I I Thnrsdar, Manli 16, 188S. NOBTU ACBELIU8. Sobool Closed at Tho

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I I Thnrsdar, Manli 16, 188S. NOBTU ACBELIU8. Sobool Closed at Tho ii Benedict luHtltUtdiiiear Columbia,B^ C, Boot and Shoe House.—Taylor & Co. In wlitob were beautlfkil speclmena of ^^^Lesal^ the mistletoe hyadinthe, napcissus, Japonica, white Jonquil, etc. UAKDIAN 8.M.li:.-nY VIKTUK OK A OtCro.UiK SAI.K.-nKfc'AUl.-r llAVIStl Thnrsdar, Manli 16, 188S. -n llceiiiii;, to niu umntud, mi lliofilli diiy of been niadu In the iiaymeni ornlxieen bun The friends of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- 9'«rcli . 18S2, l.y ()uor(,'u P, Gllliiin, Jiiclffu of iiri)- und llfty dollarri, now clainiud to hu ilno aud lelts, numbering about forty couples ONLY i MORE mtu of Ull! coiiiiij- of Iiiulmiii, uiid iiiitu of Midi. Mnnpald upon a certain tnoili;aini, bearlHK date NOBTU ACBELIU8. Iliau, 1 rliHll III iHibliu uiictliiii, on tbi: aUil ilMy the tlilrri day of Novuinliur, liiTl, uxcciUutl liy from Uelbi, Mason and this town, gave of A|>rllI.INSV.u, t one o'clock in thu Hflornonii, .li'KKO «. Suaric anil Krnnccii \, Scarlo lo Onrrett them a pleasant surprise party last TO BUY BOOTS AND SHOES ul (111) front dour of thu coiirthouiiK, In Iho cItv of nnltnln, nnU recorded in tho ofllce of Iho roiriiilei Sobool closed at tho Kicfhols soliool- Wednesday evening, the occasion be­ MttKon.ln 8Hldcoiinly,«ll tlio right, tllle anil iu- ofdecdii, for I niiliain county, iitalG of MIchlRan, liouBo last Saturday. turuniof \lton W. Uriindy, u minor, lu and to niaiii Ihe sUteuiith day of Novonibor, 1871, In ing the thirty-third anniversary of curtain ronl uHHio In xiild coimiy, dcHPrlhud iw I.lher tblrtv-lwoof inortijiiscH. on paaes llfty-nvu AninplesuRar party at John Nor- their wedding. Their Delhi friends tho nndlvldird oiiu-ul.xUi of thu wurit half of ilin and linv-!<l::; and no unit or proceudluK at law, ris'a last Wednesday. presented them with a beautiful silver iiorllumnt iiiiartur, nnd thu nurthwust or In chancery, having been Inmltiitcd lo recover caster, wiiiletheirMason and Alaiedon miiinur olHccilon twunty-iievon (L7) In town two any part thereof, nnd tbo jiower ol nalu thuroiu VOL. XXIV.-NO. 12. /Tcniperance nieetinu; at tho Curtis At WHOLESALE PRICES. (2) north of raiij^u one cunt. contained having become abnnliite, by vlrtno of MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, MARCH 23. 1882. WHOLE 1211. friends took this method of showing JliOUwT" • , .r,. «. TIIOMl'SON, thu Htatulu, III Kiich caxu made itiut provided, no HO.bool-bouae next Sunday evening- lice la hereby Klvun, that npon Nalurili»y, lil<> Last Saturday Mrs. Wright was sud­ to this worthy couple the respect nnaiirdlai i of «ald Minor. aud esteem in which they are iield by IHtli liny ut Mny, 1882, nt onu o'clock In the denly called to Howell, to attend tho We desire to say to tbe people of Ingham County that Datod Mnrth (Itli, 1882, iifleriiiitin of (>aiil day, 1 xhall »i!ll at public unc­ the public by presenting to tbuiii a riXKCUTOH'S SALE, - IIV vifm.'K OP A tion, to tbu bIchuNt bidder, at thu front iloor ol' Notice to Settle. PEBSONALS. the political fortunss of that territory. funeral of hor mother. lovely silver cake basket and a pair of we shall run our Branch Store at Mascn possibly only two JU llconso, lo ini; granted. tbu Intthain comity coiirt-bousu. In Iho city of BTT8INE8S LOCALS. Amusements. .11 thu kI.MIi iliiy of '"..i.i— ••- '- - the place where All persons Indebted to me by book According to the present method of More board fence appears at thu elegant silver napkin rings. weeks and positively only three weeks longer. A few weeks Piiliriiary, I8.S:.', by Ucoriii! 1'. (illlnni, Jnduii of of liiKhniu, and .-•tatu of tlio drctiit court for fitltl county U MO inucli account; can settle with mo prior to Justice Day is at Lapeer this week. local government there, the minority Extra Heavy Croaa Tin Copper Bottom front of C. S, Wilson's fann. Charlie Mli'hiL'an, I Khiill null at piihllu niii-ilon, on lliu Clothes Botlcra, only {LOS at Ford's Five and ago, owing to the open winter, we found that (notwithstand­ of the land described in said uiorti:H);u as ahall PCBLtSIIlSD GVKBr THUItSDAY, BV April 1, After that date all unsettled Rev. L, E, Spatlbrd was in town of the iiopuiation, the Gentiles, though also has tlie frame hoisted for a new 37tliilH,v «r Miireli. 1HS2, ai onu o'clock iu be necuHsnry 10 pallHfy the aiuounl. due, aud all they possess the greater jiart of the Ten Cent Buzaar. lltf Moiit Market—H. Peters. thu afternoon, at. tliu limit door of Ihu conn- V. J. TEFFT. this week. granary. ing our Immense sales) we were heavily stocked in our large leuMiI coaK, tORCtlier with an ailorncy feu ol accounts will be left; for collections, wealth of the territory, exclusive of RAM OPERA HOIISB, hoimu. In the cliy of Maiion. In i-ald county, all nvenly-ftvu dollars, covenanted for therein, the A Vnrm For Male. Samuel Opdyke will sell at public Boot and Shoe Establishment at Lansing. We resolved to thu rliihl, title and Interest of which l.rhili land embraced In i^ald liiortjiaj^e Is described as 1209w3p H. M. W1LLIAM.S, Fred and Burt Woodhouse were farm property, and though they con­ C. J. BAYNKli, Maniigc^, Mniilh died seized. In and lo the followla!,' landM, follnwH, vl-.!; <;otain»nclnt; two rods aniith of Oa. y.ar, ILSO ; tlx manlhi, 75 c.nli; Fifty acres, ib tmprored, good houso, barn auction his personal property Wednes­ H-O-O-P-E-E. to wit: 'I'liii east thlrl.v aeius iit ihe iioilheiiHl thr*. visiting friends in Mason this week. stitute by far the most enliglitenedand day, March 15. Mr, Opdyke contem­ clear away our surplus stock at all hazards previous to vis­ theitnarler ))Oal, between sections Iwuaty-onc menlha, 40 cenit—In advane*. enterprising iiortion of the coniinuni- and orchard. In Alaiedon, one iiiilo north of ONB NIQHT ONLY I quarter of the Hont,hwent. i|iiarier, Tho north and twcnly-clKht, in town one north of latiKc Election a week from next Monday. Ed. W. Lowe starts for Dakota to­ the Center, Will bo sold for n,(X)0 down, tho plates making Mason bis purinnnaiit lliirly acrcK of Ihe i<outbeaNt. i|iinrlernf tho Koutli- onu west, Ihoncii south twclvii rniU, thence eaal ty, are practically without a voice in iting the East for Spring purchases. We therefore opened weKtouartcr,aud the sonlhwe.sl iiuarterof Iho ADVERTISINQ RATES. night. His family accompany lilni. rest on time, at 7 per eont. Inquire of residence soon. twelve roils, thence noith twolve rods, thence OumdvertialnK ratou made icnowu alofnco, Fifteen horses have been purchased legislation. The author proposes a the Mason Branch for the express purpose of unloading Hoath«-onl(|iiarlerof hcciIoii (11:1) tweiily-llireu. neat, twelve loda to the place of bevlnnlni!, sit­ Uwlj) A.J. Honey, BInIrNob. MoDiay Eve., Mr, Wright, the part.v who recently In town !t north of raiiL-e two earn. In fald county uate in tho village of Lei-lle, tbo township o( Les­ Buatneaa card* Si a lino per year, hereabouts within the past ten days . Fred Stanton Is now ticket agent drastic yet entirely practicable .remedy ofliiKhaia, WII.I.AUD S.MITII, lie, in IiiKlianicoinily. Michigan. illWivi:! BUMlneHH locaU Uvo conta per Uae each and for these and all the evils prevalent in purchased of R, J. Bullcii, tiic farm goods, regardless of wholesale value. «T.ry Inaertlon. for shipment to New York, and operator for the M, C. R. R, at •rUe NIceat TtaiiiK Out. Kxennior "f tjie IJflale ol said Ueiaar-iMl. Mason, February .|lh, I.SW. Harrlago, birth, nnd death noticea tree. Eden. Utali. An articlo entitled "Why they Crystal Table Cutlery. Ask to see It. known as the Blancbard estate, bus Dated Keli. (1, 1882. OAKKKTT ni.IlOIS, MurlpiKee. ^lany Masonites are going to Lan­ r,!iC,w7 Obituary notlcoH, roHolutinna of rospeot, Come," by Edward Self, is devoted to llif at Cannon iS: DuBois. taken possession und is niukitifj a decid­ i.uriKN liEKn, Attorney for .Morl|,'a);eu. eards of thanks, eta,, tlvo ceiitH a lino. sing to-niglit to hear the famous prima Rev. Mr. Baldwin went to Howell MARCH ed iinpi'ovuinent in the looks of tliu We are actually Be tailing many .isT.vri.; Ol'' ANi)itr.:s ii. ici.;..\toi(. ni:- tlio consideration of the many liiiport- li ccaseil. State of .MIcliliian, eouiil.v of Int;. donna, Clara Louise Kellogg. last Tuesday to attend a missionary ant questions connected with Euro­ Uiir HtamitMl Tlnirare liouHe and surroundings. Ihaul, es. .Vt n F'e..^^'loll ol tint prohhte court OKTCiAGE .SAI.i:.-I)KKAUI/r lIAVIMfi meeting. Is all manufactured by tho U. S, Manulactur- THELEE&KIX been made In the iiaytuent of lUiecn bun. THE NEWa~JOB BOOM lleglster next Saturday, llrst-ward- pean iininigratioii to this country. Now is the time. Meat is for lite i^ald connl.v. lirM ai the probale otllee. dreMd and seventy-four dollars, now claimed to bo liig Company, and warranted equal to any goods at less than Whole­ In the city of .MaKuii, on Iho l.'iUi day of .March, IK fluppllod with the bent maclilnery that ites at W. Gregory's harness shop, sec- Judge Gridley is giving very excel- Dr. Henry A. Martin, replying to a STAR COMBINATION, STOCKUIUDGG. In the year one Ihiiusand el(;ht hundred (Ine and iiiiiiald iijion a curtain niort]:af;e, bear- recent article by Henry Bergh, defends sold In Mason, at Ford's Five and Ten Cent high, and the farmers give it and el«biytwo.
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