Italy: the Deadliest Route to Fortress Europe
Italy: the Deadliest Route to Fortress Europe This report has been drawn up by the advocacy area of the Spanish Refugee Aid Commission (CEAR in Spanish) in the context of the “Observatory on the right to asylum, forced migrations and borders” project funded by the Extremadura Agency for International Development Cooperation (AEXCID). In the context of this investigation and in an aim to diagnose the current situation in Italy and the EU, the CEAR team held interviews with UNHCR, ASGI, Baobab Experience, Centro Astalli, CIR, CPR Roma, EASO, Emergency, Instituto Pedro Arrupe de Palermo, LasciateCIEntrare, Mediterranean Hope, MSF, OXFAM Italia, Save the Children, SJR, Terre des Hommes, UNICEF, Doctor Juan Federico Jiménez Carrascosa and migrant people, asylum applicants and refugees who have given a voice to their experience and real situation. Front page image: “è il cimitero dell’indifferenza”. By: Francesco Piobbichi Year and place published: 2017, Madrid The Spanish Refugee Aid Commission (CEAR) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1979 that is engaged in voluntary, humanitarian, independent and joint action. Our objective is to work with citizens to defend the right to asylum. Our mission is also to defend and promote human rights and comprehensive development for asylum applicants, refugees, stateless people and migrants in vulnerable situations or at risk of social exclusion. Our work has a comprehensive approach based on temporary accommodation; legal, psychological and social assistance; training and employment; and social advocacy
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