Fundamental restoration and reconstruction launched in 2005. National History Museum of Azerbaijan under Tagiyev’s Memorial museum was created with initiative the . On December 28, 2007 the president of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev and his wife attended the opening ceremony of National History Museum of Azerbaijan. After familiarization with the Museum and Tagiyev’s Memorial Museum, he was pleased with achievements. President Ilham Aliyev left his cordial words in the Book of Honorable Guests:

“History museum continues its activity after restoration. The exposition of the museum displays the antiquity and richness of Azerbaijan history. All equipments are appropriate to the world standard. The building and its interior is national wealth of Azerbaijan. We restored the museum and gave it a new life. The restoration of the Tagiyev’s residence, great son of Azerbaijan, was our spiritual duty. This great person played the main role in enlightenment of the young of Azerbaijan. I am sure the activity of the museum will be successful after it. I wish success all the employees of the History Museum”.

Director: Naila Mammadali Valiancy , the full member of ANAS, Ph.D on historical sciences, professor

Telephone: (99412) 493 23 87 e-mail: [email protected]

Address: 4 H.Z. Taghiyev street, Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1005 Phone: (+994 12) 493 36 48, 598 17 46 Fax: (+994 12) 598 52 11 E-mail: [email protected]