University of Southern Denmark Field of Study: Energy Technology Bachelor Thesis - 6th Semester Design of a Siemens eHighway System Implemented across Funen Authors: Alexander M.E. Plougmann (
[email protected]) Kristan L. Kvist Supervisors: (
[email protected]) Lars Yde Magnus Værbak (
[email protected]) May 22nd 2017 This page is intentionally left blank. 6th Semester Bachelor Thesis Preface This paper is a bachelor thesis in Energy Technology Engineering produced at the University of Southern Denmark. It is intended for peers and others who find interest in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in the transport sector. The study examines the implementation of Siemens eHighway across Funen, using overhead power lines to which heavy-duty vehicles with pantographs will be able to connect. The paper consists of several parts of data analysis of traffic and power aspects, as well as a mathematical model. The authors would like to thank the following people for helping provide data and infor- mation; Jesper Knudsen, Uffe Ærboe Christiansen, Nina Christensen, Michael Lehmann, Benjamin Wickert and Lise Jonasen. Lastly, a special thanks to our supervisor Lars Yde as well as to Henrik Wenzel and Abid Rabbani for guidance during supervisor meetings. Alexander Plougmann Kristian Kvist Magnus Værbak Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date Number of characters: [109,000] Number of pages occupied by figures: [28] 3 of 106 This page is intentionally left blank. 6th Semester Bachelor Thesis Abstract The Danish Parliament is committed to change the Danish energy system into a completely renewable energy system by 2050. This implies that all non-renewable production will be phased out over the next decades.