Bronx River. Holiday, the Draw Need Not Open from (A) the Draw of the Bruckner Boule- 9:15 A.M
Coast Guard, DHS § 117.771 (4) The owners of the bridge shall (b) From 11 p.m. on December 24 provide and keep in good legible condi- until 11 p.m. on December 25, the draw tion, two clearance gauges, with fig- need open only if at least two hours no- ures not less than eight inches high, tice is given. designed, installed, and maintained ac- [USCG–2007–0026, 73 FR 5749, Jan. 31, 2008] cording to the provisions of § 118.160 of this chapter. § 117.758 Tuckahoe River. (b) The draw of the Monmouth Coun- The draw of the State highway ty highway bridge, mile 4.0, at Sea bridge, mile 8.0 at Tuckahoe, shall open Bright, shall open on signal; except on signal if at least 24 hours notice is that, from May 15 through September given. 30, on Saturdays, Sundays, and holi- days, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., the draw [CGD82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984. Redes- ignated by CGD05–06–045, 71 FR 59383, Oct. 10, need open only on the hour and half 2006] hour. The draw need not be opened at any time for a sailboat, unless it is § 117.759 Wading River. under auxiliary power or is towed by a The draw of the Burlington County powered vessel. The owners of the highway bridge, mile 5.0 at Wading bridge shall keep in good legible condi- River, shall open on signal if at least 24 tion two clearance gages, with figures hours notice is given. not less than eight inches high, de- signed, installed and maintained ac- § 117.761 Woodbridge Creek.
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