Grevillea Vii., P
harvard university FARLOW REFERENCE LIBRARY CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY K-eceiveci : LIBRARY ‘R LIBRARY Ef ' lk. * Wwm ‘ \ jf g JjH 1 Si /mm ' Ml/l ij ; (Hrprllp, A QUARTERLY RECORD OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY AND ITS LITERATURE. Edited by M. C. COOKE, M.A., A.L.S., Author of “Handbook of British Fungi,” “ Fwigi, their uses,” <fc., “ Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould,” Sfc., #c. YOL. VIII. 1 8 7 9-8 O . WILLIAMS and NORGATE, HENRIETTA STREET, COYENT GARDEN, LONDON SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. LEIPZIG : F. A. BROCKHAUS. NEW YORK : WESTERMANN & CO. ALEX. RIVINGTON, PRINTER, LEWES. J — — — — No. 45. [September, 1879. A QUARTERLY EECOED OF CEYPTOGAMIC BOTANY AND ITS LITEEATUEE. NEW BRITISH FUNGI. By M. C. Cooke. (Continued from Vol. vii., jpp. 133.J Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) turmalis. Fr. Bym. Eur. t 33f. Pileus fleshy, convex then plane, even, viscid, smooth, discoid ; stem cylindrical, white, at first clad with the woolly white veil, then naked ring fibrillose, annular, persistent gills emarginate or ; ; decurrent, crowded, whitish, then clay-coloured. B. Br. Ann. N. H., No. 1774. In woods. Glamis N.B. Cortinarius (Dermocybe) decumbens. Fr. Hym. Bur., 366. Pileus fleshy, convex, expanded, even, smooth, white, then yellowish, shining; stem stuffed, then hollow, clavately bulbous, ascending:, smooth: gills adnexed, crowded, clay-coloured.— B. & Br. Ann. N. H., No. 1775. In woods. Epping. Cortinarius (Hydrocybe) duracinus. Fr. Hym. Bur., 38S. Pileus fleshy, thin, rigid, convex plane, gibbous, smooth, watery (or tan coloured) stuffed, rigid, unequal, rooting, brick-red ; stem smooth, silky with the remains of the thin veil; gills adnate, rather crowded, thin, watery cinnamon. B. fy Br.
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