International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Toponomic Analysis of World Countries: Degree of Learning, Toponimic Classification and Natural Geographical Aspects ( Examples of European Countriyes)

Khusnudin Bayqabilov, Asqar Nigmatov, Mirali Mirackmalov, Nurbol Karakulov

Abstract: This article describes the state of geographical and A. Dose (France) for the study of geographical names of toponomic aspects of the world countries’ names and its different regions of the world; G. Rrae, M. Fesmer development trends. Physical and geographical peculiarities of (Germany); E. Euall, A. Smith, A. Rum, S. Mettyuz (UK); names of the region are cointrs. The names cointrs of the A. Profouz, V. Shmilauer (Czech Republic); V. Tashitsky, Europe of this territory are mainly names related to geographical Yu. Stashevsky (Poland); V. Georgiev (Bulgaria); L. Kish location features of the place? Names associated with the relief, hydronums, phytonyms and zoonyms. (Hungary); G. Dragu (Romania); M. Olson (Sweden); J. Keywords: geography, toponomic research, the etymology, Stuart, N. Holmer (USA); J. Armstrong (Canada); The transcription, transliteration, scientific classification, lexical- services of scientists such as A. Kor dozu (Brazil) are great. semantic, the ancient times, geographical names associated with In Russia it is worth noting that B. F. Dobrinin (1885- 1951) the location, names associated with the relief, hydronyms, is a scientific country science school1. According to Russian phytonyms, zoonyms. scientist E. Murzayev, any topographic research should begin with studying geographical terms, because toponomic I. INTODUCTION terms are a universal key to the identification of the It is well known that toponomics is a special science etymology of most geographical names. Based on this, the between geography, history and linguistics, and is closely British Geographic La Dadli Stamp (1975) published a book associated with them, using the methods of research of these in English entitled “Glossary of Public Geographical sciences. As the theoretical basis of each science improves Languages” in English. In this book, G. W. Alman, E. Kant, and develops, it defines its object, object, and functions, and U. Olson of Scandinavian geographical terms; In German, naturally, the science is integrated into the process of K. Troll, K. A. Ziinxuber, G. Bosh, Т. H. Elkinz countries in integration and differentiation. At the same time, the the West African region. Experts like Garrison - Cherch are interdisciplinary connection is also expanding. Toponomics proud of their work. Arabian geographers, Greek and old is closely linked with natural geographical sciences, since it Roman historians, and Central Asian scientists have been is evident in the classification of geographic locations, their mentioned in the works since the ancient times to the middle natural geographical study, the principles of toponomic ages and to the eighteenth century. Although Yaquw research, methods of naming natural objects, and more. The Hamawi completed his work in 1224, the book Mujam al- countries in the world have their own name, and various Buldon (“Glossary of Globes”) was written in Arabic, but in factors have served as the basis for their name. Problems the form of a dictionary about the countries of the such as countries’ name and their etymology have been Mediterranean, Arabic and Academia, the legendary India studied relatively by toponomist scientists. This situation and China (Chin) and Muslim countries in North Africa is determines the relevance of the selected topic. The explained. In recent years in Uzbekistan, A. Hazratkulov emergence of geographical science as a science is largely (2006), R. Mahamadaliev (2012), K. Rajabov and B. related to the practical need of science. The scientists of the Kandov (2015). We can see Gadaev’s books (2012). eighteenth and nineteenth centuries studied the names of However, these books do not include country studies or the geographical objects in the process of studying, descriptive, etymology of some countries. The services of Russian descriptive objects. scientists are great in forming the toponymy as a science. In this area A. Dulzon, A. Matveev, A. Popov, Superanskaya, II. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY V. Toropov, S. Tolstov, E. Pospel- ov, O. Trubachev, V. Juchkevich, R. The works of scientists such as Ageeva are The emergence of geographical names, their origin, known and popular. Later on, a group of geographers of the formation, meaning, and scientific study of the history of Moscow State University named after M. Sc. Prof. A. their nomination, in particular, their classification began in Gorkin has prepared the book “World Countries” the mid-18th century. During the 20th century, toponomic (Encyclopedia) (2013). It’s L. Aksyonova, T. Galkina, G. research has developed rapidly in foreign countries. Gladkevich, V. Strelskiy, S. Tak- hov’s articles about the world were translated into Uzbek by A. Mufiev in scientifically-popular language. In 2003, English explorer Revised Manuscript Received on November 15, 2019 Clive Gifford saw the globe on the World Countries and Khusnudin Bayqabilov, Asqar Nigmatov, Continents’ Book of Illustrations. This book was translated Mirali Mirackmalov, into Russian in 2004. Nurbol Karakulov

Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 814 & Sciences Publication Toponomic Analysis of World Countries: Degree of Learning, Toponimic Classification and Natural Geographical Aspects ( Examples of European Countriyes) This is one of the most pressing topics on the basis of the Studies. Teachers and students of the department of above-mentioned books, from the point of view of the geography, as well as people around the world, and so natural geographical aspects of the names of countries and on.We think that articles from the National Encyclopedia of the analysis of topography. At the same time, the Uzbekistan on world countries should include the country’s classification, transcription and transliteration of countries’ toponymy (name and etymology of capital cities). We have names are also important. One of the toponymists in considered the geographical and toponymic aspects of the Uzbekistan, Suyun Karayev, once said: “There are more names of the world countries inadequate. Academician V.V. than 200 countries around the world. Creating a transcript of Bartold wrote in his day: “Every researcher determines geographical names for each of them is not an easy task, something that is unclear, and every new interpretation except for the neighboring Turkic-speaking countries, so increases the number of errors. Whoever has more correctly many countries have yet to use the Russian-language understood, who has made many mistakes, should be left to transcript to write their local names in Uzbek” Referring to the future without any problems.” We can say that the name this scientific classification, the Russian toponymist writes: of each world has a certain amount of information, and it “As any state or territory has complex, multi-layered and often reflects a real event. The name of the countries cannot variable toponymy systems, it is difficult and even provide the required toponymic information even if it is impossible to create classification of single geographical morphologically and semantically transparent. Therefore, it names, which meets all the requirements.” We have found is appropriate to examine itself as a whole among its own the lexical-semantic classification of the names of the names. Creating toponymic classifications of world names world’s according to H. Hasanov’s method, first of all, to is a necessity. sort out the toponyms and then to formulate according to the The great classifier scientist prof. D. L. Armand (3) "It is rules of the language. Well-known Belarusian toponymist scientifically-based classification on the basis of any V. A. Juchkevich believes that the ideal classification of science". Such an axiom is encountered when it comes to ideal formulas must meet three basic requirements: what the theory and methodology of science or science and what objects are known, how it is called, in which researchers. The term "classification" (or making parts in languages and what means of the language, what is the uzbek) in means "class", meaning the meaning of the name ? The answer is that the toponymy is an integral word "classification", which means to refer to events or science. Because the first question-geography, the second phenomena in general(4). The broader meaning of this question-linguistics, will have to answer the third question- concept is the separation of things, phenomena, processes, toponymy itself. Obviously, the classification problem is situations into specific classes and groups, and their practical, particularly in regional toponimic investigations. systematization, ie on the hierarchical stage. Toponymy is a Because any research work requires systematization of the Greek word for "topo" - a place and a name for "anoma" - data collected, that is, the classification. Therefore, the meaning origin, meanings, variation, current state, writing, creation of a single and universal scientific classification is pronunciation of place names. This has led to the the future of the future. The natural geographical aspect of recognition of integral (geography, philology, history) as the name of the world states necessitates research on the science, education and practice. But "place" is not just a basis of internal “laws” in a specific natural geography. geographical object, but also a natural object of social, These are: l) Territory; 2) Periodicity; 3) Integrity and; 4) economic, political science. Therefore, we can not directly Systemicity. The toponymic analysis of the country names associate the "place" with geography. The subject of is closely related to linguistics, that is, linguistics. Here is a geography science is not "space", but territory. This is clear fact. Kalimantan Island is located in Brunei. Country is because the region has a definite margin, its name and located on the island. In 1984, the country gained geographical classification. Therefore, there is no place for independence from the point of view of its periodicity and the term "topo", but the Greek word "edafos" - it is called it Brunei. What is the meaning of the term “brunei” necessary to add the word region. But the science of and how did it come about? In a lexical-semantic analysis, toponyms is formed on the basis of all sciences, we have not we can clearly state that the former name of Kalimantan found it necessary to translate it into the language of Island appears as a transformed form of the island of geography. Toponomic classification means classification Borneo. It is somewhat inappropriate and unusual to say that and systematization of place names by any of its criteria. the local population is ethnographic as “brunei” - “black We have the requirement of this classification on the eye”, “black hair”. Conclusion of books about world example of the countries of the world. First. There is a countries in Uzbekistan: The names of countries do not have difference between the concept of the state, the country and, sufficient grounds. It is therefore desirable to publish and we have tried to make it scientifically justified in our scientific books in a mono- graphical manner. The “mirror” own studies. That is why we do not want to stop this. In the of the names of world countries - this is certainly a political name of the world countries, the requirements of the map of the world. Thus, in contrast to geographical and common geographical classification are very appropriate. linguistic views, in contrast to the geographical and The second is chronology (the Greek word for "remedy" - a linguistic views, the political card of the modern world of certain boundary, country, ) means the name of writing, reflection and diversity of names, in cooperation administrative or natural units with a certain boundary. with cartographers, has developed a new abbreviated form Indeed, in the name of each country it is necessary to apply of an English-language coding card and the implementation not only to natural or social geographical approaches, but of the educational process requires life itself. Who can use also to complex geographical rules(5). this country as we research the names of countries around the world? It is natural that such a question arises. The answer is: Teachers and students of Uzbekistan state world languages university, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental

Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP 815 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Third. writing and pronunciation in geographical incorporating its meaningful indexes into "chronology". For toponymy. It is desirable for the countries of the world to example, "remedy" (country) + "thesi" (geographical classify the toponomic classification into meaning according location), ancestor (name) When you combine all three, the to the subject matter of the study (Table 1). What it means term "chorotionoma" comes from the abbreviation . This in a particular language is crucial for a student who wants to term refers to the name of administrative or natural units get to know each country (62% of the 2018-2019 with a certain limit. However, in the classification they did sociological surveys have chosen the exact names). Fourth. not consider the term "remedy" to be returned in each class The names of the countries of the world can be classified by of the country.

Names The name of from What does Toponymic № Value the country which classification language 1. Economic activities ______Chronokokrionoma of the local population From "Town, a 2. Kuwait Chorapareltonoma Past of nations Arabic small fortress." “The Land of Fire” National peculiarity 3. From Persian (from ancient times, the temples Chroetnosonoma of the of the fire worshipers). local population Name of local 4.Uzbekistan From turkish The name of the Uzbek Choraantropousonoma residents On behalf of the King The5. PhilippinesFrom spanish Choraatomonoma Name of individual of Philip II Natural condition 6. Japan From Japanese "Land of the Rising Sun" Choraphiacosonoma

In bengali History of 7.Bangladesh "Country of Bengalis" Choristoryonoma language the peoples Sanskrit "Glorious, magnificent, 8. Sri Lanka Chrotrilusonoma Myths and legends language blessed, earth" The value "East" indicates In malaya Geographical 9.East Timor (East of the Republic Chrotesionoma language position of Indonesia ) The name of this island The shape of 10. Bahrain From Arabic reflects its position Chroshimaonoma the exterior among the sea. of the country Which included Chrosvntomografia Abbreviation UAE From russian 7 emirates Country Name Table 1. The toponic clears of nomes of world countries (in some independent countries of Asia)

So, the names of the countries in the world can be - Choraetnosonoma (éthnos - nationality) by national classified as follows: peculiarities of the local population, etc. - Chronionoma (thesi - location) to the geographical In conclusion, I would like to note that in the toponymic location classification of the countries of the world, it is advisable to - Chrostoriaonoma (istoria - history) according to the proceed from a general geographic class, with their semantic population of this reg meaning, according to the generally accepted Greek - Chronionoma (thesi- location) to the geographical language. location; - Chrostoriaonoma (istoria - history) according to the III. RESULT ANALYSIS population of this region; - Choraatomonoma (átomo - person) in accordance with the Many of the things written about the toponymy of Uzbekistan, including the names of countries in the world, name of the individual; contain views on the linguistic layers of the place names. - Chorapareltonoma (parelthón - past) in accordance with However, the analysis of these layers is relatively short, the past of the peoples of the local population; some of them have been commented on. In these analyzes, - Choraanthropouesonoma (anthrópous - people) by the the names of places have been interpreted interpretatively name of local residents; - Chrotrilusonoma (thrýlous - myth) according to myths and and interpreted meaningfully. legends;

- Chrorashimaonoma (schíma - form) in the form of the exterior of the country;

Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 816 & Sciences Publication Toponomic Analysis of World Countries: Degree of Learning, Toponimic Classification and Natural Geographical Aspects ( Examples of European Countriyes) They explain the nature and interpretation of the Below we tried to cover the natural geographical aspects toponyms and their geographical details. To date, the names and toponymics of world countries on the basis of of countries in the world have not been studied specifically European countries in the field of monographic researches in the direction of Today, there are more than 50 countries in the European "toponymic analysis and properties of natural geographical continent, 44 of which are independent and sovereign states. objects of world countries". The reason is that they have not The names of the countries in the European continent are studied the methods, factors, and principles of their characterized by the specific ethnic and linguistic research. This is due to the fact that the names of the background and natural and cultural characteristics. countries of the world are not sufficiently accumulated, that Some of the continent's names are ancient (substrates) specific natural-geographical, linguistic and non-zonal names, meaning names that require special etiology research features are not perfectly studied, the normative system of that can not be explained in modern languages. their toponymic research is not a special research object, Purpose and tasks of work. The natural conditions of and some analysis of the place names, meaning that it was European countries are also reflected in the country's name. not completed completely -"Speaking about this, we should Considering the names of the European countries, we not say enough about the upbringing of mature people who consider it appropriate to study subregions, taking into are worthy successors of our great forefathers. However, we account their natural geographical characteristics. The have no right to forget about the riches of intellectual and general geographical features of European toponyms are cultural potential and the education of rare talent. That is found in the works of toponymic analysis of all why the developed countries are on the high level of geographical objects by Q. Hakimov (2016). development, which is also true (6). "However, the It is well-known that the European toponymy has been characteristics and toponymic analysis “ of the natural better studied than other continents. The names of the geographical objects in the name of world countries are the countries can be seen from the natural geographical features problem of problem-solving - problem-selection - research - of the relief, as well as the identification and formation of estimation - interpretation - analysis - forming forms, where water objects, flora and fauna. The European geographical natural geographical aspects of world countries' names, location, and specificity of the place and the names of the national geographic, - The logic of toponymic analysis, the countries associated with the relief are numerous. The probability of the quality of scientific analysis and their It names of these countries include , , Austria, should be pointed out that, together with the national Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, problems of geography and toponymy, it is necessary to Poland, , , Ukraine, Aland Islands. study the international problems of global geography and - Austria is originally derived from the German word toponymics. "Osterrey", which means "East", and "Reich" means "land," The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: ie Eastern country. In modern German it is called - The natural geographical aspects and toponymic Osterreichdeb. In IX century, the country was the eastern analysis of the names of the countries of the world were first part of the Frankes Empire. The Great Carl was called the carried out in monographs; Ostmark ("Eastern Border"). In the 11th century, the word - based on the observation and analysis of the use of the Ostarrheji appeared for the first time. Today, Austria is world countries' names, recognizing the integrity of situated in the center of Europe. theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology of - Albania is a mountainous country. "Alb" stands for toponymy research in the natural geography; "white" or "mountain". In the Arab era, Albania was - Theoretical and practical sources have been proven by replaced with "Arron" [2]. The local population is referred the analysis of the geographical linguistic possibilities of to as Shqiperia. This word means "eagle." Evidently, this is toponymy in the examples of world countries; a tautheme of eagel’s tribe. The people of the country call - The basis of the principle of territoriality inherent in the themselves shkiptar. Albania means "a country of natural geographical aspects of the names of countries has mountains". been based on scientific evidence based on various - Andorra is located on the Pyrenees peninsula and is examples; a term for Basque. The word Andorra means andurrial - - motivated by scientific proof of the principle of "plain". Andorra means "plain". periodicity of the names of the world states on the natural - Great Britain is a kingdom in western Europe, and geographical aspects; the word "Great" is used as a sign of the glory of the island. - broadly elaborated on the basis of the scientific The British term has the following arguments: Some analysis of the principles of completeness and scholars believe that the Celtic tribe is derived from systematization of foreign states nominations; Brittany, and Brit means "Swamp". In Phoenician, - The need to describe the scientific analysis of Baratanak means "fortress". Also, there are opinions that transcription and transliteration processes in the justification this word means "dyed in different colors." It is assumed of the names of foreign countries; that the first nomads of the island use different colors to - The mechanism of scientific and practical decorate the body. In the name of the UK, the term "foggy substantiation of the toponymic analysis of names of the Albion " is also used. The reason is that many islands in the world countries through lexical-semantic description and British islands will have foggy days. classification; - Conducts scientific analysis on the case of toponyms, studied and analyzed in the laws related to the codification and modeling of foreign states, and reflects the objective and subjective aspects of argumentation of their significance in practice.

Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP 817 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

- In the name of the Kingdom of Denmark, we can see - There are three different hypotheses about the the name of the relief. In the name of the country, the word name of Ml, which is dated back to 1009, according to dhen is German, meaning "low" or "flat". The word "mark" historical data. First, the Neman River is called Leytah or means "boundary", meaning that the toponym of Denmark Lista. Lithuania has the name of that name. Secondly, the was formed. Denmark is the "lower bound". list is based on the name of the people. Third, lietus is - There are historical data on Iceland dating back to characterized by the term "rain". In Lithuanian, it is called the VIII century. Lyaveldid Island can be translated in to Listuva. The list is the name of the peoples who lived in Uzbek as a "country of ice”. [3]. these places. The Lithuanians call themselves letovyay. - Irish I Eire and Celtic Weriudan are used as the - There are also different views on the name of "fertile land," the home of the goddess of productivity of Moldova. The first one comes from Romania called Celtics. In most cases, they are mistakenly called "iron Moldova. Because of its rich mineral content in the river land". In 1937, the country's new constitution was declared water is used. Molde is a German term used for this type of Ireland's "independent state of Eyre". If we consider Ireland mines. The second one come from the name of the to be a western island, we will use it for Europe, and the Moldavian people living in this country. Third, according to Irish people have formed on the island. Eyre (Eire) is the some researchers, there are some assumptions that this title official national name of Ireland in 1937-1949 . is related to Moldov, Molid, the word "pine". - Netherland name, which has been used since the end - The name of the Russian state comes from the of the 15th century, has become the country with the name name of the old Russian Viking group, known by the name "nide" - "low", "land", low land. The second unofficial of Russian, and by the state of the present-day Ukraine name is also a Holand. The Dutch word for "Dutch land" (Kyiv Rusi). The eastern Slavs' old Russian state is means "holt land", meaning "forest covered land." concentrated in Kiev. At that time, the Russian or Roman - Polish is a German word meaning "pollen" - "field". tribe, located on the Dnieper coast, played an important role A French scientist, Maria Skladovskaya Kyuri called the in the emergence of the Kiev state. It is quite natural that the homeland of a chemical that she invented, "Polonium" in name of these tribes relates to the name of the local Russian honor of Poland. River and the name of the Russian people. It is named after - Norwegian name originates from the words northr the Russian-Ros River. and veg in ancient Norwegian. The name of the country is The names of the European countries also contain the nord - "north", veg - "road". Norway is the "northern path". names of the flora and fauna and landscapes. Countries in - The word Chernogoriya has the meaning "black this group belong to Spain, , Faror Islands. mountain" in Slavonic. Since 2011, the London -There are two different assumptions about the origin Geographical Society has invented the world's political card of the Spanish word. The first is "ezpana" ("coast") and the in a new edition. On this political card, Chernagoriya was second is "Szpan" (rabbit). In fact, there were so many named Chernagoriya with a different name. Chernagoriya is rabbits in ancient Spain. Even the images of these animals called "black mountains" because of the Venetian military's were reflected on local coins minted in the beginning of the exterior of the Loven Mountains or its dark-beaked forests. Christian era. According to various sources, the name of the The name of the country until the 11th century Dukla, later country is derived from the Finnish word "i-shpanim," Zeta, was called Slavonic Chernagoriya since the 15th meaning "coast of rabbits". It is said that the Phoenicians century. living in the eastern Mediterranean were able to swim across - The name Ukrainian originally refers to some the coasts of Spain and to give the country a name when Russian-language lands in the southwest, meaning "kray" - they saw a large number of rabbits 2. border or land. At the end of the XVI - beginning of the - The name of Italy began to be used in the 500s BC. XVII centuries it spread all over Ukraine and became the Ancient Greeks saw thousands of calves hauling across the ethnic name of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is a Slavic country and named it a "vitalus" - a calf. So, Italy means word, meaning "borderline". This title is referred to as a "country of calves." homogeneous 0 and later became eternally identifiable. - The Faror Islands have been discovered by the Uzak is the word "kray". Today, the word kreyu refers to Normans in the 10th century and turned into a place where "country." So, my toponym was the cause of my eternity. In fishing vessels could fill the seafaring ships. To this end, the era of Tsarist Russia was called Malo Russia. norms have put too many sheep to fertilize. That is why the - The island of the Aland is one of the island-valued island of Faroe Islands is called "island of sheep". The island countries in the Botnik region of the Baltic Sea. In Norwegian island of Faror Islands, in the Norwegian Swedish, the word "water" is used, meaning the land language, means "sheep", "yoy" - "islands" between the waters . Also on the European continent, the names of countries IV. CONCLUSION associated with water objects are also mentioned. Such Some of the countries in the European region can countries include (Bosnia), see the toponymic elements in terms of semantics depending Lithuania, Moldova, and Russia. on natural factors (relief, hydrography, flora, fauna). In - The Bosnian and Herzegovina lands had two addition, European countries are rich in medieval palaces, independent territories. The northernmost part (Bosnia), castles, churches, national-style houses, and other historical named after the Bosna River, has a small southern zone on monuments. The name Luxembourg is based on this factor. its southern border with the German dwarf, the "duke". This honorary title was given to Stefan Vicichius in 1448,

Emperor IV. In 1448, Stefan Wichchich declared himself a duke, and his property was named Gertsogovina .

Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 818 & Sciences Publication Toponomic Analysis of World Countries: Degree of Learning, Toponimic Classification and Natural Geographical Aspects ( Examples of European Countriyes) On the European continent, the economic and social factors and the ethnic groups can be identified by the names of the populations populated by populations. Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, France, Estonia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The famous Geographical scientist H. H., based on the toponymic analysis of the names of the European countries in this way, was able to determine the natural geographical characteristics. We used the toponymic classification of Hasanov.

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Published By: Retrieval Number: D7403118419/2019©BEIESP 819 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D7403.118419 & Sciences Publication