DIIS REPORT Trine Flockhart (editor) Cooperative Security: NATO’s Partnership Policy in a Changing World DIIS Report 2014:01 DIIS REPORT DIIS . DANISH INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1 DIIS REPORT 2014:01 © Copenhagen 2014, the authors and DIIS Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS Østbanegade 117, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ph: +45 32 69 87 87 Fax: +45 32 69 87 00 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.diis.dk Layout: Allan Lind Jørgensen Printed in Denmark by Vesterkopi AS ISBN 978-87-7605-639-1 (print) ISBN 978-87-7605-640-7 (pdf ) Price: DKK 50.00 (VAT included) DIIS publications can be downloaded free of charge from www.diis.dk Hardcopies can be ordered at www.diis.dk Trine Flockhart, PhD, Senior Researcher, DIIS
[email protected] 2 DIIS REPORT 2014:01 Contents Abbreviations 4 Contributors 7 Abstracts 10 Foreword NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen 15 Introduction. Changing Partnerships in a Changing World Trine Flockhart 17 1. The Future of NATO’s Partnerships James Appathurai 35 2. Cooperative Security: A New Concept? Ole Wæver 47 3. The ‘Partnerfication’ of NATO: From Wall-building to Bridges-building? Magnus Christiansson 60 4. Partners, the Pivot, and Liberal Order Rebecca R. Moore 73 5. China and NATO: Room for Partnership? Mads Kjeldsen and Friis Arne Petersen 87 6. As good as it gets? Australia and NATO beyond Afghanistan Ben Schreer 99 7. Partnerships in the Middle East: Interventionist Endeavors? Jakob Aarøe Jørgensen 111 8. NATO’s Cooperation with the EU doesn’t work and it doesn’t really matter … yet! Thierry Legendre 121 9.