FALL 2015 best practices for the peruvian trend explore a career food safety is here to stay in food photography sizzle The American Culinary Federation features Quarterly for Students of Cooking NEXT Publisher 18 The Safety of Food IssUE American Culinary Federation, Inc. Chefs can help prevent foodborne illness outbreaks • ingredient substitutions Editor-in-Chief through creating their own on-site safety protocols. Jessica Ward • dessert hybrids 24 Peruvian Cuisine: • research and Senior Editor development chef Kay Orde Here to Stay Graphic Designer With familiar ingredients presented in unfamiliar ways, David Ristau this menu trend is set to take off. Contributing Editors Rob Benes 30 Capturing Food Suzanne Hall Developing photography skills may Ethel Hammer help you become a better chef and lead Amelia Levine 18 24 30 Jody Shee to a new career. Direct all editorial, advertising and subscription inquiries to: 36 Where Are They Now? American Culinary Federation, Inc. We check in with four Student Chef of the Year winners to find out about their lives 180 Center Place Way after the competition. St. Augustine, FL 32095 (800) 624-9458
[email protected] Subscribe to Sizzle: www.acfchefs.org/sizzle departments For information about ACF 4 President’s Message certification and membership, go to www.acfchefs.org. ACF president Thomas Macrina, CEC, CCA, AAC, congratulates the 2015 ACF national student award winners. 6 Amuse-Bouche Student news, opportunities and more. facebook.com/ACFChefs @acfchefs 10 Slice of Life Sizzle: The American Culinary Federation Quarterly Experience a 10-day culinary trip through South Africa through the eyes of a young chef.