GLAC 22 2016 22nd Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference University of Iceland May 20–22, 2016 Abstracts and Directory of Presenters [May 13, 2016] Organizing committee Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson University of Iceland (
[email protected]) Haraldur Bernharðsson University of Iceland (
[email protected]) Margrét Guðmundsdóttir University of Iceland (
[email protected]) Tonya Kim Dewey University of Minnesota Morris (
[email protected]) Þórhallur Eyþórsson University of Iceland (
[email protected]) Conference service provided by CP Reykjavík. We are grateful for the generous support from the following sponsors: University of Iceland office of the President The University of Iceland Linguistics Institute The Centre for Research in the Humanities, University of Iceland Chargée d’Affaires of the Federal Republic of Germany Ms Diane Röhrig Society for Germanic Linguistics John Benjamins Publishing Company Cambridge University Press Brill Publishers
[email protected] #glac22 Note: In keeping with Icelandic convention, the abstracts are alphabetized by the presenter’s first name. 2 Abstracts of Plenaries 3 4 There is no “Icelandic A and B” nor “Faroese 1 and 2” Höskuldur Þráinsson University of Iceland The so-called Principles and Parameters approach to linguistic variation (cf. Chomsky 1981) has had a very important and positive impact on linguistic thinking about how languages can and cannot vary. But it has also led to a common but unwarranted assumption about linguis- tic variation, which can be described as follows: If Speaker A finds Sentence X acceptable but Speaker B does not, then Speaker A speaks the A-variant of the relevant language and Speak- er B speaks the B-variant and these are discrete and clearly distinct variants.