Mini Vodic Engleski

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Mini Vodic Engleski MOST VISITED EVENTS: MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES APRIL, NOV: SERBIA FASHION WEEK 1 CITY MUSEUM OF NOVI SAD APRIL: NOMUS (International Classical Music Festival) Address: Petrovaradin Fortress 4 MOUNTANEERING MARATHON AT FRUŠKA GORA Permanent exhibition: Novi Sad from the 18th to the 20th century MAY: AGRICULTURAL FAIR Underground military galleries. STERIJINO POZORJE (STERIJA’S THEATRE FESTIVAL) Collections and annexes: (Theatre Festival) Foreign Art Collection (Dunavska Street 29); JUNE: TAMBURICA FEST Heritage Collection of Sremski Karlovci (Patrijarha Rajačića Street 16, Sremski Karlovci); ZMAJEVE DEČJE IGRE (ZMAJ’S GAMES FOR CHILDREN) Memorial Collection of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj (Children’s Festival) (Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja Street 1, Sremska INTERFEST (Wine Festival) Kamenica); JULY: EXIT (Music Festival) OPENS YOUTH FAIR (Fair of Youth Tourism) 2 MUSEUM OF VOJVODINA AUG: DANI BRAZILA (DAYS OF BRAZIL) Address: Dunavska Street 35-37. (Novi Sad Samba Festival) Permanent exhibition: preserved traces of SEPT: GRADIĆ FEST (International Festival of Street Musicians) material and spiritual culture from the territory of OCT: NOVI SAD OKTOBERFEST Vojvodina from Palaeolithic age to the 20th century NOV: JAZZ FESTIVAL DUNAVSKA (DANUBE) STREET DEC: CELEBRATION OF TWO NEW YEAR’S EVES 3 MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART OF VOJVODINA Address: Dunavska Street 37 Permanent exhibition: works of contemporary art Welcome to Novi Sad The city rich with tradition and culture, and the city where 4 NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTION OF cultural heritage is preserved as carefully as a relaxed THE PROVINCIAL INSTITUTE FOR NATURE atmosphere. This city can be proud of the epithet of CONSERVATION Address: Radnička Street 20a multinational, multicultural, and multiconfessional capital. DANI BRAZILA This is where differences and diversities are understood as Permanent exhibition: natural heritage of Vojvodina advantages. Novi Sad is also the city of science and art. At the Novi Sad University there are nineteen faculties, Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies EXIT 5 GALLERY OF MATICA SRPSKA and Researches, and specialised institutes and departments. Address: Trg Galerija 1 In addition, the city has many museums and galleries where Permanent exhibition: Serbian painting and graphics from the 17th to 20th century. numerous cultural events, exhibitions and displays are organised. The city centre with attractive old city core, and prestigious Novi Sad Fair is the host of many world known OPENS YOUTH FAIR 6 MEMORIAL COLLECTION OF PAVLE BELJANSKI festivals and events. Address: Trg Galerija 2 Being positioned on the Danube, with the Fortress the Permanent exhibition: collection of Serbian fine art of the first half of the 20th century. building of which was completed in the 18th century, Novi Sad is located at the crossroads of most important traffic lines, in the vicinity of the “holly” Fruška Gora. The city hinterland 7 GALLERY OF FINE ARTS - ENDOWMENT reveals “salaš” farmsteads, Fruška Gora wine region, and COLLECTION OF RAJKO MAMUZIĆ National Park “Fruška Gora“ providing the precondition for Address: Vase Stajića Street 1. enjoyment with all senses. Permanent exhibition: collection of works of contemporary Yugoslav artists. NOMUS SERBIA FASHION WEEK USEFUL INFORMATION: Climate TOURIST INFORMATION: Climate is moderate continental and continental. The average annual temperature is 10.9˚C. Average annual precipitation makes Tourist Information Centre Novi Sad 578 mm/m2. Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9 TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Population Phone: +381 21 421 811 According to the latest Census from 2011, Novi Sad has 341,625 Monday – Friday: 07.30 a.m. – 03.30 p.m. EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITAL 2019 inhabitants. Jevrejska 10, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2021 Electricity Phone: +381 21 6617-343, 6617-344 220 V, 50 Hz Monday – Friday: 07.30 a.m. – 05.00 p.m. Saturday: 09.00 a.m. – 02.00 p.m. Time zone GMT + 1 E-mail: Country/city code For Serbia +381, Novi Sad (0)21, International calls from Serbia 00 (country code) (city/town code) Publisher: Currency TOURIST ORGANISATION OF THE CITY OF NOVI SAD Dinar RSD, 1 dinar = 100 paras For the publisher: Branislav Knežević Transportation Text: Gordana Stojaković, Ivana Bolf-Labudović, Marina Babić, Slavica Lončar GSP (local public) transport, the price of a single ticket amount Text in Serbian edited and proofread by: Ivana Bolf-Labudović to 65 RSD Translated into English by: Lingua Taxi transport: start 85 RSD, transport within the city 52 RSD/ Map layout: TONS km (prices are subject to changes) Design and preparation for printing: Graphic Solutions Important phones Photographs: TONS archives Police 192 Printing: Futura Fire fighters 193 Circulation: 20.000 pcs. Emergency service 194 ISBN 978-86-88855-86-0 Road assistance (AMSS) 1987 Novi Sad, 2018. Clinical Centre +381 (0)21 48 43 484 Institute - Sremska Kamenica +381 (0)21 48 05 100 CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Railway Station +381 (0)21 443 200 Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад Inter-municipal bus station +381 (0)21 444 021, 444 022 338.48(497.113 Novi Sad)(036) Public transport - information +381 (0)21 527 399 ISBN 978-86-88855-86-0 COBISS.SR-ID 315586567 NOVI SAD TALKING app Your personal guide to significant sites of Novi Sad TRG SLOBODE LEGEND: 3 DETELINARA - PETROVARADIN 4 RAILWAY STATION - LIMAN IV WiFi 8 NOVO NASELJE - ŠTRAND 61,6 4 61,62 BUS STATION - SREMSKI KARLOVCI 3 WiFi Network: EVROPSKAPRESTONICAKULTURE2021 WiFi Username: opens2019 Password: opens2019 6 WiFi 93 8 4 3 5 3 WiFi 2 2 WiFi 3 61, 62 1 3 61, 62 7 6 5 1 8 7 WiFi 92 WiFi 4 WiFi LEGEND Planetarium Railway Station Inter-municipal Cultural Centre bus station University Campus Taxi Car park for Novi Sad Fair 8 private vehicles WiFi Hospital Post office SPENS Market 1 4 9 WiFi 10 Police Toilette Tourist Information Centres Internet kafe TOP 10 ATTRACTIONS: a three-piece altar apse and a high, new-Baroque bell tower at the divided into Upper and Lower Town (Suburbium). The Upper Town western forefront. It was completed in 1853. The church interior is is dominated by the Tower with the clock whose large hand shows decorated with vitrages, which contributes to a general impression hours and the small one shows minutes. One of the most striking of richness experienced by visitors. The churchyard holds the oldest buildings is the Leopold’s Gate with a Baroque style front and a preserved monument in Novi Sad – the Epiphany Cross made of pink suspension bridge. The gate holds the coat of arms of the Austrian marble. Empire above which there is the motto of the Hapsburg Monarchy reading: “Viribus unitis“(With joined forces). The underground 5 DUNAVSKA (DANUBE) STREET military galleries, a four-storey communication-defence system is one of the oldest streets in Novi Sad that connects the bank of the that is 16 km long is a unique attraction of Petrovaradin Fortress. river Danube and Zmaj Jovina Street. It starts with the oldest house They are open for visitors with professional guide service of the in the city – “At the White Lion’s” and the City Library. Numerous City Museum of Novi Sad. passages hide shops, souvenir shops, cake shops and restaurants. 91 CHINESE QUARTER 6 MATICA SRPSKA is the space for punk, rock and metal sound lovers and the place is the oldest and most reputable cultural and scientific institution where diverse programmes and events leaning towards the avant- CITY HALL among the Serbs. It was founded in Budapest, in 1826 and moved to garde and alternative are organised. Novi Sad in 1864. Publishing activity was one of the most important 1 CITY HALL activities, which is confirmed by the existence of “Letopis Matice 92 FINE ART CIRCLE is a monumental neo-Renaissance building that was built at the srpske” (“Matica Srpska Chronicle”), the oldest literary magazine in is the largest informal colony of artists in the world since it has Liberty Square in 1895. This impressive building with four domes and the world that has been published since 1824. Matica Srpska also been gathering more than 200 artists, mainly painters within the a tower with a balcony near the top is the work of György Molnar. At includes the Library and Gallery of Matica Srpska today. space of Petrovaradin Fortress, for more than fifty years now. the time when it was built the tower itself had the bell that served as a warning bell in the case of fire. The bell that the citizens of Novi 7 SYNAGOGUE 93 CK13 Sad used to call “Matilda“ was melted during the war. Allegorical is one of four Synagogues that exist in Serbia today. The complex Cultural centre CK13 is the centre of alternative and innovative figures, the work of a Novi Sad sculptor Julius Anika, are the most of the Synagogue with the accompanying buildings of the School programmes that corresponds with the audience of an avant- prominent elements of the facade. and Jewish Community Centre was built in the period from 1906 to garde sensibility and different identities. 1909 according to the design of Lipot Baumhorn, an architect from 2 ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH CHURCH OF THE NAME OF MARY Pest. Novi Sad Synagogue is a three-nave building above the central 10 CITY BEACH ŠTRAND known as the “Cathedral” was built in neo-Gothic style according to part of which the dome that is 40 m high arises. The entire complex is the most popular city beach that was regulated and opened for the project of György Molnar in the period from 1893 to 1895. This was built in the Secession style and the facade is decorated with visitors in 1911. It is currently an entire small town that stretches three-nave basilica is 73 m high, which makes it the highest church ornaments.
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